We Must Clear Our Shelves of All Odd Lots of Shoes Before We Start Our Big Spring Drive i Which Will Open In Another Weelc DO NOT THIS OP -v iTh nr F T .1T "IT TV To Buy Shoes and Rubber Goods at Wholesale Prices. You can not-make money faster than by buying these shoes;they are cheaper , than the f actoriesW producing them today. This is the last call; get all the shoes you want before the regular pnces go n to effect , PRICES - That Mak Company Popular .M en s Shoei 6enV$4.H and $5.00 Dress Shoes,' while they list, wholmle price Men's $0.00 Dress Shoes, all leathers;, button and Uce, wholesale price ......-. i .......... $o.vd Men's $100 Dress Shoes, all styles, button and lace, wholesale price Men's $8.50, some $3.00 Shoes, all styled button and price ... Men's $9) Logger Shoes, best grades, Jo .o'APjS.L ....................... 1 1 -5.4 .35 nd Men'S $i:65 and $1.75 House Slippers, tan and black; to close out at Women s Shoes Women's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, broken runs, button and lace, aU. styles, wholesale price 52-95 Women's $6.00 Shoes, all styles, button and lace, while they last,, wholesale price. . . . . . . y ' $3.95 Women's $7.00 Shoes, all styles, button axui iacc, black and t wholesale price . . . . ....:..............- -j $4.95 Women's $8.00 and $9.00 Shoes, black and colors, all styles, button and lace, whole price. I..;. i...... J...i......-.$D.95 Women's $10.00 to $12j00 Shoes, alitor, noretty, to close-out. wholesale price. . . . . ............ ' : " $" Women's $15.00 Shoes, just a few high gradet novelties, to cM wholesale' mice. . . . V. - . -.... ... Slfa? Boys. ''arid CMMreini Boys' big run, all sizes, black, button and lace.up to $3.50, go air Boys' Broken lines, all sizes, high grade Shoes, up to $5.00, n at Boys' high top Boots, Up to $6.00, to close out, black ami . , v Cln;aren's House SUppers! aU styles, to close out, wholesale price ... -.v -. v. 0DC Children's Dress Shoes in aU leathers and styles, to close out, whole, sale torice. . . . . . ...... .v. - $i.I nu f 1JJ Cbilclren and Boys' Bubber Boots, all kinds, to close maranteea -4-- -t . - . f ' i 1;' n. i .r .' ir.:. rLa lirt1iiti1v sruaranftcd. while they last, go at ?3.95 viz Line ivncc nuuuu .. . . Big UneS Men' Work SSii, tin and flack, all nzlt, number of tyle, at wholele price $2.95 R:t;n. liBk Kid. lace or button Dres. Shoes, laUttyle, to go in the sale at.. . ..:.?2,95 Big Line $2 aid $1.75 LadieHoase Slipperi. aU color, and styles, both with or without heels.co .... .-. .... . . ! " ! . x M VTA Y Frf C. In CW Our M Eue V-r F d Cl 4f & Smi. ,1. Ab,oh,U.y Fe and II You Do Not Get Comfort After Wea, If You Have Any Trouble With Your Feet Come In and Ut une ot uu AnnliancM, TfCosts Yon KoVm.- : I J Head. Hanan Shoes o uart ii ers. ror Jt Selby Shoes ' - Eox. Party Pumps r Tf 61! tl yf H 1 TLs iTM t - i Witok Elk -Boot Ball Band Boots-' -Wbd!A'Suppprts Next id Ladd &' Bush Bank, 326 State Street