' - - - .' ' . . :x - i :-' ; - v ;.'..,'. . - -: . '.. - . IXTY4yVK.NTH YEAR XQ. L ::::: ' " ' " -W wv-,v , f- -v .: . -, t r... ,-. . :;r;,.,-.. ;f--, L . - , (. . . - ""-"f.-. - : ' n 1 SALMI, OUECOX TU1MY ilUKXIXG, KKBUCARy 19, 1KI8 . N . .. t riUCK HVE CUVM CIPiiDED 4000 Slain and 7000 Wound-s- ed in Street Fight With Bol sheviki; Imprisoned Au . bcritics Are - Released ; I Armistice Attempt Fails KRYIENKO IS RAISING j NEW ARRIY OF 109,000 Detachment of 600 Poles An ciMlated by Bolsheyiki; Odessa Is Threatened by Attack' From Rumanians PETROGRAD, Saturday, -Feb. 9. Kiev, one of the principal cities of the Ukraine. - .was captured by I the BoI&beTlki Friday after sanguinary fighting - The casualties are esti- , mated at 400(H .killed and 7000 -wounded. " V r , News " of the captnre of KieT was contained in an 'official dispatch re-' - ceived . by Bolsheylkl headquarters. -The soviet forces nnder Colonel Mnr 'aTleff, who defeated Kerensky at the" beginning of the latest revolution, reentered the city, from which the Ukraine forces had fled, after re-. leasing the jBolshevtk- anthorities, whom they had imprisoned. , Streets Filled With Dead. - The correspondents pt the Petro irrad papers, - describing the sltna- i tion t-Kier ald it eajr be compared -only to the havoc, death and des- . troc4 ion ., wrought by the notorious Je-wkih pogrom In 105. On Thurs- . day, when the lighting wes at Us height, aviators were bombing the houses Knd there was promiscuous shooting, from? windows .and roofs. Killed and wounded filled the street Mobs of hooligans ran unchecked. The -city ! dama attempted - to- nego- tiate am armistice, but failed, f Colonel Muraviegg has telegraph ed that he succeeded In hunting the Bolshevik armies in the Ukraine dis- v trict with the .autonomous Kharkov. district -regiment, comb! ning against General Alexief f. - Constant Tein foreementa - are- "pouriny southward to the soviet I forces wh ich ' are - re Iorted to have defeated the advance ,&uard of Alexleff's troops in a sklr- nisn. near Voronexh. The, other Alexief f wing, nndr j eon is and of (leneral Erdelli, Is re--'nerved to have' advanced .beyond iZrertvo after-a skirmish in which iErdeill was wounded. ,v I , Krylcnkn to lULse IMg Army. ' 'Ensign Krylenko. commander-in-.eWef of the Bolshevik- army. Is eom--ing 4o Petrograd tomorrow to rais? an' army of 100,000 to proceed , against General Alexief f and he 1Im- self plans to take command." ' :T" At Bobruisk. 85, miles, south of Minsk, the Polish troops - have de : feated the Bolshevikl. Other Poles , are advancing Joward Smolensk. 'Minsk provtnee Is declared to be la ; a irfate of Biege: -r -- . r .The Rnraaclans now control the Atkennan district of ncs?arahia and are in a position to threaten Odessa, "After the fall of Kiev," says an official report, "Ukrainian detach- nentt concealed, themselves la dif r ferent layts of the town. Two days I liter fhey sjssembled under Ukrain . ian officers and Cossacks and opened "fire In all parts of the town; During . two day of terror, four undredof J the Inhabitants' were killed by this f scnfcless firing i , "The massacre reached Its climax i on February when Ukrainians, na ffer a Cossarkr general, bombarded J the working class quarters. The 'en l ergetlc action of the revolutionary workmen and soldiers finally crush fed this rising d drove the reac 1 tlonaries out of tewn." s After the Bolsheviki raptured Kiev, one of their artillery division I with a squad roa ct,avalry attacked i Ptchorsky monastery, the . last J stronghold of the rada's force. Te other buildings were razed and the rarrison 'surrounded. V,, . , f . The remainder of the Ukrainian f aruy. acr ordiog to 4h!a fiport, was I taught between two TJolshevilc col Lutnns, and being without ammuni tion, rurrendered. t i r ! , " T-gfots Annlhllafewl. . - f PETROGRAD. Saturday. Feb. 9. 1 Counter-revolutionary polish lesion ' were defeated by the Dolshevikl at Minsk February 6, the Polish forces j eeffering heavy casualties.' "accord : ing to a dispatch to the official news : bureau, datod at Minsk February 7. One detachment of 00 Poles was (Continued on page 2) mmm RAISE: HOGS IS PLEA 10 FARMS 'ft '- Need for Staple War Products i in 19IS Demands Great i est of Effort SPRING WHEAT IS ASKED Hungry Peoples of Europe' to Be Fed Whether War Goes on or Ends WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. Plant ing, of an increased acreage to spring wheat and 'the production of an in creased supply of other food pro duct and jof livestock, especially hog3, is recommended In a supple mentary food production program" is sude today by the department of ag riculture.? It re-emphasizes and am plifies the program for 'ltl8 issued by the depattment last August.' Notwithstanding an Increased pr duction of staple c-ops In the United States In 1017, there Is need for more food the 'statement i says, I "takwig into 4t df ou t ou. needs, the needs of the nation? associated with ns in tho war; and te needs of friendly neu tral nations, -our best efforts 'will be required to provide enough food in 1918. Whether the war continues or not, the demands on this country, -because of the increasing population and the'7 needs, of Europe will be great. n::'-.:- ', vt Wheat And Hog Demanded- ; , ?Chief emphasis shduid be given to the production of the great staple food prc-ducts, with special stress on wheat - and hogs, - the leading ' war foods. It 13 believed that the nec essary production can be secured through the use of the best known farm methods, but it may be neces sary to a small extent to sacrifice certain of the less important farm crops temporarily in the. interests f others which rank' highest in Im portance ae food for man. r iThe depannaent states that It -will continue to assist farmers in every feasible way to secure and safeguard their seed, sup plies and to prevent losses of food. tuffs from insect pests and diseases i plants and animals, 1 iMThe acreage . of ; spring r wheat should be increased, the statement says, "in order to make .certain that if e shall have an adequate supply of wheat for oar own uses and to meet the needs of the allies. ' . , .1 The department -believes that it will be possible this year to . secure an acreage in-excess of the record acreage in 1911 without .upsetting farm plans. - . - .: . j ... ; "It Is hoped that many farmers especially hi the northern part, of the eom - belt, -will 1 find : It ffbssible to plant five to ten acres ' additional In wheat. ; r 1 ,; 'i i To a small extent the acreage in oats, it. neceseary, could be reduced in the interest of wheat. j "It the aereage. of spring wheat Indicated for come state cannot be planted, the barley acreage might be increased., W. -, .; ' ' Other recommendations made are: The number of hogs should be in creased by at feast 15 per (Sent. Ef fort should be made- to maintain the acreage of sugar, cane and,' sugar beets, and to increase these areas insofar as these crops are well es tablished or are necessary to sound agricultural practices. Productions of satisfactory substitutes or, sugai should be .Increased. ; v j : 3fore Poultry X(ceaiy, - The supply of Glairy products should be maJavained. .. " , Poultry production should be In creased greatly. especJaliy'ln tacK yards and on fr run where waste ma terial is availabre. j An acreage of wrn approximately equal to : that or 1317 -aaoma ce slanted. ,-.-.': ' -.-. . X sRice. buckwheat -and flaxseed pro duction should be maintained and, if powiMe, lncrease. - -i The production of grain sorghsms (kafir, mllo. feterita .etcj should he increased greatly. ' I I , The . normal acreage ot Irish and sweat potatoes should be maintain ed. ' - " ? Wherever feasible the area deiot ed to bay, forage and sileage crop should be Increased and" these pro ducts used to a gresUer extent in place of grains. , ! ? ! The j number .: of ; beef animals should be increased In region to which they are adapted; because of their heigh food value, and avail ability for domestic or export trade. Sor bean and peanots should be in creased La supplement beans and peas as human food, as a source of much needed oil, and as animal feeds, h j Market gardens near large conruei Jng centers should .be ncreae In order to obviate the . necessity of transporting such products from dis tant points. . . ; "' tits Troop Song ! CAMP "MFiAD, Md., Feb. 48. Mrs. t nb.r wifjk nf the secfe- fary of war,, stirred the patriotic fervor of more than 3000 men i the national arniy at the openlngjor the IJberty theater -here t anlgnt when she sans "Uncle Sam," a pat riotic song. , . 1 ' WILSON'S ACT STOPS SHIP YARD STRIKE Employes Back to Work at Noon Today;-Hutches on's Relations . with Shipping . Board to-Be Renewed r TIE-UPS DISASTROUS J TO .ORGANIZED LABOR Success of Munition Produc tion Rests on Ships, Chief ' Declares, WSlilNGTIN, Feb. 18. Presi dent Wilson's intervention has term inated the eastern shipyard striken. Reports tonight to the shipping board from union headquarters in all districts except the carpenters'.' said the strikers would be back, at work by noon tomorrow. ; William r It. Hutcheson, president of the Brotherhood - of Carpenters and Joiners,: who was due Ifere to day,' did not arrive but ish expected' tomorrow to take up the situation with government officials. Although heretofore Hutcheson has declined to leave to the shipbuilding labor ad justment board a settlement of the carpenters' demands, officials believe that after the president's, message of last night, he at least will be willing to renew relations with the board. Strikes Threaten ; Orjcsni9d Lfebor. Carpenters" brotherhood, it was brought out tonight, was made a party to the creation of the adjust ment board by the signature of his vice president, but Hutcheson over ruled his subordinate's action: This fact. . acocrding to V. ; Everit Macy. chairman of the adjustment bbard. is caueing the present trouble at Se attle, where carpenters are trying to enforce a closed shop. All carpenters In' the western yards agreed to the Pacific coast wage award. Mr. Macy said, until they learned recently that Hutcheson had repudiated it. William B. Dlackman, director, of labor for the Emergency Fleet cor po rati on. Issued a statement tonight, declaring 'that: shipyard strikes threatened the life, of organized la-' bor in that further shortage of ships will force the closing ef plants pr ducing war munitions. f'It!sonrv throueh shipyard la bor." he said. "that reUef to labor throughout the ' country , can come. Therefore, uncalled for strikes not only threaten the safety- of our armies In France, but the very heart of labor itself through: the reduc tion In' employment which , is faced by millions of men not- engaged di rectly In shipyard work. ' "For this reason, a shipyard strike Is In effect :a lockout, aimed at all labor In the country and threatens the very life of organized labor itself." ; i. ; ?.,? ..- On the shipyard workers depend the affility of other . laJor to obtain steady employment. If a group of shipyard workers, ties up the ship yards or fail to give a full day's work, mot jpnly will the resulting stoppage of each man's work, throw them out of employment, but this stoppage also will affect the employ ment of the 6.200.000 war workers as well" as the employment of the entire IS, 00 0.0 00 workers through out the country. k . Jjabor Imulers Have .Agittiiwut. "Because of , this fact the labor leaders of t the . courrtry. including Samuel Gompers. president of the American Federation of Labor, have entered 'into an agreement' with the navy departmt nt, the shipping board and the Emergency Fleet corporatloa an arreementii, which has been kept with scrupulous care by its signers and enforced by a board, the very personnel of which Insures ("fairness. ;' . ; j"f wish, therefore, now that the president' has taken action In the carpenters i strike, to point out to employes and to the members of or sranlsed labor throughout the counr try that their own Interests are vit ally at stake in this shipping mat ter, and that the'whol force of their mighty Influence mst Tor their own protetcion be used to-keep the ship yards running full time and block eny atteroot to paralyse the nation's business through strikes nd trust the labor adjustment board to deal fairly rith them. V f 1 Khlp Vint Cnl!eviitIoo. iTbU war can be won thronsh contruction this year of S,00.00 tons of shfpplng by the tjjfted States and the allies. This amount will not only overcome! the submarine, but also will leave a mftryin necessarrtn transport and' care for 1,500,000 American Irbop overseas. , "There Is but one thing ahead a forced slow down In American fac tories until the ships are built. Net only are i rwrts and docks now lammed with supplies for overseas, lint there are also in Atlantic eoat termlnsU r.lnne more than 30.000 csrs loaded with supplies, for Europe. No -greater surplus of supplies can poiiiMy be permitted 4o rfrsumn late even thouth the estimated amount of war supplies needed this (Continued on pace 2) CANDIDATE FOR MAYORALTY AT SEATTLE SHOT Ralph A. Horr at End of Cam paign Is Wounded by Unknown Man PATRIOTIC TALK BLAMED Firing Follows Exclamation, You Won't Heed Oins Warning, Eh! SEATTLE, Feb. 18. Jialph A. Horr. prominent Red Cross korker and candidate for ,the mayoralty nomination at the municipal primar ies here tompriow. was shot tonight ' by an unknown man, who concealea himself in Hoor's office. The man who fired the shot, as well as an other man who accompanied him es caped. Horr was able to drag himself tc his desk telephone and mi ram on the police. At the city hospital doctor. said he would live, the bullet having. punctured the fleshy lower part, of his left shoulder. ' ..;.. No reason for the shooting could be .given by Horr. He declares, how ever, that he has received several writttn threats ,w.hich were 'to the effect that If he Ud not cease his denuncitatlon of anti-patriots he would be killed. Yesterday, Horr said, he received l letter a c' vising him "for the last t.'m" to "cut out the pink cuff talk. s : . . - , Horrwho is an attorney, went to his office late toirfghc after finishing the closing speech cf .his campaign. As he snapped on Ihe right, he says, hev saw two men, one of whom was armed with a revolver, facing Kim. "You won't heed our warnings, eh!" Horr asserts, the man declared, as he fired point blank. After the single shot the men fled. It was twenty minutes before Horr managed to summon the. police. 'Horr is 35 years old, married and has resided here twelve years. He is a graduate of t the i University of Washington and ?for several years graduate manager of the studenr body at the university. ITALIANS KEEP UPHEAVYFIRE ' ' :--: . -. ."? Batteries Show Remarkable Activity in Harassing Enemy Troops ROME, , Feb- 18. The Italian troops ' are showing much activity, and are .harassing the ,enenur all along the line. There also basbeen considerable artillery fighting, ac cording "to the Tepcrt from general headquarters today. The statement says; , , ' ' - "Between the Posina and Astico our patrols have displayed remarka ble activity and our batteries have' harrassed .hostile movements in the Lahi basin. c "Our artillery shelled troops marchirf? ' alotig .Galmara valley. There was reciprocal cannonading at the salient of Monte Solarolo. "Our patrols carried out effective harassing actions against advance posts at Grav di Papadopolo, 'Ji the middle Piave. , , "Along the coastal regions th3 enemy intensified his artillery fire and pushed various patrols toward Cortellazzo. , They were driven back, however, by hand grenade fife." Repudiation ot Russian Debt Firmly Protested PETROGEAD, Friday, Feb. S All the diplomatic rcptesentatives of the 14 allied countries and six neutraLs have protested agvlnst'the repudia tion by the Bolshevik! government of the national debt and al&o against the decree . respecting the confiscation-of property. They have declared that these edict have no value sc far as their "nationals are concerned and they reserve the right to claim damages. . . House Passes Billion ' ' ; Dollar Deficiency Bill lyASHINGTON, Feb. lg.-The bil llon dollar urgent deficiency bill car rying a haf billion for the, military establisbmert and large suras for the navy and other branches of the kgovcrnment, was passc4 today by the nouse.- ., - , ; .. Kuehlmann to Discuss Ukraine Peace Pact AMSTERDAM,' Ftb. 1S.-r-Accord-Ing to the CologneVdlks Zeitung the Cerroan foreign secretary. Dr. von Kuehlmann, will address the reich stag on "Tuesday, when the Xirst read' inr of tho Zkraine peace treaty will b-taken up. ' , ,. 1, : i ' LONG BILL S JHIRD TAKE TIME OF SESSION Qiy Council Vttes Reassess ment of South Twelfth Street Property Total Is More Than $25,000 WRANGLE ARISES OVER TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Maximum JSpeed Limit Is Cut from Twenty-five to Twen- ty Miles an Hoiir ) Aboit 9a per cent of the time at a four-hovr session of the city coun cil last night was given over to City Recorder Race for the reading of j sundry bills of great length, and if the recorder hadn't been relieved now and then by members of the council he doubtless would have lost his faculty of speech from working his vocal chords overtime. i The South Twelfth street reassea raent ordinance bill, which was pass ed, is as long u a gypsy's, wagon track, and Mr. Race read twice from beginning to end. At the first read ing the aldermen- paired off for a social hour,' City Attorney Macy .lounged on the mayor's desk and entertained the executive with stor ies the stenographer didnt try to hide the fact, that she was bored. Chief of Police Foland alone looked dignified, but that's his business when attending ' counciJ meetings, and Mr. Race just read right ahead. , hTe traf f ice ordinance also pass ed, is nearly as long as the Twelfth street ordinarfce. After Mr. Race had read this one twice It 'was dis covered that before the final reading, action in mmittee of the whole should first have been, taken on the amendments," so after this require ment was complied with, the record er labored through the bill a third time.-" ' y - . Sonth High. Hearing Set. - The South Twelfth street ordi nance provides for reassessments to taling' in oxcess of $25,000. On the South Kigh street difficulty the committee reported that it had not been able to arrive at the merits of the objections and recommended a final hearing of objections t the regular meeting of the city council Monday night, March 1. The report was adopted and the city ' recorder was Instructei to notify the property owners. - ,. . ; ". Enough cotteation hrose ver cer. tain parts of thn traffic bill to put the latter end of the session back tc a normal temperature, which in the Sale mctty t-ouacil is pretty high. Section 19 of the bill was amend-d to make the maximum speed of Au tomobiles with the city limits twen ty miles an hour Instead of twenty five. -Scarcely any opposition was made. An attemut was made to elim inate the requirement that automo biles come to a full stop before pass ing standing street cars that are dis charging passengers and substitute the requirement that the autos slow down to four miles an hour, but this lost. Ward and Wilson Clash. -Aldermen Ward and aVilson lock ed horns when the discussion reach ed Subdivision - A of Section 37. which, in the original bill provided that no automobiles should be park ed on the south side of state street for a distance of 100 feet from HiSh 'street curb. Ward explained that the purpose of the prohibition was to protect persons congregating at the Oregon Electric depot and moved that the fixues 10) be changed to 60 so that the prohibition would not eatend lo adjacent places of busi ness . ' ' TBut I want to park my car In front of the Oregon Electric depot,' said Wilson. . "Well, the Oregon Electric doesn't want yon-to, neither do the police," remonstrated Ward. ;.'s Wilson contended that the people who use taxlcabs are. mainly those who come In on trains and that it Isn't right to compel them) to Valk across the street to find cabs. - "Would it help any to leave it 100 feet?" bantered Ward. "No," repliid Wilson, "1 want the whole thing taken ,out." "The police declare that some space must be left there, Ward fTs-: swered. "They sy if something Isa't done, . somebody will get killed there." . ;-. Mayor Keyes Interposed. "Then there will be abont forty arrests every day for violation of the ordinance unless you put np signs e said. ' ; i ----i "We will have igns," countered Ward, "We have arranged for tbera." ' - Wilfum Heat Vv. 7 "Alderrmn Ward has this thing all cut and dried," crief Wilson. "He says he has the signs all printed." "1 didn't 5 say that' AVard re torted Ward. . :i ' "Well, I satd It, snapped Wilson. "I didn't sy it Ward , road. (Continued on page 2) RAID IN THREE: NIGHTS SHUKES LONDON Hostile Aircraft Fails to Pen etrate Defenses; None Is Killed - STAID CITY IS UNMOVED Dinerf and Crowds in Thea ters Calm as Gunfire Out side Is Heard LONDON, Feb. IS. Hostile - air planes are attempting a raid against London again tonight, making the third raid In as many nights. No damage or casualties are yet,re portec. . - An official statement Issued at midnigVt says: : "HostUe aircraft crossed the cotast shortly afterS o'clock tonight and proceeded toward London. None :pf the raiders penetrated aerenses, and so far there has been no damage and no casualties." " - Cie of the bombs dropped, on London last night hit a hotel, killing six or eight persons who were infa street nearby watching the- progress of the raid, No one In the hotel re ceived worse injuries than a, few scratches.' Three servants, who went outside a few moments before were killed, as were persons Stand ing on he sidewalk, whoVere struck by the wreckage. London is growing Indifferent to air raids. On both Saturday .and Sunday nights when the bright moon caused the people of the metropolis to -believe that beyond perad venture an aerial attack would be made on the capital, the people went about their business and their pleasures as usual. Nothing out of the ordi nary happened even when the anti aircraft guns began barking, the people remefning In the theaters, al though -the. gunfire could be plainly heard. Sunday night the big restau rants were filled with diners who calmly 4 finished -their meals and then, quietly waited for the "all clear" signal to be given, after which they returned to their, homes. Large numbers of persona still take shelter in the subways and oth er places which are better able to resist bombs than their, flimsily built houses, but in the more substantially constructed hotels and residences the people remain indoors, listening to the gunfire and the bunting cl bombs. Few bombs dropped in the citv either Saturday or Sunday night. Sunday night's raid again proved how the air defeases of London con stantly are Improving. The work nl both the gunners and the airmen seems . to have been sthe best . yet thowB.i .i ". ;..J";'.: One raider coming through Kent met such a tremendous gunfire that he abandoned - his attempt to reach the ' capital. Another' raider was beaten off by anairman who fought him a long time, both men firing ma chine guns desperately until the en emy was compelled to abandon his attempt to get to London.- lt is understood that a large num ber of British airmen were up both along the coast and on the. outskirts of London, As usual there were narrow escapes from bombs which burst in the gardens of residences, the occupants of which received only scratches from flying debris; or slight cuts from the glass of broken windows. ... r; A - .. : $2.65 Wheat Amendment 'Introduced in Senate WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. An amendment. to the food bill to fix 1918 wheat at $2.65 a bushel in stead of $.2 as now authorized, was introduced today by Senator Thomp son and referred to the agriculture committee- Amendments. fixing the price at 12.50 were introduced re cently by. Senator Gore and another, naming $2.75 was presented by Sen ator MeCumber.. Bill Would Defer Farm Laborers Under Draft . WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. A bill providing that farm laborers be giv en deferred draft classification was introdued In the house today by Representative Flood, chairman of the. foreign affairs committee. Those affected would have to be steadily employed.-, in farm work two years before the law became effective. Russian Demobilization '! to Require Whole Year PETROCRAD, Feb. 11. Although during the last eight months the Russian soldiera-have been gradually drifting homeward. Th number re maining under arms Is variously esti mated at from S,000.0t to lff,o0 000. Even if carried out In the ut most order and without Interference by the central .powers the work of deto obi! ration and the retrrn of the men to the towns and Tillages will require at least a year, according to statements mad by a -military au thority to The Associated Tress. - t a.:, ":: m t " - - . . . Hostilities Resumed on Great . Russian Front at Noon ; Germans Cross Dvina River to Carry. Oat Threat; No Resistance Is Met TROOPS PUSHED INTO ESTHONIA AND LIVONIA War on Bolsheviki to Be Con ducted hy Kalser'i Trocps YiTuIe' Austrian Deal Valh .Border Problems , BERLIN, via London, Feb. 1 8. Operations have been resumed nt thn hRussian front. The Germans have crossed the Dvina. This announce ment was made b general head quarters, tonight. ' -The text of the Statement reads: "On the Great Russian front hos tilities began today at noon with an" advance on Dvinsk.' The Dvina has been crossed without fighting. "Called upon by Ukraine to help In their heavy struggle against tlie Great Russia, our-troops have com menced their advance from the di rection of Kovel. "Western theater: - Southeast of Tahnre (In. the Champagne sector) local - fighting developed. . . AMSTERDAM, Feb. 18. An agreement has been reached between Germany and Austria-Hungary, whereby, in the event of mUitary action beinir necessary, the German troops will be confined to the fron tier of Great Russia, and the Aus trians to Ukraine only. This 'an nouncement Ij made In a Vienna dis patch. - r , . . ' . ' k (Br Tk Aociate$ Prw) With Russia In the grip of inter necine sttife and her- battle line de nuded of men as a result of the peace declaration of the Bolsheviki, Germany - has begun carrying out her threat of an' invasion because of the failure of the Bolsheviki to alsa a peacse compact. Germans Press Forward. ' ' Reports from Sweden say that the Germans . have begun pushing for ward their troops Into Russia's two -remaining Bltic aprovinces Estho nia ' and Livonia- the taking of which completely .isolates Russia from the shores of , the Baltic and gives the enemy, in addition to the port of Riga, the city of RevaL sit uated on the Gulf of Finland oppo site Helsingfors. whence they easily might operate against Petrograd by sea. -Although Austrl-Uungary ad shown dissa isf action over the stand that Germany has taken toward Rus sia, the dual monarchy evidently has been placated by a promise of Ger man military activity will be con fined to Northern j Russia and Austria-Hungary left to deal with prob- , lems that may arise near her bor ders. j French Captare Prisoners. In -France and Flanders the opera tions continue of a minor character, except for artillery duels on Isolated sectors and here ad .there raids of more than th usual violence. The only' attack of Importance along Vj. entire front has been in Champagne, on. the sector where the French, aid ed by Aberican "gunners, captured German petition last Tuesday. ' An the American sector, near "r't. Mibiel the Gernans have lncrca- l their aerial rsconnaissances anl bomb-dropping expeditions. The Am erican aoti-aircnit guns are forcing the enemy plant to keep at hKU altitudes. Of-e f them has 'been driven down danued by an Ameri can aviator. The British casualties dnring the last week .were the lowest in many months, J043 officers and men hav ing been killed. The wounded an l missing totaled 208. ; rkdsbevlkfl.lwa!t Attitiule. PETROGRAd. Tuesday, Feb. 12. Nikolai Lertfne, the Bolshevik premi er, reiondlng today to an Inquiry t to what would be Ru!a's action, since the Bolsheviki had deflar;! that they would not fight any inotv, eald : - . "That depends entirely upon Ger many's attitude." At a meeting of the Petrograd k--vlet last night. Ensign Krylenko, V Bolchevik' commander in chlf, was (Coatlnocd on page i) . ' K