t saBsaataacaj THE MOST BEAUTIFUL The ;rucn- y-itcli- Acquirinp a Wautiful Match sesum i iiiei.intr. watch. Ladies and G HARTMAN BROS. CO. JEWELERS AM) OPTICIANS State and IJlerty Streets. Sertlee Quality CITY 1 1 i VsSi5- VI IHUHi'aHHrVIs' 1 H L:t " V ti YM LyI-a rl.'j U r, - t OREGON State street near 0. E. depot. Home of Artcraft and Paramount pictures. "The World for Sale," featur ing Conway Tearle. erty and High. Mutual and Bluebird films. Special films. "Baby Mine." , YE LIBERTY -Liberty near State. Greater Vitagraph, Per fection and Goldwyn films. I Man Above Law. Missionary Honored f In honor of Miss Mary Denton, a missionary from Kyoto, Japcn; , the wirncn nf -the. Virst Ciin rea t ion: 1 church wijl bold an all day meeting eon will be served at noon. In the afternoon. Miss Denton will give 'an address of interest. Both men and women of Salem' who are interested WMOIUCV'S OKt lU'.vriiA - c Pieces o Open for all engagements. Hear them at Armory ervery Saturday night. PllOfH 511. 'mm jkulrn Velle Co.. Phone -It. CfbER Pure apple cider wholesale and rs- ta.ii Qciiveroa n a n v Quantity. ilade from clean, snunrl apples. COMMERCIAL. CIIJI-M WORKS 1010 M. Commercial SU Kalem. Oregor -' Phono 2194 i Used Furniture Wanted Markest eah prleea paid for fed faltare. - E. L. STIFF & SON, Phone .941 or 508 HOUSEHOLD GOODS We pay the very hljcbcKt prK-e for hou-hol d a;ooda aad tool of erery kind. People's Second Hand Store 371 X. Commercial St I'hene 7 I5S WANTED Highest price paid for old Junk CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Phon 398 WE MOVE- Pack and Store Everything Special rates on. eastern shipments. Piano moving and country trips a pedalty. Prompt service. Work guaranteed. LARMER TRANSFER CO. 143 S. LIBERTY STREET - Office Phono 0:W IXome Phone lH'.tH GOAL A . X D WOOD Wanted Sacks and Iron Mgliest price paid. Also hay all kind of junk; WESTERN J L' N K CO. Phono 7i Cor. Center and Commercial St. SALEM, OREGON SACKS Doctor White Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases 506 United States3 National Bank Building V Salem, Oregon WATCH IN AMERICA We are exchwi"""-.: take, in it. po. Trite sice: NEWS In this work are invited to attend. Miss JJenton has had large experience lni!ie ri,'nt and is connected with a Chiistlan university. Give Away irices - ! On used pianos and organs at E. L. Stiff & Son. 4, Attrition I Called Ti the Chevrolet advertisement rn page 8 of this issue. You can sate 151.30 by buying your Chevrolet before March 1. A Piano Bargai We liave one beautiful brand new Singer piano, regular price 1750. As this piano is not the make we usual. y carry in stock we will sacrifice it for 1562. Act quickly if you want to pick up this snap. E. L,. Stiff & Son. 446 Court street. School .Teacher Dies A Miss Pearl Yodcr, a school teach er at Hubbard. Is dead there, ar cording to word which has been re ceived in Salem. She has been a teacher in Hubbard for six years and taught the fifth and tsixth grades. Attention -:ik - Members will meet at the club rooms Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock and attend in a body the Elk funeral of Brother John Darby Bridge Steel Arrlv The first six carloads of steel frfr the Marion-Polk county bridge ar rived in Salem yesterday and the remaining five are expected to ar rive in a few days. It is stated that no further difficulty in obtaining steel for the bridge will be ex perienced. Nominating Petitions Printed to comply with all de mands for state and county offices, at Statesman Publishing company (upstairs.) - Darby Services Tilts Morning f Services over the late John Darby, a well known Shaw resident, will be held this morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Iligdon establishment Inter ment will be In City View cemetery under the auspices of the Elks lodge. Don't ICent A Piano Buy one on easy terms at E. L. Stff & Son's. Trade In Your Old FuraUn re On new at E. L. Stiff & Son's. Howe Funeral Today The funeral of F. M. Howe, who died suddendly, Monday, will be held today at 2 o'clock, from the chapel of Webb & Clough. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. Rev. Carl H Elliott will conduct the services. Salem Hod and Gen Club Will meet at commercial club at S o'clock sharp "Wednesday evening, Feb. 27. A. G. Masers. President. Nominating Petitions ; Printed to comply with all de mands for state and county offices, at Statesman Publishing Company (upstairs.) Your Favorite Waltz ; "Destiny" will be played by the introducers of it tonight at the armory. The Salem Automobile Co. Reports the following Chevrolet nale's for Monday and Tuesday of this week: A Boetticher on Turner road; Mrs. John McKenney. 2147 State Ktreet; G. W. Moore, Salem, R. D. 3; Dr. Byrd; state hospital; Schmidt Bros.. Mt. Angel; Eugene Titus, Stayton. 6 cars. ominat!ii; Petitions Printed to co'mply with all de itnnds for tate and county offices. ft Statesman Publishing company fupstairs.) "Joan of Arc" And "in the Swept Lons; Ago" will be played in "Jazz Time" by Hunt's orrhestra jt the Cherrian d.-tnee, Wednesday night. To f'!-ar fsind THh Suit in eouity was filed yesterday io ouiet title to certain lands by Julian Provost aca'nst Thomas F. O'Mara and wife, claiming intfresl in certain lands of plaintiff. "Wluit American Mfan to Me" By Dr. Evans, at armory tomorrow night. Hall Ijeefurc Tonight Dr. J'hn O. Hall or Willamette tinivrsity will lecture in the audi torium of the public library tonight on Iltijstia. For fifteen minutes prior to the lecture a Vic-trola concert of lluiftn miKic will le given. p BORN THRAPP To. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Thrapp, 2334 North Broadway, Sunday. Feb. 24 1918, a son. weight 7 pounds. BECKETT To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckett, in Polk county on th? Wallace farm. Monday, Feb. 2.1, 1918, -a son, weight 10a pound. DIED DAVIS In Salem Monday, Feb. 25. 191S, Qiy Davis. 4 9 years old. Accompanied by the nephew, Ti0 Vincent, the lody was sent to- Eu gene last night by the Terwilliger company, for .burial. - KRONE At the Willamette sanitar ium. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1918, Mrs. Catherine Krone, 4 9 years old. S She leaves' a husband. Frank Krone, and four children. The fam iily lives on the Wallace road. The body is at the Terwilliger home s(nd Juneral announcements will be made later. Several Fine Used Organs E. L. SUff & Son. 404-448 Court. Wants Hit Wife to Stay Away Complaint was filed yesterday by Robert Cole against Ina Cole, who asks for decree of absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion, there being no children and all property interests having been settled between them. Sutt Dismissed On motion of the plaintiff in the suit of Flva Rise against George Ripes, sut was dismissed without I cost or prejudice. Big Discount On Heater At E. L. Stiff & Son's. Biggest Stock of lTed Funiture at E. L. Stiff & Son's. Execution Iteturned Into Court The sheriff yesterday filed execu tion havinsr been served in the suit of Flora Woodburn against Mary Anderson, et al. on a judgment for $1857. Iff. which included costs, taxes and attorneys' fees, property having been sold to the plaintiff for the amount due, $1857.16. Th-"1 WomanV Kemibliea Study clufr neets at Mrs. C. P. Bishop's residence. 340 North Lib erty street, at 2:30 Thursday. By order of President Mrs. Bishop. Too M ach ! Si t ter fhier Poland had as his involun tary guest yesterday "Pat" Devine. who the chief says is one or the best workers -"in town, but when he has too much; bitters, mixed with Ja maica glneer, tinder his belt, it costs him something to make his exit trom his house of detention, and this time "Pat" put up just an even $20 cash ail inurder to pay for his welcome. The bitters contains 25 rer cent or alcohol, the label statin that it re oufres tljat much to hold in solution the harks, roots and herbs In the medicine. Drasr stores sell It and Jamaica ginger, a" good old fashioned remedv for certain aches under the belt, has some alcohol in it, and when the tto are mixed it often makes trouble for the mixer, so Judge Race says, and he is pretty good authority. A Piano Bargain We have one beautiful brand new Singer piano, regular price $750. As this piano is not the make we usually carry in stock we will sacrifice it for $562. Act quickly if you want to nick un this snap. E. L. Stiff & Son. 4 46 Court street. The Cherry City Ege and Poultry Company will continue to buy and sell hens during March and April, under special permit frohi the Unite! States food administrator. 255 Ferry street. Pbne 765. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all the kind friends and neighbors who were so generous with their help and sym pathy during the last illness and in the funeral arrangements of our lit tle boy. We will be ever grateful for all the evidences of kindness. Mr. and Mrs. George Steinka. Fill Boxes For France Nearly all the articles have been gathered which will fill gift boxes which will be sent to the soldiere of Company M and other Salem men in France. Over $250 has been rais.d t,v Salfm Women through S. O. S. parties and by contribution. A! number of boxes will be sent as notj all of the gifts could be placed in! crates of regulation size. Tho.-ej who will help to pacly ttie girts win be Mrs. Frank- Durbin. Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mis. Chauncy Bishop. Wn Will Kilfe- Albert Eean, Salem's society tenor, 1 will sing "The Wild. Wild Wome n j Are Making a Wild Man Out of Me" j at the Cherrian jitney dance this) evening at the armory. The Ch-ccon Fruit Company- Will pay c-tfdi for beans, large or , jmall lots. Phone 9 4 3. 'owr Flexed Miss Margaret J. ("p r was ( pfefte'l afSfistant sunerintenoeat the Salem schools at the meeting of the ihool board Monday night. Th salarv rdta hed to the position i 1200 a rear. David IJoyd George's Nephew At the armory tomorrow night. Execution Return d In ihe uit of Kinnia B. Carter, former! r Emma BauerMn. against Howard E. Jones and wife, execution was vesterdav returned by the sher iff on a judgment of $1431:24. re porting property sold to plaintiff for $1350. leaving a balance due on judgment of $81.24. -e.v (riiniiino llegiflered The records of f'hief of Police A I i.-..ian.! rhow that thirtv-three Ger man aliens registered in his office! within the time required by law. hut Karl Killer and John Holt have not yet called for. their cards of iden although it has been nearly one month since the books closed. The TO INCREASE YOUR STRENGTH Power and endurance you will rind the new medicinal combination, Hood's Rarsaparilla lefore eating and Peptiron after eating, to be re in ark a blj", even wonderfully effective. There is nothincf better for weskened, run-down conditions. The economy of taking these two' great medicines together is beingr proved every day by thousands who must be careful of their expenses. If a laxative is needed take Hood's Pills. They are purely vegetable. law is very strict in the matter, and aliens without their cards are sub ject to arrest and detention at any time. It is known, also, that there are many more who should have reg istered and did not, and, as soon as discovered, their names will be for warded to the federal officials in Portland for action. With Our Complete Fpiipment Refined services and latest meth ods of embalming, 'twill be a 'luner al beautiful." Webb & Clough Co. Execution Served The sheriff yesterday returned irw to court as having been served in th suit of F. M. Mitchell and R. G. Henderson.! executor, against E. Jl Sauter and wife, on a judgment of $260. attorneys' fees and costs, prop erty having been sold to the plaintiff for J404.25. Default and Judgment Default and judgment order was yesterday cmtered of record In tho suit, of the Pacific States Securities company against J. C Reed et al. Suit to quiet title to certain lands. Ordnance Cla Pase The third ordnance class from the University of Oregon at Eugene passed through Salem over the Southern Pacific yesterday after noon. The men will pass the re mainder of the week in Portland and then probably be stationed somewhere in California. Waldo Mills stopped over in Salem with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills, for the night and leaves on the early train todav. Iceland Sackett of Sheridan also is visiting friends in Salem. Get Your Pardner For a Peppy one-step tonight. Cherrian jitney dance. PERSONALS I W. S. U'Ren of, Portland was at the state house yesterday. T. S. McKinney of Lakevicv, dis trict attorney for Lake county, was a caller at the supreme court build ing yesterday. 'Manager It. C. Paulns of the Salem Fruit union was called to Portland yesterday on business connected with his office. K. F. Brown left yesterday over the Oregon Elertrre railway for a visit at DidsMrry, Alberta. Canada. F. O. Deckebaoa was called to Portland yesterday on business con nected with the next drive for the sale of liberty loan bonds. He is ex pected home this morain;. Fank B. Culver went to Seattle yesterday over the Oregon Electric rfead oh a short business trip. Bessie dine of Lebanon is a guest of the Argo hotel. Manager Ivan McDaniel of the commercial club went to Portland yesterday on a short buslnss trip. Mr., find Mrs. T. M. Jenkins of Oregon City are at the Argo. Mr. and' Mrs. E. H. Iiams left yes terday over the Oron Electric rail wav for Withrow, Wash. Mark S. SkiTf. Jr.. left yesterday for American Lake training canin. E. Kelly and Paul Carson of Eu gene are at the Bligh hotel. Dora Phelps of Eugene is at the Argo. P. Lyant of Eugene is at the Mar ion hotel. E. E. Lavallier left yesterday for Tacoma. L,. H. Warren of Indianapolis is at the Marion hotel. E. G. Cahn of San Francisco is registered at the Marion. J. D. Hugheson of Corvallis is at the Bligh. G. H. Dixson of Cherry Grove, Or., Is at the Bligh. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richmond Warmth Means Health When the'body is wrm the blood circulates freely, dilu tion is. rtlmulated and your general health 4s good. Y u look well, feel well and are well. , When you are cold, your circulation is poor and your body fails to throw off Its im purities. Especially is this so when you sleep cold furthermore you do not get the restful sleep your system requires. A ht water bottle will make your sleep warm. We have a very complete line of. Wear-Ever. Challenge and Deluxe hot water bottles- price H tn 1.75. BREWER DRUG COMPANY Court St. at Liberty Phone 184 of Dallas and Mrs. Blain Southwick of Rickreall were in Salem Tuesday shopping. H. J. McBride of Buffalo. N. Y.. is a guest of th? Bligh. G. Wilson of New Orleans, La., is at the Marlon. W. A. Woodwarl of Portland Is at the Bligh. Charles P. Pool and W. L. Wright are here from Harrisburg, quartered at the Bligh hotel. Vernon M. Luckow is here from Silvei ton on a short business trip, and is stopping at the Bligh. A. Lm. Wilbur of Albany is at the Blisrh. Frank Kirk and W. H. Kirk and wife of Halsey are guests of the Hotel Bligh. Mr. and Mrs. F. C' Eseh and daughter. Miss Dorothy, were in Sa lem Monday from Dallas., , Miss Georgiana Fiske of, Dallas spent Tuesday in Salem. She is as sistant postmistress at "DaRas. A. R. Lewis of Airlie was a busi ness visitor in Salem Tuedsay. Plaz Phillips of Dallas made a busyness trip to Salem Tuesday. Glen Whiteaker of Dallas was' a business visitor in Salem the first of the week. Dr. Harry Beauchamp of Stayton was a business visitor in Salem the first of the week. BREAKS A COLD IN FEW HOURS TRY IT! First I)om of Pane's Cold Compound t Believe All Grippe Misery. Don't stay stuffed up! i Quir blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold , Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe mis ery and break up a severe cold ei thelr In th head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves sick headache, dullness,, feverish ness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness anil stiffness. "Rape's Cold Compound" Is the' quickest, purest relief known, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance-, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Don't aecejpt a substitute. TOM AND STEVE COME TO TOWN Walker and Hill Use Different Methods and E&ch Claims Best of It "Let me make you acquainted with my next door neighbor, he 13 a pretty fellow, and owns about as much land as I do. only his boys are all girls." said Tom Walker yesterday after noon, as he stood in front of the bank, and turned to his neighbor S. B. Hill, commonly called "Ktevw'fe In the Middle Grove school, district. : "The fact of the matters Is." con tinued Tom, he owns and runs. a McCormick harvester and mine is ,a Deering. and each thinks his machine is the best. He runs "his by horiu; power, andT run niine with a -tractor sometimes. But Just now I am breaking a team of horses on my plow, and he is plowing with horses, just the same as I am, only I use three, and he gets along with a pair of colts, and claims to do more, work in a day than I do. "We never see each other, except in town heie, or looking over the fence, as this time of the year, there is little time to waste. VMy hired man is a good one this year, but never can tell how long one will stay, as the government Is after them all the time. 'J'Xow, if I had a lot of girls to do part of my work. Just like Steve here, has. I would not worry about the hired man proposition sc much, be cause girls on the farm the right kind of girls, are just as good as a lot of the wrong kind of men. The girls are Just as good girls, and make just as good wives, or better, for their work in the fields, as do the girls who never do any of. that kind of work. And they are all the healthier for the out door exercise. "But I will have a better story the next time I come in, and that sill be About our Red Cross wn-k. And that! is another place wheri all our girlsi shine, for they are doing splend id work, and also selling thrift stamps to'beat the band." Many Willamette Sons Are Serving in Army 1 When the call to colors came last May. a number of students of Wil laiiictte university were among those to answer "the call. Twenty-seven of the men saw service on the Mexican border and when President Wilson called for. volunteers last May the number was rapidly Increased. The majority of the men are serving "somewhere in France." but part of the men are still in American Can tonment camps. Those in the ranks are: Raymond Attebery. Edward Bolt. Jtussell Brooks, Thomas Coats, Victor . Col lins. Bryan Conley. Walter Doughty. Lcnnfc 1 Estab, Le Roy Card. Ralph Gibhert." Arnold Gralapp, av1d Has sel. Paul Hendricks. IU K. Jackson. Allen Jones, Dwight Kloster Vetnon Klofter, Maurice Lawson. Harold Miller. -Lee Notson. Edwin Earn", Arvid Peterson. Foster Ridley Er rol Proctor. W. 1 1. Putan. Charles Randay. William Sherwood, Hilbert Tasto. Herbe rt Taylor. Victor Taylor, Chester Womer. Dean Pollock. Fer-ri-c Abbett. James Kwing,- William Kelty, EdVin Ranch, Lestic Railey, Karl Chapler, Frank Grosvenor, Merrill D. Ohling. Willis Barteil, Slyvester Burleigh. J. D. Fletcher. Kail Flegcl. Blain Bedingfield. Dan Hill. Allen lirjon and George Lew, George Rardin, died August 3. 1917, at Vancouver, Washington. Yon Should Worry Let the Classified Ads Work for You CONVENTION TO OPEN MARCH 17 Salem Will Be Host to Lay men's Passionary Assem bly Next Month Beginning Math. 17 Salem will he host to a Laymen's Missionary movement convention, and it is be lieved by the local committee that 1000 delegates will be present. The -Laymen's Misslonay move ment' is in two ways perhaps the most significant .developmenj of re cent years In the religious life of tha country. lii the first place, as an Interdenominational undertaking, em bracing most of the evangelical churches of America, it represents a long step forward toward that ideal of church unity which Inevitably will be realized, at least in the form of universal co-operation in spreading the gospel of Christianity. In the second place, as an enterprise fost ered by laymen and appealing to the men of the nation to take an active and militant part in the work of the church, it represents perhaps the most dynamic force riow at work in the much needed task of making Christian service a vital factor in the everyday life of tho average man. Campaign I Timely. r Coming at a period of turmoil when even the most stouthearted optimists are sometimes tempted -to the view that Christianity has failed of its mission to the world, this campaign is peculiarly timely, and In the cities where conventions hae already been held it has. met a re sponse almost undreamed of. Men are thinking today of spiritual mat ters as tbey have not thought, he fore in generations, and It is a mat ter of . common knowledge that church attendance by men is stead ily increasing. "Complex and various are the fac tors which are bringing, about this awakening, its significance Is too plain to be misunderstood. ."Out of the chaos Into which half of the Christian world has been plunged by war is to come, not the downfall, but the renaissance of Christianity. Out of the ashes of sacrifice are to rise nevr structures, not only political and economic, but moral and religious. Churt'irs MlftHion. "A mighty epoch of reconstruc tion is near at hand, and In it the churche, ' clearer visioned and ded icated anew to Its true ideal of spec ial service, is destined to ' play a vital part. Not necessarily less than in the past a woman's, church In a woman's world, it promises to be in the future a man's church in a man's world. Every sign points In a tre mendous religious revival, and the Laymen's Missionary movement Is one of the potent agencies now at work laying its foundations. QUICK RELIEEIQR STOMACH MISERY C Mi-o-na' Tablets, they sre on of the most effective and safe remedies for out-of-order stomachs. , Beside quickly stopping- the distress Mi-o-na soothes the Irritated walls of the stom kch. 9tr-ngllie'.ns and builds' up the di gestive organs. Do notnuffer another day. tret a box at once. For sale by Daniel J. Fry. MONEY'S WORTH" RIGGy POLICY Salem Man Files Declaration pi Candidacy for Rep resentative - Z. J. Riggs jot Salem yesterday filed with Secretary of State Oleott declaration f Jb'ls candidacy .for the nomination of representative in. the legislature on the Republican ticket. Mr. Riggs slosran Is "A dollar's worth for every dollar spent." j Further he submits the following as his njatform: - "Practice economy at all .tfmes and at the same time strive for ef ficiency, as I feel that the cxpedi ture of the taxpayers' money should be done with the same economy and judgment as that of an individual." t Another candidate to file yester day was W. G. TrJ.ll. district attor ney for Wheeler, fieunty, who Is up for re-election. ' - He is a Republican. His slogan is "A strict enforcement' of all statutes without prejudice or favor." Hillsboro-Salem Drainage Sheets Are Now Availablel Topographic quadrangle sheets are now available for the area .between Portland. Hillsboro and Scapnoo?", and between Salem and Monmouth according to Jolm If. LewisJ state engineer. Each coveres. abouji 200 square miles ofterritory and 1 known as the llillshosp and Salem quad rangles. They have been prepared bv the state and Fnltcd States geo- , YOUR PRESCRIPTION WHO FlLIiS IT? After you've called in the heft doctor you know to '.prescribe, there still remains the equally important next step to have the most competent.'Wrupiilous.- accurate pharmacist fill it. TAKE NO CHANCES Good -Judgment demands that you get the" best precription service -you'll get it here. We are prescrip tion .peclalist. Ask your doctor, lie knows the high character of our prescription work. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 1 . . l:W X. .M.MF.I;CIAL ST. i Exfrk ' : 1 . . WITH EVERY , SUIT ORDER SCOTCH WOOLEII MILLS STORE 426 STATE STREET logical seurvey In cooperation and are valuable to all those, Interested in drainage, timber,1 real estate or other development projects. Also to the traveler, -& all roads are accu rately shown. They can be obtain ed from the, leading book stores for 10 cents a sheet, or by addressing tho director United States geological sur vey,. Washington. D. C. - Illinois has upwards of C50 women physicians, a large number of whom have attained high standing as spe cialists. V" v. i erFT''F1?Tf" HTunaTesTnTen"""" WORK Done, jjrj) , Welch Electric Co. 220 N' Com. SUPPLIES Phone 953. W11KX VI SALEM, OflEtiOJI ; at BLIGH nOTtX "A Horn 'Away frm Home. T Strictly Modern $1.00 Per Day leO Roms mt 8114 Ctmftrt Only Hotel In 3uaiaess District Webbl Clou FUNERAL PARLORS , Complete Equipment . -wiM.f LloderaU Prices Corner Court and Ogb CU. PHONE 120--Wignt or Day J Chiropractic - - .' '-'" Competency -' The history of the Science- of Cnir bpra'ctic, which shows this mode of practice with eight or ten .thousand practitioners,' innumerable; "benefited patients and thousands 'dialling mortals dally taking adjustments s possibly -the best assurance that chiropractors are competent' to fieal with the sick. ; 'J ''" ' Chiropractors are not cure-alls. Tfiey do not claim or pretend that a spinal adjustment will set a broken leg, cure toothache, etc, but they do claim there are many Instances where the doctor of medicine, or sur geon is-helpless and the only method of helping the patient Is Chiro practic. ' . ; ' H you are suffering from any.all ment, come to me and I will diag nose your case without asking, you a question. I will he honest In telling you whether Chiropractic adjust ments will cure you. ' - . DR. 0. L. SCOn, D. G. CHIROPKACTIC fiPIXOLOGIST . 4 ;- P. S. C. Graduate -j IT. 'at'l Bank Bide. Roomn AOOf ' T-x. raiem. irecon Office Phone 87. Res. Phone 828-R i