The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair east, rain west portion:
Increasing southeasterly winds.'
Lr-vi a a H nan m mm i ir. iiiir . i m w n rr w v w y mw rm i nvi T w n w w ww n m . otw iwwMa swap w s i
hutilated Beyond Rccogni -
tioa, Corpses of American
Soldiers Are Washed to
Irish Rocks 15 Miles From
Scene of Disaster
llzny Are Killed , by Explosr
izn; Heavy Listing of Ship
. Causes , Fatal Launching
cf Lifeboats in Darkness
: An IRISH PORT; Feb. 7. The
bodies of forty-four of the miss
y izg (101 victims of the Tuscania
disaster were washed up today on
rocks 15 miles from the scene
cf tie torpedoing1. All were 'Amer
icasj and their bodies were mu
tilated beyond Precognition. '
' A pathetic feature is that, al
though all the victims wore tags,
identification numbers . had
tsea put on them .because these
Anericanshaid not yet been as
rjrsd to definite army units.
Ii.ercforejthere is no way to iden
tfy fiem and they will be buried
"a cze grave.
AN IRISH PORT. Feb. 7. A mas
cf skirling wreckage on the calm
neck of the sea -along the Irish coast
marks the grave of the Tnscania, the
rzt American -troop ship sank by a
German submarine. Forty-four bod
ies of the 100 men who. perished
tare been washed ashore amd some
cf tie injured now in hospitals a're
expected to succumb. The survivors
' numbering 2296, are quartered In
hotels, homes and hospitals along
.. tie North Irish coast. r
C ' Two groups left today clad in mis
fit clothing for Belfast by rail, and
thence by boat to England. The, sur
vivors are agreed, that no one saw
,th wake of the foam as the torpedo
came towards the vessel. , t f
Xight Is Black.
, It was a black night and no alarm
tame from any one of the 15 look
outs.: The torpedo struck the Tus
cania a TiUl blow amidships, in the
boiler room and there was a muffled
crash, which told every one what
tad happened.
h The possibility of being torpedoed
was discussed almost daily since the
vessel left American i shores. . Sev
eral hundred young lumberjacks
from the southwest and Pacific
- 0iMined on Par
Avery large assortment of
Dress Silks for Separate
Skirts, Waists, Dresses, etc.,
25 to 38 inches wide. Plain
Shades, Plaids, and Stripes
at from $1.00 td $1.75 a yard
T , . .. . . . SALKM, OUhXiO.N. 1-'IUIAY aiOKMXCj. FKMtLAKV . lOlU , . , ' '"'"12' glCK JblVK CEXTa
Oregon Now Has Chance to
Sell Dried Fruits to Army
and Navy
Co?lmi,tlCC .of 2rf hardif rU and
Dealers to Take up Van
Trump Affair
Salem has been recognised by the
government and raasncsr lead In
stead of follow in marketing of dried
fruits! to the United States govern
ment. "
W. T. Jenks of, H. S. Gile & Co.
yesterday was surprised when he re
ceived a telesram from E. O. Heyl
of the food administration in Wash
ington, appointing' him representa
tive of the federal government f in
the northwest for the purpose t of
buying dried fruits for the army and;
navy.? ' V"J
"Shipments are going forward now
all the time, said Mr. Jenks. "and"
I can only say the prices of dried
fruits, particularly the prunes, which !
we sold some time ago through Mr.
Kuhn of Los Angeles, are satisfac
tory to us. ' -
Dissatisfied With Inspector.' ;
"What are you going to dp about
a fruit inspector this season?" Mr.
Jenks was asked.
"Yon can say for me, and j think
I can speak for all the other packers
in. the city, that I am unalterably
opposed to the confirmation of Van
Tramp, who has openly .admitted
that he knows nothing about prunes
from an Inspection point of view.
"I have just arranged, however,
for a meeting -with the full county
court : Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
as Judge Bnshey has asked a com
mittee of us over to discuss'the mat
ter, and lias - intimated, that he is
ready to receive suggestions, as he
now understands that about 75 per
cent of the farmers and growers are
opposed to Van Trump on purely
technical grounds,,
t i.pur choice was Andrew Vercler.
the deputy under Mr. Constable, the
retiring , inspector. lie had about
181 "endorsers,, while,, Van Trump had
f ortyj but our- man I could have ob
tained two or three! times as many
endorsers if there had been time or
necessity. i
l May Combine Position.
"What we are going to try to ac
complish, now is to follow the lead
of Douglas connty, and pick out a
man who can act both as fruit In
spector and county agent. To that
end I have Just wired O. M. Plum
mer. -one of the federal food repre
sentatives in Portland, to get down
here and aid us by his afvice. Out
side of Pomona grange, I know per
sonally that the farmers of Marien
want a county agent bere again. -
"We lost a most competent man
in ' F R. Brown, but there may be
others and probably are, just as good
who can fill with credit the combined
position of fruit inspector and county
a cent. - -
Favors Those; Who
Her Firmly By the
Our Present Offers In Piece Goods Presents
to You AN OPPORTUNITY To Secure Need
ed Merchandise THAT YOU CANNOT AF
We scored a direct hit by taking advantage of the
earlier markets, and purchasing liberal quantities Of
all lines' of goods. This enables Ms to maintain a large
supply of quality mercnandise at reasonable prices.
Silks; - W oofe n
Wool Dress Goods in Plain
Shades Plaids, Stripes, and
Mixtures 38 to 54 inches
wider Many of these pieces
cannot be replaced. Prices
from $1.00 to $1.85 a iyard.
a mmi m- m I I
.' ... i . .t.
Sinking of Tuscania Brings
Nation Face to Face With
Losses of Struggle in Most
Relentless Form
Belfast Cares for Survivors
Quickly ; Lieutenant Tells
-. of Rescue I
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Secre
tary Baker has Issued the following
statement: f
"The sinking of the Tuscania
brings" us face to face with the losses
of war in its most relentless form.
It is m; fresh challenge to the civil
ized, world by an adversary who has
refined, but made more deadly the
stealth of the savage 4n warfare. We
must win this war and we will win
this war. Losses like .this unite the
country in sympathy with the fam
ilies of those who have suffered loss;
they also unite us to make more
determined our purpose to press on.
:"As rapidly as details come in,
they will be given to the public in
order to relieve anxiety, where pos
sible, p.nd notice will be sent as
promptly as possible to those whose
sons and brothers have been added
to the nation's heroic dead."
English People Stirred.
IONJXX. Feb. 1. Few.: events of
the war in the past few months bave
stirred the English ; people more
deeply than the disaster to American
troops apnroacihng a British harbor
on a British, transport. Such an
eventuality had been feared.
The first news before the landing
or tne survivors at dirrerent torts
became known caused the belief that
there was a heavy toll in Uvea, run
ning into hundreds-and perhaps
more than 1000. All the known
circumstances impressed the public
with the feeling that the greatest
sea tragedy in Atlantic water since
the sinking of the Lnsltania and pos
sibly greater loss of life had oc
curred. The latest bulletins tonight,
however, indicating that the casual
ties may1 be 100 or even less, has
caused a distinct- relief ' from the
tension. . r
Ot those lost a large proportion
ire members of the crew. It Is not
yet known how many of the ship's
officers survive.
. Incident Xot Surprise.
There Is no surprise over this In
cident: the only canse for wonder is
that of the hundreds of troop laden
transports which have crossed the
Atlantic in the past three years and
more, the same fate has not befallen
others. '
The record as a whole is consider
ed by seamen most creditable to the
British- s mercantile , and naval
If the attack had occurred in day
light the whole ship's company might
have escpped. But In the: darkness
of a moonlight night, with the ship
rapidly listing, so that some of the
boats could not be launched, while
Continued on page 6V
I -
Most all khids of wanted
Cotton Wash: Fabrics in
white and colors, both plain
and fancy. .Width 274to 40
inches. Priced at from 15c
to 50c ayarcL
Concentrated Attack on U. S.
Forces by Submarines
. Not Indicated
High Officers Do Not Change
Opinion Sea Menace Is
Being Overcome '
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Much
satisfaction is found by officials here
in the unofficial accounts of the de
struction of the' British liner Tus
cania by a German submarine which
showed that a destroyer, presumably
v S
British, gave chase to the raider and
possibly sank, her with a depth
No detlls of the attack had come
tonight from official sources. They
were awaited eagerly. Sorrow over
the first loss of a transport laden
with American troops is tempered by
the growing total of survivors, and
the dominant emotion among army
and navy men now is the desire to
strike back.
Navy officials see no reason to
change their opinion that the suo
marine menace is being overcome.
The Tuscania incident Is regarded
as an isolated case, which may serve
to develop additional methods for
repelling the undersea craft and im
proving the convoy system. No de
tainls of the action will be passed
over when full reports from the
British admiralty are available.
Many devices enter into the battle
against the U-boats, 'some of which
have been evolved by American in
ventors. Others have been gieatly
improved since the United States en
tered the war and the detection of
apparatus now installed on American
craft is so successful that British
craft are being simf arly equipped.
Single Sumrssrine Did Work.
There have . been! Indications that
the U-boats have Learned to fear tbis
abllltv of American craft to locatef
them as a distance and maneuver to
bring the submerged vessel within
range of a depth bomb. JVith a de
stroyer In the vicinity, the under
water fraft moves carefully far belcw
the surface. of the water, depending
on mechanical ears which bring to
her the propeller beats of the sut
face vessel. When a destroyer stops
to "listen, unhampered by the beat
of her own engines, the lurking fee
also stops, to lie silently below until
the destroyer moves on again.
Such details as have come from
Europe indicate tbat the Tupcania
was torpedoed by a single submarine
which slipped under the advance
screen of destropers leading the xm
voy fleet. There is no evidence of
an attack in force, and the U-boat
probably got into the path of the
liner largely by chance. Some u.nes
as many as 40 vessels make up a
convoyed fleet. -N
War department officials would
say nothing today as to the destina
tion of the Tuscania. It was admit
ted that American troops had been
sent forward by British trans-Atlantic
liners on several occasions.
There are reports that the great
White Star liner Olympic, largest of
the British fleet and second only to
the, new American leviathan, form
erly the German Vaterland, has been
employed in that, work.
Concentrated Attack Unlikely.
.There is no indication in the loss
of the Tusania that a concentration
of submarines against .American
troop ship lines has been made. On
the contrary the efforts of the Ger
man high command still appear to bt
directed primarily against the cargo
craft bound for British ports.
As the roll of missing from the Tus
cania dwindled today, expressions of
amazement ; were beard frequently
that , a crowded transport could be
torpedoed with such comparatively
small loss of life. The nearness of
rescue craft, the fact that the vessel
was afloat for two hours after a
torpedo had exploded In her boiler
rooms, and possibly the proximity of
the British coast all were factors In
reducing the loss.
Army officers say It must be re
membered - that the troops aboard
were not seasoned veterans, . nor
even line men soldiers, into .whom
every effort has been made' to in-J
still discipline, whicn would, nave
stood them in good stead in such an
emergency. The fact that most of
them were brought safely to land
accepted as evidence, however, that
there was no panic. Some jumped
overboard, but nearly all "bravely
stood fast to await their fate.
Nary To Strike Back.
These soldiers were woodsmen cf
the forestry battalion, men of the
supply train, of the engineer train.
The most disciplined unit aboard un
doubtedy the military po
lice. The others are men devoted to
hard work behind the lines.
. Around the navy department tncre
was renewed, talk tonight of 'bot
tling np" the submarines. . Many of
ficers believed that; a way can be
found to hold the U-boats within nar
row limits and keep' the rest -of the
"Beas free except, Sot occasional raid
ers which might slip through, lucre
is no doubt that plans to this end
(Continued on page 6 J.
Representative Mason Tells
House Mistakes! Are Admit
ted and Efforts Must be
Pitted Against Kaiser
Bitter Opposition Expressed
to Measure Giving Wilson
New Power
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. A move
toward concentration of Republican
opposition toward the new adminis
tration bill proposing to give the
president blank authority to uorg
anize and coordinate government
agencies, a speech in the hous of
reprsentatives by Representative
Glass of Virginia, denouncing critics
of the government and. temporary
suspension of senate debate, were
today's developments In the contro
versy over war machinery reorgani
. A conference Saturday morning of
Republican senators, the first held
since the United States entered the
war was called late today by Re
publican Leader Gallinger. to con
aider the new bill President Wilson
sent to the senate yesterday. Bitter
opposition to the measure -is ex
pressed openly by Republicans and
privately by several Democratic
leaders. There were 25 signatures
on the call for the Republican con
ference. ; ' "
The Republicans also expect to
consider joint action on the adminis
tration measure to create a war fi
nance corporation, which is -being
; urged by Secretary McAdoo and upon
other administration legislation. .
With the' Overman bill injecting
a new and unexpected element into
the controversy, several senators.
planning addresses on the military
committee's war cabinet and muni
tions director bills, postponed them,
and the senate held but a brief ses
sion without renewal of the debate.
Tomorrow Senator Thomas of Colo
rado, Democrat, expects to beak
against the committee bills.
In the house. Representative Glass
praised the administration's war
record and denied Senator Chamber
lain's declaration that the war le-.
partnent had broken down.. He de
tailed army achievements and de
clared ten times more troops bad
-M A 1 .
Deeii sent 10 x ranee man uau oeen
expected. r
Representative Mason. Republican
of Illinois, who followed Represent
ative Glass, told the house he ad
mired Secretary Baker as a man who
coild admit mistakes, and added:
"For God's sake let's cult fight
ing each other and fight the kaiser."
While waiting for Secretary Baker's
information regarding tonnage avail
able for transportation of troops to
Europe, the senate military commit
tee today resumed its war inquiry,
examining Major General Whceicr.
acting chief of ordnance, and his
aides, behind closed doors regarding
explosive production. Tomorrow the
committee will consider general army
legislation, possibly bringing up the
war cabinet bill. The committee now
is said to be evenly divided on the
bill and Chairman Chamberlain ad
mitted tonight that, when the vote
is taken, because of the administra
tion influence thrown against the
measure, enough votes may be must
ered to prevent its being repotted to
the senate. : :
When Secretary ' Bakef will reap
pear before the committee has not
been decided. Another public hear
ing however. Is probable.
Consideration of the new bill au-
(Continued on page 5)
t . "f" v,' f in , "-"?' o t
South High Street Residents Again to Plead Why They
Should Not Pay No Action by City Until Three Alder
men Make Report at Meeting of Council Penalty May
Be Applied
To hear objections of , property
owners to paying their reassessments
for the Improvement of South High
street, declared just-by the voters of
Salem at a special election last July,
a special committee of the city coun
cil will meet representatives of the
objecting residents of that street at
the city hall this .afternoon at - 2
o'clock. The special , committee is
Alderman G. E. i Unruh. chairman;
Walter Buchner and O. J. Wilson.
Among .those who are objecting to
the 'reassessment are Mrs. W. P,
Ixrd ' and the Montague-O'Reilly
company. One of - the legal repre
sentatives before the committee will
be John McCourt of Portland. ' It is
believed he will represent the Montague-O'Reilly
company. .
Whether Young Soldier Was
Saved Is Not Known by -His
Earl Withycombe in Washing'
ton Hospital- Craig Did
Not Sail
, Curt Willson, son of Mrs. Ada
Willson, who lives on Kansas street,
was aboard the transport Tuscania
which was torpedoed off the coast
of Ireland Wednesday. Whether he
was saved is. not ; known. Willson
Is a brother of Miss Bessie Willson)
a locaj telephone operateor, and a
nephew of W. FJ Proctor who lives
at Seventeenth and ' Kansas streets.
Archie D. Roberta, another' Salem
man", was on the Tuscania, it was
learned: authoritatively last night.
After an exchange of messages
with Washington "several times yes
terday. Governor Withycombe " was
gratified to find that his son. Earl
Withycombe. 'was not aboard the
ship. Young Withycombe .was . a
member of Company D. gixth battal
ion. Twentieth, engineers, but it is
believed ; he nas been transferred.
He is now in a hospital at Washing
ton, D. C-. thuogh not seriously HL
Craig's Plan Changed. .
Charles Wt Craig, son - of F. Si
Craig. South Commercial and Belle-
vue streets, was not aboard the Tus
cania as was reported, though he
missed sailing only by a change or
plan whereby he sailed January 20
Craig is a former, employee or, the
state industrial accident commission
and Is now a corporal In Company
C. Fifth Battalion. Twentieth for
ester engineers. A post card receiv
ed from him yesterday by hl par
ents indicates that this company
boarded ship and left Hoboken. N.
J., about, January 29 for '-France.
The card says: "Am on the water."
It is believed the card was maiiea
from the New Jersey sity shortly
after the transport ' had departed
from there.
Corooral Craig expected" to have
left on January 19, but a change in
plans held the company in camp and
also at the American university
camn near Washington, D. C. until
January 28. Had the company sail
ed as first arranged it prooaDiy
have been on one of the boats com
posing the squadron in which ; the
torpedoed Tuscania was numbered.
TmuIa Man mi Miip.
That Harris Edde of Dallas was on
the Tuscania Is tbe nener or nis
mother. Mrs. Mildred Edde of . that
place. Edde was a member or com
pany F. Twentieth engineers, one of
'the units aboard. Terry Tuttle and
Joseph Hallgarth of Albany, mem
bers of the same company, were on
the ship. Whether the Dallas man
of the two Albany men were saved
is not known. ) ,
Haig Reports Successful .
Raid on German Posts
LONDON, Feb. 7. The official re
port from Field ; Marshal Halgs
headquarters in France "Teads:
"Early this morning our. 'troops
raided a.German post southeast of
Queant, killing or taking prisoner
several of tbe garrison. A hostile
raiding party that attempted to ap
proach our lines west of Labassee
was successfully repulsed. " The en
emy's artillery was active this after
noon in the neighborhoods tot Lever
guier. northwest of St. Quentin and
east of Monchy la Preux."
By a resolution recently passed by
the city council the time for paying
up on reassessments .by the city .ex
pires February 10. ' So far a very
few of the delinquent property hold
ers have paid. .
Chairman Unruh of the special
committee said yesterday that -probably
no action against the -property
holders would be taken, however,
until the committee has reported,
which will doubtless be a week' from
next Monday night. The nature of
the report. Mr. Unruh said, will' de
pend ofi the number of objections
that are made.-. . . " !-':"
The recent resolution, calls for ap
plication of the penalty to all who re
main delinquent. The penalty Is fore
closure oX liens.
Ninety-Seven of Crew and
Passengers Still Are His
sing and Late Cables to
America Indicate Complete
ToU of U-Boat Is 198
No Panic Occurs on Board;
Names of Missing Are Nst
; Available; Disaster Is at
Dusk Tuesday Evening
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Latest of
ficial advices to the war department
tonight accounted for all excent 113
of the 2156 American soldiers who
were on board the British liner Tus
cania when'- a Submarine sent her
down Tuesday , night off the Irish
coast. ,
This figure was not final and high
hopes that the loss of life would
prove much smaller were built up on
cabled reports saying just 101 men,
most of them members of the crew,
were missingrmong the. entire force
I XamesJXot Available. -
No attempt was made tonight to
prepare a list of sthe lost or missing.
Only a few names of survivors had
been received and the. indications
were that it would be impossible to
announce them all before tomorrow
at the earliest. The rescued were
landed at widely separated Irieh and
Scotch ports and, while all , reports
tell of elaborate arrangements for
their care and comfort, argent in
structions to representatives of the
war, state and, navy departments,
that full details of the disaster and
a compete record of the saved bo
sent at the earliest possible moment
tonight had brought but meager
responses. .
According to the war department's
official report tonight tbe , total,
missing from the 2397 persons'
aboard the jiner was 210. The. latest
dispatch gave this capitulation:
Survivors, United States troops.
2w43; crewnd passengers. 141:
total, 2184. , . ...
On board. United States troops,
2156; crew and passengers, 241; '
total, 2297.
113 U. S. Troop Missing.
Missing, United States troops, 113;
crew and passengers, 97; total, 210.
Officials assumed tbat an error In
transmission accounted for the dis
crepancy in this dispatch's figures
on crew and passengers. The total
-number of 'missing among all per
sons on board, 210, accords with a
statement of the British admiralty
issued early in tbe day, so the num
ber of passengers and crew survivors
probably should have been 144 In
stead of 141.
Virtually no story of the sinking
of the Tuscania has reached tbe gov
ernment - through official channels.
Dispatches from the embassy at Lon
don and other sources so far have
been confined to terse statements
and announcements of the number
saved.. . .- . ... . :'
Boys Sing National Airs.
Press accounts conseauentlv Via to
roeen read with more than ordinary
interest by everyone. . Army officers
are proud of the way the troops be
haved, and point to the story of bow
the partially trained boys lined up
3n deck, singing national airs ' to
await their turns in the boats, as evi
dents of what . may be expected of
American soldiers. "
- To this absence of confusion and
the fact; that the vessel remained
afloat for about two hours, in a calm
sea is attributed the small loss of
life. The Tuscania was a part of .a
large convoy and immeiiate relief
was at hand.
- There had been no mention In of
ficial messages tonight of reports
.that a convoying destroyer, sighted
and pursued the submarine tbat
made the attack. The destroyer,
probably was British and British ad
miralty reports on the incident will
be awaited with tjie keenest interest.
On board the liner were engineers,
military police and replacement d
tachments composed of former Mich
igan and Wisconsin national guards
men and three, aero squadrons, one
of ' Which was recruited almost en
tirely in and aronnd New York city.
Members of thefther two squadrons
came, from nearly every section Of
the country. -.::.'' j
(By The Associated Press)
. A story of disaster, afecttng tb-i
hearts and hopes of Americans, al
though they have been schooled to
(Continued on page 6.)