:'-Y , i'- v ........ . . I . t THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, FEBRATJRY 8, 1018 GJ as- i ! B e ci HDiroct r y The W ants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them fl V :... " Buy. Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS HEX'S CLOTHING, SHOES, BICY CLES, TOOLS, ETC CAPITAL EXCHANGE phone 498 27 Court St. NORWICH UNION FHIE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Hnrghardt, Jr., Resident Agent 883 Stat St. Money to Loan - N IMPROVED FARM AND CITY - PROPKRTt AT LOWEST RATES TH0S.K. FOBDsSStSSSSS. rnVfT TO LOAN 1 HAVE MADB ; arrangements for loaning; 'eastern U money: will make Tory low rate of '- Interest on nigaiy unprgfco itrmi. Homer H. Smith, Boom 6. McCormack Ttldg- Salem. Or. Phone 06. ff.ASSTSTgP ADTKBTlSICmjrrS Rate Per WN ririt Insertion .............. le Subsequent Insertions ....... e One week (six Insertions) ... 8c One month .................. to Six months contract per mo. to IS months contract, per mo... 7c No account opened for less than XSo- A neat card riven free with an advertisement to the extent of KOo announcing For Sale. Tor Rent. "Rooms or Board." HEW TODAY ment will be ran under "New otherwise ordered by the adver- 'ubseqaent Insertion of the ad will appear under ite proper class ification. ' Wo advertlsment will be run under "New Today for more than se Issue under any circumstances TO TODAY ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home. All modern conveniences. Prices reasonable. Phone 1671-W. strike NOW ON-DUE TO STRIKE J . conditions. In Camas. Wathinrton, Y the Crown Willamette Paper com pany can orrer steady employment to the right men. An opporunity to learn -the business. Camas is 23 miles from Portland, good transpor tation facilities by water, rail or ' . auto stage. In a town of 2500 people : Good schools, amusements end live churches. A place for a real home. ' The company Is Interested in getting ' men and families into the commun ity. Pay good. Have an interview with H. B. McAfee. 141 North High street. Daily 2 to 4. Phone 474. - WANTED FARMERS TELEPHONS. Phone 104 or address "H 82" care ( Stateman. WANTED TEAM OF MARES 1200 TO '1100 lbs, also-wagon and harness. . Must be cheep foreaahv Phone 804 or address "II 22" care Statesman. TELEPHONE ' OPERATORS WANTED Young women; salary paid while learning. Apply chief operator. Pa cific Telephone company. . : ' STILL. GROWING THE FOLLOWING extract is taken from a letter Just received from W. C Hagerty Secre tary of the Oregon Fire Relief As- sociation of McMInnville; "The month Jat closed indicates that this will be - the- greatest years that we have ever had. , Our Oregon buai neas for January 1918 was 15 per cent better than for the correspond ing month in 19177" This Is a remarkable showing when you stop to consider that the year 1917 -was . a banner year ff-r our company. We specialise on Home insurance. Is your home In ', sured? For full particulars as to ; our plan and terms, see H. A. John. , son, A Co, Agents. Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Phono 647. - CALVES FOR SALE. PICKNET Brokers Dairy. . i MONEY TO LOAN: IN LARGE AND mail amounts over first class real estate security. W. A. Liston. FOR SALE CHEAP TWO ACRES with five room house. Fruit trees. : Woodshed. Outstlde store room. Close In. Route 7. Box It. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework..- Phone 154. FOR SALE RANGE. BREAKFAST i"ie, aiatng table, rocking chair, - crib, lawn-mower, linoleum, lounge. : -... o"e 1872-M. CaU at IDS North Fourth street."- - WILL SELL MODERN CONFECTION- cry ana candy kitchen at a bargain. w fixtures. O. O. Grant. Dallas. Sealed bid for the furnishing of 709 cords of wood to school district number 2 4Y Marlon county. Oregon, ill be received by the undersigned P to 7:20 o'clock p. m February 25th, ltis. a certified check for 10 Per cent of the amount of the bid port accompany game, the right be ing reserved by this board to reject "r and all bids. Specification for ue delivery of the wood mar he had ft the office of the clerk, number U State street. Salem. Or. Bids to be opened at the regular meeting othe board at 7:80 o'clock p. m. Jcbrnary 25th, 1918. School District Number 24, Marlon County. Or. W. H. Burghardt, Jr., Clerk. ; iSfOTfCK. - Sealed proposals will be received t the office of the secretary of the U fair board, 210 State House, Mlera. Or., up to 3 o'clock p. ra braary 20, 19ig. for the erection ?i the first two units of the stadium paiWing to be built on the state fair pounds, according to the plans and Pec!nCmtlons which may be obtained the office of Lowls I. Thompson, tellr Iiulidlng, 91 North Tenth "feet. Portland, Or. A deposit of V . 1 be fiolred upon delivery of " plans and specifications. oard of state Fair Directors. By A. II. Lea. - Ucretry-M anager. EMPLOYMENT - TKSAliB OU GKNKH A tT H O L'S E nl4 once, Steady work. Phnw -HH.f Jca Should Worry Let the j Chiiificd Adi Work for Yoo " MAtB - ' WNXEE A TEAMSTER FOR 8TEADI work. Scott 404 Hubbard Bldg. WilN.TFDr-A -SALESMAN AND COL- vuuni aUeet. M,icnl company. -bv iur uariAti i.mtM.v . . Hi II K K m 237 Slate wfolEDrBG.Hi-j.q. .man ' - uiu w learn Printing Uade, day work. Apply Statesman Job. Dept. upstairs. J STRIKE STILL ON IN PAPER MILLS We hav no trouble and state . h.Y cn,u,Ke and under control. All inside positions are filled today 20 to 25 men yet on outside work on construction and in yard, if , ou are of average ability you can secure a start with good chances of advancement, for men for inside work will be recruited from outstde f1". w for nine hourc and raincoats supplied in wet weath er. West Linn is Just across the river from Oregon .City, forty rain Vi". tre- r ride from Portland. 20c fare. Board and room available In XtSOI1. if lo ' week. Write Crown W illamette Paper company or vvr mi. xiiii)io men l oil ice, Wfl'. linn n ..." !. ww hi jv. v.ui in is aaver tlse-ment oat end bring with yon. WISCELLAHEOUS WANTED NAM LS MEN7VOM EX7it or over. Wishins- ooaitiona rni.rn. ment clerks at Washington, $100 month. 7 hour day. Pleasant work. answer immediately "H 51" this or 1 ice. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAR, registered. Rulifson H mile North voumT rtrm, i'none ? ; FOR SALE ONE PAIR t TEAR OLD mares, weight 2400 lbs, one 3 year . oia mare weignt lijs lbs, one black . horse ten years old, weight 1150 lbs. Price $75; one team of gejldlngs and . harness eleven and twelvd years old. price S125: ona roan mar nn a ui.nl - horse weighing 2100 pounds, price aivv; one pair mules weight 2200 lbs. price ii so. call at 2015 North Com merleal street. MlSCELI,A?rEOTJsr FOR SALE EARLY CABBAGE SEED . c per ounce, uox 7 .baiem. DRY WOOD, AND SEED WHEAT. AND -inree men wagon for sale. John a. Bcott. i Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE EXTRA GOOD SECOND crop baled clover hay S21 at Darn. rnone ziiriz. wm, ie vries. MARK TWAIN BOOKS. COMPLETE set of IS volumes, never unboxed, cost $2. Will sell at a discount Inquire Statesman business office. FOR SALE HEATER. KITCHEN i cabinet, brass trimmed bed. spring ( o uiiiucH. , r . f. x arring iton. 440 South , Slat street. . $200 CASH WILL BUT GOOD ROAD ster in good running order, worth $200. Owner going to enlist. Phone IF TOO, WANT TO GET THE BEST rarm paper, send lOe to the Pad fie i Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial suoartpuon. atenuon Lots ad. SMALL POTATOES SUITABLE FOR i feed fifty cents per sack at war. i house. 4 Phone . 717 or J2. Mangis FOR SALE AT CHERRT CITT SEED barn. 1 black, gelding, weight about 1 1450. 4 years old; one all around horse,' weight 1160; 7 sacks of cheat - seed. ... . CAPTIVlTr OF THE OATMAN GIRLS Th ia true story of western immV- .gration has been carefully revised, msklng a handsome little book. It tells in graph le terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the caotivitv of Mary and Olive. . Mary died of starvation ana uiive was purcnasea from the Indians five years later, The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. 8a- i m. c ir.rmi poultry"" R. I. RED COCKERELS. A FEW 'Choice farm raised birds for 1 2 each i or will trade for others of rquoJ i value, mono ssirzs. IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem, Oregon, for a trial nhacrtptlon. Mention tnla ad. REAL E STATS. A GOOD BUT 26x8ft FEET ON EAST side Commercial- street, one ooor north of State street, Salem, togeth er with perpetual right of way over the 14x60 feet tract extending' from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Boxorth. 7tl-2 Spauldlng BM. Portland. Oreeon. WOOD. FOR SALE SECOND GROWTH FIR. Ihone 1217. - ' - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOTtRENT NICELY FURNISH EDi room apartment, close in, on first floor. 1047 South Commercial street phone S82-J. VOU RENT TEN ACRES FOUR .blocks from car line good house and - barn 4 In bearing fruit trees. Phone ,14L Salem. FOR RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED mile west of Wapato station. Tamblll county. IS acres hops, 7tt bearing fruit trees, 22 acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H. Egaa. Ocevala. rnvtm 2. thni tPll. "IJoci-cs GOOD FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT close in. Phone 1S49-M or call at 60S Commercial street. SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street with garage. $12.60 per month. E. A. Rboten. phone 1141-J. FOR RENT LARGE DWELLING, -corner Winter and Ferry. Barn, fruit, and garden. Ivan O. Martin, Masonic Temple. FOR RENT 86; PARTIY MODERN five-room cottage. 1062 Saginsw. In good order. Call at 1042 Saginaw, or Statesman business office. Phone 22. . - U FOR RENT THE FOLIOWING I $10 Five-room modern cottage at 1IS7 South Church street, s 4s ts -llavMm mrulsiiil nAllta All i , m asV WV? J a sssv-is se esvwww - paved street at 1928 South High S t Call at Statesman buslnsss office ' . .... or pnone . FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one block from paved street, , In South Salem. $16 per month. E. A i Rhetea $49 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE i two lots, fine garde Sand. barn. ? chicken park. cornev tvorth Com mericai and Oaines. $10 per month. ' Phone 5170-W. Get 7iie--Tt7 a Qaseified Ad ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN private home, near In. 412 Masonic Temple. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman. - GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER . heat, modern conveniences, also in side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable, S66 North Commercial. LOST and FOUND LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN- POLAND China sow weight about 100. Curley, and chubby. Phone 4F4. FOritD FOUND KEY ON RING AT ARMORY. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. MISCELLANEOUS BlTglXESS OPPORTUNITIES ECLUSIVB AGENCY FOR MARION county will be given free to the first live wire who will put up a small amount of cash to start him in the best profit, paying business in the state. Address Frank A. Hagei. 411 Hawthorne Ave, Portland, Oregon.; SHIPBUILDING COMPANY NOW OR ganizing. Wants few more parties wun money. ADunaani lumber avail able not in conflict with preaent source of supply to yards, hence pref erence in securing contracts. Partic ulars. 702 Spauldlng Bldg, Portland. reron. - MOICET TO" LOAN. PRIVATE MONEY TE?? THOSAMt dollars to loan on farm property. 744 North Commercial street, Salem. HAVE CLIENT WITH $6500 TO LOAN, on good farm' security at S per cent. If taken at once. Will divide into small sums. Scott 404 II uo bard Bldg. s WMtfED 1 MISCELLANEOUS HAVING SOLD MY AUTOMOBILE business must have all accounts set teled by 'Feb. 6. Dwlght Misner. WANTED BY FEBRUARY 10T1I HOD ern furnished bunsralow or apart ments. - A couple with one child. phone 1521-J. Feb. J. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rage. Pressroom. States- AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St, phone 421. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND vuifanistng. zit Norm commercial street. Phone 60. HILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Silverton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanizing and auto supplies. . 291 North CommercisL Phone 787. . BRACK ETT GRAY TUBES . VUL canised. 26c Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 27t North Commercial. . WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 2(2. 124 South Commercial street. AUTO SERVICE SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day, t8; nient. ssv. --.. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. I UTTER. DENTIST, ROOMS iiiMti duk os vommorce xaiog. Phone 06. ED CCATfONAL" THE COMING, OCCUPATION SHIP daftlng; new course now ready. In ternational Correspondence . School. Scran ton. pa. Local representative L. Macken, 770 soutn commercial pnone 7. - MUSIC TE A CHE R- R. HARR. TEACHER OF FLf NO. Phone 188S. i : LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA- Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 624S. meets every Thursday evening at S o clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets, R. F. Day, V. Cl J. A. Wright, clrek. BROTHERHOOD Of TOEMAN MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAT EVEN Ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at S o'clock. All visiting members wel . come. Hertem fykes. Foreman. W. M. I'rntik, Correspondent. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVER T BAGGAGE AND" PARCELS DELIVER ed any piece, city or country. Phone S4 nr nl-Tt. W. W Vm rr "BARBERSIIOP- BEFORE THE DANCE GET YOITR self in fine shape at In grey's Barber Shop, 211 State; street. 'CHI ltd PR ACTIO CHIROPRACTIC f ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, $06-6-7 Hubbard Bldg, phone 627. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D C GRADUATE OF P. 8. C. Chiropractics fountain bead, Davenport. . Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 404.7-8, U. S. N. Bsnk Building. Phone 87. Residence 828-R. CTIlNESPTPTIYSiCTAN. DR. Lv M, HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 152 W. High fit, l-hone 22, EirEiRnrvtxTyRft TIi-icTltfcnPlxturiln strppCif Co. House wiring end motor repair work, eleetrlct fixtures and supplies. Prompt service, 226 North Liberty street. Phone 28. V.. K. Denlaon. "DRAYiAWD EXPRESS' CAPITAL C I TYT RA NS FK R COMPANY Phone 922. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we ' have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer cial street.- Get Wiie-Try a Classilied Ad DRT CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe. Prop, 424 N. Commer cial 8t Ladles' . and geaUemea's suits cleaned and pressed. $1 and $1.60. Work celled for and delivered free. Tel. Main 662. "JCNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price ior Juan v .tci udb. ue us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Dar Hones Capital Junk Co, 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone 828. j. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for junk and a Idea, The People's Junk and Secondhand Store. 271 No. Commercial. Phone 724. HAIR REMOVED "TI.R1N WHITE HAS PROVEN STJC. cessfuL Applied here or sold for home use. sanitary Beauty Parlor a, 228 Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 6e per pound. 128 South Lib erty St- Phone 26. . HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing dene at a rate every body can afford. For only sixty-five cents we win collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty- four hours, rnone 1471. OSTEOPATHY DR WHITE A WALTON. OSTEO pathle physicians and surgeons. Graduates of the American School of Osteooathr. Kirkaville. Mo. Post graduate- and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute ana enrenic diseases. Offices 605-8-7-8. U. B. Nafl Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence. 1620 court Bt. fnone zzia. DR. W. I MERCER, GRADUATE American school osteopathy. Kirks ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease.. Office 404-406 U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone fit. Rest dence 419 North Summer. Phone 814. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASUS. Graduates American School Osteopa thy. Klrksville. Mo. Sixteen years experience. neiiaenc orrice sf Bouth Commercial street. Post Grad uate work, Los Angeles College. Dra. li. v. Bowers Alice c Bowers, NURSERIES. FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at Higa and Ferry. ' Call and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing' straw berry plants. PfXN'O TfJNlNO G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing ana regulating. All work guaranteed. 1646 Hail street or care of Sherman Clay A uv, jourt street, pnoee sifti-j. SECOND HAND UOOD1 WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, eoiiar pads, tools. cnaina. jrrea ncninaier. center utreet. TRANSFEk MAUUN2 AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. . ' Household moving Jobs done .prompt ly. Try me once. Tim me. 476 State St- Phone 862. Residence phone 1122-J. - UNDERTAKERS VRRR A- CTI jTiX TO H "L R WEBB. A IX. Clough. funeral directors. Latest - modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street, WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot National Jt American Fence, , all etaeev S In. e S la. high. Paints. Oil and Varmls-w Steves RehalM and Repaired -Leganeerry a ad Hep Heeka. ar-aa A e-t U'arka. - sa tnmmm a. . M. . . WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 201 8. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from nremlses. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes, con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or nlaaterlnc. will Please read "for building purposes under schedule of rates. Anpiy st orrice tor copy. WALE. P AP9ESW PAXWT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial git. GLENN L- ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC eoratlng. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or cay; gooo w or a man. iocauon 1620 Center St- Phone 688-W. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing.' Oood PURLIO XOTICTX XOTICK Or A-SSIWHMKXT FOR TIf M (XWT OFjlMIROVI CX)3I MKIUTIAL HTKEKT IX TIIK fJITV OF HA LKM, FItOM TIIK XOItTII 8I1IK OF MISSIOX WTUKCT TO tiik Bom! crrir umith. To Adelaide Scriber, C. E. Roblln, George W. and Alice A. Coolldge, O. C. Wolf. Caroline II. Meyer, W. O. Vassal!. "Oslo Powell. J. F. Drew, O. C. Parker, W. n. Simpson, Myra M. Kllgore. Alice M. Dudley, Florence McCourt. Alfred Schar, Fred Sleben tbal. George F. Hopkins, and to the Unknown Owner or Owners of lots 4 and 6, Mock 1, Owens addition; lots 6 and 6 block 1, Jones' addi tion; the north 25 feet of lot 7 and the south 25 feet of lot . block 4, Jones' addition; and lot 6. block 8, Jones': addition. You, and each ef you. are hereby notified that the city of Salem has. by Ordinance No. 1517. levied an assessment upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth, for such property's proportionate share of the cost of Improving Com mercial street, from the north side of Mission street to the south city lim its. A description of each lot or par cel c land, the owner thereof, and the amount assessed and levied upon It is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point on the west line of Commercial street, S8 feet 8. of the N. line of Kearney; thence south along the west line of Commer cial street 80 feet; thence westJOO feet; thence north 0 feet; thence east 100 trrt to the place of begin ning. Adelaide ScHber. Cost $140.23 Lot 4, block 1, Owens' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Un known Owner. Cost . . . . . $124.53 Lot 5, block 1, Owens' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost .......... '. . $143.60 South one-half of lot 3, block 1. SouUb west addition to the city of Sa lem, Oregon. C E. Roblln. Cost $75.25 North one-half of lot 3. block 1. Southwest addition to the city of Sa lem. Oregon. C. E. Roblln. - Cost . $75.25 . North 50 feet of the east 100 feet of lot 3, block 7. Southwest addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. George V. &, Alice A. Coolldge. Cost $77.64 South 50 feet of the east 100 feet of lot 3. block 7, Southwest addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. O. C. Woir. Cost $87.10 An undivided one-half of lot 1. block 1. Meeker's addition to the city of Salem, g Oregon. Caroline If. Meyer. Cost $41.98 An Undivided one-half of lot 2. block 1. Meeker's addition to the city of Salem. ! Oregon. Caroline II. Meyer. Cost . . ...... . . . .$43.14 An undivided one-half of lot 3, block 1. Meeker's addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Caroline H. Meyer. Cost .... . .... $50.21 Commencing at the intersection of the east line of Commercial street and the north line of Mission street northerly along the east line of Com mercial street 69 feet to an angle: thence northerly on the east line of Commercial street 48.5 feet; thence easterly at! right angles 75.75 feet: thence southerly at right angle 90 feet more or less to the north line of Mission : street: thence westerly along the : north line of Mission street. 65 feet to the place of begin ning. W. G. VassalL Cost.. $17.47 Lot 5. block 1, Jones' addition to Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost .. . J $177.90 Lot 6, block 1, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost .'$150.48 North 25 feet of lot 7, block 4, Jones addition to the city of Salem. Oregon.' Unknown . Owner. Cost $50.16 South 25 feet Of lot 8. block 4, Jones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon, i Unknown Owner; Cost ...U.... $57.18 West 85 feet of lot 8.' block 5. Jones' addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Osie Powell. Cost $103.93 Lot 5, block 8, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost i; . $177.90 Lot 7, block 8, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. J. F. Drew. Cost ......... ... $150.48 Lot 8, block 12, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. G. C. Parker, r Cost $177.90 Lot 5. block 16. Jones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. W. B. Simpson. Cost .; $177.90 South 20 feet of lot 6. block 16. Jones" addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. W. B. Simpson. Cost $40.13 North 25 feet of lot 7. block 16, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon; : Myra M. Kllgore. Cost W.. ......... k. $50.16 South 25 feet of lot 8, block 16. Jones' addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. I Myra M. Kllgore. Cost ..! $57.18 North 60 feet of lot 8, block 16. Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Alice M. Dudley. Cost $120.74 Lot 10. block 17. Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Flor ence McCourt. Cost $100.32 Lot 7, block 20. Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Alfred Schar.- Cost ........... $114.16 Lot 8. block 20. Nob Hill addition to -Salem, Oregon.- Alfred - Schar. Cost . $107.34 Lot 9. block 20, Nob Hill addition to Salem, Oregon, Alfred Schar. Cost . i ..... $100.31 Lot 10. block 20. Nob Hill additlo to the city of Salem. Oregon. Pre Slebenthal. Cost $100.3 Lot 11. block 20. Nob Hill addition to the city of 8alem, Oregon. Fred oiebenthal. Cot $107.34 Lot 12. block 20, Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Fred Slebenthal. Cost $120.74 Lot 3. block 21. Nob Hill addition to Salem, Oregon. George F. Hop kins. Cost $22.88 Lot 4, block 21, Nob Hill addition to Salem, Oregon. George F. Hop kins. Cost ..... . $201.03 North one-half of lot 5, block 21, Nob Hill addition to the city of Sa lem. Oregon. George F. Hopkins. Cost ......... I $ Said assessments were entered In Volume 3. Docket of City Liens, on the 8th day of December, 1917. as a charge and lien against said proper ty, and are now due and payable to the city treasurer. This notice is served upon you by publication thereof for ten days In the Daily Oregon Statesman, pub lished in the city of Salem, by order of the common council. Date of first publication hereof, January 30, 1918. Earl Race, Recorder of the City of Salem. r t SALEM MARKETS nuYrxa PRICES. Eicgs And Poultry, ' Eggs, 44 to 46e. Hens, live. 21c to 2te. Dressed chickens, 30c. Old roosters and stags, II to ltc Pork, Mutton sad Ileef. Ewes, 6 O 7c. Pork on foot ISc Veal, dressed, 12 to 16c. Spring lambs. IStte. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 Ho 8c. Dulls, 4 to 6c. Hay. Cheat, per ton, $22. Clover, per ton, $20. Veltcb, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to 1.87. Oats, 80c to 8fte Deans, 8 to 9 c. , Mill Feed. Retail. Bran, per ton, $35.60. Shorts, per ton, $33. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHEAP I MP ROVED acreage on car line. PbeaL route 4. phono 162F2. t BARGAIN 18 ACRES GOOD LAND ! J miles out nearly all In orchard 81fc0. V. U Wood. Bayne Bldg. CHOICE HALF SECTION IN ALBERTA m trad for citv orooerty or acreage In- Salem district. Niemeyer. 644, State street. I HAVE SEVERAL CASH CUSTOMERS for property. If price is reasonable. I have city and country property for exchange. Scott. 44 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP SIX ROOM MOD ern bungalow new, full basement. 2 blocks from car. Address H 1 0 .care Statseman. - " FOR SALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. price $1600. Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A. E. Day. .2403 Center street. Salem. Oregon. , DON'T KEEP VACANT PROPERTY., I have more renters than I can fthu houses for, both furniabed ana uk furnUed. Niemeyer, 611 State street. Phone 1008. FOR SALE EIGHTY ACRES RIVER bottom land 8 10 per acre. $2000 will handle this, balance at 6 per cent, long time, about half cleared. Salem income property to exchange for acreage. This property paying i? per cent at present- Dairy .ranch for sale four miles from Salem Land Department, room 2. Bayne Bldg, 10 ACRES OF LAND 2Vs MILES FROM Salem, on good road. 8 acres in cul tivation and 2 acres of timber. Four rdbm box house, rustic outside. Barn, woodshed and smoke house. All un der fence, land lies rolling, but good solL See Perrine it Marsters. ' 42 Hubbard Bldg, Phone 907. FOR SALE DESIRABLE RANCH . property 14 S-1S acres. Three acres bearing prunes. One acre young ap ple orcahrd. Telephone, new barn. poultry house, chicken park, spring water piped to dwelling and barn, cherries, pears, strawberries. Macad am roao. particulars oy mau. tJW ner. B. 8. Eetes. Scotts Mills. Ore, FOR SALE 169 ACRES, FINE DAIRY and grain farm, all cultivated, fine buildings, price $126 per acre. 76 acres, improved farm, all farm land, good buildinga. will consider good residence up to 240S8. price 810.600. 64 acre farm all under cultivation, house,, price $6406. Six room house and lot 2500. w. IL Grabeahorst Co.. 27S State street. - FOR SALE 2 ACRES ON CAR LINE good house and barn 82100. 6 acres - all clear on car line $1200. I room house plastered, lights and water 2660 6 room modern bouse good lo cation 81200. 40 acres f air buildinga. half clear 82700. 60 acres half clear 82600. Exchange: Good bouse and cash' for small farm. Good stock ranches S46 acres for small farm. 20 acres and 16 acres for rent. Shetland poney for sale, take Liberty bonds. F. L. Wood. Bayne building. A NICE" LITTLE It ACRE HOME FOR a small residence in North Salem. A s toe it ranch for a good residence or lend on the river road, or for an Alberta farm. A little stock and farm combination at $26 an acre, ae trade in this. An so acre good isrm well located at a 8100 an acre. -and will take a good town house or suburban -residence, and long time on balance. Come and see me, I have . over 608 properties to trade and fair dealings. William Fleming Realty so.. ti state street. Phone 202 THREE ACRES, 1 CLOVER. 4 ROOM bungalow. 21600. Want to secure a $2508 loan at 7 per cent on strictly modern, new Salem residence and acreage near Salem. Will pay $40 monthly on the . loan. 45 acres, 25 cleared; 16 timber, 2 acres orchard' house, barn, one mle from town. Price $2500; $500. bal ance on easy terms at 6 per Cent, . or will take small acreage near Sa lem as part pay. Five acres. 2 acres $ year old prunes, 2 miles from car. $758. One and a half acres, i loganber ries. Vt garden land. 8500. Ninety acres. 26 acres prunes and cherries, good improvements. S miles from Salem, will take smaller ranct, up to 26000 and mortgage back for balance, price 216.000. t Five acres well improved, 1 fam ily orchard 4 miles from Salem, also ICO South Dakota wheat land, botn priced 87600. will apply on Willam ette valley ranch and assume up to $5,500. 226 seres. It miles Dldsbury. Alta price $6,000, will accept Salem reel, dence up to 62500 and take mort gage back for the balance at six per cent. 160; acres 2 miles from Solsrtrth. Manitoba, will exchange for. Salem residence up to-$4,000 take residence Tf less value and mortgage back for balance. 2S0- acres Idaho Wheatland " 20 cultivated, .exchange equity for val ley farm. 50 acres well Improved. 34 miles from Salem, price $10,000, win ex change for larger ranch and assume up to $7600, Socolofsky, 241 State. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTOiTTY About 408 acres of choice Polk coun ty land; about 88 acres clear: about 66 acres i n itum .- k. i.... ... choice piling timber and oak grubs. "r-I sh I - A a- ansae Hiirvr worm iewv. new four room bouse, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cows end four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped fr?ra., 6"ar to buildings, wiu sell the whole at a great bargain. Very eey terms. 4 per cent Interest Sddreee I. wwwer. eere The Stateemen. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. : . , Ratter. Country batter, 45c Creamery prints, 53c Butterfat, f. o, b. Salem, 64c - Fish. Salmon, Chinook. 20c Veeteb!e. Lettuce, crate, $2.11. Celery, 75e to toe, Nebr, rice corn, 10 to 10 He. Tomatoes, California,. $2.76. Broccoli. $1.85. Onions, $2 to $2.60. Cabbage, 2c. String garlic, 8c Potatoes, $1.25. Turnips, sack, $1.00. Sweet potatoes, Se, : Kttts ,: Almonds. 22c i Walnuts (No. 1) 24 l-2c Walnuts (No. 3) 20c Peanuts, raw. 16c Cocoarluts, doxen. $1.40. Fruits. Grapefruit, $5 to $4. Pears, 81.50. Oranges, $2.50 to, $4.50. Bananas, 5 He Apples. $1.25 to $1.75. Fard dates, $2.50. Dromedary dates, $4.75. Honey (Idaho) $4.25 to $1.50. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. . Retail Frtcra. Creamery butter, 60c' Floor, hard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley, $2.50 to $2.60. Eggs, 60c Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.60. PORTLAND LIARKETS PORTLAND. Feb. 4. Butter: Prints, extras. 52 to 53c; cubes, ex tras, 48c; prime firsts, 47 He; dairy. 31 cents. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 55c. '- Potatoes. -. Buying price, locals, $1; selling price. $1 to $1.35. . , -- Grains. ; . . Grain; - thirty-day options Bids Oats. No. 2, $62; barley, feed, $58; barley, brewing. $60. Oats, No. 3 white, $56.50; 28 pound clipped, white, $58.50.; corn. No. 3,-yellow. $68; No. 3, mixed, $66; oats. No. 3, $56.50; oats, clipped, $58.50:: corn, yellow, j$68; com, mixed.-$66. . Sales 100 tons yellow corn, 30 days, at $66.' Car Receipts. j Today's car receipts: Wheat, 1; barley. 5; flour. 7: oats, 5; hay, 8. Crittle. Cattle strong; receipts. 1236; medium to choice steers, $10.55 to $11; good to medium steers. $9.45 to $16.35; common to good steers, $7.75 to $9.25; choice cows and heif ers, $8 to $10; common to good cows and heifers. $6.50 to $8; canners. $4 to $6; bulls. $5 to 7.50; calves, $7.S0 to $11: stocker and feeder steers, $6 to $9.50. - Hogs. Hogs , higher: receipts, 1817: prime light, $16.20 to $16.35; prime heavy. $16.35 to $ 16. SO ' nOTICK Or GERMAN REGISTRATION All German aliens are required to register between February 4th and February Sth 118. By proclamation of the ' President of the United States, all German a. lens are hereby .notified that all, natives, cltisens, denizens, or subjects of the German Empire, or Imperial German Government.- being males of the ana ef fourteen years and upwards on reg istration day who are within the Unit ed States snd not actually naturalized as American cltisens are required, to regUter as alien enemies. The dates of registration within the State of Oregon, have - been ' fixed by the Attorney General of the United States to. commence at 6:00 a. m. on February 4th and to continue on era dar successively thereafter between the hours ef -6:00 as m. and 8:00 p. m. i7 to and Including the 9th day of Fir ruary, 1918. at 6: 00 p. m. All German aliena residing In. - r being within the city of Salem or Vi cinity aro hereby required to prenC themselves for registration at the Po lice Station In said city to the Chl- , of Police who has been designated r-T the Attorney General as Chief UecW trsr of said city, and tb complete thett registration on or before the lu day Of February. 1818. at 8:00 P. m. Any German alien, required to rec later who fails' to complete his registra tion within the time fixed therefor, or who violates, or attempts to violate, c of whom, there is reasonable ground to believe that he Is about to violate any regulation duly promola-ated br the President of the United States, of these regulations. In sddtion to s'J other penalties prescribed by law, Ir liable to restraint, imprisonment eni detention for the duration of the wa. or to give security, or to remove im. depart from the United States in tin. manner prescribed ' by law. c Forms of registration affidavits, reg istration cards, and Instructions to reg istrants. ! and other necessary forms will be furnished by the Chief of Police.. Geo, F. Alexander. . United States Marshal ' , - District of Oregon. ' ' H. H. L-e-s. . Acdnr CMef of Police .and Chief Registrar for the eltv of Pslem. TiMzrABm IOCT1IRRV PACIFIC CO. - Krlibon -16 Oregon. Express ..... 6:05 a.m. 64 Oregonlan .... 5:1 a.m. 28 Willamette Limited.. 6:76a.m. 18 Portland Passenger.. 1 :2 6 p.m. 24 Coas Bar 8:44p.m. No. No. No. No. N'o. No. 18 Shasta Lrntlted ..... 7:0 p.m. NO, 14 PnrlUniT Eisrui ... 8:10pm. k.-a 99 Tol uir Pre rnt.. S:0S m.rrw No. 222 Portland Fast Freight 11:25 pm." Southbound ... No. 62 Oregonlan ......... t:t9 a.m.: Mo. 2 Cons Bay ,.,..l:t .m. No. 16 California Express ..10:M a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4:10p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ..... 6:42p.m. No. 27 Wills met te Limited. .' 6:10 p ro. No, 18 Ssn Francisco Pass.. .16.27 p.m. Ko. 221 San Frsn. Fst Frt.. 12:01 an. No. 227 Local Way Freight.. 12:61 a,m. ALKM-CF.KR LI9TE 72 Arrive at Salem 9:16 a.m. 74 .Leave Salem. ........ 2:65 p.m. No. No. SALEM. FAILS CITT WESTF-AN 141 Leaves, Salem, motor .... 7:A&a.mv 1-2 Leaves Salem, motor.... f:2 a.m. 15 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40pm. Through car to Monmouth and Aril 167 Leaves Salem, motor ..,.2:41 p.m. 168 1eaves Salem, motor. ... . 6:67 p.m. 136 Way Freight leaves Sslem 6:A0a.m. 1C2 Arrives st Salem 8:0 a.m. I4 Arrives at Salem ....... .11 :9 a.m. 168 Arrives st Salem ........ 2:00p.m. 1M Arrives at Salem ........ 6:3. p.m. 170 Arrives at Salem p.m. 240 Way Freight AT. Salem.. 2:20 p.m. OREGON 2CLECTRIO . - SdsfJtftsjrs-sJ Train Leave Arrive Arrive No. 'Portland Saleni Kueeno 1 ..... 6:20am i 6:25am' 1:f.isra 6 Ltd,..8:20am 10:11am 12:25pm 7 ,....10:46 am i 12:65pm , I:5pm 4:15 pm SrSSpm 12 Ltd. ..4:40 pm ; 6:40 prn 6:b0pm 17 ......6:08pm ( 8:10pm Sslemonly 18 ......0:20 pm jll:20 pm Salem oely 21 .....11:46pm 1:55am 660m North Rsnk Station (leave Jefftr on Strsot II and 20 minutes later.) ' Nertfceeand Train Loevo i Arrive Arrive No. Kuaene Sslem "Portland 2 .,.,,12:06 am 4:26 am - 6:r0sm 6 ..... 7:18sm . 6:I6sm 10 Ltd.;. 7:41 am t:46sm ll:2Ssm 11 ..... 11:20am l:SSpm 14 ... ..11:15am 1:60pm l:Mpw I Ltd.. .1:66 pm 4:M pm 6:4Spm 20 ...,.4:10pm 6:20pm ' t:40pm 22 ..... .4:76pm 7:66pm 16:00pm sNorth flsnk Station (Arrive Jeffer son Street IS minutes earlier). 'Leave Corvallis. T - Cortaij.is rnnnv.CTIOTf . Nerthbenad . , Leave Corvalfls Arrive Salem . 8:23am. .. 8:46 am 12:12 pm 1:50 am -2:41 pm 4:"0pm 4:1 pm 6:20 pm 6:18 pm " 7:66 pm enthbennd Leave Sslem Arrive Corvallis 8:25 am ! 6:67 am '18:16 am r l:22sm I2:R5pm i r P" 4:16 pm 6: pm :46 pm . ; 8:66 pm . l '.''.