The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Legislative Action by Govern
ments Announced by
League of Peace
:W. H. Taft Declare! Nation's
. Mind Should Be Made
: Before War Ends
NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Twelre
states have declared by legislative
action that they favor the formation
'Of a league ol na'lons after (be war,
according to announcement" by the
League to Enforcee Peace here to
night The first was South Caro
lina, and it was followed by Okla
homa, Delaware, Illinois, Tennessee,
Georgia, Maryland, Louisiana, Texas
Massachusetts SHselssippI and Ken
tucky.. . In two others. New Jersey
and Rhode Islam', similar measures
are pending. ,
"It ought to be determined before
the war comes to an nd what our
policy will be after the .war is over."
according to a statement from Wil
lianvll Taft,' president of the league,
read here tonight. " You cannot. Im
mediately after the war, arouse the
people- into a declaration of princi
ples. They, have to be advised, and ;
they have to eonilder And discuss,:
and now la the time to make up our
minds what we are fighting for. .
:: "One. object that we have in the
war, or one way of statin
whinnlne Germanr hlttlncr her on
the bead so bard that-It will produce
psychological change in the minds
of her people and bring about a nor
mal view, so that they may be con
vincedthat the policy they havoj
adopted and followed under Kaiser
WilhelmT la wrong, -When they do
that they will . be knocked Into a
psychological transformation that
will make them amenable, to decency
and .humanity and make them re
tard the obligations of treaties."
East Siberian Capital Captur
ed Ii Repert; Red Guzids
STOCKHOLM, Feb, 19. Special
reports say there has been a great
deal of revolutionary fighting In
Russia and In Finland. " Chita, cap
ital or Trans-Balkalia (East Siberia)
has been captured by revolutionary
troops, and the Bolshevlkl claim to
have established 'their authority In
that part of the country. Oil the
Chita batteries passed Into the hands
of the red guards.
The Bolshevik! assert that ' their
forces have taken potaisk and ad
vanced eight versts beyond Rostov
on Don. They also say that their
forces dispatched to Astrakhan have
been completely victorious over the
Cossacks' and ' that alt authority
there has passed ltno the hands of
the workmen's and- soldiers' group.
In Finland, according to ttolshe-
Will enjoy Kews
- j
The Coys in the j ry
MF.3Y ' .
NAVY ' 1 '
II I ' Pays 3 months subscription. I j I
Pays 3 months
. (b
payjall postajfe
215 South Commercial Street
HI r ; Phone 683 i Uii
" i i ii m ii i i ii i in im -m.m. ihhm in. 11 W
vlkl - sources, the Finnish white
guards? are still retiring before the
red guard who continue to advance
on the Karelskl line. The white
rtiardsi are said to have virtually
evacuated the line from Borgo to
Helslncfors. v ;
The arrival of Finnish white guard
In the Aland Islands complicated the
situation, previously iney naa u
defeated by the red guards and fled
for refnge aboard Swedish bips.
LONDON", Feb. 19. A dispatch
received here from- Vasa, Finland,
says that, although for the present
the Finnish government is deter
mined to avoid foreign Intervention,
there is unofficial discussion as to
whether it would be profitable to
cede the Aland Islands to Sweden in
return for active Swedish assistance
against? the Finninah red guard.
! ' f . ' ,
Ragged Game, Featured by
Fouls, Lost to Engene
I Boys, 19 to 17
EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 19. The Uni
versity of Oregon defeated the Uni
versity I of Washington basketball
team .tonlcht. 19 to 17. Fouls lost
the game for Washington. The play
was ragged throughout. Both teame
were repeatedly warned against
roughness. - Oregon will play Oregon
Agricultural college Friday and Sat
urday, nights, , . ;
, Washington.
Ide .: i - - ,;: ' F
Jlolbrook (4) F
Charles: (4)
Jamlesoh (2) C
Cook ii) , a
Murphy!. ' " O .
Referee Anderson.
Oregon, j
Fowler- ( 1 3
Medley (2)
Lind (2)
' Steers
Wilson (2)
Lithuanians Receive No .
Encouragement Is Claim
NEW YORK, Feb. 1 SvP.. 8 YIH-
mont; president of the Lithuania na
tional council, representing ; Lithu
ania la the united States, issued a
statement after a meeting of the
council ber today, disputing the ver
acity of! a German report that Lith
uanians 'favored the organization of
a monarchical: state dependent upon
fiermanv anil Is to be de
plored that Lithuanians bad received J
to encouragements from the allies ir
their struggle for Independence.
- Mr. ViHmont sails attention to th
fact that th report In. question wa
printed In the Berlin Lokal nzelg
er in the form of an interview with
Bishop Karevichlns of Kovno.
"Contrary to this report," his
statement - continues, vit fs a wall
known fact that the Lithuanians
here and in Europe road repeated
representations demanding tho crea
tion- of: an absolutely independent
slates with s 'democratic republican
form of gorernntent. r .
' ?
Great Northern Assistant
Becomes Traffic Manager
ST. PAUL. Minn., Feb. 1 9-Ap-
polntment of George H. Smltton, as
sistant traffic manager, as traffic
manager of the -Great Northern rail
way, was announced today by Presi
dent W. IV Kenney. Three othsr ap
pointments, effective lmmedlatcly.i
ware announced as follows;
Harry II. Ilrown, former general I
freight agent, succeed Mr. Smltton
as assistant traffic manager; Percy
H. Burnham,. former assistant gen
eral rreignt , agent, succeeds Mr.
P-rown as general freight arent.'
from Home
xnail) ..
California Senator Is Oppos
ed to Amendment Upheld
by Committee
Alleged Defects Are Found in
Bill -Action Expected
on Friday
WASH I.VGTONV Feb. 1 9. Con
gress today bet i tne It almost exclu
sively toward expeditirg the admin
istration bill to govern federal opera
tion of the railroads.
Debate on the measure was begun
In the bouse and continued in the
senate. The senate agreed to begin
voting on amendments Thursday aft
ernoon, expecting passage of the bill
late that night or Friday. In the
house, it Is planned to close general
debate Thursday and pass the meas
ure before adjournment Saturday.
Considerable amendment of both
the senate and house ; committee
drafts before final action was fore
cast- by today's discussion.
Ciovemmetit Ownership Flavored,
The principal addresses, In the sen
ate today were byfc Senators Johnson
of California, and Townsend of Mich
igan, Republicans, both of whom on
posed the measure as now drawn
Representatives Sims of Tennessee
and Stephens of Nebraska, Demo
crats, championed the draft of th?
house .committee Government own
ership If railroads was advocated by
the California senator and byj Hep-
resentatiTe Stephens.
'Senator Townsend pointed ou
manv alleged oerects in tne dim
asserting that Jt was not understood
lv many committee members and
that the railroads are supporting the
measure In expectation of rate ex
cesses. He said bc oouaieo wnemer
the government could enforce - the
orovlslon Drohibiting railroads (from
paying dividends Higher man meir
regular rates.
Representative 61ms urged ' partic
ularly the adoption of provisions giv-
lnf the president power to estatnn
rates and to retain control or tne
carriers two years after peace Is de
clared.--.' .
Compensation is rrilirise!.
Senator Norrls criticised what he
termed com Den nation providing -for
the railroads and said the provision
for rate maylng by tbepreldent wa
"unnecetsary and unwise."
Under the terms of the senates
agreement to begin work on amend
ments Thursday, debate will b lim
ited to 10 minutes for tcfi senator
from 2 to p. m., and after that to
5 minutes.
Senator Tolndexter of Washington
Republican, will advocate permanent
government ownersmp.
Officers May Use liquor
Oatr'de of Camp Zones
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. War
department regulations have been so
amended as to permit: ouicers ami
men of the army to be served with
alcoholic Uauors in the homes of
their relatives or friends outside of
the camp sones. The change ,wa
made at the suggestion of Chairman
Fosdick of the commission on train
inr camD actlvlvles. while consider
ing a general change in the prohiui
tlon zone lystems for the camps.
Changes, were eoisldered when
the war college found that at one
camp the.nve-miie sone operatea to
close saloons on one side, while sa
loons on another side remaind open
though only a half nUl away. fe-
caune they were within me corporate
Hmit4 or a municipal! v.
The war college took the view
that the'unlform zone system should
be adopted irrespective of the prox
imity of towns, 'but the training
camp commission disagreed with this
view and the old eono system was
German Patrol Discovered Is
Riddled by American Ma
chine Gun Fire
FRANCK, Feb. 19. A German pa-
iroi reaay to ambsn an American
patrol, was discovered .early this
morning by a sentry, who gave the
alarm by arifle shot: then the Amer
lean machine guns riddled the enemy;
Th Germans fled, carrying tbelr
casualties with them, but the ground
where they had been was later found
to be covered wilh telVtale red xtaina.
The sentry saw two Germans near
the parapet and moved to the listen
ing post for a better view. He then
challenged.; A shot in his direction
was the reply. The sentry fired at
the enemy and beard a German shout
as tne.DUiiet probably bit Its mark
Germans then appeared tr crow out
or me ground all around and started
to tnrowing grenades In the-direc
tion or the American trenches. s Ma
chine guns and rifles went into ac
tion from another sector of the
trench, sending a, hail of bullets Into
the enemy, who retired on Jhe run.
There were no casualties among
the Americans. It is thought pos
sible that this was the same patrol
which set a successful ambuscade
last : week. Whether IP waf, the
orkqox statesman wxpxesday. rrnnCARY so. iois
American force feel that they have
at leait exacted partial reparation.
: The enemyalso has punished for
his 'killing: of infantry men in the
American trenches with shrapnel.
The American artillery broke many
shells over the headi of a large Ger
man group In a trench, scattering the
aolditrs and undoubtedly hitting
some of them. Gas shells in consid
erable number were sent against
the Acierl can, batteries last night but
no damage Was done. Neither were
there nnr casualties.
There was great aerial activity to
day on therAmerican sector and the
anti-aircraft guns were firing contin
uously. One enemy plane; which was
disguised i with entente markings.
Hew overdone f , the American
trenches and fired a stream of ma
chine gua bullets into it,. but with
out results. Tho enemy aviator made
bis escape.
Memorandum From Goethals
Shows Dismissil of Cap
tain 'Perefess
WASHINGTON,' Feb. 18. Publi
cation of comspondenc between
Baaker nd Senufor McKellar of Ten
nessee. a member, of the military
committee, lndlcnting that Charl?3
D. Kisenman had severed his con
nection with the government as4 a
civilian adviser of the council of na
tional defense, was followed tonight
by an announcement from the coun
cil that Mr. Elsenman had not re
signed and thfre had been no Inti
mation that be Intended to give up
bis work. f; ' '"....
The correspondence referred to
rumors that Captain Arthur E. Fere
less, a reserve quartermaster officer,
had been discharged from the serv
ice because ,of testimony, he gave be
fore the senate co'm rait tee In connec
tion with the mnch discussed Itae
Sorting company's scrap contract.
Pereless testified that be uncovered
exborbltant profits in sorting con
tracts and that Kisenman threatened
to "ehow him where ha got hls
orders." .
With Secretarf Baker's letter wa?
a memorandum from Major General
Goothals. wMcb the general made
public tonight? stating that Captain
Pereless was honorably discharged
solely because he lacked "the-effic-.j
iency considered necessary for the
performance of the duties with which
be Vas cblrg ed."
Operators Urged to Use Bo
nus System So Employes
Will Economize
WASIIINQTOK. Feb. 19 Because
of an a ill m on La. shortage the food
administration tonight issued an ap
peal to the owuer and operators of
Ice-making refrigerating plants to
take . ever - possible precaution
again waste la their use of am
nion La, iv ui ,
"It 1 Questionable just hojr long
ammonia can be spared for refrig
eration," said the administration's
announcement, ''and plants most ex
travagant in its use naturally will be
closed first."
As a means of effecting ammonia
saviors owner and operators of
plants were urged to institute a bon
us system by which employes would
be rewarded for effecting economies.
Each plant will be required to report
on the flrrt of each month exactely
what they are dplflg In saving ain
monlaK - ' ,
"During 1918." the announcement
said, "the Kovemment should have
for- munitions . alone. 20,000.000
pounds of ammonia more than it Is
possible to make by working all
plants producing ammonia in this
country to their . maximum capacity.
1 his shortage will be greatly in
creased by tbo ammonia that will bo
famished Ice-making and refrigerat
ing plants, but It Is hoped that b? op
pealingto the patriotism and busi
ness senso of all ammonia users and
urging lhcm to stop all wasteand
leakage- the usual consumption may
be curtailed to such an extent as
will permit at least tho most efficient
plants to run, particularly where nat
ural Ice la not available.
Soldiers for Beet Sugar
t Fields May Be Asked
STERLING.' Colo... Feb. 19.-
JUdgeJohn C. I5cll, chairman of the
commission appointed by the federal
rooa administration, to Investigate
the sugar beet production costs, said
at s, bearing of the commission here
today that "other measures falling.
ttie government wilt be asked to pro
vide enlisted men", of tho army to
work In the beet fields, because of
the labor fhortarejn Northern Colo
rado neet prouncing sections.
judge Hell declared the sugar beet
was a vital factor In Prosecution of
the Var and that it might devolve
upon the government to send men
back from the army qantonments to
aid in its production.
U. S, Flag Advertising i
Cut Oat by Montana
, . -. i ,
HELENA. Mont.. Feb. 19 The
Montant legislature praeticalW clean.
ed Its slate today and tonight is pre
pared to adjourn the special war ses
sion tomorrow. The sabotage bill.H
ptHsea oy me senate,, was concurred
in by the house and eent to Governor
Stewart. Doth bouses adnninl th.
conference reports on the seed grain
act and thn XMlllInn s(t
-The senate passed a house bill for
bidding the use .of the fhr fnr .4.
vertlsement and bills holding in abey
ance taxes,' for soldiers and sailors
until endear after peace is declared.
Assistant Manager of Penn
sylvania Lines Points to
Real Changes
Wage Increases Consistent
With Roads' Resources
Is Contention
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. -Cognizance
' of charges by railroad em
ployes that the -managements hav
attempted to discredit government
operation, was taken today by offi
cials continuing their submission of
Information to the railroad wage
commission. E. T. Wihter of Pitts
burg,, assistant general manager of
the Pennsplvaniar lines, west, lit ef
feet denied the - allegations of the
brotherhood chiefs.
"It was charged that We put an
Inefficient yardmaster in 'charge at
Alliance, Ohio, resulting in serious
delays," Mr. Whiter said. ' "There
have been a' number of 'changes in
yurdmasters there and I do not know
which one was referred to, but If
the commission desires further In
formation we will aid in obtaining
It." . .-
Commissioner Covington said he
did not think the commission couH
take tho time to sift an isolated
"As to rlowlntr-np traffic, which
also is charged," the witness con
tinued, "fhat would be impossible
without Issuing orders to train dl
pate hers and I believe the commis
sion hsa had sufficient evidence from
the dispatchers themselves to eon
vince you th!R was not ddhe."
W Whlteex-was one of six offl
clals who today presented statistics
as to wage increases and working
conditions on their Individual sys
tems. The others were J. T. Lati
mer, Chicago, liurllngton and Qulncy
Y. V.. Nicholson, fhlraeo and Kastern
Illinois; C. II. NIemeyer. ennsvl-
vanla lines.east; E. L. King. South
ern Pacific, and E C. Wills, Missouri
Pacific. .
Scarcity of labor was reported b
several -officials.
All of the officials denied clalmi
that promotion for railroad employee
Is slow,- so that a man's chance to
obtain , better pay by- advancing in
grade Is small. Most of them spoke
of their own experiences, all having
started in minor, positions.
Wage increases were declared to
have been as Treonent as tho road's
resources permitted. , ,
Hutcheson and Gocipers In
sist That Closed Shop Stall
Be Enforced
WASHINGTON, Feb; 1 9. Al
though the strikes of crpenters in
eastern shipyards was at an end to
diy after intervention by President
Wilson, Ihe government and carpen
ters brotherhood leaders apparently
were far apart tonight on arrange
ments to prevent future trouble.
William Lv Hutcheson, president
of the brotherhood, at a conference
with Chairman Hurley or the ship
ping loard; Charles Pies, manager
of the Emergency Fleet corporation;
.Samuel (lorn pers and members of th j
shipbuilding labor adjustment board,
insislfd the closed shop principle
should be enforced and declined to
Itave the fiuestlon to the decision
of the adjustment board.'.
A further, conrerenco between
Hutcheson and his aides will be bel l
tomorrow with the adjustment board
at which sbippingboard officials
.aid tonight they were hopeful a
tatisfaiHory conclusion , would be
reachel. ,
Hutcheson Insisted tqnight that 1
fore the -government held the car
penters to the open shop principle
Jt should take over all shipyards and
eliminate profit-taking by private in
terests. If this were done, he said,
the carpenters wo'tild be willing to
work on any terms the government
nilght prescribe.
American Soldiers Enjoying
Provisions Made by Y. M.
C A. inTrance -
PARIS, Feb. 13. Today a detach
ment of American soldiers going on
leave in the department of Savoie
were housed In the town of Cham
bery. where the Young Men's Chr int
ra h association has leased three can
inos and a theater for their arnna.
menc Later other men nn lonto
will be aent to CbaJlea-les Bwu.
The frst arrivals who are located
in Aix-les-Bafns. are having
Uil!tlme ?1,ounta,II limbing, boatlnr.
-""" auiumooiie : excur
sions and attending concerts and
theatricals for which nrefenHionat re
former have been employed.
A committee of American women
engaged in Y, M. C. A. work have
undertaken to laundery and mend
the clothes of the aoldicra which are
badir worn as a result of trench duty.
Thirty states and twelve national
ities are represented in the nrst two
contingents 4of Anierlcaa troops to
arrive in Sayole, - '
New Insurance Rates Are '
in Effect at Hubbard
A reduction in theinsurancerates
of -Hubbard and of the city of Eu
gene made iy tne uregon iwurmw
Katies: bureau of Portland were yes
terday approved by Harvey Welbi,
state insurance commissioner; Y
In Euaetie the reduction is based
pxx Increased pumping facilities which
affect the Business district. The re
duction made at Hubbard l allowed1
ton account of the new water system
which has Just been completed. -The
new rates will date from January 1.
- ''
Eighteen German Machines
Are Captured or Seriously
PARIS, Feb. 19.The official
communication from the war, office
tonight says: .
' "There was quite pronounced ar
tillery activity in Champagne and on
the rVht bank of the Meuzf.
"Avratlofa: On February 16, 17
and 18, our pilots brought down, or
seriously damaged In numerous com
bats eighteen German machines: in
addition, an enemy captive balloon
was burned. - , 4
"On Aebruary 18.. In tho day and
nlpht, our bombing escadril'e
dropped 1C.000 kilos of explosives on
enemy objectives, notabBy on th
stations of , Metz-Sablons, - Forbacb
and Eendorf, on depots at Enls
belm fsoiith of Colmar). where a
violent fire broke out, and on vari
ous aviation grounds. ' - - .
"Eastern theater. February 18: A
violent snowstorm has prevented all
VIENNA, via LONDO.V, Feb. 19.
The report from headquarters today
says: . ' f
- Ther was artillery activity on
the lower T!ave and In the Monte
Asnlone region, v T
"The troops of ; the Von Llnslgen
army grouo nave ; occupied Lut.-c
without flghtlng.'f
Red Cross Auxiliary Session
Brings Out Speakers and
The meeting of tne Salem Union
of Labor Red Cross auxiliary last
night in Union hall, brought out a
large attendance of people from all
walks f life. y
One" of the features of the evening
was the patriotic address of Frank
arey, and any one having heard him
knows that be can make a speech
that would turn a "slacker" in the
right path at once.
The Gibson brothers mandoline
quartette discoursed sweet music
during the evening, while Master
"Ted" Howard, in bis " recitation.
Old lilory." made another big hit.
Tho marvellous playing on violins
about twenty-flvo Instruments, by
tho pupils of Miss Elizabeth Levy
was a great treat. There were girls
and boys of all sizes, from a little tot
of 6 to older boys and girls, and
when they played In unison, with' all
the precision of experienced artists,
a difficult number from one of the
classics, ana roiiowea an encoure
with "The Star Spangled Banner,"
an tne aooience rising, jt closed the
meeting with an effect that was all
to be desired. " '
The pupils taking part were: Ells.
aiwth, Jilvkley, Winona Claire Smith,
urace uuuer. May Slagel, Blanche
Hill, Arnett-Mildred Collins, Elaine
Edna Htclngrube, Dorothy Wood,
arunT jtooinson. airs. Efne Itat
curr, uordon Sbonneson, Clarence
uuge. Dean Craven. Simon Volchrwtr
Harley Mincb. Ellis Welty. Harold
Bertholson. Amel StrlDlInc- nwinh
Parker and Bjon GadehoIL
Red Cross to Act as Medium
for Communications of
War Prisoners
NEW YORK. Fob. ID. A license
to trade with the enemy has been
granted to the American Red Cross.
It was announced tonight. The Ger
man government has given theJorgan
izatfon of mercy tho exclusive priv
ilege of sending letters, food and
money to American prisoners of war
m camps and the concessions exact
ed in exchange demand action by the
war trade board. Germany has In
sisted that In return for giving the
right to comfort American
Ithe Red Cross must act as the med-
u.., inrourn wnirh fathers and mo
thers in that country can communi
cate with their aons.ln American in
terment camps and to a minor ex
;fl5. wth I""'ners in French and
jnwn camps, m a sense this con-t-titutes
"trading with the enemy"
and It was necessary to obtain the
sact ion of the war trade board.
The license gives blanket authori
sation f for communications with
prisoners of war the world over
"enemy, allied and neutral." ;
According to the best advices 1918
promises to be the hottest for a long
time for the Kaiser. , ,
Permanent Assets of Grcil
Shipbuilding Prpgraia
V Are Pointed Out
Time Is Only. Requireacnt
Needed to Control World's
Tonnage :
CARDIFF. Wales, ,Jan. 25 (Cor
respondence of the Associated Press)
The possession of a great merchant
shipping fleet will be the most pow-'
erf ul asset a nation can possess in
the after-war period, according to
Cardiff shipping men. From this
point of view, it la pointed out, the.
realization of the American ship
building program, combined with ths
United .States resources in materials
needed by Europe, will, make tha
United States an almost preponder
ant factor In wd politics for man
years after -eace Is . declared. -
The annual reports of the big. Car
diff shipping companies, which has
just been made public, all emphaslza
this post-war Importance of mer
chant ships. One company says:
"The demand for tonnage will be
even greater in 1918 than it has ben
in 1917, atyl the utility of ships will
enormously Increase. But the eco
nomic world crisis will not reach ita
climax until after the -war.
V "If the law of sopply and demand
was allowed to operate ships might
some day be worth their ''weight la
gold to their owners, but Ih the pres
ent controlled state of (trade their
immense value as national assets
really detracts from their jralue as
money making Instruments. '
Ships are. and will ;-contInue for
some time to be. the most important
factor of all in helping to preserve
the lives of. nations, andthe states
of Europe will not be likely to re
lease their bold dh shipping after
th war until there are sufficient 1
.ships to ensure safety In regard to
supplies of food and other essen
tials." .
The same report cites the entry of
America. into the war as the element
which made possible the practical
universal government control of
shipping all over the world as
serting: "The amazing task of bringing
the world's tonnage under the con
trol of the organization became only
a matter ol time from tha moment
America came in.?
Concerning the ruthless submarine
war, the company says: "The many
acts of lawlessness and cruelty which
were subsequently committed by
German submarines sxalnst allied
and neutral seamen' alike, spreading
death and disaster among Innocent
men will forever remain .one of the
blackest chapters in the annals of
the world's shipping history."
Lansing and Reading Jip
Treaties Yhich Are Sent!
to Senate
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Treat el
between the United States ami Crat
Britain, and the United States and
Canada, to govern the application of
the arm.y draft to citizens, of earh
country resftllnf in the other, wtra
sent to the senate today by Secrt
tary Lansing. They were signed by
Mr. Lansing and Earl Reading, who
affixed bis signature to the docu
ments as his first official act in tho
orfice of Uritls high commissioner
and special ambassador to the United
States. . . .
Under the treaties the United
States may apply the draft law to
British subjects and Canadians liv
ing in this country between the ages
of 20 and 45 years, tho Hritlsh dralt
limits. While Great Iiritain and
Canada may 'draft resident citizens cf
the United Stat from- 21 to 21
years' old. ,
Similar conventions are now be
ing negotiated by the state depart
ment with other co-belligerent na
By the enforcement of the Ameri
can-British treaty it is expected that
more than 250,000 met? In this coun
try will be nade liable to service.
while at least iO.000 wil be affected
by the American-Canadian treaty.
Estimates place thenumber of draft
age Americans l.ingland at approx
imately 1 ft, ooo and in Canada at
about 36.000. " ,
Man Confesses Killing '
of Rev. Father Kayser
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Feb: 19
Michael Schram of this city, tonight
confessed to the murder of the Rcr.
Father Edmond Kayser . of , Gary.
Ind.. on the nlgth of August 21,
Schramm Is alleged o have ad
mitted that he with a companion.
saw Father-Kayser counting money
arter a charity bazaar and attemnted
to wrest the money away.'
It Is said the priest fought desper
ately and Schramm shot him. Father
Kayser sank to the ground still- hold
ing the money bag in which wis
more than $1000. j
If as reported, the army mule i
"pasfclng," it would Ve good policy
to look out for his heela, , ...