The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Normal Vision
' -Tho who i have It are few'wben i compared with those who
have not. Maybe that dizziness of that; headache or that nervous
ness from which you suffer is caused by eyestrain. Our examina
tion will reveal wnuiner tne trouble is in the r. ,
r optometrist. ' t . -
Stat and Ulerty KtreeU.
Dr. jhmlHU', OiilimcUiMt. We rind our Own lenses.
I u . n ii i ixi vtvt ii
; vik ; iiMJU v v J II
l - ; . V - ll
I ....... i
OREGON State i street near X
O. B. depot. Home ofArtcrart
and Paramount pictures.
The "Son of Democracy" with
Ben Chap in.
BLIGH State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
Douglas Fairbanks feature reel.
'YE LIHEKTY Liberty near
State. ' Greater Vitagraph, Per
fection and Goldwyn films.
f beda Bara In "CleopatraV
Cleopatra.", ;
Am Vlck Brothers For
Bargains in second hand Fords.
Alico Howell Here
in a new comedy at the Liberty
. today. v . '
Moiled Questionnaire- r
Acting Federal County Agent S. II.
Van Trump was yesterday busy all
day long mailing out the question
naires to committeemen, who will
, ,
"A Horn Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1.90 Per 'Day
IN Raoaas af Sella Caaafart
Only Hotel In Business District
pass them around among the 3400
farmers of the county, in order that
a complete survey of the county may
be bid as soon as possible, covering
Its crop pospects, .live stock and mt-
cninery need for the new crops, as
well as farm labor.. He hopes to get
replies direct from the farmers In a
short time, so that necessary steps
may be taken in securing seeds and
ferilizers, as well as farm labor.
Nominating Petitions
printed to comply with all demands
for state and county offices, at
Statesman Publishing Company (tip-
eeutor T. K. Ford was ordered to
answer, or otherwise plead within
five days. In the estate of Benjamin
II. Robertson, deceased, on petition
Nora H. Jtobartson and ft.. K. Rob
ertson were appointed administrators
and H. H. Robertson,. U. V. Denyer
aid A. K. Robertson were appointed
appraisers. Answer was filed by
Ethel Headrick and Edith Y. Rey
nolds to- the petition of Alice 15.
Frizzell, widow of J. P. FrlzxeU, de
ceased, for a monthly allowance' from
the estate, denying most of thtf alle
gations of the petition and making
the state that the property of the
estate furnished sufficient income
from exempted portions, while the
granting of the petition would be ad
verse to their interests. Tfce final
account was filed yesterday of Cab
riello Clark, executor of the estate
of Naey Clark deceased, order being
entered for hearing objections Marcii
18. The second general account of
Walter Reynolds, as administrator
of the estate of Silas Reynolds, de
ceased; was filed yesterday.
Bay Your Second Ham
Fords now while we have a nun-
ber to choose from. Vick Brothers
The Oregon Fruit Company
; Will pay cash for beans, large or
small lots. Phone 943.
Nominating Petition
printed to comply with. all demanas
for state and county offices, at
Statesman Publishing Company (up
Annual Meeting Salem Fruit Union
The regular annual stockholders
meeting of the Salem Fruit union
will be held at the office of the un
ion, Saturday, February 16, at 10
a. m. There, will be a regular elec
tion of two directors and such other
business as may proierly come be
fore the meeting.
Contract to He Let Noon
The state highway commission will
let a contract in a few days for 'the
construction of a bridge overlloodi
river near the town of that name-i
The ost of the bridge will be In tho
neighborhood of$40,000. The plans
were, drawn up by the commission.
Early Mormon Hays T ',
Depicted in "A Morman Maid" at
the Liberty today. It big, at regular
Modern five-room bungalow, large
living- room with fire-place. dining
vroom with built in buffet. Dutch kitcn
' en rang-es arid K3, two large bedrooms.
modern bathroom, caxh or terms, large
. porch,' phoneJJTS. ..-.
So better automobile at any prlc.
147 K. lllsh, Salem Pbeae 44
We Xow Have Several
. Second hand Forda at attractive
prices. All "models. See Vick
Brothers. -
Short Its In Wall Paper-
Very cheap. Burcu's Funiture
Store, 197 North Com taerclal stieetj
Skiff Funeral Today
: Services over the late Dr. William
p-sutff will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the chapel of Webb
& Clough. Rev. Robert s. uiu win
conduct the funeral and interment
will follow at the City View cem-
tery. '
llano Bargain
v have one beautiful brand new
Singer piano,! regular price $750. As
this piano is not the make we usually
carry in stock we will sacrifice it for
562. Act quickly if 7" wani lu
pick np this snap. E. L. Stiff ft son.
446 Court street. -
W pay the very hlgrhest price
for hOwMhold goods and tooLs of
vary kind.
People'! Second Hand Store
til If. Caarfll SU P 734
Pure apple cider
rhotesalo ana, re
tail delivered Ii
mwt-v a ii m. n 1. w t. w.
XS from clean, sound apples.
1019 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregos
Phone 214,
Osid Furniture Wanted
eaab prices pmid
for ua
, Phone 941 or 003
Highest price paid for old
..sacks '
271 Chemeketa 8L Fhon 30.S
Vanted Sacks and Iron
Highest prices paid. Alo buy
' all kinds of Junk.
' , t Phone 700
Cor' Center and Commercial St.
For Sale. Early Ohio Seed
Potatoes, 2c pound. Onions, lic
oound. In small or large quantities.
Bring your own sacks. Farmers'
Products Co., 160 South High street.
phone 10.
Pfl'rofo Violator Taken
Penitentiary authorities received
word yesterday that, Charles u.
Oraham. a Darole violator from the
state prison, had been captured by
noliee , officers in San Francisco
State Parole Officer Joe Keller left
for San Francisco last nignt ana
will return 1 the prisoner to Salem.
Graham was paroled from the Ore-
mn nrlson last fall and was employ
Ai in thA Ktatp. of Washington. He
passed bad checks in that state and
in Portland, then fled to California.
i - :. ' 1
with Our Comolete Eoninment
Refined services and latest meth
ods of embalming, 'twill be a "fuher
al i beautif uL" Webb ft Clough Co.
Alice Howell -comedy, latet week
ly; and 6) reel feature rneMorman
Maid at regular pncesi iw"7
today. .
KomhiMtlng Petitions .
printed to comply with f'J demands
for state and county offices, at
Statesman Publishing Company (up
stairs). " - ; . ,
f ' mt rtnwvtl m
Tb- funeral of Edward Blirns, who
died Wednesday at St. Vincent s hos
pital in Portland, will be held this
morning at J o'clock from St. Jo
f.h. . Catholic church. Interment
will be In the Catholic cemetery.
f - ' .
SpoUe4 Ceilings Don't Look
Tin wiiw not re-paoer now 7 All
n "ll a Ved. Buren'a Funiture
Store, 179 Commercial street.
raJIIl tar",- tilh
n n n P!iir anounces "Flftletn
i:;';v nf Our Order Celebra
nun, - r
a Hiinm Coming. Date
tit 11 -Time. 9 P. m
civa imn room.
all Elks.
This Little MUs Will
Get On in World, No
Doubt at All About It
f She was only a little shah er
scarcely 7 years old. yet she
tripped gaily down the street,
'two shiny quarters clutched
tightly in one chu.jby hand.
Finally she paused, walked
slower and looked anxiously
H an if in search of fcome-
X one She spied a yoang man
walking leisurelcy down the
I street, and walking up to him,
she gravely asked.
J "Can you tell me where there
I is a barber shop? One where
they cut children hair?"
i There was one close at hand,
and one farther down the. street.
The young man ldoked at both,
I and choose the 6ne fartherest
"There is one, right down this A
street, till you come to mat
striped pole" be said, and with
a "Thank you." the little miss
went her way.
Half an hour later the young
man happened to be coing
the street in an opposite direc
tion, and met the girl again.
Her hair was nicely bobbed and
she ekipped along unmldeful of
all. When she saw her late
informant, however, she stop
ped, and, as he was eating some
peanuts, said,
"Give me some," accompany
ing the request with a winning
nut oim the sack and nuick-
1 ly changed hands. The young
man was rewaraeu wun vinoiu
er "Thank yod..'
'Did you ' f ind the barber
shop?" he asked.
"You bet," was the answer
and homeward she went.
Odd Lots In Wail Paper
l r.. on'a Vn n if ii r a Store.
til iubi. wwi1-" " -
1&7 Commercial street.
Cae Continued
Before Judge Webster yesterday
appeared W. R. Cline, charged with
forging certain railroad freight bills.
and throueh ttoo efforts oi mi i-
torney, his case was continued indef
Piano Itareai
v have one beautiful brand new
filnrof niano . regular price S750. As
this piano is not the make we usually
carry In stock we win sacrmce ir
$562. Act quickly If you want w
nick no this snap.? E. L. Stiff ft sqn.
446 Court street
Pack and Store Eyerything
Special rates on eastern shipments.
Piano moving- and country trips
specialty. Prompt service. Work
1 guaranteed. '
i Office Phone 930 ,
llnmn Phono tSQB
9 O A L A S D W O O D
In The Probate Court
Citation wa issued f rom tho coun
ty! court yesterday to Edward W
VVbltney, executor of the estate of
Susan SUlser. deceased to appear i
court February 25, and show jau.
why he should not be removed and
SJ I. V. Machena. or other er-on
..nnintAH m his stead. In the estate
fames' Neil deceased the petition
of f Michael O. Niell, was filed ob
iecting to cerUln account, and Lx-
Navy Man Visits Relatlfes
j Donald Cory, who Is In the United
state navv and ! stationed at Mare
Island in San Francisco bay, is in ;
Salem visiting at the home of his
aunt and uncle. Mfi and Mrs. W. W.
Cory, 365 South Seventeenth street.
He -will leave ror Mare isianu
Mr: Corr likes life in the navy as
hehas experienced it and claims that
It Is the "only Hfe."
Remnant In Wall Paper
; For almost nothing, uuren's fun
iture Store, 179 Commercial street
McCamant Will Speak
The Salem Six o ciock ciud ww
hold a Washington birthday session
next Tuesday evening-, and Justice Upramint will be the speak-
snorial uatrlotic mnslc will be
Hven bv-the male quartet. Supper
win herved bv the woman of the
Naomi circles An invlUtion to at
tend Is extenaea to an men in.
m.. WAmana AnilllarV K
Of St. Paul's Episcopallchurch whl
-Pri d a afternoon February If
a.n nvinck with Mrs. L. S. Geer
at 765 Marion street .
Mr. CJI11 Lectures Students . . .
Tk. mnihr of the class In His
neiipinn" at Kimball college.
enjoyed a lecture by Rer. R. S. Gil.,
im wniaconali church, Thursday
i v.rimia nastors of the local
""U'tii talks to the students
' " " . . .
I. lliaAlnrr. wnicn WUI SIITC i"'"
in.ieht Into the religious
"r iw of the different
churches. ;
I ; ,
I nA...v r;irlt Dover yesterday Is
sued licenses to use high
to Arthur GIrod. A. B. McKellcr.
L O. Custlss and L. A. Golday of
Salem. .
paint makers of Pendleton and Spo
kane, was In saiem yesceraay.
Judge George B. Bingham left for
Albany this morning, where he will
spend the day transacting legal bust
ness. .
John Boswell of Vale is the guest
of Lee M. Unruh for, a few days.
Miss Nina Llbby is in Seattle vls-
itlne with friends. -
T. L. Billingsley Is In Eugene this
Frank McDonald made a business
trip to Salem from Mehama yester
T. C. Van Cleave of Silverton
spent Thursday in -Salem visiting
with friends. , -
Iric Bolt, an alumnus of Willam
ette university, .'spent Thursday vis
iting with friends on the campus.
Mr. Bolt 1 connected with Y. M. C
A. -work at Vancouver, Wash,
Second Lieutenant J. Blair Bed
in gfield was in Salem Thursday vis
iting with friends. He was formerly
a student at Willamette university.
; J. H. Roland of Jefferson wasf a
business visitor here yesterday.
C. B. Kurd and. jpora Phelps, or
Portland, are registered at the Argo
hotel. '
, O. L. Ferris, sales manager of the
Pheasant Northwest Products coji-
pany left yesterday for the east, on
general Inspection trip of the dif
ferent agencies of the company. In
the eastern and middle states. He
expects to lay out the work for an
aggressive -selling campaign In the!
entire territory, and will pronauiy
be away from. Salem for a month
or more.
uranarer Ivan McDanlel Of tno
commercial club was called to Port
land yesterday, to take part in fed
eral food conferences. It is expect
ed that he will return to the city.
this morning.
W. A. Kraure and F. L. Presbury.
of San Francisco, are registered at
the Marlon. - -
nenton Bowers, of Ashland. Is a
ruest of the Marlon.
H. V. Horton is here from Grants
Pass, registered at the Marion.
D. H. Duncan. S. C. Ban Armitage.
B. E. Mallng. W. H. Rountree. E
s. Buhn. W. D. Jenkins. J. M. Keen-
ey and S. D. King, of Portland, are
ttonnlne at the Marlon hotel.
Frank C. Jackson, of Seattle, Is
at the Marlon.
M. B. Frarris. of Chicago, is at
the Marion hotel.
H. N. Waltx. of St. Paul, is stop
ping at the Marion.
F. A. Bernardo ana w. hu urow,
of Seattle, are at the Bllgh hotel.
C. S. Smith, of Shedd, Is a gue3t
of the Bllgh .
Paul Turner, of Corvallis, Is stop
ping at the Bllgh.
C. Snyder, of Jordan. .Ore., is at
the Bligb.
G. W. De Jardin, of Stayton, Is at
the Bllgh.
E. W. PImer. of Rlckreall. Is
quartered at the Bllgh hotel.
Frank Kirkpatrlck, of Aren, Mont.,
I at the Bligh. t
James L. Price, of Hoskins, Or..
isstopping at the Bligh. - f
H. P. Byers Is here, from Dallas,
registered at the Bligh.
N. N. Cristy, of Falls City, Is at
the Bllgh.
P. C. Olson, E. E. Croad, Chas.
Day, and wife, M. A. Francis. C. J.
Anderson, R. K. Ashby and John A.
Mefsner. of Portland, are reglsterea
at the Bllgh.
C. Scneider, of Jordan, Is quarter
ed at the Bligh.
Can lie to their customers by telling them, when
selUng shoes, that they give them $9.Q0 (shoes for
$3.95 or $4.05'; but that shoe will not give $9.00 in
wear. Soon' their customers will find they have
been fooled. What then? You know the rest your
self. When we sell you shoes for less money and
tell yon that they were $7.00 or $9.00 shoes, and
sell them for $4.95 or $5.95, we want you to. get
$7.00 and $9.00 wear out of them, and not only
the purchase price. "
That's what we call .honest dealing. FOB TWO
DAYS ONLY we quota the f ollowing price. If we
have your size we will sell you the TILT SHOE
for $5.95. Portland price on this shoe is $9.00
But remember we want . you to get $9.00 wear and
more than $5.95.
1 If you want a real good coffe. at
reasonable price ask for ?r
blend. Clbs. for flAO L W. have
put in a new.
and will f o tu:w
way to plaaaa you.
845 Vataa SC
I'ba SOS
U. r. Tlkt Office l ;
299 N. Commercial 'St
Phone 198
118 S. Commercial Si
387 Court Street
r !...' -
Doctor White
Diieae oi Women and Nervous Dueaiei
600 United SUtci national Bank Bonding
Salem, Oregon ,
...nil. I'timi SatnrxlaT
i n.:.i..itAn for vouns men deslr
. 1. .Ointment tJ the United
States naval academy at Annapolis
mi ka ffin Saturday by J. T. Mat-
thewaTof Willamette
.. 1.. nnrin(atlTA Hawiey f
district will be ellgable to take th
examination. The following ubject3
will be scheduled: Spelling arith
metic. Igebra. geometry, Un"
States history, grammar and geog
raphy. ' -. j .. :i
Mr. Elliott of the 8alem '"e :ftnr
Company reports the sale of a four
nassenger 80 horsepower Peer less.
Immobile to Mrs. L Beason of
Salem. The car was delivered yesterday.-
. -1
Weeks Will Be Candidate
George W, Weeks, who was a
memI? of the 1913 and 1915 ses
m J, n,nn lerislature. said
ye."rday thai he will be a candidate
Yor the 1919 ,on-,lThrV1e
been rumors for some time that Mr.
Weeks would seek a place in the
state senate instead of the lower
house. .. .
I E. E.
j Cleaver
Cleaver, , manager of the
Manufacturing company.
Special for Friday Only
Bars Royal White Soap. .25c
0 Boxes Matches .27c
3 lbs. Carre Cut Macaroni. 23c
4 lb. Cream Rolled Oats. .S3C
18 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser. 15c
, .30c
7 Bars Pacific Itmdrj
25c K. C. Baking Powder
50c can Oysters, one day
2 can Milk -
3 Ibn. Royal Clato Coffee. .85c
im wikir. IJbertr -Oat
VlnkM .... .... .... 'M"'
Citrus Wash Towder, pkg..2c
Saturday Only
Ttt for Liver and Bowels, Bad
Breath, Bad Colds, Sour Stomach.
!Oet a 10-cent box. ' "
'Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tonaue. head Jand nose clogged up
with . a cold always trace this to
torpid liver: delayed, fermenting
food In the bowels or -sour, gassy
stomach. .
Poisonous matter clogged in the
Intestines. Instead of being cast out
of the system is reabsorbed' into the
blood. When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it causes conges
tion and that dulr throbbing, sick
enlne headache.
Cascarets Immediately cleanse the
stomach-remove the sour, undigest
ed food and foul gases, take the ex
cess bile from tbe liver ' ana carry
out all the constipated waste matter
and poisons In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight win sureiy
straighten you out by morning a
10-cent box from your druggist
means ' your neaa : clear, siomacn
sweet, breath right, complexion roi.y
and your liver and bowels regular
for montns. ' .
age of the old bridge, there being a
very large tonnage of old steel and
iron to. be disposed of, upwards of
100,000 tons, and as old steel or
Iron of any kind Is now eagerly
sought by the government at fancy
j prices, somebody' will get a neat
profit from tbe sale of tne juna. .
Jadge W. M. uusney, wno maaa
the original contract on the part of
Marion county, yesterday turned up
the records in his office, which show
that the contract for the new bridge
was awarded on bids; that tne suc
cessful bidders . were J the Coast
Bridge company andRobert Wake
field, of Portland. The estimates
and contracts were made by Herbert
Nunn, state highway engineer, and
were executed on the part of Mar
ion county by County Judge Bushey
and Commissioner Hunt, ,
The body of the con tret reads that
the structure shall be buolt and paid
fnr'by Marlon county, but the county
of Polk, after the completion of the
bridge, will' reimburse Marion coun
ty with Its share. The figures In
serted in tbe contract are xiis.uuu.
afterwards raised to 1202,000, these
being minimum figures. It .being
considered ' that some 6 f the items
of expense could not be figured in
advance, as material and labor is
advancing all the time, but the most
conservative estimate of the bridge
cost when completed Is $225,000 In
round figures.
Judge Bushey explained that the
contractors agreed to clear the chan
nel of all obstructions to. navigation
after the , completion of the new
bridge, which would mean that they
Included In their bids for construe
tion also the cost of tbe removal of
tbe odl bridge. Including Its valu
able steel. ; 1
ffn that ,evenf; whatevere . prort
will accrue from tbe sale of the steal
and iron will belong to the contrac
tor, who are supposed to have fig
ured that' as a part of their profits,
and the cost that much less to tho
county. The county will get the new
bridge at about 'the estimated Inti
mate cost, and the bridge contractors
will reap tbe harvest from the sale
of the steel and Iron of the old
bridge,' It may be more than thsy
estimated It would bring them at
K a ,1mA ttiA MiiitnFt waa lnail
ProfeSSOr Plttman of Mon-I July IS, lSH, when It comes to the
sale of it in August or septemoer
"Is a memorial tablet erected to the
memory of tbe late vicar."
"There now." Ain't it beautiful?" .
exclaimed the admiring old lady,
still flustered and anxious -to please.
"And I'm sure, sir, I 'ope we see onV
erected to you on the other side." ,
London Tit Bits.
Since the beginning of the war
Great Britain has piled up a national
debjt amounting to $20,000.000.000.
Auction Sale
Cor. Ferry & Liberty
SAT., FER., 16, 1918,
10:00 a. ra.1 '
1 Horse, 1,330 pounds, .good
worker; 6 Buff Leghorn Pol
leta and Cockerel; 1 deliv
ery wagon; 2 plows, culti
vator. Tools, 'etc.
t 1:30 p. in,'
Household ' Funiture of all
kinds, ranges, beaters, .or
gan, piano, canned fruit,
men's, ladle' and children'
clothing; shoes, etc.
Private sales daily.
F.N. W00DRY,
Phono BlO-oll
mouth to Give Main Ad
dress Tonight
a cans Light House
Cleanser .... ,
5 Bars Ivory Soap ....-. fsac
Itoyml Baking Powderr'lb. 3c
peanut Butter, pound .... 15
2 ' lb. M. J. n.t Coffee . . 75
Potatoes, 10O lbs. . . . , . ; f lilO
1 1 .oa. pkg. Raisins, 3 pkgs. 23c
Sun Uld talsina, 3 pkg. 20c
fl.OO Brooms for ....... t5e
i pkg. E-C Corn Flake. .S3c
Pot Toaatiea. pkg. ,.10e
15c pkg. X. B. C. Cookies V
2 for , . ,25c
2 pkg. Crape 5uta for . . ".2SC
Vou pay only for Groceries Ton
Buy, not for , Fixture. ; :
At the First Methodist church to
night a mass meeting of Salem fath
ers and sons, . incident to the cele
bration of "fathers and sons week."
will be held. Banqueting will not
be a feature of the affair tonight.
but there will be something else Just
as good, namely, an address by Pror.
1L S. Plttman of the Oregon Normal
school. tTbe bneetinr tonight be
gins at 7:43 o'clock. ?
Assembly sngtng will be led bv-
Secretary O B. Clnrlch of the T. M.
C. A., and Dr. It. N. Avison will open
the program with nrayer. A male
onartet under the direction of Joba
W. Todd will contribute a number of
selection prior to Mr. Pittman's ad
dress and assembly singing will fol
low the address. This will Include
the' singing of the "Str Spangled
" Professor Plttman has been heard
at the high school twice and has been
enthusiastically received by the stu
dents on both occasions. His subject
to night will be on the relation be
tween fathers and sons. Supeiia
tendent Todd and his warblers do
not need to be introduced to Salem
people because they are already
counted amona the celebrities. Sec
retary Gingrich promtses fifteen
minutes of the best songs obtainable.
The high school students are be
hind the program, and with the as
sistance of their fathers think, they
are likely to make an overflow meet
ing necessry.
Tomorrow night fathers and sons
are to spend the evening at home to
gether and Sunday special services
will be held In all the churches.
Builders Reap Profit From
Wreckage of Old Inter
county StrarfuTe
As i the time approaches for the
completion of the new inter-county
blidge 'over the Willamette rlrer
connecting Marlon "d coun
ties, much interest l manifested a
to what Is to become of the wrerk-
Brratk IlyasaH far Twa Mlaatea aaa
Staff l Hraa TO ill uec wun
If you want to get relief from ca
tarrh, cold In the bead or from an ir
ritating- cougn in tne snoriesi um
breathe Hyom.l. ....
It will clean out your neaa in iwo
minutes and allow you to breath frca-
Hvnml will end a cold In one day.
it will relieve you of dtsrustiivfr snuf
fles. Nhawkinar. npittlna: and offensive
breath In a week. - .
Hromel Is made chiefly from a sooth
Intr healinar. arerm killing; antlsepttlc.
that comes from the eucalyptus forests
of inland Australia wnera eaiarrn. as
thma and consumption were never
Hyomet la pleasant and m easy t-
breathe. Just pour a few drops Into
the hard rubber Inhaler, use as direct
ed and relief is almost certain.
A complete Hyomei outfit, including
but little at druggists everywhere and
mt rtantoi Vrv'a. If vou already own
an Inhaler ybu can ret an extra bottle
of Hyomei at arug-giata.
A clergyman . was about to leave
his church one evening wnen ne en
countered an old lady examining the
rarvlna- on the front,
Flndlnc her desirous of , seeing the
beauties of the churchy he volun
teered to chew her ovr, and the
flustered old lady, much gratmea
at this unexpected offer of a person
ally-conducted tour, shyly accepiea
it- '. -
rtv and bv they came to a. hand
some tablet on the right of the pul
pit. "This." explained the good man
Sjry uooq
We have just received a ship-
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"Eighty per cent of the population are afflicted with some form
of spinal defect that Is the cause of so much nervousness. Indi
gestion, headache, rbeBmallsm, mental weakness and other grave
and dangerous diseases." W. 1L .Shumfley. M. D.
Chiropractic corrects the spinal defects.
, DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C.
P. S. C. Graduate -V.
8. ITatl Bank Bldg, Rooms 406-7-8, Salein, Oregon. -Office
Phone 87. Res. Phone 8285 ;