01 a s 111 eE Direct ry The Wants -aft dNeeda of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them liar. Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECUNU HAKU UUUU5 rE59 CLOTHING. SHOES, UlCY CUSS, TOOLS, ETC CAPITAL EXCHANGE men 498 Court St, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burgbardt, Jr., Hesldent Agnt 385 State St. Money to Loan - Ot UTTHOVED FARM A WO ClTf rBOPKRTT AT LOWEST RATES- THOS. K. FORD '?- MOVET TO LOAN I HAVE MADE arranremeats for loaning astern money; will make Tory low rate of Intereat on highly "Improved farina. Homer H. Smith. Room 6. MoCormaek Bide, Salem. Or. Phon X. n tiiiroD ADTKimigmarTi Rate p Weed ytrtt Insertion 1 Subsequent Insertion ....... He Ooe week (sis Insertions) ... So One mootk .................. t to vfitz months contract per mo. to 11 months' contract, per mo... 7e Re account opened for les than tie A neat card riven free with an advertisement to tho extent of see aaaoaaelnr "For Sale," 'For v. HEW TOO AT Each new classified edverti ment will be run .under "New Today for first laser Men. unless otherwise ordered by tho adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of tho ad will appear under it proper class ification. No advertlsment will be run ndr "New Today for more than no aeu under any circumstances Wl TODAY FOR' ALB - CHEAP TWO ACRES with five room houe. Fruit trees. Woodshed. Outtid store room. s Close In. Route 7. Box 11. . roil BALE FINE ENGLISH LLEW- f elljrn setter, wen trained ror uuou i ins. rnoM si-w. . . II GOOD MEN WANTED FOR FACT ory- work. We work our men on the merit plan. Apply at J. A. Mills - of flea. 320 State street.. . p. m. to FOR SALE LARGE 1 STOCKED. CON . feetionery. with exclusive fixturea write box Danes, uregon. FOR SALE FOUR " HORSES. ONE section barrow, one Oliver plow, two sets of harness, two wagons, five hogs, fifteen acres or crops, twenty . acres of plowing; this la a rood lay out for some body that wants a farm. It pays to advertise if you've got the goods, that's why I'm dolus it, A. TV. Latorop, Turner. . DELAY. IS ' DANGEROUS FIRE - IN sure nee on your home is a debt you owe your family as well as your, self.' for by your blunder they too must suffer. The Oregon Flro Re lief Association of McMinnvillo gives the right kind of protection at the right price. For run particulars as to our plan of insurance, terms etc, se H. A. Johnson A Co.. Agents. Hush Bank Bldr. Salem, phone S47. ONE COW FOR SALE. CALL 107F4. WILL TRADE GOOD BUILDINO LOT, value. 1300 for used Ford or other ear. win pay oirierence. j'none . or 1632-J. yon SALE OUT WOOD ALSO SEED . wheat raised on new land. I have ' heavy team to trade for small one. I want wood choppers. I bavo a residence in Salem and small tracts in the country for sale cheap. Wili . accept one or more vacant lots or live stock for 'first payment. John H. Scott,' 404 Hubbard Bids. EQUITY IN 40 ACRES. IRRIGATED farm 14 miles from town in Idaho, for grocery stock not' over $2900. Price 16.100. t ACRES IMPROVED. SOME LOGAN berries end prunes, close to car line, near Salem. Will exchange for Port land residence and cash. Price $4,000 a,Mf'ftfiky. 241. fUstw street. EttPwnmtiT W.MAVK UUtL WANTED FOR GENERAL p nous worn. Apply 046 south I3tn. "WANTEDA WOMAN FOR GENERAL j, houee work. Must be a good cook, . no washing. Cali forenoons at 076 ' Cbemeketa street. - tfALB Wanted bright touno man i from 17 to II years old to learn , printing trade, day: work. . Apply Statesman Job Dept. upstairs. WANTED MAN TO DO PORTER work one hour each morning. Apply Patterson's Cigar Store, Stat and rnmmeriHal street. T67T 4 UVKSTOCK CALVEaFOR SALE. PHONE 73F3L TOR SALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAR, registered. Rulifson mil North ' County Farm., Pbon 4F4. rXIR 8 ALE TEAM TOUNO MULES welt broke and gentle. Call Aspin . wall, Waconda, Or, Address Gervais. rwqte No. 1. fCECraNfcbu7 , TlOU WANlT TO GET THE BEST frm paper, send 10 to the Pad fie liotnestead. Calem, Oregon, for a trial iWlBMon. Mention fhla ed. - "MiacELfJJLWkocsr Uil7 A"tDALJa FOitSAlJi-CAlX rR.. ALE TWO POOL TABLES, it", etc., 1,600 bar very cheap. Boa 7 Independences "'OH SALE ONE 04 II. P. 'AUTOMO file engine in good running order. writ Box 41. Macleay, Oregot. - 12?f TONH OF CIXJVER HAY FOR ale at Brooks Feed Store. Brooks, Oreron. ,.y -,, : a CXP2YITr OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS Thls true story of western imml , rratlon has been carefully revised. . fn?,"tln' handsome little book. Jt tUa in graphic terras of th mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the ee of Lorenao. and the eantlvltv ' Mary and Ollv. Mary died of wvsllsn and Ollv was purchased r,on ts Indians fir years later. Jhe price Is 30 cenU. postpaid. Ad Oregon Teacher Monthly. 8a am, Oreron.' ,..... i . MlgCELLAKKOt'S &tli&ty 8U1TABL1B FOR xeea rif ty cents per sack at ware- Broaf- 4,hon 7" or 452. Mao1; fi J?1 lf5(k per thouaand; also near If. iW CK?I fcubator. 70-egg ca- rvT. v. - "m . ""e easi or fewealo jchool house, box 98. rout 6. Wm. A. 3 pocEtbt" IF YOU WlMT Tfl nrn m.L"1 i-.. ,-t " "urioweii Poultry Journal. Balam. Oreron, for a trial oubscrtptlon. Mention thl. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURNISHED FOlJRjio6ii ?P..tment. 1041 South Commercial. ilra.'0. Ireton. FOR RENT A COZY THREE ROOil apartment, on ground floor. Furn ished com pits for housekeeping, fclectric light, g-as or wood for cook In. Very reasonable rent. Light and water furnlahed. 8C4 Mill atreet. SOHU AMU HAHtUT FURNISHED ROOM. I N CTTuWi iiZ board at the rear of 368 ft North titerty. - FARMS- FOU RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED tt .mile west of Wapato station. Yamhill ounty. 11 acres hops. 70 bearing z'rult tree. 33 acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H. Eaan. nervals, route t. phone tFll. HOUSES HOUSES. FURNISHED AND UN FUR N Ished. for rent. Niemeyer Realty Co., 644 State street. , . FOR RENT FIVE ROOM BUNQA low. paved street, and 1016 Ford r sale. Phono 2510J2. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL S ROOK bunsalow, fireplace ad furnace. Bee H K. Bolinger. Hubbard buildlnr- FOR RENT THE FOLIOWINO fie- -Five-room modern cottage at , 117 South Church street fit. 60 Six-room modern house on paved street at 1120 South High 8. Call at Statesman business office or phone 6 1 J. BIX ' ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street with, garage. $13.60 per month. E. A. Rhoten, phono 1141-J. FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW on block from paved s treat. In South Salem. $10 per month. E. A. Rhoten $40 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. , - . FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE . two lots, fin garden land, barn, chicken park. Corner worth Com ' merical and Gaines. $10 per montn. Phone 2370-W. - FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $0 partly modern five-room cot tage 1063 Saginaw. In rood order. Foremerly rented for $10 a nwnth. Call at 1042 Sarlnaw or Statesman business office. Phono 23. $13 Neat modern bungalow 6 rooms at 000 North 30th sC Call at Statesman business office or pnone 33. -i $20 Ten room modern house, at 771 North Cottago street. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 33. $20 Modern apartment 70$ Marlon street. Call at Statesman business office or phone J$. . $22.80 Fully furnished apartment. , modern, at M44 ferry street. Call at: Statesman Business office, or alL2lMMiaaaaaaaMMeaaaHaaHaaeaiBaBaaaaaM ROOMS FOR ' RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern bom. Address A, B. car statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern convenience, also in side rooms. Close to State House. 103 Chemeaets. Phone 1Z HUSINBa CHANCES.' SHlPUUlCDlNO COMPANiNOW OR ganlsinr. Wants-few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in conrnct witn present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence In securing contract. Partic ular; 702 Spauldiar Bldr, Portland, Oreron. ; - ' - " - MONEY TO LOAN; IN L.V.UGE AND small amounts over first class real estat security, W. A. Llaton. FARMERS IN LINN BENTON. LIN coin. Polk, Marlon, 1 Yamhill and Clackamas counties, Oreron, who are not . accessible to other National fan A mmii itlnn. mar aecure government farm loans through the two associaiiona 01 wnivn a mm ' re tar y. A C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonie Temple, alem. Oreron. TZHTED trmxrt-M' Iil vnica paid for rood clean rare. ,i-rroom, sww man. WAITED TO B'JY MODERN BUNGA- low for casn. uu or wnn u. Simmons, 1210 North Capital strset, or fhon 127. XUmiUMOnffliECTORY TIRRS REPAIRia--VUICArT2rIJr ' OATES HALF-SOLE TIRE 8ERV1C1, Station 177. BOUIB wnntreiii bw, phon it$.f L QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLT AND VUinOISlHi. - m 1. m ,w. m street. Phon' 66. IIILEMAN MACJHNERT AND TIRE Co. Biivenon toru tmu ' Vulcanlclnr and auto auppliee. . 3f 1 North Commercial. Phone 767. CRACKETT eV O R AT TUBp VULr canliea. zae. neiru ty. . irree sottic cr. -wwhw 270 North Commercial, WATT 8 HIPP CO. RETREADS AND actions tub 36c up. Servle car. f Phon $$3. 1J$ South Comoi.rclal Street. ' . - - AUTO SERVICE . country trip. Pboo Day, 0635 nleht 8. YtffiESSrONAL DENTISTS DR. F. It. UTTER. DENTIST ROOMS 41$-414 Bank of Commerc Bldr phone . eiroTEAcirtT R, HARR, .TEACHER Phone 133 OFV PX'vO. 'LODGE DIRECTORY noTHEHHOOP OF TOEMAJf MEETS EVERY WEDNESD AT EVEN Inr l Mesonle Temple, fifth fleor, at t o'clock. All vlsltlnr ineniber wel come. Horace Pykes, Foreman, w. ILtPrunk. Correspondsnt- , i liisCKLLAWEdlo MODERV WOODMETT. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cadar Camp, No. 62.4a, meets every ThDrsday evening at o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C: J. A. Wrirht. clrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DKLIVERI BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phone S4 or feat-R. W. W. TTtel.er. BARBER SHOP PRESTIAUE IS WON TOGETHER with tncreased business by those who : persistently keep their head and face in good fashion. -Try our service. Ingreys Barber Shop, 311 State street. CHiRonucmc CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTSRE store normal function. If you want ' results consult Dr. May. S06-O-7 nunoara Biag. pnone ez7. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. H. C Chiropractic fountain head. Davenport,- Iowa. - Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Of fie 406-7-1, u. 8. N. Bank Building. fnnn m, tteataenc bzu-k. CUiFIBIB PHYSICIAlf. DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. Hlrh St, Phone 33. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANT Phone 333, Salem's largest and best equipped transrer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage aa we nav tnree warehouses in connection j with business. Furniture moving. pasninK, inippini ana iiarijs our .; specialty, urnc iai eoutn commer cial street- ' DfcT riOBAJTINO AJTD PSJCSSniO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanab. Pron 434 N. Commer cial SC Ladle and rentlemen's suite ciean eo ana tressaa, fi ana S1.6. Work called fur and delivered frew. Tel. Main 662. JCHK JVXK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us . make you a price on your household rooas. in -quar uear uouso Capital Junk Co, 371 Obemeketa -street, pnone ssa. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND band roods, uifbest market prices r for Junk and hide. Tho People's , j una. ana seconanana store, 371 No. commercial, pnono HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN 8UO ; csfuL Applied here or sold for J bom us. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, sas .tiuDDara suif. ' r LACIf DRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery- and careful work. Dry ; wash 6c per pound. 13$ South Lib- mm w O. DKaaa . ' i km , . www mw HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO , ular- washlnr dene at a rat very body can afford. For only sixty-five cent w win eoucr, wasn ana oe- ' liver your wesninr wrajb twenty four hours. Phone 1471. OSTOPATH Y- Dlt Wl E MERCER, GRADUATE American school osteopathy. Klraa- vllle. Mo,; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-406 U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldsr. Phone Sit. Reai- ' dence 410 North Summer, phon 014. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Graduates American School Osteopa thy. Kirksville, Mo. Sixteen yeers ' experience. Rsideno offlc 6M , South Commercial street. Post Or ad ; uat work. Los Angel College. Dra H. v. Bowers c Aiie c Bowers. - DRS. WHITE St WALTON, OSTEO pathl physicians and surgeon. Graduate of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kirksville, Mo. Post j graduate and specialised in nervous oiseases at ixs Angeies college, i Treat acute and chrenlc diseases. Office 606-0-7-a. tj, S. Natl Bank i 'Bldg. Pbone tit. Residence. 1020 Cotirt St, Phone 3216. . rVUUC 8Ti:.VOCJICAPIIElW COPY WORK CORRECTLY TYPE- . written and compared. Call after 6 at 4 Htate street. WURSEHXES. NORTHWESTERN NURSERY AT s state ana 34th streets choice roes. ornamental and flowerlnr ' shrubs, : shade trees, budded holly, grafted . Franquetto walnuts and all kinds of fruit trees, Howard Jonee, Pnone iii , FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD . at Hlgn and Ferry. Call and see ; stock and rt price bfor purchas ; Inr elawher. Everbearing" straw ? oerry plants. PIANO TCJIIFIO r. E. MAST. EXPERT 'TUNING, cleanlnr, rspairlnr end rerulatlng. All work ruaraateed. 1046 Hall street or care of Sherman Clay A Co., Court street, phone 2163-J. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods or all Kinda pipe rittinr. bar ness, collars, collar pads, tools, chain. Fred Schlndler. 360 Cent Street. TRAKirER HATTIIWO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE, ANY KIND 01 sasvisi in avwsBHviv fnorlnr Job 4m prompt fen rYVa, wi aa s-aae T Imma SSBBTSBBBP 1 W 0 ASfV Ma VHVVl eaeaaW 47$ SUte 8t Pbon f $$. Bldsnc aia w pnrne UNDERTAKERS WEBB"lTCLO"UGll5rB. WEBB, A. W s ClOUfrn, lunera oirwwr.. umvmm modern methods known to th pro ' feaaion. 47 Court street. WOVEN WIRE rK.fCIXO Ipot Xatlonal A Asserieasj Fene. U slaee. SO lav SS in. high, Paints. oUa nod Varaiak, . Steve Rahallt ad Hevalreel . Legaaherry nod If) lleok. salesa Kene at Steve Work. 26) Cearl SC Flaj 1S4 WATER 8 ALE sfWATE R CO. OFFICE" 0 18 Commercial sirewi. mvw '--' apply at offlc. Mak alt complaint) at th offlc. No deducUons In bllli will be allowed for absence or foi any causes whatever unles water l cut off from premises. Hereafter weter for Irrigation will only b furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read "for bulldinr purposes' under schedule ol eetea AnnlV at office for et.yy. t ' wall' papek. sAtirr " TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND opwsrd ror cnoic wm .pw Buren s Furnltur Stor. 17$ Com mercial SC . ' ; . WALL PAPER, PAIXT ' 8EB PORTER FOR" PaTnTSWa1X Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 466 Court fit- Phono &. GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC ooratlnr. painting, tinting, paper bearing, etc Work don by contract or day; rood workman. Location let Center St. Ptiowa 6-W. WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the ' . Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2488 i SALEM MARKETS BUYING" PRICES. Eggs and Poultry. Ergs, 3JHc Old roosters, 13c to 14 c. Stars, 16c to 18c Pork 'Mutton and Beef. , Ewes, S Q 7c Pork on foot. 14c to 15 He Vekl, dressed, 13c to 17c. , Spring lamb, 13c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to Balls. I to 6c Hay. Cheat, per ton, $20. Clover, per ton, $18. Vetch, per ton, $20. Oram. Wheat. $1.36 to 1.87. Oats, 90 to 95e. , - Deans, 8 to 9c Hill Feeds, ReUU. Bran, per ton, $26.00. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Butter. Country butter, 46c Creamery prints, 63c Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 64c Flah. Steelheads, 25c Salmon, Chinook, 20c .VeaTeablc. Lettuce, crate, $2.60. Celery, 76c to 90c Nebr, rice corn, 11c Tomatoes. California, $2.76. , Broccoli, $1.75 to $1.85. Onions, $2 to $2.60. Cabbage, 2c. Stria garlic, 8c Potatoes. $1.25. Tarnlps, sack, $1.00. Knts Almonds. 22c ' Walnuu (No. 1) 24c Walnut (No. 2) 20c Peanuts, raw, 17c Cocoanuts, dozen $1.20. Frolts. Grapefruit, $6. Pears, $1.60. Orances, $4.60 to 6.60. Bananas. SHc Apples, $1.2 & to $1.75. Dromedary dates. . $4.75. Honey (Idaho) $4.50. Lemons, $6.60 to $7.50. Itetatl Price. Creamery butter, 60c Eggs, 40c. - Floor, hard wheats 41.10 to IS, Floor. Taller, 11.60 to $2.60 Sugar,' cane and beet. 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.60. 8c PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND, FebY 18 Today's car receipts: Wheat, 4; floor,- 8; oats, 8; hay, 4. t Cattle. Cattle, steatdy; receipts, 892; medium to choice steers, $10.55 to $11.50;! good to medium steers. $9.35 to $10.35; common to good steers, $8 to $9.40; choice cows and heifers, $tf to $10; common to good cows and heifers, $6.75 to $8.16; csnners, $4.25 to $6.26; bolls, $5 to $8; calves. $7.50 to. $12; stock er and feeder steers, $6 to $9.60. Hog. Hogs,-lower; receipts, 2686; prime light, $'6.45 to $16.60; prime heavy. $1M0 to 16.66; pigs, $14.50 to $15; bulk .of sales, $16.25 to $16.50, . Sheep. Sheep, steady; receipts, 26; west ern lambs. $15 to $15.50; valley lambs. $14.50 to $15; yesrlings, $13 to $12.50; wethers, $12.60 to $12; ewes, $9 to 11. Portland market on shorn sheep, 2e to 2c under qootatlons. i 4 Dairy Prodocts. Batter: Prints, extras, 62 to Sic; Tubes, extras. 47c; prime firsts, 46 He: dairy. 82c. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. t soar cream. 5 Sc. Potatoes. Baying price, locals, $1 to $1.10; wiling price, $1,15 to $1.25. Grains. Grain: Thirty-day optiono Bids Barley, feed. $65; brewing. $66. Eastern oats ind corn In bulk: lids Oats, No. 3, white, $62.60; So. 38-pound clipped white.. $62.50; orn. No. 3. yellow, $68.60; No. 2, -nixed. $67.50! oats. No. 2, $62.50: 'lipped. $64: corn, yellow, $68.50; -nixed, $67.60. i ' " - f"' Corn A verages Higher: March, $13J; May 4U6 CHICAGO, Feb. j 1 1. Corn , aver tged higher today bwlng more or leas o efforts, to accumulate reserve Hocks here before farmers become busy with field work. The. close. however, was unsettled, - March $1.27 5-8 and May $1.26 3-8. with he final range l-8c off to a like ad vance compared with Sato r day's latest figures. Oats gained 2-Sc to 5-8 to 3-4c net. The outcome- In provisions varied from 17c decline to a rise of seven cents. Near the end of the day, thoogh, prices tended REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE A. J. PURVIS' . place in Spring valley. Enquire, Mr. . E. T. Preacott. 641 Mill or Mrs. J. A. Remington, phone 34S1-J. CANADA THIS SPR1NO WILL KE celve several hundred Uregon rarmers. Call for free llteraturr. Niemeyer Realty Co., 641 State street. CANADIAN LANDS. I OWN TWO farms, moat -productive portion Al berta. Will sell either one. Write or rail at 836 South. 12th or phon 1397. FOR RENT HALF INTEREST IN 1X5 acre cultivated farm with stock and machinery. Also 155 acre farm, 117 acres cultivated. Niemeyer Realty Co., 644 Stat street. A BARGAIN DAIRY FARM UP TO date buildings close to town school , and churches $1000 down, balance 10 br 15 years at exceptional low rate of Interest. Addreas rout 3. box It, Salm. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF PROP ertiee for trade.- If you ere open for a fair and equitable deal, we Invite you toecall and see us. The Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street, room 7. Business established 1009. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF PROP ertles for trade. If you are open for a fair and equitable deal. 4 we invite rou to call and see us. The Fleming tealty Co.. 341 State street, room 7. Business established 1909. A GOOD BUY 36x30 FEET ON BAST side Commercial street, on door north of Stat street, Salem, togeth er with perpetual rlrht of way over the 14x60 V4 feet tract extendlagf rom this property to Stat street- Terms Apply Scott Boxorth, 701-1 Spauldiar Bldr-. Portland. Oreron. - f PRUNE RANCH FOR SALE 16 ACRJLS V4 miles south of Salem. 10 acre bearing. 3 acres four years ' old. 1 acre loganberries, new live room house, barn and chicken house, rood well, fine view and best cf soil, will take city property up to $3000, price 3600. 11. A. JOHNSON A Co, Room 2 Ladd & Bush Bank Bldr-' GOOD S ROOM -HOUSE ON PAVED street, years old. worth $4000, but must be sold at the sacrifice price of $2300. $1000 will handle this. One of tho best improved 240 acre farms in Marlon county for sale, will take improved acreage aa first payment up to $6000. Price $18,000 for further information, see Perrlne 4b Marsters. 493 Hubbard Bldg.. phono 907. A GOOD INVESTMENT AND FINE home. 40 aerea of good. land, laye rolling all clear, except about aia acre of timber, 37 acres' of five year old orchard rood five room plastered house, rood barn and well, fine sight ly place and ought to double In val ue In five yeers. Price $15 per acre. Exchange, rood house and cash for small farm. 320 acres Improved close to railroad $2500, take boua part pay. For rente. 30 acre. 10 acres. Money to loan. F. L. Wood, Bayne building. - - FOR SALE 100 ACRE STOCK FARM, will consider small farm as part payment up to $8000, price tia.ttJ. Five scree !' under cultivation. about 60 EngtUa walnut trees seven years old, som bearing cherries and - peaches. rod road.- price $900. 2 Of acre farm 90 acree good wheat land, balance paalur and fine tlm- and harness goea, some machinery. 1 pric 635 per acre. acres all under cultivation, rood three room plaster ed bouse, rood barn, well, rock road. jVi miles out, price oieoe. , ir you want to buy. trade or sell, us. W. H. Orabenborst aV Co., 276 SUts street. . . FOR EXCHANGEIS ACRE STOCK ranch in Umpqwa valley, 9 miles from rood town on rood road. 76 acres in cultivation, 100 slashed and seeded. balance timber and pasture lans watered by fin - creek. Place all fenced with rood fence. About tv head cattle, good team, 2. brood sows, all tools, and farm machinery, feed crop and everything for $13600. Want Improved acreage or house and lots and som cash or will take back mortgage for difference. ' - Fine 18 eere track 64 mllee from Roaaburg, Or 0 acres commercal ap ples. Just coming Into bearing. 0 acre rounr prunes. Nice 6 room bungalow, rood barn, and other out buildings, fine well, close to scnooi. stor and mall rout. Price $46tO. Want 60 to 100 acree of cheap lend for stock ranch. What have you to offer for either of th abov. They will bear investigation and inform, tlon. See Perrlne A Marsters, 42 Hubbard Bldr-, phone 907.- EQUITY IN $60,000 SALEM INCOME property for valley ranch not over $40,000. Equity in 187 acre grain and fruit ranch with good income, for ranch not over $20.000., 13 acres near Salem to exchange for coast ranch not over $4000. 90 acrea, 26 in prunes, cherries and mixed, or chard, good improvements, 30 past, ure, 38 in grain land want dairy for part and mortgage back for balance, might consider a coast ranch, price $10,000. '7V acres in fruit, good lm- rrovements. sightly location, on car ine, joining Salem, will take mod ern residence as party pay, prUe $8000. Absolutely th finest $ room arrangement, strictly modern, large lawn garage owner wants to leave. $2060. 8 room modern practically new furnished house, gerage, paved street. $2800 or will take Portland residence, mlrht assume. If you have wants in my line kindly make them known to me. Socolofsky, 841 State street, LOOK AT THISA REAL OPPORTUNITY About 409 acres of choice Polk oub ty land: about 80 acr clear: about 60 teru la atumn aaatura; balanea in choice piling timber and oak gruba. TlnlMf alaaa worth ?. New four- room house, new dairy barn, providing ror z cow ana rour nor sea; new pig pen and new milk boos. Water piped (rom fin spring to all building. Will sell the whole at a greet bargain. Very easy terms. 8 per coat Interest. AAnm 1., awm r Th Stmn. somewhat to relax owing to asser tions that 100,000 cars had been concentrated In the middle west and that a dally movement of 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 bushels was on. Oats ascended to new top records for the season. Urgent bidding from the east was chiefly responsible. A bolge ln hog , prices gare strength to provisions. Subsequent ly, realizing sales brought about a setback. "What do you do In your spare time?" "In my spare time I oioally write the letters that I should have written when I wan loafing on the fob during business hoars." Detroit Free Press; , "He offered to let me In on the ground floor." "Well?- "From the drop the stock took after t bought I most hare been let In on the room." Louirtlle Courier-Joornal. ; - THINGS THAT ' CesyrirM, msts-r X A OLO THC CAS rSZCX110 ' Ae eeroRe ) Hbv' 1 FISH MARKET IS PROPOSED Honolulu Mayor to Open Mu- nicipal Store to Combat v High Prices HONOLULU. Jan. 20 (By Main The establishment of a mnnic'pat fish market for the purpose of 're ducing the price and Increasing th consumption of fish in Honolulu U proposed by -Mayor Joseph J. Fern. Mayor Fern is greatly interested himself In the matter, which has teen brought to a head by a threat ened boycott on the part of the na tive Hawaiian of all fish on ac count .of high prices 'asked by the fish markets. . . , Mayor Fern, who. Is a Hawaiian. Is an expert on. fish and aays that twe prices at which the sea food sells. In Honolulu are more than double what they reem to be. Tbls condition he lays t what he say is a "trost,"" 8 combination of whitfl. Chinese and Japanese fishermen and venders. He believes that the es tablishment of a municipal fish mar ket Is the only way to remedy con ditions. t The mayor's thereat to establish such a market has already had its effect, fish having dropped from 26 and 40 cents a pound to an average of- 26 cents. Mayor Fern says, however, that ft Is possible to establish fish mar ket, pay the fishermen ten cents a pound for their catches, which would insure them a good profit, and re tall the fish at not to exceed fifteen cents. BEGIAN BABIES , TO BE SAVED American Red Cross Plans Work in Free Portion of Invaded Nation BEHIND HE nRITISH LINES IN TRANCE AND BELGIUM, Jan. 21. (Correspondence of The- Associat ed Press.) A campaign to save the lives of Belgian babies in that part of Belgium which is free from , the German invader has been inaugurat ed by the American Red Cross, through Its department for Belgium. The Belgians realize that the lives of their children must be conserved. For that purpose the problem of re ducing the present high death rate will be attacked by a committee of prominent persons who hare been appointed by the minister of the In terior. . j The committee, which will be fl nscedvby the Red Cross, Is com posed of Madame Henry Carton de Wiart, wife of the minister of Justice who spent some six months in a Oer man prison In Berlin; Madame D' Xetren, Madame Hymans wife of the minister of foreign affairs; Madame Roland, who is working among tho Belprlan children; - Mrs. John Van Fchalrk Jr.. fe of the acting direc tor of the department for Belgium, and Dr. Rouleti chief heiltb officer of Belgium. This committee will approach Its problem from heveral angles. In refugee centers It will estabiirh clin ics where mothers can bring their tables for frequent examination. Day nurseries will be established for the children of mothers who work. . Ar rangements will be made to care prrnifli for batlr'oned 'r or. phased babies, he committee' will to home visiting, follow up maternl tl eases and children left in day nurseries, and attempt to Improve conditions under which babies lire In their homes. General Improve NEVER HAPPEN CserSyJCS ment of housing and living condi tions will also be undertaken. , . The American Red Cross is erect ing an additional building for the Home of the Queen, where several hundred young children are shelter ed. Children from four to fourteen years of age have been taken In tho home but bo provision has. hereto fore been made for the babies. Th new structure will shelter one hun dred Infants who are now Urinz where they are exposed to gas anl shell attacks from the Germans. The construction Is being ' done by the Belgian army. , Another home for older children Is being bulldt by the Red Cross under the direction of the minister of the Interior.' The Society Is pay ing the entire cost of -building and furnishing this Institution which will shelter two hundred and fifty Addi tional little folk. It will also pay the cost of adminstraton. The work of the Red Cro'ss'n Bel gium has for some time been under the direction of Captain Van Schalck Major Ernest P Bicknell; the direc tor of the department for Belgium, having been called to Italy at tb-3 beginning of the German advance. ' Major Bicknell has been detailed for service with the new Italian commis sion which has arrived from the Unted States and he will probably remain In Italy for some weeks. . "Young August lives like a mil lionaire's son, doesq't he?" "Higher than that, lie lives a high as be imagines a millionaire's eon would live." Buffalo Express, , The Russian government Is still bothered with colicky pains. TIME TABLES SOUTIIKH PACIS-IO CO. IWrthbooad So. 16 Oreron Express ..... 8:0$ am. No. 64 Oregonlan ... ..... 6:16a.m. No. 28 Willamette Limited. . 0:20 a.m. No. II. Portland Passenger.. 1:36 p.m. No. 84 Cooe liar 8:44p.m. No. 13 Shasta Limited . .... 7:00p.m. No. 14 Portland JCxpreaa ... 6:10p.m. No. 328 Local Way Freight.. 8:00a.m. No. 222 Portland rest Freight 11:36 pm. Sewthbennd No. 63 Oregonlan .......... 8:10 e.ro. Ho. 28 Coos Hay ...10:61 a.m. No. 16 California Expreaa ..10:11a.m. No.. 17 Hoseburr Paseenrer. 4:30 p.m. No. 11 Phaata Limited ..... 6:43p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited.. 4:10p.m. No. 1$ San Prancteco paaa.. .10.37 p.m. No. 221 San Fran, rest Fru,. ,is:oi a.. No. 327 Local Way Freight. .12:01 e-m. isALEM-CFKll LIJVBI No. 73 Arrive at Salem..... 0:18a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem......... 3:01p.m. At. 85 SC. WALLS C1TV A WESTrnttf lit Leavee. Salem, motor .... 7:06a.m. ltd Leaves Salem, motor.... 0:11a.m. 166 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through car .to Monmouth and Arlie 1C7 Leaves Halem, jnotor ... 8:48 p.m. ICS leaves Salem, motor 6:17 p.m. 220 Way Freight leaves Salem 6:00 a.m. isz Arrives at naiem ........ s:ioa.m. 104 Arrives at Salem ........11:00a.m. 1(0 Arrives at Salem......... 3:00p.m. ice Arrive et Baler ........ 6: 1 1 p.m. 170 Arrive at Salem ........ 7:20p.m. 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 8:80p.m. OSUCCON ELECTRIC Sonthaoad Train ' IaTe Arrive Arrlv Eucen 10:66 am 12:36 pra wo. epoctland Salem 8:36 am 10:11 am 13:66 pro 4:16 pm 0:40 pm 1 , . , . . 0 :3 am Ltd... 8:30 am .....10:46 am . . . ...2:05 pra 8:36 pm 8:60 pm Salem only Salem only 0:60 am 13 Ltd. ..4:40pm 17 ......0:06 pm s:ie pm 1 ......1:20 pm 11:29 pm 1:66 am 21 .....ll:4Dm North Bank Station (leave Jeffer sen Street 16 and 20 minute later.) Werthheaad Leev Arrlv Train Arrlv Portland 0:60 am 0:26m 11:36am 1:26pm 4:00 pm 6:46 pm 7:40 om No, . TCugen 3 .....12:01 am 1 iAdV..Ts4f am 12. ..... ! .....11:18 sm 10 Ltd;. .1:66pm 20 .....4:10pm Salem 4:38 am 7:16 am 0:46 ant 11:20 sm 1:60 pm 4:00 pm 6:20 pm 7:66 em z ......4:zspm 10:00 pm sNorth Dank Ststlon Arrlv Jeffer son Street 14 minutes earlier). Leave, Corvalli. . 1 CORVALMS COJftfRCTIOHriK - . Ncrthbonnd f, Leave Orvsllts Arrfve Salsm ' 8:26 am :IUbk 12:12 pro 1:60 sm 2:41 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm 6:20 pm 6:18 pm 7:66 pm Sonthboejad Leave Sslem - Arrive Corvalli 8:28 am 0:67 am 10:16 am 11:22 am 12:66 pm 8:30 pm v 4:16 pm 6:36 pm 4 6:40 pm. 8:00 pot J