The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Oregon
Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon.
The Associated Press is exclusively
til news dispatches credited to It or
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone.
Ralph Glover .
W. C. Squler . .
Prank Jaskoskl .... . . . . .
DALLY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
week, 60 cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; $3 for six months; SO cents a
month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 a year.
8UNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 25 cents for
' lorw mourns.
Fridays, 1 a year; SO cents for
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department; 583.
Entered at the Postof flee in Salem,
Strange ideas are corning out of Russia. Trotzky and Lenine
and their Bolsheviki followers are demanding that all the lands of
that country be divided divided in amount according to the ability
of,each head ofa family to till. Also, that all properties be divided,
or nationalized.
Lenine, asked by an interviewer lately what machinery would
be set up to attend to the dividing, blandly and childishly .replied
that in such a simple matter no machinery would be necessary. He
seemed to "think all these matters would take care of themselves,, by
! a sort of common consent. . ! ,
" Trotzky wrdte a ) book, before the Russian revolution.
The book is a review of the various brands of Socialism now on
the market and which have been on the market" since the days of
Plato. Apparently Trotzky abhors all the brands he reviews and
longs for a new brand, the Bolsheviki brand, which he recommends
to the common people the world over; ! especially to the proletariat,
of which there are none in the United States of America. A self
made man, he affects his self-made Socialism. Displeased with all
the world. Trotrkv. like all other socialistic dreamers, has created.
projected, a world of his own. Whether or not it is going to outlive
the proverbial soap bubble remains to be seen. -
. But Trotzky, like Lenine, as a matter of fact, is an anarchist,
rather than a Socialist. All governments as they exist and have
existed since time began are wrong, according to him. Having
destroyed the Russian government of the Czar, as inherited from
Peter the Great, Trotzky and Lenine are now bent on destroying
the; Hohenzollern dynasty of Germany ; For this .they enjoy and
, deserve the congratulations of all the' world and, most of all, of
the German people themselves. There is much of iriystieism and a
great deal more of the incomprehensible in the Bolshevik programme,
for, in addition to trying to destroy the Hohenzollern rule, the
Bolsheviki at the same time are trying to efface from men's minds
all reminders " of any Socialism but ' their own. Their task is a
large one. j . .' .
' Charles M. Schwab said the other day in . an. address in New
York that the toiler, the man without property, is destined soon to
rule the world. They have made a start in Russia, but the Bol
sheviki brand of government,' so far as revealed,' is not one for
whieh the nations of this earth are likely . very soon to trade their
own. The Wall Street Journal believes Trotzky is destined to leave
a more indelible impress on history than Napot eon ; but all that is
for the future to determine. I .
'. That the success of the Bolsheviki peace' negotiations with the
Central Powers depends at the same' time on their efforts to start
and finish a revolution in Germany and Austria is clear. Therefore,
until the Bolsheviki have completed their work it is impossible for
us at this distance to appraise the worth of their very special brand
of Socialism and anarchy. Let us not, as the Greeks were wont
to exhort, build monuments to the living. Or as Pericles said:
."Erect no monument to a man until he has long been dead."
Pass the war bread.
The passing- winter just had to
take one fling at us.
It. used to be, vote as you pray.
Now It is, eat as yon pray.
' The fact that Argentina has con
cluded" to- swallow her, pride and do
nothing induces the belief that, after
all, President Irrigoyen might be al
most as much of a Prussian as Le
nine or 'Trotxky. Los Angeles
Times - : "
Canada is treated as a part of the
United States in the distribution of
coal,' another, step In the consolida
tion of the English-speaking- coun
tries of the world . to secure pea
and' freedom for alL Closer political
union Is , not necessary when the
same motives inspire all. for the let
ter killeth. bat the spirit glveth life.
' New York Commercial.
A half-billion corporation to make
loans and advances to enterprises
essential . to the war Is proposed by
Secretary MeAdoo. This same thins
Is being done by Great Britain, and
they are' going further over there,
and financing after-the-war enter
prises In all the dominions of Great
Britain, with a view to making their
nation self-contained and independ
ent commercially and Industriously
of the rest i of the world. It is high
time , the United States began to
bestir herself, and to prepare for
the great struggle for trade that will
surely come after peace shall have
been declared.
Now for the "victory bread. How
much better. It sounds than "war
entitled to the ase for republication of
not otherwise credited in this paper
Managing Editor
i. . Cashier
.' . Advertising Manager
Manager Job Dept.
two six-page sections. . Tuesdays and
six months; 25 cents for three months.
Oregon, as second- class matter.
bread!" And it will have a better
effect on everybody, too. War' is
glorious only as it brings about vic
tory for right over wrong and that
was America's big idea in jumping
Into the fracas.; v
The great decrease of insanity in
Georgia during 1917 is thought tc
be due largely to prohibition and the
clamping down of the lid on the sale
of cocaine and other nerve-wrecking
drugs. For many years the
south has been endeavoring to stop
the sale of cocaine, which has been
responsible for a deal of Insanity,
and it Is good to learn that this
great evil is lessening. There is no
question, too, that the sale of strong
drink in the South, North, East and
West has played a big part in filling
the country's jails, hospitals and asy
lums with mental . derelicts. One
hundied years from now a race of
strong, sober. Intelligent American
will read about'the saloon evil in the
earlier part of the twentieth century
and exclaim r "Can it be possible
that we are the descendants of such
fools?- Los Angeles Times.
Rather . strong language, once
more, for the biggest newspaper in
the "wettest state in the anion.
) With $750,000,000 worth of con
tracts on hand, Mr. Schwab of the
Bethlehem steel plant is talking with
exceptional candor and boldness con
cerning the coming social and eco
nomic order. War has made his com
pany and its stockholders enormona.
ly rich, but war, too. In Mr. Schwab's
opinion, is upsetting the whole sys
tem of private property together
with the leadership of the proper
tied classes based upon wealth.
Some of his Wall-street bankers
and lawyers must have gasped upon
reading in the papers a few morn
ings ago Mr. Schwab's statement In
a speech the evening before in which
were the following words:
"We are at the threshold of a
new social era. This new order
of things may work great hard
ship for many of us. It Is go
ing to come upon us sooner
, than we expect. It is social re
naissance of the whole world.
Some people call It socialism,
others call It bolshevik ism. It
means but one thing, and that
Is that the man who labors with
his jbands, who does not pos
sess property, is the one who is
going to dominate the affairs of
this world, not merely in Rus
sia, Germany, and the United
States, but the whole world.
This great change Is. going to be
a social adjustment. I repeat
that It will be a great hardship
to those who control property,
but perhaps in the end it will
work estlmably to the) good of
us all. Therefore, it is our duty
not to oppose, but to instruct,.
So meet, and to mingle with the
view of others."
Mr. Schwab may not be a philoso
pher or an economist; he does no
profess to be a prophet. But he does
seem to be convinced that the can
non be manufactures are blowing
sky high, the present basis of civil
ization. Perhaps he has not analyz
ed carefully the present condition of
the world; he does npt have time to
think deeply on these! subjects while
building at top speed scores of de
stroyers to fight subamrlnes. But
the logic of his thought surely would
make him conclude that a militarism
which cannot end a world war be
fore it bankrupts all creation is it
self bankrupt, and that an economic
and political system which, in the
development of acute strain, finds
the propertied class . Ies3 and less
In control of the governments mak-
ln- war lacks the elements essential
to perpetuity.
. Commenting on the Schwab speech.
the very conservative Springfield
Republican says:;
"A new order is coming into tha
world. The Christian crusades intro
duced the renaissance1. The prolong
ed wars which accompanied the risa
of Protestism broke down the old
Imperial system which was Europe's
inheritance from the Roman empire
and left a free field for modern Indi
vidualism and ; industrialism. ' The
wars of the French revolution estab
lished political democracy. This war
will probably open the way for
something equally revolutionary and
vital in the life of the world. Mr,
Schwab is warning the men of hli
kind to get ready. Our children at
least should know the truth, and our
grandchildren may read about It, a
finished thing. In their school his
tories." !
A white morning yesterday. . 4
It was the first snow of the win
ter. ' '
But it was not white for lonx
The south wind came, and with it
rain, of course.
This is ground hog day. tl will
likely be both sunshine and showers.
So the ground hog is likely to have
to choose the time to see his shadow
or to fall In his search.
There is a color scheme in Fin
land: It is the red guard against
the white guard. The black guard
has not appeared.
If they keep on setting up new
governments in Russia, the efforts
of the Germans for a separate peace
will take a wide sweep, and become
a continuous performance.
There is every indication that both
Austria, and Germany are likely to
have troubles enough of their own.
lnc Marion county school officers at
February 2. Saturday. Basketball
Willamette vs. Multnomah Athletic
t..k. .IT J1 1 . .
February 8. Friday. Arbor day.
Feburary 4. Monday. Mid-year ex
minations bg-in at Willamette unlvcr-
February 4 to Registration of
urrman ajiens.
February 7 tn 1J. Ninth. Annual
Portland Automobile show.
February 8. Friday. Boy JScout an
niversary to be celebrated in Salem.
Y February 19. Sunday. Time limit
expires for payment of 'delinquent
street assessments In Salem, l
February 11 to 17. Fatherland Son
week in Oregron. j
Feburary it. Tuesday Lincoln day.
February It. Wednesday Illustrated
lecture. "Russia as It is Today." by
Rev. F. T. Porter, at Salem Public li
brary. February 15. Friday. Third Liberty
loan drive opens.
. February l. Saturday. Annual
meeting- Salem Fruit Union.
.FlJr,arjr Saturday. Celebration
a!P O E. nn,,r"T of founding of
February If" Saturday. Mental ex-
itnlnatlA. W A . - . - m.
rail for candidates for appointment to
nmi acaaemy.
,j February 11 to . IS. Farm crop and
lion of Lincoln aad Washington days!
XTnory. -
fc..trurr r Washington
labor survey.
February li to 34 Western Oregon
convention of Christian Endeavor so
ciety. Rns-ene. t
lag election. ;
withnnt tAblnp- care of the sprin
drives that are being prepared
against them. They would better
hurry up their peace proposal", if
they expect to have any voice in the
kind of a peace they are to get.
You Needn't keep on feeling dis
tressed after eating, nor belching,
nor experiencing nauseau between
meals. Hood's SarsaparilU cures
dvsueDsia it strengthens the stom
ach and other diitestice organs for
ihe proper performance of tneir
functions. Take Hood s.
Another Oratorical Contest
Scheduled for February 9
An Intercolleriate Prohibition as
sociation oratorical contest will be
given February 9 as the last event
of this semester at Willamette uni
versity, and it promises to be one of
intense interest.
Miss Faye Bolin. J. Fred McGrew.
Ralph Thomas and Paul Wapato are
the orators scheduled for the local
The winner of the trvout will, rep
resent Willamette in the state con
test at Eugene this year. If any ot
these students Is qualified he will be
sent to Washington. D. C, as a rep
resentative or the western oratorical
contest which will be held soon.
If croK, feverlMh, ick, bilious, gf ce
fruit laxative at
Every mother realises, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs," that this is their ideal laxa
tive, because they love its pleasant
taste and it thoroughly cleanses the
tender little stomach, liver and bow
els without griping.
When cross. Irritable feverish or
breath is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue. Mother! If coated, give
a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and in a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of the
bowels, and you have a well, play
ful child again. When its little sys
tem is full of cold, throat, sore, colic
remember, a good "inside clean
sing" should always be the flrat
treatment given.
Millions of . mothers keep 'Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs" handy; they
know a teaspoonful today saves a
sick child tomorrow. Ask your drug
gist for a bottle of "California Syrup
of Figs,' which has direction fot
babies, children of all ' ages and
grown-ups printed on the bottle. Be
ware of counterfeits sold here, eo
don't be fooled. Get the genuine,
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
The week's 1 new boons Include
various subjects that will interest
the patrons of the library. The fol
lowing will be put on the shelves
for cirulation on Saturday morning:
"On the Edges of the War Zone"
is the continuation of Mrs. Aldric's
story of her experiences -while the
war raged close to her home in
northern France. - It follows "The
Hilltop on the Marne."
"The Cause; Poems of the War"
Is a collection marked by patriot!;
and confidence in loyal manner in
which the English p?ople have re
sponded. Lawrence Binyon is th-
"Above; the Battle," a collection of
writings Jby Ihe author of "Jean
Christopher ha for Its Ideal tho
placing of charity and brotherhood
above hatred and national pilde.
Roliand. a Frenchman, refuses to
"hate-whole heartedly."
"Enforced, Peace" a collection by
the Iearue to Enforce Peace and
"The Basis of a Durable Peace" by
Cosmos are added to the books on
peace now of special Interest as the
subject for debate by the high school
"The Handbook of American In
dians North of Mexico" by Hodce
Is a large two-volume reference work
arranged like a cyclopedia.
"The Dictionary of the Bible" by
Hastings Is probably the best known
book of Its kind.
The Rib of the Man" is Charle
Kennedy's play published In 1917.
"Portmanteau Plays" collects
some of the plays given at the Port
manteau theatre. All are one-art
"Riders of the Stars is a group of
western verse by Knibbs.
"Greek and Roman Mythology"
covers about the same material a?
Gayley's Classic myths In a simpler
and more Interesting manner.
Other new titles are "The S?a-
Hawk" by Sabatlnl. "Baree Son of
No Camouflage
In This Story
Says corns stop hurting, then
lift right off without
one bit of pain
Hospital records show that every
time you cut a corn you invite lock
jaw or blood poison, which is need
less, says a Cincinnati authority,
who tells you that a quarter ounce
of a dru called freezone costs but
a few cents at any drug store but
Is sufficient to rid one's feet of every
hard or soft corn or callus without
even one little twinge of pain.
You simply apply a few drops of
this freezone on a tender, aching corn
and the soreness Is Instantly relieved-
Shortly the entire corn can be
lifted out. root and alL with your
This drug is sticky but dries at
once and Is claimed to Just shrivel
up any corn without Inflaming or
even Irritating the surrounding tis
sue or skin.
If your wife wears hlrh heels she
will be glad to know of this.
Sold elsewhere at
$2.50 and $3.00. Our-J
Price $1.75
Very Choice And
Every mother of a
young babe visiting
our baby department
will be given one use
ful article for baby
free as long as this
assortment 4&sts
One-Half Price
Handsome afternoon gowns
also greatly reduced
Kaian," by Curwood, "The Happy
Valley" by Fox and "Little Aliens"
by Kelley.
Children's Books.
"Mystery Tales for Boys and
Girls" Is a collection of stories.
"The Little Book of the Flag" by
Tappan tells of all the flags of the
country, but especially our "Stars
and Stripes." how we got it. what it
means, what it has seen, how to
treat it, and some of the things peo
ple have written about It.
"Plays for Home, School and Set
tlement" are plays for school child
ren with pictures of the costumes.
"The Cruise-of the Cormorant" by
Verrill Is & story for the older boys
and "Sarah Brewster's Relatives" by
Peattie Is for older girls.
"I have been a constant sufferer
from kidney trouble and was down
sick in bed." writes C. F. Reynolds.
412 Herrick St., Elmlra. N. Y. "I
commenced taking Foley Kidney
Pills. In a few days I was op out
of bed." Recommended for rheum
atic pains, backache, biliousness,
sore muscles, stiff Joints, "tired out"
feeling. J. C. Perry. .
I With the Draft Board
Sheriff Needham said yesterday
that since the draft board began busi
ness December 1st, after mailing out
nearly 2.000 questionnaires, has
classified 1863 registrants, or almost
the etnire number registered. Of
these 641 are In class 1-A, or un
married men; seventy-five in class
2-A married men with children not
dependent on tbem for support;
thirty-seven in class 3-A. or married
men. with dependent families not
their own; 763 class 4-A married
men with dependent families of their
own. and 347 In class 5-A, or offic
ials of state, or others, under ex
emption from service in certain cages',
or a total ofl863 classifications.
Following Is a list of registrants
wno have not returned the question
naires, and who have been reported
as already being in the service, but
must have affidavits filed in the or
flee to that effect by relatives or
friends in order that their names
may be taken off the delinquent list.
Sheriff Needham Is publishing the
following list with the invitation ex
tended to. friends or realatlvej of
tnese men to can at his office and
make out and file the necessary affi
Cns McMahan Hospital station.
Salem; Lee Carlton. R. F. D. 4. Sa
lem; Ananias Smith. Mill City; Orin
David Post. Wasihngton. D. D.;
David Lee Krebs. 707 South 25th
street. Salem; Oliver Willard Green.
Sublimity; Phlllly Woody Boant.
Mill City; Clifford Gilbert Knight.
461 High street. Salem; Charles
Russell Street. Turner; Harry Paul
Anderson, 461 North High street.
Salem; Horance Beecher Folks, route
5, box 2. Salem; Paul Silvers, route
7, box 110, Salem; William Francis
Catton, Hospital station, Salem;
Samuel Bud Welch. 771 Commercial
street, Salem; Arthur Frederick
Tasto, 2545 Lee street. Salem and
Fred A. Williams, 1087 South Com
mercial street, Salem.
Classification cards were mailed
yesterday to the. following:
Class 2-B Samuel J. Butler, Salem.
Class 1-1 John Edward Scharf.
Shaw, Ore.; Arthur EmiI Kunke,
Turner; Eugene Gilbert Gritton.
West Linn. Ore.; Fredig Hall, and
John H. Carson, Salem.
Class 1-A George Benjamin Paulus.
Merrill Doris Richmond. Salem.
Class 4-A Murrel Rlggt, Mehama.H
ore.; William Ellsworth Gardner,
Tracy K. Hatch, Jesse Walter Savage,
Duleigh Pauf Johnson. Salem.
Class 5-D j Manuel Victor Bragg,
Mill City; Fank Herbert Lawrence.
John William Fraklln, Custave An
drew Ostrln, Thomas Anthony Huf
fman. Kennett E. Mickey and Frank
Charles FItta, Salem.
AH House
at Reduced
Stupendous Cut in
Prices I
Large Assortment To Choose From
Big Reductions
Splendid quality
late styles
Willamette Players on Their
Toes for Game With
Clubmen Tonight
Chapel exercises at Willamette un-f
Iverslty were led Friday morning by
Dr. E. E. Sherwood. After the devo-:
tlonal services" chaipel was turned
over to the basketball team. Im
promptu speeches were made by the
members of the team, who recently
were victorious over the University
of Oregon quintet, and who have ex
pectations of winning from the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club to
night. An inspiring speech was made by
Captain Nichols, which instilled
"pep" and determination Into the
whole student body. Coach Math
ews gave a short talk In behal of
the men of the team, which was fol
lowed by speeches by Dimick, the
basketball star, Wapato. McKittric
and Sparks. At the close of the var
ious speeches college yells were given
by the student body.
As an Inducement to the members
of the Willamette faculty to attend
the game tonight, admission will be
free. '
Dean Alden made an announce
ment In reference to examinations
which will commence Monday, Feb
ruary 4. continuing throughout the
week, with the exception of Saturday.
Final registration of students en
tering the university for the coming
semester will be held Monday, Febru
ary 11. A fine will be imposed upon
all students reporting later than that
date. .
Speaking of food conservation, do
you eat your morning's alfalfa a la
, Proprietor.
Sit. AnceU Or. .
Storage and Repairs.. .
Satisfaction gvaraB
teed. 4i years exper-
. - lavce. -
teve Wtfki,
Sit Court 8t,
Pboae 114.
"It says here that an aviator has
attempted suicide," said the Old
Fogy, as he looked up from his new
paper. "Gee, but that fellow was Impa
tient." said the Grouch. "Why
couldn't he wait a week or two and
let nature take its course!"
All Muslin
20 per cent Less
Phenomenal Closing
Out Prices on
Good Sanitary
Boston Lawyer to Lecture
Against Christian Scier.cs
Frederick W. Peabody, who for
twenty, years practiced law In Bost
on, was one of the lawyers for Mrs.
Eddy's sons In their suit In which
her mental condition was the issue,
and had various other professional
employments Involving an investiga
tion of Mrs. Eddy's career, wllV give
his famous lecture, "The Car
against Christian Science" - In the
First-Christian church. Center an:
High streets, on Monday evening fit
8:00 o'clock. There Is no char;
for admission, but a voluntary of
fering will be taken. .
, Mr. Peabodys lecture has recent
ly been given twenty-five or thlrtj
times on the coast and his audience?
It is reported have been large an'
enthnasiastlc. He Is said to hold
the attention' of his hearers in a real
ly wonderful manner.
The lecture is in the form of a
lawyer's argument to a Jury and the
lecturer says his evidence Is exclu
sively the testimony of wlntesses ex
amined by him under oath, and Mrs.
Eddy's own utterances. ,
Letha Weiss Saves $45
r in Dimes, Days Starry
Miss Letha W. Weiss, a steaorra
pher In the automobile registration
department of the secretary of
state's office, is a thrifty young per
son. She had saved up $45 la
dimes, and yesterday she Invested
the entire amount in thrift stamps.
The mania for thrift stamps 1
more rampant than ever at the state
house, and mo6t of the purchases
are filing made from Mailing Clerk
Al. Nye. . ;
It Is enough to make a man cross
eyed trying to .watch the Bolsheviki.
the Cossacks and the Ukrainians at
the same time.- -
Residence Phone, 2:12. ; Phone 161.
Republic Tracks. Goodrich Tire. Overland Service. All Accessories
Mt. Angel Garage
. This Repair Directory gives the principal places where
an articlt can be repaired, and should be pres erred U
every home as a ready golds.
We re-
to our
124 South
Repairs all Make
of Sewing Machines
. .
Supplies, Neets
and Oils,
'S iw is. :
4 S3 BtMtm Street,
1 1