The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Vague War Speeches Must
Not Hinder Preparation
for Conflict
Von Heriling's Proposals
Quickly Rejected; Diplo
; macy to Be Open
(Continued from page 1)
that we can all arant and main
tain and t-vfrv ft'j" of it ruitHt le
KljlimUtt'd to Ine tymmon Jiidgmtnt
wh-tht-r It l right or fair; an act ol
JukUco ratbr than a bargain -
The HateTrtent was made In high
official quarters Jhat the enti nte
allies were not consulted by t'rcsi
tlfiit WllHon In the preparailon of
hU addrfHH. nnr wan It en made
known ti thm that It was to be. de
livered. . However, It Vwa pointed
out that th!n-wa not to be taken
as Indicating any lack of united pur
noBfl nd alms between the co-b-lllK-
renU aa nowhere In bid address dll
the president depart from any of the
L J.' Adam.
Marlon eotinty people will have an
opportnnity in n. abort time to be
come better acquainted with XI r. I.
3. 'Adams of Silverton, candidate for
countyjudge of Marlon county. Ilia
CanIdacy . has . been announced
throughout the county and the fol
lowing an extract from the Silver
ton Tribune of February 1. The un
solicited support of the home town
paper Is that that counts most. Here
It Ik: .':- r-
"Mr. Adams has been a successful
business m.n and has bad experi
ence eno-ueh to know th'e needs of
the people whom he will serve and
who will be ciad to honor him, a
thoughtful, sincere and honest Amer
ican., -
V Even in this pessimistic and pre
tentious age. people can find much
hope and promise In the self -delineation
J character and worth which
Mr. Adams, has, unconsciously pre
sented to us in his past service of
the people and hlalfuslness transac
tions with them. ,
-They show, above all, that he is a
man and. a philosopher; that he is
intensely In earnest: that he is hon
est and unafraid, and that his pur
pose to do the right think by all the
people all the time' is as Btrong aa
his right band Is firm and as watch
ful as his eye Is alert; Is as true as
his 4ggresstve and masterful mind Is
harmoniously attended to thoe
ideals which stand for the better
ment of his fellow 'citizens.
"FoMunate, indeed, are the peo
ple, who. In the purely human act of
selecting a county Judge, strike upon
a man whose loyalty to the ldeas of
his people are as strong as his. And
when a man of his.' Capability offers
himself to , the people of Marion
county it' would mean- a serious mis
take to reject the offer."
Y(lf carefully- plan
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pianungs . cnoote
Strive for big ieturnsj
Our itanIing of over a quarter century as'
North west Guarantees that
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;tudienc0 in motion picture
tute naa'Di-onen it '
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iken all records lor aiisnoance ai mc euujjiaiiu i''"1
In Portland. To be shown a
To be shown at tne
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miwlc by '&n augmented orchtra
principles he has laid down In com
mon with the Hrltish. French and
Italian premiers in their preceding
public utterances regarding war
Peace. Talk Are Otien.
iai-i ..t niH, -i.nni nre'ln
.eh w?!h ki
itching with, keen interest ine i ,
trdsoffical negotiations," which do
part so radically from all of the an
cient and accepted practices of di
plomacy. They pilnt out that peace
negotiations on a rreat scale are act
ually Kolng on. only Instead of lwin?
conducted in the Hecrcy of the round
table conference, the great war Is
sues are now belna expounded and
crUcally analyzed in the light of
publlcty and the world's forum.
President Wilson himself todav
seemed to recognize and call atten
tion to that Tact when he Inojuired
"IsjCoiint Von Hertllne not awar
that he is speaklnir In the eotirt of
mankind, that all the awakened na
tions of the world now sit In Judg
ment on what every public man of
whatever nation may say on the Is
sues of the conflict which has spread
to every region of Uo world?" "
As has been doe In the past the
nresldents' speech today was prompt
ly cabled to all the principal capitals
of the world for telegraphic distri
bution. President Wilson spoke as follows:
Gentleman of the Congress
' "On the eirhth of January I had
the1 honor of addressing you on tbc
objeets of the war as our people
conceive them. Tjie prime minister
of Great Hritaln had spoken In sim
ilar terms on the I fifth of January
To these addresses the German
chancellor replied ! on the 24th and
Count Czernln for Austria on the
seme day. It is gratifying- to have
oni. desire so promptly realized that
all exchanges o''lews on this great
metier should be made in the hear
ing; of the world.
, Czernln llevW Friendly.
"Count Czernln's reply which Is
directed chiefly to my own address
on Ihe eighth of January, Is .uttered
in al very friendly tone.
"Me finds In my statement a suf
ficiently encouraging approach to
he views, of his own government to
Justify him in believing that It fur
nishes a basis for a more detailed
dLscussion of purposes by the two
governments..; He - is represented to
have intimated that the views he was
expressing had been communicated
to j me beforehand and that I waa
aware of them at the time he was
uttering them, but in this I am snre-j
hei was jn'sunderstood. I had re
ceived no intimation of what he in
tended to say. There was, of course,
no reason why be should communi
cate privately with me. I am quite
content to be one of his public au
dience. Count Von Hertllng's reply is, I
must sa'y, very vague and very con
fusing. It "is full of equivocal
phrases and' leads it is not ' cleav
where. Hut it is certainly in a very
different tone from that of Count
Czernin and apparently of an oppo
site purpose. It confirms, I am sorry
to say, rather than removes, the un
fortunate Impression" made by what
we had learned of the conferences
at Hrest-Litovsk. His discussion and
acceptance of our general principles
lead him to no practical conclusions.
Ilertlinrft Plan Quickly Ileieete!.
""lie refuses to apply them to the
siiiistantlye items which must eon
" BUCKEYE " Incubators.
Standard Brooder Stoves.
Diamond Poultry Poods.
LEE'S Foods & Remedies.
Special Catalogs
Mailed on Request.
rskK for Cateqg fla 6 C O
.: - " 1 -i I . ' , -
in history. Playing everywhere to
Depicting the, love adventures of
.-. u. Thto.
- .1. ,u. a. ,nAav Th. mill h . mntine
i.ioeriy in-i-i ";"
Th udmlHKlOn nricea Will l le lame
will accompany this prcxluctlon at every performance
etitute the bol of any final settle- !
inent. He is jealous of international
action and of international counsel.
He accepts, he says, the principle or
public diplomacy but he appears to
inslHt that it be confined, at any rate
this case, to generalities, and that
x11 articular questions uf
,, . v,i. ,
al questions upon whose settlement
must depend the acceptance of peace
by the twenty-three states now en
gaged In the war must be discussed
and settled.; not In general council,
but severally by the nations mo
Immediately concerned by Interest
or neighborhood. He agrees that
the sea should be free, but looks
askance at any limitation to thrt
freedom by international action In
the Interest "of the common order
He would without reserve be glad
y..i ,r-r,r.,rr "
to see
economic uarr'ers rnoveu ;
between nation and nation for that
could In m way moede the ambi-;
tions of the military party -with
whom bo seems constrained to keep
on terms. Neither does he raise ob
jection to a limitation of armaments.
That matter will be settled of Itself,
he thinks, by the economic condi
tions which must follow the war. Hut
the Herman colonies, he demands
must be returned w'tbont debate.
He will discuss with no one but th
representatives of Hussla what dia
posltons shall be made of the peoplen
and the lands of the Baltic prov
inces; with no one but the govern
ment of France the 'conditions un
der which French territory shall be
evacuated: and only with Austria
what shall he done with Poland In
the determination of aH questions af
fecting the itolkan states he defers,
as I understand him. to Austria and
Turkey; and fwlth retfird fxt she
agreements to be entered Into con
cerning the non-Turkish peoples of
the present Ottoman empire to the
Turkish authorities themselves. Aft
er a settlement all around, effected
In this fashion, by individual barter
and concession, he would have no ob
jection. If I correctly Interpret his
statement, tots; league of nations
which would undertake to hold the
new balance of power steady against
external disturbances.
It must be evident to every one
who understands what this war has
wrought In the opinion and temper
of the world that no general peace,
no peace worth the infinite sacrifices
of these years of tragical suffering,
can possibly be arrived at in airy such
fashion. The method the Germs n
chancellor proposes Is the method of
the congress of Vienna. We cannot
and will not return to that What
Is at stake now is the peace of the
world. What we are striving for is
a new International order based upon
broad and universal principles of
right and Justice no more peace of
shreds and patches.
-i Whole World Affected.
Is It PossibleMhat Count nn
ling does not See that, does not grap
w ia in iaci nvmg in his thought in
a world dead and gone? Has he ut
terly forgotten the reichstag resolu
tion of the 19th of July, or does he
deliberately ignore them? They spoke
of the conditions of a general peace
not of national aggrandizement or of
arrangements between rtate and
state. The peace of the worlds de
pends upon Just settlement of each
of the several problems to which 1
adverted in my recent address to the
congress. I, of course, do not mean
that the peace of the world depends
upon the acceptance of any particu
lar set of suggestions as to the way
in which these problems are to be
delt with. I mean only that tbse
problems, each and all, afreet th
whole world;; that unless they are
dealtb with in a spirit of trnseifih
and unbiased justice, with a view to
the wishes., the natural connection i
the racial aspirations, the security
and peace of mind of the peoples In
volved, no permanent peace will have
been attained; They cannot u ,11.
cussed separately or in corners. None
or them constitutes a private or sep
arate Interest from which the opin
ion of the world , may be shut out.
?httT!5r ittfctl,'the Peace, affects
mankind, and nothing aettled by
military force, if settled wrong, is
settled at all.; It will presently have
to be reopened. Is Count von Hert
linj .not aware that he is speaking
in the court of mankind, that all the
awakened nations of the world now
sit In Judgment on what every public
man of whatever nation, may say on
the issues of a conflict which has
spread to every region of the world
The reichstag resolutions of July
themselves, frankly accepted the a
cislona of that court. There shall be
no annexations, no contribution, no
punitive damages. Peoples are not
to be handed about from one sov
ereignty to another by International
conference or by an understahufnc
between rivals and antagonists. Na
tional aspirations must be respected
Peoples may now be dominated and
.Vf.r,ied onlr by thelr consent.
Self-determination" is not a mere
phrase. It is an Imperative princi
pal of action which statesmen win
the iarpest ana nio oiacriminaung
Kgypfa Vampire queen. TbU pic
in SA.H1. .nH h UkImIIo Thmlpr
". ' J
, ' ..7
t-rnuu nuu n-mc. ot'o.iai
henceforth iemore at their peril. W9
cannot have sreneral peace for the
asking, or by the mere arrangements
of a peace conference. It cannot be
pieced together out of individual un
derstandings between powerful
states. All the parties to this war
must Join In the settlement of every
Issue anywhere Involved in it be
cause what we are seeking is a peace
that we can all unite to guarantee
and maintain and every Item of It
must be submitted to the common
Judge whether it be right and fair,
an act of Justice rather than a bar
sjaln between sovereigns. The United
States has no desire to Interfere in
European affairs or to act as arbiter
In European territorial disputes. U
would disdain to take advantage of
any internal weakness or disorder to
impose her own will upon anothei
netible. She Is anft ready to te
, ' i...
ted arft not tne b,;fJt lbe
? ,IllrlTl Thov srl
nnun li mat iuv im7i,wtiii-ii i, nu umm
most enduring. They are only her
own provisional sketch of principles
and of the way In which they should
be applied. Hut she entered this
War because she was made a part
ner, whether she Would or- not, In
the sufferings and indignities in
flected by the military masters of
Germany against the peace and se
curity of mankind; and the condi
tions of peace will touch her as near
ly as they will touch any other na
tion to which Is entrusted S leading
part in the maintenance of civiliza
tion. She cannot see her way Jo
peace until the fcauses of this war
jare removed, its renewal, rendered a
nearly as may be impossible.
1 Kmll Nations Jgttored.
This war had Its roots In the is
regard of the rights of small nations,
and of nationalities which lacked the
union and the force to make good
their claim td determine their own
allegiances and their own forms of
political life, t
Covenants must now be entered
Into which will render such things
impossible for the future; and those
covenants must be backed by the
united force of all the nations that
love justice and are willing to main
tain it at any cost, ir territorial
settlement and the, political rela
tions of great populations, which
have not the organized power to re
sist, are to , be determined by the
contracts of ' the powerful govern
ments, which consider themselves
most directly affected, as Count von
Hertling propose why may not eco
nomic questions also? It has come
about In the altered world in which
we now find ourselves that justice
and the rights of peoples affect the
whole field of international-dealing
as much as access to- raw material
and fair and equal conditions of
trades. Count von Hertling want4
the essential basis of commercial and
industrial life to be safeguarded by
f common agreement and guarantee,
out he cannot expect that to be con
ceded him If the other matters to be
determined by the articles of peace
are not handled in the same way as
items in the final accounting. He
cannot ask the benefit of common
agreement in the one field without
according It In the other. I take it
for granted that he sees that separate
and selfish crrmpacts with regard to
Git Out Damon
Having rented our Store, we
have, instructions to Ciit Out as
soon -a we can. I tenter ia
plenty of Groceries of tit on
so he doent neel nr. V
have to get rid of onrx some
way r other so he can mm e
in; no here we go:
Rolled O ats, 0 lbs. for. . , .COc
fl.'N) I! room, ewh .... . .75c
91. 14 liroontM, each . . ,
Orange ami Lemon Pee!
pourid 20C
HeanH, white. It lb, for SU.OO
Onions, 4 lb, for
... 2.c
No. O Comoptind, closing out
i .price ........... . . .91.20
Freh Eggs, dozen
S Uart of Jumbo Soap tor. .23c
30C pkgs. AHhts Oats for. .23e
Chow tliow (mustared Pkk
- lew) 2 laree raiiM for. . . .15c
foleman's 3lnstard, per ran 2."c
Tea, Oc grade, rlcdng out
prtce ........ ....... .iMe
Valley flour .92.Ut
12 lbs. Sugar for
. .91.10
If you need Groceries come now
and set them; maaeont a Ifatt
of snfipliea that you need nnd
save money. '
853 X. Om'l 8t. rhoneC8
trade and the essential materials of
manufacture would afford no founda
tion, for peace. Neither be may reft
assured, will separate and selfitJi
compacts with regard to provinces
and peoples.
;j Czernln See Way.
Count Czernln seems to see that
fundamental elements of peace with.
clear eyes and does not seek to o-M-ure
them. He sees-that an Inde
pendent Poland, made up cf all t hi
Indisputably Polish peoples who Ui
contiguous to one another. Is a mat
ter of European concern and must,
of course, be conceded In that Itc-1-gium
must be evacuated and restored
no matter what sacrifices and con
cessions that may Involve; and that
national aspirations must be satis
fled, even within his own empire.
In the common Interest of Europe
end mankind. If he is silent about
questions which touch the Interest
and purpose of his allies more near
ly than they touch those of Austria
only ,lt must, of course be because
lift feels constrained, I suppose, to
defer to Germany and Turkey in the
circumstances. Seeing and conced
ing, as he does, the essential princi
ples involved and the necessity of
candidly applying them, he naturally
feels that Austria can respond to
the purpose of peace as expressed by
the United States with less embar
rassment than could Germany. He
would probably have gone farther
had it not been for the embarrass
ments of Austria's alliances and of
her dependency -on Germany.
After all, the test of is
possible for any government to go
any further in this comparison of
views Is slmpVe and obvious. The
principles to be applied are these;
Principle .Are TiiI Down.
First, that each part of the final
settlement must be based upon the
essential Justice of Jhat partteular
cause and upon such a Judgment as
are most likely to bring a peace that
will be permanent;
Second, that peoples and provinces
are not to be bartered about from
sovereignty to sovereignty as if they
were chattels and pawns In a game.
even the great came, now, forever
discredited, of the balance of power;
but that.
Third, every territorial settlement
Involved in this war must be made
In the Interest and for the benefit
of the populations concerned, and
not as a part of any mere adjust
ment or compromise Of claims
amongst rival states; and;
Fourth, that all well-defined na
tional aspirations shall he accorded
the utmost satisfaction hat can be
accorded them without Introducing
new or perpetuating old elements of
discord and antagonism that would
be likely in time to break the peaNs
of .Europe and consequently of the
A general peace erected on such
foundations can be discussed. Unt'l
neb a neace ran be secured we hare
nc choice but to go on. o far os
we can Judge these principles that
we regard as fundamental are al
ready everywhere accepted as Im
perative except among the spokes
men or the military annexationist
rrty in Germany, ir they have
anywhere e!se been rejected the ob
jector have no been sufficiently In
fluential to make their voices audi
hle.j The tragical circumstances is
that this one 'party In Germany 13
apparently willing and able to send
millions of men to their death to
prevent what all the world now sees
to be Just.
I would not be a true spokesman
of the people of the United States if
I did not say once more that we
entered this war upon no small occa
sion and that we never can turn
back from a course chosen upon
principles. Our resources are in part
mobilized now and we shall not
pause until hey are mobilized !n
their entirety. f:
Our armies are rapidly going to
the fighting front and will go more
and more rapidly. Our whole
strength will be put into this war
of emancipation emancipation from
the threat and attempted mastery of
selfish groups of autocratic rulers-
whatever the differences and present
partial delays. We are Indomitable
in our power of independent action
end can in no circumstances consent
to live In a world gover&ed by In
trigue and force. We believe tlyit
our own desire for a new Interna
tional order under which reason and
jostlce and the common interests of
mankind shall prevail is the desire
of enlightened men everywhere.
Without that new order the world
will be without peace and human life
will lack tolerable conditions of ex
istence and development. Having
set our hand to the task of achiev
ing it we shall not turn back. I
hope that it is not necessary for me
to add that no word of what I have
said Is Intended as a threat. That is
not the temper of our people. 1
have spoken them only that fhe
whole world may know that the true
spirit of America that men every
where may know that our passion
for' Justice and for self-government
Is no mere passion of words but a
passion which, once set in action,
must be satisfied.. The power of the
United States is a menace to no. na
tion of people. It will never be used
in aggression or for the aggrandize
ment of any selfish Interest of our
own. It springs-out of freedom and
Is for the service of freedom.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Repre
sentative Slayden of Texas, president
of theAmeriean Peace society, issued
a statement tonight saying the presi
dent's address was an impressive ap
peal for justice and would do good
In the theater of war If carried to the
people behind the lines. . lie recalled
ia wnen ine pope aavised peace i
negotiations, he said it would make
cease until a treaty bad been signed,
and added:
"We are rapidly moving towarJ
that event."
Mrs. E. J. nedard. Cowich, Wash.,
says: "FeJey's Honey and Tar is the
best I ever used. I always keep a
bottle in the house for children. A
quick cure for coughs and colds." It
heals raw. Inflamed surfaces, loosens
phlegm, eases hoarseness and diffi
cult breathing. checks racking
coughs. J. C. Perry.
" - , . . i. ' ' rn . 1
William Fox
. t
The most compelling love f
story in all history. A ;
lore that wrecked Em
pires and changed the map
of the world. : t
Direct from eastern tri- i
nmps at $2.00 prices.
Now breaking all attend
ance record in Portland.
... CHILDREN 25c I ; L
DaUas Man Who Eloped With
Another's Wife Is on
Draft List
DALLAS. Or., Feb. 11. (Special
to The Statesman.) The work of
classifying and listing the Dallas
registrants of military age has about
been completed and so far returns
have failed to come In from twenty
eight or the 1190 men registered.
Some of these men are undoubtedly
to be classed as "slackers, but
others whose names appear on the
list are known to have enlisted in
the army and navy. '
- Among those not reporting are
Harris Ebbe of this city, who was
thought to have been on. the trans
port Tnscania when she was sunk
by a submarine last week. Ebbe
was a member of Company F. Twen
tieth ' engineers, and no word has
been received Trom him by his moth
er, Mrs. Mildred Hbbe of this city.
Kvan E. Viers, who disappeared last
fall with Mrs.MV. A. Graham, is also
among ihe list. Others, on the list
are: Harry - Quiring'. Fort Puget
Sound. Wash.; William Swanson,
Falls City; IeRoy Stalnaker,: Indl
pendence: J. W. Esstg. Dallas; John
Fillett. IUack Itoek: C. It. Ilrantner,
Itlack Ito-k ; Kristian D. Neilson. Mc
Coy; Nlcholl Goertx. Dallas; Owen
N. Thompson. Airlie: Charles L.
liigelow, San Francimeo;- Ednar J.
Seeley. Portland; William Caney,
Coalton. JDkIa; Cos Captain Dallas;
Clyde C. Vincent, nickreall; Itoger
Iambert, Hay Creek; Matt Simpson,
Black Itoek; Uollo J. McKInney, In
I - . . ' .
: YeLibertv
S:o IV 31.
8:1 A I. M.
' . ' 5iaric3
,:-..K - SUP22'
dependence; Charl Schneider, I'.u
Daniel E. Iloth, Rickreall; Adtl!
Speer, 1-on Angeles; George It. Tu
er.Marcola; Sidney Reed. I'
M" ? . a . 1. . A ! A. .; tiarry Aiienuerg, Amuy; i.
mond E. Ilulson. Sheridan; Err
M. ' Harney, Hlack Rock; Done
D. Miller. Dalls. and Charles I
mond Barney, Black Rock.
Major Frederick Palmer, head
the military press buresu In Pa
was visited at his office In tba I
Ste. Anne 'the other day by an
-The friend said from his cloud
tobacco smohe:. .
"Palmer, I wait to do my hie
bit. I want to be in at the finish
the Hun. I've rot alcoholic f
throat, a tobacco heart and a ha
ened liver. It would be difficult f
me. I'm afraid, to-give up my
habits and live in the cold-mud
the trenches. Still. Palmer, I'm i
termined to do my bit. There's m
ly some billet I could fill with bos
Well, what hlc is it?" V
"George," said Major Palmer, "t
you to to. the front as a tsnk."
Washlngton Star. ;
-For six years I suffered with
tarrh or the stomach, indig-Miion,
ness. arsMes, headaches, and Mmi-i
felt as though my stomach wss l'
tatenn up. 1 decided to try FT CM.
In two (Iiti I M feeilnar relievfi
my nurfering-. I now hv a gova r
petite and can" eat 'anything; 1
without ufferlnK' in the least: lsk)
who are i uffrinfr from toi'
trnble to irlr thl sreat retneti r
. t i a -1. i i 1 .1 ,',
vi lai il ii i tie iniue wcifa
been." Howard U Bolan, tlS V. P- '
St., Taeoma. Washington.' STUMt.
is for sale and guaranteed by all arv
slats. .. - .
5 - f
.... '
- -
r : 1
if v
15 PEOPLE 15