WKATHKR. Rain, cooler southwest por tion; southerly winds interior. .. 0 hlATY-HKVKTII YKAH NO. ii7t DAILY EDITIOII DEBATE OVER WAR CABINET TO CONTINUE Senator Wadf worth Criticises ' Lack of System; Speeches . For and Against Measure Are Prepared " EFFORTS TO CURTAIL AGITATION HOPELESS Baker to Appear Before Com mittee Today for Further Disclosures . WASHINGTON, Feb. e. -Development today promised indefinite ex tension of the controversy In th-? senate over American war efficiency and the military committee's bill for a war Cabinet and munitions direc tor. - , ; , . Senator Wads worth, a republican committee member, delivered a pre pared speech in behalf of the pro posed legislation criticising what he described as utter lack of system and comprehensive planning in the gov ernment's war activities. ; There were no replies today by administra tion spokesman,, bat several expect to apeak tomorrow, in unite of ef forts . to curtail, the agitation, so i 11 " ' ' . . .1 - ,,,,, 1 ; . , : j (Continued on page 2) ' I (Continued on page SV , I. ' II New Spring Silks Several Large Shipments Just Opened While the lines are by no means complete, WE ALREADY HAVE A SPLENDID SHOWING 07 BOTH STAPLES AND FANCIES i ' j Silks Are Scarce and there will be a scramble to get first choice from every new arrival this season. j , 7 -When compared with former prices SILKS ARE THE CHEAPEST FABRICS ON THE MARKET TODAY. THEY HAVE "ADVANCED LESS IN PRICE THAN EITHER COTTON OR WOOLEN TEXTILES. We are showing a wonderful array of plaids and stripes in many shades and many weaves. They will be1 freely used for Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Waists and to be made up in combi nation with other fabrics, y I , NEW CHIFFON TAFFETAS J Plain and Fancies. SILK SERGES in plaids and stripes. Three grades of CREPE DE CHINE in most all wanted shades. ' ! s New wash satins in ivory and flesh colors. j , HEAVY, GOTHAM CREPE especially for tailored waists and Suits in handsome Spring shades. CHANGEABLE CHIFFON TAFFETAS Splendid qualities in BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETAS. Many plain shades in MESSALINES. Wonderful values in REAL IMPORTED SHANTUNG PON GEES, also colored Pongee in plain shades.. Our profits are all figured on the spot cash plan .which in sures unmatchable values. I Onr Store Closes at 5:30 Every . Evening Except Saturday at 8 Oclock CONTROL TAKEN OF FISHING ON PACIFIC COAST Food Administrators in Ses ' sion at Portland Decide on Action SPECULATION IS RAPPED New Canneries to Be Disoour j agedBakers Given For mer Bread Price t PORTLAND, Feb. 6. Complete control of the fishing; and canning industry on the faclfic coast was as sumed by the food administrators of Oiegon, Washington, California, Ida ho and Alaska, at a conference here today and a ruling was made, that bakers may j-eturn to the former wholesale price for bread. This lat ter action 4oes not indicate necessar ily thar the retail prices will be In creased. , j The control of the fishing and can nery industry was taken following conferences with salmon packers and fishermen in the northwest and ap plications from 26 to operate can neries were considered. The govern ment will discourage establishing new canneries for purely speculative purposes. i Frank M. Warren of oPrtland, has been appointed Pacific coast repre- ..... 1 -. " - V ; 11 GERMANS ABE GUILTY IS VERDICT Franz von Rintelen and Asso ciates Given Maximum Pen alty for Conspiracy to De stroy Allied Ships DANGEROUS ALIENS ARE AMONG NUMBER Penalties to Take Effect When Terms of Former Punish ment Expire NEW YORK. Feb. 5. Franz Von Rintelen, German naval officer, and a , reputed member of the German war staff.. was found guilty with ten other defendants In federal court here today of conspiracy to destroy food and monitions ships of the en tente allies by placing "fire bombs' in their cargoes. Judge Howe im mediately imposed the maximum penalty of eighteen months' impris onment in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta and. a fine of $2(H)0-?on each of the prisoners. "Pleas of lack of proof, sickness, recent marriage and ignorance of the laws of this country." Judge Howe said, "will not influence this court In imposing sentence. These men have been found guilty, by an impar tial jury of American citizens and the crime calls for the severest pen alty. I regret that it is not more severe1 ; ; Other Are Arrested. Instances . where the defendants are now servins sentences under previis convictions, the present penalty will take effect when the term of the first punishment r plres. This applies to Von Rintelen, who was convicted last . spring of conspiracy to cause strikes in muni-, tions plants and was ' sentenced to two years and six months in the At lanta federal prison. , ' 'Others convicted today were Cap tain Otto-- Wolyert, former superin tendent of the Atlas Line pier, which was operated by ie Hamburg-American' Steamship company. He was arrested two days after the declar ation of war between the United States and Germany nopn suspicion of being a dangerous alien enemy. Karl Von Kleist, formerly a sea captain and an American citizen, was a partner of Dr. Walter P. Scheele in the latter's chemical plant In Ho boken. N. J. Dr. Scheele and Von Kleist are said to have aided In put ting combustibles Into fire bombs. Prevfcms itentevieer Served. Ernest Becker, an electrician of the North German Lloyd liner JFried rich der Crosse, )w ho was accused of having made the bombs and carried them to the pier of the- A(las line. He has served six months on a pre vails conviction. Frederick- Wilhelra Karbade, Wil- . n - T" J t assistant engineers on the Friedrich der Crosse, who i helped in making the bombs, it was elarged and hare served terms of six months each on previous convictions In other bomb plots. ; Eugene Reister, assistant manager of the Labor Lyceum in Brooklyn, who was accused of having been a "go-between" for Karl Schtmmel. He is a-naturallzed citizen ' Walter Uhde,.a German, and Bon ford Boniface and Joseph Zef fert, American citizens, who were accused of being messengers and handy men for the arch conspirators. ' Indicted at the same time but not found by the government officers were Captain Knno Bode, Dr. Karl Schimmel, Dr. Walter P. Scheele and Captain Gustav Steinberg. , Another defendant. Karl Schmidt, was declared not guilty by the Jury on "Friday by order of the court, when it was found that there was not sufficient evidence to convict him. V - Kuehlmcmn Betrothed to OAe of Germany $ Richest ! LONDON. Feb. 5. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Am sterdam says Dr. von Kneblmann, the German secretary of foreign af fairs, is betrothed to Frau von Frk-d- laenderfuld, who, arter Frau uerina Krupp von Bohlen und Halbacn, Is reported to be the richest woman in Germany. ? i Fran Frledlaenderfuld is the di vorced wife of he Hon. John Mit ford, son of the lated Lord Redesdale. Tarter Forces Occupy Yalta; Red Guards Hit PETROGRAD. Feb. 2. Tartar forces have occupied Yalta, in the government of aurida and are ad vancing on Sebastopol, Russia'.! chief fortress an naval base on the Black sea, according to a dispatch received by the Petrograd Evening Pout from SebastopoL The 'dispatch adds that the Tar tars are dealing mercilessly with Ted guards, sailors nd soldiers. BOLO STARTLED BY APPEARANCE OF ACCOUNT Evidence of Money From New York Company Appears in High Court SMILE GOES FROM FACE Statements of Frenchman Charged With Treason Branded as "Lies" PARIS, Feb. 5. Bolo Pasha, wno is on trial before the high court on a charge' of treason, lost something of his customary nerve at the close of today's session, when the govern ment's first witness, an expert ac countant, M. Doyenj after solemnly turning to the prisoner with the dec laration: "All of Bolo's statements are lies, he never received the com missions he alleges as the basis of his fortnne," hnded to the ceurf re ceipts, cheques and other rocuments showing that Bolo had received half a million dollars each from' the Guar any Trust company of New York, agent of the Deutsche bank before the war, and the Royal Bank of Can ada. 1 . Bolo's face lost the half smirk, half sneer which- it had worn all day at. the sensational close of M. Dayen's testimony and for the first time since the opening of his trial he waived the opportunity to Inter rogate.' ' - Accountant Glve- Testimony. - M. Doyen occupied the stand for nearly two hours7 detailing slowly and methodically his examination of Bolo's affairs. Tils testimony wai often technical and many who had Jammed their way into the building had left when the witness reached the climax. During the early portion of the trial Bolo maintained the attitude which he assumed yesterday, his jov iality bringing repeated laughs that had to be checked as he sparred with the prosecutor and chief Judge dur ing his examination. He" was "Jaunty as ever, striking attitudes in .the' dock, gesticulating gracefully, talking with lightning like rapidity, seemingly never at a loss for an answer to the questions rained on him by the prosecutor and court alike. Iwas only when M. Doyen began his testimony that Bolo slumped down in his seat and strove tp look unconcerned, listened to the accusation hurled at him. He pre sented a strong contrast at first to his cctrisonfer, his form en secre tary, who in a pitiful, shaking vol--, with hand upraised, had sworn he was Innocent. Specimen Letter Surprise? In the latter half of the session, howejrer. Porchere .seemed -cooler than Bdlo. It was especially true. when M, Doyen read a -specimen let ter from a collection of photograph ic reproductions of cheques and oth er papers, which had been sent here by the attorney general of New York. This letter was addressed to the Am. iD- ban' You will receive- sums for my ac count, the amount of which Paven stedt (former head of his bank) knows." z. Other exhibits were checks show ing the payment by the Guaranty Trust company to the Amsinck bank for $500,000 paid "for the account and by order of the Deutsche bank" and checks to the order of the Royal Bank of Canada and as correspond ent from that institution for $500, 000. EX-GRAND DUKE . IS DEAD AT 68 Nicholas Banished Years Ago for Love Affair With ' U. S. Actress PETROGRAD. Saturday, Feb. 2. Former Grand Duke Nicholas Con- stantlnovltch, nephew of Emperor Nicholas I,' and son of the late Grand Duchess of Alexandra Joseph fowana. Js dead at the age of C8 at Tasa- kend. Russian Turkestan. Nicholas was banished to Tashkend years ago by the. Romanoff family because of a love affair with an American ac tress. Grand Duke Nicholas Constantln ovltch fell intp disgrace : more than 40 years a?o, 1 when ho became so infatuated with an American woman then In Europe that he stole hlj mothers 'Jewels and also precious stones from the imperial chapel. Later the jewels and a large number of family papers which the grand duke also had given the woman were recovered and she was expelled from Russia. It was only through strong representations made by the Ameri can representative in Petrograd that the woman was not exiled to Siberia. When Nicholas was banished he lost all his military and other hon ors, but Emperor Nicholas In later years permitted him to retain bis rank as a knight of the order of St. Andrew. , CHURCH IS IN CLASH WITH BOLSHEVIK Property Seizure Followed by Monks' Attack on Red Guard; Petrograd Demon stration Is Promised MONASTERY SEIZED; PATRIARCH IN DESPAIR Priests Urge People to Fight for Possession of Holy Images ' PETROGRAD, Feb. 5. The soviet issued a decree today signed by Ni kolai Lenlne and other members of the de facto government, absolutely separating the church and the state, eliminating church Income from the state and confiscating all church realty, furnishings and parapher nalia. The decree stipulates that re ligious societies may continue to use the property exclusively for religious services, although the title Is vested in the state. Religious freedom is guaranteed so Ion as. religious' societies do not Interfere with social order, limit the rights of Individuals or hinder the republic. No 'religious scruples are to exempt persons from their duties as citizens. The relieious oath is canceled and replaced by promise. 'State to Own lroerty. Marriage ceremonies and birth registrations are to be performed by the civil authorites. Religious teachinjc is abolished in state schools and In private schools with a similar curriculum. I y No state assistance will be given Lto ' any church society or religious agent, .no religious sotety will be permitted to own any property, but will merely be permitted to borrow It from the state for church services. An official statement Issued by the-department of public welfare concerning a clash over the seizure of the .Vexander Nevsky monastery says the monks offered forcible re sistance and incited a mob to Vio lence by ringing all the bells Of the monastery and summoning the par ishioners. The statement ad(fs that monks at tacked a red guard with a club and that the soldiers were forced to shoos in self-defense. ''.Orthodox Church Protests. ' Small parades of prayerful mem bers of the Orthodox church were held ;today In protest against the seizure by the Bolsbevikl of church property. The largest parade center ed at the Kazan cathedral plaza. In this group, which was typical of all Others, bare-headed prelates, in full regalia arid flowing robes, marched along the Nevsky prospect carrying crosses and sacred images, with lay men following them, tiiantingy None of the paraders was molested. The authorities of the Smolny institute had scattered through the streets proclamations declaring they had no intention of disturbing any religious parade, but previous rumors to the effect that the demonstrations would be dispersed by force evidently cur tailed their size. .' In the Orthodox churches some of the priests laid strong emphasis on the assertion that they did not ob ject to the surrendering of church treasures to save Russia from a for eign enemy, but urged to people to fight to the last rather, than surren der the holy Images to the custody of Jews, many of whom, they de clared, were holding Important posts In the Smolny government. Protests in this respect assumed an anti-Se mitic character.- - Seizure Causes Clash. ' PETROGRAD, Saturday. Feb. 2. Because of the seizure of the Alex ander Nevsky monastery In Petro grad by the Bolshevik! and other at tacks on church property elsewhere taken in conjunction with other circumstances attending the latest . revolution, the Most Rev. Dr. Tlknon, patriarch of all Russia, an metro politan of Mscow, Issued today at Moscow an anathema threatening all the participants with excommunica tion and calling on the faithful to defend the sacredness of the church. In connection with the. seizure of Alexander Nevsky monastery, which occurred yesterday by order of Mmo. Kolontay, minister, of social welfare, theie was a riot and a sharp strug gle, in which the monks fought the red gards. "One monk, named Stipe trev, who .was wounded, died today. The church authorities are ar ranging a' great demonstration In the Petrograd tstreets which the bol sbevikl leaders are seeking to pre vent on the grounds that It mlfbt bring a clash. The church author ities, however, apparently, aro de termined to carry out their plan. The clash of the churclj with the Bolsbevikl government Is approach ing a most acute stage. The patri arch, whose anathema is counched In the strongest language, als has demanded from the military commis sion at Mohller the releare of Arch bishop Gommel and other prelates and an explanation of their arrejt. (Continued on page 2) JUDGE BUSHEY IS CANDIDATE FOR 3RD TERM Petition of Citizens of County Cause Him to Run, He Explains - THREE ASPIRANTS OUT Official Point to Past Record as Recommendation to Voters County Judge V. M nushey will be a candidate for re-election. Judge Bushey authorized this an nouncement yesterdajr as a result he oa Id of pressure that Is being brbught to bear upon him daily by citizens of Marlon county. It was Judge, BuBbey's intention about the frst of the year not to become a candidate for a third term, but he explains that the petitions of his friends have caused him to decide to enter the race. ' - ' "My acquaintances from different parts of the county are coming to see me every day and asking me to be a candidate," 'said Judge Bushey. "While; I have not seen any written petitions yet. I am reliably: Informed that petitions being circulated for me already contain the names of more than 2000 voters of Marion county. Judge Bushey's decision to enter the. race puts at the present .time three men before the people ' who have made definite announcement of their candidacy, j The other two are L. J. Adams of Silverton and F, T. Wrightman of Salem. W. H. Gouley has decided to run for, re-election as county commissioner and not seek the judgeship as he had-contem plated. Nothing definite has come from Ben Robertson relative to Jiia reported aspirations for the office. January 1. 1919. will complete Judge Bushey's second term as Marl on county judge.. lie was first elect ed in 1908 to succeed Judge John II. Scott, and was re-elected in 1912. the second term being. for a period of six years under a eonsMtuti6nal amendment passed by the people In 1910, making a six-year term for all judges in Oregon.- ". ' , - . - - ' . ! . "If I am re-elected." said Judge Bushey In making his announcement. "J will give the same : attention and care to the work of the office that I have in the past. My administration win' be as economical as is consistent with'good county gorernment. If the war Is . still In progress during any part of my term I shall use the in fluence of my position, to see that Marion county does Jts share in co operating with other forces of the nation in the successful prosecution of the war.". ' Series of Conferences Take Place in Berlin . LONDON, Feb. 5 According to wireless press dispatch- from Berne a series of conferences took place at Berlin yesterday. The . German em peror and crown prince received sep arately Vaseil Radoslavoff4, the Bul garian premier; Count Czernln, the Aqstro-Hnngarian foreign minister, and Talaat Pasha, the Turkish grand vizier, after which the emperor pre sided at a crown council. Various conferences continued throughout the day. The Austrian food controller Ilerr Iloefer, has arrived at Berlin to make urgent representations to Ger many regarding the necessity of helping Austria fn her food diffi culties. Umpqua Jetty Is Urged by U.S. War Department " ' .i - WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-r-Construc-tlon of a Jetty at the bar and en trance of the Umpqua river. Or., to cost $553,000, half of which would be paid by the government, was rec ommended .to congress today by tht war department. Bomb Thrown at Imperial Palace in City of Berlin ONDON, Feb. 6 A bomb was thrown at the imperial palace in Berlin by striwers Saturday evening, according to Berlin advices received by the Times by way of Berne. Twenty-five persons were arrested.- Mrs: G. W. GUI Run Over and Injured by Automobile Mrs. Cl. W. Gill, an elderly wom an who lives at 128 South Cottage street, was r severely Injured wjjen run over by an automobile at Court and Church street about 8:30 o'clock last nlgbV The automobile was driv en by a daughter of Rev. G. F. Holt, pastor of the Bap'st chnrch. Dr. Holt did all possUie last night for the comfort of Mrs. Gill. ; , Mrs. Gill, in an unconscious state, was removed to the Salem hospital, where It was found she had a broken arm and was otherwise : badly bruised. . She had not reralned con sciousness at a late hour last night. NEW LIFE IS TAKEN 0TI BY ' ALL: FRONTS Teutons Begm Inauguration of "Surprise" Attack 7htn Americans Open Fire zzi Shell Positions HEAVY CASUALTIES INFLICTED BY 755 Fighting in Air Active; AIH: Bring Down Thirteen Planes Again , (By Tht Attociatei Pre) Fronr the North Sea to the Swiss frontier the military activity dally seems to be growing in intensity, and it may be fair to assume that In the not distant future some of the blir battles that have been forecast will break. The American. British aol French armies having been taking whacks at the German line, either by fairly strong patrol attacks or toy bombardments, while, in turn, the Teutons have been giving consider able attention on various sectors to their enemies. From the American viewpoint an other successful maneuver by the Americans on their sector of the front is of the greatest Interest. A, on last Saturday, the 'Americans again have nipped. In the bud an im pending surprise attack on their trenches and taught the Germans a salutary lesson with their artillery. In the German trenches the Teu tons Were awaiting the word to go over the top for an attack, when the Americans opened a heavy fire en the positions. American Inflict Casual tie. Heavy casualties are believed to have been Inflicted on the Teutons and considerable damage was done by the 7B on the German trench- due to the accuracy of aim of the American ennnerS. The . Germans have not yet been able to .reoccupy the trenches an i dugouts 'battered by the American fire Saturday evening and have be' n have been forced to build an other line of trenches at that partic ular .point. Next in importance to the opera tions "on , the American front have been attacks by the Germans against the French in the Alsne region an 1 north of Verdun near Beaumont. The French war office asserts that the attacks north of the Alsne wer repulsed, but the German war of fit says that south of Beaucourt, TBadn storming troops pushed far into th French front. Inflicting heavy casual ties and returned to their .own lines with prisoners. ; V The British have carried out suc cessful raids against the Teutoar i southwest of Armentleres and In th vicinity of the Ypres-Staderii railway, where many of the enemy were killed and others captured. j French flag Thirteen Ilanes. Intensive air fighting basj been ro ta on between the French and the Germans in France and between thn Italian and British airmen and the Germans In the Italian theater. Sun- day thirteen enemy planes wprn downed by ,the-French far Inside tho German lines while an equal num ber were shot down by British and Italian airmen. In Germany, according to the latest - advices, "the strike ; situation has about died out. although discon tent is said still to exist. This feel ing has extended even to the German troops in Flanders, who are assert r.I to have incited Belgian workmen to strike. Seeming evidence that the peace negotiations at Brest-Li to vsk aro ended for. the moment or that they are proceeding without the attend ance of some of the chky delegate of the Teutonic allies. Is the fact thrt conferences took place in Berlin Monday between the German em peror and crown prince and the Bul garian premier; Count Czernln, the Anstro-Hungarlan foreign minister, and the Turkish grand vizier. Thst knotty Questions were to be solvfd was also Indicated by the fact that after the conferences the emperor presided over a crown council. ' Turko-Tartar forces In southern Russia are now in operation again.' t the Bolsbevikl. They have capture! the town of Yalta. In the Crimea; anl now are fighting with red guard, soldiers and sailors in an endeavor to take Sebastopol, Russia's big na val base on the Black Sea. Mrs. Brooks Ashed to Run for Another Terr.: That Mrs. Mildred Robertson Brooks will be a randfdate for re election to the office of county re corder is eon stdered a certainty. Mrs. Brooks: has given general satis faction since she has been in the of fice and is being petitioned to seek the office sraln. Mrs. Brooks says she Is not ready to make a statement but it is believed she will be a candi date. ' No opposition . has . yet ap peared, vj ! ' L ' . - i