THIS CmSGOS 8TATE8MAX: THURSDAY, EBRUAItY 14, 1018 LIVING tONDIll OF STOCK YARD WORKERS IS UP Women Testify Families Un able to Live Decently on Wages Received ALLOWANCES ARE SMALL Pastor Declares Housing Fa cilities in Districts Are r Deplorable CHICAGO, Fb. 13. Living condi tion fa tb stock Tarda district in the neighborhood known ait "back of - the Tarda" wern th aublcct of mum testimony in the nu;at paikera wage arourauon ueiore r euerai judge sam 'Aiscnuier today. Mrs.' Rosalie Bobeck. a widow of ten days and the moth or of three children, said her husband had '.worked for. Wilson and company in - tbe'.Cblcaro stock yards for several ream. Ills earnings, she said, never naa been as much as $20 until the week before he died when be worked 80 hours and received 123:. He was a truckman at the time of ltls death. When ber children hart meaale she did not have money enough to nave a aoctorna when her husband died she bad to rely on friends to Day hla funeral MDenw In answer to questions by Attorn ey rank r. waisn she said she never attended a theater, tnavlnar ni ture show, a picnic or other form of amusement. She declared she never even went for street car rides lo .public parks because she could not arrora it. ,.r JWrs. Anna C. McQuillan, whose husband is at present an organizer i or toe ; American federation or Labor, but formerly worked In the stock yards as a lard Inspector for nu a month, testified that she was never able to live .decently with ber three children on her husband's sal arr. She read a statement et (hi it- rng expenses of a family of five pre- pareu or an ornciai or one of the stock yard's labor unions. It totalled si.zsg.M for the rear. It allowed $20 a month for rent, $60 for fuel and $S0 to dotbe the mother and -cnuaren. She said the estimate made no al lowaitce for doctor's hllla th a tlon of the children or for the up- i oi mt Dome, Attorney Walsh said the average , wares of a stock varda mniA . - - . a, ... a,.,, m i 27 M cents and hour, working every day. would be $8250. Rev. Louis W. GraudzlnskI, pastor w ov. -uum iiomu uatnoiic church. wu t me largest parishes "back or tne yards," expressed the opinion that the members of his church em ployed in the stock yards were under paid and their children under-nnr- lauea. i at average family, be said, . consisted of isix or seven children and it was impossible on the wages jtocitcu to proviae proper food and Cot hi nr. .Ha -Aid th Iiah.i.. dltlons in the district were deplorable Many of the, families or employes who uu gpen w war were in e American and T.el.r!an troons' while their immediate reserves total sixty- three divisions. (On tbe basis of 12,000.' men In a German division, this would be 2.100,000 men.) Pos sibly several additional divisions have reached various points behind the lines, but the fart has not been established with certainty. At any rate, it Is agreed by authorities here that tbe greatest possible number the Germans could add to their forcea on thla aide doea not exceed twenty divisions, which would bring lite total to I9b diviatons tz.34u.uou men.) Dividend Declared by Mt, Angel Creamery Co. MT. ANGEL. Or.. Feb. rial to The Statesman.) Tbe an nual meeting of the stockholders of company iook place nere yesterday with about fifty stockholders pres ent. The report for the past yer was verv irraf If vino- thnvlnv that an. i.roxlmatelr 1100.000 had Lorn nal.I out to patrons for butterfat. the bal ance of an old debt had been orae- tlcallv wined out and some verv ne- -rary equipment added during th past year and paid ror. Resides Wil liam Hammer a former director who was elected for five veara to suc ceed himself the following are new officers and directors: Michael Welnacht, president; John Ilntsch, secretary; joe waiaer. . A. reter son and Albert ISochsIer. directors. The matter of addinar an Ira nlnnr to the equopment was dine need an1 leri wun tne board of directors. An annual dividend of 8 per cent to stockholders was declared. A na tions' meeting and Institute as in former rears, is belna- nlanned In tne near rum re. a luncheon and pro gram is belnr ar ran red lolntlv with tne creamery company and the Mt Angei business men. AVIATORS WIN PRIZE MONEY Hitcbcock and Wellman Make Brilliant Exploits Over German Lines Ti4T)T 3 FoK 11 TVirnnrnl Ttinm as Hitchcock of Long Inland, N. V., nnl vv a. Wellman of Cambridge. Yfaaai . imorlnart svlntAn In Vrfnrh .a .n.i , . a i 't' .a i a .--.. - - eseadrllles, have been awarded $H0 prize money eacn by tne laiayt-lie fir in- corns committee in rocOKTll- nf thKl Hrllllan. svnlolta in bringing down German machlnt-a in tbe pant six weeks. Hit. hock ac counted for two and Wtllman for one. These aviators have been awarded the French war cross with palms and granted a special ten dai leave in Paris. Corporal lliicbock, who celebrat ed bis nineteenth birthday this week, has Just made tppllcatlon for a com mission in the aviation corps of the American army, for which a bad been previously ineligible because of a . unaer age. Wellman, who I.' 26 years old, had been rejected by the American forces on physical grounds, although be Is now considered one of tb best and most fearless American flyers at tbe front. Hltchock brought down his first enemy machine January 6. lie was flying twenty kilometers behind tbe German lines whtn he sighted a spirit. Add to our. territory, secure our military extension by acqupirlng a controlling influence over this or that great area; make our borders secure getting this or that alien population under our control. That was tbe German military policy three years ago and It I the German pol icy, ao rar as i unaerstana von tiert linr and the kaiser, at the present hour. How much that policy has behind it tbe true spirit of tbe Ger man nation I cannot say. but so far as outward marks and- the; declara tions of responsible statesmen go I see not a hair e breadth variation from their old ambitions of retlinr a German peace and every one knows mat a uerman peace jias one mean ing alone, ! a peace that would make every other nation subservient to Germany." OREGON WOMEN GET WAGE RISE Increase in Minimum Scale Is ' Tentatively Agreed on at Portland WAGE INCREASES TO BE ENORMOUS operation to the railroads in meeting tne situation. Senator Johnson of South Dakota introduced an amendment which would restore the original provision making tbe. termination of govern ment control subject to. future con anAetitial A Ia Thla att-Atf lalMn wia Additional Cost to Railroads t!! th enate pd . I house committees. CStimated at 5oZ.UUU.UUU' A substitute bill was Introduced Annually member of the committee. It closely , follows the pending measure except WASHINGTON, tb. 13,' Thelbat it changes the compensation sec- COMMISSION K' TARGET OF E: Ballot Title Prepared fcr ! iative by Attorney Gsr.. . era! Brown Attorney General lirown j day prepared the following t title for the Initiative bill which it planned- to put on the ballot h efffort to do away with tbe J- ' Eervice Commission, or with t three present commlsxloiert least: i Inlative bill proposed by i tive petition. i Initiated by Jonephlne R. r i iViij r.. iiia ni.. ron inn rs.. would be $82.000 000 annually.". . ) Kleanor ; Florence Baldwin . Secretary Lane, chairman of tbe ffew System Covering Pro- 12th St.. Portland. Oregon- c commission, computed. , r ... t .jt.,,.,, IJarzee, 1071 Uelraont 8t. p0r'; Mr. Franklin ald the eaffmate dfJCtlfill and UlliriDUHOn n,-. f.mA. ir n-v.i.: Asked of Wilson WASIIIKU IU.X, rCD. 13, I Df I -' ..t.i.. i i-.i v. I ilnn lirhllr iiisi uiiii 111 iiiuii miiuu ui u y I m j . , . f i f ...u I Ajingtnr Smith nf Smifn .frnrntina punvu raiiroaa we mcrcim wvuiu - - cost vii given at today's hearing to reach a final vote late next week. uerore me rauroaa wage commis sion, when J.. A. Franklin 'oresen the claim of the railway emnloveii department of the American Fede lion or Linor. "Figuring an average of 33 1 per cent Increase, on tne rut creases asked, the additional cost i I NATIONAL POLICY IS RECOMTilENDED Mr. Franklin nald the estimate seemed correct based upon: increase ror z& organized men. He also had iiirmri that mnv InpniiMl nhould apply to unorganized workers Oregon; James It. Whalen, 6S3 1 erett St., Portland, Oregon. mil to abolish railroad con Ion known as public service mission. . . Purpose: To enact a law ' ing the irallroad coramlsainn PORTLAND. Feb. 13. An In crease of IS to 19 per cent In tbe minimum wage scale for women workers in Oregon, was tentatively; agreed on tonight at an executive session of the board of Inquiry which iirtofitv)fnr r?. 1 1 f luivutu ayyi lu iiuuiRaumg nuixini n i.TIl yj.v, rcu( , loir of the same trades, numbering about dent Wilson was urged today by a 2 1. A AAA wtin wavA tst fle-ii In lria I t.u.iU. ik. a f rouah calculatloan. The waxe bases Itinnai i.imiMk iuMiafinn lo iilint u.. ""vti asked was $ a day for skilled men. a national livestock policy covering Uhe public service commission production and distribution as one egon, by repealing the section r- nrnbUm. II air anrroatod that a I tl.hiU tim.M l . r f - - " riwiiuji Uf Qn CTf i filnt rnmmlltu nf lha I i.l.l m I f lK- i i. . . m . t 1. 'ii agriculture ana m iuou luraia- Istratlon formulate sucb a policy. In a formal address accompanying snch as carmen, machinists and blacksmiths: 14.60 a dar for helners and time and a half for overtime. Sunday and holiday work, ' None of the witnesses has submit , . , , ...i I vu '""' wjit toe mcrrw i m a formal add; I'". , J '"I:;;, ::'?? would.cost. all apparently the, presentation of resolutions large German blDlan at a helaht recommendlna- to the nubile welfare l""? XT TJ "V"i "iJVJl aV ?l . ",wl"OD.1 co.nven: of 6000 yards. Climbing above The commission the readjustment u"d,d "or matter 'what The cost he" 'VJiiSt HsS.'Sl il umuinM-iinr .n.nir ihin. mi..-L r I 1 era not mu er wnai ine coai i the iiard and fast line drawn be- eock ..noMd Ar V..VT, I woum oe. since me increases were tween production and distribution " .....(r, , ..u,. wr bw.i. nrru Mien l to maintain the atandard ! i.t f5r" orn,acn rerentuine. of work maIn,y h- - .indaatry Lm'T-V - - $300,000 h r::: a. . ..t. .l . Jin I 1 a r ' jf ft FIRE DESTRO COLLEGE U fa Ulnar In a I.'ua laaaj . an 4 , . . I - ... witv. f s oi vo 9iv a weea; mercantile i survive I .... . vj - TtiohAuv f'.lin...J 1 1.'. i... . i surTiTe. i Aanrr mm a result of the conditions t- JZ -t-T; 1 wl h ag Tfew huidTed yard, of the from i40 to 60 ahhT, w"ehaT b'n mentioned, he find, labor amply pro- 1 Advertised Letters I Uround. keeping up hi. machine gun I month t Ut!' n4 receiving liberal feturns. nre until tbe German crashed to The Increase was eranted laraelv mV v-SxTu-"mJ. 7 " .v-' I na ine mel Pers. as well as pro- earth. . .:!.. ."fc: r:.:;v:H"".. v,.,:wr.:urf or eei, cor-r. noor. mn. He was lmmdlatelv attacked b, n, w; r iJl; r..r";' UB BB' .M. "P"' ? ". lumber and many other commodities anti-aircraft tut'i and nr.,. hi r.l." V" v"" lWT 5Dl 91 inf'r memneranip to snip- maklna liberal nroflts and as a live- . . . . ' I ". ni nvtn cuuege, iui me cull I .m ant. aflll n h.r. mttnllliMii I . . t r " oiner pianes out reached his own of livinr between June. 116. nd f.MAriV. f. Producer. ne naturally feels llWIaaat t V allAIW at aHAa.1 1 a. ftf. II I . I """" a ? wicr en- November. 1917, increased 40 per man and IlKChcOCk Inrolhor hrnn.lit I a ' ' ed at Vassar Cell:- Students UcLrrt Advertised February 13, 101Q. Crist, Miss Pauline Crasseres. Rooph (Camlen). Davis, Mrs. Jessie. Davis Raymond Hatfield. Mrs. Alma Hlndman. Mr. and utra rh. r ' -w 'Va aioore, s. k. Mayotte. Miss Mary. Oleott. Chas. Oddie, M. W. Pepoerlinr. Mrs. i.n Powell, Ed. Ross, Mrs. D. A. Soule. Dr. A. A. Smith-. T Tf t- r Yanless, F. A. Wright, Mrs. E. G. Yerlan. R. n. Young Miss Evejyn. Zimmerman Otto. '. Aogust Huckesteln. v Postmaster. ' 4 ii need. HINDENBURG DRIVE i ' NOT YET READY tuonunued from page 1) are being brutally treated by the uuvya, . Huns Have 2110,000 Men. ar.H.?.iDQlTARTERS op FRENCH ARMIES IV rnivru German preparations for their an- uuuncea orrensive on the allied front nave not brought with them any re laxation of German vigilance or ef- forts to : meet any. possible attack from tbe allies. New concentrations ui uerman rorce are gathered in the rear of their lines simultaneously iuc nara won wnicn continues on the front line positions, where a most formidable assemblage of de fenses iave been erected during the winier mvnins. Various authorities make widely different estimates of the number of German divisions which eventually uir u- orougni into tbe line on this . front, should the Germans decide to engage in battle on a large and de cisive scale. The exact total of the uerman rorces itf-the front line and in the Immediate reserve Is known to a unit.: '. One hundred and twelve divisions are estimated to be on the German front line facing the French. British. Arthur Reinhart Now h Ordnance Sergeant in Texas Arthur' J nlnfc i..r.t. - vi mi iisin uranance Dennf r'mn... Travis, Texas, received his warrant -s oranance sergeant during the past week. Hla nromotion n sergeant cancela tbe appointment a? ass. The. warrant tnakes him an nriladn.a . . . wignui, (118 manest nnnrmmiiAM . nance denartmanf an. - mm nimiFj waauary a, whereas the appoin'.- ' sergeant, rirst class, was dated. Jawiary 26, 191f. ' """1SBSamaa.-aSiaB-B-fc SOU otlUl An-rA Phrmni . Uelteved Victim ofV-B6at HT.iANGEI. np Ca,K clal to The Statesman.) Fred, w Ungerof Parkston, N. D.; one of the KitBsiuK luscania nnuii.. t. . a.. . . . ' ""r a. 5 fi. ?a rf. "ed Unger, Pr.. of thla eltv . Th. " - J - - . - M m9 M V1K 111 all left his Wlfo anvf t.fl.l .!j f , .u..avu aia en- ititlJ" n n,Ber rps. having mI. t - lime In January to bh folks here from U'.iIiIuha. M5;.U nger'.8r- 1- veteran of th3 another son. Edward tra.. i. "miw. now siaimn.-xi in Piif...i. . ala aZ . 7 Z - '"". - imimwn h uamp Lewis. Officers Are Elected for f nic Literary Society man and Hitchcock together brought (cent. uuwn anoiner uerman machine. uunng the first week of February iiucncocK ana wellman aealn no nt ly attacked a German machine eral kllOS behind the Herman tin.. and fired several rounds of machine run bulleta at it. hnt nna.i. wunoui aoing any damage. Both aviators followed the German tna- emne to ita horn flM n. n..... aviator war killed hv hniiota f. i.. J - mw' . . v u. .uv American, guns as he stepped out of a is macnine. Wellman narrnwi a.ji.rui In January whan ha Maw t and dropped a German translation of President Wilson's message over me ursi .ana second line enemy irencnes. He STOCKS ADVANCE SEVERAL Leading Issues 'Are, Strong; Bond List Generally Is Steady NEW YORK. Feb. 12. The stock market mtumA in ht favnrahtw In. . . . I at..AMA.a I. ; .1 . , M trouble during his trip and was at- day'a trading by events over the hol- "i uu-uiian uu macnine ucwiui iur giiacu uu' gans bat succeeded in getting back to to two points and a few specialties bis base, ijis airplane was riddled mnch as three to four In the ac- Witn hnTlata . . --a..a.. . i uw iin. uinr. Both Hlcbcock and Welman have Later the greater part of this ad Warren R- filnna nf thai nrln.ri told the commission that never be- rore this winter have tbe railroads entered the bad weather season with aulnment In such "notten condi tion" and said the lack of skilled men In shoos was resnonsible for i eurtallment of output there to- 60 oer cent of normal. He said there that he Is entitled to fair returns.' CUBAN LOAN IS FOR SUGAR CROP POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y. Feb" Ftre which broke out at f o'clock ' tonight In the east tbe main buoldlng at Vassar f did $300,000 damage and for a ; time threatened to destroy tbe building. It was not until 9 c' that the blaze was brought t. control, i ' . The damage was confined t) dining room, assembly hall, kit and servants quarters. None t students was Injured and r would be no shortage of engines if I n a . .. "' -I reached the Quarters of the af made to care for mo-j taHXerS DOOSCnbe 10 rtXnd WDo room In the main fculld:. provision was ive power. A. E. Rarker. iMiklnv tnr tn brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, said his men were on the verce of OUittinr beeauae thev aaw Mvlng costs mounting steadily with- tui aovance in wages. been flrinr than .w the actual battle front. van tare waa cancelled for no annar ent reason other than realizing from profit-taking and the failure of spec ulative Interests to follow up their iniuai operations. There was a moderate accumula i a . CfovKRfiar.12 iiiu'i'iTiL'u CLOVERDAI.R r ' m Mrs. Hazel 1 Rrhl.H. I a . IC aaVAaali k I w HlVUnilV ECCUDlUia .aP? M)rIum farm- Pnt the day tion of buying orders, but this de- wun ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. mand was soon satisfied. The usna' . 'Sf a00?.'. reentlr. divergence of opinion prevailed re- vooa and family and Miss Upecting the significance of Preai- "" I .-vm a laical m u I trao auu lOf ovuuwi vi uk ra in in Haiem b Mrin iin in ih. r....i, ... - l 0 . a liu.aiau " " i . I ail iiaiirin in nn m iam anr nn.M -a. : . . . . - f v a. vaa a. a 1 uavi lar I Dr. Marv into. ..... I i it . : . . . tlAaaa a . , ---a- ... , C I U IUHI I W a 11 UTIICICU, UUWBTer, DCaCf home a Un after a week's visit in Prospects had been haatenei fortiancr. I tTnifd bi.(. eiaai .a.... V a. at 1 . a. Wia,S. nmcU IIVIU " aa. . a. . W.VU KL11A I 1L. ! IT K all II or 1 Jmmm in B ailaTttv I 'nr. ... I . . . - " m" v m mm DHturiiii vpra aaa iam a,, aa Aa w aai a.iaa ... . a . . . o.i.i -.a.. ii.i.ui.iii.i-iiuuii iwaa uiuvr aiocas or m Mr. rLnr. w .v Am ' division moved with similar . airs, ueorce Wath.-tii a.-a..a.i I i i . . .. Wedn;0' hU' 81 HVlicepted. we'heVvy and dS. Wednesday. The mmhan I C 1.- a a " - .v.xwvib' mi mm u tcu aii-B mm. 1 1 1 ii ii iin ill m m mm iidii tan n varaaa HEATLESS DAYS NOW ARE GONE Monday Program' Abolished by Garfield but May Be in Force Again for her. On account nr th hi at. ter several wem iinfn..i,-.. I , . iU SVk wema present. ' A. Wood and son Carl were in v-juieiu caiuraay. Tbe general bond list was atead'r tut liberty first 4s at 6.1g and second 4s at 94.10 broke to new ow ground. Sales (par value) ag gregated I'.ez&.uoo. United States bonds (old issue) were unchanged on call. Cocoanut OH Fine J: For Washing Hair If you want to keen'rour hair in good condition, be careful what you wasn it wun. Most soana and nrenaravi a ham poos contain too much alkali. This ones the scalp, makes the hair brlt tie. and is very harmful. Jnat nlaln inulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseles0, Is much better than the most expensive soap or anything; else you can use for snampooing. as this can't possibly Injure the hair. Simply, moisten yiour hair with water and rub it in. One or two tea spoonfuls will make an ahnnrfa .f rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. r The Ur r nnxei out easily, and removes every article of dust, dirt, dan druff and excessive oil. The hair ones quickly and evenly, and It 7" U fIn nd "nky' r,8hi. fluffy You can get mulsifed cocoanut oil any drug etere. It is very "ai. uuu a tew ounces Is enough to int everyone In the family for HVUVJ4S U1LKKY. Or P.X n' SSr'ail Friday ihl eiiVa . """inonie and elected the followina- nffa.a .v. . SlX months? Tl-aa!ta.a. A T. '""au' c president, M. M. Ma tr.V."e"e.ia.r7 n1 treasurer. Miss m.uuie Bcjiaiier: aaalaf ant ... . -'am P9l I Vl. aj .v,,.lw,.fer, MIsa uoiaa wheeler: Thf eif.n.V ! fm'' Whitney. The basket social which was to have been next SiinM.. indefinitely postponed. Xhere will be T;"1"D.' riaaVnt. Feb. 15. wrta- V iiia uoiaa Wheeler went to o. .... . . - .aaaaa OIIUIUU l.i a a. m I m n. a . . a . . . . . uiua, Air. wnaalA. a .i! 7uul MIM WJheeler will risit . u. i.oae cuy ror some time with Mrs. Arth ?IJ ,I,,,"na.t.h Prent; .. x. A. uarris. Mrs. John C.nlinn. i. ... Ing her sisters. Mrs. Marian Nalone v ts.'iie of SUyton. Mrs. JSjnile Aufranoe entertained the members of th nA n .. lary Wednesday. It was an all-da pilshed. K W" aom" Mrs. J. H. Evan a anI tri.- Evan. r i7i::r frl? , " r, . vere week-end ff Mnl- E-J- Whitney. VlaUde Hrlmm aat.aj. a . a . , - cuici lamca ' . nig irie.nd Valentine party. Those EiiT w m " Martha Tn ieja. Myrtle and ria... a . . ; . .iu, CDD18, Anna.: Louiae ant imati. , a. a.u;.ia lalOtl) Edna. Eulena and Yvonne Aufrance Theodore Tuleja. Hanley Payne. ?.nyin? vref "ld- Em,, Aufraics Paul Diekman and John Wheeler. Speaking aealn On tha an1laaaa .a conservation, how many d.aughters are conserving, their motherat a many are not doing it. ' SHIPBUILDING IN ENGLAND FALLS DOWN! i continued from page 1) tifled." Mr. TUirnna aaly. el- a . - a, .a u wri- linr on the difrrnai in - a. . - - a-a, .a. 1 J H I when you leave the tone and mme to formulated deftnlte propositions, yon will not find them In Count Czernin's SDeech. ani . , am aware. President Wilson did not uitrss to una them. . Allied Alma Are Cler. , Mr. Balfour irnian ... definite speeches h- Pra.M.t i.r,. . aa.a..aa7UV , , 11" son and Pr.mi.. t j n 1 V 1- . . ' r nui I I.-I'r' tT'V t r -CT-W a a a. : V." rms of the wi a'-'., "crVs ,1!? " out mat even Count rzernin I . " tneuni- was not prepared to accent .nr Jit Z. Iiy or Oregon service flag nor anr- of tbe 'A . a cording to information completed n OREGON 'W HAS 535 IN SERVICE One Woman. Too. in MiUtaryj WorkService Flag Is On Way WASHIXGTON. Feb. 1 2 Snanen. Ion Of the heatleaa Unndar nrnn. m was announced today by Fnel Ad ministrator Garfield with the resert- itlon that it mav be nut back into 'orce before the ten weeks neriod expires If a retil-n of had .ihi.r brings another break down In rail road transportation. At- the same time Dr. Garfield Tave state fuel administrators full authority to continue the closing or- ier in territory under their Jurisdic- circumstances demand It. ine neatless Mondays were de- 'reed bV the fuel idmlnlitntlna nn Tannary 17 and four have heen nit. vrved in all states east of the Mis sissippi exeept those south of Vir- Tinia. The order In the tonth waa men last week. The fuel situation 'Opt in New En dand ha a lmnr-.i - - a a .a. ' rtmny wunin tne. last two weeks Jr. Garneld said odar. nanr. a 'rom New Erffeland indicated ttm nost of thero think the situation de- nias curtner eioslnr. Director General MeAdnn 'sve nut a statement endorsing the t-, m tne Monday closing or ler. but callinr attention a iha sr or further transportation diffl- irom winter weather, and he consequent necessity of conaerv. ntr coal and milnt.inina n mbarexes noditles. for Financing of Big Production NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Announce ment within a short time that the Cuban loan of 1100,000,000 to fi nance the Harvesting of the sugar crop, was ran accomplished fact" was forecast !n a statement laand here tonight by the International su gar committee. It was Intimated that New York hankers and reflnera already had subscribed $80,000,000 auu ion ine oaiance proDaoiy would be forthcoming from Boston. Chi cago. Philadelphia. New Orleans' and a.lL .111 omer c.ues, House Debates Props::! : Statue cf Dzzl WASOINGTON. Feb. 13. three hours today the house tl a resolution to permit the en in a Washington park of a, str. James Buchanan, for which I Harriet ane Johnson, a nle; President Buchanan, willed $1C No vote was reached and c tlon from the Republicans oa Siound that Buchanan render ' signal service to the nation. Jc 3 Democrats to charge that a p right was being made. I George M. Rolph. chairman of the siJnim, 1 mmlttee. stated that most of the ?P?r-C?.non' PPearing wi arm in a sling as a result of a some weeks ago, urged the ad ; of the resolution declaring Urt chanan waa "after all preside! the United States." committee, stated that most of the annual reports of the sugar compa nies WOtlld na rnrihMmlnr a an early date and it would "be Interest ing to tbe public to note the profits earnea ay mem durlnr the. year 1917. when no food control rerul-L. tlons were In effect, and cn mnar I j : . . ' with the same annual reports to be lnttiament issued one year hence, showing tbe operations of the same companies under food control plan." : , Free Seed Distrtl WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 liralnary consideration was g!v; : the senate today to the agricc' appropriation bill, Increased ly senate committee $1.15.000 orer t WASHINGTON. Feb! IS T save "Z "JIW"'-.- purchasers the payment of accrued were elimination of the scrr interest -on tax rartifioaia. . t. In r1-1"" ri' l,"u " .ii,uu ror free seed t McAdoo Announces Jhvo Issue Tax Certificates was not prepared to accept any of 22' of. wn enrlce flag President-Wilson's Important alms J? made by a Portland firm w"tl is not the goveramen" yfew" ,h,c( will be buna In front ol Mr. Balfour continued Vt 7.1 administration building here. RAILROAD BILL IS A1TAG(ED cause the Yersalll. f..,..' ..' Mlt to Information co ferred only to the .... " 1Z ,n office of President Campbell aft war that no efforts have hT LIaI i'lT ."r we"k' ''ork in learninr by belligerent countries to come ' I !a n4xact ""n0" of university stu- terms. . The view of the rSvent. ielU now ln wlllUry service. ia k .v. J.r.T iae government I Thea- riir -.anam i .walk ma a I L 1 1 II II A nr Ik. ...a .1 . nnitreui UUII I II' Powers shows th.t - .v. rr ! Mnta who have been, graduated from diplomacy Is T.ntlrel, out of S the univers'ty or who were con It was the central power. Who han" n$d?lth tb nn,ve"'' they ed the door and by tho mtif af,'?5: B".Bte- nJ counting the ordnance chancellor i and the kaiser nVoyld , ,n"'. Kao0' of medlelne and spe that they are as far remold mVJLi i,al "rvlce students, the grand total years ago from accenting Z t a! wm-I ronna D 1. Lr mA 1!?"? th Ideals J The followina- la a fff rivBtaent Wilson haa oiv. I j , . . - 'i( a. .uu aaciaean.' Iteoubllcana " t?L "Preaslon .nd wh?h T" 1 72 announced thTwoTd i cjcuii ine common rfew nt am , " ' . v-ui-eriua and Omi n.?,..!" r.1' ?. 1:. majors, 14: captains. 15: - a.' a a mi aa. mm nn v r a a. a. a a . eTII.. twsu iirir Iff li v An nil R K 11 a ants,' 43. Array, 313; navy officers. 2: navy 4 9; marines. 27: men In unknown -wrTice. i; rorelgn service, 2: died - - " . a. a avviuvi Interest on tax certificates of Jan uary z. secretary' McAainA tnni.i.1 announced a new issue of these cer tificates dated February 15, matur ing June 25, bearing four per cent and Identical with certificates of the current Issue except as to the open ing date. They will be received In payment of Income, excess profits and other war tave. Th . .... tlflcates are not yet printed but fed- trlbutlon by members of coogr which Is expected to be relnser' as usual In conference, dout::.-: . the $250,000 appropriation for f ing tuberculosis in livestock i Increase from $C20,000 to $750,' In tbe tlem .for combatting the t tic tick. uucaies are not yet printed but fed- p . . 77 T. frai,"?r.TeK b4.n are fthonted Extension of Time Gistz On Great Oregon Pre; to accept subscriptions and issue in- icrim receipts. ' 'About $490i000.OOA nf . ... certificates dated January 2 have been sold, making the total amount Of Certificate malMi-lna.. T... mm . . -.a a, .uuc a.i jm up to today about $1,180,000, allies. ..-.S"1" Attol KUys. h-- .1 Pentr?1 lowers abundantly nave Shown that th - a to come to terma. At anv rata McLean Says U. S. Possession Under Private Control . Poor Policy WASHINGTON y.h t - ta-k... in the administration raii. km . aa. . aa a1 1. n the senate waa innrin.a i....iu a. vi cu.reu a n aaa n a a ra a. 0. k.a - . OCWIOII Vw "? mna MCI-ean. Republicans. DOth Of whnm anntnnaa. . v. .a . a...a.a.ala.C-a IUCJ WOUIU vote for tbe measure, though they -f-u.K:U me principle Involved and supported aovernmnt -a.. . .a ,V a a.-s. ailUI Vi the carriers only as a war measure iZml ierm,na, t a fixed time. The present nlan nf am..- ... . - aw.aiuuic.l -ua-aaion p-der private manace- many ha. shown It. The diTfereVc A rTc?i' nil i? ,n m,1,tary k'nt ' lU"f fiie7 in tone of-Von Hertling and SSS S7nrl c."?""?' lV Lb" .! only .71 time aii-uii maw t nir a a.i. i . ------ - - w. aa uauvv rM in mii. i wiifn inn 1 1 ra a. k. . nearly in a r.M." '"a", "f P!, students. 82: school of medi- -t,ke. ih -.1;."" " s-. ... 1 ----V" Wl roinoicine. craduates. medical ntr. I .it .; V-".. 11 ,n- t naa Powerrm any but the specal civil service r Y m n a most microsconle and rn..ji. I "? citii service, s, i. M. C. A., veatla-atln Tr., , " ' . - J Otai. r aV. ' speecn .? ." armptoms that With the nrlc- r u. .... - ?H defects of government own- -r.auiu ana none or the benefits of Senator Krflorr .ai a-a voocu L life aaye snowv wiat has been thronrh. I Zi Tl T lu ex- enaarv and railroads waa nnna - - -a -. "oin u a rUD Xr.""" tract of coffee: mad. o7ry r"'!" v"na. -.reat " ' VJermaa miuwriatlcrnd beads. And It wasn't ak h.r ' tWl J . ":"T.? accomplished had i ev.v.mucui given adequate eo- Northwest Miners Convene? tx-Hayor Hadley Speaks 8POKANE. , iseh 11 rini. i here hr fA. U......1.11 . .. . I ' t" a a . t 'rom 'Jackson Lozzty The Desert Land Hoard yesTer: received advices from the Dc: roent of the Interior that an ex aJon Qf time has been granted to t ttate on what is known as scr tlon list No. 6 on the Central C gon projectj The extension 1st October 17, 1920, and the tele states that then a further ex wight be asked for If It Is i The segregation list Includes t acres. here, br four renrantaia. state. r ' v' r 1 .Pr;r H Una,lr pres!dent of the University of Idaho, discussed problems, of; handling workmen: Professor Douglas C. Uvlngston of Pr " T .B I1110 eeology. and Governor W'ltbycombe Ttccl Ihe following telegram from T, land yesterday: ' Tbe Lincoln club asscmtl-i -a vh iuiuo geoiogy. and i . "v "ia ciud wku"" i t csicr, a iso-or tne 1 u,ulu"' u7 oauqnet ai University, told of flotation macbla-1 nd reetlng to our War Goer ery In ore recovery. SUnley A. We regret your Inability to be F EaSStOn. mill.... a 1 n ..... lnt Mmamka.l.- IIV 1 ...a-a V ana Sullivan mine at Kellogg. Idtfl P'nc on former occasions. hO. deliVaiVaul a a. ....... a. a"?' . I a Wa. a,lll. .... f t. I .C . '. '"u-iniea lecture I i uu iu your wui - on tbat mine. , Mys at the front." q-v ' " .uiiiirr mayor or I to the delegeVtoniyhV on tlwir i Soldiers Chb ft - . : - -! i . Hicks Takes UdY. M. Cz A. Work m France Soonl H Since writing his eommuc!' to The Statesman a few dayi f snggeatlng the .formation In f of a Soldiers' and Sailors' Pa- : club, Mr. Davey has received t eious. calls from all over tit1 urging the carrying out of t I SPOKAVR V.k a a William d. if temmV l""' Tearsdean of ah JL"". . - . r ""ying out on. rafhj., : " .fiK-pai o me proposed meeting ror fnlJhJV"0 a01! Wrlll be held at.tbe armour; shortl wi v-a-n-r . i eau i anernoon at Z: 30 o'clock. A ! LtVlJW who are serving n AmeriMn forcea, " - WUa .l;.!1.."' '