THE OREGON STATESSIAJft SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2,11018 I a ss i t o dl HD 5 rc t r y The Wan is. and Needs of tKe Capital City Are Noted Under Prop e r Headings S o Y o u Can Readily Find Them 1 V Bur. Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS ITESS CLOTHING, SHOES, 1HCY , . CLKS. TOOL, ETC . CAPITAL EXCHANGE Pb 41 837 Court Bt. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr., . . Indent Agent 885 State St. Money to Loan Ol IMPKOTED FARM AWT C'ITt rROPERTT AT LOWEST BATES THOS. K. FORD JZttZm. MONET TO LOAN I HAVE MADE rrxngements for i loaning- eastern money; will mk very low rat of Interest on highly improved farina. Homer H. Smith. Boom S. McCormack tMc Salem, Or. Phono 09. classified adtertxsbvksts ' lute Per Word first Insertion le Subsequent lnaertlona ....... o One week (six lnaertlona) ... le Oae month 9o Six montha contract per no. to II months' contract, per mo... 7c No account opened for lea than lie A neat card riven free with an . xdvertieement to the extent of 0e sanounelng "For Sale," "For Bent," "Rooms" or "Board." inEWTODAT Fact new classified edvertlse ment will be run under "New Today for first insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver- 'gubseqaent Insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper class ification. ..." No ' advertlsment will bo run under "New Today" for mora than ae issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY KOOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home. Ail moaern conveniences, prices reasonable. Phone 1671-W. TOR BALE AT CHERRT C1TV JJ2EO barn, 1 black gelding, weight' about 1410, 4 yeara old; one all around horse, weight 1160; 7 sacka of theat seed. THE COMINO OCCUPATION SHIP daftinr: new course now readr.- In- ternational Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa. Local representative L, Macken, 770 South Commercial Phone 47 0. s ' ' JU I. RED COCKERELS. A FEW choice farm raised blrda for 92 each or will trade for others of vaual value. Phone 49F22. FOR SALE EIGHTY ACRES RIVER bottom lend $40 per acre. 12000 will handle this, balance at per cent, . long time, about half cleared. Salem income property to exchange for acreage. This property paring 19 per cent at present. Pairy ranch for sale four miles from Salem Land Deportment, room J, Iiayne Bldg. BUSINESS FORESIGHT I YOUK property burns it Is unfortunate; If it burns up without Insurance you are to be pitied. Aro you financially able to stand such a loss? It is pos sible for ones saving-s of yeara to be swept away In a few short hours. Our advise is that you tret protection today while your property stands in tact. . Tomorrow la sure to come but many changes are bound to take place in the meantime. It Is good business sense to profit y the ex perience of others in daya rone by, , and protect ourselves against the things that may happen in the daya to come. . For real protection in sure your property In a Company with a record for fair dealing, like , the Oregon Flro Relief Association of McMlnnvllle. H. A. Johnson 4k. Co, Agents, Bush Bank fildg.. Salem, phone 147. Sealed bid for the furnishing .of 700 cords of wood to school district f Bomber 24, Marion county, Oregon. wui be received by the undersigned up to 7:80 o'clock p. m February 15th, II 11. A certified check for 10 per cent of the. amount of the bid mast accompany same, the right be ing reserved by this aboard to reject any and all bids. Specifications for the delivery of the wood may be had st the office (of the clerk, number 17! State street, Salem, Or. Bids to be opened at the regular meeting of the board at 7:30 o'clock p. m. February 25th, 1918. ' School District Number 24, Marlon County. Or. W. h. Ttnrghardt. Jr., Clerk. wpwymew PKMAI.M LoOD CAFAI (or general housework Immediately. "B foutn inn street. IfXtW Wanted a salesman and col- ector ror Marlon county. Singer Sewing Machine company. 117 State street. . - WIUKB STILL ON IN PAPER MILLS j "t we have no trouble and state tJ. bve charge and under-controL All inside positions are filled today and over 100 men on pay roll, but we 10 to 25 men yet on outalde work on construction and In yard, if , you are of average ability you can secure a start with good chancee of . advancement, for men for malde or will be recruited from outside CTews.t Wares $110 for nine hourt . . "lacoate supplied in wet weath r. West Linn is lust across the k 'rom Oregon City, forty raln- f treet car ride from Portland. ,art- rd and room available in jwtgon City at to to 17 week. Write rOWtt Willamette Paper company or -ffP'r at Kmployment office, Ws. JJnn, on mm wmlki Cut th!- 4ver- FOR SALE BALK TWO NICK 4 YEAR OLD ; .no Durham cows. resn J00 ?1 South 12th street. OH SALE j POLAND CHINA BOA It. f.f!r', Rulirson H mile Norto WUCELLAWEorsT r!?..t,,n" lnauire at tuusmao office. WANTED BRIGHT TOUNO MAN from 17 to II years old to learn Printing trade, day work. Apply Statesman Job Dept.. upstairs. MI1CKXI.AKKOPI "AY FOR SALE. PHQNE 1J41-W.' FOR SALE FORD CAR FINE c2Bi.1r"- r U Wood. Phone 794 DRY WOOD AND SEED WHEAT FOR sale.' Phone 154 or (22 after office hours. FOR SALE EXTRA GOOD SECOND crop bal,d clover hay S21 at warn. t Itone 22F12. Win. Do Vrlea. 1200 CASH WILL BUY GOOD ROAD i'Jltl llL running order, worth IIJ? Owner going to enlist. Phone IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial super Iptioiu, Mention this ad. SMALL POTATOES SUITABLE FOR ieea miy cents per sack at ware house. Phone 717 or 152. Mangis Bros. t CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It .telle in graph io terma of the mas 'eacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenso. and the captivity . of Mary and Oil. Mary died of etarvatlen and Olive was purchaaed from the Indiana five years later. . drees Oreron Teachers Monthly, Sa. poiltrT" FOR SALE PLYMOTH ROCK COCK erels Corvaliis strain, also want man to graft fruit trees. Phone 92 F4. IV TOU WANT TO GET HIE BEAT poultry paper published, send 10 4- cents .to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial ewhserlotlon. Mention this ad. REAL ETATB A GOOD BUY 25x10 FEET ON EAST aide Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, togeth er with perpetual right of way over the 14x104 feet tract extendlngfrnm this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Boaorth. 70X-S Spauldlag WOOD. For sale second growth fiil l-rione lS7. i apartments FOll RENTiCELV FURNISHED"! room apartment, close In, on first rioor. 194 7 sou in commercial street Phone Oll-J. FOR RENT EIGHT ACRES. HOUSE. nam good poultry place, near town. Box t. Turner, oreron. FOR i RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED H mile weat of Wapato station. Yamhill county.- 11 acres hope, 700 bearing fruit trees, 12 acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H. Egan, nerval, rnwte I. piirtn ml, MOUSES BURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED housea for rent. Nlemeyer, 144 State . street. j FOR RENT A FIVE ROOM HOUSE on -State and South 12th. For fur ther Information,- phone 771-14. - SIX ' ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street with garage. 112.S0 per month, E. A. Rhoten, phono 1141-J. FOR RENT LARGE DWELLING. corner Winter and Ferry. Barn. fruit, end garden. Ivan O. Martin, Maaonle Temple. . FOR RENT 11; PARTLY MODERN rive-room cot tare, isaa narmaw. In rood order. Call at 1042 Saginaw. or Statesman buslneee office. Phone FOR RENT THE FOLIOWING 110 Five-room modern cottage at ll7 soutn cnurcn street. 112.60 Six-room modern house on paved street at 1920 South Hirh Si. Call at Stateaman business office or phone ill. FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one block from paved street i in South Salem. 110 ear month. E. A Rhotea 149 Rural Avenue. Phone U4W. FOR RENTSEVEN ROOM HOUSE . two lota, f ina garden land. barn. , chicken park. Corner worth Com- ' merical and Gatnea. 210 per montn lhfln 2270-W. J ' ROOMS FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOM IN private home: near In. 412 Maaonic -- Temple.', v .-. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home. Addreas A. B. care Stateaman. . GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern i conveniences, also in side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa, Phone 1119. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 111 North Commercial. - LOST and FOUND Owner can have same by paying for this f. "BUaiftKsi OPPORTtSilTIES FOiniENT FIRST CLASSUP T6 date hotel harbor shop (all white) furnished complete.-1 Fine chance for a pood man. Address Hotel Albany, Albany. Oregon. -, ." SHIPBUILDINO COMPANY NOW OR ganislnr. Wanta few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avail able not In conflict with present aource of supply to yards, hence pref erence in securing contracts. Partic ulars. 702 Spauldlag Bldg., Portland, 1 Ore on. -.- i "WO ETT6-i:0 AWT PlirVATBMON'EY TE-THOSAND dollars to loan on farm property. 744 North Commercial street, frlm. 'PBRJOITAL, HttiiiTlifTKMixIrrSii REscLi s trr me; best and most successfjl "Home Maker;" hundreds rich lsh i marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable: years experience; de scriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Pur die. Box 150. Oaktand, Onllf. ' - , WANTED MISCKLIANBOU WANTED TO RENT AN EIGHT ROOM modern house on paved street, not too far out. ilhone 1U7-R. HIOHK8T CASH PRTCB PAID FOR gooa oieaa ra wim, men. Yoa Should Torrjr Let Ibe Cbnified Adi Wcrk f cr Yoa AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY TIRES REPAIRED Vl'LCANIZINO GATES HAI.F-SOLK TIKE SEUVICli. Station 177. South Commercial St., phone 421. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street.. Phone 60. HILKMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Silverton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanising and auto supplies., 291 North Commercial. Phone 717. BRACKETT eV GRAY TUBES VUL canixed. 25c Retreading our special ty. Free service car. , Phone 1400. 179 North CommereiaL WATT BHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes lie up. Service car. Phono 201. Ill South Commercial street. AUTO SERVICB SHIPP'S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country tripa. Phone Day, 911; Wlc-ht. !S9. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS . 411-414 Bank or Commerce) Bldg. Phone 0. MUSIC teachers"" R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1112. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN. lODKKlsTWOODMEN OK AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 1240, meets every Thursday evening at 1 o'clock in utroy Duuaing, corner court ana High streets. R F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clrek. j : ' BROTHERHOOD OK Y OEM AN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN Ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at 1 o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace fykes. Foreman. W. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVER V BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELTVER ed any place, city or country, Phone or Toai-K. w. xr visi ee. 'BXttnKtl SHOPS WE TRIM .11 Alii IN KEEPING WITH Individual features. Try us and note the aercle. Ingrey's Barber Shop, 211 State street. ClIIROIftACTIO CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE ; store normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, tOt-1-7 Hubbara Bldg, phono 127. DR. O. L SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE OF P. S. C. Cbiropractics fountain bead, Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the causa of disease. Office 404-7-1. U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 97. Residence S2S-R. T51II.VEsinpflYlIA7f." DR. L M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN d i IKS h. HitrH St. fhone tsa. EOScT'iTitTFiXTiriTKg aw d supplies ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. House wiring and motor repair work, electrtct fixtures and suppliee. ' Prompt service, 220 North Liberty ' street. none jkj. k. k. uenison. DRAYiXfDKYPRESS CAPI T ALC 1 TV BANS F E nTcOMPAN Y . Phone 922, Salem's largest and best equipped transrer company, uet our reduced freight rates on aaatera shipments. Also for storage ae we ' have three warehousee in connection with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office) 111 South Commer cial street. DHY CLEANING AND PRESS TWO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. SWatanabe, Prop, 414 K. Commer . al St. Ladles . and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed, 91 and 11.10. Work called for and delivered free. Tel. 'Main lit. -JUWiC JtJNtf" JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let ua make you a price on your household i goods. The "Square Deal" House , Capital Junk Co. 171 Chemeketa Street. Phone 19s. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND band goods. Hlgbeet market prieee for Junk and hldea. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store 171 No. Commercial. Phone 74. t HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied hare or sold for borne use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 221 otuppara uiag. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash le per pound. Ill South Lib erty St Phone 11. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing dene at a rate every body can afford. For only sixty-five eenta we will collect, weak and de liver your washing within twenty four houre. Phone 1471. OSTEOPATHY bliS.' 'wllWtf "WALTON, OSTEO- Sathle physicians and surgeons, raduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Poet- Jraduate and specialised In nervous Iseaaea at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices 101-1-7-9. U. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 119. Residence, 1120 Court St Phone 2211. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Kirks vtlle. Mo.: treata acute and chronic disease. Office 404-40S U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldr.. Phone 919. Resi dence 419 North Summer, Phone ill. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES Graduates American School Osteopa thy. Klrksvllle. Mo. Sixteen year experience. Residence office 1M South Commercial street. Post Grad uate work. Ia Angeles College. Dre. H. D. Bowers ic Alice C Bowers. NVRSERIES. FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES TATtD at Hign ano -erry. van ,nu -t stock snd get prices before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing straw berry planta. "PIAWOTUWIWa GTK. Ha&T. T"E XPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating All work guaranteed. 1141 Hall street or care of Khermen Clay Si Co.. Court street, phone 9111-J. "lECOND'HAND OOOOtT , uttv ivn ar-T.t. sisrOND HAND goods of alt kinds, pipe) flttlaga. bar. chains. Fred Schlndler. Ill Canter StreeL : . THABIFEH HAPUKQ AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND or naming. Household moving Jobs dona prompt ly. Try me once. Timme. 471 State BU Phone 911. Reeideace phone I129-J. UNDERTAKERS 1 WEBB & CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the . pro fesslon. 4T Court street- WOVEN WIRE FENCING DMt National Jt Aaaeeteaa Pcaet, U elaee, SO law to S8 la. hlgta.. Paints, OUe and Vermlsm. tevee Rehedlt and Realred Loganberry and Mea Heeka Salesa Peaee ex Stove Werka. XOe Crt SC Phone 1X4 h. . rewmo. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 201 8. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deduetlona in billa will be allowed for abaence or for any causes whatever unleea water la cut off from premises. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using 1 water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for aldewalka. brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. WALL PAPER, rAlNT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial tL GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC . corating. painting, tinting, paper banging, ate. Work dona by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center SC Phone ttl-W. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL paper ana Picture Framing, uooe wwlrmMi 4 Kit Crmri St. writ PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICK OF ASAKHHMRNT FOlt TUB COST OF IMPROVING CXI MKBCIAIi STREET IN THE CITY OF HA IsKM, FBOM THE NOItTII HIDE OF MISSION STItEET TO THE SOUTH CITY MMrTS. To Adelaide Scriber, C. E. Roblin, George W. and Alice A. Coolldge, O. C. Wolf, Caroline H. Meyer. W. O. Vassall, Osie Powell, J. F. Drew, O. C. Parker, W. B. Simpson, Myra M. Kilgore, Alice M. Dudley, Florence McCourt, Alfred Scbar, Fred Sleben thal, George F. Hopkins, and to the Unknown Owner or Owners of lots 4 and 6, block 1. Owens' addition; lots 5 and 6. block 1. Jones addi tion: the north 25 feet of lot 7 and the south 25 feet of lot 8, block 4, Jones' addition; and lot 5. block .8, Jones' addition. Yon, and each of you, are hereby notified that the city of Salem has, by Ordinance No. 1517. levied an assessment . upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth, for such property's proportionate share of the cost of Improving Com mercial street, from the north aide of Mission street to the south city lim its. A description of each lot or par cel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount assessed and levied upon it is as follows, to-wit: Commencing st a point on the treat line of Commercial street, 86 feet 8. of the N. line of Kearney: thence south along the west line of Commer cial street 80 feet: thence west 100 feet; thence north 80 feet: thence east 100 feet to the place of begin ning. Adelaide Scriber. Cost 8148.23 Lot 4, block 1, Owens' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Un known Owner. Cost ...... 8124.69 Lot 6, block 1, Owens' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Coat ............ 8148.60 South one-half of lot 2, block 1, Southwest addition to the city of Sa lem, Oregon. C. E. Roblin. Cost 875.25 North one-half of lot 2, block 1, Southwest addition to the city of Sa lem. Oreron. C. E. Roblin. Cost $75 J5 North 60 feet of the east 100 feet of lot 8. block 7, Southwest addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. George W. ft Alice A. Coolldge. Cost $77.64 South 50 feet of the east 100 feet of lot 3, block 7, Southwest addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. O. C. Wolf. Cost.. 887.10 An undivided one-half of lot 1. block 1. Meeker's addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Caroline H. Meyer. Coat $41.88 An undivided one-half of lot 3, block 1. Meeker's addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Caroline II. Meyer. Cost ...$48.14 An undivided one-half of lot t, block 1, Meeker's addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Caroline II. Merer. Coat T50.21 Commencing at the Intersection of the east line of Commercial street and the north line of, Mission street northerly along the east line of Com mercial street 68 feet to an angle; thence northerly on the east line of Commercial street 48.5 feet; thence easterly at right angles 75.75 feet: thence southerly at right angle 80 feet more or less to the north line of Mission street: thence westerly along the north ' line - of Mission street, 5 feet to the place of begin ning. W. O. Vassall. Cost. . 817.47 Lot 6, block 1, Jones addition to Salem, Oregon. ; Unknown Owner. Coat .. 8177.80 Lot 6. block 1. Jones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost..... ,.$150.48 . North 25 feet of lot 7, block 4, Tones addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost $50.16 South 25 feet of lot 8. block 4, Tones' addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost $57.18 West 85 feet of lot 8, block 5, Tones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Osie Powell. Cost 8102.93 Lot 5. block 8, Jones addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Unknown Owner. Cost $177.90 Lot 7, block 8. Jones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. J. F. Drew. Coat ............. $150.48 Lot 8, block 1$. Jones' addition to he city 'Of Salem, Oregon. O. C. Parker. Cost $177.90 ' Lot 6, block 16, Jonea' addition to REAL ESTATE FUR SALE CHEAP I M P R O V E D I acreage on car line. PheaL route 4, 1 phone 102F1. 200 ACRE FARM WITH SPLENDID buildings and fully stocked. Close to railroad for aale or trade. Nlemeyer, 144 State street. ALBERTA LANDS FOR SALE ON 20 f ear payments at per cent. 92000 oan for Improvements ana livestock. Nlemeyer. 644 Bute street. FOR SALE CHEAP SIX ROOM MOD- era bungalow new. full basement, s blocks from car. Addreea "H 20" care Stataeman. FOR SALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. price siooe. Pay same -as rent. Ap ply to A. E. Day. 2409 Center street. Salem, i Oregon. 110 ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE for 12500. fSOO cash; $1000 city prop erty, balance In I equal annual pay ments, Scott, 404 Hubbard Bldr. FOR SALE LOT ON NORTH SUMMER streeL 10x115 feet, close in, paving and aewer assessments paid; city water; on lot; gaa available, fine to- action, 11000; call on P. M. Collier, room 6, McCornack building. FOR SALE 209 ACHES OF LEVEL bottom land within 4 miles or Salem, on good road, near State Farm; 110 acres s plow land, balance covered wttnigrub oak; feu per acre, no trade, see P. M. Collier, room 1, Me Cornack building. 10 ACRES OF LAND 24 MILES FROM Salem, on rood road, t acrea In cul tivation and 2 acrea of timber. Four room box house, rustic outalde. Barn, woodshed and amoke house. All un der fence, land lies rolling, but good soil. Sea Perrine tc Marsters, 42 Hubbard Bldg, Phone 907. FOR SALE 110 ACRES, FINE DAIRY ana grain farm, all cultivated, fine buildiaga, price 2121 per mere. 70 acrea improved farm, all farm land, good buildinga, will consider good residence up to 94000, price 910.500. 4 acre farm all under cultivation, house, price $1400. Six room house end lot f too. W. It. Urabenborst 4k Co, 271 State street. AN INVESTMENT. AN INVESTMEN 4, A 20 room Hotel modern and fuliy equipped with funltura leaaed at tt0 . a year price 97000 on terma. Hotel is doing a very profitable business, in a fast rrnwlnr now f ,.wn west ern, Oregon. Owner will consider a phone Information in this case. See . i ....... ii mil Dm, su-eei, w iiiiam jrien. inr of -The Fleming Realty Co. FOR SALE 2 ACRES ON CAR LINE rood houaa and barn 22100. f acrea all clear on car line 91200. 7 room t?.u" .Pisetered, m lights and water 9650 5 room modern houae good lo cation 21200. 40 acres fair buildings, half clear 22700. CO acres half clear - S3uv. : exchange: Good houae and caab for small farm. Good stock - rancnes ztv acres for small farm. I! crV aBO acres for rent. Shetland poney for .aale, take Liberty oonas. . wooa. jsayne building THREE ACRES. 1 CLOVER, 4 ROOM bungalow. 91600.. . ..,.., Want to secure a 92500 loan at 7 per cent on strictly modern, new rwism residence ana acreage near Salem. Will pay 940 monthly on the loan. 46 acres. 21 cleared; 10 timber. 2 acres orchard: house, barn, one mile from town. Price 92100; 1500, bal ance on easy terma at 9 per cent, pr will take small acreage near Sa lem as part pay. Five acres, a acres 9 rear old prunes, t miles from car. 2760. One and a half acrea, i loganber ries, M garden land. 9500. . Ninety acrea, 25 acrea prunes and cherries, good improvements. 1 miles from Salem, will take smaller rand, up to $6000 and mortgag back for balance, price 910.000. --Five acrea well Improved, 1 fam ily orchard 4 mllea from Salem, also 110 South Dakota wheat land, botn pricd f.7SO wlu apply on Willam ettf valley' ranch and aasuma up to 95,600. 220 acrea. 11 miles Dldsbury. Alta., price 91.000. will accept Salem resi dence up to 92600 and take mort gage back for the balance at alx per cent. -. . crM 8 miles from Solsglrth. Manitoba, will exchange ror Salem residence up to 9.000 take residence ? !. iue and mortgage back J for balance. acres Idaho Wheatland - 20 cultivated, exchange equity for val ley farm. well improved, m miles from Salem, price 910.000. win ex change for larger ranch and assume : up to 97100. Socolofsky. 241 State. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 499 acres of choice Polk coun ty land: about 99 acres clear; about 04 a!L7? MftumP. pasture: balance 4a choice piling timber and oak gruba. Timber alone worth 97600. New four room houaa, new dairy barn, providing for 29 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped lro.m.I,0 ?. " buildinga. Win JI tb whole at a great bargain. XV7 . Per cent Interest. Address L, owner, cars Tb Statesman. the city of Salem, Oregon. "W. I. 8!mpson. Cost 9177.90 South 20 feet of lot 6. block 16, Jonea' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. W. 11. Simpson. Cost $40.13 North 25 fact of lot 7, block 16. Jones' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Myra M. Kilgore. Coat $50.16 South 25 feet of lot 8, block 16, Jones' addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Myra M. Kilgore. Cost ..i $57.18 North 50 feet of lot 8, block 16. Jones' addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Alice M. Dudley. Cost $120.74 Lot 10, block 17, Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Flor ence McCourt. Cost ..... $100.32 Lot 7. block 20. Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Alfred Schar. Cost ... . .. $114.36 Lot 8. block 20. Nob Hill addition to Salem. Oregon. Alfred Schar. Cost .. $107.34 Lot 9. block 20. Nob Hill addition to Salem, Oregon. Alfred Schar. Cost .. $100.32 Lot 10. block 20, Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem. Oregon. Fred Slebentbsl. Cost ........ 8100.3 . Lot 11. block 20. Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Kred olebentbal. Cost .... 1 $107.34 Lot 12. block 20. Nob Hill addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. Fred Slebenthal. Cost ........ $120.74 Lot 3. block 21. Nob Hill addition to Salem. Oregon. 'George F. Hop kins. , Cost $22.88 Lot 4, block 21, Nob Hill addition to Salem, Oregon. George F. Hop kins.1 Cost.... ..9201.03 North one-half of lot 6, block 2t, Nob Hill addition to the city of Sa lem. Oregon. George F. Hopkins. Cost ..- ...'.$49.88 Said assessments were entered in Volume S. Docket of City Liens, on the 8th day of December, 1917. as a charge and lien against said proper ty, and are now due and payable to the city treasurer. This notice Is served upon oa by publication thereof for ten days In the Dally Oregon Statesman, pub lished in the city of Salem, by order of the common council. Date or first publication hereof. January SO. 1918. -Earl Race, Recorder of the City of Salem. . I SALEM MARKETS RUYTNO PRICES. Egg and Poultry. . - Eggs, 43c to 45e. Hens, live. 21c to 22c. Old roosters and stags, 11 to l$c. Pork. Mutton and Beef. Ewes, 6 07c. Pork on foot 15c. Veal, dressed. 12 to 16c. ' Spring lambs, 12 Me. Beef steers, 6 to 7 He; cows, 6c to 6c. Bulla, 4 to 5cv y. Cheat, per ton, $22. Clover, per ton, $20. . Veltch, per ton, $22. - , Grain. -- r.- Wheat. 81.85 to 1.87. V Oats, 80e to 85c Deans, 8 to 9c Mill Feeds. Retail. Bran, per ton, $35.60. ' Shorts, per ton $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Itatter. Country hotter, 46c -Creamery prints, 63c. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 64c. Flan, . .. Salmon, Chinook; 30c -Vertal, Lettuce, crate, $2.15. Celery, 75e to 90c. Nebr, rice corn, 10 to 10c Tomatoes, California, $2.75. Broccoli, $1.85. Onions, $2 to $2.60. Cabbage, 2c. String garlic, 8e. Potatoes. 81.86. ? Turnips, sack, $1.00. Sweet potatoes. 6c Nuts .. Almonds. 2 Sc Walnuta (No. 1) 24 l-2c Walnuts (No. I) 20c Peanuts, raw. 16c Cocoanuta, doaen. $1.40. Fralts. Grapefruit, $5 to $6. Pears. $1.50. Oranges, 82.80 to $4.50. Bananas. 6 He. Apples. $1.26 to $1.75. Fard datec $2.50. ' Dromedary dates, $4.75. Honey (Idaho) $4.25 to $4.60. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. -Retail Prlcee. Creamery butter, fe. Flour, hard wheat. $2,80 to $!. Flour, valley. $2.60 to $2.60. Egga, 50c Sugar, eane and beet; 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack Iota. 81.60. PORTLAIfD MARKETS PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 1. Butter: Prlnta. extraa, 52 to 63c; cubes, ex tras, 48c; prime firsts, 47 He; dairy, 31 eenta. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream. 55c. Potatoes. Buying price: Locals, 81 to $1.15: selling price, $1.25 to $2.35. No grain optlona quoted. Cattle. Cattle, strong; - receipts. 211; medium to choice steers, $10.35 o $11; good to medium steers, $9.35 to 10.35; common to good steers, 87.75 to $9.23; choice cows and heifers. $7.75 to $9; common to good' cows and Heifers. $8.50 to $7.75; canners. $3 to $6; bulla, $5 to $7.50; calves. $7.60 to $11; atocker' and feeder steers, $6 to $9. Hogs, Hogs, steady; receipts, 680; prime light. $16 to $16.26; prime heavy. $16.20 to $16.35; pigs, $13.76 to $15;, bulk of saTea, $16 to $16.15. Sheep, Sheep, steady; receipts, 258; western lambs, $15 to $15.50; valley lambs, $14.50 to $15; yearlings, $13 to $13.50; wethers. $12.50 to $18: ewes, $10 to 11. Portland market on shorn abeep, 2 M to 3c udder quo tations. Car Recelpta, Today's car receipts: Wheat. 1 barley, 1; flour, 1; oata, 6; hay, 11. K - ' -: Peace Gossip Give Corn Downward Slant CH ICAGO. Feb. -1. Peace goaalp, together with modeatiing weather that promised enlarged receipts gave the corn market today a downward alant. Price closed easy at the aame aa yesterday's finish to 6-8c lower, at $1.26 3-4 for March and $1.24 6-8 to $1.24 3-4 May. Oata underwent a setback of 1 3-8 to 1 3-4 c net. Provisions gained 2 He to 20c . Attempts to rally the market proved to be of little use, owing a good deal to the fact that rising tem peratures prevailed throughout the corn belt, and that no return to ab normal low levels was now in aighL Liberal country offerings' had much to do with weaknraa of oata. Besides, export demand was lack fog both from the east and. the gulf. Optimism regarding peace chances Helped to. lift provisions. Purchasing aaaumed to be for the food administration acted as an ad dltlonal prop to values. Further gov ernment orders were soon expected. Religious Meetings Are Closed at Pratum Church PRATUM. Or.. Feb. 1. Rev. r. Ashleman of Colfax. Wash., Wednes day preached his last sermon of a aeries of meetings be held here dur ing the past week. He is accompa nied by Mr. land Mrs. Fred Ashleman of ColTax. . Rev. and Mrs. J. Stocker of Salem drove Jiere Jast Friday. They were entertained, for dinner at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Powell. At night Rev. Mr. Stocker spoke at the scnoolhouse for the Armenians. The district contributed $60. Through the effort of A. W. Powell, chairman of the board of directors, also three other collections have been taken for the same cause at church and Sunday school, besides . numerous other donations through the Chris tian Herald and other agencies should bring the total amount con tributed In this district for the Ar menlans uo to about 8100. A. Anderosn and family attended a birthday party in Salem last Mon day nlghL . Misses Hazel, Zina and Esther Lamberts returned from Polk county laat Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Stauffer from Sa lem Prairie and Mrs- R. Gerig and Mrs. A. GIrod of Frultland were vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. de Vrles last Monday. Andrew Llnbeck. who has been quite sick for several weeks, la Im proving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wedel of Sa lem were visitors here last Sunday. CHICHESTER S PILL 0 4 1.1 mkmt fee MWkMmu lnl.lllt,ilw katMtrfe SflD li CCCISTS Dtnrjxs StOTlCH or CiERMAN RECJISTRATIO . All German aliens are required to restaur between February 4th and February 9th 1911. By proclamation of the President of the United States, all German atlene are hereby notified that all natives, citlsene. denizens, or aubjects of the German Empire, or Imperial German Oovernment, being males of the ae of fourteen yeara and upwarda on reg istration day who are within the Unit ed Statea and not actually naturalised aa American citlsene are required to rerrtster aa alien enemies. The datea of registration within the State of Oregon, have been fixed by the Attorney Ueneral of the United Statea to commence at 4:00 a. m. on February 4th and to continue on eeca oar successively thereafter between tha houra of 0:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. uf to and including the 1th day t of Feb ruary. 1919, at 9: 00 p. m. All German aliens residing In, W being within the city of Salem or vi cinity are hereby required to prnc themaelvea for registration at the Po lice Station in aald city to the Chlr of Police who baa been designated f the Attorney General as Chief Regie trar of aald city, and to complete theft registration on or before the 91m day of February. 1919. at 9:00 n. m. Any German alien, required to reg ister who falls to complete his registra tion within the time fixed therefor, or who violatea. or attempta to violate, c of whom there la reasonable ground to believe that he la about to violate any regulation duly proraulrated by the President of the United States, or these regulations. In addtlon to all other penaltiea prescribed by law, 1 liable to restraint. Imprisonment anl detention tor the duration of the wa.. or to give security, or to remove iik depart from the United Statee la tin. manner prescribed by law, Forma of registration affidavits, reg istration cards, and Instructions to rear-' Istrante. and other necessary forme will be furnlehed by the Calef of Police. Jit . -. ...... , ow. p. Alexander, ' t United Statee Marshal. District of Oregon. ; " . .. H. H. 1. -". . Aetlnr ref of Pollen and Chief -Registrar for ' " the city -of Plm. TIMETABLE? SOUTH krw piano CO. Bfoef nbowael 19 Oregon Exprese 1:01am. 14 Oregon Ian .... ..... 1:11am. .29 Willamette Limited., 9:i0a.m. 19 Portland Passenger.. 1:1$ p.m. 94 Coos liar ........... 1:44 p.m. 12 Shasta Limited ..... 7:04p.m. 14 Portland Express ... 9:10p.m. 229 Local War Freight.. 9:00a.m. 123 Portland Fast Freight 11:11pm. Seetnbenad 12 Oregonlan .......... 9:20a.m. .22 Coos Bay ..10:41a.m. 15 California Kxpreee ..10:14 a.m. .17 Itoseburg paeeenger. 4:20 p.m. ,11 Phesta Umlted ..... 1:41p.m. 27 Willsmette Limited.. 0:10p.m. 11 Han Francisco pass.. .10.17 p.m. 221 San Fran. Fsst Frt... .12:01 ai. 227 Local Way Freight.. 11:01a.m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. NO, No. No. SALBM-OFRfl I4ST19 Ko. 72 Arrive at Salem 9:11a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 9:01p.m. SALRN. FALLS CITT e WCSTKn?! Ul leaves, Halem. motor ,,,, 7:01a.m. 11.2 Leaves Salem, motor.,,, 9:11a.m. 101 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Throuah er to Monmouth and Aril 1(7 Leavea Salem, motor .... 9:42 p.m. 149 leaves Halem. motor..... 1:17p.m. 229 War Freight leaves Salem 1:00 a.m. 1C2 Arrives at Halem ........ 9:20a.m. 14 Arrives at Salem ........11:00a.m. 144 Arrives et Halem ........ 1:00 p.m. 1C9 Arrlvee at Halem ........ 9:21p.m. 170 Arrlvee at Halem 7:20 p.m. 249 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. t:20 p.m. OREGON PXECTRIO Sew tb bead Train No. Leave Arrive Arrive Portland flem Kuarcne 9:11am 14:14 am 10:11am 11:11 pm 11:11pm 4:11 pm - ; 9:92 pm 4:44 pm 9:40 pm 9:10 pm Salem only 11:20 nm Salem only :" am Ltd... 9:20 am .,..10:41 am i ......2:4$ pm ; Ltd. ..4:40 pm ......0:01 pm 12 17 it ......r:zs pm .. ...11:41 tm 1:11am- i:ltim North Bank Station f leave Jeff er eon Street 11 and 20 minutes later.) 1 Werthbewad Train Leava Arrive Arrive No. Kugene Salem Portland 2 .....12:01am 4:2Sam :54am ..... ' 7:11am 9:21am 10 Ltd. ..7:41 am l:iim ll:SSem 12..... 11:20am 1:21pm 14 .... ,11:11am 1:10pm 4:40pm 10 Ltd...l:tSpm 4:64 pm 1:41pm 24 .....4:14pm 0:14 pm 7:44pm 22 ......4:2tpm 7:14 pm :- 14:44 pm xNorth Bank Station 4 Arrive Jeffer son Street II minutea earlier). aLcave. Corvaliis. ; . COttTAXl.lS ro4IKCT10S Herttabewd Leave Cor vail le Arrive Salem 8:21am 9:41 .m 12:11pm 1:10 am 1:41 pm 4:00 pm 4:14 pm 1:24 pm 9:19 pm 1:11 pm Leave Salem Arrive Corvaliis liiim 10:1iam 11:11 pm .. .. ; 4:lt am 9:40 pas 9:17 sm 11:21am 2:20 pm 9:14 pm 9:00 pea J mm, MtMd nk J4 It IWm. VX lfwH4. Ai 11 nl. rf