THE OREGOX bTATES3IAN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1918 111 I d ctory The Wants and Needs of the Caoital Citv Are Noted der Prflper Headinfrs So You Can" Readily Find Them a- in I ii ,. .ii .i ... ,. J Car, Sell and Exchange all Kinds CFrnNIl HAND liuuus exonnwa, snoKs, iiicy CAPITAL EXCHANGE 411 Court it. HUB IXSURAJf CE 80CTETT WY 1L Borghardt, Jr., Resident Agent 83 State St. Money to Loan A I TOO TED FARM A WD CITY FHOPUIITr AT LOWUf nATU THOS. K. FORD JV.Wi TZZZT f m t uivn wTnw rreagmnt for loaning tuttrn rnoncrf will mak very low rat of Interest on highly Improved firmi. Homir H Smltli. Room . MoCormack CLMfVnXD ADTKHTIS EUE3TTS s Rat Fee Wrd , first Insertion .............. lc Subsequent Insertione ....... H OuvMk (lis insertions) ... Se Oa moath ................... Jo fits month a contract pr mo to It month contract, pr mo... 7c No account tpnd for laaa than16o a neat card given fre with an I advertisement to tha Unt of lOo 'I announcing r ur ci, jot Bent," "Rooms" or . "Board." IKW TODAT Sack now "classified advertts. mant will b run under "Now Today" for flrat lnrtln, unlaaa otharwla ordarad by th adver tiser. Subsequent Inaartion of tba ad will appaar under lta proper clar ification. - No dvrtlmnt wtU bo run aadcr -New Today for mora than iasu under any clrcumatancao Ml TODAY TOR SALB CHEAP TWO ACRES . , . . , .... W . Willi i IT. .W". - m Woodehad. Outatld ator room. Cloaa in. itoui t, iwx . WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FO! general houicwnrk. Woman pre ferrea. roont mi or : i in Oak street. itoy h. kim. HOOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home. All modern convenience. Prices reaaonaoie. iin-w. FOR RENT SMALL, FURNISHED housekeeping roomi, cios in. at Mill. Mrs. Eugene ITescott Vff Av jf a r we T a- w chans conldrd. Klrst clas or ' A J . . M. f antral Farming;.. Asann u . care males man. WAKE-UP IS YOUR HOME 1N8UT. 1T Th time to insura la before tha fire. The Oreeron Klre -Itelief .. Association of WcMtnnvllle Insures prefer red risks only, eucn aa awen inaa. churches, schoota. brick build inn uut all kinrfa of farm orottertr, e or phono ua thia very day. Lelay is cancerous. H. A. Johnson Co., Atnl, liuih Sink Illdf., Salem, phoa l7. GOOD INVEMTM KNT8, ROOM HOlTHfl " lot and bear In s; treea 1460. Ffve seres on car line all clear cheap , bulldtnaa U00. 0 acres all smooth land half clear f 250a. 40 acres fine land acres timber 17 acre fir year old orchard balance open, axooa sot oi building- 16,000. Exchange IK acres Waldo hills 100 per acre take part trade. tlOuO flrat morta-a re for aal or exchange for house. For rent t acrea bottom land close- in. Have eaah buyer for good email farm.. 15 IS Ford for aale, Shetland pony for aaie. Money , to loan. Jr. u. wow, isayn lildg-. WORKER! ATTKXTIONt Paper mill strike picketa few in number no violence lately over 100 on pay roll few nine hour joba open brine thia advertaiement wln yon and you will be put to work. You ake no chancea if your are ablebodied. Tounir men 10 yeara and over satisfactory. Lowest was 11.11 for nine hour.s. Iioard In Oregon City IS.S0 if two men room oicther or 7.60 room alon at Heck'a and Klectrle Hotel. 6th and Main. No f undo needed. Can e mliiion workera In th United States jurlty. Eight hour shift work can pa had from day to day while work ing.. Non-union contract. Oregon City Ja forty minute ride. JOc tar, from Portland. Apply Employment offic on .mill walk, Wat L4nn. acroaa th bridge from Oregon City, or write Crown Willamette Pap.r company, Weat Tuinn. Oovernment statiatlce enow that of th thitty raae nt the ablcat and moat skilled lees than three million are unionists. r less than 10 per cent and heae ynion workera by no means rep Jnt the ablest and oat ekllltd EMPLOYMENT CWANti:i A w:Mf6f)i7"oiitLrTo WOllK fof br board. Call evenings 141. tKUI WAVTVn AT TltO! GUOVK f.ory, H6J Oak atreet, wnric ateaay W?SIED a. voUno man to Diuvi; wagon, at one. I'hon 111.. WAfTED-.iirio!iT YOUNO MAN it?rii IT . yara old to learn Eri?I,nr t. day work. Apply p . inaalra. FOR SALE IJVKSTOCK hora mone 7ria. - " " " a w V Av OU pALB I rOfMND CHINA JOAll. r-T.-JerJ Rullfson M mil Nortn MISCKLI.ANKOtrn. fft. now. $30 if taken soon. 10&7 Y TO iUlOO HOM5 ri?2lP,,ntr pop. your month North Slat atreet. CriVIr or THE OATMAN OIRLH rT.. t1u story of weatern Immi 1 oeen carefully revieei. tin.1". b""daomo little hook. It BTrhlo terroe of th maa JJ?I!L,,t.h t"sn family, of th It VJ? ' Lftr". and th captivity at. a.r7 "dOllv. Mary died of J,1LB n,, Ollv wa purchased Vkmfc..h 11"0'na fir year later. dr.P U i "'"ta. poatpald. Ad Cfta? backer. Monthly, Sa- MmCKIXANF.Ol LuJkVii 1 FIV K 'PA HM KNU Kii ale'lr- dlllon $700. S-e JJJ at North Commercial, phohe P.,. ... lFra?SU-.NT T..?CT TUB BEAT tfTI? PPor, and 10 to th Pacific Homeatead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial aubarlpuon. iJention thia ad. 8MAiy-f POTATOEa SUITABLE FOR ?5".Ur' . ,' Publlahad. send 10 formweai Poultry Journal, Balem, Oregon, for a trial euharrlntlon. Mention thia a.1 JiKAV gaTATW' ??rihi.Kf-Btt "sJem. togeth. fh5aliRSr?tV1 r,nt of way over 5f.1i,.,t Kct tendUgfrom V,-ilroPV.ty tat atreet Verma tePi' S601.? B2o'tn. Spauldlns Hide. Portland. Oregon. baminircui itrMt. aha TORSENf APARTMB2VTS FOR RENT HEATED, WELL FURN lahed houaekeeplng apartmenta. Alao a aood bicycle for eale. 646 Kerry atreet. - fSr KENT IMPROVED 1 APPES near car line fair bujldlngs. Alao fJ00 w.?U.mra na colt for aaie. I'hon 69F21. . FOR RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED H mil weat of Wapato etation, Yamhill county, 11 acre hope, 700 bearing fruit treea, Sa acrea farm land, bal ance paatura. Addreaa W. H. Scan, Oervala. route 1, phone 8F1I. Hrttsica VOH KENT MAItCH F1UST, MODEKK houae. Cloe In. Call at 675 Center street. , . - SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved atreet with garage, lit. 60 per month. E. A. Rhoten, phone 1141-J. FOR RENT THE FOLIOWINO 110 Fivroom modern cottay at 1167 South Church street. 912.60 Six-room modern nous on paved atreet at 1920 South High 8w Call at statesman ' busineas offic or phon tit. FOR RENT MODERN BUNOALOW on block from paved atreet, la South Balem. Il pr month. EL A. Rhoten 14 Rural AftnuL Ttinn A11A'4. ..... FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE two lota, fin arardea land. barn. chicken park. Corner worth Com. mericai ana uainea. 910 per montn t'OOn 2Z4V-W. S"OR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $ partly modern five-room cot- tae lvss Harinaw. in good order Foremerly rented for 110 a. month Call at 104S Saginaw or Statesman business offic. Phon 23. $13 Neat modern bungalow I room at 90 North 20th at. Call at 8tataman fu-:neae off ice or pnone - aa. - $20 Modern apartment 7$$ Marion atreet. Call-at Htatesman business office or phon 23. $22.60 Fully furnished apartment, modern, cloa In, soon to be vacant. Call at Statesman business offic. or prion xs. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM witn us or oatn, in modern noma, Address A. U. car Si teaman. OOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In aid room. Cloa to Stat Hous. 1030 Chameketa. Phon 1310. MISCELLANEOUS HtllNKlS CHANCE. SHlPbUiQINVrcdMPANir" NOW OR ganlslnr. want few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in conflict with preaent aoure or auppiy to yaroa, nonce pref erence in securing contract. Partic ular. 702 Spaxildins Uldg, Portland, Oregon. - ; "Money-to loANT MO"NfiYTO LoaNj In uvroe AND small amounts over first ciass real eatate aecurlty. W. A. Alston. WANTED MIBCKLLANEOtf Uhih vTl' 11AMH VHICB f AID ATUH good ciaa raa;. rrroom. atate- W ANTE D TO RENT EIGHT ROOM modern hous witn garage on pavea street. .Phon 1167-R. WANTED YOUNO OILTS WEIGHING about nrty or avntynv poanoa. Call 7F3, or writ A. B. Cray, Route No. 1, Paiem. cr-aon. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY TIR KM WKPAIRKiS VCLCAyiglWte GATES HALF-SOLK TIRE SERVICE, Station 177. jsoum wommerciai ou. phon 421. QUACKENRUSII AUTO SUPPLY AND street. I'hon . IlILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Hllverton uoro ana etrin xirrm. Vulranlslng and auto eupplle. 291 North Commercial. Phon 717. BRACK ETT GRAY TUBES iVUL- canlaea, Zo. iteireaing rmr a-peciai-ty. Fre aervlce car. Phon 1400. 179 North Commercial. WATT SIIIPP CO. RETREADS , AND action tuDes so up. rervic car. phon $61. 13$ South Commercial atroet. r AUTO gKItVICM ' sfi ffr suto , country trips. I'non way, ; nlrht. : - PROFESSIONAL fKNTfT DR. F. I UTTER, DENTIST. BOOMS 413-414 Bank of commerce uiog. Phone 0, ; MtSlC TEACH ER9 R IIARR, . TXACUER OF FXNO. PDono isss. LODGE DIRECTORY uobERNw(onjiNabF amkhica Oragon Cedar Oamp. No. :4. meet every xnuraomy evenina a In Derby bulldina;. corner Court and Warn etreeta IC F. Day. V. C J. A. Wright, clrak. BROTH Jj"Py , YS3lfq MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- Inr In Maaonie Tern pie, nun now, t o'clock. All vlaltlng member wel come. Horace Fyke, foreman, vr. 11. Prunk, Correspondent, I - i ' ' ' ' . r. ' BUSINESS CARDS At TO IIKI.IVRItr BAOOAUH AND PARCELS DELIVER- d any place, city or country, Fbon of rasi-K. w. w w-iai er. h 1 It n k n a 1 1 p YliUAlVAYM LtHjkfriTTEIl AND feet better if you cat your hair trim shampoo.- and face massag at In- arev'a rtarhr Phop. ill Klate atreet ClliJtdPHAC'TIC' JftTitSi'RACTIC AbJt;STMENTSRlif ator normal function. If you wanl reeulte con.ult Dr. May, S06-6-7 iiuoDara mog, pnona n;, DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE OF f. b. j. cniropractica rountain Bead, Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor - recta th causa of dleeae. Offic J0S-7-I. 4J. a N. Bank Building, "CIllSfliaWpffViltirAif.'" DR. U M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN oiaeaae. IKS H. Illeit St. Phon lS. 05ct n ftTiTSc t CTt fin Ait n atpprina ELECTUIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY - Co. Houae wlrinir and motor reoalr work, electrlct flxturea and suppliea. Prompt aervlce. 220 North Liberty prreet. pnon. ziss. k. k. LJenlaon. CAPITALITYiCfNSFEri COMPANY Phon 933, Salem's largest and best equipped transrer company. Oct our reduced freight ratea on eaatern ehlpmenta. Alao for atorag aa wa ; hav thro warehouaea In connection with buaineaa. Furniture moving. pacKinar. anipping and atoriag pur apecialty. Offic 161 South Commer cial etreotr DRY rXKAKIXO AHO riUUIUTO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanab. Pres. 4S4 N. Comma. clal St. Lad lea' and gentlemen suit cleaned and preaaed. $1 and worn eaiieo tur ana ouvra rrt Tel. Main ass. JCHK JUNK WANTED WB PAY HIGHEST pric for junk of every kind. Let ua mate you a pric on your nouaenoid Sooda Th "Squar Deal" Houa apitlJunk Co 271 Cbmkta Bireet. mosa sis. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for Junk and aides. The People' ' Junk and Secondhand 6 tor. 171 No. worn mere lai. fnoM Tia. HAIR REMOrCD "CLKAM WHITE" HAS PSOVKN STT( eeafuL. Applied here or aold for bom A Sanitary 1 Baauty Par lor a. in Huooara uiag. LACHDniEl SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 6 per pound. Ill South Lib erty sc. Phon 31. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRT REO ular waahina; dene at a rat every- ? body can afford. Vor only alxty-flve cent w will ollct, waab and de- iiver your weaning witnia twnty- OMTOP ATH Y tR.W.LrMERCErVORAlitJATE American school Oateopathr, Kirks vllle. Mo.; treat acute and chronic oiaeaae. orric 404-406 U. 0. Na tional nank Hid ar. Phon til. Raal. . dene 419 North Summer. Phon 014. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Oraduatea American School Oeteopa thy, Kirksvllle. Mo. Sixteen yeara irifnc.. tieaiaenc orric S1 South Commercinl atreet. Poat Grad uate work, Ixs Angeles College. Dra 11. if. uower St Alice c Bowra DRS. WHITE A WALTON, OSTEO pathie phyeiciana and aurgeona. Oraduatea of th American School of osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. Post graduate and specialised In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic dlaeaaee. Offlcea 606-0-7-S, U. 8. Nat'l Bank Hide. Phone 159. Residence, 1020 Court St. Phon 2216. NURSERIES. NORTHWESTERN NURSERY AT stat and 24th etreete choice roaca. ornamental and flowering ahrubs, shad treea budded bolly, grafted Eranquette walnut and all kind of fruit tree. Howard Jonea, Pnon 41. . FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at Hlgn and Ferry. Call and e atock and get price be for purchas ing: lawher. Everbearing; atraw berry plant. PIANO TUNISO U. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing: and regulating. All work guaranteed. 1646 Hall atreet' or car of Sherman Clay 4b Co., Court atreet. phpn S163-J. "wsciyiinuHHAT WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinda, pip flttlnga, bar. nesa, col I are, collar pada, tool, chain., Fred Schlodler. 26$ Center Street. - AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of ' haollng. Household moving Job don prompt ly. Try en one. Tlram. 476 State SC Phon 961. Residence phono IIH-J. M UNDERTAKERS WEliU A CLOUOH C. B. WEBB, A. a Clough. funeral director. Lateat modern methoda known to th pro feaalon. 47 Court atreet. WOVEN W1HK BEXCIKO Depoo National Aaaerican rae( all alaea. S In. t S4 lau bisk. Paint. Olla and Yaralahw lavee Itrnnllt and Repaired loganberry and Hop Hook. " Kalena Keae A Slav Work. S4) Ceart St. 1'baa 234 tt. n. rpivnwo. - - WATER sXLEmT" WATER CO. OFFICE, 101 & Commercial atreet. yor water aervic apply at offic. Make all complaint at the offic. No deduction in bill will be allowed for abaonc or for any caueee whatever unleas water ia cut off from premisea. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular cuatomera ualng water for dom.itla purpoeea. Con. tractora for sidewalk, brick work, ore plaateV'tng. will plea read "for building purpose' tinder schedule of ratea Arnlv wt offic for copv. WAU, r A PICK. PAIWT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice well Paper at Buren's Furniture 8 tor a 17) Com mercial St, GLENN L. ADAMS KOR HOIT8B DEC coratlng, - painting, tinting, paper banging, tc Work don by contract or day; good workman. 'Location 1030 Center fit. I'hon 6II-W. SEW PORTER KOR PAINTS WALT. Paper and Picture Framing. God workman. 466 Court St. Phone 416. SALEEI E1ARKETS RUYINQ riUCES. ElCgs sou) ronitry, Efft, J 4c to 3Se. liens, lire. 21c to 22e. Dressed chickens, 20c Old roosters sod stirs, 11 to lie rork. Motion and JDewf. Ewes, 507c. ' Pork on foot, 14c to 15c. Veal, dressed, 13 to lie. Sprloc lamb, 13c. Reef steers, 7 to tccows, 4 to 8c. Buns, 4 to sc. Hat. Cheat, per too, 132. Clover, per toiL 120. Vetch, per ton, 1 2 2. ' Grain. Wheat. If.SS to 1.17. Oats, 86s to S0C Deans, 8 to 9c Mill FtM-ds. HeUlL Bran, per ton, 836.00. Shorts, per ton, 328. WllOLESALK to dealers. natter. Country batter, 4 Be Creamery prints, B3c Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 54c liah. Salmon, Chinook, 30c. Veered Abl. Lettuce, crate, 32.50. Celery, 75c ,0c- Nebr, rice corn, 11c. Tomatoes. California. 82.75. Broccoli, 31-75 to 31.85. ( OnlonS, 32 to 12.60. Cabbage, 2c. , 9 String; garlic, 8c Potatoes, 31.25. Turnips, sack. 31-00. Sweet potatoes, 6c Wots Almonds. 28c Walnuts (No. 1) 24c Walnuts (No. J) 20c Peanuts, raw, 17c. , Cocoanuts, doxen 31.20. FTuita. Grapefruit, 88. Pears, 31.50. . Oranges, 82.50 to $4.60. ; Ban-anas. 5 He Apples. 81.2S to 81.75. -Dromedary dates, 34.75. Honey (Idaho) $4,25 to $4.50. Lemons, $6.60 to $7.50. Retail Pile. Creamery butter, 60c Eggs, 40c. Flour, bard wheat, $2.80 to $S. Flour, valley. $2.50 to 82.80. Sugar, can and beet. 11 lb, 81. Potatoes, aack lota. $1.60. T I PORTLAND MARKETS steady to 25 cents higher; receipts. 7f3. Meaium to cnoice steer, si u. 03 in 11 rnrA in medium at ear. 10.25 to $1 0.35 ; common ' to good steer", 18 to 39.40; cnoice cows ana neuers. ts in tin. common tn rnnd cows and heifers, 36.75 to 38.15: canners. 14 IK trt IK.Z& ntlll. 1 n tO III calves, 87.50 to-$11: stocker and feeder steers, 56 to $9.50. iiA-a. Hogs. 30 to 4 5 "cents higher: re ceipts. 1371. Prime light, $18.85 to $17.25; prime heary, $18.60 to $16.90; pigs, $14.50 to 315.50; bulk or sales, f to 117. 8h4je, 8hn ataadrt recelots. 205. West era lambs. $15 to $15.50; ratley lamos. aia.oo to si&; yearlings,, a til Rn 119 RA tn IIS: .w.i aW n 11 t forltand marlral on shorn'sheep, 2 He to 3 c under quo tations. Car Rerelzwa. TnHav'a Kir recelnta; Wheat. Si barley, 2; flour, 9; oats, 8; hay, 11. Dairy iTtxluct. Butter: Prints, extras. 52 to 52c: cubes, extras. 48c: prime firsts. 47 He; dairy, 32 l-zc. Bulterfat: Portland dellrery No. 1 sour cream, 55c. Pot toe. , Buying orlce. locals. 81: selling price, 31.10 to 81.25. Grains. TVi ( t-4 v-A a v nnllnni! TtMa Oat a No. 2. 363; barley, leed, 383; brew mr. 186. Eaatern oats and corn In bulk: Bids Oats No. 3 white. 859: 38- pound cupped. d.u; corn, io. iinw. las- V. S mixed. 863.50: nut. No. I 3. 259: clloned. 860: corn. yellow, $65; mixed, $62.60.' Many Hog$ Received; Oat Receipts Increased CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Prospects of a renewal of eastbound shipments of grain from Chicago strengthened the corn market today after prices had sagged owing to a decided enlarge ment of receipts. The elost was firm at a shade to 1-8 to l-4c net advance. with March $127 1-4 Ho 3-8, and May 31.25 1-8. Oats gained 4V8 to 8 to l-4c. Provisions lost 7 to 25 rents. Peara gnaalp, which early in the Any had also received some atten tion, was apparently not a factor in the late trading after the general tenor of the president's speech be came known. Oats were governed by the same condition which affected' the corn market. Receipts showed a material Incroaae, but demand Was good both from elevator Interests and shippers. Illg receipts of bogs and a falling off in exports weakened provisions. In the most up to date hospitals. ih surgeons and attenSants are re fill I red to wash jthelr bandi ffur 1 1 men before performing - an opera tlfn. Each washing must last five minute. In the first two proceaaes warm water and soap are used. The third washing is done with alcohol, and the fourth with corrosive sublim ate, the last named Wing for the purpose of sterilisation. Yon Should Worry Let the Classified Adj Wcrk fcr Too jlREAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE lidL8U ANDHEotI price 11009. Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A. E. Day, 3403 Center street Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE THE A. J. PURVINF place in Spring valley. Enquire, Mr. K. T. Preacott. 611 Mill or Mr. J. A. Remington, phone 3411-J. WILL TRADE 16 ACRES LAND IN city limit, all In cultivation, pric $6100 for $3000 houa in city. Mort gage on balance at 0 per cent. Niamey er, 644 Stat atreet WHAT OFFERS FDR $100 EOU1TT in highly improved 20 acre tract at LtveleT Pric 4&00, balance pay able 1150 semi-annually. Nlameyer 644 State street. CANADA. 320 ACRE WHEAT RANCH ea can be bought with a firt pay ment of $612 In American aettled dlatrlcte. Fre literature. Nlemyr, 644 State street. 1 WANT A SMALL HOUSE WITH A good slsed piece of good land In ex change for a email hous in High land. Will pay caah difference. Se W r.i. Fleming, 241 Stat atreet. FOR SALE LOT 47x90 FEET, OOOD five room houa with cement baae ment, furnance, gaa and wood rangea, and other modern convenience; houa fumletred or unfurnlabed to suit purchaaer. Two blovka wit of Stat Houa ground. , Pric $2409. on easy terms. Enquire at 161 South 14th street. 1 HAVE SOME CASH PURCHASE HS for farm property alao aom good tradea to offer,. List your property at once. I can dispose of it If tn pric la reaaonable. I hav aeed wheat, a 3-Inch "wagon a' plow, ateel cable and grub plow for aaie cheap. Scott, 404 Hubbard building. 1 ACRES OF LAND SVa MILES FROM Balem, on srood road. 1 acre In cul tivation and 3 acr of timber. Four room box bouse, rustic outsld. Barn, wood ah ed and amok houa. All un der fence, land He rolling;, but good solL See Perrlne V Marstera, 4v2 Hubbard Bldg, Phon 907. MUST HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOU lara caah. In a few daya. and will aacrlflc on cither proprty, 70 acr paatur and timber, place with fair buildings running water. 7 mil eaat. $70 an acre, and will take a clear town bouae part pay. Ion a? time on balance. Or will aefl my equity In a fin room modern hone cloe In eteady Income. Money talks, se ex clusive agent this wek. Win. Flem ing 341 State atreet. 1 ACRES. ON CAR LINE. IN PRUNES cherries, logenberriea, good modern hous. finest sightly location, will tak realdence as part pay, $1,000. 16 acre one of th flneat prune or chard, well kept, good houae and barn. mil from Balem, will sell cheap for caah. Make an offer. Fin 4 acre horn In Haysvlll District, food bous. barn, good road, fruit, 1460, on half cash balance 1 years at 7 per cent Fine 6 acre bom in HayavlU Diatrlct modem bungalow IV acre In loganberrle and prune for a abort tlm only $3660; Excellent opportunity In 416 acre farm fair . bulldlnge I mil from Salem, aver age annual rent $1311 only $66 per acre, easy terms. Socolofsky. 341 State street FOR SALE 14 ACRE TRACT, HOUSE and barn, alx acrea prune and cber rlea running water. Will trade for goo moaorn reaioenc in KIem or I'ortiana, pric iooo. . Flv room modern house located In Redwood City. California to tiada for email erreag cloa In or hous ana 101 in Baiem, pric 9:100. Flv acre cherry orchard 6 years old. 4 miles out. good location, pric $600. Fifteen acr tract, 1 acr cleared, halanc stump paatur and timber fin spring, will trad for hous and 101, pric S140. Good Improved 70 acr farm ail In crop. Will consider good hous and lot part payment, pric f!0,60. Flv acrea all under cultivation. new flv room plaatered house, barn. c-nicnen nouae, wen, macadam road. 3 4 mile out. price $2000. Forty acr tract, 20 acrea under cultivation, balance timber and wast- rj iivhbw mnvt wrn, ail eioca, een and machinery goea. WtU conaldar nouse ana lot up to J1S00. price ftfvvv, WaII ltnn,At AA m & . all m,. 1 ' vated. new modern buildings, good roads and fin location, price $V000 Four acrea juat In th edge of city limit, to rent pric $11. . Improved 6S cr tract, 17'A acre ocarina prune a, in iirst ciass conai. tlon.' six room nous, barn, W004) houa. atorehouae. mllkhnuae. ehleU. enhouae, two fin spring, 1 acrea ,f uraixr, iana an in cultivation acept about 1$ acre. Thia la a fin prop osition and well located, 4 miles from Salem, price $11,000. . Improved 20 acrea. srood T rwm house, bearing fruit, com timber and paatur, running- water, macadam road, price $4600. 100 acr farm, all under cultivation, house, barn, cloa to town. Will con wider .good residence a 'part pay ment, price $10,000. . ' -I If you want to buy, trad or sell, see ua. W. II. Urabenhorat A Co, 276 State atreet LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acrea of ehaic Polk mus ty land: about 10 acre claari about Si acres la etump paature; balance It choice piling timber and oak grubs Timber aloae worth $7600. New four room hous. new dairy barn, provldlns tor 39 cow na rour nor sea; now pis tn m naw mil nouae, - wtr pi pec om fia eprlng to all building. Wil ill th Whola at a rrttmt it.rr,lii Very easy term. per cen t Interest Ad drew I. owner, car The Ptateeman TRADE HALTED BY MOVEIENTS Commerce Between Settlers of Northeastern S&ena. Gets Setback SEATTLE, Jan. 31. Overthrow of recognised government ! In Russia has halted efforts to stlmurate trad between the native and settlers of the northeastern stretches of Siberia fringing the Poring Sea and the Arc tic Ocean and the . merchant a of PNome, Alaska, and. Seattle. "There Is a second pioneer Alaska lying across the Bering In Siberia," asserts, J; L. MePherson. secretary of the Alaska Bureau of the Seattle' Chamber of Commerce who has tak en a leading part In the commercial movement. : "While little - authentic informa tion Is available regarding the pro vinces or Kamchatka and Yakutsk, THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Br CCNC BYRNES l X.V1 ' TVaCeatT which are In the northeastern por tion of Siberia, we do know that there are mines and. Tors and fish across there and that the best place for the Siberian miners and trappers and fishermen to trade is Nome.' If continued. "The Russian ports are all too far away,' ' Specific alms of the campaign were to induce the Russian govern ment to establish a eustom house at East Cape, a Siberian point on Ber ing straits, 150 miles from Nome or to throw open the Siberian eoait from Cape Navarin to the Kolyma river to free and unrestricted trad, excepting liquors. . U , At present the most northerly SI berlan custom house is 1500 ra!! southwest of Nome at Petropaelosk. th capital of Kamchatka province, situated near the southern end of the Kamcbatko peninsula. Only a few small trading boats ply between this edge of Asia and far western America, ai the distance to the custom house from the Ameri can ports la too great to permit tho vessels to engsge In the buslnese profitably as their fuel capacity Is necessarily very small. As the trals Is not averly large and as the ise pre vents the. boats opera t'ngln winter, the trade does not warrant the uie of larger vessels. Nicholas Boglavlonsky, Russian consul general of Seattle, favors the movement and In August 1916 ca bled the Petrograd government rec ommending that the northeast Si berian coast be thrown open to Am erican shipping and stating that the people of Kamchatka needed the sup piles the Americans were watting to sond them. No answer has been re ceived to the consul general's cable. SPAIN IS HURT BY GREAT WAR Food Prices Materially In 4 creased and Wages Are Put Down MADRID, Feb. 5. It la not eas j) to see any silver lining to the clouds that the great war has brought over Spain. Food baa lncreaaed enorm ously In price and coar I terribly near and virtually , unobtainable., wages have been reduced and strikes and troubules are occuring In all parts of the country. A long dought In the south which lasted all altumn and part of the winter ruined the crops. Snows have froz en fruits and vegetables and nianr cattle have died of hunger frou. scarcity of grating. Misery is great in small towns and Madrid streets are full' of beggars; Every day the newspapers record deaths from hunger and' -cold. Prisons are reported to be full in some towns so that no further ar reata can be made, although crimes against petson and property con tinue. In Madrid, the street cars stop running at midnight through short age of electrlct power. The theaters threaten a general strike for the new year because they are so highly tax ed and receipts are so poor, i The itreeta of the capltol, unllghted, are patrolled at night, by special police to protect life and property. : Scarc ity of coal, gasoline and cotton must soon shut down many factories In Castile and Catalonia. For this sit uation the monarchy has been criti cised for some time even among the afnry and noble. In some place onarrhlcal politicians and ex-ministers are turning republican agitator. The " Defensa" or, tie. fenao board Of the army, which now Includes Juntas or sergeants and cor porals although they started as commissioned officers' bodies only, are a specie of sevlets which aro continually Intervening in potties. -i The conservatives are extremely dissatisfied at having been dismissed from power recently by the king, without any Justification, they cay. The klng'heaitated to Issue a decree dissolving the Cortes, aa ho feared tve Ao Tn. eoa Havca that new elections would bring forth a great many 'radical and German ephllo element. German . propa ganda being now credited with spending flora $1,200,000 to $1,400, 000 a month In Spain Eventually, however, , the decree waa Issued. HAD TRIED IN VAIX. Speaking at a dinner. Senator Rob ert L. Owen of Oklahoma referred to the wonderful influence wleldel by little-wirer In most affairs, and fittingly recalled this anecdote: . One afternoon two acquaintances chanced to meet, and during the gabreat that followed one 'of tbem took e other to task for the lati tude in boasting that he allowed his wife.. : , . ;. "Say, Jim." said he. "why on earth do you permit your wife to go around 1 telling the other women that ibe made a man out V you? You never hear my wife say anything like that." ' '. - J "So." rejoined Jim, with a merry little chuckle, "but I have beard her say on mora than one occasion that she had tried her, hardest" Phila delphia Telegraph. THE IKrCTOIfS FAULT. During the course of a trial In a Cincinnati court the presiding Judge thus addressed the man in the dock: "I am led to understand that you stole the watch of the physician who had Just written you s prescription at the free dispensary, What Jhaxo you to aay to this charge?" "WelL your honor, I found mv. self in a desperate situation. Ills prescription read 'a r-onful every hour,' and I had no timer iVe" Case and Comment, y TIMETABLES SOUTH FWW PACIFIC CO. Nertfcfceaa ... 1$ Oregon Express ..... 1:06a.m. 64 Oregonlan ... ,, . 6:16a.m. II Willamette Limited. . f:10 a.m. 11 Portland Paeaenger.. 4:11 p.m. 24 Coe Bay I!iim- 12 Shaata Limited 7:0a p.m. 14 Portland KUpreae ... 6:14 p m. 121 Local Way Freight. , 1:04 lam. Ill Portland Fast Freight 11:11 pm. Seathhoaad II Oregonlan .......... 1:30a.m. It Coot Bay 10:01a.m. 16 California Expreea ..10:11 a.m. 17 Roaeburg Paeaenger . 4:20 p.m. It Shasta Limited ..... 1:41p.m. 27 Willamette Limited.. 4:10 p ro. 1$ San Francisco pasa. .10.27 p.m. lit Kan Fran. Fast Frt, .11:01 a.i. 227 Local Way Freight.. 11:01a.m. No. No. No. No, No. No. No, No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No, No. SAI.KM-43FF.R LlSfU No. 71 Arrive at Salem 1:1 1 a.m. No. 74 Leav Salem......... 1:06 p.m. SAI.RW. FALLS CITY A 161 Leave. Salem, motor .... 7:06a.m. 1(1 Leavea Salem, motor.... t:16a.m. lit Leavea Balem, motor.... 1:40p.m. 7hrouh car to Monmouth and Aril Leave Salem, motor .... 1:4 p.m. Tavea Salem, motor..... 6:67p.m. Ill Way Freight leave Salem 4:00 a.m. 161 Arrivee at Salem ........ 1:20a.m. 1 Arrivea at Salem ...,..,.11:00 a.m. f Arrivea at Salem 1:00 p.m. 141 Arrive at Salem ........ 1:1 p.m. 170 Arrive at Salem 7:10 p.m. 40 Way Freight Ar. Salem,. 1:60p.m. OREGON KI.ECTRIO - atkan4 . Train ' Ieav Arrlv Arrlv No. Portlnd ' Salem F.ufen J, .. .. 6:24 am 1:1 am 10:66am Ltd. ..1:20am 10:11 am 12:26 pm 7 .....10:46 am 12:64 pm 0 ......2:06pm . 4:16pm 1:26pm 12 Lid. ..4:40pm. 1:40pm -1:60pm 17 .....,4:01pm 1:10pm Salemonty If 1:10 pm 11:20 pm , Salem only 21 .... .11:46pm 1:66am 1:60am North Rank Station i leav Jeffer son Street II and 10 minutes natcr.) Wertbkoaad Train. fiav . Arrlv Nn. P.ur.n Salam -1 .....12:06am 4:4m !',.... i 7:11 am Arrlv Portland S:M am - 0:2m 11:26am 1 :25 pm 4 :ltP. ttm 10 Ltd., ,7:41 am 9:46am II ..... t ii:zq am 14 Itfll m . l:lpm II Ltd...l:6Spm 4:Apm 6:4 6pm ! ...,.4:10 pm S:iepme 7:4 pm !2 ..... ,4:26pm 7:66pm 10,pm i -mNorth Rank Station f Arrive Jeffer on Street II mlnut sirllor), Lear CorvalHs. , ; i CORVAU M r"OWWr.CTIOJi , nrlkke4 Leav rorvalli - Arrlv Salens 1:25 am ' Y 9:45 am 12:11 pm . . f . i 1:60 am 2:41 pm 4:00 pm 4:1 pm ''. 1:20 pm 1:11 pm 7:66 put lealklessl . Lav Salm Arrive Cnrvaillo 1:26 em ' . 9:67 am , 10:16am - :I3 am 13:66 pm 1:1 pm 4:16 pm 6:24 pm 4:40 pm 1:00 pm