The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair, colder east portion; light
- westerly winds. - ?
it if'1 ' : v,'v f r '
'I t j
Unanimou s Courtmartial
Brings Mere Shrug of
. Shoulders by Frenchman
. Convicted of High Treason
Conviction Follows Disclos
ure of Relations With 1
. Bernstorff in U. S.
PARIS. Febt14. Without the
slightest tremor, : Bolo Pasha, con
victed of high treason, heard Colonel
Voyer. president , of the court mar
tial, pronounce sentence of death up
on tttm today amid Inrpresslve alienee
la the court room. .Merely shaking
his bead and shrugging his shoul
ders as if to say It was hopeless to
fight against the odds, Iklo returned
to hi cell. 11 J,-'l!'-''-'-'!?s-1
w Awed by the soldiers with fixed
bayonets, those .who bad1 assembled
In the court room refrained from any
rtflmenatratlotw but the crowd out-
Bid the court house uttered a ter
rific roar and cheers of -approval as
word, of the sentence reached them,
pltlnlyshowlnf the favor which the
seatence of death found among the
French neonle.'
Swirtly the news of the coming
execution of Bolo Pasha spread
throughout the city. Colonel Voyer
bad not yet' completed reading the
sentence when the cheers of the mul
titude from outside drowned his
voice. ;' - ."
' Conrt Martial Is Unanimou.
" The court martial was unanimous
in condemning Bolo. It stood for a
time four t three against the con
vtction of Porchere. but finally com
promised, six to one, on convlctloa
on the charge of "commerce with
the enemy," carrying a lighter sen
tence. The Judges deliberated -only
molt r
f Shades
Best ,
Fair :
.40 jch S3k
Crepa De Chine
$1.65 a Yard
New shades for SprinfiT.
Juat received Aprieot,
Pink, Flesh, New Blue,
Ilais, Flam, Gold, Tan,
Grey, Golf Bed, Old
Rose, Copenhagen Blu,e,
Russian Green, Cream,
Navy, Burgundy Black,
and Reseda.
Appropriations for Numerous
Large Storages Are Pro
Railways Built by U. S.
I Abroad to Be Bought by
prance After War
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Prlnci
pal items for the army in the billion
dollar urgency deficiency bill favor
ably reported to the house today In
clude $277,732,000 for bombs for ah.
planes, $100,000,000 for quarter
master Storage plant on the seaseoaat
and at Interior points, and $81,600,
000 for mountain, field siege and
other artillery in addition to the bil
lion danars already spent for ord
nance and contract authorization for
$579,000,000 additional.
In asking for an appropriation of
$100,000,000 for storage and ship
ping facilities with an authoriza-
of $50,000,000 more, Major Genet at
Goethals, acting quartermaster gen
eral disclosed that It ts proposed to
spend from $20,000,000 to $25,000,-
000 enlarging the Bui h terminals at
Brooklyn. New storage plants at At
lantic coast points will cost $69,
700,000 and Interior plants, the lo
cations of which were nbt given, will
cost $50,000,000. V ,
Storage Locations Many.
- The bill also reveal i that the army
medical corps contemplates an ag-
greate of, 1.000.000 square feet Tor
Its storehouses at New York, Phila
delphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Louis
ville. Washington, Water to wo, San
Antonio. Atlanta and San ranclaco.
The ordnance department contem
plates storage at Newrort, Charles
ton. Baltimore, Chicago, rnuaaei
nhla. Paterson. Watertown. Spring
field. Illinois: Cleveland. Springfield,
Mass.: Rock Island, San Francisco
and Boston, with storage for xpto-
Ivea . on Raritan river. N. J. The
We call yenr attention to ourpment attorbnenl oi Seaion
able CrepeCwitlipardonaWe pide; conUdentlHat hx every
re'ipect, they reyeal the highe.t Mandard of quality deiired
by the moil careful dre$er. ' .
140-Inch - Gotham Crepe $265 a M
;- ' ' : TT. f ' '
aJ new vexy heavy, all ilk Crep. especially' adapted for Suits,
tV - ml Tailored Waist, unlimited in Quality and Service.
Kose, and Silver CJrey. ' ; ' : , .
;40-Inch Georgette Crepe $1.85 a
cock, and others.
Restricted Export of Norweg-
'ian Product! to Central
! Powers -Declined ; Head of
Mission Explains
Existence Depends on Sup-
pliciFrom Central Pow-
i - crs, Says Note
WARTtlNOTOW. Feb. 14. Norway
In her renlr to bt proposals of the
United States for a rood rauonin
asrt-eement1 made nubile here today
by Dr. Frldtjof Nansen, neaa or ma
Xorwerian soeciai mission, oners o
guarantee that no American product
hall ro thtouch Norway xo uer
mn hm Aiina n mpft the full i
m.nrfa nf Amorin foV a restricted
nr vArffian nrnduet to tne
central powers.
: vnt. Fdim itn accede io ino
...mironMi nt ih war trade board
that it stop exporting to the central
powers any materials that may be
rued In the manufacture of muni
tIonsor supplies of war. It points
out that these : exports have been
going forward to the central powers
in limited quantities., and that since
Norway IsT dependent upon Cermanv
m m llfl A
. mon tat.Hi Mntial to Us
economic existence it cannot abide
by the war trade boara's require-
ments in this respect. However, it
t green to limit the, amount of these
supplies exported to tne central pow-
cr. .' L : i " . -
Widespread Feelin JJerelopeo, AMSTERDAM, Feb. 14. The Aus
"A very 'strong and widespread trian emneror has issued at Vienna
feeling has developed In Norway,
un the note, "demanding that , ex -
demanding mai.ex-
port prohibitions should be issued
for all articles or -importance in or-
der that Norway shall be In a posl -
tlon to prevent that such articles go
i Continued on- page 21
Emperor Hopes Ukraine Pact
Will Lead to Ending of
Whole War
President Wilson's Speech to
Be Discussed by Minister
AMSTERDAM. 1 Feb. 14. Count
Cxernin, the Austro-Jlungarlan for
eign minister, ac-coraing io a Vienna
dispatch, has announced his inten
tion of dfcfcverinc.a long statement
to the delegations or im iwo idi
-: . . . . .
attmrn on Saturday concerning tne
lirest-Litovsk negotiations and pres
ident Wilson's latest speechi l;i
The dissolution,, of the Austrian
Reichstrat la possible as a result of
Polish Indignation over the cession
of Cholm to Ukraine, according to
the Vienna correspondent of the Vos-
sische Zeitnng,
of Berlin. It at
ears"nhat the PollBh member Join
ed with tne uzeens ana aiavs iu iurm
a -walitlcn of 217 votesagalnst the
overnmeni. wun u uiiwb -
Ukrainian parties together number
ered only 212. The socUlists who
liave been opposed to all war credits
thus hold the balance of power.
The Austrian press continue to
disenss President Wilson's speen
nnd the eace with the Ukraine. Tn
Reichspost , halls Count Czemin as
the successful peace chancellor or a
I De'ace emnerbr. and declares that the
breakup of the war has now set in.
ine peace mc i u iur
it says, "otherwise the war agita-
tors at Versailles would nof be so
I the following manifesto:
"To mr peoples: Thanks to uoa s
I to mr neonles:
I cracIous aid we , have concluded a
Deace with Ukraine, our victorious
j armies and the sincere peace policy
j which we pursued with indefatigible
perseverance- oi " vim i
fmi At a rnaJre war waaed fort
nn nrurYi nn i
General Peace Wanted.
-In common with my hard tried
peoples. Itrust that after the f7t
,Mi.ln.lnn a) kmm whtrli In
gratifying an event for us. a general
VWUVAUO.VU W -.- " - M
peace soon will be granted suffering
humanity. -
'Under the Impression of this
peace with Ukraine, our glance turns
with full sympathy to that aspiring
young people In whose heart, first
amongst our opponents, tne reeling
of neighborly love has become opera-
tive. and which, after bravery, exhlh -
lted in numerous battles, also pos -
sessed sufficient covrage to give
Impression by doed before whole
world to its better conviction.
"It thus has been the first to leave
the camp of our enemies in order,
in the Interest of the speeaiest .pos -
slble attainment of a new and .great
common aim. to unite Its erforts
irllh niif itrrntth V
Wldewpraul Itellef Korc.X
' "Ilavlnr from the first mamehtvl
mounted the tnrone of my exaltelJ
rnnfithM'i rtt rnvneir one with mvl
uaiiIm In Hia rrw lr-1ilr rMolrt tol
ri,t.i nn k tnirr1 forced unonM
its until an honorable" peace wasl
reached. I feel myself so mueh thejably the heaviest-encounter
aha with tim In I hia hoar IK
Bhi.k ttiAi flnil tan nnw has been
taken tnr the realization of this aim.
With admiration for an affectionate
... i i v .murnii.
mm-wi nil iiiii ail luct k,u.ubm r;m
endurance and Incomparable
self sacrifice of my herole troops, as
well s of those at home who dally
thow no less self sacrifice, I loo
forward with full confidence to tho
Bear and happier future.
"May the Almighty blew ns fur
ther -with strength and endurance.
. w . . n i rn. nnriAitM mnA mi
iui. '"'J -
faithful allies, but also ror enure i uy is nwjr
human ty, we may attain a final Flanders to the SwisiT larder.
-L-r. ThA.mention of American artillery
Man Who Took Pictures
k A .niw ,'- attM
Vf mm J v.-!- . ..w-
SEATTLE. FeD. 1 4. ll was
ed tonight that William Tarka was
arrested here several day ago,
cnarsea wun uaiiuK "
at Fort woraen ana oi i
Ing country. United State. commis-
sloner R. W. McClelland taday fUed
Tarka's balUat $10.00, which
eonld not furnish. Feaeral
refused to discuss .thw case
Bowling Toitrenment to
Be at Spokane April 8
SPOKAN'S. Feb. 14. The annual
tournamenT of the Pacific Interna
tional' Northwest Dowllng - conven
tion will be held hera the week of
pril S, it waa announced tonight
by the secretary. 1Ie aald 2$ entries
from this .city have been promised
and that teams from Seattle, n
couver, Portland and other north.
western cities have also promised to
. ..-;.:
Enemy line Pierced to Depth
of Three Quarters of a Mile
and 160 Prisoners Are
Brought Back V V
Artillery Preparation Lasts
' Six Hours Loss Admitted
by Berlin
Tin. vi i'vrn a i vi v iv vtt a vrr. I
Feb. 14 The American artlllerl
a a a iiixvi a -s"s i
innb m ikriiiian mr in in imiMir-
tant French raid, yesterday between
T.hnr, ami th Hutto An Msnil. in I
the Champagne, participating in th J
preparatory bombardment and the l
cuniyog uarrata lire wmic iuv vf-- i
ration wan bln? miccessruiRr exe-i
cuted. The action was extremely in-
teresting and the result most satis -
r..n,v - -
Tha nuanlf nv rnnn hrnltlrht I
back ,160 prisoners and they estab-1
Il.hnd thomwWM In German nosi-
tlons to a depth ef three-quarters oi I
. .ln., - nf nsarlv a mllo t
-r l- i. itirrirait-
The task, of the assaulting forces
wai to attack and take- a German I
a.llAn t Innlnnr Intn tka. Vnnch niwl'thsm Ml.
.Hinn it IfMotilt miratlnn. I
Aua..A 4v; wiani-A Nha frrnnni I
H,klAk,- as ' nonfAK. 1
if uivu avs saa-tr - mm mhwi - at
4-a , wVUli V a nAVmana HAtti.l I
guns on the surrounding heights. ;
The artillery preparation lasted six
hours, and. with the aid of aviators.
It was ascertained the enemy's' de-
renslves, which were remarkably
strong, had been broken up to
I large extent. At 4 : 1 5 in the after
noon tne order was given to the in-
f.rv . 1n vn n-.r fn ton.
Every man naj been instructed fully
reMrdins; the .objectives to be at-
talned - - -- - - -f r
,.. u ki. J fin ntn
I v. i. .vl Aiv k Hirol
a .katlnr rink. TMe troops, how-
eTe, advanced with! determination.
although they wereV obliged occa
I . .a i il.i. A-. .-itii,
I innoilV III r,.l Hint 1I1IUK1 CIS U .UKi
to machine, gun positions having es-
J upe(i the attention of the Frenci
and American gunners.
linns WhoUr Ii-roncrrlel.
with the help of the courageous
grenadiers these v portions were
stormed and destroyed and their oc-
cunants were either- killed or cap-
I tared. By 5:1 o'clock rockets an-
! nounced that all the objectives Jiad
1 been gained. . "- '
l The 'American gunners, with their
French comrades, extended their
range, putting up an effective bar-
I raee to nrevent counter attacits.
which, however, did not come, the
1 oermans Having bea completely ai-
I concerted.
I ittu T AatoeUttei Pre)
I On the battle front in j-ranre ir
I flrhtirur artivtr between the llrltUh
and French and the Germans has as-
mtmed oomewhat violent proportions
nn at least two Hectors, with the
fnrcea of Field Marshal llalg ani
General Petaln the aggressors. Probr
the ChamDarn region, w i-t. iuc.
rtiT American batteries, which gave
I the French "very effective support.
the French have captured and organ-
i.Aii Rarmin trenrhea southwest of
i.c.u a h. w h - - -
the Itntte d Mesnil. The Germa
official communication admlta the
loss of this ground.
Khnrn V'nciMinter Met.
North of Lens, the famous coal
mining region, the Ilrltish and Ger
mans again have met In a sharp en
pnnnter. but no details of it have yet
r I eome through.
The artillery activ-
- ---- --- - f .o rmm
holnr eneaeed with the French
against the. Germans !n the Cbam-
naene Is. the first - - inaicauon
r,- cAsa rAHa n In the bat
Ha AluwhorA than east of St. Mihlel
. -. - AU..nt from the
C2jampagne front. The presumption.
i . .m.ri,,n artillerists are
. . . wIth the French prepara-
l . jolnlng their comrades in
,t I their own sector.
i v.t Vmnt Nunrtte r:rectei.
rnofficlai dispatches still indicate
;., , n(irman and Austria official
ne ' Irclea there Is very considerable dis-
trust of the IJolshevm leaaera f.o
Russia, and that preparations even
are in the making for. stemming a
surprise maneuver on the east front.
One Bavarian newspaper asserts that
the final conference between the
Ilolsbevik and German and fivtlrian
neace delegates at Breat-WtoTrt
ended in
bore all
a .violent rupio re
. . . a. Vlih
the seeds of a future
conflict. t. .
In a manifesto to hU subjects
rioaltnr with the teaee effected with
the Ukraine,; the Austrian emperor
reiterates bis desire lor an eany anu
.ahI neace. ' ':' '"' '
"In common with m hafd tried
(Continued on' page 2)
Charred Bodies of 41 Remov
ed After Big Montreal
Heroic Nuns Work Valiantly
' to Save Wounded Sold
iers Not Injured
unxTRKAL. Que.. Keb. 14. The
-harrod tMxlle of thirty-eight chll
drn had been recovered late to
night from th ruins or the umy
nunnery, whicn was -tiestrojeu -jr
tiro r it ia feared manv more jnau
perished and searchers ienevea, av
tii f anth mteht reach
.w - - ----- .
All Inmates or the great uuiiain
nrvnt the e'hitdren are Dellevea to
have sniped. .'iny . mwuueu
nnrKliur PlMers. wounuea or sick sui
djers from .overseas, agea,.,i situ f
crippled men ana women w uo
wi r .
When tne uain-wi-r -
In -'the. west wing to warm wu
quickly, given and an tjvose amew
hin lhmilw' fled to Tdaces of
aifotv Thf JKTOIC nuns ailU U u I o
sisters stroye valiantly to save. id. i
UiHc and wounded, as wen as ine in-1
rants under tneir cnarRc.
- ThA ( Illltlrpn Were nouwu III i
iioriinn or tne ouuainic untie '"
fife started and the flames spread so
oulckiy u vw 'inipuwixw w
. NnnA of the SOIdiers Buucrcu 'U
inrv nnvpvpr. altbouKn nearly zuu
-.f ftiAm WPfd CI 11 a rt6 T1 111 XuO
fmUrllnV .
n ftiea of the inmates of the
nunnery ranged from two r three
days to almost hundred
Many of the infants who died in tne
fire and smoke were, only a few flays
! or a few weens oia.
' The elderly Inmates were housei
in another section of the nunnery
and were nt immediately menaced flames. j
... xcash IXGTON. Feb. 1 4. Gener
al Pershinir today reported the fol-
I lowing deaths from natural causca.
Private Homer K. Neoster, memn
UtHi lontralfa. Wash. i '
I a - . , i
. Raymond B. Rlckley, pneumonia
J Dufton, Ind
Orin E. Davis, pneumonia, Mariet
tn Ok la. ': x
Private John iJurne oi iope
Kan., , was crushed . to death oy
crane. " . .
OTTAWA. Feb. H-The follow
nif names oi Americana wct .
viudet in tonixbt's casualty list: .
KIlled Mn action -W. II..-Banes,
fiouth BelUnghtfm, Wash.
Ill J. Stewart. I'oison. Aionu
Members to Work for Benefit
of the Government Men
in Uniform
a Snl.llera and "Sailors Parents
club was temporarily organized at
the armory yesterday afternoon with
forty members signing tne nw
Another meeting for permanent or
ganization will be held at the armory
next Thursday and it is expecieu 111,
the mem berahip will nave aruwu i
".t(t hv that time. The first official
action of the club was to vote reso
lutions of condolence to be sent to
tr - vrif"wtllaon uho: son. Curtis
A1S - " ' ' .
Will son, was among the Tuscan!
victims and who was burled on me
i nner tit Kcotland.
Frank ljavey called the meetlas
.ut.riiar rind was elected temporary
chairman. J Dr. G. F. Holt serred as
temnorarr secretary. Governor was one of the most en
thuslastlc parents who attended th?
meeting and made the motion for or
ganization. The governor expvess;d
the need of united action for tbeaup-fu-.i-t
of the bovs in uniform and of
the government. Following the tote
on the governor's motion a recess
was declared and the names iisiea
of those who desired to beeome mem
a enmm'ittee on constitution and
ty-lawg and another on membership
were appointed as louows: . j
On constitution and by-laws Sey
mour Jones, Mrs. i. G. Nadon and
O. F. Holt, with Chairman "Davey as
an ex-offklon member.
MembershipMrs. Seymonr Jonei
Mrs. F. A. IJak'er. Mrs. I. M. Drack
ett, Mrs. Frank Davey and Mrs. T .
B, Southwlck. : '
U Is predicted that'the new organ
ization will become one o" ftbe most
active In the city in working for th
teneflt of the soldiers and sailors
aniL in doing the things that can be
done by civilians for the support of
the government. .
Suspected Attempt by Dcl
tbeyiki to Create Army cf
Million Men Puzzles Ger
man Military Leaders
Order to Demobilize Regard
ed ai Trick Huns Want
Peace Treaty -
AM8TKRDAM, Feb. ll.Judglng
from the, latest Indications In thu
German press, much dissatisfaction
and suspicion have been aroused by
th latest move of Foreign Minister
Trotzky. Important political and
military leaders are said to be con
ferring busily to find the best solu
tion to the puzzle. All German, new.-
papers note the factT that three hours
after a message Was sent out an-
. . . . . . . . . i
neunemg mo issuance oi a uein ut
ilization order to the Russian arm
another Russian message was Ibbuc I
ordorlng that circulation of tbl.i
communication be stopped. It la
suggested 4hat, this Indicates that
the Uolshevlkl foverHjant no long
er thinks of adhering .to tfts declara
tion of Foreign Minister Trotzky.
Kham 31 aneuver Stutftecteil.
The Zeltung Am Mittag goes f.o
far as to say that there are proof!
that Trotzky's promise of a Russian
demobilization U a sham maneuver.
It declares that reliable reports rep
resent the llolshlvlkl as energetical
ly forming a red -guard army out of
the remnant of the Russian arm;.
in the hope of raising a million men
to establish Rolsbevlkl power In tho
border states.- "
The Kreuz Zeltung of Berlin on
Tuesday declared "on reliable infor
mation" that Trotzky's proposal la
no circumstances Is to be regard e l
as a ieace offer, while It is pointe l
cut by other'papera that the Russian
.war theater- was mentioned' especial-'
ly in the official army report of Tu 3
day., -
1 1 una Want Peace Pact.
-A Berlin telegram to the Kol
nlsche Volks Zeltung- of Wedneslay
says: - ., .
- "The government is not willing to
continue relations with Russia oti
any basis whatsoever unless tbo
present Russian government signs a
regular peace treaty. As. however,
It -must, be recklned, for the present
at any rate, that Trotzky does rot
think of signing any :'" formulated
peace declaration, a situation is cre
ated which makes necessary a thor
ough discussion between the givern- .
ment and the supremo army co..i
tnand." . ' .
The corresiiondent in en apparent
ly inspired passage, adds: .
"The chsncellor Is resolved under
no circumstances to conduct further
negotiations In any neutral centt-r
and It will be the affair of the cen
tral powers to determine where sura
negotiation! may best be held. Th
recal of jthe economic commission
from Ketrograd Is under considera
tion. . . - ''
Prisoner Exchange Wantenl.
"On" the other hand, it is evident!
realized that the question of the bi t
army ef Austro-Gertnan prisoner of
war in Hanslan. territory still eon
trolled by Petrograd cannot be over
looked' A telegram from Vienna to the
Tag) I sc he Rundrhan says:
vit is pointed out in well Inform
ed quarters that the confusion an 1
uncertainty of - internal conditions
tn Russia demand that the central
powers adopt a cautious and wait
ing attitude, and that In pt of the
absence of a formal conclusion cf
peace, there be no hindrance to th3
exchange of prisoners. "
A dispatch from Brest-Litovsk re
ceived fa Amsterdam Monday said
that Russia had declared the stat9
of war to be at an end and that the
demobilization of the Russian ar
mies on all fronts had been ordered.
Rnssla,-lt -was added, did not slsn
a formal peace treaty with the cen
tral powers.
It is indicated in the above dis
patch that Foreign Minister Trotzky
.may have .made further proposals to
the. central powers. Ir such is the
case, no report concerning it has
Leen received in this country.
There have been no direct dis
patches from .Petroprad . for several
days.i A Russian official message
received in London Tuesday, con
firmed the HretLltoYsk statement
that demobilization bad been order
ed. JSInee then there have been no
id vices from Tetrograd.
Fifth Italian Var Loan
It Oversubscribed by Far
PARIS, FebTjI. Subscription to
the fifth Italian loan collected up t
February 11 exceeded S.50,OOO,O&'
lire, according to the Ilavas corres
pondent at Rome,