The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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U K AT 1 1 Kit.
Hain, Increasing coutheily
hi.vrv-si; i:tii yk.h o. am;.M, )lllAit, Tl lSl. MOItMMi, I Kliltl.tltV 12, mi
I'ltiri; iivi; :i-:th
State of War With Germany
Is Ended and Demobiliza
tion of Russian Forces on
All Fronts Is Ordered
Pact With Two Former Allies
Leaves Rumania in Criti
cal Situation
LONDON'. Feb. 11 A (lerman
government wireless dispatch receiv
ed here this evening confirm dis
patches received from Amsterdam
during the day that Uussla baa or
dered a cessation of war and the de
mobilisation of the Russian arnil"3
on all fronts.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 11. -Russia
has declared the state of war to be
at an end and has ordered the, de
mobilization of Russian forces on all
front, accord In jf to a dispatch re
celved here today, dated
on Sunday. The dispatch
"The president of the Run-Jan del
egation at today's (Sunday) sitting
stated that while Russia was desisting-
from stoning a formal peace
treaty. Undeclared the state of war to
be ended with Germany. Austria
Hungary. Turkey and Hnlgarla si
multaneously giving orders for coni
' plete demobilisation of Russian
forces oa al) fronts."
(Bv Tk Aocinttd Pre)
Almost simultaneously with the
announcement by the Holshevik gov
ernment that Russia Is out of the
war and that a general demobiliza
tion along the entire Russian front
is to be carried out, thus permitting
the Teutonic allies to withdraw all
their forces for use on other battlo
- fronts. Preddent Wilson has restat
ed to a Joint session of congress
th fact that the United States Is In
the war to stay until those principles
which 'jthe people regard as funda
mental to a permanent peace are ob
tained. "Our whole strength," said the
(Continued on pare 2)
Crepe De Chine
- i j .
$1.65 a Yard
New shades, for Spring:.
Just received Apricot,
Pink, Flesh, New Blue,
Mais, Plum, (Bold, Tan,
Grey, Golf Red, Old
Rose, Copenhagen Blue,
Russian Green, Cream,
Navy, Burgundy Black,
' and Reseda.
$1.65 a Yard
City School Superintendent to
Draw $3000 For Work
This Year
Schools All in Running Order
1 by Noon First Day of
New Semester
John W. Todd last night was re
elected us city superintendent of
schools' ut a salary of $3.ioo u year
Thls Is an actual increase of
the former luilury being $2,7.r0 with
1 100 allowed for automobile mainte
nance. Mr. Todd was invited to re
tire to the hall while the vote wan
taken, but Chairman White sent fo"
bint to reappear in less than five
minutes,, so there was never any
'question about his reelection. Clark
and buren opposed the Increase. Yes
terday being the first day of the new
txmiester, Superintendent Todd hid
the extremen pleasure of reporting
to the board an almost unprecedent
ed event, and that was the. complete
organization of every depurtment In
each school in the city into full run
ning order at noon, tl is believed
this has never been accomplished be
fore In the city.
: Miss Helle Dennlson was lected
as a teacher in the elementary
bchools at a salary of $7.1 per month.
s Twenty-four members of the mil
itary will fire a salnte in front, of the
(Continued on page 6)
Salem Men on Tascania
Reported Among Missing
' Curti Wilson and Archie D.
Roberts both Salem men, are among
the missing passengers of the tor
pedoed transport Tuscania. and it Is
presumed that they lost their lives.
The news, received in Salem yester
day, cast a gloom, over the city.
; Roy E. Powelson of Mill ity is
another Marion county man who-Is
Edgar J. Seeley of Independence
and Leonard D. Wolfard of Silet ion
were saved. '
Ray Rennie, nephew of Mrs. Clldr
Harris of Brooks and Mrs. Eonls
Walt and Mrs. A. W. Weach of Salem,
was saved.
We call your attention to our present assortment of Season
able Crepes, with pardonable pride ; confident that in every
respect, they reveal the highest standard of quality desired
by the most careful dressers.
40-Inch Gotham Crepe $2.65 a Yard
- "
A new, very heavy, nil nilk Crepe, especially n.lapted for Suits,
Dresses, and Tailored Wnists, unlimited in Quality and Service.
A wonderful fabric for those who want tli Ix-st. These handsome
shades now in stoek: Mai,' Battleship roy, Ivory, Pink, IMge,
Itose, ani Silver Orey.
40-Inch Georgette Crepe $185 a W
This rich quality of (ieorpottc Crepe is an extreme favorite with
our patrons. Our showing in this line is exceptionally large: Navy,
Itlack, Mais, Old Rose, (JoM, Pink. Olive Drah, Coral, Flesh, ('n am,
White Hurgumlv, Plum, Wwteria. Cop-n Iilue, Dark ire.-n. Reseda,
Grey, Taue, Siiver, Battleship, Brown, Knierald, French Blue, IVa
eoek, and others.
Two Great Armies, Keenly
Observing Foe. Prepare for
Most Sanguinary Period of
Entire Struggle
Spirit of Optimism Pervades
Allied Ranks as Great
Battle Looms
FRANCE, Keb. 11 . The- tension
along the HiitUh-Oennati front is
lightening?. Ah the extraordinarily
bright, mild weather has continued
to dry out the sodden fields, the twi
great armies have become mow
alert. The inertia of the days when
the western theater was held In the
grip of snow and Impassable jinud
has disappeared, and the contending
forces are poised, watching ( each
other, lik'p duelists, for the' first
move, which will mean that the most
sanguinary period of the war has
TheVenemy continues to make In
tense, preparation ,for What haM?
been advertised as the "areat of
fensive." Herman troops and guns
keep pournlng Into the western
front, and there are Indications that
a few Austrian units are in Flanders.
Certain areas back, of the Herman
front have been cleared for action
and dally bodies of troops have.been
practicing attacks under the tute
lage of experts. Prisoners say. that
leave for the soldiers was stopped
January 50.
Ominous Quiet. lrevall.
So far as actual fighting Is Con
cerned, it Is still confined to Identi
fication raids, air activity and oc
casional bursts of artillery. Along
many miles of the front which the
correspondent visited in the last two
days, there Is an ominous quiet. Ob
servers sit for hours on a vantage
point so close to the German lines
that the enemy can be seen workins
about: yet there are few sounds of
The enemy is. playing possum or
ignoring the military movements be-
i Continued on Pare
Prisoner Breaks Into Tears of
Joy as Priest Sways
Bolo's Money Amassed Be
fore War Is Testimony
Justice Is Asked
I'Altlrt. Feb. II. Although inoie
than a doen wllni'n had uln-ml
teMtlfled theorvtlrally for I'.olo
I'ukIiu. who i n tr'al for treanon,
the flrnt one who Keeiiiort to of
real help to hi raiihf wuh hln broth
er. MonHignor Molo, iiromineot a a
pulpit orator. Monslsnor Holo k--niplfd
the uland durlnK half of tb;
afternoon eKlou. today. 1 1 in texti
iuony ioniit'd ejslpriy of a moving
pl-a for liolo I'awh, which he deliv
ered ho dramatically and powerfully
that the pectator in the rotirt
room, who obvonH. had been un
friendly to the rionei up to thut
time, rhanred la their attitude and
The demonntratlon was perhaps
more In the nature of rerognlton
f Monxlgnrir HoIo'b -loounef thun
to any enange in rwung againsi ine
prlMoner. but it heartened ltoli per
vtntlbly. The priHoner brok tnto
umrn of Joy an hU huge brother, In
his long black rannock, concluded by
declaring that he would not be will
ing an a priest to testify iinlesn he
wan convinced of Holo Paha' Inno
rcnic He then implored the court
to give morn credence tj hi tef I
mony than to fthe deposition of
Adolph lavente(lt, formerly head of
the Amtdnck bank In New York, who
now Ix Interned In a prlnon camp in
Ceorgla. whif-h the prlent knew was
shortly to be Introduced as a further
blow against his brother.
Parts of Monsignor Bolo's testi
mony was sensational. An instance
was when he declared Je had been
prevented from obtaining a pasxport
to go to Spain "and collect proofs
which he said he was positive exist
ed there that Holo Pasha's money
really had been amassed before the
war. The :rlest said he had not
b-en able even to post mall to 8 pain
commissioning other persons ta send
him the needed documents.
The wave of enthusiasm which
swept the court at the conclusion of
the priest's testimony receded mark
edly as the reading of the lengthy
Pavenstedt deposition, with its dam
aging allegations directly connecting
Holo Pasha with Count Von Hern-
storff, former jTierman ambassador
to the United States, was begun by
court officer!.
Koon the court room was emptied
to the point of comfort for the first
time Hnce the beginning of the trial.
The day's session closed with the
testimony of a witness for Holo. Th's
witness was forced to admit that
President Polncare never had en
trusted Holo with a foreign mission,
as had been claimed, but on the con
trary, distructed Holo.
Attacks -of Huns Are Repulsed
at AH Points by Powerful
Austrlans have launched another at
tack, against the Italian positions
west of the Hrenta rlvt-r. along th
same Krenztda valley leading to the
plain where the Italians recently de
feated them with heavy losrteH.
Their artillery opened fire fierce
ly yesterday morning continuing
throughout the day. first on the went
fide of the valley, then on the right.
Kvidently the purpose Was to regain
the strategic heittits of Monte val
Bella and the Col, Trom which the
Ha&suri brigade and Hersagllerl had
driven them back.
An Intense cannonade was follow
ed by an infantry advance, which
was first centered against Monte val
Bella and Col del Kosso. hut recon
centration of ;the Italian batteries
checked and finally Flopped the ad
vance. Another drive was made at Mas
saso Kosso, further east, where the
enemy tried to break into the old
trenches lyinsc ahead of the Italian
lines, but here, too, the powerful
concentration of the Italian batteries
checked his progress at the first ad
vanced posts.
Argentine Strike Reported
Failing; Men Won't Quit
BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 11. The
tailway strike -apparently s failinc
through the refusal of ltalions and
Britons to quit work. These men
have declined to leave their jobs,
notwithstanding the threats of Span
ish agitators to destroy property.
McClelland, Minority Mem
ber, Wins Out Over Oppo
sition of Committee and
Recommendation of Chief
Battle of Wit and Sarcasm
Marks Action Taken by
City Council
Against the recommendation of
Chief of Police Kola! d and the ma
jority recommendation of the police
committee, Alderanm Jatnen McClel
land, recalcitrant member of tb
committee, fought a winning fight
last night and was mainly Instru
mental in causing the city council
to re-elect Mrs. S. .1. Imrsey to the
office of police matron. Her op
ponent was Mrs. Myra Shank, a for
mer matron whose election was rec
ommended by Chief Foland, Chair
man Ward and Alderman ITnruh, the
other two member of the polle
committee, favored upholding th
Throughout the session the ques
tion of electing a police matron was
interwoven with the proposal to join
the d ut leu of matron, city truant of
fices und those of the social servle?
center under one office. A plarf
drawn np by John V. Todd, city su
perintendent of schools, submitted to
the special committee of the city
council in behair of the school
board's committee and tentatively
agreed upon by the two committees
was voted down by the council. The
special committee of the council Is
it- be A continued, however. It will
continue Its negotiations with the
other Interests concerned and prog
ress will be reported from time to
time. Efforts to have the election
of matron deferred until further ias
tion relative to the proposed fusion
ot the offices were rendered unavail
ing when Alderman Vrd explained
that If the duties were .to be combin
ed the action would not be effectlva
until September.
Ward Explain Attitude.
To Alderman Ward Jt became nec
essary to explain his attitude, for he
reason that a year ago he supported
Mrs. Dorsey and opposed Mri. Shank.
"My stand." said Ward., "in no re
flection on the present matron. She
is an exemplary woman. She hai
none her duty as she has seen It and
her work has be?n very satisfactory.
Hut I do believe in upholding tho
i i - i
(Continued on page 6) 1
Private Goldberg Talks French to His Nurse and She
Understands It; Chinese Janitor has Charge of all Ves
sels in Ward, Hence the Boys Dab Him "Commodore"
: Private Louis Goldberg of Com
pany A! is having a lot of fun in
France, even if he Is In the hospital
with mumps. At least he was In the
hospital when he wrote la Kaiet.i
friend on January 14. but was doubt
ful if he had the mumps. Louts rath
er expected to get them about the
time he was readv to lie discharged
from the hospital and have filteen or
twenty days more added to his con
finement in the ward.
The boys In hospital have a lot of
fun joking the French nurses, says
Private Goldberg. XoW. Private
Goldberg spells French the way it
ho tin da to an American soldier, but
apparently he can make it sound all
right, because it seeiits the nurse
understood what he had to day.
Goldberg has some Interest'inflT
comment to make on the Chine!
Janitor whom the boys have named
"Commodore" because he has charge
of the vessels in the ward. JudKing
from Private Goldberg's description
"Commodore" wouldn't take anv
prizes at a beauty show, and the boys
ron'dn't stand for his washing the
cuspidors and the wine glasses in
the same water, but Private Gold
berg makes an Interesting character
of him at that.
ftenl Menu, Tills.
He writes:
"Just a few lines to let yon know
of my whereabouts. I would have
written rooner. but had n oppor
tunity. I iriiess I will have plenty
of opportunity now. as I am In a
French hospital with the mumps-
ut least they say I have them and I
have to stay in this mnmpy corridor
from fifteen to twenty days. Chance3
are I'll catch the thfnjjs Jtipt before
I leave and that will mean another
fifteen to twenty days O. Fate!
"We poor little sick boys get i
class of wine with each meal. Yot
see we get French rations. Put
where there Is glory there Is also
doom for with each meal we are
entitled to only one slice of bread
and all we can hook on the sliy. Our
menu is: Viande, soup, pern me de
terre, pain et sa Tan which mean
meat, sonp. spuds, bread and wine.
Same old story every day.
Ilamsey Ahltey Visited.
"We had eplendid weather" coming
He Doesn't Like Intimation
That Janitor Is Used As
Errand Boy
Committee Arranges Sliding
Scale for Men in Police
City Iteconh r Karl Itacn mixed in
the .melee at the city council meeting
lat night and directed . a salvo 'of
fire at Alderman Wlard when th'j
otieKtion came up of defining the
duties of J. N. Knowland. Janitor of
the; ell y hall and theiomfort station
and fixinf. 'his salary. The recorder
along with other official at the city
hail had been accused of using lh
janitor us an -errand boy -at least
Mr. Itace took it that way.
The upshot was that a motion by
Ward was passed defining Knowl
and' duty as that of doing Janitor
work at the city hall and at the com
fort station together with exercising
his power as a polfc'e off leer.;-When
the question of Increasing his salary
from $50 to $60 a month was put to
un aye and no vote, Mayer Keyes
declared it lost. ' Hut division was
called ail at the rising vote It was
Sometime loen Errand.
Ward. Simeral and others bad ob
jected that the Janitor Is sometimes
Imposed on to the extent of lietnic
asked to carry papers to the mayor's
office for the executive's slgnatu:e.
delivering newspapers to the'rlty
hall officials, and answering the
telephone- at police headquarters
when no member of the force Is pres
ent. w,hlle Simeral declared the Jani
tor is required to1 "run his legs ttf
all over town."
"He has made two trtos to my
residence with bjlla for me to slrn'
said Simeral. .
"And he was sent" clear out to
.ate Elliott's house with some
blll." rejoined Ward.
Alderman Stanton started the fuss
when he opined that the Janitor
should be relieved of some of his
work so he can be at , the comfort
station durlna- the forenoon. After
Ward had spoken and McClelland
had moved an Increase In Knowl
and' salary. Mr. Itace asked tho
privilege of speaking.
"Alderman Ward Intimates that
the Janitor Is occupied most of the
time with little things , around the
city hall." he declare hotly. "Some
times he does take warrants to the
mayor's office or do ' soma elmllar
(Continued on page 2)
across, and I surely enjoyed the trip.
Wasn't seasick a bit. Kelt kind' of
funny once or twice, though. I saw
the smouldering ruins at Halifax.
Was also fortunate enough to see
the great Ramsey abbey in Kn gland.
Ton have heard of this abbey, I sup
pose., it is over one thousand year
old. .
vYou ought to see the dinky little
trains they have In Kngland and
France. They are divided up Into
four or five compartments. The
compartments are locked as soon as
the train whistle blows, which re
minds one of a merry-go-round.
"Our hospital ward reminds mef
a finishing school. We; haven't any
thing to do all day, 'so we Just lie
around, crab, gossip almtit the day
when we used to have all we wanted
to cat. Someone will long for a ham
sandwich or a llershey, etc., and get
our mouths a-watering. and we hav
to crab again.
."We have quite ajbit of fun kid
dine the French nurses. "When we
want her to get ms .something to eat
she always says 'ne compree, but
when. she wants ns to help her It "is
'si'l vous plait m'sienr, but we get
even and say 'ne compree, ne com
pree. Then ehe always says 'O.
"Merican soldah no goft. Hooka
fooh.' I told her Votis sooft boka
li ete. which means 'You have great
pains In the head andsnow she wont
give nie any extra brejid.
"Vttirmdore" lla Vao 1)ke.
"There Is a Chinese janitor In our
ward. The way he walks around yon
would think he was the head mogul
here. He has about six hairs.on his
chin anil they are aKjiit that nianr
inches loner. We call him "Commo'
dore' T don't know whyI guess
maybe It's because h has charge tt
the vessels In our room. If jrnn ' pull
his heard he will hiss, like a' rat. One
day he started to wash the. cuspidors
and wine glasses In the Rame water.
The nurse called him for If. He got
so mad he wouldn't speak the whole
day. ' ' '
Well, I rness I have, raved
enough. I don't know how much the
censor will pass, but consider, your
self lucky if you don't have to read
it all."
Wilson Warns Congress Amer
ica Must Not Tarn Asids
From Tasks of Fight by
Vague Peace Talks of Cen
tral Powers :
Great War Issues Must be Ex
pounded in Light of World's
Forum Von Hertling Phn
Is Quickly Rejected
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Presi
dent Wilson addressed congress to
day to clear the atmosphere of any
confusion resulting from the recent
speeches on peace terms by the Ger
man chancellor and" tho Austro
lluncarlan foreign minister, and to
reiterate that until the military mas
ters or Germany are ready to coa
nlder peaco on principles of Justlco
the-United States will continue the
fight It is just beginning for the
safety of itself and mankind.
In the speech of Coun .Yon llert
llng, the German chancellor, the
president found no approach to too
path of peace, but rather a proposal
to end tha war on German terms
and to setfup a league ot nations to
maintain the balance of power so es
tablished. Count Czernin, the Aus
trian spokesman, the president said,
employed av very friendly ton;
seemed to see the fundamental ele
ments of peace with clear eyes and
probably worJd have gone much- far
ther It IX bad1 not been for Austria's
alliance and her dependence upon
Germany. I
President Warns All.
Members of congress accepted the
address not a a peace message, but
as notice to the central powers that
the United States cannot be turned
aside from the object for which It Is
fighting,' and a warning to congress
and the AmAlran people that tho
task of semllng the nation's fighting
men to the front mast not be Inter
fered with by equivocal and mis
leading utterances of Teutonic
statesmen. The president was warm
ly received and cheered as he con
cluded, and leaders without respect
to party afterward expressed heart
approval of bis words. The address
had been prepared after conferences
during the past few days with Col
onel K. Mi. House, who headed the
American mission to the great Inter
allied conference. As usual the presi
dent announced his . Coming only
long enough In advance to permit of
arrangements for a Joint session In
the house chamber. ..
While in official .and diplomatic
quarters today there was a disposi
tion to let the president's address
speak for itself without interpreta
tion, there apparently was no divi
sion of opinion on the point that his
prime object was to bring th ,rextra
official negotiations" . as some ob
servers have termed the speech
making of the chief statesmen of the
nations at war. back to the funda
mental lssnes, the settlement of each
question on principles of Justice;
the cessation of the barter of prov
inces and peoples; the settlement of
territorial questions for the benefit
of the populations concerned, and.
finally, the recognition of national
aspirations as a basis of permanent
(iprmiui Socialists May Act.
Another purpose served, it aa
pointed out, was to remind the Ger
man relchstag of the great distance
that Count Von Hertling has travel
ed from Its resolutions of last -July
regarding-self-determination of the
rights )f small nations and peoples,
no annexations, contributions or
punitive damages. Responsive echoes
anions the Herman Socialists and'
Liberals may In the end bring cumu
lative pressuie to bear upon the war
lofds at prenent controlling the fate'
of: Cermany. ;
Still another objct of the address
It was said wat to serve notice In -advance
that any'neace treat leu re
sulting from the Brep-I.ltoysk con
ferences would not of necessity '
regarded as binding upon Ametlca
or the entente allies.
"We eannot have general peace
for the askiri?. or by the mere' ar
rangements of a peace conference,"
Mr. Wilson said. "It cannot
pieced together out of Individual un
derstandings between powerful
ttatesY - All the parties to this war
must Join In the settlement of every
Issue anywhere Involved in It be
cause what we are asking Is a peace
- (Continued on rage 8)