fi a s B f I d ID) Ir e c t r -y g i tie w ants ana iNeeas or me vapimi ii.y . - .. der Proper Headings So You Can Reacffly Find Them nnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds, ccrnND HAND GOODS - i wrx-3 CLOTHIXtt, SHOES, BICY-I ,.C, 'A w,, CAPITAL EXCHANGE .ASS Court Bt. f BV- vnnvnm TJXIOX vjJiE IXSCRANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr., Evident Agent 883 State St. Money to Loan A IMPROVED FARM A?TD CTTT PROPERTY AT LOWEST HATEI . r rAnnnMfi.jjPMk THUD, r. ruiui B-iiuor. CTnVEY TO LOAN I HAVE MADE YIU-NC 1 - litininr turn ESey7 will ak. veTy loV rat. of KwreVt on highly improved fumi Interest , v virota tinnier r , oii. . - 5," R,lem. Or. Phon 6. - AD TKRTISKJII3rT Rate Pe Wer first Insertion gubseauent insertions ....... Ho OaVwsek (six inwrUoM) ... S mot) tti G fif. months contract per mo. to jlnientbs' eon tract, per mo... It Ko account opened tor less than 16 A neat - n-- r . - - a advertisement to the extent of 60c ianounelng . Tor Bale." -For jfBt.- "Rooms" or -Board." J IKVTODAT : v A.AaafflaA aAvartlse "7 i- ii IHBl Will w" " ; I Today" for first Insertion, unless otherwise oroere- ,.--- Subsequent Insertion of the . ad will appear under its proper class ification. . No advertisment will bo run . vr . T nj m a fn mAf ft .V. A i ,iuiaar . a -"a. - w ae issue under any circumstance 4 NEW TODAY "W ANTED-LAD Y TO DO GENERAL WANTED A JERSEY OR GUENSERY DUii. regliere- ." VoR SALE CHEAP TWO .ACRES , with five room house. Fruit trees. WoodheL OuUtide store room. Close in. Route 7. Jtox 1. THE PARTY WHO TOOK BICYCLE in front of Christian church Sunday nirht is known, if he will return wheel i Aubry Fraurick J93 North ' Cottage street, no Question will se asked if not returned at once you will be prosecuted to fullest extent of law. yOR SALE SINGLE COMB RHODE Island Red cockerels $2 o f Mm j. H- Wright., route t box 17. Salem. FOR RENT STJ1TE OF ROOMS NEAT and well furnished for housekeeping. , Good street view, rent reasonable. 65 Marion, phone 1060-M. - - RIDING PONEY FOR SALE. 2210 W Nobhill street. FOR SALE A THOROUGHBRED MALE Jersey hog not registered, vnv ow. monejiii. WANTED TO BUT HOGS, FROM 50 to TS pounds, rnone .. - i WANTED FIFTY WOMEN TO WORK ! this'min'salem-Krn ProducU 1 : Co. - ' S THE FIXIT SHOP. 21 rCl7t i street. We do s.11 kinf of"5i - filing, grinding and br axing. Biejrie work a specialty. aces repaired. Phone 10"- 'WANTED REFINED INDIAN GIRL' ior private tamiiy. ? " , . wnt. Anniine. liwx 547. Oakland. California. - - BELGIAN HARES - FOR SALE OR trade tt ii" eoum iiia. vr. nu-T-lV T"TJ T1MR TO IN sure Is before the fire. ' Orea-on Fire Relief Association of McMinn- x ak m th.i 1 1 rri4i iDin - ever before, and is still insuring at ; actual cost, as it has been doing for . t...- nnrmrtr this -very day. For full partculars as to , our pian or insurance, it. . ---or phono H. A. Johnson Sc. Co, Agents Bush Bank mag.. Dein,.y'- - BARGAINS SIX ROOM HOUSB $450. xj i .fri.t 21250. D s mM as aj sa s W vv - i s y w '- -v acres on car line $1250. 10-acre land Improved $2750. 60 acres bot tom land $Z500. Acreag fruit ranch well Improved $150 per acre. 40 acrea for rent. 5 room bung alow for rent. Money to loan. F ord iot saie. jr. L. wooa, jjsjdc, ums- WILL TRADE 3 GOOD LOTS. VALUE - $1300 for $4000 'modem house, close Have fine Canada half section to trade for modern house, wntoa Good city property wanted to trade , iur acreage. -- - $5000 wanted on" good security. iviemeyer Kealty s4 Dta.te irc F0R EXCHANGE 200 ACRES OF w iana iz mues rriai haiem on gw " road. ISO in cultivation, balance pu- til. . Mil raaMl 'With . , woven wire, fair set farm building. rood water .system close to school. , This is a fine farm. Want stock of merchandise, some where in valley. T i . . C A A A . ) ' 45 acres of fine land 6 miles from , Salem, good set Juilding. SO acres of foil hearing . Italian prunes, good , 600 bushel dryer. Some cherries, tlAm.a -...a t I 141 AAA l' ,t( to exchange for a general farm , It farther south, would prefer Califor- - nnsi nuve you in ' I in . , 220 acres of timber on coast cruises u seventeen million feet. Near no v- water to trd- fr.r Salem orooerty. If you wish to sell, buy .or exchange your? property, see Perrlne Mars- i n- 4t Hnhlart Blftg.. phone EMPLOYMENT FEMALE wanted., woman to cook for . six or eiarht people. Inquire or W. n. , Epan. rvais. Or., route No. 2. MALI w" ANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN . aivm j to is years oia to printing trade, day work. Apply . Statesman Job DeDt. unstaira. t WANTED 1 or. MEN AT ONCE TO - l-rn the feJtrmobile and gas tractor i . bnalness as wo cannot get enoueh . . nt supply tne positions i j - free employment department. Enroll ' now in a special six weeka' course ' Jut sUrting. Hemphill's Trad- v , ii inwinorne ave., a v v t. inH. rAff-rfa. Gct Wise-Try a Classified Ad FOR 5i4L LIVESTOCK t'OH SALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAU. 'registered. Rulifson mt l Kortn County Farm. Phone 4F4. MIHCKLI.AXEOrS SMALL. POTATOES -fUlTABLE FOR fmf rlr., a . '. . - jicr mvh mi wire- .house. Phone 717 or 652. Maagis Bros. . " IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fr'act , cuu ivc io ue xaciiic Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial ubsrlpMon. Mention this ad. FOR SALE SEED WHEAT. A HEAVY ni a ii 'a wbkuii, a toree Inch, wagon with double bed. and .11 .?1(iflr. wood. John 1L Scott. 404 Hubbard building. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western itnmi- ra,i.ioii nas oeen careruuy revisea. making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terras of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenio, and the captirity of Mary and Olire. Mary died of tarvatUn and OlWe was purchased from the Indians fire years later. price is iv cents, postpaid. Ad dress Orea-on Teachers Monthly. Ba 'm. rroTt POULTRY ilUFF OPINGTON COCKERELS TWO ,ry fine birds from winning stock. M-aw eacn. x ran uoeriier, bilverton -regon. W W - T A A 1U U.X ilUl XXX Fvi. v. j (fuuii sum, vena XV cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial nKsjieitttlA aT.Ka. ' W I .A u, nirii nun tnn ku. PARTSUBNT. NICELY FURNISHED FOUR ROOM apartment. 1047 South Commercial. - 1 . V. I I t I'll. HOCSKS with good sleeping porch. Price rea sonable to permanent renter. Inquire 21 wnemetteia. or pnone ai. V"ftr dpv cvr ti r nyt - $10--Five-room modern cottage at 1557 South Church street. f 12.50 Six-room modern house on paved street at 1920 South High Si. i Call at Statesman business office or phone 583. SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street with garage, $12.50 per month. E. A- Rhoten. phone 1141-J. . . . 5 . . FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW unw iiviu imvwu buwi. su South Salem. $10 per month. EL A. Rhotea f 49 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE -electric lights, two lots, fine garden land. barn, clhcken park. Corner North Commercial and Gaines. $10 per month. Phone 2270-W. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: fe partly modern iive-room cot ( 165 8s.srinaw. In cood order. Foremeriy renteo ror i a monui. Call at 104 2 Kaginaw or Statesman business office. Phone 22. $13 Neat modern bungalow 5 rooms at 90 North 20th st. Call at Statesman bum n ess office or pnone . ItT tAtm1rn annrtniMit. Hi Marion street -Call at Statesman buntrtfn" offire or pnone z-. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM Wltn use UI wux. bu . mm w ii Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER beat, modern conveniences. au in side rooms. Close to State House. 10S0 Chemcketa. Phone 1280. imrTFOUND LOST LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. PHONE 21F1Z. FOUND FOUND GOLD BRACELET ON CENT- er street last jctonaay. mijuii - dik- msn office. ' ' UfEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Shipbuilding company now or- ganixlng. Wants few more parties witn money. able J not in conflict with .present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence In securing contracts. Partic ulars. 702 Spaulding Bldg- Portland. Oregon. JitCHAXCfe 6 PASSENGER CHALMERS CAR TO exchange for cows or yvuua -"v.. Phone 200. "TlO KEY TO LOANT MONEY TO LOAN: IN LARGE AND small amounts over iirs ciu - estate-security. W. A. Uston. FARMERS IN LINN BENTON. LIN- Clackamas counties. Oregon, who are i. ..iki. r. nth.r National HQ1 B,vaw " Farm Loan Associations, majr secure government rarm loans ' " J . two associations of which I f" sec retary. ; A C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. WANTED "SCELLANEOC WANTED TO BUY A FEW RHODE Islsnd Red hens or pullets. Phone 1141-J. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good ciean ras. , . man, . . ' 1 WANTED TO RENT 0 OR 60 ACll improved ranch with tools, stock and haff crop, experienced farmer, and irrigator. address F. L. Piece. Chenev. Wn. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY Tin EM REPAIREP--,VTJLCAWIzny GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE. Station 177: South Commercial St, ; phono 42,1a - ' street, Phone 66. HILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Sliverion voru - Vulcanixlng and auto supplies. Ml North Commercial. Phone 7i. ERACKETT Jb GRAY TUBES VUL ExedJ?5c. Retreading our . pec -1- ty, rree service - 279 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND eTSon" tubes 25c up. Service car Phone $$3. 126 South Commercial ' street "A lfTO" Ell V I CE SHrPPS ALfeRVlC-aTT AND country trips. Pbone Day. .Ml. -lent. 13. -1 You Shonld Worry Ut the Classified Ad Work for Yon PROFESSIONAL DEVTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS f ifiii tsanK oi iwommercv oiuf. Phone C0. I Ml'MC TEACHER H. HARR. TEACHER OF PL NO. rnone mi, LODGE DIRECTORY B R OT H K H 1 1 OOP OF YOEMAJI MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- ing in aiasonic lempie, iiitn hoot, it o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace fykes. Foremaa, W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. HODERK WOODMK5. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar camp, xso. -o, meets every Thursday evening at o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wrltrht. clrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVER T BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER- eo any piece, city or country,; ruu. 4 or t081-R. W T BARBER SHOP INDULGE YOUR SECOND SENSE AND observe the character and uncommon service rendered at Ingrey's Barber Shp. 311 Stafe street. CHiKOrKACTIU CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE- -. nnttAn If vrtll Willi results consult Dr. May. S0s-t-7 HUDDara mas. pnone DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C. GRADUATE OF P. S. C Chtropractics fountain bead. Tk wr. m.rt Taw. PhlrnnrftClifi Cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8. U. S. N. Bank Building Phon 7. Residence 82-R- C111XKSE PUYSlClAIt. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN "PRATS AUD EXPRESS VAX JAW- ' ' " - ' " Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on' eastern shipments. Also for storage as we . I- mrmiw mkAnMAA In .Anntlflll with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty, vittice iii ovum wiuuvr clal street. - pRi,ciA"iri?io Aifp pREsariro JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. ct .it . V. xvnn ill KT mr . cial St. Ladles and gentlemen's i . AiAAHA ..4 - SI Ana 2L50. Work called for and delivered free. Tel. stain box. JVBK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for junk or every Kino. t make you a price on your household Capit-1 Junk Co- 371 Chemeketa Street. Phone 198. FULL. VALUE PAID FOB SECOND nana u'"" ;. . . for Junk and htdea Tha Peopled Junk and Secofidhand Store, 171 No. HAIR REMOVED t- i vr -rarer ITPM U 1 fl &Aii n in i u & am .w . cessful. Applied nere m Vi home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, . . a , XZ Muooara nig. LAUNDRIES BZHkM. STEAM 1AUNDR1 QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 6c per pound. 135 South Lib erty bl jf none s . -i nVMlil VTC. JA A.w-- - - ular washing dene at a rate every body caa afford. For only sixty-five cents wo will collect, wash and de liver your wasning wivnia : twsni- - rotir nours. r-Tione ostopathT DRT W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American - School Osteopathy, Kirks villa. Mo.: treats acute and chronle aisease. uirice -jui-rvii dea-ce 419 North Summer. Phone 614. j ,m-o x-t- ponnvin titststasi-I.I Graduates American School Osteopa thy. K.irKSVllle, MO. Dixteen yer experience. Residence ofrice af uate work. Los Angeles College. Dral H. V. isowera e Alice w i a. rTm i rxTTT'l- . WlI.TfiV. DSTKf). l kaj, AAA A . aw . -a . " - - a.ft.l aakvallUn, A ni . MirrjM)A. 1AVI1 J -.a.. " I . . Graduates of the American Schools of - Osteopathy. Kirksville.- Moi Post- fraduate and specialised In "nervous iseases at Los Angeles College. T . .. .nl .ti.Anl, lltuauil. Offices 605-6-7t8. U. a Najt'l Bank Bldg. Phone 159. Residence, 1620 Court St. Phone 2115. "TrCR SERIES. NO ItT H WESTERN NURSERY AT State and 24 th streets choice roses. a 1 1 i.l and flower ( n bt shrubs. Franquette walnuts and all kinds of I r vi 1 1 trees. nvwuu wuua. uwu. 413. DDi'tTI ivn wr'RBT RALES TARO at Hign and Ferrr. Call and sea stock and get prices before purchas ing e.swhere. Everbearing straw- lrrr pmnin. PIAKO TUXIXG r c jiT pypF.nT tttning. -a- ..A.IrinaT a n it remlatlna. All work guaranteed. J 1645 Hail .ti-A-t nr eare of Sherman Clay at Co.. Court street. phonr 11SJ-J. "SECOND HA.VD COOP WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of alL kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collai pads, tools. chains. Fred Bchindler. 2SS center Street. ; TRA1JSTER HAPMHO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE.' ANT KIND f BaUlinf. uvuaT,uvi. moving Joba done prompt- . ABa-A TlfBIBa tk ai.t. Ktl Pbone 161. Residence phone i- UNDERTAKER : .i rW If J TJ WKRR. A M- tf 'ldirector7. Latest modern methods known to the pro f,i(ri7OT"Hrwii OVEV'IRInr-ENCINO all si see. za "-. - Paints. OH aad Varalsh. Staves Rekallt "",V' LK..Kervr d . -rJT r." P-a-e 4 w. Tt. FEM1NO. WALL PA PER. I AI XT u a.-1.. W1HTEK rUH rAinio " ac;jl.l-H Pi.ttira Framing, uooa workmen. 465 Court St. Phnna 416 TEN CENTS A DOUBLE .ROLL AND npwtrd for choice Wall FPer Buren's Furniture Store. 11 Com- inercial Bt. wall tAjncR. yanrr GLENN 1 AJJAMS ITUK HUU8Jb LEO- coraung. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or aay; sooo wwiua. kocsuvs ! Center Bt. Pawn -w. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 101 Commercial lircu xvr wiur service appiy at i uuk. wujv' at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed 'for absence or for any causes wnatever unless water is ... tv. nnmllH T T . a . t water for irrigation will only be water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work. building purposes' under schedule of . . , i . rates. ppiy at cuiv ior copy. WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 24S8 SALEM MARKETS BTJTIXG PRICE Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 39c. Old roosters, 13 014c, Stags, 16 018c. i Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 1015C. Ewes, 5&c. Veal, dressed, 1417c. Rnrin? lamb. 1 3c Beef steers, 79c; cows48c. Bulls, Bay. Cheat, per ton, 820. Clorer, per ton, 818. Vetch, per ton, 820. Grain. Wheat, $1.85 431.87. Oats, 96 c. Beans, 8 9 9c. Mill Feeds, Betall. Bran, per ton, 836.00. . Shorts, npr ton. S3 8. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country butter, 4 5C. Crpamerv nrlnta. B3c Butterfat, f. . b. Salem, 64c. iriaii. Steelheads, 25c. Salmon, Chinook, 20c. Vegetables. Lettuce, crate, 8 2. SO. -Celery, 75c 0 90c Nebr. rice corn. lie. Tomatoes, California, $75. Broccoli, 8 1.7 5 lb 8 1.8 5. Onions, 2 2.J0. Cabbage, 2c String garlic. Sc.-''-PoUtoeS; 81.25. ' Turnips, sack. 81. Nuts. Almonds, 23c. Walnuts (No. 1) 24c Walnuts (No. 2) 20c. Peanuts, raw. 17c Cocoanuts, dozen $1.20. Fruits. Grapefruit. 86. Pears, 11.50. Oranges. 84.50 6. Bananas, 5c Applesj 81-25 0 1.76. Dromedary dates, 84.75. Honey (Idaho) 84.50. Lemons, 86.50 07.50. ltetau rrices. Creamery butter, 60c Eggs. 45c. Flour, hard wheat 82.80 03. Flour, valley.82.50 02.60. Sugar, cane and beet, 111b. 81. Potatoes, sack lots, ii.&o. PORTLAND MARKETS pnnTi.Avn Fb. 25. Butter: Prints, extras. 52 to 53c: cubes, ex tras. 48 He; prime firsts. 48c; dairy. 32 to 34c. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, sac. s f-pafna. r.mln Thirty-day ontlons Bids Oats, No. 2 869; barley, feed. 369; barley, brewing, Riitom oats and corn in ouia: nidntt No. 3 white. 364.50: 3 8-nnnnd cliDDed. white. 865.50; corn. No. 3 yellow. 368; No. 3 mixed - . AMSf-i.. -9 1 1 $67; oats. No. 3, t.u; ciippeu, 365.50; corn, wellow, 868; mixed. 867. fr Reprints. TnAav'm nm r rivplnta: Wheat. 1: barley. 3; flour. 13: oats. 9; hay, 3. Cattle. ratilp. atpadr: receints. 1046; Medium to chofce steers. 310.35 to tii- rnnH to medium steers. 19. za tn sin 35- rnmkon to good steers. $8 to 89-40; choice cows ana neners, t s tn tin fnmmon to rood cows and heifers. 36.75 to $8. la: canners. 1 n tfi 2" bulls. 15 tO calves. 37.50 to 312; stocker and feeder steers, s 10 sa.ov. lines. tlnn ISIeher: receints. 1873: prime light. 316.65 to 317; Prm heavy, 816.60 to fib.-; pigs, to 315; bulk of sales. KhM-n. dv: receints. 4 40: west era lambs. 315 to 315.50; valley lambs, $14.50 to 31; yearlings, to 313.50; wethers. 31Z-&W to $ie. ewes. 39 to 311. snorn aneen. n to 3c under Quotations. Oats and Corn Both Are Firm on Chicago Market CHICAGO. Feb. 25. Nolwith- .L.inar thai- hi receipts culled riouuiua, -- . - - - An-mrn frrafn values tOdftY. ; tne eiieCt , ...hannpntlr more than over- nao s-w----t - - - come by adverse weainer conauions and by the lining 01 emoraaoca -various railway lines from here , to the Atlantic seaboard. Corn closed firm. 31.27 March ana ll-z May. the same as Saturday's finish to He higher. OaU gained fo REAL FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED AT once. Ntemeyer neaity, ii otate street. Phone 1000. j i d- w xrr-ri fW iw ; xf AVITOBA TO . exchange for good house in city. FOR SALE THE A. J. PURV1SE ?lace in Spring valley, .enquire, Airs. T p..uAit ill Mill or Mra. J. A. Remington, phone 2481-J. FIVE ROOM BUXGALOW. BATH furnace, lot 50xlE0 feet, noorea at ti mnA mnA ifilrwir' naved street. Must sell f 1700. Box tl5. CHOICE FIVE ACRE TRACT CLOSE lo car. house, Darn, iruit, ior iew Amvm nnlT 12000. Terms if desired. t Socolofsky. - ' TO TRADE EQUITY IN NICE HOME in Salem. seven rooms. oatn tit., electric lights. Would take late moaei car or wnat nave you: mm box 107. Monmouth. Oregon. t h K. a . ,li. ilAU In with A gam "5 a.v - - - good improvements. Old people want a small iiouie atntj jv m k x time on balance at $3000. See Will iam ieming,' state streev. FOR SALE OR TRADE AT A BAR- gain. my modern seven room noun, on paved street and in best residence district in Salem will take part pay ment or traae ior a loiatwc uwub . Mrs. Will F. Skiff. .j i. XT- V -r.T-T -fiBTITVE - WITH I & . . I k , AWav.a. - - wheat at $2.50 In sunny Aioerta. Railroad land one tenth down bal ance over w yvmxm. ,vi?. . 1. lMna.nv m M t m Fm. lilr- aWA .UU lll'yi .-..- . . . . ti i . . r -f. aa.. ature. ieroeyer, m street. I A GOOD BUT 25x30 FEET ON EAST Slae commercial street, warn aw north of State street. Salem, togeth er with perpetual right of way over the 14x50 feet tract extending from tms property to oi su--. -r- Apply Scott Bosorth. 701-1 Spaulding Bldg- PorUand. Oregon. EQUITY IN 40 ACRES, IRRIGATED I arm 1 Vi mun irum ivwra m for grocery, stoca not over Price $5,100. irRFJl IMPROVED. SOME LOGAN berries and prunes, close to car line. near aiem. win excnastB iur land residence and cash. Price $4,000 Socolofsky, 141, State street. ,- i-av nvr voir A r LOAN ON ANY vi.i .uiirliv Have S bit cent money on good sound security. t a- am .nl.nittil h.r.atni t n offer in city property, also a choice is acre tracw wei mv v a. ror fsvvv on icrmi. -n v m-. farm for sale for $75 per acre. Will k KAtme eltv nronerty for first payment if price Is right. John IL Kcott. 4 j-iupoara cuumni. A BIG BARGAIN. A. GOOD KWl house and two lots in mgnianu. ior man irH h,l,m,nt. Blaster- .J . , a . n I . ed nouse wen iinianeu. duiu, Sold for nearly double 4 years ago. WW Mia, V . aw- . , . 20 acres near Finxer station, beau tiful place, ail in fruit' except 6 acre- fine pasture ana wooa. price in. . ..,1 nlrlit t,k. & litle iril,. . Come and see m on this. William Fleming, 341 State street. ISO ACRE FARM. HOUSE. BARN. orchard. $0 acres plow tana. Daiance timber and pasture, running water. price ... .. v,n 1 A r m xuu acrn cuiutai . a fta-i-MA imHAa - and raa at lire spring, house, barn, orchard, prifs $40 per acre. . J. Improved 25 acre farm, all cultivat ed, good nouse. Darn, orcnara, roc-, road, price $5000. 166 acres of land. 110 acres culti vated, balance pasture,- running water, this -is first class land, price $8 per acre. . Improved S room house, barn, well, rock road, price $1000. -- ; If you want to buy trade or sell see us. W. H. Grabenhorst ,Co, 276 State street. ARB ANY, OF THESE WHAT YOU want A live room piasi-r-u iiwu.u, city water, close In, 7 blocks from the postorrice. price izw. uown balance by the month. 11 Vd acres river bottom land. 3 miles out. 20 acres in cultivation, balance good ash timber. $140 pee acre. $1500 down balsnce per Cent Five acres creek bottom land 6 miles out 4 acres plow land good a . .. . .! . 1 . K a. .VP Tuning raw. ; . - - tr' " 1160 down balance terms at per VL ' A . I - I ta 1 en acres ih.j-a and barn. 4 acres ot peering irmu A small amount 01 timoer, price IIVVV, UU IA,A - 1. -. i-w a , 1 A In K ear old prunes, balance all plow land except lust a little timber, good house near ly new with spring water piped to bath and stnas. gooa Darn, ", out. nrice per acre, ira-ui cash. See J. A. Mills. 3Z Btate street. -m-n- TV 111) AAA HAT.TCVC INCOME property tor vaner - S40.00V. nquiiy in .. rmit ranch with good income, for ranch not over $10,000. 11 acres near Salem to exchange for coast ranch not over $4000. 0 acres. 25 In prunes, cherries ana inixe- or chard, good Improvements. 30 psst ure. 35 In grain land want dairy for trt and mortgage back for balance. might consider a coast ranch, price $10,000. 7 Ml acres in iruiu -- - f rovementa. sightly location, on car ine. Joining- Salem, will take mod ern residence as party p-7. -- AAA A A A ka.lllt.l. K A ft Tl ASt fi TOOm arrangement, strictly modem, large lawn garaae-owner --.. ,, aac .iwim mnai ,rn aractlcalir new furnished house, garage, paved street. $2800 or will take Portland residence, might assume. If wants in my line known to me. Socolofsky. $41 State street. ' : LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY . ' . .ma e .imiiu Patlr caul. 1.-4. shout acres clear: about 60 . . halinea In acres so. ."""v. --' ..,- rtiolce k piling umoer rrr- Timber alone worth $7600. New four :,.. ma dalrv barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new pig pen an uew milk housa .-Water plpea rrom tine spring u ". sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. pereeat iBiaraat V ty ay . . " care Tb Statesman Address L. owner, c se" Tn nrovisions there was a set rinHnr from 124c to 81. . ra. a -j -u - --w ' - Receipu of grain were tne neav iMt vf this season, and in' corn ar rivals at nrlmary centers were more j ki..1.a4 . flmrAt A l nan uuuuie ov j - - -. - further beaHsh factor was President Wilson's proclamation disapproving a tiivti-- maranlMfl Dlice on wnrat. ak-,i ih middle of the session, how ever, sentiment 'cnangea, ana mere- after the4marltet lenae upwara. rtf .nsratlalad tha BCtibU Of COfO. There was much- Ashort covering as a result' of a ruling at Minneapo ii. that settlement of defaults would be based somewhat on the .value of Cash oats In all markets. r.onpral commission house sell ing weakened provisions. KITCHEN CARDS ARE C0r.IING IN FEW MORE DAYS Food AdminUtration Extends Admonitions to Every Household GARDEN MAKING URGED Vacant Lot Farming Depend i ed Upon foe Big Increases in Production . Committees representing .the food administration will :. be .going the rounds of Salem again in a few days to distribute kitchen cards that have been Issued by the administration. A quantity 6f the cards has been received at ' the commercial club. The date for the campaign has not been set. tn addition to the food conserving ("program the administration is con ducting a food producing campaign nd h-a sent out circulars urging that every farm and vacant lot have a garden this year. Eaiiormoiu Crop Possible. ;rt it, Aaiimatcd that a vacant lot will produce 340 In yegetables." the circular says, rue use ot an sucia lots available in Oregon would pro An fa n nnrmona cron. and save many cars for fuel, ship steel ana "A recent census was taaen oi . . . fnnAu (in ban A In Oregon homes. The most startling fact observable waa the ceneral absence . of any n nan titles of vegetables, not with standinr the grave neea or using ih,u tn -sve wheat, meat and sugar. Next year we must tell a different story- For summer use, canning or Ar-miwtmr nlml Ties a heans. sweet corn tomatoes, and baby, beets; for winter storage, plant potatoes, cab- bage celery, squasn. ana especially root-crops, such as parsnips, car rots, beets and turnip-.- - Problem la Defined. The kitchen cards are to be hung in the kitchens of homes where they are distributed. "Oar problem Is to feed the allies and onr own soldiers by sending them as much .food as we can of the most concentrated nutritive value in the least shipping space. These foods are wheat, beef, pork, flutter and sugar," says, the card. ' -1ti- .nlnilnn la to eat leSS Of th.t and as little Of all foods AS will support health nd strenjtth. All saving counts fr victory, i "The food- administration asaa everr loyal .' American to help win the war by milntalnlng rigidlyas a minimum of saving, the folhrwlng program: . ; - " ' "Have two wheatless days Mon day and Wednesday) In every week, and one wheat less meal In every day. : ' "Explanation On wheatless dayi and In wheatless .meals of other days as no crackers, pastry," macaroni, breakfast food or other cereal food containing wneat. u- uw -flour in any form except the small amount tha t may f be needed for thickening soups or grsvey, or. for a binder In corn bread and other cereal breads. As to bread. If you bake It at home, use other cereals than wheat, and If you buy It. but only war bread. Our object is, that we should buy and consume one-third less wheat products than we did last year. - - , . '1 " . "Have one meatless day (Tues day) In every week and one meatless -t.a.1 in ever-- dv. Have two Pork-. less days (Tuesday, and Saturday) In every wees. ' "Explanation Meatless means without any cattle, hog or sheep products. On other days use mut ton and Iamb in prererence 10 oeei . . ,.VmA. or pork. poraieBS means wnu- pork, bacon, bam, lard or pork prod ucts, fresh or preserved. Use fish, poultry and eggs. As a nation we eat and waste nearly twice as much "Make everv day a fat saving day hntter. lard, lard substitutes, etc "Explanation Fry less; bake. broil, boil or stew looas insteaa. o. - mo at irinninr! nie these and vegetable oils for cooking instead of hntter Itutter has fooaw values vi tal to children; therefore, give it to them. Use it only; on the tatro. Waste no soap; it is made from rat- Be careful of all fata, we use ana waste two and a half times as much fat "s we need. - "Make every day a sugar saving day. "Explanation Use less sugar. T.a weet drink and candy con taining sugar shonld be made in war time. As a nation we nave twice as much nar as we need. Use fruits, vegetables ana po tatoes abundantly. "Explanation These looas ai5 .A.ithfiii and nlentifnl. and. at the same time, partly take the place of other foods which we must nave Raise all you can for home use. "ITae milk-.Wisely. 1 ' "KTAlanatlon Use all of." the -aIIV-- wraaie no nart of It. The Chil .1. a n ( n.avv - , Arn m nar have whole milk. Use sour and skim milk In cooking and for cottage cheese. "Hoarding food. Any one buying and holding a larger, supply of food now than In peace time, except foods canned, dried or preserved In the home, is helping to defeat the food administration in - its attempt to se cure a Just distribution of food and Rrnopaia of the Annual Statement of ',.v The Farmers' Mutual Fire Relief Association of Portland. Or-son. ea ths Slat dar of Pe. frmber. 117, made to the Insurance Com- . miaaioner of the State of Oreguo, joruanV. to Uw: lacoms. . Amonnt of ledcer sasels Decern- her 11 llo ...f 627.34 rro memberahip fees ...... ' 33 Prom eapeaae saaesameols .... " rrom loss aaseaaments , '-3u . Interest from Liberty Bonds.. ' ' " $ 12,229.-8 ZHabnrss-ients. Omss amount ' paid to polwr "..,, holders for loaae. daring 1I7. 4,911.80' Expenses sdjaatment sad set- tlemeal Of l , ; -o.-w Commiaaioa ; sod fees paid . -. . scents.,..- ; 2,-38.a-' sin7e?rTr;.7."d..,.t; i.3ooo Rent.. "!..'.r.......... AdvertiaiBf Printing end ststionerr . . -!! Poatsgo. telephone telegrntns 1-0.6-Insoranre lepartm-ot Iirenaes ad fees- . Hre Marahal Tax - Directors' meetisf S Office ssppUss .. , ""p Trsv.ling espenaes .o A aeaamrnts refunded .... MilUneoos -.. i.. . ........ ? 1-bertv bonds parchased ..... J VlQ. l Legal eipenses , 1BS 0" ... . .. . B 10.84 25 Total Ledger saaets on hsnd V. 11. V9"-, Deposits la Bans '?ni, on Uberty Bonds 70000 -WaI ......... ......S 2,081.03 "LVfrXV .4,085.200.00 Amo.nt ef riaks written or rs- sawed d-nng ysar ....... . - Amoant of rlaks esacelled or pired daring yesr Orja. so-Lof risks I- force ,,, . ueeemoer , --.... i,.i ..i Largest single rirk of IYiaranfe 3.0OO.00 '(Slned i II W. BNAKHALU Pr-aldent. (gignedl iir.n.iA 4V":-"V, Jk...ii, .-a aworn to .before me this 28rd dtf .f Jinaarr, (Signed) K. w . n,.n. Mr eommiaaioB espires Feb. 19th, 191. -: : . 'v .v.- rira Inanranre SaI1 the establishment of fair price?. The food boarder is. working 4l" SlL -- a .- even against the comaiuu 8w -a - -very safety. of the country. Hoard ing food In housenoias is oom k'.." and unnecessary; tne . goverum protecting the food supply of its people." - - ' WOBST-lrnXTEI- IS TEAKS Snow wind and extreme cold cau sed more colds this winter than in years, oley'i Honey and Tar proved Its worth 'In thousands of homes. Mrs. Edward Strevy. It. 87. CUnton, O . says: "1 think Foley's Honey and Tar is the only medicine for fcwugb and colds and recommend It highly. Fine for children. .1. C Perry. Airplane Accidents Kill f t& Avxtncant in t razee WASHINGTON, Feb. ?5.-the-deaths of a-lleutenant and four ca dels resulting frdm airplane . dents', .were reported tp thevwar de partment tpday by General Pershing. The dea4are: ' ' . ' Lieutenant' Leland . Hadadorn, 0rad'etClark B. NichoL Philadelphia. Cadt J. F. Stillman. New , toik Cadet' Donald E. Carlton, Provl- dence. It. I . I . 4 . Cadet Arthur H. Wilson, Philadel phia.: , ' . . it -, . A silver shell-shaped "114 airy conUlning a lock of the hair of Mil ton; together with a lock of hair of Elizabeth Birrett Browning sold at auction In tendon recently for 3400. TIME TABLES - SOUTHERN PAOTIO CO-. v 't.f:. Ko. 16 Oregoe Express ..... - w e&w rr.B.?rr:: HI 5S ihtfWted::::: 7:00p.m. 14 Portla-d hUpress ... ! 218-Local. Way Fr el gh t. . 1 .00 a-m. 221 Polrtland Fast Freight 11:36 pm. No. No, No. So. No. tio. No. No. No. , BS oregonian '"i!J urn 48 lWfc&Wi-::l ; ta No. No. No. 17 BowBttrf raawi ;:r: No. No. 11 Shasta limitea ..... - v 27 Wlllsmette. Limited. . 6:10 p.m. II -villain il. ,a 1 .a . 11 Ban Francfseo Pass.. .10.27 P m. No. No. 221. San Fran, Fast ff-r-":" 127 Local Way Freight. .11:01 a m- No. A LKM-CEEW LttHB No. Tl Arrive at Salem...". No. 74 Leave Saiem e.vear SALEM. FALLS CITY WESTERN 161 Leaves, Salem, motor HI leaves Salem, motor.. :';?' 166 Leaves Salem, motor.... "' Through ear to Monmouth and Ar lie 167 Leaves Salem, motor .... f i'n"! l Leave Salem, motor..... 6.67 p tn. 239 Way Freight leaves Salem 6 OJa-m. 162 Arrives at Salem ',! 2 I6 Arrives at Salem 1M Arrives at Salem !:,s S ICS Arrives at. Pa em 170 Arrives at Salem ....... t. J - 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 1:30pm. OREGON ELECTRIC ausesa Trala taa Arrive Arrive Eugene 10:66 am 12:25 pm No. Portland 1 8:14 am Salem 8:1 am 10:11 am 12:66 pm 4:16 pm 6:40 pm 1:10 pm 11:20 pm 1 -At am 1 Ltd... 1:20 am .....10:46am . .. ..2:0S pm Ltd. .. 4:40 pm :S rm 1:60 I m Salem o ly Salem only :e pm it vS:S0 nm a-.' .- e,..l leave Jaff f. X:4 pm. 1:60 nm .norm - .ana. - - . - sen Street It and 20 minutes Uter i Train Leave Arrive . Za 2 ii:osam 2:! Z-illZ a 7:16 am - t:26sm ie Ltd... 7:41 am :46.m ll:!s-i 11 ....... ll:20sm ". 14 u:iiam i;" P'" 3;" ' " 16 Ltd. .-1:56pm 4:0pm 5 2 20 ......4:10 pm 1:30 pm. .Vilp 12 !!!!!t4:26pra 7:58pm- 10:00pm .North Ban- Station Arrive ' son Street It minutes earlier). 'Leave Corvallia ,.' CORVALI.I- tCOWNECTIOSS NartlabMad Leave Corvallia ArHSUm . c a ' 9:4aam 12:12 pm !:!2m ' 1:41 pm 4:0pm f 4:10 pm 6:30 pm l:llpm T:tpm Ssathheaad Leave Salem . .Arrive Corvallia :35 am .!:5Ia!! 10:16 am 1 - 11:66 pm 2:20 pm 4:16 pm ? V 6:40 pm 9m -