The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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i !
i- f.
.Are noted for the clearness th iy give to your vision, greater ease
,ln wearing and the beauty of their design. We have a specialist
to do this work. Take advantage of our optical department and
get the best.
State and Uberty Streets.
, irr. Iturtletto, Optometrist. We FUI Our CJwn lrcritins.
CREECH To Mr. and Mrs. Warren
: Creech, near Salem. Wednesday,
i Feb. 27, 1918, a daughter, weignt
i eight pounds.
She will be named Ina Belle.
GERMO.YD At "the family resl-
; dence, 2330 Myrtle arenue. Wed
nesday, Feb. 27. 1918. Mrs. Plen-
: tie La Frances Cermond, at the
are of 42 years.
Besides her husband, W. A. Ger
inond. in her immediate family she
leaves a son. Oatmer Cermond. and
a minor daughter. Helen Cermond.
The funeral services will 1e an
nounced upon arrival of the husband
from Washington. The arrangements
are In charge of the Terwilliger
BLIGH Stat between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
"Baby Mine."
OREOON State street near
O. E. depot. Home of Artcraft
and Para m ou n t pictures.
The World for Sale," featur
ing Conway Tearle.
. YE LIBERTY -Liberty near
State. , High class photoplays
and special features.
' .
Camp Green. North Carolina. He
formerly lived at Turner. Accom
panied by "a brother, the body is ex
pected to arrive tomorrow night.
Big Discount On Heaters
At E. L. Stiff & Son's.
Two 3Iore Men tcr the Xavy
Recruiting Officer John E. Adams
yesterday reported having enlisted
Clarence Adams and Abbey Breene
as firemen of the third class for ser
vice In the United States navy, and
bad sent them forward to Portland.
Girl Wanted
AC Salem Fruit Union at once.
RICKET At the family home on
the Garden road, two and one
half miles east of Salem. Tuesday
night, Feb. 26, 1913, Clark Ricket,
72 years old.
The family cume to Oregon from
Colorado a year ago. Mr. Ricket
died suddenly ftllowing a short ill
ness. Besides a widow he leaves a
son Frank and the following daugh
ters: Mrs: D. J. Clark, Hunt Creek,
Wyo.; Mrs. Joe Hobsen. Valentine,
Nb.; airs. Will Lawrence. Rush-
vine, Neb.; Fannie Miller, Cor
nish, Colo.
Before bur'al the body will be held
for several days and await relatives
from the easf.. The funeral will be
held in Salem at the Webb & Clcugh
Iriots in one bunch to form a quo
rum for the purpose of putting Wil
lamette chapter. Red Cross, back in
Hash for Marriage Licenses
There wajsa run on the bank ye-
terday Dan Cupid's bank In - the
county court house and not beins;
able to find any young men, Cupid
went after a few older ones, with
the result that County Clerk RoyeY
was told to issue the following mar
riage licenses: Victor VV. Wood
ruff. 31. and Nellie M Shepard. 22.
both of Salem; Charles G. Muliikin.
51. and Edna Vivian Mills. 22. both
of Salem; Charles E. Morton. 67.
of Portland, and Clara Belle Haus
man, 49. of Salem; Thomas B. Mor
gan, 46. and Mrs. Eflie Osterman,
38, 'both of Salem.
Two Planned in Northwest in
March for Home Service
W. W. Rosebraugh, M. P. Dennis,
Fred Rupert, W. B. Hardy.
Prayer Committee II. N. Aldrlch,
chairman; Georgo P. "I-itchfleld, S.
W. Drake. A. S.: Mulligan. E. .
Schramm, John Wekborg, W. I.
Staley, Ed. TownsendP. A. Shipley,
E. Shunke, Burton Edwards, Dr. L.
G. Altman, Albert Copley, S. IV Mr
Cracken. C. T. Doty, A. J. llager. It.
G. Miller. Clifton Ross, Joseph Srit
wood, William Kenyon, A. J. Cook.
Strength comes fromWell dicest-
Training for home service Is to be Jed and thoroughly assimilated food,
emphasized by the Red Cross, and In Hood's Sarsaparilla'tones the digest
the northwest division two institutes jive .organs, and thus builds up the
Hirengm. n yo are getting "run
down," begin taking Hood's at one'.
It gives nerve, mental and digestive
for the work are to be held. One
will open at Seattle March 4 and the
other at Portlan-1 Mareh 11. Fuil
Information abou. the institutes Is
contained in the lollowing which Is
reprinted from a poster that has been
mailed out to advertise the Insti
Purpose To tram home service
secretaries, and friendly visitors for
sevice to the families of enlisted men
and to disabled soldier and sailors
300 Pounds Potatoes, $2.7.V
Order of Ward K Richardson,
2395 Front street. Phone 494.
Suits Dismissed
On motion of the plaintiff yester
day the suit of B. H. Wassam against
Fd. E. Bradbury et al was dismiss
ed, as having been settled out of
court. On motion of plaintiff the wlien invalided home
t-nit of the Bank of Woodburn vs. Time and place March 4, Seattle;
w. ti. i-ottman, naving Deen semeu Aiarcn 11, 1'ortland.
out of court, was dismissed, supu- Affiliated with UnlverBitv of
latlon filed yesterday in tne sun or Washington; Reed college.
the Portland Railway, Lrfriht ana Director At Seattle. Prof William
Power company against tne uny oi r. Ogbufn; at Portland. Prof. Faul
west Salem, the case being aiamis- ji. Douglas
ted without costs or prejudice, on Length of course Six weeks of ln-
motion or piaintirr tne sun or Many tensive training. Twenty-five hours
A. McEIroy against William H. Mc- field work each week. Four hour. nf
Elroy was dismlsued without costs
or prejudice.
An All Day Meetlnf
Several Fine Used Organs
E. L. Stiff & Son, 404-448 Court.
Accord (Honor To Soldier
Military honors will be accorded
at , the funeral services over Bert
Whitehead which will be held in Sa
lem at the Methodist church, Sunday
at 1 o'clock; The soldier- died at
Attention B. P. O. Elks
The chairman of our entertain
ment committee promises a high
class entertainment for this Thurs
day evening.
Estimates Given
Work Promptly
, Done. '
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 952. .
A Piano Bargain
We have one beautiful brand new
Singer piano, regular price 750. As
this piano is not the make we usually
carry in stock we will sacrifice it for
$562. Act quickly if you want to
pick np this snap. E. L. Stiff tt Son,
446 Court street.
The women of the First ronrnm.
t ( n a 1 ...til I. 1 .
.wUu.. luuim win uuiu an ail uar
meeting at their church parlors to-
aay, in honor of Miss Mary Denton,
oi me uosnisna university, Kyoto
Japan, who will speak at 2:30. in
the church, to which meeting all
people Interested in missions are In
vited. There will be a luncheon at
noon. Miss Denton has had large ex
perience In mission and educational
work in Japan, and she will have a
message that will be interesting.
Execution Retnmed
The sheriff yesterday returned
the execution as eerled in the suit
rvr. r t- a tt ir rtuf.
ton against C. G. Burton et al. on a
Judgment for $892. SI. having sold
the property for $500, leaving a bal-
; ance due of $392.81.
The Cherry City Egg: and "Poultry
Company will continue to buy and
sell hens during March and April,
under special permit from the United
States food administrator. 255 Ferry
'street. Phone 765.
atmVll " Pti 4-1.
Many Hear Dr. Hall
The lecture by Dr. John O. Hall
Ibf Willamette university at the pub-
I M( IfnrftPT tilTHnrfiim laif I trrt rn
A1??1 --ldiL I tb subject of Russia was heard by
tu delivered in I an audience of about 150 persons.
nv nnmwttiiw krt fcw..f tt Vl.i.- n .. .
Xt.A- .U - i I1"' " 1 uiBiutj VI nua-
Trade In Yonr Old Furniture
On new at E. L. Stiff ft Son's.
Xomlnatinir Petitions -
Printed to comply with all de
mands ror state and county offices,
at Statesman Publishing Company
lecture. Beading.
Certificate Certificate will be Is
sued by the director general of civ
lian relief of the American Red Cross
wasnington, v. c, to all students
puccessruny completing the course.
Expense Registration fee of $3
Reed college offers board and indf.
ing for the six weeks at ra total nt
o. cnaptrs may assist in riofrav.
ing exepenscs of renresentativoa i
these institutes, when. In' the UtA.
ment of the chapters. It Is necessary
How to apply Consult With vnnr
vuapier nome service chairmad. then
make Immediate annliatinn u-
Jtt m. .. "
unmors or tne Institutes i li.
above, or to F. P. Fofst civilian rel ef. AmertM-n
Steusloff in Receipt of Furth
er Information From W.
B. Ayer
Don't suffer! Relief comes the Red Cross- Wh,te bunding, Seattle.'
moment you rub with old
St Jacobs Liniment"
Don't stay sore, stiff and - lame?
Bucking snow drifts becomes nec
essary in winter na rtt.
Recently Ray Moon started!
a from clean, sound anla
COMMERCTAL CiriKft wnniti
1010 N. CouunereUl BU Salem, Oregon
.? Phone 211
- Used Furniture Wanted
Illsheat eash rfees al ft m4
' f . ' faaltare.
; E. L. STIFF & SON, -Phone
941 or 508
There Will B a Bed Cross
Rally at Macleay Saturday night.
March 2. A good program is being
prepared and Mr. Huckestein and
Walter I Tooze will give short talks
on patriotism and Red Cross work.
Mrs. Fish will also give readings.
Everybody welcome.
Red Cross Benefit Dance
Liberty Saturday night.
sla np to the time of the recent rev-l,, " I
olutlon and brought. out th Uvea of 1"? '!P,0",TB
H'rotzky and Lenlne. Much Interest I "U:L L"iHrer has issued II-
was Injected Into the address (or ru, ""V rc"ro.ary na. ror tne
the reason that Dr. Hall is oersonal- u,M,.OIn,?? explosives to Paul Mar-
Limber up! Rub soothing, penetrat- Butte in a Maxwell car to eof . u
ing "St. Jacobs Liniment" right n ranch. Th- .ZZ J1 toh ?
your achiftr muscles. Joints and pain- pushed back against th.B.M
rul nerves.-'irs the quickest, surest and he could not open the front "door
" v "-" l io aumiuici; i uvvauBo or me snow arainst it Kt
harmless and doesn't burn the skin, the car. went throurh it
'St. Jacobs .Liniment" conquers
pain. It instantly takes away any
ache, soreness and stiffness in the
head. neck, shoulders, back. legs.
arms, fingers or any part of the body
-nothing like it. . .iou simply pour
a little In your .hand and rub "where
it hurts," and relief comes instantly.
Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial
bottle now from any drug store. It
never disappoints- six gold medal
awards. . .
Further information relative to
limitations placed upon dealers in
flour, under the present government
regulations, has been received from
vv. u. Aj-er by F. W. Steusloff, fed
eral food administrator for Marlon
county. The information followsr
"All dealers in flour, including
flour mills, are hereby notified that
no sale of flour should be made o
anyone subject to Been
not as yet. taken out a licence.
"So order for wheat flour should
b accepted from those' subject to
license which does not show in the
face of It the license number of the
ueaier ordering the flour. This num
oer may be clearly written In lnfe
on the application certificate.
All those who are subject to li
cense and who havs applied for same
prior to this date, but have not as
yet received their license from Wash
ington. can clearly wrife on their
epnlication coreificate the dat their
license was applied for and dealers
may accept this statement (when ri
written on the application certifi
cate) in lieu of license number,1 un
til such time as license numbers r-
be given. .
Those who are subject to lleensa
and have not aDnlied for m
should immediately make annHo-
llon to the license division of th
united States food administration
at Washington. D. C. statlne the
character of their business. This
You ran save ijiiom y ir yo wilj
buy jour car now. Lntf-r prices
will be much higher arid the
t hoice of Kood. cars will be very
limited. Now h tin- time to your cur. Pay a fniall
deposit ant lac delivery later.
You will r.tcsf it at a present
We List Some of Our Cars
; '. .
Oakland -f:ssr- E,;
tne lights and
starter; one ,man top, good
tires. A ci;igy,car; all for CTS
' i
uvenanatrlc Rtarler aD(J
lights; first-class condition,
. . ..... ........... ..... $;.V
Jfpn 5-Passenger, 1915. Elcc
iCU trie lights and starter.
...... .,.$375
Jl bargain. . .
pluaeDaKerfirst-class condi
ioa a bargain at.-. , . . .$250
lights' and starter, . extra long
wheel base, good tires. A snap
. . . . . ...... .......... $250
Oregon Motor
Car Co,
Distributors of Studebaker Varn
f and lenby .Trucks '
Vvrry aiil llih Sts. I'hone 121
;ates bar roadway.
fy familiar with the location in New
York City where the two leaders did
much of their' work in this country.
Biggest Stock of Used .
Funiture at E. L. Stiff & Son's.
nacir, k. H. Ileckman. w. n. Orie
iiartiey & craig. A. J. Brown. C. C.
Chaffee. Leonard Barnick, Florence
E. Cradle F. A. Winslow. and W. I.
Creech, of f.alem: W. O. Morrow, in-
iiepenaence; Eugene Wilson, of Am-
lr th very highest rle
tw hu-hl g4m mm teU ef
every hia.
People ' Second Hand Store
7 CiireUi St.. rbn 79s
The Woman's Repablit
Study club meets at Mrs. C. P.
Bishop's 'residence. 240 North Lib
erty street, at 2:30 Thursday. By
order of President Mrs. Bishop.
Don't Itent A Piano-
Buy one on easy terms at E. L.
aurt son's.
Met Me at the Club Alleys
12 J N. Commercial. Upstairs.
Highest :. price paUl for old
vy.--'," Junk'
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 393
Leader Approves Auto Corps
Charles W. Niemever. who is or
ganlztng a state military automobile
corps, nas received a letter from
nr 1 vowuei Jonn reader, miiifirv in
The Willamette university basket-1 J-. vue mversuy or ore-
ball team will meet the team from al ? ,jr commending the move.
Vancouver barracks Saturday . night hfi !L . .fr BZ ne has be:u,,
at 8:30 o'clock on the university tV5? 11 ,.pf a ,mll' corps
floor. The personnel of the military V commun,ty fad tha.t he will
team is made up of former college f!?r form n aUUoo wfth the
ana university stars, and the team 4s I vi'tTL.. s -umieu oy air.
I considered one of the strongest mili
tary athletic teams on the coast.
Pack and Store Everything
Special rates on eastern shipments.
Piano moving and country tripe a
specialty. Prompt service. Work
Office Phone 930 -
Home Phone 1808
O O A L A Bf n w o o n
Wanted Sacks and Iron
Highest prices paid. Also huy
all kinds of junk. .
Ilione 700
Cor, Center and Commercial St.
Hear Dr. A. W. EVans
L At the armory tonight 8:15.
Nominating; Petitions
Printed to comply with all de
mands for state and county offices,
at Statesman Publishing company
Those Who Have Been
Coming to the RalnMir
dances at the Purvine hall corner of
Front and State street win
come Friday night.
Columbia Itlver Smelt
Fresh dally. Price lower
of Ward K. Richardson. Phone 494
More Names Added
In addition to the names mention
ed In The Statesman Wednesday of
the men in service in the army or
navy from WIUametfA ,.ni..i
Order I the following names have been hand-
Ainui Irvine. Jnnt. i .
Vi ranI Smith.
Glen McCaddam, Eric Bolt. Bruce
eiiriuauiei.. Lioya Lee, Otto Burcham.
f.aban Steeves. Tia-r M-irt aia -
New York November 3, 1917.
naw street, received 'notice
Service Flag Unfurled
A service flag program at Lafay
ette last Sunday afternoon was at
tended by a large crowd. Alnhens
Olllatta nrlnrtn.l t, i . - .
charge of the music. nv Aif I A Iano Bargai
Bates was the sneaker. snH th ria.l We have one besnflfni a -
representing twenty Lafayette men in I SJCer Piano, regular price $750. As
miun iiKuuuK iorces was un-l mo jiui me maice we usualiv
furled by William Courtney, renr. carry fn stock we will urrifi u rJL
sentlng the Red Cross auxiliary. I '.5i2- Act quickly If you want to
Give Away Prices "
r ,?..UB?d P,ana and organs at E.
u. oiiie mt eon.
pick up this snap. E. L. Stiff ft Son.
- - w wa . Oil CCW
Ir. A. W. Evans
Nephew of Lloyd Georee at th
rmory lonignt.
Tell-j of the Doshinha
Aiiss iary Denton, at th ij-ir.
Congregational rhnreh at 9-?a ti
J ... .
uy, win speak on Doshisha nnir.
slty Japan one of thm mn-t
esting and useful Institutions In thel
wnoie worm. All ar Invito k-I
Doctor White
--.-.-'. -. : ' s -
Diseases of Women and Nervous Dise
m UniUd States National Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
Postponed Indefinitely
SI bVnim 8Vl chl house for
ulrr '.f,t of. the R,,(1 c has
been postponed indifinlte.'y.
Nominating- Petitions.:
Printed to- comply with all de
mands for state onH
!L.SAa,l:man Pubhing company"
SUwrffTon .Sale
- Pbstmaster Huckestein reported
yesterday that he had just received
a large supply of the new internal
revenue stamps 'in denominations of
91 and tin to SFi to ho h.aj .t
Important documents, .deeds, cor
porations pajers. etc. He added
that he was never so busy In his life
.1 7Y B ... ?as bee0 ln Past
Z d3r?,fe,l,nc new war savings
and thrift stamps. . Every day se3
these popular forms of lending mon-
. m10 Dnn grow in favor
among all classes of Investors. The
postmaster announced that it Is hts
intention to call anMher meeting in
the commercial club rooms of th
committee of one hundred and see
Vf I m m Tl .1 AVI ' I.lrn ' 1 1 vuci.a a- .nttc, ui vBiiw were in ih, j irora
Salem Wednesday.' treasury department at Washing-
Mrs, N. C. Kafourey of Salem Is l?" ?. Bterda' that her son. Arthur
visltrngr with friends in-Portland. ,'l t nas Den n the navy
E. D. Warde of. Cut Bank. Mont.. lZ,WO year8- had died on board a
Is visiting P, W. Brown, 1399 State T ve8eI ant' lhat S5000 war risk
street, his wife and daughter will tV 7. I 1, 1,a Dc 8ent her at once.
return with him. Mrs. Wade has
been visiting her father and mother
air. Tfrade Is delighted with the
weather here.
M. J. Pbelan. who Is at the Salem
hospital, where he he has been ill for
several week, la imnrovine.
Wattls Ouyot of Ixng lieach. Cal.,
is at tne nilgb hotel.
J. K. Manuel and wife of Grants
Pass are guests -of th Bllgh.
John N. Cook of BIa k Rock is at
the nilfh hotel. j .
C. W. TalmadKe of Tillamook 'Ss
quartered at the Bligh.
. N. ChrUty.of Falls CItv is at
the Bllsh.
C II. Dixson of Cherrv Grove. Or.
Is registered at the Bligh.
fc. J. East. Clifford Harold an
S. J.. Fry Of , Portland ara a
L-fS. Stewart of Kelso. Wash.. Is
at therAfp-o hotel.
. F. Gilliam of Airlie is stoonine
at the Argo.
F. Turner Is ft lafp arrival frnm
Aiaupin. or., at the Argo.
v. W. Parker (if, Eliepno Iq at tno
W. J. Herwig of Topeka. Kan
a guesx or the Marion.
Walter B. Swan of New York city
stopping at the Mar on hotel.
Allen Davis of Cincinnati. O., is
-iunerea ai tne Marlon.
L. Van Orrnan. A. Hale, n .T
Kenzie, A. M. Cooke, md J. I. Drap
er 01 l ortiana are t the Marion.
A man In Greece who is sentenced
10 aeaui nas to wait two years be
"Ir" execution of his sent
any flour without their havinir se
cured permit from my office or
irom tne county chairman for th
food administration.
1 - . 1 ' lunuwiDjf is a mi or inose
IniOrmatlOn That Artfinr I s,,bJect to license; All flour mill.
kers and commission; merchante, ail
retailers doing; business of f 100,000
a year or over, all retailers doing
a business of less than $100,000 a
year who sell to hotels, restaurants,
boarding houses or other public end
ing places, alt bakers of bread, all
bakers of pies, cakes, etc.; all bak
ers of crackers, etc.; all manufac
turers of macaroni and other ali
mentary pastes, etc.: and all hotels
restaurants and other eatlnp p'ac?e
l,'- Carrying 3.500 pounds each of cotton-cake
three Maxwell trucks travc-1-
tiay be done by telegraph and until ed 120 mile3 to Dallas, Tex.; a fw
license has been received no dealer j . ii
j.tinn1H .oil : :i UJ S- .i.jr nererairjiug guuus
- - vri null JT WrBOnS
Martin Died on Ship
for the M. c L. Transfer and Storage
company. On -the road tho drivers
were compelled Ito get off the truc!
to open 56 gates. Uunder thi-se .ad
verse conditions the trucks averaged
12 miles to the gallon.
r - .
V. P. Flake and daughter. "l'..!011 Martin 114-
Be Found by Veterinarian
It isr believed, howw whose consumption of flour is three
is an error in names and that thei' rela ot more' 0f. Hour, per month"
aiior is ancther nerson I
The notification st-tivi BUYS FIRST 3IAXWELL.
tin died Janusrv 9n r- i ji I
of error Is that . ..: " .". The first Maxwell truck sold in
from him recenti- ri-wt -... California went to San Francisco Tt
At that time be was on the transpor. wt rouht hJ ' B- Curran. It is
St. Louis in New York hrw ul 8t,u operation and Is rendering a
granamother also has received a let- ,g"""a'e service
i ru Til nim urifino - . I
20. one possIbiHtV that ' ."t "H,7 Pint n 7 Ktil
rorable is that the death 7.i..: 1 - - "
, . - , i, 1 c
wcurrea on rebrniirv 9n an .-
amiarw ) A n ... ....
A . aB wruien mto tne no-
N'aval Al' ! 5f?' A to. ! ? . ther
ii. v ... 7. " "wi -. i ijos: lair innicated hv
','a.,n"-.the notif cation would be suf- information received riTri
iZ l Y . -J"er thf death- 11 ls crlnarlan W. IL Lvtle yesterdar
the practice of war denart mr. yesieraay
-. r. w. u ii. ib not longing to Hubert Smith aia i
send the inforniati 1 " w ""'",".ai,un" contents of their
v-.,--. , 1 siomacns revealed what ?nteared to
t.o-!'i-'"o"'" 'r th. ,. . Th. ;;,;,'; , .. ,.. ..
iijc insurance is in ho. noma 1 --. . . -......-
.tne iiS .father is an encineeV Vl 4,8 ont 10 ,ne laboratory-at
Salem water com nanv tfr m V?6 TCn Aflcnltural college and th
H is inestfgatlng S ? arriJi at 7h'S ltPOrtwT.M Jh" n Inactions of
inei glass nad been found. Tha
Tnts or another stomach weresent
phi no report has yet been received
. CoronA
The Personal Writing Machine
I sliiTrzi-iY
pit in $.-
For descriptive matter call or
. write
CM. IXKKV(K)11, Distributor.
210 X. Com! -Street. Kalem. Or.
Committee Appointed
For Laymen Convention
All committees for the men's fee- StoP Imllffeistion of Twenty.
Von,of the laymen's missionary cojt-
, V , 0 wn,rn meets in Salem 'March
17. IS and 10 have been
ence. and preparations will be In progr-sa
...ininiiaiiy irom now until tho dute
"i me convention.
w a -
ii as announced lesterdnv d.h
uy or tne visiting speakers wl.l
five Years Sfanilint?
J. n. IIfni-rBh,t. M. !.. ,.T ,
.11 iii 1 a n a r-rrfr t ...1 t m a
h. imliKtion for twenty-five j rrs
"Iso by Us have trouble.! n, f,.P th''
past hr- years. Ymr STrilKZK i.x
stopped it nil " KTI'mwp .i .v
urn At n K I er
ITfUcrilHlon for 4atJrr - l -.
aoh i indr,-tin. Vi.vh p,p.; ZZ'
in i-oniana on 1he day prior to m-U-mi pre fenainnl Vh.. .K
the opening and boost for thf Salem Kl' "'rr.tan'n,., "
convention. This. ioiibtles win P ,h,,t n 1"""" h ""fferers ,Ved
IH.. : .ii.4.r to ' SS'SmJ"" "?1SS3S. S5,,a,asi!.'lr ;
The com.nit tee a -nrilnl mm a i bottle toflay. I?- v-ufc' . 11
The King of All Movie Stars
a- ---r
Men's ConvntionDr. 11. L
Steeves, chairman- H .3 nn' . -'
chairman; Joseph II. lbert. treas
urer; R. A. Harris, convent .1
retary. v"
Kxf'CtjtiVe Seerttnrlea an-l r..Vlj-
nan7SSPar H G'ngrich. . Ivan G. Mc
Financial A. A
. ivrnu, JUSenn 11. Albert
' ir SI.M.l.t.lr8.,and Survt,y-Rev. Carl
IT. Kll ott. Key. R.V. Avison, Rev.
j. L. Lovell. . jr
i ' ' - .
Capt. P. Pj Clar, prominent
resident of Polk xiounty7 whose-i
address Is Route I, Salem, Ore.,,
tells personal experience: - '
To Anyone Suffering With Can
cer: I was afflicted with cancer of
the lower lip forme and one
half years, to my jgreat diseom
fort"and worry. I applied to Dr.,
S. C Stone here in Salem for
relief... . , :;
Ire applied a paste for four
days, then a Kimpitt ointment.
and In a fw days the cancer
fell out. My lip Jial'd iip'per
fectly. I have no sin of can
cer any more.
('apt, P. IT ( lark,
Hontc 1,-Salem, Or.
Dec. 8. 1 f 1 7.
The above ii but one of sev
eral rases af cancer 1 have
curedrfn Salem recently.
S; c. STONE, M. D.,
j Stone's Drug Store
lilt North nt mere in! tytrvvf,
Kalern, Or.
PIiomo ;t."5. '
ronMitation niul '.Advice Free.
. . . - t 1
J. . Todd, phllrnimi. T Y t - .
I. 11. Miner.
Registration. Henulatlon an. t i.
eratnre Irwin Griffith. I J. K. Car
rier, K. A.. Rhoten. F. Kur.. F. E.
Hageman. II. Graloon. Rh.i A.t.
wn. L. C. KIwell. K. Shunke. John
v -'-'X'-' nroWB ,,r-""' c-
r'Plev, It,. A., Rennett It r- im
I. , .... ... v.. ll IV-,
'cter Stringer, Dr. Gibuoa White,
IN y
"A Daughter of Maryla
r .
i. . ' - ' i . : . . . , . r . ' - - ;
" ' "- ' ; ---- -jr. . .1 '..: