V i I : ) OREGON STATESMAN: SATI KPAY, FEHltt AKVg.. 11 -r- Or .''.,.,. - i ii , ..s. - - , - . - ; - t - fc ii, i . 1 ' I DELINQUENT : V TAX LIST Of Marion County For The Year 1916 (Continued from I'age 3.) 11. 0" 21.C3 31. SO 31. KO 31. SO 15. 91 6.11 3.4ft 2-07 Mishler. J. M. &. C lot 6, Goudy Hardens .- Mothorn, A. It.. W. 75 feet, lot 6, block 4, Southwest Add. to Salem. .......... Jlott. W. S., S. K. 4 Sec. 23, T. ft, H. 3 K. . . Also N. W. i Rep, 23, T. ft, It. 3 K AUo N. K. U Ree. 23,- T. 9 It 3 K. .... ' AlsoN. ot S W, U Bee. 23 TV . B, J E AIho N. W. Sec. 26, T. If. It. 3 K 133.S0 Also lot 7, Mock 28. Salem 157.59 Alo lots IV to 16, block 3. Mill Add. to Salem Morris. A. 8. (Morris, Orren L. & A. it.). 14 acre In ' Heft. 7. T. ft, It. 2 E . . AIo 10 Acre In Sec. 7, T. ft. II. 2 K Morris, Wm. C. Fr, of acre de. in vol. Ill, page 09, reei of deeds 47,90 Moudy. Rose I., 178 acres , den. In vol. 110, page 3 6. i rec. of deeds. JH tinkers. M. & McKnight, Eva. lots 8 to 14, block 7, Ilrooklyn Add. to Salem. . Also lota 6 to If; and 12 to 16, block II. and lota. 1 to 7, block 12, Ilrooklyn Add. to Salem ... Also lot H and 11 to 14, Jn block 13, and lots 1 to 7 and 11 to 14, block 17, LrOoklyn Add. to Salem. . Mullen, Margrrrt M..,Fr. of lot 1. block 51, Salem... Aliio 17. K0 acres In pec. $5 and 36, T. 6. R.,3 W. Mullen, Wm., 5 acres des. In vol. H0, page 541, rec. of deeds ........ . . ....... Mutual Realty Co., Fr. of an aero des. in vol. 133, page 81, rec. of deeds. ....... Nelson. Gilbert, lot 7. Op- sund's Add. to Sllverton.. Nendel, Mabel, lots 6 and. 7, block 7. Chappclle's , Add. to Woodburn . . . ' ....... . NendeL M. n. k A., lots 3 and 4, block1 5. Chappelle's . Add. to Woodburn, Newton, A. R lot 7, block 11, J; Myers Add to Salem Newton, Franeel lag lot 3 and FrrMot 4, Goodman's Add. to Wood bum. . . . . . . . . . . NIettJag, Albert L., lot 7, In , block i. liollister's. Annex . No. 1 to Ptaytpn. i . . . . . . 9.13 Noll. Veronica, E.-. of lots .1 and fi. block 7. Palmer's 2d Add, to Mt. Angel. . . . Northwest Trust Co. (Olsen Olafl, lot 15. block 4, Lo ganville .......... 01mtadi II E,, lot 17, block - 3; Burlington Add. to Sa lem .u. .. Olmstead. II. E. & E. E., lot 12. block 3, Burlington , A&At to Salent. .'1 Olmstead. C. J.. Fr. of lot 1,' block 24. filem. . . ... , Olsen. Tollef Lettle. Jotsl and 2. b'ock i, Meeker's Add. to Salem.......... Opnermnn, C, E.,'lots 7 to ,23, block 2, Falrgrove . Add. to Snlem ....... . .' . Opsund. O. M.-ft A.. lot 1, in Opsind's Add: to F.Hverron Oregon Realty Co., 25 acres 87.21 10.31 21.6! 20.SC 117.42 19.iS 7. S3 5.20 8.6C 6.50 9.27' 10.8! 14.55 COS 3.09 4.63 43.26 26.26 40.31 1.29 des. In vol. 135, page 81. 26.7? 16.83 29.3; 84.97 18.54 . rec. of deeds. . Ostrln, C. If., 11 acres des. in vol, 122, page 154, rec. of deeds... -...... Owens, Mrs E- IIeirs. lots 4 and 5, -block 1 Owen's . Add. to Salem Pacific State Security Co.. ..Fr. lot 1, blocfc l, Unlver . sity Add. to Ralem. ..... Parker. Ella lots 5. 6, and 7, block 13, Highland Add. to Salem , . . Parker. H. N. . II.. lot 8. Mock 3. Settlemler's Add. to'Woodburn- 30.31 Prrott.?J. B. tr II. M. fRort ' Chas. ) , lots 5 and ft. block 14. North Salem Add. to Salem .................. Patton. M. W.. lot Mock I, McCoy's Add. to Salem. . . Paul, Geo. If., lots 4 to 6. In Mock 7, Falrmount Park - Add. to Salem ........ . . Pendleton, Sarah, lot 12, In blok 7. Donald. . 15.31 .Perllch. Wm., lot K, Orchard Park Add. to Slem Perry, W. E.. S2.07 acres des. In vol. 43, page 628 (ex. vol. 109, page 264). rec. of deeds ..... .". . . .' , . Peterson. A. s: & A., lot 11, -Mock 15, niveraide Add. to Salem Peterson, F. W. & K.. et al.f 411 acres de. In vol. 126, page 47, rec. of deeds. . . . Peterson. Onnner.v lot ' 108, ' MeCown Fnilt Farms. . . . Peterson. L, E. & Bltney, I M.. 73.30 acres des. In vol. ." 131, pege ,,508, (ex. vol. 134. page '173, and vol. 141. page' 22), rec. of Tettlngcll. R. B . Fr. )ft 76, Smith Frnlt Farms No. 2 Plasseckl. E. K et si., 208 . ecros des. In vpL 106. j-age 530, ree, of fleet's ....... Pierce, Grace O.. 7.27 acres . des. in vol. 59.- page 304. re. r deeds ..... . . . . . . . Pl-ice. It. 2.85 acres des. in vol. 109, page 421, rec. " of deeds . , Plank. II. W., 4.82 acres des. in vol. 131, page 593. rec. of deeds . , . . -. : . ...... Poaee n C, 30 scr, dg, Jn ol. 135. page 297, rep. of deeds , . , Poeoplng. Anton, lots 5 to 8, b'ook 5, .V. Angel. . ; .. . Also Fr. of block 7. Mt. C0.98 5.41 15.43 6.1P 57.90 28. 5S 180.09 5.26 66.S; 12.93 94.54 216.30 25.98 3.S3 8.49 27.83 31.62 i'ofue, M. K.f 20.1 acres d. in vol. 106, page 127, rec. of deefls i Also 4.47 orrei don. In vol. IOC. page 43, rec. of deeds Also Fr. of lot 1, block 24, Malem ' .. ; Pope. T. 1.. lot 5. block 3, Randall's dd. to Salem. . I rank, Wm. B.. lots t, 5, , Mo k 17. Yew park. Annex to Salem .......... 1 . Pugh, Geo.! I' Et.T 7.35 acres (Ihm. iw vol. 91, page S:',l, rc. or d"eds '. . . Pngb. W. I).. Fr. of block 2, Knight's Add to Salem.. . . I'ugh. W. I). & J. II., W. V, lot 1, block 5, Yew Park Add, to Haleni Also B. 4 lot 1, bKk 5. Yew Park Add. to ifalem . Also S. 50 feet lots "l and 2, block 6. Yew Park An nex to Salem Rarnsdell. T. M. Sr.,' lot 4, Hanehaw Fruit Farms. . . Also lot 5, Hannhaw Fruit Farms Randall, II. T., lot .1. block 1. Randall's Add. to Salem.. . AIho lot 5, block T. Ran dall's Add. to Salem Ranzau, Dorothy V. (Trus tee), 4 2 acres des. in vol. 119, page 487, rec. of deejls , . Rabn. Otto &.R., 2 acres des. in vol. 13 2, page 2 OS, rec. of deeds . Ratcllffe, A, J.. Fr. block 27, - University Add. to Salem. Reeve. F. If., lot 2. block 3, J.. Myers Add. to Salem. . Reeves, P. II. & W (Wln ans, W. F.), Fr. bloek 33. University Add. to Salem,' des. In vol. 122, page 417, ' rec. of deeds. ........... . Richart, Cyjd. lot 14, block 1, Broadwav Add. to Salem Rickard, If. M., 4 6.28 acres des, in vol. 103, page 108, rec. of deeds Richart, Sarr.V (Swftnson). Fr of lot 12. block 1, Broadway Add. to Salem. Relnbrecht, August, lots I ft 6, block 5, Frickey'g Rail-1 ' road AM. to Salem. . Relnbrecht, A." & J., lots 3 and 4. block .10, Frickey's Railroad Add. to Salem.. Robertson, Ii. C., atrip 30 fet wide and 660 feet long ad joining ' Potterts Addition on the south . i. ........ . Robertson, Chas A., lots 1. 2. 6, 11,-block 1, St.' Louis new plat ... ........... Roberts. Clifford A. Jennie L., lots 3 and 4. block 6. subdivision of blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex to Salem Roberts. Chas. E., 9.9,3 acres des. in vol. 109, page 334, (ex. vol. 115, pag& 83), - reev of deeds Rodgers. Geo. , F. (Glvens, T. . E, lot 7; block 5, Oak .Lodge. Add. to Salem . . .. Rodgers. Geo. F. (MeyersJ II. G.). lot 9,- block 1, Oak IiOdge Add, to Ralem . i, . . Also lot 12,'block 2, Oak Lodge Add. to Salem . L . . Rodgers. Geo. p., Fr. of i lot . block 74, Salern . . . . . Also lot 10, block 2, Oak Lodge Add. to Salem . .. . Also lot 1. b,ock 3. Oak Lodge Add. to Salem . L Also lot 4, bloclt 3, Oak Lodge Add. to Salem.!. . . Also lot 5, block 3, Oak Lodge Add. to Salem. ... Roily Bros., lot .1, block 2, Burlington Add. to Salem Ilose, Geo. L.. 154 acres des. In vol. 113, page 74, re$. - of deeds : 133.11 Also 316 acres des. in toI. 112. page 74 (ex. vol. 119, page 96), rec. of deeds.. 413.10 Also Fr. of lots 3, 4, and 5, block 74, Salem,... 247.20 Rowley, Erastns & Mary A., 1.81 acres des. in vol. 131, page 196, rec. of deeds. . 19.48 Rowland. C. H lot J and N. ' of lot 2, block 89. Salem. 33.99 Also Fr: bf lot 3. block 89. Salem .. . ... . . . , . ...... Also lot 4,t block 89. SaJem Also lot 8, block 8ft. Salem Also Fr. of bloek 31. sub division of lots 26. 27,' 28, Capital Park Add. to Sa lem ........... ........ Also Vrt of lot 4, unnum bered block. Salem. . . RuftfftJI. A. A V... Ft. of acre des. In vol. 115, page 253, rec. of )ed, .-. . . . . j . . . Russell. Sadie R lot 1, block 4, Brooklyn Add. to Salem Rudolph. Laura, Fr. block 27. I University Add. to Salem. Kuckel, .1. B. ft C. R., 17 acres des. In vol. 128, page 486, roe. bf deeds . . . j . . . Ryan. Elizabeth P.. lota 11 nd 12. Mock 16. Riverside Add. to-Salem "j... 38 C2 Ryan. L. L., E. IOO feet lot 8. Whltaker's, Add. to Sa- lem - 20.09 Ryen. R. R., Fr. N. ot block 27. Salem 21.63 Ryan, R. It. & L. p., Fr. of lo's 9 and 10, block 82. Sa. Jem .. , . j, 74.16 Also lot 6 and S. 64 feet of lot 7. block 78 j .. . 135.0.1 Rya. W. A.j lots 10 and 11, " blok 4, RJverslde Add. to Salem 15 43 Ryan. W. A., lots 3 to 6. In block 15. Riverside Add. " to Salem . . . ..... 14 68 Ryan, W. A., lots 1 to 8 and 11 to 38. block 1, and 1 to 26 and 28 to 38. block 2, and I to 21 and 22 to 38, block 3. and 1 to 14 and lot 16. block 4. and lots 18 and 19 and 21 to 26 and 29 to 38. block! 4, Prospect , rarit Aaa. iq Falem Salem Bank of Commerce, lot 5. block 4, Burlingtoa Add. . to Salem Also lot 9. block 4. Bur lington Add. to Salem .... , Also Fr. Mock and blocks i ana 4; lots l to 5fcand 11, and 14 to 20. block 5; lots and 6 and 11 to 20, block 6; lots 1 to 3 and S. of lot 4 ; lots 1 1 nd 1 2. block , 7. subdivision of blocks 3 to 7. Nob Hill Annex to aIfra i . . 121.33 29. 'it 66 05 2.32 20.0S 11.5 27. M 52.53 29.35 47.1: 3.s; .S1 4.6 4 4.C3 81. 2: 24.72 12. 3C 20.08 12.36 20.14 7.89 30.29 10.0: 3.32 2.41 21.63 1.66 14. (JS 2.32 3.09 88.06 2.32 2.31 14.68 14.67 34.77 29.36 29.36 C5.62 5&62 30.90 C.T0 2.3-! 18.51 27.70 44.13 3.09 2.77 Salem Bank of Commerce (Hunt. W. J.l, lots 14 and 15. block 6. subdivision .blocks 3 to 7. Nob Hill Aauex to SalfW, Salem Bank of Comrnerce (Minton. A. N. C. R.l. lots 10 and II and S. Vs lot s. block 6. sutMllvlsion of blocks 3 to 7. Nob Hill Annex to Salem. . . Falem Hank of Comrnerce-, ( H. A. Reynolds). Fr. of lot 3. unnumbered blH-k, Salem t ......... Salem Land Co., lot 10, Mock 3, Rurllngton Add to Sa lem J Sanders, Cass, 1 acres des. In vol. 17, page 310. rec. . of deeds Also 64 acres des. in vol. 101, iage 508. rec. of deeds . . . . .... Sargent. A.. 165 feet by 262 feet of block 2, Brooklyn Add. to Salem Saunders, C. R., lot 8 and Fr. lot 11, block 1, Broadway Add. to Salem. .......... Savage. H. II. A. M. A., 71,' acres des. in vol. 104. page 78, rec. ofdeeds Savage. J, F 20 acres des. In vol. 94, page 301, rec. of deeds Savage. W. E. & A.. 35.93 acres des. in vol. 132, page 3 9. rec. of deeds. Sawyt-r. C. W. & M. M.. Fr. lot 41, Ewald Fruit Farms Also lots 56 and 57, Ewald Fruit Farms Schlndler, Jonathan. 12 acres des. In vol. 123, page 111, rec. of deeds,; Schleusner, Herman, lot 1. block 3," Southwest Add. to Salem Schmidt, Mary. 6.08 acres des. in vol. 137, page 373. irec. of deeds. Scnram, E. R. & M. n., 10 acres des. In vol. 128. page . 434. rec. of deeds Schroll, Lewis &KIla M.. lot block 10, J. Myers Add. Salem .............. Schwlndcrman, Geo., Fr. lot '3. block 1, Add.' "II" to Woodburn . . . j. Scott, C. W., S. 1,4 lots 1 and ' 2. block 38, University Add. to Sal era . . . . Senmster, A. U. lot 9, block 5, Burlington Add. to Sa lem .. . . . ... .......... . . A Isq Ft. jot block 1 1 r Mey ers Add. to Salem Seamster, J. W lot' 5. Walk- - er.'g Add. to Salem ...... Settletnler" F. W., lots 2. 3. and 4, block 9, Park Add. to Woodburn .......... Rettlemler, Mabel, lots 1 to 7. block 3, Park Add. to Woodburn r. . . . . Phaver, Geo, M., 10 acres des. in vbl. 131. page 291, rec. of deeds Shea. Patrick J., E. of S. E. 4 and N. W. 14 of S. E, 4 and N. E. of S. W. K, See. 10, T. 8, R. 2; E. Sheard, C. A. B., Fr. of an acre des. in vol, 130, page 463, re, of deeds. .'. . . . .... Sheets. I. W.; 15.33 acnes des In "Yol. 130, page 44, rec. of deeds. '. Short. Wm, & L., S. 4 lots 3 and 4, block 6. University Add, to Salem. . . : ..... . Shults, Chas. F. & L. E.. S. W, VA lot 2vJohnson's Add to Sllverton . . , Simpson, W. B-, lot 5 and S. 25 feet of lot 6. block 16, ' Geo. F. Jones Add. to Sa lem . . . . . . :. ..... .y . . . . . Smith Gilllngham, Co. (Bran- sou, Alta), Fr. of acre in Sec. 25, T. 7. R. 3 W. . . . Smith, Guy O. & Theresa, lot 5, block 3, poise's 2d Add. ' o Salem Smith. H. II. fCaughlll. J. D., -fr. Mock 2. Reed's Add. to Salem. . Smith, M. 51., lots, 3, 9, and 10, block 1, Fairgrove Add " to Salem Smith, M. 8 , lot 7. block 14, North Salem Add. to Salem .Smith, Walter S., lot 7, Ri verside Acres .......... Sperllnr, C. L., W. lots 7 and 8, block 2, Southwest Add. to Salem. ....,... Ppltzbart, C. J.. lot 4, Mock 9, J. Myer's Add. to Salem .Squire. K C W. 60 feet of S. 100 feet of E. Wock 18. Nob Hill Annex to Sa lem . . . Star Land Co., -lO, acres ds. In, vol. 132, page 634, rec. . of deeds Also lot; 12 to 131, Mc Cown Fruit Farms. ..... Also N. E. of S. E. ,4, and lot 1. Sec, 21; T. 9, R. 2 E Also Fr. of N. 14 of N. E. 4 and-S. E. of N. E. M t Sec.. 26, T. 9. R. 2 E, in cluding water rights and right to divert water.'. . . Also 3 acres des: In vol. 107, page 45, rec. of deeds Ahro .1 acre des, in. vol. 102. page 135, rec. of deeds .... .ii. . . ......... Also V4 acre des. in vol. 102. page 135, rec. ot deeds '. Also Fr. of block 24 ; Cap ital Park Add. to Salem . . Also undivided half Inter est In lots 1 to 3, block I. Meeker's Add. to Satem.. 1 ' Also W. 60 feet of S. 100 " feet of W. 4 block 17, Nob H UP Annex to Salem. Also W. 60 feet Of S. 100 feet of W. H block 1 8, Nob Hill Annex to Salem. Also blocks 1 and 2, Mar tin's subdivision to Par rifih Add. "B" to Salem.. Also lots 18 and 19. block 1, Thomas Add. to Wood burn ......... j . Starroer, W. J.,' 21 acres des. In vol. 57, pages 394 and 395. vol. 25, page 344. rec. ' of deeds Steen. A M., Fr.N.of block 1, Salem .............. Steiwer. Jnc F. (Waters. Mrs. M. K. ), lot ft, Steiwer r ruit Farms 23.48 flever. U..M., lot 15. block 4.-, Willamette Add. to Salem gtewart, James K. & Mary R 10.3 2 acres des. in vol. j 136. page 360, rec. of i deeds 6.18 17.03 8.97 15.45 15 j: 30.90 3.09 20.57 24.42 43.52 25.51 38.8S 3.19 27.81 C.81 32.39 11.65 2.17 66.44 24.72 17.23 10.01 974 22,73 - ! , 9.1S 6.45 ' '- S 15.45 7,4 9 80.21 2. ft 2 38.63 8.5f 52.53 4.1.72 7.56 21.63 3.76 24.72 10.20 2.32 51.21 23.67 16.40 20.03 7.80 1.85 IX? 4. 3.86 11.5 3.09 4.63 56.39 4.33 lft.49 30.90 5.1C Mewart, Josle L., 5 acres des. in vol. 59. page 05, rec. of-deeds.. t . . 61.83 Stone, Harry L.. 12ft acres des. Invol. 115,, page 366, , rec. of deeds..... . 215.60 Stotts, Grace M., 220 acres des. in vol. 115. page 150. rec of deeds... 89.42 Slover, Jacob E.. 9.98 acres ds. In vol. 137, page 261. rec. of deeds . . .f . 8.27 Street, F. A M., lot 6, block 10. Richmond Add. to Sa lem .......... . 6.18 Strong, Mrs. Ada, N. 50 feet ' , lot 2, block 2. Yew Park Add. to Salem ......... . 15.43 Strong, E. W. (Burke Wm.), lot 27, Strong Riggs . Fruit Farms . . . ......... 7.80 Also lot 31, Strong & Rlggs Frplt Farms ....... 7.80 Strong. Ida M., lot 22, Strong & Rlggs Fruit Tracts. . . . 7.80 Also lot 23. Strong; & Rlggs Fruit Tractt. Also, lot 25, Strong St Rlggs Fruit Tracts .7.80 StrusM, J. St D., E. 71 feet of , lots 1 to 4. block 5. Eddy'a , Add. to Salem 6.1 8 Also lots 5. 6 and 7, block. 10, Highland Add. to Sa lem .. .. ... .. 15.45 Also lot 1 4. block 1 1 . High land Add. to Salem ..... . 40.17 , Also . lot, 1 and FY. , lot 2. block 6, Presnall Smiths Add. W Salem ? 6.13 Fu Hi van, M. E. & Amanda, Fr? of acre des. In vol. 13, page 3D; rec. of deeds. ... 36.81 Sullivan,. Sarah L (Est.), lots 2 and 3, block 2, Mill - City 2.82 Also lots 1 and 2y block 6, Mill City 4.70 Sutherland. J. E. & Sehidei. C. A.. 57.90 acres des. In ' vol. 129, page 1&2, rec of" deeds ................. 28.23 Swales. Airred S. W. See. 22. T. 8, R. 1 E. 22.39 fnwanson, Edith.- lots 1 and. 2, block 3; Tooze's First Add. to Woodburn. . . ... 4; 3 3 Swarts, Carrie M., 7.05 acres des. in vol. 134, page 398, rec. of deeds ..... V 7.63 Also lota 1 and 2. East Side Fruit Farms.. f 29.07 Also lot 1ft, East Side Fruit Farms ........ ... 13.77 Swayze. J. E., Jot 3, block 6, , Oak Lodge Add. to Salem 14.21 Sweeney, Franks A. Co., 294' acres des. lnvoL 119, page 255 (Cx. vol. 137, page 84),- rec. of deeds. ..... .125. 4S Also 120 acres des. in vol. 119. page 255, rec. of deeds 72.37 Tanner, E. E.. lota 1' to 6,' block 23, Yew Park Annex to Salem . .x, ........ . . 35.53 Tannock, R. M., lots 113 and 114, McCown Fruit Farms 15.78 Tblelsen, Emma S., 190 aorc 1 des. In vol. 112, page, 335, ; rec. of deeds..... .158.49 Trasker, J. T. lots 1 to 4 and 5 to 7, block 2, and 1 -and 2 and 4 to 12 and lot 14, block 3, and lot 2, and lots 4 to 12. block 4. and lots 1 and 2 and 5 to 14, block 5, and lots t to 7, ' . block 6, and. lots It to 12, block 7, and lots 1 to 8, block X. and lots 1 and 3. and 10 to 1 2. block 9, and lots 1 to 12. block 10, ,and lots 1 to A 2, bloc k 11, and lots 1 to 12, block 12, and lots 1 to 12, block1 13, St. Louis new plat. . . 58.38 Theater. D. r B-. lot 5, block 74, North Salem Add. to , Salem .... . 12.36 Trlndle, Wm. H.Ff. of lot 28, Capital Home' Add. o Salem . . ; ;. 43.26 Tucker, Alvin. 3.54 acres des. in vol. 134, page 604, rec. of , deeds .............. ; j8. 4 2 Also 30.75 acres des. In vol. 135, page 161, rec. of . deeds ................. 6.39 Turnbull, B. M. Est., .0T acre de's. In vol. 101, page 537, rec. of deeds. . . . . ... .... 1.10 Turner Electric Light & Power Co., 2 acres des. In vol. 129, page 113, rec of deeds ....... . 99.81 Valentine, II. Ti. Est., lots 3, 4, 5. block 3. McCoy's Add. to Salent . . 49.41 Valentine, Josephine, acre des. In volf 112, page 305. rec. of deeds. ........... 6.99 Also W acre des. In vol. 116, page 158, rec. of deeds U 18.54 Van Doreh Norah C, lots 1 and 2. block 26, Yew Park Annex-1 Salem . 6.9 Vevette, Iouis Frt of aero des. In vol. 134, page 411, reft: of deeds; ....... . 1.88 Vick. G. F. (Botts. S. J.). lot 15, Subdivision of jots 29 and 30. Capital Ilonv Add. 'to Salem 20.86 Vincent, Chas., jots 5 and 9. ."block 12, West WoodbJirn 6.92 Voget. Fred, Fr. lots 7 and 8. block- 38, University Add. " to Salem, 23J7 Voget, J. G.. 15.62 acres des. in vol. 75,-page 543, voL , 77. page 234 (ex. vol. 118, pages 174, 565, 566, 583, ,recrof deeds), also Ex. La bisa Logan. Lands 17.27 Voget, Julius G.. Fr. block 2.9. Nob Hill Annex to Sa- ! lera des. in vpL 117, Pe 499, rec. of deeds . . . f. . . 6.27 Wait, Mrs. N. A., lot 12. in block 23, Yw Park: Annex to 1 Salem , .' . 4.64 Wallace, Emily E., lot 2, in DIOCK 4, fJCJuy 8 Add. TO "Salem ' 3.09 Wallace. M. J, (Heirs), lot 2t block 6, Con d It's Add. to Salem . ....... . '. . 1.39 Wallace, T- R. & E. E.. lotg ' II and 12. bloclt 3, Eddy's Add. to Salem...:;..... . 6.18 Waldo Hills Orchard Co.. 78?70- acres des. in vol. 113, pge 163 (ex. vol. 125. paire 196; vol. 126. , P?e 524; vol, 131, pages! 57.93 3.06 2.32 2.47 4C.3: 16.9ft 22.09 page 626; also ex. lots 71, 72, 87, 88. 105, 106. to be known as A. C. Bohrnstedt " Orchards when platted) . . 66.20 . Also 68.66 acres des. In vol. 113, page 163 (ex, vol." 126, pages 320 and 331, and lots 116. 117. 126. 127, to be known as the A. C. Bohrnstedt Orchards when plattfd), rec. or deeds .....!....... Waid, C. B. & C. It., lot 46, 119 nshaw Frnlt Farms . . . Ward, IX W-. lot 3, block 1. Riverside Add. to Salem. Also lot 5, block 3, River side Add. to Salem Warren, L. M.,i E. of lot 8, block 63, Salient. Waters, F. Wll. S. 6 feet of lot 8. block $ 8, Salem ; . . . Way, W. E., .lots 1 4 and 1 5, Snnnyside Fruit Farms No. 8 ......... Webb, E. M., Fr. of acre des. In vol. 82, page 246, rec. of deeds Webb. G. A. & E. M . Fr. of , .acre des. In vol. 101, page ; 60, rec of deeds,. 3.25 Webb, G. A. Est. Fr. of acre des. In vol. &7, page 288, rec. of deeds. . 3.26 Also Fr. lot 12. Sllverton North 15.6 Webb, J. E. Adm., lots ft and 10 Mill Add. to Silverton 20.80 Weddle, W. A., acre des. In vol. 103, page 529, rec ef deeds ........ . J5.35 Wese, August, 7 H ijcres des. In vol. 135, page 419, rec. of -deeds '. I. .......... . 4.25 Weise, J. F., lots 6 and 7, in bloek li Owen's Add. to Salem ..... . . 43.20 Wells, Amy, 4- acres des. In vol, 138, page 379, rec. of 44Bdft -' - 4 -. i 32 G Wells, E. E., 17.3 acres in Sec. 26, T. 9. It 4 W. . . . 1 0.30 West, C. II. (Slovey. Jno. E.) Fr. of acre des. In vol. 120, page 421, ree. of deeds. .. 1.94 .West, Mabel H.. Fr. block 2, v Roberts Add. to Salem.. X37.0S Whitney, C. E. & S. M.. lota 5 and 6, ; block 3, Corap ton's Alld. to Salem 20.80 Also lot 27 Smith Fruit ' Farms No. 1. ........... White, II. R, & J. P., lot 6, Van Duyn's Add. to Salent White. Q. T. & U B., lot 12, block 15, Highland Add. to Salem . . . White. Mary E. S. M lots 1 and 2. Snnnyside Fruit Farms No. 91, u,'. Wheeler, W. D., 20 acren des. ' In vol. 116, page 186, rec. of deeds . J ... J . Wheeler, L. A., & acres des. in vol. 123, page 361, rec. of deeds .J... J. Wisdom, L-, 9 acres des. in vol. 119, page 327 (ex. vol. 134. page 452) . ........ . .Wilison, A.. N. H of lot 5. In block 2, Capital Street Add. Jto Salem. . . . . . . . . . Wilson, ,11. Hi & Daisy, Fr. of acre des. In vol. 124, page 338, rec. , of deeds. . . Wilson, R. J.'t lots II and 2, block 1, . Fairgrove Add. to SaIg tsx - 1- Wilson. O. H.jlots 1 to 3, in block 9, Rivervlew Park Add. to Salem .......... Willson, G. A. & E.. lot 30, Ewald Fruit Farms. ..... Wlencken, F. H., lots 1 to 8, Cloverdale 4 . Will. Valley Irrig. Land Co.. NH lot 7, Plat "A" Also lot 8, Plat "A Also lot 15, Plat 'A". Also lot 5. Plat D". . , . . Also lot 17, Plaf "D". . . AIgo lot 18, Plat D' . . . Also lot 19, Plat "D". ... Also lot 20. Plat'D". . . . Also lot 21, Plat 'D" . . . . Also W. loU 15 and 16. Plat "II" . . Also lots IT 'to 25, PIat "B" .. . . . - Also 8 acres des. In vol. 125. page 46, rec. of deeds Also lot 2, blocjc 1, West Stay ton AI Fr. lot 10, block 1, West Stayton ; . . Also lots 5, ,6, 7, Plat "B" WHIIama, Theo. II., 52 feet of lot 6, block 33 North Salem Add. to Salem..., Williams, R. S. tk. A., 4 acres ,des. In vol. 132, page 2t3, rec. of deeds. Wills, Geo. N., Fr. of block 2 4. Capital Park AdL to Salem .......... . v . tt. . . Wolfe, Ed & Jennie, i acre des. In vol. 142, pa go 244, rec. of deeds. Wolfe, L. P., lot 10. block ,2, Salem Heights Add. to Sa t Jem 1 ., . . 03.. Worle, Ernest & Eatdla, 40.45 acres des. In vol. 138. page 211, rec. of deeds , Yerkes, Lydia, Est., 146 acres des. in vol. 79 page 548, rec. or, deeds. .......... Young, A. L., Fr. of lots 1 to 6, block 25. Highland Add. to Salem ..... ; Zimmerman. Geo., Fr. of acre des. in vol. 132, page 427, rec. of deeds . .4 ...... . Also Fr. of aero! des. in vol. 152, page 426. rec. of deeds W. I. NEEDIIAM. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Marlon Connty, Oregon. 20.23 3S.C3 '15.4: 19,04 9.78 7.73 13.20 19.31 .18 4.64 12.20 24.30 136.6$ 5.32 10.65 5.32 8.76 6.92 7.45 7.46 7.45 7.46 - S.52 87.64 2.75 2.99 13.42 19.17 3.0i C.40 4.64 25.98 4-70 18.93 5.41 2.31 2.60 Miss Mabel Withycombe Leaves for Washington Miss Mabel Withycombe left last night for Portland, and will leave Portland at 10 o'clock this morning for Washington. D. C. to be with her brother. Earl Wlthlcombe, who Is seriously 111 In a hospital tberf. Ills brother, Robert Withycombe, who has been with him for some time, finds it necessary to return to Oregon. "It looks as If my son had a lona? siege of Illness ahead of him," sa'd Governor 'Withycombe yesterday, "and he will need some member of the family to cheer him up." ' 1 WAOTEEf Wide awake man to handle Putney Sanitary Anti septic Window Ventilator. Exclusive territory ncv; available in Washington,-California and a few other states.;-:;:v ' ' '" t. ' . : ''. J" '''::"i :.' '-:!i -)' : - " Liberal offer. Excellent money making opportunity for real live mart. Apply at once 385 State street where free demon strations of this new invention arernow being give::. N. G. FREEMAN, Mgr. 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT WORK OF AMERICAN RED R By WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT In" Ladles' Home Journal. Why 1Uh- Sttt Urn I'nitexl SUteM Government I-'Iimim the IUmI OtiMt? ' The Hed Croas is a voluntary or gantaation working to help the gov-ernment. own advantage, thus subjecting t Uedj Cross to unjust crltrlgm. Shou tbey use the name or the emll. of ,the Hed Cross In connection w; . such sales, however, they will I vigorously . prosecuted. How True. Is It That Very Hlfcli Rl arlum Am Paid hj tlie Ilel Vrm, Not Only ajt IleI:uarter In Washing ton bat in the Iivision? The average salary paid at Nation al Hed 'Cross lleadnuarters in less than 65 a month. The average. sal ary Q'j government deparUnenti at Washington, froni secretary to jan tors, is more t han $110 a month. The lied Cross, division managers, as well as many of their assistants, areJ volunteers,! though it is necessary to employ at salaries stenographers and other Clerical help. The same is true at national headquarters, where there are more than seventy-f ivawvol tinteers whose salaries, at the fig ures tbesei men are accustomed to receive, would Increase the pay roll hundreds of thousands of dollars an nually. Appreciating the necessity of having the best possible adminis tration! of Hed Cross affairs, the Red Cross ihasi been compelled Jn one case to pay $5000 in another $6000 and InLa third S7500 to seenre the best possible men for the places men who 'iwere being uaJd similar salaries by other charitable and tech nical organizations at the time they entered the Red Cross .service. ..... i ... Many Damajjinj; Reports About the Red Cro and!t Manacemetit Ar "onMantly itelng Circulated in My Csotmmtnity. I Thre Anything . I Can Ho About Such Reports? , Yes;: you 'can refuse to give addi tional circulation to such rumors un til yon have made inouiry of proper authorities to Iarn whether there I any trnth in ) the reports you hear. You will do the Red Cross and the public a eervfee by reporting to lt-r-i through- your nearest chapter division- manager or . to national head quarters any such reports. In re turn the Red Cross promises yon a full . and frank . statement of the truth. I N ..".:"- ' "' Ts Any of the Knitted Wear Made by Women ri th Red Cross Sold? . ! ' This is emphatically not true. No irlicles whatever, either knitted or otherwise, made by Red Cross work ers and-turned Into any Red Crosj chapter, branch or auxiliary; or to any suply j warehouse, are sold cl ther to the soldiers or la shops. If any wilful .case of this sort should: come to the attention of headquarters the charter of the Red Cross chapter or subsidiary sanction ing It would-be Immediately with drawn with full .publicity. Should It transpire that an actual Instance of the above , character I occurred whe:rein.' an . individual sold articles ifter Itheir bavins: been turned in to the Red Cross, such action would be clearly 1 In violation of the funda mental, law covering the Red Cross, and Rteos would, be taken to proMe cut the offender. " There la no way to' prevent people from making the same type of arti cle as are prod uced ' by Hed Cross Yorkers arid selling thejn for their flow Can Cme Itrcomo a Red Ci. Xr.rw? v The national committee on IU Cross nursing requires those wh it accent as Red ' Cross nurses t . be; fir stfdt all, graduates -of wbw 'i of nursnfg which meet thft defic requirements of the Red Cross as t training. In states where i regis!: tion is provided by law, nurses nit be jreglstered. Only those nur? recommended i by their jtralnir? schools and after careful Invest) r ilon'' by the local committee on II Crogs mising are accepted. Ap; caiions are formally passed upon ' the nation?T committee. . ' Poe-n. the ltel Cross Arcejit CUtv Old Llntu? Yes; chapters will accept old l!r for hospital use provided it Is in e ' ficiently good condition; and tl must be no holes in the pieces. What J the Junior Red Cross Hi liershjn? . . . ThecJunlor Red Cross members! Is t,he mobilization of school ol ! dren and teachers Into auxiliaries ' Red! Cross y activities through t school organizations. Its purpose to givei the 22,000,000 school cl dreft of America (1) training In t." penhanent duties of good cltlzenst and (2) a chance to do actual v: work. ; ; How Is' the Junior lied Crohs Or. izeI in a Community The, Junior Red Cross Is brgac!? under the directions of the local K J Cross chanter, la co-operation. wS the jscbool authorities. The lnlti tlve in organizing is left to 1; school authorities. , How Many gcliool - Auxiliaries (. lX-flnite Hagjrestlons and IHrwtl") for Ortranlzjitjon. ami AcllviUcs? A Junior Red Cross Manual n r : be obtained through any. Red Cr chapter, This jgives complete Is structioa for organizing and sugges tions for activities; Who In Eligible for Junior Red Cro t Membership? . Any public, private of parod ' school, or other recognized educa tional organization, may Join, for its members; there are no Individ : ' memberships fori perpon In t-- Junior Red Cross.. . ' ' . $ ' ' - MOW IS Till; TIMK TO I1K CAL - Avoid ..mltations or substitute . pet the. genuine Foley's Honey f Tar, and you have a cough ihedki. you can depend upon. It fff" piompt relief, clears throat,! loom phtegrm, noolhes, - heal. Ckt4 coughs, colds, whooping cough, 1 grippe, bronchial, coughs. ConUi" no opiates. J. C. Perry. ... . ..... i - . Sale Auto Robes . Driving Gloves Mackinaws AT REDUCED PRICES 4 IZaZt Siipp. .. , . -- . . r -.1... 126 South Commercial Street