THE OREGON' STATESMAN : WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1018 PETTICOATS We wish to announce the receipt of a nice new line, of Silk Petticoats from which you can certainly supply your wants. There , is an assortment of pat ternsa in a variety of beautiful colors for you to' select from. They are priced at .$1.93, $2.93, $3.98, $4.93 and $5.90' jf4 . THE GOLDEN StULC t - J STATE CONTROL : IS ENDANGERED Public Service Commissioners Aroused by Bill Now Be fore Congress Public, service commissioners of the country have become aroused by a bill now pending before the com mittee on interstate and foreign "com merce in the United States senate, which, it is claimed, does not pro tect the rights of state control of intrastate rates and service. The attention of the Oregon public serv ice commission has , been called to the bill by Joseph L. Drlstow. chair man of the Kansas public utility -commission., who urges that the members of the" Oregon commission use" their influence with) the delega tion in congress to have the bill put into more ( satisfactory form by amendment. '" '''). '"' Commissioner Corey of the Ore gon commission bas add re wed the following letter to the -Oregon senators- fend ;rpresenfatlves in con gress in compliance with, the Kansas commissioner's 'request: ? . -f . Ftower Won With Difficulty. "Having been informed that there is ponding before the senate com mittee on interstate and foreien com merce, a bill which in its present! form does not properly preteet the , TTTrtTT n TrFI IFVFS Li-JlLti3ilca::GEsnd DFtPSIA-GASTRms-SCUrl STCI !ACH ETC, It J fiveI i:;o:;Evra sOevjrrwMERC "JS ICS'S TfflSTOK 3 Ibs.'Royal Club CJoffee ;8Sc 2Cc Pcaberry Coffee . ... ,23c 21c Coffee : .. t., . . ... IHc . Peanut Butter, . . , . ... .. 15c Creamery Batter, . 55c 1 lolled Oat, bet grade, . 4 lbs "......... t , . 23c J No. lO Corn Meal 6."5c ... - ' v : ' . . 1 1 1 1 11 " ' ' ' 1 " 1 Best Head lUce, per lb. , . 10c Ppt Totie, pkg. --. v . . . . 10c Roman Meal, pkg. . . . . . 23c Cream of Ilarley, pkg. ' 25c , Potatoes, per sack . "i . .;..f 1.2.V Large Kreamy Krtep . . $1.45 lO bars Crystal White soap 48c "3 cans Mboy Milk . . . . . . 25c 2 can Corn . V,i. 23c : Deviled Meat, U ..'. 5c I 2 cans ' Pea " . V. 25c i Power Coffee, Ibv . .". . 23c No. 3 Karo 8yrwp 53c Xo. 10 Karo Syrup . . f 1.03 Log Cabin Syrup, $1 size. .OOc Log Cabin Syrup, SOc Rise 45c Cabin Syrup. 25c size, 22e Syrup in balk at 209 X, t x Com! street, lO lbs. 00c; Cinnamon, Oinger and Alsplce! 2 ox. ... 1 ............ c ,. - i Pepper and Mustard, 2 oz...Cc '1juw$ box matcbet, per box Sc ;. . $ Bulk Cocoa, the best grade j pound ........i.... 28c! rights of state control of intrastate rates and service, and that an amend ment is being, urged, 'may I remind you that the power to regulate the fates and services of railroads was accomplished only after long and ag gressive contests and insistence on the part of the, states for the now generally- recognized principle that the publie has a right to regulate these public utilities. Between th9 public and the railroads a constant struggle formerly" took place, the public demanding a maximum serv ice at a minimum rate, while the railroads usually gave the minimum service. at a maximum rate. Jlluch, I think, to be preferred by all con cerned, is our present method of rate regulation in vogue in forty-seven states, of our union (that by the peo ple through their tribunals, the pub lie service commissions.) 't ; "By this process, rates are now usually based upon the cost of the service, including,- of course a rea sonable return on the investment, and not as of old when carriers charged 'all the traffie would? bear Railroad regulation today ;i la con ducted on strict business principle in the interests of all the people an l without regard to political ; effect. The supreme court of Oregon in an opinion said: The infrenuencv of appeals from orders of the commis sion indicate that the commission ers selected by the people of this state to see tftat the rights of . the public in matters of transportation are properly protected have, per formed that duty fairly and faith fully. Questions Are Vital "This commission has long had to deal with one of the most vital ques tions that confronts the American people today. Regulation of railroad in Oregon by the commission ftas been eiven a trial sufficient that a statement of its economic advan tages or disadvantages is ascertain able. For . eleven years this com mission .has administered a string ent regulatory statute and has pre scribed rules : of accounting which have ' worked for the : solution of these vexing Questions. : ; "It lias been srotected s 'K bas protect edthe public from extortionate and discriminatory rates and ; shielded ipvestors from ruin through rate wars and Insured jus tice to all parties. It Jias saved th3 citizens of Oregon hundreds of thou sands dollars. - It has "practically banished railroad and other public utility corporation from politics, stopped unjust , discriminations In rates and charres between shipper and consumers and secured for them wonderfully.improved service. It has assisted In securing- a return to the shippers of this f tate of thousands of dollars from overcharges on freight fates alone. Regulation in this state has proved to be equally beneficial to the public and jthe carrier. "Our experience proves that only at great expense can complaints , be prosecuted before the Interstate com merce commission. Hundreds fof matters of great importance to local communities would never re&eh the interstate commerce commission ow ing to this fact. Amonc suea trV statfdn building facilities. Including lighting, heating and watering of same, farm road crosslns, bulletin ing of trains, furnishing of cars ' to thip0e'm. Without constant Inspec-j tion of stations same would again; become ' unsariitaj-y and practically" ! unfit for public use. ; ' Utlnttlon Is Reduced, ? i i I "Hundreds of amicably adjusted ! differences between the public and the railroads in this state, so we are advised by members of our courts, have greatly red uced , litigation ba fore them and at a saving Inr costs sufficient to more than covir the amounts appropriated for the main tenance, of tils commission. 1 ' - i undertsand that the interstate commerce commission is not asking for the contemplated legislation. )n fact, it has heretofore gone oa record as being against increased power and responsibility." Chinese New Year h Now On; Celestials Are Merry " Iite Saturday night Chief of Po lice Al Foland gave permission to a committee of representative Chi ni for the uroDer celebration of China New Years, which usually lasts from a week to ten days or about as lone as those celebrating have money with which to buy firecrack ers. ' ' The chief told the committee that not too much noise must be made, and all the celebrating is to be done in the earlier part of Jhe evenings. H0r.lEEG0N0r.HCS COURSE STARTED Mrs- Alice H. Dodd Is in Charge of New Class at Willamette OVERWORKED' MED WOMAN TO Now She Is Strong and Hearty I The class in home economics held its first meeting Tuesday afternoon at Willamette university, tinder the supervision of lrfc. Alice II. Dodd. The course has been organized at the suggestion of Herbert Hoover. The first lecture was an Im nromptu talk upon economic condi tions In general and the part that girls and women take In home and social life. ' f Mrs. IfcHid said that "the greatest weakness in modern education in Tt eenlng of the home is that the mothers of, the future housewife do not give specific recipes forJlhe mix ing of ingredients of foods. , In stead of giving a -staple measure, it Is "a pinch of this and a pinch of that.'and in after life the problem of cooking must be solved by the in dividual. ; Will 'Visit Ralem Homes. : A number of Salem homes will be visited by the class and the mistress of the .homes will give a talk "on the upkeep of the homo and perhaps iwlnt nt the minor defects In her home, if there should be an v. This will be of an educational advantage to the members of the class In their own home building. 1 .In addition to the outside classes, lectures wil be given as follows: Two on the art of furnishing a home a,nd the artistic sense in selectinrg furniture and hangings; one lecture on clothes and their proper usage; two lectures on social observation; a. lecture !n the homes of others; social sclenee; selection of books in the home; foods for sick and well ; care of the child ' in the heme, and other selected topics. Only sixteen girls were admitted to the class, but other applicants were numerous. " Philadelphia. Pa. 'I was over worked, rua i down, nervous, could not eat or, sleey. I ifelt like crying all the time. 1 tried different rem edies without benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder 1 was alive and when Vinol was erlven me I be gan to improve. I have taken eight bottles and am now stron and per fectljr healthy in every respect, and have rained in weiarht. I can not praise Vinol enough." Mrs. Sarah A. Jones. 1025 Nevada St.. Philadel phia. Pa. J. We guarantee Vinol to make over worked, weak women strong or re turn your money, Formula on every bottle. This is your protection. Eniil A. Schaefer, Druggist, Salem. and at the best druz store in every town and city in the country. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Eastslder and myself decided that if we bought a car the cost of gaso line and repairs would maybe render It impossible to do oar part in aa aithig the various war funds, so ac cordingly, we Invested In a treasvry certificate and thua loan Uncle Sam (whom we hold In very high esteem) a little more cash to help win the war. Some day when we hope to have a larger income then we want to get a car to help the Red Crosa work with. Pardon the length of this letter. but like Mr. Burke to whom we bed the privilege of listening recently as he addreased a patriotic .gathering. we are chuck, full of It." Eastslder. II HIE LIMIT NOT INVALID McBride Agrees With Mc- Narym Interpretation oi a - a m m s prohibition Measure NEW m p ir log oooc ArriTing every day. Every freight and express I us new Merchandise. Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE-& CO, Commercial and Court St.,' formerly ChicaVb Z. Phone 1072 ! 1 Senator McNary's Interpretation of the national prohibition amendment I Ctrthrdir Fnrttr it was endorsed bv Chief Justice lie I wwouc rorCer CI (The Statesman la pleaaed to prin communication upon topica of Keitfera n tor -t at uny tune. Ttire is scarcely any Itmtt to the topics or 'general in Iciest It lit anked only that corre ponden ta rtfrtiin from peronaliti.s and usm care, that nothing be written f a libelous nature. Letters mum hava writer's name and addres. though not iic-CfeKsarily lor publica.Uon.--.lbd. last BREAKS A COLD IN FEW HOURS TRY IT! First lKe of Iapes Cold Compound f JtellereM All Cirlppo Misery. 1 , Don't stay stuffed up! , Quit blowing and snnfflinn ' : A dose of "Pape'i Cold Compound taken every two Jiours ifntil three doses are taken will end grippe mis ery and break U9 a seTere cold ei ther In the head. hest. body or limbs. J ? It promptly opens clogged-np nos trils and air passages; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves sick headache, dnllness, fererishness. sore throat. sneezing, soreness and stiffness. ' ; : ; l: t "Papej Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice and causes no inconvenience. Don't accept substitute. RED CROSH WORKERS Editor Statesman:;; . r Since reading, an article in Thursday's Capital Journal one man at least in Salem has done some pretty hard thinking. In the -article referred to the, Ed. bewails the fac that there is said a "chonle shortage "of help at certain Red Cross "centers in the capital city. It seems o the writer that this might possibly be excusable were it the first time that notices of this kind bad been sent out : by our watchful newspaper men,- but the facts are that these things have appeared in print before in both the local papers. I dare ray the editors are soiry for them to be compelled to .repeat these tbiags In 'order that there shall be a performance of this very neces sary work. It is possible that with all the stubborn facts furnished us We do not realize-the gravity of the situation yet? Or is it because we do. not appreciate properly and fully tho blessings of. ftee government as we should T Surely not or else no worthy effort to assist In the wi program: would languish or, suffer for lack of support thus early in the struggle, for the difficulty. It is most reasonable 'to assume is .because of indifference and not to be attributed to Inability to accomplish the object spoken of. I dare say that many copies of the local newspapers go to the boys at the front. Many of us are not able to subscribe for papers for the boys and consequently often clip out in teresting articles and forward them. Now do we ever select any articles such as those referred to? nay verily. Yet it would no doubt be interesting reading to them If even it were hot enjoyed. urs. Eastslder ana myself are thoroughly convinced that if auto could be secured to transport work ers to the places of operation and re turn them borne again there could bo secured ! an abundance1 of help. Of coursed It would be necessary to have the work organized so as to meet the' conditions. There no doubt are women who feel that they cannot do much to assist in sewing or rolling bandages but who can run an, anto to perfection and no doubt would enjoy the work of transport ing the workers. Moreover the work ers are-going to enjoy it too. as many of them are not fortunate enough to have the privilege ol such a treat very often. , I wish I toad a machine to offeV for this purpose but I haven't. Mrs. Steel Ribs of Great Ship Being- Rushed for Victory '5 . jtt. ASMWMagtaaMsrtMajiaaaaarfMaB I : ' . M r- - Ti I ' V 4 " :. v ' . p;.fA .-. U - ' f 7 f t 4 i '- ' 1 ii overlfe United Site, tn thCnS f. rtIda,f the any. many ships being built in new ship yard. Tid and Vauldlv J vimfn JLf,!mim,w ,U? aHies. The steel rib, or this ship are being aia, ana rapidly the remainder of the work will continue till she wUl be in the water by spring. . was endorsed by Chief Justice Mc Bride of the supreme court in a statement made by the chief Justice yesterday. Mr. McBride agrees with Senator McNary that the time limit attached to the amendment would not have the effect of invalidating the measure. The amendment was recently passed by congress. Senator McNary in pronouncing the amendment valid said that it must be admitted that congress has the right to pass the resolution of submission without restriction as to time of its adoption, and that if It saw fit to attach a provision limiting the time in which the resolution must be adopted by the state legislatures in order to be effective, the most serious penalty that the courts could pronounce upon this character of leg islation would be to declare the lim itation mere surplusage for the rea son that the limitation Is not an In tegral Part of the amendment," said Chief Justice McBride. "All that the constitution requires Is a submission of the amendment to the several states for ratification. continued the chief justice. "The constitution does not Inhibit congress from attaching a time limitation in which the amendment may be rati fled, and hence it was competent for eon Kress to prescribe a time limit. Under the amendment the several states are yequlred to ratify the amendment within seven years, and this provoked a discussion to the ef feet that the time limit provision rendered the whole amendment in valid. ! OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH Hew To Get Relief When Head and Noae are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Tour cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling or head ache: no struggling for. breath at nieht. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. , It through every air passags Of the head, soothing and healing the swol len or inflamed mucous mebrane. giving you instant relief. Head mid and catarrh yield like magic. Doa't stay stuff ed-up and miserable. Re lief is sure. Stayton Win High Honor STAYTON, ' Or., Feb. 1 2. The Catholic Forrester held an interest ing meeting in the I. O. O. F. ball Sunday. An all-day session Was held with . a basket dinner at noon, for the r members and their families. About 300 were present. The celebra tion was given in honor of the win ning of the state banner by the Stayton cotirt. Prominent speakers were present? from Portland, Salem Mt Angel "find other points. W. F. Kiecker acted as toast master. The Stayton -ro a -t has about the smallest membership in the state, and feels complimented, upon I la successes in gaining-members enough to secure. the state banner. , . . . J. W. Mayo went to Portland Sun day for a brief visit.- . ' ' ? A. D. Gardner of the Stayton flour mills returned Friday from a two days business trip to Portland. w. E. Thomas of Eatonvllle. Wash.. TUing a couple of days la-.t week with relatives in Stayton. . E. llorton, salesman for the Capi tal Monumental Weeks of Salem, Was In Stayton Thursday. E. C. Titus and Charles Lamoman made a trip to Mill City Friday, Mr. ana Mrs. Everett Gardner visited at the J. w. Thomas home near Salem several days, returning home Suhday. . Peter Died rich attended the auto mobile show In Portland Vseveral days last week. V Mrs. Frank Leslie " hostess at ' the Stayton hotel, was in Salem on Tuesday;"- .. ..v. :v;., - Leon Runtt and family! have re turned to Stayton after a years resi dence In California. Then exnect to settle near here. v.. i The Wood burn basketball tear came over Friday and cleaned un on the home team with seven scores in their favor. ; " The Patriotic league gave another! of its successful dancing pari the Trotter' building Friday t " The members : 'r the f League gave a chicken surr r Gardner building Tuesday which was well attended, acl . them a neat sum to apply en ; pairing or tne cnurca builJic The presiding elder of the"' dist church, T. B. Ford, m daughters of . Salem wer : guests at the home of E. i who Isa son of the presidir ( Joseph Sestak' transacted' l 4a -Portland Monday aad-Tu-this week. Mrs. John Robertson rc home Saturday from Salpm she Spent the week visiting L i Mrs. O. G. Scbfellberg. A surgical glove has been ; ed which will enable a mia , lost the -tendons in the bac k ( hand to be able to write Just n as if he had those tenflgsa t' to helicve CATAxr.:: 'AND JUL" V 2 H0I2E3 ' . If you have Catarrhal 't ' nMi or head noises to to j ' drursiet.l and ' get 1 ounce Parmint (double strength). add to It iot water and Jum r littl tufir u directed in paekaire. - Take I Utblespooa. . four times a day. . - Thla will often bring q -relief from the distreaning i noise. Clofrged nostrils ! open, breathing fcwoma -. and th mucus atop dror .r 4ato the throat. It la e&cy t prepare, costs little and pleasant to take. Any one . has Catarrhal Eteafnesr or t .noises should Rive thin pre" tion a trial. Caaltal IJrag u can supply you. AT THE LIBRARY The library year began with prep aration of the annual report. , A com bination of the statistics to be sub mitted to the city council and general Information ef Interest to the public was published In the cheapest form for free dlstjibu tion. The Salem Water Light & Power company kind ly agreed to distribute these to their patrons daring the first days of Febraury when most of their bills are paid. This Is a most fortunate opportunity to reach a large per cent of the homes without expense ol postage. The cooperation of tLa Water eompany is sincerely appreciated. This has been a . busy month in the routine work. 152 books have been added to the shelves which raise the total collection to 13131 books and pamphlets. A total of 540 books have been circulated from the desk for home reading. In addition to this nnrnber, "the traveling library of forty volumes which has been locat ed in the rooms of the Salem Com mercial club for three months re ports a circulation of 125. The larg est circulation from the main iibra-.y for any one day was 442 books loan ed on January 19. While the tofe.1 circulation for the month does not equal that of last January which broke previous records, yet there were four days , that show higher records than any day of that montn. The library privileges nave been ex tended to 213 hew patrons and 26 former patrons have renewed their registration. This gives a net in- rm a rtt 10 4 and . total rmfi ct ra tion of 720$ names. Three numbers of the library lect ure course occurred during the month; each has had an attendance above 300. The library has cause Tor congratulation In the services freely given to provide these num bers. Special appreciation Is due Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace who gave an enjoyable lecture and enlisted, the services of f iveof his students to In terpret . the Russian . music. Prof. Dunn's lecture was rendered special ly effective by the assistance of Mr. Herman Clark In throwing the pict ures upon the screen. This Is an In conspicuous service but most import ant for enjoyment of all Illustrat ed lecture. The library accepts these services in the same - spirit with which It offers the lecture course. for the pleasure and benefit of the public ! r a n. t ' ' ' i 3 EIATOTEES AND 1HGIIT3 2:30 P. 3L and 8:18 P. It f iSftJ 1 . j lc::.; end Ic- . t - -. - ' '" " 'lMwiWl William" Fox P&ESENT3 THE BIGGEST, MOST COSTLY AND GREATEST CUTELIA SUC CESS TN ALL mSTOIlY cm nnn? uu mm SPECIAL OECHESTBA AND MUSIC a as n b THE SIREN OF THE NILE The most compelling love tory in all history A, love that wrecked Em pires and changed the map of thd world. H : Direct from eastern trl nmps at $2.00 prices.. Now breaking All attend ance record In Portland. PEIOES NIOHf S 60c HESEHVED SEATS 75c" MATINEES, ADULTS 50c r :v'l t ... - ... In A X . . w . I ' - - ' 1 TUTDA BAEA PE0DUC- TICIT SUPIS w I ! r