TIIE OHEGO.Y STATESMAN': WEPSESPAr. FEimUAKY 1.1, 1018 i SHEA CHARGES VIOLATION OF 16-HOUR LAW Brotherhood Chief Pictures j Conditions Since U. S. i Took Over Roads LONG HOURS AT FAULT Small Wages .Said to Be Rea son for Large Number of ; Men Quitting ; WASHINGTON. Feb- 12. Indis - criminate violation, of the . 16-hour lair, especially since the government took over the roads, was charged to the railroad managements today by i . Timothy Shea, acting president of . the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men and Engeinemen, in -picturing . to , the" railroad "'wage commission working conditions which, he said. drove the men Into other employ ment..-,-v v--' "If the United States government does not remedy these conditions, , ' fee asserted, "it will not make a suc cess of railroad operation, tor no railroad can survive if managed In such fashion." ' The witness said present condl- ' tions actually constituted a menace to. human life, because men engaged In operation of trains cannot be held responsible for disaster if -worked ' to the point, of physical exhaustion. , He quoted partial reports to show 123 violations of the 16-hour law between January 2 and 24, as com pared with 89 during the whole of 1817. : , , . . . - -. Violations . Held . Unusual. - "It doesn't seem to me. that 123 violations - are extraordinary consld tring the weather of that period," remarked Secretary Lane, chairman of - the commission. "Yea -don't sanction violation of tie law, do you?" asksd Shea. "I don't think that question prop- ... crlycan be addressed to me," ans wered the secretary Mr. Shea sad perhaps the question should .not have been asked, , but re- : fu&ed to drop the subject. , - j Since the government took, over operation 7of the roads.' he said. . 'theyare at liberty -to violate the law. .Whom are you to prosecute?" Commissioner McChord, a member of the interstate commerce commit slon which t cbarsed witahf ore ing the 16-heur law,-interrupted to ata'e that government operation made, no difference in enforcement . of the law and that he dally was ap proving prosecutions of violations. "We've got the law but .it seems impossible-to get it complied with ' Shea continued. "Since the govera- , ment-took over the roads the law apparently is being disregarded In- , discriminately and the time is com ing when it will result In wreck. I think it Is time to call a halt. We hope the government can demons trathat trains can make an aver age of ItM miles an hour and avoid over time. The government will have united ' cooperation or all-classes of employes to accomplish that end." Lang Honrs Blamed. The long hours were said to be only ene. reason why .many switch' - men have sought other employment. In 180. Mr. Shea sajd; switchmen performed approximately 4,000,000 tons miles of work for every SI 000 paid hem, but in 113,- the labor had increased to 7,009,000 ton miles for-the same pay. fie contrasted the labor of stoking one of the great , modern machines on a -fast schedule inn,; with the old days when a small engine' pursued its peaceful way through the country - and the fire man, was at liberty to take off hl3 boots -and go io sleep in the sun when a siding was taken. ""Wages -of $2.ea day do not cover the actual living expenses of a-married man," Shea said. "Our men can leave the railroads and get work In factories at $4 a day under tetter conditions' and working short er hours. Yet, we are performing a -service that is vital to the coun- , try's -welfare." , ' , Conditions such as these, he de clared; caused the labor turnover ncoutered by the Erie In the last Mix months of 1917, when 8200 men were employed and 8700 quit, . LEADERSHIP GIVEN SPECIAL EMPHASIS ' (Continued from page 1) ; and. scrupulously observe those pria- clples in continuing the war. , - Confidence' In Hair: I'nshakrn, "W are aU desirous that while the war lasts and the purposes for , which we entered it are still un- achieved it should be prosecuted with the best resources at our dis posal. Among these, in the first Tlace. we must be clven leadership. There have been manr criticism, just and unjust, upon the conduct of the war nurtag the last year, but In ' the military field there is nothing which ha been done or left nndone that, has in the least shaken the con fidence of the empire in those two great soldiers, Halg and RoLertson. "For more than two years," said ; Mr. Asflujth, "against the vicissi tudes of fortune that during that t time have befallen the allied cause, they have preved over and over again their ipossesslon in a pre-eminent t degree of the qualities of foresight. tenacity, -patience and nn perturbed i resolve which went furthest to win and to retain the trust and loyal de votion of the British troops. - " "We owe to them,". Mr. Asqnith continued, "unstinted gratitude and unwavering confidence, and there are no. iiro xaea whose Judgment la military matters I would more un heaitailnrlv acceDt." th fnrm-r nremler said he though) It could be possible for the government to give a definition of the, enlargement of the functions of the inter-allied war council. , i Mrm Sot Kusnlcloned. "I wish to know, and I am sure the bouse wllshed to know." Mr. As- quith" continued, "whether any change has been made in the stat'i of the personnel or the functions oi the commander In cower or in mose of the chief of the general staff. i rut nut m Absolutely Irrelevant in matters of this kind all rumors of personal rivalries and siuaornes. such as we read of in the papers. I cannot believe in them, and shall not until I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I cannot and will not believe considerations of that kind can sway the action of poli ticians or military men. ."I feel that the house would not be discharging its duty unless it asked the government to define au thoritatively, with a view to quieting suspicions and removing! doubt, that the strategy of the war will be con ducted on sound lines and on lins whieh are approved by those who are iour highest technical, advisers. We should have complete confidence in the system on which we are carry ing on the war and perfect harmony of opinion, aa well as, of effort, be tween the government "and those who are its servants.; ', ; FORTYNAMES TAKEN FROM LIST j (Continued from page 1) ! American , Dead 15ft. A SCOTCH SEAPORT, Feb. 11. The; American dead as -a result or the linking of the 'Tuscanla appar ently is at least 159. Thus far 145 bodies have been buried along the Scotch coast and fourteen- additional bodies were re covered today. Funeral service over the latter will be held tomorrow. The bodies of 'a majority of tho Americans were identified by means of metal discs which the men wore and i in the case of about twenty others who bore bianK discs, identi fication was effected of most of them by a general description of the bod les or by letters found in their pack- ets...,V V : ; . . : ASSISTANTS TO BE NAMED LATER - I . - Return of Major General March From France Is " !' First Awaited i WASHINGON, Feb. 12. Appoint msnt of vnral nfflran tn fill nr manently the- five positions of as sistant to the chief: of staff created by the recent' general staff reorgon ization order probably will not be mkde until Major General March returns fro France to take up -bis duties ai' acting chief of staff. t Tt was Indicated ' today that the offi cers 'temporarily assigned will con tlnue to serve until General March has decided to whom he desires to entrust the new division of the work of his office. ' : In explaining further the purpose of the reorgonization order today, Secretary Baker emphatically declar ed that there was no possibility of conflict between the general staff and the war council since the latter i i. i He described the council as a purely advisory body to which the chief of staff , might refer questions for study The council sits daily and its delib erations up to this time have had to do almost entirely with supply ques tions.:.? The secretary issued a statement outlining. In detail the tasks assigned tc each of the new staff division. 1 STATIONOTORK TOPIC OF MEET . . -i Northwest Mining Association Hears Address on Expcr- ; imental Work ( : . j - n, .-, ! SPOKANE, Feb. 12. The work of the experiment station of the federal bureau of mines at Seattle was dis cussed by Thomas Varley, in charge of the station, at the opening ses sion here this afternoon of the aa- i At . A . k uuii i convention . o line , isortn wesi Mining association. Mining men from British Columbia, Washington, Ida ho and Montana are in attendance. The bureau is concerned largely with ' elecjtro-metallurgical research, Mr. Varley said, and also Is studying the coal minings situation in this state, - utilization of waste in tin fans,f production of manganego tn1 chrome ore,' tin and nickel. Charles 11. Goodsell of this city, poke on the patentlnr of mineral claim, and N. W. Durham of Spo kane delivered a Lincoln's birthday address. C. 'n. pennts, president of the association, opened the sesion. ana aadresses of welcome were de livered by Mayor C. M. Fassett an i T. S; Lane, president of the local chamber of com merce. IV. P. Kenney Chosen Head 1 of Great Northern Road fi StJ PAUL, Minn., Feb. 12. Wil liam ;P. Kenney: was elected ' presi dent of the Grat Northern railroad late today at a meeting- of the boari of directors. ' Mr. Kenney was for tnerlr viee president in charge of traf riC. r-.V-' ' , i, :A- ; , . Ralph Hudd, formerly assistant to the president; was elected executlvo vice-president. Louis W, mil re mains chairman of the board of di rectors and nctivc in the manage ment of the road. . iDALLAS LEADING IN STAMP SALES Thirty of First Hundred Chil dren Are From rolk County Seat Of the flrrt 5 1 00 school children In Oregon who have qualified for the Junior Itainbow, regiment, or ganized by State Superintendent Churchill, by selling at least $30 worth of war savings stamps, thirty are of Pallas. The next highest town on the list is Coquille which reports ten members of the regiment Each of the children qualifying will be decorated with an achievement pin furnished by Superintendent Churchill. The first hundred to be enrolled in the regiment are: Adelbert Rees, Shaniko. Johnnie Feulner, Dallaa. Maiden Grant, Dallas. Ruby Morris, Dallas. Sena Morrison, Dallas. Josephine Reed, Dallas. Lloyd Reed. ' Dallas. Eugene Rooker, Dallas. Alice Patterson. Dalles. Alice Crider, Dallas. Rose Winslow, Aumsville. Harry Loggan, Dallas. Wendall Sanders, Dallas. Homer-Ellis, Dallas. Juanita Morrison. Dallas. Bessie Syron, Dallas. Hazel Butler, Dallas. " Rena Burnett. Dallas. Gwendolyn Hooker, Dallas. Madeline Gerlinger, Dallas. Edwin Horn,' Falls City. , Edra Seufert, The Dalles. Ethel Leigh Hodgen, Umapine.' Crystal Hartman, Wapinltia. Sophie Tapp, ;Wapinitia. Sylvia Holloman, Wapinitia. t Nicholson O'Brien. Wapinltia. -Donald Welch, Baker. Marion Nolan, Medford. Aubrey Bradbury. Klamath Fall3 Cerald West, Klamath Falls. Kenneth Case, Klamath Falls. .John Lund, Warren. Winnie Stewart, Central Point. Carrol Saunders. Big Eddy. Ray Logan, Shaniko. Lloyd Woodslde. Wapinitia. t Charles McCoy, Falls City. John Crocker, Falls City.- Lavern Bratcher, Dallas. Donna MsKenzie, Dallas. ; ) Russell McKenzie, Dallas. Margaret Schultz, Dalla3. Merritt Holoway, Dallas. ! Ruth' Dawson, Dallas. Elizabeth Hay ter, Dallas. . Barbara Chapman, f Dallas. Dudley Powell, Dallas. Mary Knnnman, Moro. Raymond Henrichs, Moro. Carnalita Clodfelter, Dallas.' Fern Simpson. Alrlie. Margy Grant, ! Bourne. Alice Dunbabin, Bourne. Eva Dunbabin, Bourne. Elsie Dunbabin, Bourne. Henry Stauffer, Bourne. Stanwood Begley, Bourne. Lawrence Chadsey, Bourne. Cleo Guy, Dallas. Ray.Jost, Dallas. , . .Helene Loggan, Dallas. Leone Elliott Perydale. 'Lulu Allen, Crook county. Leone Matthews, Crook, county. James Sidford, Crook county. Roland, Stearns, Crook county. Ray Moss, Sweet Home. - Grace Rape, Salem. Glen Rape, Salem. Lillian Robinson, : Medford. Kenneth Marquis, Albany. Arnold Powell. Elmira. Melvel Good in. North 'Plains. Emma JosH. Hillsboro. r. Helen Richtrds, Kickreall. - . ' . May ; Itichards, Rickreall. Helen Caldwell,- Keno. ; Hdha Marie James,: Sherwood. ' Myrtle Sieton, Crook county. Helen Morris, Crook county. Ruby Worden, Kamela. Alton Ford. Kamela. Thomas Rose, Kemela. Clarence Barton. Coquillo. Evelyn Oerding, Coquille. Mary - Johnson, Cofiuille. Avis Hartson, Coquille. Helen Lyons, Coquille. Maxine Paulson, Coquille. Eugene Allen. Coquille. Alyce Dell Johnson, Coquille. Margaret Shores, Coquille. Lois Morrison, Coquille. Cecile Bennett, Roseburg Beatrice Bennett. Roseburg. Dorothy Johnson, i Alrlie "Garth Johnson, Airlle, Bernlce Ulrick.. Alrlie. Margaret Ulrlch. AirUe. WATER'S EDGE BURIAL' PLACE OF U. S. DEAD f : (Contlnoed ' from page 1) nnyr of ,the bodies that two Ameri can army officers -who vm sent here from ondon expressly ' for the pur pose, found It Impossible to take finger prints for ipdenliflcationl f Wooden crosses - with distinguish Ing numbers, have- been placed .on each graved all of which are enclosed by temporary fences. - v, v The i bodica, of the v Americans have come ahore thus far at einht widely separated jolnis -a!on ,h oasL All but fourteen, which were recovered today, have at three of the most central points vr mu.T me areatent number were recovered. For intanr a alone the funeral rites were carrlel out over sixty soldiers who - were washed up alon a stretch' or coast line not longer than two city Mocks. Among, the treacherous ilowlylng tocks J9 mile further north, the 1 ret number was found 4 Midway between these two points 44 bodies were discovered -In a -am n cove, l of which the correspondent oury loaay. u ; , ; ntper IlrinK Identlflratlen. when a few bodies; wer faun scattered places they were brought to a more centralized point nd bur cld with many others In on or two fr rcncnes. t a majority of the dead were identified thnw.1. 4t. metal disc which th There were about twenty Instances of men wearing blank tags, but In vi jms laci a majority or them were Identified byia general descrlp tion of the body and papers carried by the men In their pockets. So many bodies came ashore be tween the cliffs and in acressibl) places tbat great difficulty was ex perienced In conveying them to bur lal places. Some bodies were dashed upon the rocks at the base of precip itous cliffs higher than the palisades of the Hudson river. At onepoint ;4 4 bodies were recovered at the base nt cliffs which rose to a height of 300 feet, making It Impossible to re move them more than a few yards from the water's edge. .-Slew Buried -in Uniforms. The absence of timber on the bar ren lands out of which to make cof fins delayed the burials and made It necessary ultimately to bury most of the bodies of the men in their un! forms, covered with canvas. An undertaker at the point where the sixty bodies vere found soon ex hausted bis small supply of coffins. Thereupon, the owner of a big estate ordered his employes . to cut down the only clump of trees within miles to make coffins. This provided twenty-five. Then it was decided to place the coffins at the bottom of a great pit and lay the bodies of some of the men in rows on top of them. The oVerlayer of khaki-clad .sol diers wjf 3 placed In one great sheet of canvas. Another ten bodies were laid over this row and so on until all were ready for burial. No Coffin Available. At the point where forty-four bodies were buried no timber what soever wan available and all the men had to be buried without coffins. The bodies washed up in the dis trict where the .sixty men were buried wer not badly .bruised, but those coming ashore at more rock- strewn places, where the waters gave up groups of forty-nine and l forty- four, were mutilated almost beyond recognition. Some of the bodies were almost completely disrobed by the action of the watery. Nearly all of the men wore life belts and their clothing was . saturated with oil. which came from the two ; great tanks on board the Tuscania, Im mediately after th.e torpedoing of the steamer the men were thrown into the sea by the faulty launching of. "lifeboats apd swam about in the oil laden waters before giving up the struggle in the darkness. Many, however, were within a few yards of the land after hours of rbwiry. when the seas crushed their lifeboats againftt the roclia. Private Wilbur Nutt. Spring Val ley, Ohio, was in lifeboat No. 11 which capsized when it struck against the rocks, emptying thirty occupants info the swirling sea. I was carried over the rocks on a great wave,' said Butt today, "and wandered for six hour up and down the cliff.- I hsvp Just seen the names of all the other occupants of the boat among the dead. " Herxeant .Save Comrade. Another survivor was looking hag gard and worn as a result of hi long strngglq In the water. . e told much the same0 terrible tale as his comrades. He was Boyd E. Hancock who says he owes his life to Sergeant George Vols. ' Hancock, who is a patient Jin the hospital here, had been In the iwater for an hour or more when Vlolz pulled him into life boat NO. JOA. . The only member. of the crew who waa then In the boat was later warh ed overboard, hut the safely negot iea xne xocks along the coast reaching short about the middle c toe. night and- sleof on until av. light, Heroes also appeared mnm h- fisherfolk here. A British colonel wno came fifty miles and worked in aeratirabry with the survivor mr. tions in his report to th war nf fiee,-ibert Morrison, coast watcher and Duncan Campbell ' for hravorv Morrison heard cries in the middle of ine night, and running down from his home on too of the citrr n:.v,i many men by dragging them to the uigner rocKs. He took care of eighty urrirora at nis tiny bouse, and still some or the sick there. Camo than, at a point ten miles further way netpea 14 men to reach land ana toon them to his farraobase. QUARREL BRINGS DEATH One Man Dies from Fractured SkuIMVLile Other Lies in Jail V.llr;iiAL,IS.' Wash.. Feh. 12 A. the result of a auarrel ovr a Amr John OI uloclc. 0. of Pe Kll f- hm.iT van ieonard Toczck, 42, a neighbor, was in Jail here tonight, charged wn navtng caused the former's aeain oy striking him over the head wun a stick of wood early today, weiuiocg aiea late today from a frac tured skull. Both men ar rnl and have families.. . " According to the authorities. Cel.- Initb'a ma . - v. . a .uwu naa trespassed on Tos- property and the . latter ha l threatened to kill the animal ri iwk is saia to have called on Toc ek today and to have throafnmxi ' kui him If he harmed the dog. Inring toe altercation. It Is alleged, Aucsea struck the mortal blow, j Heatless Monday Order To Be Suspended Today WASHINGTON, Feb 12. Suspen sion of the heatles Monday order, forecast for several days was pot toned tonigbt until tomorrow pend ing final reports on the coal and transportation situation. L The Intention had been to revoke the order tonight, but at a confer ence today Fuel Administrator Gar field and Director General McAdoo decidod it would be best - to obtain the fullest information before act- About the -only part of the coun try now giving the officials concern is New England where the coal short age is said to be as acute asat any time in the last few weejtsv , DOG LEWIS LEADS V IN INSURANCE Total of 97 Per Cent of Men Have PoliciesGambling Ii Tabooed v TACOMA. WARH.i Feb. 12. Col onel George McD. Weeks who has been In charge of the officers train ing camp, has been relieved of that duty and put in commanw of the 364th infantry, succeeding Colonel Elmer W. Clark, who has been on sick leave afxd who now is assigned to the 163th depot brigade. Brlgadieer General P. S Foltx to night received a telegram from the war risk insurance office at Wash Ington, announcing that Camp Lewis leads the cantonments with a total of 97 per cent of its men insured "Gambling undermines "the mor ale of the command and cannot be tolerated." is the official edict from the office of Brigadier General Foltz, and as a result hereafter games of penny ante and blackjack are taboo in the barracks or wherever mem bers of the wild west division gather Gambling is declared to have paved the way for several courtmartial cases at Camp Lewis, and it is be lieved this is the reason for the1, order. Orders have come from the quar- termaster general) directing that Jewish troops . be - furnished with matzos" or unleavened bread, at the rate, of a pound a day for each man from March 27 to pril '4. Orders have also been issued to excuse Bey enth Day Adventists from drill from Sunset Friday evening to Sunset Saturday evening. - . . . HENEFS SEARCH NOW IS STOPPED Swift's Attorneys File Writ of Error; Government Case Not Hurt CHICAGO, Feb. 12. Attorneys for Henry Veeder, general counsel for Swift & Co., toffiy filed a writ of error and obtained a supersedeas from the United States circuit court of appeals In the government's search warrant case with the result that further search of the vault of the packers' lawyer for evidence in the federal trade commission's in vestigatloiKwill Te delayed until aft er March 1. - j - On that date the three judges of the United States circuit court of appeals will review the cae and pass on the validity of the government's writ Issued under the search and seizure section of the federal espion age law. : - Francis J. Heney, counsel for 'the federal trade commission,', declared that the delay resulting from the ap peal of the case by the counsel for Swift & Co. will not seriously hamp er the government agents In the in vestigation and prosecution of the al leged felonies charged in the af f I davit on which the search warrant was issued. SLAVS IN U. S. OPPOSE PEACE Demobilization Is Not True Russian Spirit Wilson - Is Lauded NEW YORK. Feb. 12. A tele gram felicitating President Wilson on Jii address before congress yes terday touching npon Prussian au tocracy was sent to the president to day by the All-Russian convention in session here. "We consider it our duty, the telegram read In part, "to assure you on behalf of ourselves and our brotherly Americans vUh whom we have cast lots, that a Vast majority of Russians in the motherland and here In America belong to that po litical school which recognizes In Russia only the constituent assem bly as having the right to work oat the Internal and foreign policies. The message adds: "We recognize in you the. first to declare to the whole world the terms of a general peace sii pportd -by the highest Ideals of International Jus tice." Dii'-UKsing the action taken. Valdeniar Krnglak, eeretary of the convention, which claims to repre sent 30,501) organized Russians In this country and Canada, alluded to President Wilson as "the spokwunan of clvili.atlon aealnut Prussian Ism. We Russians know that the best sentiment of Tlujwfa today in with him in ail he says about the terms of peae In Kiirope. The millions of KusKianM In the United state are not 1n sympathy with tho laying down of arms." I Mysterious Death of Sheep h Investigated SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. Fed eral officials ud board of health authorities have united in Investi gating the death here today, under mysterious circumstances of 225 sheep and lambs In a s stock yard corral in wihch approximately 7C00 head of stock were quartered. ' ; All indications, according to those making the investigation, tended to show 'that the animals were killed by poison placed In the watering troughs" In the pens in which tho dead stock was found. United States Marshal James XL Holohan reported the matter tonight by telegraph to Attorney General Gregory at Washington, D. C. - J j Stockyard here were advised t Uke precautions. Mahr of the yard were said to have established extra guard-. y :: ' HertUng and Kaehlmann iWiU Report to Kaiser ' AMSTERDAM. - Feb. ' J 2.-Connt von HertUng, the Imperial German chancellor, and Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann. secretary of . foreign af fairs, will proceed to Germ head quarters tomorrow to report to Em peror William the results or . me Brest-itovsk peace negotiations, says a dispatch received ehre from Berlin today. t Airplane Accidents Are Fatal to Three Piloters IEMPinS, Tenn.. Feb"., 12. T. C. Rogers .and P. B. Cooley, flying ca dets, were killed at Park field, the army aviation camp near Memphis, in the collision in mid-air today of the machines in which they were making practice flights. They were flying at a height of about 250 feet. LAKE CHARLES, La.. Feb. 12.- Lieutenant L. . Plummer of New Rocheiie, N. Y was killed at Geratner field .near here, late today in the fall of an afrplane he was piloting. RIVER SCOURED FOR LIEUTENANT Butte Man on Visit to Port land May Have Stepped Into Deep Water PORTLAND. Feb. 12. Intelil gence officers of the United States army and police officers today con eluded that Lieutenant C. Kreiuer Touhy of Butte, Mont,, recently at tacbed to thesignal corps at Vancouv er Barracks, who disappeared early bunday, had stepped off a boat land ing and was drowned. Lieutenant Tuohy disappeared at 1 a. m. Sun day during a house party at the hom of Ricahrd Mullen on the Willamette river. He left his overcoat and cbd at the house. He has not been seen since,. The water Is about 30 feet deep at the place. The city grappler fs drajreine the river. . . 4 Lieutenant Tuohys father. William luohy, is due tt arrive tonight to take up the search. Army intelli gence officers who handled the cane tor the government said that all of his papers are In fine order and that he always exhibited exceptional In terest in his work, and seemed hap py. They have found no grounds for an earlier report that he might have run away from, his friesMs in order to be married. The theory of foul play is likewise abandoned. HOUSING BEL QUICKLY PASSED Adequate Quarters Will Be Provided for Men Work j ing in Shipyards WASHINGTON'. Feb. 1 2.-The ad ministration bill, already pnseed by tho senate, appropriating $.10, 000.- ooo to provide housing facilitiea for employes of ship yards engaged la government work, was passed by the house late today without a roll call. The ? house adopted some minor amendments, which the senate may accept to obviate necessity of send ing the measure to conference. Under the bUl the sSTpplag board's emergency fleet corporation may purchase. leare, requisition or con demn any land, houses, buildings, or similar facilites, . may construct houses on land it acquires, and sell, lease or exchange these houses, and may make loans on adequate secur ity and for not exceeding ten yeats to persons, firms, or corporation to build houses for shipyard workers. A bill to appropriate $50,000,000 for the use of the labor department for providing housing facilities at war manufacturing centers other than shipbuilding towns is pending In congress. ' HOT IRONS USED: NEGRO GIVES UP Black Slayer of Two Whites Is Burned at Stake After Confession ESTILL SPRINGS. Tenn., (b. Jim McIIherron, a negro, who shot and killed two white men here 14st Friday, was burned at the stake t- night after a confession had been forced from, him by application of red hot Irons. The man was brouebt here tonight by a posse which capt ure! him after wounding him ii a battle near McMInvUle early today. Less Than 100 Soldier in One Camp Are Insured DKMINO. N. M., Feb. 12 Two hundred and thirty-seven million dollars worth of government insur ance has been taken by m embers of me 34tn national guard division at Camp Cody here, according to Lieu tenant Ira M. Sprecher. who has Lad charge of the war risk . insurance campaign here. Lieutenant Sorechtr tfsald tonight he. expected to add an other 91.000,000 worth of Insurance to this total by midnight when the campaign closes. The number of soldiers of the division who have not taken Insurance, the officer declared. la far ewer, than 100. , HERTtlNGRETL ISDISAPPOIN ii. Lloyd George Says Moxt I erate Demands Net Si, is factory to Hens LONDON. Feb. 12. After d Ing. that the government will i by the considered declaratica made early In the year te the tn union represetnatlves. Premier L! George told the house of comn' today that he had read with the i profound disappointment the re; of Count Von HertUng, the impr German chancellor, and Count C. nin, the Austro-Hungarlaa for minister, , to President Wllsoa's - his own speeches. "It Is perfectly true, as far as tl tone is concerned," he said, "that there is a great difference in th Austrian and German speeches. Bu' I wish I could believe there it t difference in substance. "I cannot altogether; and I rer-nt It, accept the interpretation of V Czernln speech. It Has extraor:; narlly civil in tone, and frkn: But when you come to theeal v.. stance . of the demands put f orw: : i by the- allies it was adamant. It r t Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Ara: i In exactly the same category r . glura. They were to be restored ti the Turks on. the same condlt' -, presumably as those on which Cc--many was to restore Belglnm. '.'When It came to the Italian de mands. Count Czernln simply. :.: I that certain offers had Jbeen r.-'i before1the war- and that they r t were withdrawn. ' Bo far as the Sla vonic -population of Austria is cr n- eerned it was simply a polite cUte ment to President Wilsod and th others that It was none of ocr business to Inquire. There was fiot a single definite question dealt with where Czernln. did not preseat tLa most definite refusal to discuss try terms which might be regarded es possible terms of peace, and .whoa you eome to .the German reply, it la yeryi difficult to believe that Voa HertUng could be even serc 1a some of the demands he put forward. 4 "What was his answer to the 5 lies very moderate demands? U answer was that Great Britain w' to give Up her . coaling station throughout the world. - I confess I think tbat was the last demand Ger many ougCt decently to hveput for ward." ... -: .,. , .ssvKiwsatVvsMsaapMsaasspsvK Police Arrest Leader ' of Syndicalists COPENHAGEN. Feb. 12. The po lice today arreRted the leader of the Syndicalists who escaped yesterday during the riots In.; which, hetween 60,000 and 80,000 persons attempt ed to-" storm the treasury, plunder shops and enter " the royal palace. Among those arrested was Christian Christensen, editor of the Syndical ist newspaper Solidarity, Quarantine Order at v Yakima Is Rescinded YAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 12. Th city quarantine order closing thea ters and stopping church services here on account of : the number of eases of diphtheria - waa resdndrf" this ven ing and the theaters and vial services were permitted to con finue. "- 4. -; Fifteen new cases of diphtheria were reported today. - Government Bays Pinto : Beans fit 8 Cents PczrJ .-, .. : 4 i . DENVER, Colo.. Feb. 12. The 1917 crop of pinto beans will be bought by the federal food adminis tration at a price of eight cents a pound n. re-cleaned" basis, according -to an announcement here tonight by J. B. Lamson of the food administra tion The bean-growing sections of New Mexico. Colorado. Wyoming Kansas and Nebraska are affected by the arrangement. .. Passengers From America Forbidden io Carry Heps NEW YORK. Feb. 12.KeV rolea forbidding steamship passengers leaving the United States to carry letters, maps, plans, or other papers aboard ships were Issued today If Byron; II. Newton, collector of the" port." A license to carry such paperv, may be granted upon application to the collector of the customs 11 hours before sailing time. Another rule forbids the sendlss of any gifts to friends departing on steamships. Von HertUng Will Answer . Wilson's Message Tuesday LONDON. Feb. IS. Count' von IIertling.the imoerlal German chan cellor, art Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Amsterdam says. Intends to answer President Wilson's mes sage in the reicbstag next Tuesday, First Peace Made Is IjOSDOS. Feb. 12 Emperor Wdi-. lam." according- to an Exchange -Tele graph company dispatch fjom . . Am sterdam has sent the following tele gram to Philip Illenecken. manager of the North German Lloyd Steam ship company r ""Many thank for you congratula tions over our first peace.' It is only a small beginning made by Ger many's sword against the closed door leading to a general peace. I am filled with gratitude. May God help , us further." Yon Should Wcrry--Let lLa