Ik FIRST SECTION 8 Pages TttO SECTIONS 12 PAGES j$IXTY-SKVKNTH; YKAJfc NO. . HA I, KM, OUfcUOX. SUNDAY MOHXI.XJ, FKBKl'AltY 3, ltfltt PRICE FIVE CUNTS. UNION OF ALL. RUSSIANS IN U. S. IS PLAN lllovenxent to Consolidate Bol- sheviki Interests in Amer . ; ica to Be Crystallized at . New York Session ONE MEASURE IS FOR BETTER EDUCATION "Some I. W. W. Delegates Present" . Give Rise to Spirited Debate NEW YORK. Feb. -2 A plan to make the Russian colonial congress now In session here a permanent un ion of all Russians living in the Uni;ed States to be. known as the "Russian colon. In America, will be submitted to the delegates tomorrow by the committee on resolutions, it was announced tonight by Gregory Weinstein, leader of the organiza tion, who Is said to" be a .trusted friend of Leon Trotzky, Ilol&hevik foreign minister. , , Several delegates declared tonight that It- is virtually certain the" plan will Je adopted. It was : admitted that the general movement to consol idate the Russians in' this country is r Continued on page 6. FJeW ISpriiig Silks Several Large Shipments Just Opened 7hile the lines are by no means complete, WE ALREADY HAVE A SPLENDID SHOWING OF BOTH' STAPLES I AND FANCIES j ; Silks Are and there will be a scramble to newknival this season. I When comoared with former prices SILKS ARE" THE Cheapest fabrics on the market today., THEY HAVE ADVANCED LESS IN PRICE THAN EITHER COTTON OR WOOLEN TEXTILES. We are showing: a wonderful array of. plaids and stripes in many shades and many . weaves. They will ba. freely used for Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Waists and to be made up in combi nation with other fabrics. 1 " NEW CHIFFON TAFFETAS, j Plain and Fancies. SILK MERGES n plaids and stripes.1 Three, grades of CREPE DE CHINE in . most all (wanted shades. ' - ' New wash; satins, in ivory and, flesh: colors. HEAVY v GOTHAM CREPE especially , for . tailored .waists and Suits in handsonje Springy shades; CHANGEABLE jCHDJFON, vTAFFEICAS z 'C f;,, Splendid; qualities ii LACKCHIFFON; .TATFETAS. Many plain ; shades, in .fSJESAZJXEk-. ' ( ; . Wonderful values in REAL IMPORTED SHANTUNG PON GEES, also colored Pongee In plain shades. Our profits are all figured on sures unmatchable values. Oia Store Closes at 5:30 Every Evening Except Saturday at 8;OcIock J. L SULLIVAN GREAT FIGHTER I DIES SUDDENLY Veteran Stricken With Heart I Trouble Receives Final i "Knockout LIQUOR ALWAYS FOUGHT Life of 59 Years Is Filled ; With Serious Struggle i Against Habit ' 1. 2.-1 jABIKUTON. MASS.. Feb Jphn L. Sullivan, one of the. most interesting lighters of prize-ring- re nown, died suddenly of heart dis ease at his farm in" West Abington today. As was his wish, he died with his shoes on. Although strick en with heart trouble three weeks ago, he had quickly improved and was in no sense an invalid. He was about to leave his bouse today to pay a visit to Boston to see his old friend Captain James P. Sullivan of the Boston police department, when he received his" final knockout. , IIIIs friend and companion, George It. Bush, rushed to his side-as the old gladiator bank to the floor nu conscious,, and! revived him with cold water applications to the head. "John L" iresnondinr nnlrklv to this treatment, as in his palmy days in . the oriierlnr. strusreleri in his jteet and refused to take the decision Continued on Page 6 ) Scarce get first choice from erery the spot cash plan which in JURIST DIES SUDDENLY AT SALEM HOME J. C Moreland, Clerk of Ore gon Supreme Court, Passes Away Suddenly After Day in His Office. TRIBUTE IS PAID BY GOVERNOR WITHYCOMBE Late Official Honored by Ma l sons and Held Numerous ; Posts of Trust I have I known Judge More land for forty -years and I have always regarded him as a ver7 high ; type of man. He was a naa of very, keen preception in both state and national affairs. , Strong he was in his likes and dislikes, and ever a devuted friend. He was' absolutely de pendable, and" all through life ' , his career has been absolutely without a blemish. His death Is a distinctive loss to the state. Tribute paid to Judge J. C. Moreland ; by Governor Withy combe. ; . . . ........... . Suddenly and: without- warning, Judge Julius C. Moreland, clerk of the Oregon supreme, court and one of Oregon's most eminent lawyers and students of Oregon history, died at his home;. 14 75 Chemeketa street yesterday morning; at 3:20 o'clock. He was 73 years. old. His. death followed an attack of heart trouble. Judge Moreland attended to his duties at the supreme court building Friday and was an official visitor in Portland a few days ago. He had retired apparently in good health. Following-a sick attack at 1 o'clock in the morning, a physician : was summoned. Judge Moreland rallied. After a short sleep he suffered a second attack. A physician was again summoned and also his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moores, who live in the Court apart ments. But Judge Moreland ex pired before they came. Out of respect to Judge Moreland the supreme court offices were closed yesterday. Ancestors With Cromwell. Judge. Moreland traced his ancest ry directly to the days of Cromwell, one of the members of the Moreland family having been a staunch iup porter of the Protector. About the year 1660, after the death of Crom well, this ancestor crossed the ocean to Virginia and settled on the James river. He was the forerunner of a long line of the sounthern planters who were adherents of the Quaker faith. ; John Moreland, a Virginian by birth, in his young manhood settled in North Carolina,, but moved to Ken tucky in 1807 and five years later to Tennessee where he died in 1855. He had been reared a a Quaker, but later in life became affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church. His son, Rev. Jesse Moreland, father of Judge Moreland, was born Jan uary 1, 1802, near Ashevllle, N. C., and held a license as a local Metho dist preacher for more than seventy years. His service as a. minister was without pay, and he earned his iivll hood . by farming. It was the evil influence of southern slavery . that caused him to move to Illinois, where he settled at Carlinville, Macoupin county fn 1848-. Four years later, with his family of a wife and seven children, ha crossed the plains to Oregon, taking - six months for lie trip. The arrival in Oregon was on October 6., For some years the home of the Moreland family was in Clack amas county. The death of the pion eer's wife occurred in 1859, and after her, death the elder, .Moreland followed merchandising for twelve years." He came to Salem in 1862, and later moved to Portland where he died March 3, 1890 at the age of 88 years. . J -1 1 Mother Of Eminent Aneestry. The mother of Judge Moreland was of eminent-ancestry. Her maiden name was Susan Robertson. She was a native of Cumberland county, Ten nessee. Her ancestors fought under Cromwell; The founder of the Rob ertson family ton this side ' of the water, was General William Robert son, 'who had been an officer under Cromwell , and who was . a member of the Jury in the trial of Chales f, and. as such a participant in the order ; demanding; the death of Charles II. . General Robertson fled to Virginia for safety after the death of Cromwell. ; Later ancestor fought In both the Revolutionary war and the War of 1812, several of them ranking high as officers.; : , ' S : The Oregon jurist whose death oc curred yesterday had. eight brothers and sisters. Judjje Moreland was 8 years old. when he accompanied his parents to Oregon from Illinois. He assisted his father In clearing the newly settled farm and was able to attend school three, months of the year. He wenf to Portland In 186 ) (Continued-on page ) TIME OF ROAD CONTROLPROVES GREAT QUESTION Four Amendments Offered to Proposed BUI for Govern ment Operation ' 18 MONTHS IN FAVOR Proposal to Increase Compen sation to Railroads Is Voted Down .-WASHINGTON. -Feb. 2. The ad ministration railroad bill, limiting the period, of government control of the railroads and providing for com pensation to the stockholders. t will be reported to both houses of con gress next week.1 At the urgent re quest of Director General McAdoo. administration leaders will make every effort to expedite 'passage of the measure. ; r t ; The' senate interstate commerce committee voted today to report the measure favorably Monday with amendments T limitng government control to eighteen months after the close of the war and giving the presi dent power to initiate rates subject to appeal to the interstate commerce commission. .Thev committee's artion was not unanimous. Senators Cum mins 1 and La Follette, Republicans, announcing that they would submit minority reports. , The house com mittee by a vote of fifteen to six ap proved an amendment providing for termination of government control two years after peace is declared. Chairman Sims later announced that his committee would complete con sideration of the meamre Tuesday J or weanesaay ana tnat ne wouia asx unanimous consent for Its immediate passage. - " '" .- ''V. T Four Amendments' Offered. Four amendments ' to limit the time of governlnent control were of fered in the house committee.' One by Representative Each . fixed ; the time, at one year after the war, an other by Representative Barclay at three years, a third, by Representa tive Parker at eighteen months, and te fourth by Representative Mon tague at two years. - " ' - Chairman Sims vigorously opposed the two years' limitation as adopted, declaring that it would affect the valuation of railway securities. Rep reser.tive Montague insisted' that at least two years would be required for the railroad interests to adjust themselves after, the war. Those voting foi the two-year amendment were Montague, Rayburn, Coady, De walt. Snook, Sanders, Esch. Hamil ton, Parker of New Jersey, Parker of New York,- Wlnslow, Dillon, Sweet. Stiness and Cooper, and those voting against It were Sims, . Dorerous. Stephens, Barkley, Decker and Dale. Increased Compensation Ijones. The senate committee left un changed the original provision in the bill fixing the rate of compensation on the basis' of . the annual railway operating income for the three years ending on June 30, 1917, and the house committee is also expected to agree to this provision, which was (Continued on page 6) SUBMARINES ABE BECOMING SHORT OF TORPEDOES German Factories Unable to Turn Out Supply to Sat isfy Demands TWO TYPES ARE IN USE Short-Charge Is for Merchant Vessels; Full Charge for Men-of-War BAST OF AMERICAN FLOTILLA IN BRITISH, WATERS, Jan. 28. (Correspondence of The Associated Press) Shortage of torpedoes is one of the most serious with which the directors .of the German U-boat war are now faced. It is a well known and admitted fact that German fac tories, are at present absolutely un able to turn out flrst-clasa torpedoes in anywhere near sufficient quanti ties for the needs of the submarines. In fact.: the underwater craft are being turned out faster than the tor pedoes with the result that recourse has been had. to various, expedients to keep the submarines supplied with their chief weapon. Germany's fleet or Z-boats must carry thousands of torpedoes. Thou sands more must always be ready in reserve. In fact- the reserve supply (Continued on Page 6) US. TRENCH IS NOT FAR 1R01EY Strip i Between! Two Lines Is Only 60 Feet at One Sector in France and Both Forces Shun Muddy Ground WORK TO KEEP OUT WATER IS INCESSANT Heavy Gunfire Is Kept Up and Scenes at Night Are Thrilling WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FANCE, Feb. 1. American troops in trenches on the Frencji front at one place are only 60' feet-from the German line. In another place a mile of ground separates the oppos ing positions? At this point, how ever, there are a number of ponds, and neither side apparently desires to occupy the water-covered ground. The American trenches all are in more or less marshy ground, making the1 .use -of the "duck boards" nec cessary at all times except when the trench vwater and mud are frozen. The trenches were shallow when the American moved in. but since they have been deepened and improved. In every dugout the soldiers work almost constantly at the pumps keep ing out the water which seeps in. But the water, conditions are un favorable for trench rats, and few of them are seen.- One unit spent more -than, a week In the line before seeing a rat, and he, apparently, was In a hurry to ret to some place where the ground was drier. Enemy's Post In lht. In some places tne artillery is on ground but little higher than the trenches, although a number of our batteries manage to keep dry feet" most of the time. " The enemy artil lery in some places is on higher ground than the American, and with in sight of one of our positions there is a German observation post urer look much territory. This has been shelled repeatedly, and doubt less has been hit on several occasions. On clear nights the hill upon which this post stands' out against the sky is illuminated occasionally by rockets sent up by one side or the other, so that the inert In the line may see the shadows which mean that the enemy is near. - The scene at night Is thrilling and inspiring. On the firing platforms the men sand near their rifles. Others splash through the trenches, sometimes slipping from the duck boards into water above their kness. They are probably going out on pa trol. If the position Is near the en emy lines, hardly a word is spoken, and when a word is necessary it is spoken in a whisper. White Steam Shoot TTn. .Far away to one side ot the posi tion a white steam shoots up to the sky and breaks into white balls that throw a light as if from a powerful electric batteries. The reflections show wire entanglements and scrub by, bushes on the hills nearby, then the lights die out. All the while there is the intermittent roar of guns and a whistle as of express trains as projectles of different calibers o rushing over the American trenches seeking a . German, target. The American soldiers have become so ac customed to such sounds that now they apparently payo attention to them'. Every, now- and then the sound o(rt shell explosion is audi ble, but most of the time the artillery targets at night are too far back from the trenches for the men to hear the projectles explode. . - Every one in the line at all times has his eye open for two kinds of colored rockets. One Is green and the other is red. The , first, means asphyxiating gas and the other calls for a barrage. And the green light to the men in the linens means more than anything else, for in a gas at tack they know their Uvea often de pend upon the -speed In which the gas masks are adjusted after an alarm is given. Xlgtit Explosions Heard. Intermittently . during the night there comes from different parts of the line the single crack of a riflo. as a sniper fires, or the rapid spit of a machine gun at some suspected point or object, for -the machine gun ners shoot first and? ask questions afterwards. During the past .'few days there has been-no aerial activity because of the fog, but during the clear days preceding the bad weather the men in the,line witnessed, many thrilling flights in the air. German airplanes, coming over at a considerable height, on observation trips would be shelled vigorously as they came within range. Usually they fly In groups of three, but they- separate when the shrapnel puff; begin to break amon? them. A trail of smoke of bursting shells follows the enemy planes aeress the sky until they are out of range..- - ' If the Germans after ducking and dodging shrapnel get back of t.e American lines, French airplanes climb up after them and every time (Continued on Page 6) GROUND BEHIND BRITISH LINES TO BE TILLED Thousands of. Soldiers to Be Employed at Ploughing V Grass Lands TERRITORY IS FERTILE Danger From Exploded Shells Now Regarded Practi? " cally Minus , - - . LONDON, Feb. ' 3.( Correspond ence of the Associated Press.) The British war office is making-plans for carrying out an agricultural of fensive on. an enormous scale- this spring behind the British lines in France. With th cordial co-operation of the French government thou sands of acres of grass land will be ploughed up, as well as some parts of the old battlefields. British sol diers by the thousands will be em ployed on the work, most of them being assigned to this labor dulrng their period of reserve duty. ; : The food grown in this way will. If the war lasts long enough, go to help in feeding the British army. American tractor ploughs will be largely used In the work of turning over the ground. U. 8. Fanners Study SoIL The area to, be tilled includes one of the lAost fiercely contested battle grounds of the war. Hereto fore it has been held that little could be done for perhaps several .gener ations toward restoring these battle fields to Cultivation, owing partly to the soil j being, poisoned" x by as phyxiating gases and high explosives and partly to "the fact that unexplod ed shells and grenades wonld make ploughing verty dangerous. But practical farmers do not agree with this theory. An American farmer who recently visited the whole Somme area studying the posslMlI ties t cultivation were, siaiesr r "To those who believe that the land has been poisoned by, gas and shell fumes, I might point out that while these fumes wilt fresh foliage, the effect is only temporary, rarely lasting for more than a week or. two. The soil it vlf Is not deleteriously affected. ; - "As to the .churning ' np ' of . the earth by bursting shells. I might point out that sub-eoil cultivation by the use of dynamite has been 'prac tised in America for several years. In all the world I know of no soil more likely to benefit by this proc ess than, that of northern France, underlaid as it is by strata f de composing chalk; r Battlefield ? Are Fertile. . "Evidence of the fertility of these battlefields Is found in the wealth or flowers and weeds with whichi they are already covered. Never un der the hands of the husbandman have these farms brought forth such verdAe. -rJ I. "I believe that the danger from unexploded shells Is practically-negligible, , A shell which Jhas, failed to go off at the end of, a five or ten mile flight through the air Is not likely to be disturbed by a prod from a plough. Moreover, the explosive in a shell or grenade deteriorates, rapidly from burial in damp earth; Burled barb wire must be picked up. pulled up. or cut off as it is encoun tered. ' Concrete fragments, . heavy Iron, and the like, will have to be picked up bodily and carried away. "This leaves one problem . to be solved a practicable way of effect ing the first rough cultivation," , W. H. Goultt May Again Be Candidate (or Commiuioner W. H. Goulet. one of the Marion county commissioners who has. been mentioned as a possible candidate for county Judge, it now appears, will be a candidate for re-election to the of fice ot commissioner. Sanderson Reed of Portland yes terday filed with Secretary of State Olcott declaration of his candidacy for state senator from the thirteenth senatorial district. His slogan Is, "I advocate- fewer laws and more sub stance." Mr. Reed doesn't say what kind of substance he advocates. Echo, Or., Private Pays Supreme Sacrifice Abroad WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. General Pershing today reported the death, of Private Manuel Mooes of Echo, Or., from pneumonia, lie was a member of a machine gun battalion . Merchant Overcharged' for Sugar ; Fine $300 NEW YORK, Feb. , 2. Michael Rosenberg, a wholesale merchant. was fined $300 today for having charged 14 cents a pound for sugar wholesale. , It waa said the money will be .turned into some war fund to be designated by the federal stood board. m." .. - ; - -H- .. v WEATHER v f Sunday rain west, rain or snow east portion; - moderate southerly winds. mmm MMDBY iSOCIAEIS u ir, Arrest ot Independent Leader for Address to Street Crowd Brings Promise of Nation Wide Demonstration. v HOUR OF DESTINY IS COMING FOR NATIOi: V crkers Cry Jcr Drcnd tzl Peace; Cities Under Un itary Control COPENHAGEN, Feb. 2. A copy of a pamphlet Issued by the inde pendent Socialists which has reachc I Copenham, shows that the strike I i Germany was prepared by them. Tl pamphlet' points Out that the Pan Germans have brought the pAce ne gotiations and . the future Of Ger many into great danger. Admiral. Von Tirpitz, leader of t5.- Fatherlar party, after an intervie w with the imperial chancellor, declar ed that he was satisfied with tie government's plans concerning t) j east.- Such a declaration, says U ; pamphlet, proves that the govern ment la In collusion with the advo cates ; of riolence and just at tl moment the reichstag is closed a: 1 other means of criticism made im possible by the government. . ."Our press is gagged, our cor fades are imprisoned, and the fac tories to a still greater extent miltarlsed," continues the ttamphl . "Men , and women of the worki classes! There is no time to 1c . After the horrors and frightful r ferlng we have undergone, a n and frightful disaster threatens c people yes, even the whole of hu manity. . ; v .-. ' "Only a peace .without indemr 5 ties and annexations can save us, a. l the. hour has come when yon mt: . raise your voice for such a pear At this moment the German peo; must by means of ' powerful demon strations manifest its will to finis:, the war." . :j ... The pamphlet Is signed by Edoisr ". Bernstein; Hugo Haase, Will:' Dittmann, George Ledebour ' a:. . other leaders. AMSTERDAM. Feb. 2. A Man! dispatch to tne Frankfurter Zeitu: saystaht several strike leaders hav been arrested there, 'including, tl writer, Kurt Eisner, and Frau Sara ;. Lerch. The troops prevented a dem onstration which was attempted I -fore Wittelsbach palace, where tl. ; king resides. , Tumultuous scenes occurred at T -ctalist meetings. The general situa tion is little changed. AMSTERDAM. Feb. 2. T: -Rhenische Westfalische Zeitung po lished a Monster dispatch, dat I February 1, reproducing a proclau -tlon Issued by the deputy coramar -ing general. In which he says: ? "Germany is face to face with 1 hour of destiny. Her enemies hav abandoned hope-of victory by arr . and are now trying to 5w dlssensL i in our ranks. A propaganda on a large scale, supported by the ides i of the Russian revolution, has resum ed in some sections of the popul a tion following the enticements of ir responsible agitators." (By The Atociated Pre) Germany's workers are still In a restless mood and although t! strike movement appears to be r . the wane, largely. through the adop tion of drastic measures by the au thorities, there are threats of fur ther demonstrations and a continua tion of sporadic disorders. Berlin and its environs remain-tl center of the, disturbance. The city is under military control. Factor k-- where strikes are in progress bavf been militarized, say dispatches, an 1 the - workers warned to report f work by Monday morning or underj, military discipline. . The most serious disturbances sr pear - to have .occurred in Berl. Thursday,, when crowds got out of hand, overturned street cars, inter fered with workers who had kept i their employment and frequently collided with the police. In one ra when a panic broke out after a t had been-fired, the police are declar ed to have charged with drawn sab ers, thirty strikers and manyonlools ers being wounded. At Spandau, an importrM suburb, there were sim ilar disorders, and a mob Is reporte i to have attacked soldier guards. Demonstration I Threatened. A nation-wide demonstration ii threatened over the arrest of Deputy William Dlttman, one of the inde pendent 'Socialist leaders, for at tempting to address a street crowd. The completeness of the military con trol of 'Berlin is Indicated by the re ported refusal of Chancellor Vot Hertling to order the deputy's re lease when asked to do so.- giving e a reason that he was powerless t interfere, as the capital was entirely la military hands. The semi-official .statement - Continue ?3 1)