The O regon Statesman iMued Daily Except Monday by TIIB 8TATKHMAN ImiJHHIX COMPANY 1 216 . Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. t MK.MBKK OF THK AHHOCIATKD PKKKft The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein, . i R. J. Hendricks Stephen A. Stose Ralph Glover. ...... ... . . . W. C. 8quler. . . ......... Prank Jaskoskl. ........ . Manager ....Managing Kdltor . , .'. .Cashier Advertising Manager . . Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a - week, BO cents a month. ' DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cents a month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of f 5 a year, SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 2$, Circulation Department, 583. Job Department, 583. Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. 33 ier cent. The diminution In the United States baa been about 27 pe cent, 'in Great Uritain about 41 per rent and In Oermany about 75 per cent. At the outset of the Civil war con federate currency was worth In gold SO and 83 cents on the dollar. It? value after the Battle or the Wilder ness was stated by an ex-confederate tte officer who,: shortly after hl3 return from the war, was invited to join in a party to play at faro. "No," said he. "I. shall never gamble again. When the surrender of Lee was ex pected I took $20,000 in confederate currency I naa saveci rrom iour years' service, went to a faro bank and bet it all on the Jack; afterwards I swore never to gamble again." "You lost it" said a friend. "Oh. no. was the reply.? 't won the bet Then I took the $40,000, bought a pair of boots with the money and gambling forever." I ; K .1 S - . - III IN A SOCIAL WAY I i I By nMtMt Elisabeth Xlebela THE PRESIDENT'S NEW MESSAGE TO THE WORLD President Wilson went before Congress again yesterday ami de livered a peace message to the world, i The full text is printed elsewhere. j He commends the snirit of Count Czernin . of Austria in ' his answer to his (President Wilson's) peace message of January 8th But he condemns the spirit of Von Hertling'g reply, in which Paris and Petrograd? What the German Chancellor sets forth the idea of a peace made separately me declaration mat bngiand wouia ihetwepn thfe Central Powers and their neighbors., arid afterwards a t brougnt to her knees In ninety general peace touching the freedom of the seas the uisannament,ot I oays oy tne u-Doai Diocsaae; AXOTHKIt PROPHKCY? Von Hindenburg is reported to have recently told the members of an editorial association in Berlin that he would be in Paris by April. Maybe he said it and maybe he didn't It really makes f little difference. The world has ceased to pay any very serious attention ot the . prophecies of German militarists. What about (hose predicted Christmas dinners the great nations, and the guaranteeing of the peace of the world ' The whole, message should be read carefully, but the two last paragraphs sum up the conclusions. They are as follows : "The method the German Chancellor proposes is" the method of the congress of Vienna. We cannot and will not return to that. - What is at stake now is the peace of the world. What we are , striving for is a new international order based upon broad and ; universal principles of right and justice no mere peace of shreds and patches. Is it possible that Count von Ilertling does not see that, does not grasp it, is in fact living in his thought in a world dead and goiiSt Has he utterly forgotten the reichstag resolutions of the 19th of July, or does he deliberately ignore theml They spoke of the conditions of a general peace, not of national ag grandizement or of arrangements between state and state. "The peace of the world depends upon Just settlement of each of the several problems to which I adverted in my recent address to the Congresss. I, of course, do, not mean that the peace of the world .depends upon the acceptance of any particular set of sug gestions as to the way in which those problems are to be dealt with. 1 mean only that those problems each and all affect the whole world; that unless they are dealt" with in a spirit of unselfish and unbiased justice, with a view to the wishes, the natural connections, the racial wwwvu, c -ui ij f anu me protc ui iiiiiiii ui me peoples id vutvcu, u pcrinaueui peace wui nave ieen aiiainea. What about the prophecy that America would never declare war against Ger many and that she wouldn't amount to anything if she did? : I BITS FOR BREAKFAST a . i Lincoln's Birthday. -; Legal holiday In Oregon. Wind and rain yesterday. Bolshevik. It is , sp to Germany again. In fact, it has many all along. been up to Ger- " Don't you recall how the folk kicked a few, years ago when It cost a billion dollars a year to run this countby? Now look at us. up of the methods. Which Is wel come news to all the people or the United States, ' who are grown up and want to be Informed and con L suited. It Is their war. and they want to know alt about It an that Is not Important to be held for mili tary and strategic reasons. They are nerved to stand all the jolts that may come.. ? ; " - , It Is being made more and more plain to the German people that they are fighting- as much against them selves as against the rest of the world.. : "r A local torulst figures oat that If we are able to control onr minds we ought to be able to live 150 years. Don't know that we would care to linger so long, Lucy, If tb Demo crats are to remain Angela Times. In power. Los Have you studied the possibili ties of the ane-dish dinner as sug gested by the United States Food ad ministration? Anything that prom ifts relief from washing dishes ought to commend Itself to the housewife. Dot why not paper plates? What has become of the old-fashioned woman who used to know how to make potato cakes? Her memory is certainly cherished, for she seems fo have gone the way of all the flesh. Los Angeles Times, f She may be extinct down around effete Los An geles. But she Is extant In" every other part of the country. : During the rebellion battles were fought and won with Infantry char ing in line forward and cavalry rush ing pell-mell to hand-to-hand en counters. , i Now a the 42-centimeter gun, capable of shooting twentfc miles or more, trenches In which ar mies live, and a fleet of submarines and battle-ships do the bloody work I The methods are different, but the harvest of death Is the same. Ex- change. There are many evidences' that the forces of the United States, when or if they get into full action. will make still further changes In methods of warfare. But the har vest of death will still be the same. WOJITH DOING. At tne present, rate of consump tion the whisky drinkers of the coun try are drinking themselves out, of Supply. It has been said that all of the whisky in the United tates will be " gone in eighteen months, ' the summer of 1919. This is the "con servative estimate of government of ficials who have been watching the rate of flow from the warehouses since the president's proclamation stopping distilling on September 8. There are only about 157,000,000 gallons left in these warehouses. Is It not high time for the censor to mend his ways? When responsi ble American newspaper correspond ents unite In condemning the kind of Information which Is allowed to reach this counthy from France It Is plain that the public Is being- de ceived. This Is a citizens' war. and if the citizens are not kept posted on what the army Is doing; the stag nation will get worse and worse un til the war Is either indefinitely pro longed or lost" The trouble is that Information withheld from America is well known In Germany.- Loj An geles Times. There are Indications of a decided reform In and loosening A young American in Spokane Is not to be baffled In his efforts to serve his country by service regu lations, r Three times he has offered to en list, and three times has he been re jected on account of the condition of his heart. - Now he proposes to aid the cause by adopting a French baby. Not the nsual adoption which consists of pay ing certain sums of money each year. He plans to care for and educate the child and give his name to it. HARD TO IMAGINE. Spring weather on the western front. The silence along the battle lines is described as uncanny. There is something hatching, and on both sides. j Russia Is out of it. She has gone But Uncle Sam is In It to the end. '- K- . There will be no permanent peace in pieces and patches. President Wilson makes this still more plain In his new peace speech Germany can have peace when she Is ready to give permanent peace to the whole world, founded on Justice and right and mutual understanding. Salem was' hit hard by the Tas eanla murder, f The only two solaier boys from Salem who were on the Ill- fated ship are among the missing. Thomas A. Edison was 71 rested aay. Ana still going strong, m m m The U-boat menace Is In the way of being overcome. And it Is the invention of an American. of courre. Germany is at the end of tier rope. sn nas notntna- on tne- world any longer, in any field. The handwKt ing Is on the wall. How wonld yon like to live in Switzerland at this time, where you can get nam and eggs, but not to gether? But what Is the reason for the sequestration of 1 these nonular rood ST Almost time for Spain to file an other protest against the Kaiser. But that is such old stuff now. S b Let everybody brace ud and look pleasant, but If we belonged to the House of Hohenzollern or Hapsburg we might be pardoned for looking oiue. N S Correspondents at .Washington make the startling announcement that President Wllson'si hair Is vrowlng thin. Wuxtry! Wuxtry! Exchange. The Kentucky leclslature has passed a state-wide prohibition meas ure. And this is the state where Marse Henry Watterson gets his mail. , A revolution is sWeeolnr over Fin land. It must sweep on or back, for there Is not room enough- in Finland for it to turn around In. OMPANY M will surely have its gift box, for the women of Sa lem started right in yesterday in having their S. O. S. parties in order to raise funds to purchase needed articles for the box. The parties wijl continue to be given during the week. They are purely voluntary and anyone who cares to send a box to the soldiers In France through Company M may raise fundi in this way. The committee in charge does not designate who should give the parties, but all who do, are asked to bring their party offering to Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mrs. Cbauncey Bishop, Mrs. Reuben Bois or Mrs. Frank Durbin who are all wjell known Salem matrons. Mrs. - E. N. Gillingham aided in launching the S. O. 8. parties yester day arternoon at her home, 1175 Leslie street. The affair was infor mal and only a few guests were ask ed but the entertaining was doubly enjoyed when the hostess allowed ber guests to participate with her in making It a benefit for the soldier boys. Mr. ajid Mrs. Chauncey . Bishop were hosts at an opening S. O. S. benefit party last night at the Bishop home on North Liberty street. Cards, chess, knitting and even "putting" a merry parlor golf-game, filled jthe hours and kept the guests busy every minute. Although the entertaining was Informal about thirty guests heartily helped in this way to fill the coffers and Incidentally the gift box of the soldiers. Covers were placed for ten at a charming 8. O. S. dinner party which was given last night by" Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P. Boise at their Court street home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridse. who will leave Thursday for a month's sojourn in Colifornla, were the inspiration of. the affair. Gay spring flowers and greenery decked the table. Later the rnesta nlavod five hundred. Those extending courtesies to the soldiers In this way besides the hosts and their honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weller and Mrs. M. E. Breyman. The Merry Go Round club has caught the call of the S. O. S. par ties and their regular club function has beent converted Into a beneUt party, cfrer which Dr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson will preside as hosts this evening, at their residence. Small tables will be arranged for the club members who will assemble for five hundred. Each guest will sub mit to a per capita tax of twenty five cents for tha Drlvileae of n lov ing or evea belnj; "among; those pres ent." For the occasion, the prize money will also find Its wayfto Com pany M's box. : , "' . Nearly ninety members of the Wil lamette university were entertained last nignt at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves, when the fresh man class of Willamette university gave a party. Miss Muriel Steeves be ing a member of, the class. A group of students who are leaving the uni versity this mid-year term, were the inspiration or the arrair. They were Mtes Mildred Lawson of Spokane ana Messrs. jay coulter and Loren Basler. Miss Lawson Is returning to her home in Washington illness In her home circle and the ooys expect to leave toon tn Mti tne navy at Bremerton. Games were enjoyed during the evening and a merry social time was held. Dainty refreshments were served br a horv v iue coiiege gins. Mrs. Fred O. Buchtel of the Court street apartments Is entertalninr a her guest, Mrs. AL. TIbbetU of ortiand. Mrs. TIbbetts Thursday for a week's stay, Mr. and Mrs. P. Evan son r Ttnw Island, Alberta. Canada, are srueta at the A- B. Page home. The Even sons are touring the west. Mrs. bvenson is a former elassmatA nt Miss Clara Page. Mrs. Clifford Brown, accomnanied by her two small sons, returned from r on land late vesterdav tfiomnnn following a week-end visit there. . ir. ana v Mrs. H. E. Russell are tecelving congratulations npon the arrivale of a nlne-nound babv hor. Feb; eighth. Mrs. Russel vfs for merly MJss Elisabeth DoerMer of this city. Mrs. E. E. Campbell of Seattle ar- Extraordinary; Ya 4 lues at the Ei Glbsieg Out Sale LACES VALUES TO $1.50 YARD NOW 35c 1 Yard Embroideries VALUES TO 85c YARD NOW 39c Yard One Table EMBROIDERIES AND LACES VALUES UP TO 30c . NOW 10c 3NE ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERIES VALUES TO 10c NOW lc Yd. Women's Tailored Suits ONLY ONE LEFT IT IS A $40.00 VALUE, NOW $18.50 Women's Wool Dresses $21.00 Value $10.50 j $20.00 Value $ 8.00 $ 7.50 Value $ 50 Others at Reduced Price House Dresses REDUCED PRICES ONE ASSORTMENT 98 c Wool Dress Skirts $15.00 Values $3.50 $ 7.50 Values $5.50 OTHERS GREATLY 'REDUCED 35 Overcoats FOR BOYS NOW $2.95, ; COME AND SEE THEM rived In Salem Sunday evening for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Anna Walker on D street, WHEATLESS BISCUITS. fri' J EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE arrived Parched cornmeal Is the feature of these excellent wbeaUess biscuits, first, the cornmeal one-half a cup is put In a shallow pan placedUJn the oven and stirred frequently until It Is a delicate brown. The other ingre dients are a teaspoon of salt, a cup of peanut butter and one and a half cups of water. Mix the peanut but ter, water and salt and heat. While, this mixture Is hot stir Id the meal' which should also be hot. Best thor oughly. The dough should be of such consistency that it can be - dropped from a spoon. Bake In small cakes In an nngTeased pan. This makes 18 biscuits, each of which contains one sixth of an ounce of protein. (The Statesman Is pleased to print communications upon topic or general interest ait any time. There la aeareelr My limit to the topic of 'Bnrfai In terest, it m MKd only tha corre spondents refrain from personalities and use car that nothing- be written I of a libelous nature. Letters must have ! writer's nmo and address, though not necessarily lor puoneatlon. tX.f :. ' r DELICIOUS CORN MUFFINS. One of the war economies of Ger- iHuiy is ia suDsuiuuon or paper breeches for those of cloth, and wooden soles for leather.- In boots A V. . - j nu muovm. m many cases the uppers of shoes are made out of old ship's ils. tent awnings and impregnated curia p. The Times humbly hopes that slm- Uar war .economies will not be nec essary In Los Angeles. Imagine the stern anguish of a man who KtJTIHE DATES Careless Use of Soap T Here's an old fashioned recipe for corn muffins that has recently been revived and used with unusual success In several of the larger New York ho tels : To make three and a half dozen muffins take one quart milk, six ounces butter substitute, twelve ounces of light syrup or honey, four eggs, pinch of salt, two ounces baking powder. one and a balf pounds cornmeal and one and a half pounds rye flour. The butter and syrup should be thoroughly. mixed; then add the eggs gradually. Pour In the milk and add the rye flour mixed with cornmeal and baking pow der. IValxKly Is Defended. Editor Statesman: , I noticed in a recent Issue of your paper a so-called criticism by Vfalr Play" of the lecture delivered at'tbe Christian church by Mr. Peabody of Koston on the subject of Christian Science. I attended the lecture, and considered It a remarkable discourse, remarkable in many ways. : Mr. Pea body kept the unflagging attention of the vast audience for nearly three hours. lie backed up all his state ments by documentary proof that was Incontrovertible. From H he way "Fair Play" flatters I imagine he was badly hurt by some of the un palatable truths which he heard. If a vote could have been taken of the large assembly at the close of the lecture there is no doubt that nine teen-twentieth of the audience would have decided that Mr. Peabody had clearly and unmistakably proven bis case, if Fair Flay" thinks any of the statements made were untrue, let him specify wherein the speaker was mistaken. . Mr. Peabody made several damag ing cnarges and boldly challenjsed anyone to successfully dispute them. He said he was subject to prosecu tion criminally for libel if anything he said was false. Now here Is an opportunity for "Fair Play" If be considers himself aggrieved. I am not a church member. I attended the lecture to be enlightened and 1 was. I went away satisfied Mr. Pea body Is performing the public a serv ice by his lectures. io correct an error br "Fair Plav." it was announced In advance that a silver offering would be asked at-the close of the speaking and hence, his criticism about the collection was Ill timed. . . .. . Independent. Salem, Feb. 10. 1918. indIgestion, gas or sour, acid stomach. The Moment "Papers ftiapepln" Iteaclie the stomach All t ' liNtrei tioes. "Really does" put upset stomachs in order "really does" overcome in digestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and. sourness due to acid fermenta-, Hons in five minutes that Just that makes Pape's JDiapepsIn th largest selling etomach antacid an4 regulator in the! world. If what you eat ferments and turns sour, you belch gas and (eructate undigested food or water? head Is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; jour Inside willed with Indigestible waste remember the moment "Pape's Diapepsin" conies in contact with ths stomach all such distress vanlfthta. Its' truly astonishing almost mar velous, and the Joy is Its harmless ness. '-., A large fiftycent case of Pane's - Diapepsin Is worth its weight in gold ' to inenand women who can't get, their stomachs regujated. It beloags in your home should always b kept bandy In case of a sick, sour upset, stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest ant acid for the stomach In the world. Wealthy American Widow r iWedt Prince of Greece LONDON, Feb. 11. -Mrs. William D. Leeds, a wealthy American widow, and Prince Christopher of Greece, according to the Dally Sketch, ba? been quietly married in Switzerland, where Mrs. Leeds has been stopping: for a time with a son who Is in del icate health. Mrs. Leeds Is the widow of Win lam II. Leeds, one of the leaders ii the tlnplate Industry of Auierl- rrom whom ane Inherited about $11. 000,000. She Is a daughter of tUs late William C. Stuart of Cleveland. Ohio. i . Prince Christopher Is the young est brother of Constantine. the de posed king of Greece. He is abo t 30 years old. Annual February 1 tn II K'lnth rortland Automobile show. February It to 17. Father an1 Rnn week In Ore-on. Feburary 12. Tuesday Lincoln dir. ' February 11, Wednesday. Illustrated lecture. "Russia as It ia Todi" h Kev. F. T. Porter. At Salam ftihll II. brary. v rebruary 14. Thursday. St. Valen tines day. March. IS, Friday. MMltar- tnurna nient by Comoanv A. klrH uhiMi rincii, mi armory. . February 16, Friday. Third LJbrt Spoils the Hair breeches were made from old boples me;1gBKlem1FVuIton,rnntt, of a certain steamed contemporary. Los Angeles Times. February Soap should be used very carefully. If you want to keep your hair looking Its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos, contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use Is Just ordinary m nisi fled cocoanut oH (which Is pure and greaseless), and Is better than; the most expensive un union. i ... U. 8aturday.-Celbratlon oap or anytning else yon can use une or two teasooonruis wtn i MONEY TALKS. Prior to the war la Germany the reicnsDank ratio of gold to liabili ties wts 47.8 per cent; now It Is 12.3 In the United States the federal re serve bank's -ratio' before the war was $8.7 per cent; today It fr 63.2 The bank of England's ratio was 0 per cent before the war: now It Js n' ofMt lrsary of founding of W . M . rvwruHrv a n r 11 rn . v ma . . 1 . amtnatlon to be eoumdueted at Eaton t,l,.?pef.n4,dt'.,0,, appointment to Cnlted States naval academy. "!"fr ii xo is. irarm crop and February 17. 8inuiri.i m... irme?r U"'' and Wasbinaton days. February " 19. ; Tneadav llrt. rnorus r,i rirst i ongTegstlonal church n wninr concert. rbruir 11 VrtAm Yir-i . birthday. ' "7 " labor surrey. - r February 22 to ?4 Western nrM convention of Christian Endeavor so ciety, Eugene. . May 17. rrldi. rviia. . Ing election. w or cleanse the hair and scalp thoroueb ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes sn abundance of rich, creamy lather. which rinses out easily, removinr every particle of dnst. dirt, dandruff ana excessive - oil. The hair driea quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp toft, and the hair fins and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mnlsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family fog months. Yesterday May Have Been Last Heatless Monday WASHINGTON', Feb. ll.Indica- tlons tonight were that today was the last of the heatless Mondays. Fuel Administrator Garfield expects to suspend the closing order otmor row nicht in view of better weather nd Improved railroad traffic condiy ions. Reports during the day to the. di rector general of railroads show that traffic conditions are Improving rap idly despite floods In many parts of the country. Coal mines are receiv ing, empty cars In larger numbers than for weeks past and loaded cars sre moving to their destinations. The fuel administration Is planning to prevent a recurrence of the recent situation In which domestic consum ers throughout the east found them selves unable to obtain fuel supplies. The administration desires to 'create reserve supplies of coal in all the consuming centers, to be used to meet any emergency that may arise through break down in transporta tlon or from other causes. ljSg& ykcuumPacked -rrfi.Y ' M'J'B m vacuum paclteJ ia air- j TV? II tight tins hy a special process of 11 - J v .our own to retain its V It rcachcf you Y .