The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Army and Navy Men and Brit
. . ish Embassy Represented
at Funeral '
That 'is, liable to eontraet them, when
your blood is impure aptl imjwver
kiied, deficient in iron, and you are
weak and nervous.
At' such a. time, the best treatment
for jou, so far as medicine gre, is
that combination that is giving so
miieh satisfaction and is found to be
so fe''mwmaV-Hood's Hjtrsaparilla
before eating, l'eptiron after fating,
and, if a laxative is needed, Hood's
Fills at night on going to bed.
Sold lv all druggists.
Former Comrades, Royal Fly
ing Corps Members, Are
Bolsheviki Must Answer
Masses or Accept Down
fall As jn Past
Repatriated French Children Get First :
Milk in Three. Years from American Woman
fitting a hero were aceorded at the
funeral services here today of Cap
tain Vernon Castle, faniors as an
originator and interpreter of modern
danres, a member of the Uritidi Hoy
al Flying corps, who was killd at
Forth Worthy-Texas, last Friday
.when his airplane crashed to the
Representatives of the United
Stated army and navy, of Kt.rl Read
ing. British high com miss! oner to the.
United plates, men and women prom
inent in New York society and thea
trical circles paid tribute to the mem
ory of the dead air fighter by their
presence, at the church, and hun
dreds stood outside In a drizzling
rain. ' y '' ' ' ;
" Captalir Caefle was buried in the
uniform in which he fought at the
French front and pinned on his
breast was the Cross of War which
he won for bringing down two Ger-
radts. members of a detachment on
;he Royal Flying corps, which
brought the body here from Texas,
were pallbearers-
The services conducted in the
I Church of the Transfiguration, better
: known as the "Little Church around
l the Corner," were simple. No eulogy
I was pronounced. Rev Dr. George
llonorr, be-1 D. Houghton, pastor of the church.
read the burial service: then Chap
lain Stillman of the Royal Flying
corps spoke briefly of Captain Cas
tle'n service and the esteem in which
he was held by his' fellow officers.
.Later private services were held at
another church attended only by tlfe
avlaljor's widow. Irene Castle, and
a few relatives. Burial was in Wood
Jaw n cemetery.
Kenosha, Wis., has women stieet
car conductors.
Omaha is to have" an up-to-date
home for working girls.
- The woman hotel HerK has made
her appearance in New York city.
Knitters Take Notice
Please be informed that we have a line', of fancy Cretonnes
specially suited for knitting and shopping bags, specially
priced for qnick selling and big value. SEE SOME OF THESE
GOODS,: already made up in our show window
Buren's Furnitue Store
179 Commercial! Street
Signing oi Treaty to Strength
en German Militarists
Is Forecast
TV IT : ! . . TV T
n trntrn rhtrn
Made in "Isle of Man'! with full'co-operation of
British Government
"The Mamraan," like all stories that
finally arrive to .genuinely great dra
matic heights, starts quietly and pro
ceeds gently, exactly as the rivulets
from the mountains of the Island
run from" their quiet sources together;
to form the mighty stream that at;
last dashes with tremendous power
Into the Irish Sea; so does : "The
Manxman" swing ever stronger and
stronger to Its mighty: final sweep
.of pathos, tragedy and sacrifice.
nouncement of the purpose of the
Bolshevik government of Russia to
slftn a peace treaty based upon the
htunillatihp conditions imposed hy
tho (icrmans caused no surprise in
of.'-ial circles here in view of the
failure of the attempt of the Rus
sian to Influence the German So
cialists to prevent an attack , on' un
resisting people
. An .Irresistible, demand by the
great masses of 'the Russian people
for peace had brought about the
t t u nfnll In turn T K nk tiiiAOAcalvrt
governments; that of Cxar Nicholas.!
that of? I'rince Lvoff and that of !
Kerensky. Ienine and Trotzky, ac-
cordlngito the official understanding
here, wine fully aware ..that their re
gime wofjld shtfVe the same fate If
they failed to respond to the over
whelming demand of the public.
Thero was danger of overthrow
from the more patriotic Russians
through ; accepting degrading terr.fl
V peace, but having carefully Tal
iiiated - the chances, it is believed
here that Lenine and Trotzky finally
decided In the face of the renewed
(Jcrman advance intd Russian terri
tory that their only hope of main
taining control of the government
Jay in complete submission to the
Herman demands. ' ,
: All l'et on A U '! Success.
Eueh a peace treaty as now may
be signed, according to the official
view here, must depend for Its vital
ity and legality entirely upon the
outcome of tbn great war. Ileinp
made under absolute compulsion and'
bv what is regarded as nothing more
than a faction of the Russian people,
the allies In "a peace conference
would' demand! that, it- be 1 disre
garded. '
Accepting as ' accurate the state
ments credited to Trotzky in hfs're-
- ' -Cr. I
. 1
i'.'-.. fSt c
x . in mi iii.ii -
;y- A -A
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" s v ?
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1 -4-- '. .-. 1 i
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. . !
1 r-R?
Crepe .. ;fB
A splendid economical material for
making Dresses, Waists, Gowns, etc.,
36 inches wide, Colors : Block,
Green, i Navy, Torquoise, Copen.
haaren. Pink Old Rose, Joffre Blue,
Purple. -
; 49c yard
' Our prices always the lowest -
GAtiE & GO.
Commercial and Court Sti, formerly Chicago Store
Phone 1072
7 zzTi:J
- I
To Lead German Drive '
. on the Western Front
These repartrtateC Irenes o;:jren erven up by the German or left
behind by them In districts recanted by the French are receiving the
first milk they have bad in three years. ' It is supplied with American
money, if rs. Taylor of the Civiliaa committee of the American Fund
Tor French Wounded, who has chai g of the work in the district of
Uluancourt, is bailed by them as their savior.
4 -m-K. .M '4'mvim.
4toiy-f. 4
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, " '' ' - ',' 4
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It has been reported on what is
believed to be good authority that
Field Marshal von Werysch will lead
the expected German drive on the
western front. The allies have long
been making ready for such action
and they expect it so soon as the
weather breaks. General Werysch
ied the German; invasion of Poland
tnree years ago; ?
Only the, passers-by will know if you have a placard on
your house, but Thousands will see H vou use a
''f . .: In ,
The- Oregon Statesman
215 S. Commercial Phone 23
port upon the Drest-Lltovsk negotia
tions that the terms includ
ed tbej retention of Poland. Lithu
ania. Itiga and Moon island anU an
Indemnity of 600,000.000 pounds, it
is pointed out that the proposed
treaty will be in direct violation not
only of all peace principles laid down
by the entente spokesmen and
President Wilson but of the 6f ten
quoted Teutonic declaration of "no
annegMlona and no indemnities."
However, It Is taken for granted
that thcr will be an attempt to dis
guise these demands and deny they
constitute eitber -indemnity or an
nexation. '
It fs fully expected that the effort
vlll be made to show that wbat the
German reichstag meant In declarlutf
ngninst Indemnities were puuitlv
exactions and not repayment for the
actual damages sjistained through
the tremendous Russian drives into
Pola nd and Gallcia in the early 'days
of the war. Also It Is anticipated
that the assertion will be made by
the Germans that their continued oc
cupation of the western Russian
provinces Is not really annexation in
the objectionable meaning -of that
term: the occupied provinces are to
be held only as a pledge for the pay
ment of the Indemnity.
Pact Will Help Germany.
It is realized, however, in dlplo
matlc circles that Ibe signing of
such a treaty will serve to strength
en tremendously the military parties
In Oertmany and Austria, where they
have been perlously threatened !y
the Socialistic elements because of
the Inadequate peace arrangement
they hare made with the Ukraine.
As the treaty must mean cessation
of the, Bolshevik attacks upon the
Ukraine the German troops which
were to have been sent t the de
fense of the Ukralnia will be released
for western service.' Otherwise It Is
not perceived by the. officials here
bow the compulsory signature of a
Rosso-German treaty can have any
further effect upon the conduct of.
the war. at the transfer of the Ger
man eastern army to the western
front has been fully anticipated by
the entente military commanders,
who are confident of their ability to
cope with the reinforced Gorman
It developed today that th offi
cials here are awaiting with the
i ureutsi juiurem cuminuauua ui re
ports that Turkish and Uulgarian
troops - In large numbersare bving
sf-nt Into IJelglurji. , It may be stated
oil authority that such a movement
would have the gravest consequences
so far as America is concerned, and
that it would be regarded as justify
ing an Immediate declaration of the
existence of. a state of war, between
America and Turkey and Hulgarla.
'Ine's V4I Vimona.'l' eil
cold or jrrllle In a few
Your cold will break and all grip
pe misery end after taking a" dose
of -rape s Cold comopund evt-ry
two hours until three doses are
It promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passages in the head,
stops nasty discharge or nose running
relieves sick headache, dullness, fev
erishness, sdre throat, sneezing,
soreness and stiff net a.
Don't atay stuffed up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling! your throb
bing head nothing els In the world
gives such prompt relief as "Pape's
Cold Compound," which costs only a
few cents at any drug store. It tela
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causes na Inconvenience. Accept no
Willamette President Writes
to Students Before He
Sails for France
Not a Bite of.
Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
Says a glass of hoi witir and
photphata pravanta lllneaa
and kaapa ua fit,
Just as coal, when It-burns, lenvt i:
behind a certain amount of Inccm-
bustable material In the form of ah-
ec so the food and drink taken day
aftr day leaves In the alimentaty
canal a certain amount bf Indigestible
material, which If nbt- completely
eliminated from the system each day.
becomes rood for the millions of bac
teria which infest the bowels. From
this mass of left-over waste, toxins
and ptomain-like poisons are formed
and tucked into the blood.
Men and women whj can't s.t
feeling right must begin to take in
side baths. JJefore eating breaklaat
each morning drink a giassof real
hot water wit a teaspoonfUl of lime
stone phosphate in it to wash cut
of the thirty feet of bowels the prev
ious day's accumulation of poisons
toxins and to keep the entire ali
mentary canal ctean, pure and fresh.
Those who are subject to sicx
headache, cold, billiousnefs, consti
pation, others' who wake up with bad
taste, foul' breath, backache, rheu
matic etiffness, or have a sour, &nsy
stomach after meals, are urged to
get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from the drug store, and
belu practicing internal sanitation.
This tfill cost very little, but is suf
ficient to , make anyone an enthus
iast on the aubjeet.
In his characteristic style, iTf.
Carl Ort eg Honey, president of Will
amette University", now en route to
France on wa- Y, M. C. A. duty, hfi
written a letter to Willamette stu
dents. The letter was written from
New York whUe Dr." Ioney was
making flcal p'eparatioiis fori the
voyage. ),
'lvesldent Doney telltf of rwlines
slng a parade of famouj New York
women on Fifth uvenue and deciartsB
that in more tiiaft ono respect they
were thre thousand miles away
Wiilauietto girls. Tbn doctor as
he has scattered about 'thirty pboto
graphs oC himself made 'from '"nega
tives 'shamefully truthful" Ills letter
to the students follows:
Klrlene Are Told.
"Hear Willamette Students: Todiy
I was In a meeting with the men and
women who are soon to go overseas
In the association work. They were
there to .receive Instruction aad in
spiration before undertaking their
tasks. For two hours we listened to
men who had experienced what -'they
were declaring, and there came npon
ihe group a eolemn Joy so intense aa
to be painful. The work waa seen
to be so stupendous that the niot
self-confident person must have felt
his utter Inability to do it; and It
was seen to be so splendid that the
mosftrmld felt thrilled br the call
to attempt it. Discouragement gave
place to confidence when some otd
promises from our old llook were re
called; and no one could have gone
fioni that assembly without assur
ance that GoL still helps men to do
the impossible thing.
"It Is sometimes said that the Y.
M. C. A. has become a respectable
club Instead of being a Christian or
ganization. I am sure that any such
defection from its high purposes dots
not root itself in the strong leadera
of the association. And I have the
further belief that the war will ao
deepen men's conscious dependence
on God that not only the Y. M. C. A.
but everything will feel a revolution
ary spiritual Impact.
Uniform Puzzle Kdacntnr.
"These days are comparatively se
rious for New York. Much of the for
mer pleasure, extravagance and vice
continues, but the war measures aro
pressing in on every perao in such
manner as to make the people sober
ly seek the reason lying somewhere
In the background of reality. We
ought to come out of ths struggle, a
nation which will hereafter think
more, co-operate better ' and have a
wil'lna regard, for the rlghta of
"I have been busily engaged In
completing the preparation for the
overseas Journey. Thirty discourag
ing photographs of myself from a
negative hame;ully truthful are In
Washlngtcn, at various consulates in
New York, and at the association
headquarters. One I intend to send
home in order that the family may
not so much desire my early retutn
The uriform makes rue look like
Captain Walker wlljjook when he la
in regalia.' The army ehoes make
a noise for tte'y are both yellow and
heavy. Ther Is a red triangle on
my sweater ,io tell wblch side to
wear in front, but I forget whether
red mark is to go before or behind.
Then there ars some shirts called
O. P. which nay mean On Duty.
Off Duty. Old Dominion, Officer cf
the Day, Olive Drab, or omethlr
else. The, hat ia a good rain ahtdder.
!j Pnrado Makc Htm Homesick.
" "Furthermore, I am homesick.
Yesterday I saw th Fifth avenue
parade bf New York's famous wom
en. In more respects than one they
are three thousand away from
the wonderful Wtl'amette girls; land
I would much prel'er to see the pa
rade from EatoH hall to Waller
chapel. , I dare not think of being
gone ror half a year. There will
come the Freshmt-n Glee, special
meetings, the oratorical contests, theJ
Intercollegiate debates which we ar
to wln the lecture?, the recitals.
May Pfty, the Serflor Breakfast waf
fles. Cites Day, Commencement, and
HI not be there. I'll be ever yonder
telling some good soldier how to
fight or trying to mnke a French
waiter understand that I must have
beans or starve.
"Or perhaps there will be a speech
to the soldiers, in which two or three
chapel Addresses will be rolled into
one. (That ought to make soldiers
recklessly willing to go "over the
top." Do you sunpos.) that chapel
had -anything to do with the largo
number of enlistments from Will
amette? - ,
"Though I am homesick, there Is
no least thought that yea men ard
women will not splendid'y co-oper
ate In making the oil school hold a
steady, 'upward course. I think you
ill sec to It that the fall enroll
ment is the greatest in Willamette's
hIstorv. The school is fully worthy
and does for Its students the big
needful thing in scl-olarshlp and
character making. Yen will make
sure that those who value such
things are with, you next year.
Hard Tasks A : Ahead.
v "Some bard tasks await me. I
hall be i your representative In
France and England doing tny best
to be worthy of ytt. You know wbat
I want and shall need. Is It sking
too much to request every student
and professor to name me and the
other boys In their dally prayers? It
Is not food or clothing that I carry
to the men who battle for merit la
that . unseen something which cornea
from the Infinite unseen Someone.
"I shall be. grieved if I do not see
our own boys. "I'll show them tie
Willamette pennant (and the watcb)
and .tell them of you, and of the cf
walk, the transformed chapel, mi
then tell tbWiu some more about yon.
There will be quiet talks, heart W.U
aurely touch heart; and maybe son ?
men will ge - glad , you stnt tae to
them. , -
"Good-bye again. God bless every
one and the dear acbool."
Lucas Farm Near Montzozih
Is SoWto Riddell Ere;.
DAIXA8. Or.t Feb. J9. (Rpecin!
to The Statesman.) One of the big
teet real estate deals- of recect
ri'onths was made last week wht-n
the 22S-acre L.ucas ranch near Mon
mouth was sold to Illddell lirotbers,
the' conslderatioi' being sometbirj
like $130 an acre. The Lucas rarua
is considered one of the finest plec-
of farm property in this section of
the county and the price of land
its sort Isconsldered mpre than ret
3oaable. The Iliddells, who already
have one of the finest stock farn.?
in the Pacific northwest, make a np.'
cialty or breeding pure bred stock
and have taken, several valnab'o
prizes at exhibitions at fairs th rou sh
out ' thia' section of the country.
Try Jt!
. Aj medicine which hat
given satisfaction to Hi
usejt for over 40 year,
as Cardui has, must be a'
goojl . medicine. II you
sutler from female
troubles, and need a reli
able, strengthening tonic,
of real medicinal value,
as proven by the experi
ence of thousands ct
women users,
U lij"Lr
TT.3 s cmEn's Tcn!3
Mrs. C S. Budd, cf
. Covlna, Calif., ia writ In?
of her experience wiui
Cardui, savs: "1 toes a
bottle at 1J years old, and
it cured my headaches.
1 have taken It since mar
riage, and received much
help from it. Cardui is
the best medicine 1 ever
took ... It was the only
medicine . . that helped
my back ..." Try Cardui.
All Drtzi&j
nnimir II
sj u sjj ms 'II
Uncle Sam's Punch
OVER IlKHE you will see
AU building records smashed
blta; .
40,000 people completely construct
ed in firty-two days;
! . - t
Thousands of . men and . horses
toiling aa men. never tolled before;
A whole city, capable of housint,
"OVER HERE" Is loaded with pa
triotism, jammed with ' Interest,
packed with timeliness.
A Triangle Peature Wih CHARLES GUNN