i THE OREGON STATESMAN : WEDNESDAY, FEBItCARr 13, 101S of Ddl 0)Sroctry g; The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted der Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them nnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds SC0rn) HAND GOODS H CLOTOTNG, SHOES, BICY CLES, TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE LJ ,iM co't at. wrnE INSURANCE SOCIETY - W. H. Burghardt, JrM rcnt' Agent 885 State St. Money to Loan hiprovbi firm aim cfrr TII0S.K.FORD uver UMt 4K VMS Btiki Baleen. Or. rjTvv'ET TO LOAN I HAVE MADE lem. Or. Phono 66. fTf Airmcp iPTBBTiitM rniM i ' Rat Per Word .. :j ": first insertion 1 gSSequent insertions ....... He Oeiweek (alx UMrUou) ... 8e nu month ...... fe fiiit months contract per no. So II manias' eon tract. per do.. . 7c Ro account opened for Um than SSo I - . . eaaBMBBas A seat eirl flTta rroo witn an I advertisement to the extent of 60e I -Var Bil.K Tor I Bent," -Boom" or -Board." ; WW TODAT - snMaaansai - ' rca new classified sdvsrtlse- mtfwlU run ad New Toda?" for first Insertion, anUes otherwise ordered by the adver- U'fubeouent Insertion of the ad will appear under its proper claaa iflcatioa. ' Ne aavertlstnent will b run under "Nw Today" for more than ne Issue nader any circumstances M7T0DAY LOSTA SHALL. CAMEO PINT ward. . Leave at this office. RL- COPT ' WORK CORRECTLY TYPK- written and compared. Call after 6 I at 640 Bute street. i .R RENT BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM bungalow, fireplace ad furnace, bee H. E. Bollnger,. Hubbard building;. TO EXCHANGE PAIR OF f 1100 LB. . v mares for pair of draft colts; cash ' difference. . S. B. HilL route 1, tea- ; lent. ... t. ; - - ' : : i ' FOR ' BALE A PAIR OR f ANGORA rabbits and household funlturo in eluding;, heating- stove, folding bed. . 751 North 14th street. Phone 270-R. - AFTER THE OUTING COMES IN AND enjoy our real refreshing; tonaorisl . r.rlr.r with a h anal ihamDOO. ' t . TJ-.W.. Ck. til atmtM. street. -.- " . V AN ENERGETIC MAN MAT LEARN - bow to acquire a profitable business of his own by consulting- Mr. Cleaver. t Hotel Marlon, from 12 a. m. to J o. m. Wednesday of this week. A bonafide propsltlon your home corn- m unity. , uuormauon tree. TOR SALE 1800 AT t PER CENT, real estate market. Will not offer tats mortgage any more. I Pi-re room modern new ! bungalow en paved street. $100 down. ZS Six room strictly modern new Dungtiow, garage - ana large . lot. Have - several acreages I and cash to exchange for larger tract. Soco lofaky, S41 State street. 4 1 , .MPORTANT THE OREGON FIRE Relief Association has nr - dividend T sharing stock holders. It I gives you first class protection at actual cost, have paid out almost $2,000,000 In losses, without one- single case of lit igation. We inspect and pass upon each and every risk before writing the insurance. By this system you pay a premium on just the amount you receive if your building is de stroyed by fire; there Is nothing to Quarrel ever. Just straight business. H. A. Johnson A Co. Agents, Bush Bank BMg.. phono 147. i rOR SALE 60 ACRES ALL UNDKR cultivation. 20 acres In wheat, bal- v v vwwvu iu vmv, 9 rwiu cottage, barn, macadam road, price lA&Aik - -.1, 200 acres in Houston county, Texas, to trade for Willamette valley lands. 4 Well Improved 20 acres; with two sets of good buildings, macadam road acres bearing Italian prune orcahrd. all new land, price $8000.!, Five acres ail cultivated.' new room plastered house, barn, well, 'of road. XV miles out. price $1C00. 10s acre farm, fine large bouse and bera. orchard, good soil, price $185 Per acre. , , tS acre farm, 80 acres under culti vation, balance- pasture and about ei-fht acres of fine timber, all stock and machinery goes, price $150 per r acre. . Good Improved 1(0 acre dairy farm, land In high state of cultivation, all Sere!' culUTt,on Pr,ce I Per 20 acres all In bearing fruit, prone, cherry, apples and English wjunutn. R-ood new houseu basement, Plica $59os. r;- 10 acres all under cultivation. S ? m ld Italian prunes. rmtly orchard, good new 6 room . PUatered house. I acTes of first class! land. 10 if ,":.of Loganberries In first class condition. 2 acres of Italian prune erchard, 2 acres of good timber, mall house barn, well, several acres la oats and vetch, price $7500. f you want to buy. trade or sll. K? "a -W. H. Grabenhbrst A Co 7 ttntm it,.. f EUPLOYMEliT WANTED" AT'TllOCOl E uaic street, steady wo a. , i , Wanted girl or woman for rle,!.a housework. Woman pre ;f"1; Phone 1229 or call at 114 NAtB ifp-P A TfOUlarMXN"TO Dllivl at. once. 1 none I i9. WrVT.E?T-BRIOIIT TOtTNO MAN IrtZliJ1 .J,1 'p old to learn f.,?IiBC trd. day work. Apply 'nun Job Topt.. tiTtlrs. FOR SALE' LlveimrK kit SALE 1850 POtTND WORKING Ihone 47F12. rC;.V?ALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAR. cJJilw& Rulifson M mile Norju t Tue-Ti7TClaf sified Ad M I HICE1LI. AR EO V Rl.AJ?E;?m FIVE PASSENGER Bulck in fine condition $700. 'See aj at $49 North Commercial, phone OROA.N FOR SALE WALNUT CASE. loulkYiSe'rV30 " taken IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST vfJ ?5r'-"?nd 13 to th Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subsrtption. MenUon this ad. BHtlA'trArRt:3 SUITABLE FOR feed fifty cents per sack at ware- B?os?i ;7" or 62 Magls CAFIlYlTJ OF THE OATMAN GIRLS nT?. H.u "5orlr of western Immi grat on baa been carefully revised, making a handsome litUe book, it tells In graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died ot ZmZ? n fni? OMt WM Purchased from the Indians five years later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, 8a- POCLTKt IF TOU WANT TO GET THITbePT Poultry - paper published, aend 19 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad? RKAL 2S9TAT2S A OpOD BUT 26x$0 FEET ON EA8T side Commercial street, one door BOP2.?f 8tate street, Salem, togeth ?I ta 'perpetual right of way over the 14x50 ft feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Bcott Bosorth. 701-8 Spauldlng Tilda-.. Portland. Oregon. FOH RENT FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED H mile west of Wapato station. Yamhill county. 12 acres hops. 700 bearing fruit trees. 82 acres , farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H. Egan, Qrvls. route 8. phone 8F11. HOUSES FOR RENT MARCH FIRST. MODERN house. Close in. Call at 675 Center street. , SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street with garage. $12.60 per month. E. A. Rhoten. phone 11 41-J. FOB RENT THE FOLIOWING $10 Five-room modern cottage at 1857 South eChurch street, $12.60 Six-room modern house on paved street at 1020 South High Bu Call at Statesman business office or phone 68$. FOR s RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one block from paved street. 1b South Salem. $10 per month. 3. A. ; Rhoten 840 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141.J. FOR ; RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE two lots, fine gardea land, barn, chicken park. Corner worth Com. merlcal and Gatnea. $10 per montn. Phone 2270-W. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $8 partly modern five-room cot tage 1062 Saginaw. In good order. Foremerly rented for $10 a. nwnth. Call at 1042 Saginaw or Statesman business office. 1 Phone 22. $12 Neat modern bungalow 6 . rooms at 860 North 20th st. Call at Statesman business office or pnone $20 Modern apartment 76$ Marlon street. Call at Statesman business office or phone 22. $22.60 Fully furnished apartment, modern, close in. soon to be vacant. Call at Statesman business office, or - phone 22. - - - - ' ROOMS FOR RENT SMALL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. 641 Mill. Mrs. Eugene Prescott. FOR ' RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman, GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In side rooms. Close to State House. 10S0 Chemeketa, Phone 1280. mSCEUAUEOVS BUaiWBSS CHAKCES. SHIPBUILDING COMPANY NOW OR ganixlng. Wants few more parties 'with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in confliet with present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence In securing- contracts. Partic ulars. 702 SpauldTngr Bldg-- Portland, Oreron. MO?TK-tirO tVOAWT MONEY TO LOAN: IN LARGE AND small amounts over first class real estate security. W. A. Uston. WANTED MISCEL.L.AWEOtfa" HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR rood dean rasa. Pressroom. States- W ANTED TO RENT EIGHT ROOM modern house with garage on paved 'street. Phono 1157-R. WANTED YOUNO GILTS WEIGHING about fifty or seventr-flve pounds. " Call 7F3. or write A. E. Cray, Route No, 1, Bilem. Oregon. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY "TIREg HEPA1BED YrtCAMZIMO GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St, phone 428. ! -: J- QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing-. . 21 1 North Commercial street. Phono . - HILEMAN 'MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Sllverton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanising and auto supplies. 221 North Commercial. Phone 787. BRACKETT V GRAY TUBES VUL canised. 25c Retreadlns our Pecial ty. Freo service car. . Phone 1400. 278 North CommerciaL .-. ': WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 26o up. Service car. phono 868. 22$ South Commercial strt. - ' ATTTO SKRVICB SIlTPiFS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone .Day, 861; nle-ht 2S9. -' PROFESSiONAL DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 412-414 Rank of Commerce Bldg-. rbnn. SO. ' - - TjriICTTACHgB" H. HARRi ' TEACHER OF PL NO. Phnn, 182 ' - ' WDGEDIRECT0RY n ROTH ERli OOjf OF YOKWAW MEETS EVERY yEDNDAT BVEN tar in Maaonlo Temple, fifth floor, at i o'clock. AU visiting members wel come. Horaco Pykef. Foreman. W. XL Pxunk, Correspondent, . . MODEBV V rOODMETT. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 6246. meets every Thursday eveninr at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wrlrht. clrek. WSWESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELTVER ed any place, city or country. Phone 4 f iO).R. W. Vlmr. BARBER SHOPS YOU ALWAYS LOOK BETTER AND feel better If you get your hair trim, shampoo, and face massage at In arey's Barber 5hop, 211 State street. CHlBo PH A cn C CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS R store normal function. If you want results conault - Dr. May. 806-6-7 Hubbard Bldg. phone 627. DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C- GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chiropractlcs fountain head. Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8. U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Realdeneo R2S-R. CTUlrESIPHYSlcriAW." DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dlseawe. 182 S. IIIrh St. Phone 282. "DRAYS ABtfjTEXPRKSS CAP ITAL Clf Y TRANSFER COM PANT Phone 822. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses In connection with - business. Furniture moving, packing-, shipping and at or ins our specialty. Office 2(1 South Commer cial street. DRY TAJri3fG AMID I-BJ-SgrjTO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe. Prop-, 424 K. Commer cial St. Ladies and gentlemen's ' suits cleaned and pressed, $1 and $L60. Work called tor and delivered fre Tel. Main 6K2. JU7IK. JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every Kind. - Let us make you a price on your household roods. The square Deal" hou Capital Junk Co- 871 Chemeketa street. -none sss. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND band gooda. - Highest market prices for junk and hldea The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, 871 No. Commercial. Phone 784. HAIR REMOVED - "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN SUC cesafuL Applied here or sold for : homo use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 828 Hubbard Bldg. ' LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 5e per pound. 188 South Lib erty St, Phone 26. ' HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO nlar washing- dene at a rate every body can afford. For only sixty-five . cents we will collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty four hour a Phone 2471. OSTOPATHY DR. W. U MERCER, GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Kirks- . ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. a Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone 818. Resi dence 418 North Summer. Phone $14. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. , Graduates American School Osteopa thy. Kirksvllle. Mo, Sixteen years experience. Residence office $64 South Commercial street. Post Grad uate work. Los Angeles College. Dm. H. D. Bowers tc Alice C Bowers. DRS. WHITE A WALTON, OSTEO pathle pbyslciana and surgeona Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Klrksville, Mo. Post Jraduate and specialised in nervous iseases at Los Angeles College. - Treat acute and chronie diseases. Offices 605-8-7-8. U. & Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 ' Court St. Phone 221 R. WITH SERIES. NORTHWESTERN NURSERY AT State and 24th streets choice roses, ornamental and flowering shrubs, shade trees, budded holly, arraf ted Franquette walnuts and all kinds of fruit trees. Howard Jones, Phone -. 412. ? FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at Hign and Ferry. Call and aee . stock and ret xtrices before ourehaa l Ing elswhere. . . Everbearinr straw- Derry pianta. PIANO TTJNIKO G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, , cleaning, repairing and regulatinr All work guaranteed. 1845 Hall street or care of Sherman Clay dt Co- Court street, phone 81 62-J. SECOND HAN II UOODI WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har- , boss, collars, collar paos. tools. chains. Fred Bchindier. 266 Center Street. TRANSFER ffATTLKO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND Tl of hauling. Household UzjALtr moving Jobs done prompt rSr ; ly. Try me once. Tim me, 476 State St. Phone 868. Resldeace phone 1122-J.1 - - : nDERTAKERt nrirnn . fT -ITr:H C R WEBB. A. l Clous-h. funeral directors. Latest ; modern methods known to the pro fenplon. 497 Court street. WOVEJf HIRE FENCUrO Deet Katioiuil Jt AaaeHeast Fence, aU mtuem, 24 la la M la. hirh. ralata. Oils aad Varalak. Stoves Re kali t aa4 Ke-palred . Leaaakerry and Hop Hooka. Salens Keaee- Jt Sieve WarU. SO Crt St. Pbobo 124 r. r. rrwiifn. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 801 S. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is ... I -.rt f.nm nr.m!,,,. Hereafter water for irrlaatloa will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work. . nta,Avin will til,,,. ,mA fnr building purposos" under schedule of r,t. APPIY l nmr. t Tr copy. wall papier, raiirr TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial 8t GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- corattng. painnnsj. tinuns, paper haaging. etc Work done by contract or day: good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone 6S8-W. SEE PORTER FOR .PAINTS WALL paper ana tnccure VTaminr. uotmi workmen. 466 Court St. Phone 486. i BUYING PRICES. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs. 32c to 33c. Hens, live. Sic to tie. Dressed chickens, 30c. Old roosters and stags, 11 to 18c. Pork. Mutton and Beef. Ewes, 5 Q 7c Pork on foot, 14c to 15 He. Veal, dressed, 12 to 16c Spring lamb, 13c Beef steers, 7 to 8c; cows, 4 to 8c Balls. 4 to 6c Hay. Cheat, per ton, $22. Clover, per ton. $20. Vetch, per ton, $22. Wheat, $1.85 to 1.87. Oats, 85s to 90c Befans, 8 to 8c Mill FeeOa, Retail. Bran, per ton, $36.00. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Batter. Country hotter, 45c Creamery prints, 53c Butterfat, f. 0. b. Salem, 54c Fish. Salmon, Chinook, 30c Vegetables, Lettoce, crate, $2.50. . Celery, 75c to 0c Nebr, rice corn, lie. Tomatoes. California. $2.75. Broccoli, $1.75 to $1.85. Onions, $2 to $2.50. Cabbage, 2c. String garlic, 8c Potatoes. $1.25. Turnips, sack, $1.00. Sweet potatoes, 5c Nuts Almonds, 23c Walnuts (No. 1) 24c Walnuts (No. 2 20c Peanuts, raw, 17c Cocoanuts, dozen $1.20. .. Frraita. 1 Grapefruit, $6. Pears, $1.50. ; Oranges, $2.50 to $4.50. Bananas, SUe. Apples. $1.25 to $1.75. Dromedary dates, $4.75. Honey (Idaho) $4.25 to $4.50. . Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. Retaa Price. Creamery bntter, 60c Eggs, 40c. Floor, hard wheat, $2.80 to $8. Floor, valley. $2.60 to $2.60. 80 gar, cane and beet, 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.50. I PORTLAND LIARKETS PORTLAND, Feb. 21. Butter: Prints, extras, 52 & 63c; cubes, ex tras. 52 63c; cubes, extras. 48e; prime first. 47 c; dairy, 32 He. Butterfat: Portland, delivery NO. 1 sour cream. 55c , Potatoes: Busying price Locals, 90 01.00; selling price, $101.35. Cattle Cattle, choice steers higher; rest. steady;- receipts. 613. Medium to choice steers, $10.56 011.50; good to 'medium steers, . 3d oyiv.sa; common to good steers, $8 09.40; choice cows and heifers, $8 010; common to good cows and heifers, $6.7508.15; canners. $4.2506.25; bulls. $5 08; calves. $7.50 011; stocker and feeder steers, $6 09.50. Hogs, steady to active; receipts 899. Prime light, $16.85017.25; prime heavy, $16.60 016.90; pigs. $14.50015.50; bulk of sales. $16.80 017. Sheep, steady; receipts. 16. West ern lambs. $15015.50; valley lambs, $14.50 015; yearlings. $13 013.50; wethers. $12.50 013; ewes, $9011. Portland market on shorn sheep 2 He to 3c under Quotations. PRATOI BREVITIES. PRATTJM. Or., Feb. 12. -F. B. Wed el and William Groenlg of the Deaconess hospital of Salem attend ed Christian Endeavor here Sunday night. Homer and Elmer Lelsy from Portland and their sister, Mrs. O. Luglnblll from Kansas, were visitors at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. tlsy, Sunday. Frank Humphrey, agent for the Indiana silo, canvassed this neigh borhood Saturday. A Red Cross meeting will be held at the Menonite church Wednesday nighL. Miss Hannah Lamberts of Fruit land attended church here Sunday morning. Rev. S. S. Baumgartner was elect ed president of the local Christian Endeavor society Sunday night. Six teachers from other schools were visiting the school here yester day. ' RILVERTOX PERSONALS. SILVERTON, Or.. Feb. U. Dr G. W. Welch of Riddle. Or., has purchased his former dental office In Sllverton and with his family ex pects to return this week and com mence the practice of dentistry, ' Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Longacro are expecting a visVL from their daugh ter. Marguerite Connell, from China, in he near fnture. Elgin Walters of Shaw spent Mon day visiting the Sllverton schools. ' Mrs. Zetta Schlader of the Oregon Normal school Is here visiting friends and relatives prior to a trip to0 California, where she will spend a few months with her husband. Cal. Schlader, who is in the United States navy.;' 'i F. E. WCalllster, cashier of the Collldge McClalne bank, received a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father in Ohio, and left for that place. 1 M. O. Gunderson of the Coolidge ft McClalne bank left Monday for the east in response to a telegram announviris the serious yilness of his father. Will Moser of Grants Pass Is ris iting his brother, Joh,n Moser, frr a few dtys. , Miss Ines ' Donahue of the Mon mouth Normal has been elected to SALEU MARKETS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. price 81000. Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A E. Day. 2408 Center street. Salem. Oregon. 300 ARB FARM FOR SALE. NO Ex change considered. First class for general farming. Address L X" care Statesman. FOR SALE THE A. J. FURV1KJ? place In Spring Valley. Enquire, Mrs. E. T. Prescott. 641 Mill or Mrs. J. A. Remington, phone 2481-J. WILL TRADE 15 ACRES LAND IN city limits, all In cultivation, price $6100 for 82000 house in city. Mort gage on balance at 6 per cent. Kiemerer. 644 State street. WHAT OFFERS FOR 21000 EQUITY in highly improved 20 acre tract at Llveley? Price 22500, balance pay able lej0 semi-annually. Niemeyer 644 State street. CANADA. 320 ACRE WHEAT RANCH- es can be bought with a first pay ment of 8512 In American settled districts. Free literature. Niemeyer, 644 State street. I WANT A SMALL HOUSE WITH A . good sised piece of good land in ex change for a small house in High land. Will pay cash difference. See Wd. Fleming, 241 State street. FOR SALE LOT 47x90 FEET. GOOD five room house with cement base ment, f urnance. gas and wood ranges, and other modern conveniences; house furnished or unfurnished to suit purchaser. Two blocks east of state House grounds, l'rice fZBae. on easy terms. Enquire at 161 South 14th street. I HAVE SOME CASH PURCHASERS for farm property also ; some good trades to offer. List your property at once. I can dispose 1 of it If thv price is reasonable. X- have seed wheat, a 2-Inch wagon a plow, steel cable and grub plow for sale cheap. Scott, 404 Hubbard building 10 ACRES OF LAND 2ft MILES FROM Salem, on rood road. 8 acres in cul tivation and 8 acres of timber. Foir room box house, rustic outside. Baivu. woodshed and smoke house. Al un der fence, land lies rolllnr. but rood so4L See Perrine dc Marsters. 4s2 Hubbard Bldg, Phore 807. MUST HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOL lars cash. In a few days, and will sacrifice on either oroprty. a 70 acre pasture and timber, plac with fair ouuaings running water, 7 mu east. $70 an acre, and will take a .clear town bouse part pay, long time on balance. Or will sell my equity In a fine 0 room modern house close In steady income.' Money.- talks, see ex clusive agent this week. Win. Flem ing 241 State street. . GOOD INVESTMENTS. 6 ROOM HOUSE lot and bearing trees 8450. Five acres on car line all clear cheap buildlnars 81200. acrea all 'smooth land half clear 22500. 40 acree fine land 8 acres timber 27 acres five ynar old orchard balance open, good set of buildings 26.000. Exchange 110 "acres Waldo hills 8100 per acre take Dart trade. 81000 first mortgage for sale or exenango ror nouse. - t or rent a acres bottom land dose in. : Have cash buyer for good small farm. 1914 , Ford for sale. Shetland pony for sale. Money to loan. , F. L. Wood. 7 ACRES. ON CAR LINE, IN PRUNES cherries, logenberries. rood modern house, finest sightly location, will take residence as part pay. 28.000. 16 acres one of the finest prune or chards, well kept, good house and barn. miles from Salem, will sell , cheap far cash. Make an offer. Fine s acre home in Haysvtue District, rood house, barn, rood road, f ruiL 82650. one half cash balance 2 years . at 7 per cent. ine a acre home in Haysvillo District modern bungalow tH acrea In loganberries and prunes for a short time only 82250. Excellent opportunity in 415 acre farm fair ouuaings s miles from Salem, aver are annual rent $1222 only 855 per acre, easy terms. Bocoiorsay. 34 J State street. LOOK AT THISA REAL OPPORTUNITY bout 400 acree of choice Polk coun ty land; about 80 acrea dear; about 6 acres in stump pasture: balance la choice) pillar timber and oak grube. Timber aloae worth $7600. New four room h.ouse, new dairy barn, providing for. 88 cows and four horses; new pi pea and new milk house. Water piped (rom fine sprinr to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. 8 per cant interest Address L, owner, care Th Statesmarn fill the vacancy In the grade school caused by the resignation of Mrs. Lrl B. Lyons. The girls basketball team of the Sllverton high school went to Hub bard Saturday night. The score was 13 to 15 In Hubbard's favor, this War Department Selects Its Official Beant? 11 1 ateaaaa As,, MISS rRAMCtS CROAri Miss Frances Jordan has been se lected by the Soldiers': and Sailors Campaign council of the war depart ment as the most beautiful of 22,000 young women who sent their pic tures to be judged. The picture is to be used on an official poster to In spire soldiers and sailors to greater efforts for their country. . " . '"" - ' . " i v ; i - . - i ,: f - - 7 ' I i 1 THINGS THAT ' - Copyright, being the Sllverton girls' first de feat. The Sllverton basketball clnb played the Chemawa team Saturday night at Sllverton. .The score was 54 to 18 in Cbemawa's favor. L. C Eastman and P. L. Blacker by went to Salem Monday, where they, were employed In a job of plumbing at the penitentiary. E. T. Barkhurst. who has been employed as mechanic at the Fisher Flouring mill for the past week, re turned to his home in Salem Saturday.- ; t ; ; ' t Knute Digernees and " George Shields were In Salem Saturday. P. L. Blsckerby "returned from Portland Saturday evening where he has been serving on the. grand Jury. MOTHERS AND GIR1S TESTIFY Evidence Is Songht : on Work ing Honrs Prevailing at Stock Yards CHICAGO. Feb. 12. Mothers with babies In their arms, as well as girl workers and men came from the stock yards today to testify in the wage controTersy between the pack ers and their employes before Fed eral Judge Alschuler. recently ap pointed an arbiter by Secretary of Labor Wilson. The women had been called by he 'bor unions to give evidence of the long hours which the . unions claim prevallr at the stock yards. None of them testified today, how ever. - W. J. Barrett, an official of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, testified that electricians at the packing plants, although organised, received only 44 cents an hour, while the scale called for 78 cents n hour. In reply to a question as to why fie worked in the yards for 4 cents when he could get 78 cents outside, he said that he would have o join another local of the union which would hare cost him 1200. 8. C. Frazee. superintendent - of the Wilson it Co. plant, the next witness, said the average wage paid nen in his plant was 27 cents . an hour and that a similar 'wage was aid In other plants. Other men employed In various 'rades testified that their basic rate -f pay was lower than that paid to 'he same class of labor in other in stitutions, f The hearing will continue indef initely. Huckestin Reports on Receipts for January Postmaster Hackesteln reported yesterday that during the month of fanuary first class postage-receipts unounted to $9905; second rlasa. 1139.77; third and fourth. 3873.81: box rents, $108.50, or a total busi ness for the month of fll.027.0S. Hi total business for 1917 wa 83. 194.52. or an Increase of $1524.58. Up to date for February thrift tatnp sales hare amounted to $2. 108.93. and the grand total since the beginning of the sales Is $27,291.72, Marlon county's qutota' has been tlaced at $971,808. leaving a bal ance due of $944,508.28. It Is ex--tected to reach this sum by the first -f March. 1919. or a little over one ear since the sales began. The committee In charge of the -tamp sales In the state hope! to rh tl.Ann.noA hy March. 191 9. ' CHICHESTER S PILLS mm aa it; a.,. J aae fiwv er ae iaVioN a irio ruijs tZ e rmm km , s Be , iinu A Imh a SflOET DSDCCCTS ElT.1lliLSS it a NEVER HAPPEN -: V-"; . ; : ' -:--., :r.-, .)'; - " , ' I f4AHMA I WAS UfT: I BACK IN 3CHCOL 1 V VAS THC HOST 5TOP i B005 in Tne CLAii J ; N AHO I THINK THE S I TCACHCR USCO eiOOO I Millionaire at 27 Years ... .. x H. Leslie i-araer f of Wyoming, twenty-seven years jof age. Is a mil' lionalre. Several years aso he was the stwerd of a club at Casper. There he saved enough from his $75 .a month to lease what be believed would be good - oil lands. He guessed right and now he has enough money to own several such clubs. TIIIE TABLES lOCTURRK PACTFIO CO. No, 16 Oregon Express ..... 6:08a.m. No. 54 Oregonlan .... a:i a-ra. k& Willamette Limited.. 6:20a.m. No. IS PorUand Passenger. 1:16p.m. No. 24 Coos Bay 2:46 p.m. No. 12 Shasta Llmlteo 7:e p.m. No. 14 Portland Kpress . .. -8:10 p.nw Kn ! wit Freiaht. . t :64 a.m. No. 822 Portland Fast Freight 11:26 pre. - Seatkaoana No. 62 Oregonlan j .......... 8:20a.m.. No. 22 Coos Bay 1. 10:91 a.m. . IS California -Exoreea ..11:11a.m. No. 17 Roseburs; Passenger. 4:2Sp.m. No. 11 Phasta Limited a: j p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. . '6:10 p.m. No. 12 Fan Franclaco Pass... 10.27 p.m. No. 21 Ban Fran. Fast FrC..12:Sl a-n . No. 227 Local Way Freight.. 11:01 a.ny IALEM.GP.Ell U5B No. No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:15 a.m. T4 Leave Salem......... 3:03p.m. SAI.RW. FALLS CITY Jk WESTKIWl t 141 Leaves, Kalem. motor .... 7:06a.m. lit Leaves S-alem. motor.... 1:11a.m. lt( Leaves Bal em. motor.... 1:44 p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Aril 1(7 Leaves Halem. motor 8:48p.m. let leaves Salem.- motor, ... . 6:67 p.m. tl Way Freight leaves Salem 6-.ea.m. IC2 Arrives at Balem 8:10 a m. 14 Arrives at Salem ........11:00a.m. I Arrives at Balem 8:04 p.m. 6:25 P.m. U8 Arrives at Palem 170 Arrives at Salem 240 Way- Freight Ar. 7:20 p.m. Salem. . 8:20 p.m.' ORBSOON BLECTRIO Train Leave Arrive N'o. eportlaad Salem 1 ..... 6:11 am 8:25am 6 Ltd. .. 8:26 am 10:11 am 7 i. ...10:45am 12:SSpm .9 ...... 2:05pm 4:15pm 12 Ltd... 4:40 nm 6:40 nm" Arrive E"ucene 10:65am 12:25 pm :2Spm 8:60 pm 17 . ,...6:05 pm 8:10 pm Salem only 1 J....;t:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only , 21 ll:45pra l:am e:nara Nnrlh Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street 16 and 20 mtautee later.) lTorthaoaad Teave Arrlva Train Arrive Portland :50 am 0:26 am 11:25 am 1 :25 pm 4:04 pm 6:46 pm T:40 pm No. Eugene 2 .....12:06am 10 Ltd... 7:4 8 am 12,.... 14 .....11:16am 10 Ltd.. .1:55 pra 20 1:1 Opm Salem 4 :13 am 7:15 em 10:45 am 11:24 sm 1 :64 pm 4:04 pm 6:20 pm 7:66 pm 33 ....... :z pm 10:04 pm xNrth Bank Station CArrlve Jeffer son Street 15 minutes earlier), f Leave Corvallla. , ! t70n.FALI.ia COKKKCTIOICS Korthkowad Leave Oorvallis 1 ' -Arrive Salem ...... 8:25 smi - .i- 9:45am . ; 12:12 pm i , l:fi4sm 2:41 pm i . :pm s. 4:is pm 6:20 pm 7:66 pm Soathboaad Leave Salem. Arrive Corvallla 8:25 am i 10:1 6 smi '12:55 pm ! 4:15 pm ! 6:40 pm 9:&7ra J 1:3! em 2:20 pro 6:84 pm :66 pm