The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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.11- . .
. -
175 Busy Stores , The Golden Rule ' ,22 States :
The Place to Save Money
Whole Families Can Trade
New Arrivals1 Daily
No Woman of Miss could wish for more dressy looking:
Hosiery. To the foot it lends that; real "High Toned" ap
pearance so much desired and appreciated by the woman
or miss who loves to have everything about her
'looking its best." We;have it In cotton, silk, lisle and
silk mixed, in shade to match the new apparel, also in a
variety of striking novelty effects, jwell reinforced in heels,
toes, garters top and at prices you'll be only too eager to
pay. Prices: '
Children's. Hose. . . .2 for 25c, 15c, 25c and 29c
Ladies Cotton Hose. ... ,15c and 25c
Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose., ........ J. . , . . . 35c, 33c and 49c
Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose, plain and fancy. . .49c, 59c and-5c
Ladies Fine Silk Hose ........... J . . ........ 08c and $1.25
Men's Hose, .................. .2 for 25e, 15c,25c and 49o
war continues and the needs Increase
they tnust be met by tbe additions
to the original Red. Cross War fund.
which tbe people of tbU country win
bu asked to make ; ' "
- - t i .i i i n '. - -
Captain Zinkham Describes
Finding Brother at Work
iz jn -Hospital
In Ladies Ho me Journal.
r ' Authoritative answers to questions
that are belngr asked every day about
the work of the Amei lean Red Cro&s
are given in Tbe Ladies' Home
Journal by William Howard Taft,
chairman of the American national
comjmittee. r A page In the Jounra)
for February Is given over to. these
questions and answers. 'Many mis
understandings . regarding the ; work
are cleared up by Mr. Taft's an
swers., and, believing that their re
production will do a local service of
value. The Statesman from day to
day will reprint them from The Lad
les Home Journal. The first of the
aeries follows: : ' '
Just What h the Function of the
IteJ Cross National Headquarters at
v .Washington? ; '
. The function of National Head
quarters Is to outline and direct m a
general way Red Cross activities. It
does this through the thirteen Red
Cross Divisions throughout tbe coun
try and not through Chapters or in
dividual members. It is in direct
contact with the' foreign crganiza-
. If you hare catarrh, catarrhal
deafnia; or "head noisea go to
your clruatrUt ud vet 1 oi. of
1'armint (duubl atrnrth). tak
f thli - home add to It hot watr
and ju at a little iuku n di.
r acted in each package. Take 1
.tMpoonful 4 tlma a day.
Tbi will' often brin- quick
relief from the dlatreaa&a hraTI
uoiaea, Clog-ared noatrlka should
an. braathlng- hecont easy and
. tbe mucua atop drupfMng- into the
.throat. . . ..-:,
i ' It I eauy to make, tastes
plaaaantf and coata little. Kvrt-y
wbrf haa catarrh ahotild iflve
thla treatment m trial. You will
probably find It la junt what yu
ii. Capital lru Store can
aupply you. ,
r- '. , ; ,'
tion of the American Red Cross is
Europe, learns the needs there, and
then informs the thirteen Red Crosj
Divisional offices of .thse needs.
What is the Function of the Tbii"
teen Diviskmal Offices? ,
Each of the thirteen Divisional of
fices has supervision over a specified
territory. Each Is a fully. equ)pptT
Red Cross organization functioning
directly through local Chapters aitd
responsible to National Headquai It
ers. ( .i .f - -r-sf ; v
Who and Where are the Division
al Managers? it -a li l-l
ifTht ranid- expansion of the Red
Cross to an organization of neatly
6.090,000 members made it necev
sarr to decentralize some carts Rf
Its management. To this end thir
teen . geographloal- divisions: Were
created and each put in charge of
a business man of - experience : and
ability serving the Red, Cross with
out pay for the period of the war.
All Chapter and individual relation
ships with the Red. Cross are now
handled through the Division Man
agers', offices. These 'are in the,f ol
io wing cities' 1
New York. City, New: York; Chi
cago, Illinois; New Orleans, Louis
iana; Denver Colorado; Boston, Mas
sachusetts; Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Seattle. Washington; San Francisco,
California; Cleveland. Ohio; Wash
ington, D. C; Atlanta, Georgia; St.
ouls, Missouri; Philadelphia, Pen
nsylvania. ; .:.''' '
Address the Division Manager,
American Red Cross, in tde city
nearest you. Tne women's work in
each division Is headed by a Division
pirwtor of the Woman's Bureau.
What Is Bleant by the' Red Crocs
War Fond? .
The Red Cross War Fund Is a
fund of HOO.OOe.CfOO raised by vol
untary contributions during the week
of Jane 17. 1917, as the first atcp
toward financing American Red
Cross war relief work, and to met
tho then immediate ' needs. As the
We have just received 'our nw
All Kinds.
5c package for .i.l .....4o
10c package for. . , s. i ..... ,9c
39c Economy Coffee ..... L ,17c
Plantation Coffee. j.; 22o
Peaberry.CoffeeT. . . ...!.:............. 20c
Loff Cabin Syrup, large fize....,.........83c
Karo Syrupy ........ ;..., j .48c
Log Cabin Syrup .43c
1 gallon Puritan Cooking Oil ... r . $1.84
It will pay you to trade at the
Opposite Court House
Dr. H. J. Clements has receive!
word that Dr. Paul II. Zinkham. wuo
a few years ago was a practicing
physician Is; this city. Is now a cap
tain with tbe Urittsh expeditionary
forces in France." His brother, Ar
thur, who also is a physician, and
who has visited in Halem, is also
with the, Rritlsb army. They each
Served for fifteen , months with the
Russian Red Cross at the beginning
of the war. They are now expecting
to be transferred : to Pershing's
forces. ": !
The following Is an abstract from
a letter from Dr. ZinkJiani to his fa
ther, written in August, it shows
that both of tbe men have been in
tbe thickest of the fight. They bad
a ten days' leave of absence during
the Christmas holidays which they
spent In Paris. ' -
Walking through the battle front
In France, during which the shell
fire was too great for his horse,
Captain Paul II. Zinkham. In tbe
Medical Reserve corps, France, tell
in a letter to bis lather," Louis F.
Zinkham, superintendent of Wash
ington asylum hospital, how he lo
cated bis brtother, lieutenant Ar
thur M. Zinkham, also In tbe same
service in France. ,
! Hoth officers were working in dif
ferent units and neither knew where
th other was doing his "bit.". Cap
tain Zinkham tells how he found hi
brother. It is an follows:,
' "The past five days have - been
about as exiting as my checkered
career has ever produced, and about
as much hard work." Four days ago
a bead case came in with brother
Arthur's name to the card. 1 then
knew he was somewhere at the .front
and I cot busy -found a wounded
officer from his division, and he tolj
me where tbe artillery camp was. I
got permission-from the C. O. for the
day. I walked. At about S j. m. 4
found the division headquarters, and
about where the ambulance was.
four, and a half miles on.
"I borrowed a horse and rode un
til the shell fire was too much for
the horse. Found tbe ambulance to
find that Arthur was in the advanced
dressing station, 'one and a half miles
farther on.' I reached htm about 6
p.m. and found him in a dugout on
the bank of a Canal. The noise was
terrific; he nearly broke down when
he saw me, as he didn't know I was
within miles. He bad been shelled
out the day before and been struek
over tbe kidney, by a piece of stone,
when a shell exploded near by. , Had'
a. bad bruise, but. thank God. noth
ings worse. ;"!
'I only had . about ten - minutes
with him. He said to me in Russian
that he was scared,: I was so scare
had to laugh. I bucked him up
some be was nervous, but other
wise In good shape. : I nearly broke
my heart to leave him. I saw him
watching me as far as he could see
me. I had a rough trip back, but
made it byl daylight. 'I traveled
fourteen miles to see him and four
teen hack. They couldn't under
stand how I found him or why I
wasn't stopped. ..They didn't know
how I; wanted to see him, and then
my . American uniform helped. No
one ever questioned me. I would
have gone to the boche lines if he
had been there. r r
"I have been working very hard
ever since, as we have been driving
the boche back since that night.' My
ambulance went up today and will
be near, I expect to follow soon. I
may get another chance to see him.
Your boys are right where things
are thickest and doing their bit."
' A letter from Lieutenant Zinkham
states he has since seen ils brother.
Captain Zinkham, under more favor
able conditions and; spent the day
with him. ' V i
And one that nad Ion len needed
?nd had not seemed to be possible, is
food's Sarsaparilla taken before
eniinfr and Peptiron after - eating.
These two irreat medicine supple
ment each other in purifying1 and en
riebing the blood, strengthening and
toning the nerves, putting life- into
the body and color into -tbe face.
Taken in conjunction, tbey are the
ideal remedy for the blood ' and
nerves. If a laxative is needed take
Hood's Pills. All druggists.
the United States shipyard volun
teers. I ' , ' :
Building Program Outlined.
"Our shipbuilding program con
templates the construction of 6 mil
lion tons annunally, but owing to tho
want of (be necessary skilled men.
we are not under present condition
in a position to turn out that ton
nage. "The shipping board has the mon
ey. It has the yards. , It has tbe
material. The. housiag question Is
being rapidly cleared up. All that
Iff needed Is to obtain the necessary
efficient labor.
"It should be brought home to
rmployers and to tbe employes of
the Industries of the nation that
their own future depends on the con
struction of these ships. The fact
Jr that the recent order .issued by
Fuel Administrator Garfield, closing
the factories of the whole country,
and the more recent freight embar
go Issued by Secretary. McAdoo. ty
ing up all the freight with the ex
ception of food and fuel, came not
because of a falliag down on the
part of the carriers themselves, but
because of the lack of ships, Thj
reason for this is plain. The speed
ing up of the American factories pll
d up In, the eastern seaports, and
packed Into every railway siding out
side of the seaboard cities, thous
ands cf loaded cars 'of materials for
Ihe war sone. The result was that
even the, coal required for the hp
in harbor could not get through, and
even the few ship which we now
possess wer held in harbor by emp
ty bunkers and could not sail.
Ports Mut lie (leareri.
"Until we have ships to clear the
Atlantic ports' of manufactured
goods, for which our army In France
and our allies are In need, these en
forced holidays and enfbarroe must
recur.iwiin tne result that no fac
tosy in America can be assured of
running run time and no workman
can count on continuous employment
"If you can drlva this horn tn
ycur people; If this lesson, throuzh
constant repetition, can ba thorough
ly learned ; mere is no doubt that
you w,iu get your quota of the nec
essary men; 1 -
it is not mere number that
count it Is the efficiency of the
men enrolled. - -
"ft is as much, to the Interest of
me manufacturer to. send hi heat
men to the shipyards as It is to the
interest or tne man himself to go.
""If the use of my name will In
any way Help you in Your work -van
Lave the. authority to useJt.quoting
iiuu mis statement, to tne end that
the people from your district may
realize once and. for all that on labor
cepenas the construction of the neorf
ed ships, and on these shins denend
not only the. war Itself, but the pres-
rut.iuuuBi.riai .iiie or tne nation.
Basketball Tournament ;
Dated far Feb. 22-23
team are unusually well matched
each ' team having lost at least one
game to soraer " other; team " in the
league. The following high sehooU
wilt be represented: Eugene, Albany,
Saleirt, Cot-vallis, New beg, Forebt
Grove. The members of the Various
teams will be - entertained In tbe
homes of a number of the Willamette
students. : - ;
A basketball tournament of the In
terscboiastic league of the high
school pf the Willamette valley :will
be held In the Willamette rymnasium
unaer tbe direction of Coach Met
news. February: 22 and 23. The
' ; For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
' ' the
Signature uf
r 't r r
' 1 ' 1 V
Cinirman of Skipping Board
' Placet Situation Before
Mr. Steusloff
Edward X. 'Hurley, chairman of
the United States shipping board, in
a letter , to F. W. steusloff, chair
man of the Marion county council
of defense and president of the Sa
lem Commercial club, outlines the
shipbuilding situation in which the
government is placed at tbe present
time. The letter Is written in rela
tion to the movement for enrollment
Of shipyard volunteers. The Com
mercial club .offices are the place
for enrollment In Salem and a large
number of local men already have
listed their names with Manager Mc
Daniel. Mr. Hurley writes:
V -Because of your, official position,
and the vital Importance of the work
of enrolling the United States ship
yard volunteers, in which yon are
engaged. I, desire to lay'before you a
statement outlining the shipbuilding
situation. ,
The information herein contained
Is placed at your disposal, for use as
you may see fit In obtaining the en
rollment of the necessary men for
t . ; a ; ; , , .. .
." - ' - : i '" : -1 ' . r.
W"' ''It
I " '
v r , - .Tin i i n r - : r J-Fi
Resolution Is Passed at Meet
- in'sj of Central Organiza
tion in Salem
Ben F. West, candidate for state
treasure, teceived. the endorsement
of tbe Salem Trades and Labor coun
cil at a meeting Wednesday night
and tbe resolution of endorsement
commends Mr. West to all local un
Ions in tbe state.
Officers for the year elected at the
meeting as follows:
President. . L. J. Rlmeral; vice
president, Pascal Traglio; secretary,
C. W. GIlllngTiam; treasurer, C. W.
Brant; trustees, J. Niederhauser,
C. B. Barber and C. W, Brant. -
The resolution endorsing Mr. West
follows: . - -
, "Whereas, Ben F. West, an active
and efficient member of Capital Typ
ographical Union Ho. 210 is serving
with credit his second term as coun
ty assessor of Marlon county, and
"Whereas, Said Ben F. West Is
now a candidate for the office of
state treasurer of tbe State of Ore
gon, therefore be it ;
"Resolved. That the Salem Trades
and Labor Council hereby respect
fully commends tbe official record of
said Ben F. West as county assessor
to the voters of the State of Oregon
and respectfully ask for him thel
earnest consideration if his candi
dacy for the office of state treasurer.
and be it further
"Resolved, That The Salem Trade.'
and Labor Council' most heartily in
dorses Ben F. West, as a candidate,
for the nomination at the primaries
ror tne ornce of state treasurer, and
be it runner , 4 ,
Itesloved, That a copy of the
resolutions be sent to all local unions
of the State of Oregon, and to othor
organized bodies, under the seal uf
the 8. T. and L. C. with the signa
tures of tbe president and secretary."
First Dose nf Pafte's .Cold Compound
w- .a
. j eiievs Ail unife
: " . 3Ifery. '
For - lV3ai?ch . "
Showing the New Spring Styles are HereFREE
Commercial and Court Stx. formerly Chicago Stcre
Phone 1072
Ninety-One Percent of Bnsi
" ness b Six f.!ohth s If
With' America
Don't stay stiffed tip!
Quit blowing and srfuffllng! A
dose of "Fape's Cold Compound tak
en every two hours until three doses
are taken will end grippe misery an1
breaks up a severe sold either In the
head, chest, body or limbs. ;
It promptly opens clogged-up-nos-trils
and tirwpassages; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves
sick headache, dullness, fererlsh-
ness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness
and stiffness. ,
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
it acta- without assistance, tastes
nice, and causes no Inconvenience
Don't acpept a substitute..
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Jan. 23.
(Correspondence of The Associat
ed Press.) Ninety-one percent of
the S134. 1C,141 trade . of Porto
Itico of the, past fiscal year was with
the United States, making a new
record both for total volume -of bus
iness enjoyed by the Island and In
percentage transacted with he main
land. - The Increase In gross volume
of business was approximately 129,'
000,000 while the Island Increased
its purchases of good es In the Unite !
States by 127.000,000 over 1910.
The Island was more prosperous
than eve,r before, according to the
annual report of Governor Arthur
Yager for the fiscal year 1917, which
has Just been made public. - Since
island's external commerce has in
creased $55. 000,00 and this growth
Judged from the report, is not due
to direct war business or war value,
although sugar la the Island's chief
product. - '---j;. -- . -
Says the governors' report:
"Not only, figures as. to trade and
industry but all the surface Indica
tions of the commercial life of the
island show unmistakably that the
prosperity haa reached a higher level
and is more general than ever be
fore. ' There has been general
though varying - Increase of wages
and there la less unemployment than
1 dieqx BJaX jusmj ui amn iai ir
nore money m circulation, more ac
tivity In general business, more con
fidence In the strength and stability
of the business situation tbta .
Island has ever known."
The Island 'sold to er purthi? i
from tho United States goods of p s
value of $122,854,473. Sugar "
ports totaled 488,943 tons, vI
at $54,016,903, a gain of 03,98$ i
or 18 per cent la volume and ii
000,000, or 18 per cent, la va
ovw 191C. : i
Total exports amounted to ' -.
970,917, while Imports totaled id .
r45,224. Hank deposits, shovt
gain of 13,000,000 for the year t '
reached a total of $20,000,000.
A lawsuit was recently la f
swing and during Its progress a
nese was eroMs-exatnined as to t
habits and character of the Or
'ant ' ' .. : .
-Has Mr. March a reputation f
being abnormally laxy?- asked t
sel briskly.
. "Will you kindly answer the c
tlon a-kedT" struck In the lras ,
Uwytr. . , ' . , .
Well, sir, I was going to any
this way. 1 don't want to do i
gentleman .In question any lajut!
and I won't go so far as to say,
that he'a lasr. exactlr: but At tt t
quired any voluntary work cn i
cart to direst his food whv !
die from lack of nourishment, t.r.'
Everybody's. ; ,
sTo.'ttcH ETc7i:i riv.:
Bankers' Basketball Team
Still at Top dn Per
centage Column '
' . W. tt.
Capital Nat. Dank... 7
Watt Shi pp Company. 3
llanser Hrotbers i i . . 3
Bishops . ....... 2
S .
Dy defeating the Ha user Brothers
basketball team for the third time
daring the Y. M. C. A. Commercial
league series the Capital National
bank continues. in first place in the
percentage column. The champion
ship has now been cinched by the
bankers. It beinr lmnoaalhl'fnp nr
other team te win a sufficient num
ber of games to. endanger the cham
pionship. .
But two more .series remain un-
played and notwithstanding the "fact
that the championship has been de
cided the players decided to continue
the league for tbe scheduled number
of games In order that the remaining
positions of tbe Veagne may be deter
mines, isesides. the Hlsbops and
Shipps.'each of whom haa yet one
game with the hankers, are nnwill-
ng to olut without the one last crack
at the bankers. Each hopes to take
the last remaining game and at least
have, the honor of defeat In r the
bankers, who have thus far had one
unbroken chain of victories. M
Bishops added one more game to
he victory side of the column br de
feating the Ghippa in the last rame
of the evening. . -
Lineup and scores: ,
Capital National . Dank- Walsh.
Harra -18'),, Baker (6). Socolofsky.
4 Hauscr Brothers Brooks (4),
Ilckman ( 4 ) . Townsend. ; Berrer.
Hull, v .
Final score Bankers 13. Maus
ers 8. . v.
Bishops Eof t ( 4 ) , NIst. Coeper
(2). Ryan (4), Ashby. Utter (3).
Shipps Shafer (2),; Secorl(2).
Jaskoski (2),;De Lapp, Radcliff.
Clark 9).---
Final score iBIsbops 13. Shipps 8.
m Officials Glen Gregg, referee;
Lot : Pesree. timer; Oscar B. Ging
rich, scorer. -: '
Two. hundred thousand dollars Is
the estimated worth of the gold
placed ia the teeth of Londoners ev
ery year. - - - - .
' The SeasoimJSnid
(Si IKKj
f ...
' Is still moving along nicely and many are taking idv&nlzz "
Here are some of the shoes you can buy for
Ladiea Black Kid Lace or Button, French neela, 8 inch top,
plain toe, new lasts . vr .
Ladies' Patent, doth top, low heels
Ladies' Patet, Kld top, low heels
Ladies' Patent, Hid top, military heels .
Ladies' Gun Metal, Kid top, military (heels
Ladies' Qnn fclatal TTM 4 i i
Ladies' Ona Metal, Cloth top, low heels'
Misses' Gun Metal Cloth or Kid tm.
Misaea Patent, Cloth or Kid tops
Misses' Tan Ekuffer, Button br Blucher
Men's 0dd lot, all kinds Dress Shoes
Men's Heavy Tan or Black, ' double soles
. Boys' Dress Shoes, Button or Lace
Boys' Heavy Shoes, Button or Lace
YoajS?n,t 5owl7a could buy so many kinds for so little,
did. you?. " . ;
.' '-'
'I I