WKATIIKK- - Rain or snow: moderate westerly winds. '. -j, M0W HIS DAILY EDITIOIl 1- : ' ' "... IXT1'-KVK.NT11 YKAll XO. 2UH t HMjKM, OltKGO.V, SATURDAY Mlt.(J, 1'KIJItUAIlV 2. 1018 price five cnxr r SURVEY FOR ROAD SOUTH UNDER WAY Jackson Hill Route to Jeffer son Is Favored by Commis sion Turner-Marion Way i Hit by Freshet REDUCTION OF GRADE TO 5 PER CENT PLAN SiTveyJ Completed Between Jefferson and Albany in Linn County . . Another, stretch of highway In Jlarion cdunty that is slated for early Improvement hy the state highway commission is the road from Salem ; ; to Jefferson. Surveyors are already - it work on the line and two routes are being considered by the commis sion. One of them is the present raciflc highway and the other is the Jefferson highway or what is known a the Jackson hill route. Neither route touches any other town be tween Salem and Jefferson. . A third route for which many res idents in " the "Turner and ' Marion districts fought has been investigat ei by the commission and found im practicable for two 1 reasons. One . reason is that it is four miles longer r teas the other routes and another that daring the freshet earlier in the winter the road was largely under water. A strong '.fight was put up for this route by citizensl f or ' the reason that it touches at Turner and ' llarlon. i '-. ij ' . : --- The Jackson bill route, to go over . or around Jackson hill. Is favored by the commission. The distance is about seventeen miles from State tract to Jefferson, and State High way Engineer Nunn says the Jackson bill grade can be reduced to 5 per cent Pavement is already down the length of Commercial street and on thi routea macadam road' already extends to Jefferson, conditions that will facilitate the improvement. It is understood the Marlon county court is prepared to start grading as soon as the commission is ready. Between "Jefferson and Albany in Lina county - the survey has been Completed -if or another lap of " the highway, ' . '"-" Ap : AlPtCRAFfBOARD FRICTION GIVEN INVESTIGATION Slow Spruce Production Said To Have Caused Removal - ,;ofc:R.siigh OSWALD -west: speaks Fcrmer Oregon Governor At v, tributes Lumber Delays , to Ignorance WASHINGTON, Feb. l.--Frlctlon In the aircraft board, which resulted In the removal of - Major Charles R. Sllgh, in charge of wood production, was investigated today by the senate - military committee. '-Colonel R. L. Montgomery, chief or the equipment division of the sig nal service, told the committee Maj or Sllgh was removed because heads f the service believe the production of spruce was being delayed. - Major Slight testified that he wa3 removed because he was "too active t0 nlt'the members of the lumber committee of the council of national efeBse.' He maintained that spruce proflnction Increased whtle he wav fJlare nd decreased after the wa Pla"ed In the hands of fwers. - and that there would have ea ao shortage of spruce had hU recommendations made last, summer jn accepted. The major also said had been opposed bv George S. fnsr manager for the Weyerhauser , r wmpanyofMhe northwest. " member of the lumber committee of council of 'national defense, and dlory committee of thrw? paling with spruce production in the northwest. , ; .F?lrn,er Governor West of Oregon . rlributed delays In getting out lum r supplies to ignorance.) He says ng-was.not.a suitable man for rk, in wlew of his connection ri I Wcycrhauser interests, who rM inf lumber to the government ' urged that practical uninter ested m en should be utilised. ; f- loyrd ft. Coffin, chairman, of afraf t board will be recalled - rJiro"rrw" In executive session ro- yarding aircraft progress. GARFIELD PLANS ABOLITION OF HEATLESS DAYS Railroad Embargoes Regard ed Adequate to Cope With ! Situation STATEMENT IS ISSUED Officials Admit That Closing Order Could Have Been 1 Avoided WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Aban donment of the heatless Monday pro gram after its enforcement nest Monday was predicted tonight at the close of a prolonged conference be tween! Fuel Administrator Garfield and Director General McAdoo. ; A final decision "was not reached and a further conference will be held Tuesday, but there-was everr indica tion that both officials, as well as President Wilson, who has been con sulted, feel that the purpose sought can be accomplished 'from now on by continuance of preferential coal transportation - and distribution I and by railroaj embargoes now in force. At : the conclusion of the confer ence tonight the following statement was Issued jointly by Dr.. Garfield and McAdoo: Final DecLnlon Xot Tteaclied. r "We have had ' under considera tion the question of suspending after Monday , next, -the Monday . closing order, We have not reached a final conclusion about it. We shall havf another conference Tuesday. ,next when the results of the Monday clos ings and of the railroad embargoes up to that time can be fully consider ed and shall be able to make an an nouncement next week as towhether or not a suspension of the Monday closing order may be made." Ten heatless Mondays were de creed by the fuel administration Jan uary! 17 as a measure to save coal and to relieve railroad transport a tion.f Nexr irofldajTwIirbe the third observed. The Monday closing has brought' the most vigorous opposition from commercial ; Interests, particularly the . big department stores, the small stores, too, have opposed It. as have the owners of office buildings. The aters succeeded In having the day as applied to them changed to Tues day, ; . - Itaftulte Xot Fully Known. It (was stated officially that the reason a final decision' was not reached was because "complete re ports have not as yet been rccelvej showing the exact results of the five day eloslng, and the effects of opera tion of the embargoes to date. Doth Mr. McAdoo and Dr. Garfield are of the opinion, however. It was said, that since the coal problem is large ly . one of transportation embargoes will j bring results without continu ance; of the Monday closings. Nine days enforcement of the embargoes, it is held, has improved the situation as much as would have an observ ance of nine heatless Mondays, al though bad weather conditions have slowed p coal movement, he fuel hdntlnfistrations preferential order calling for -the distribution of col first to householders, rhips, public institutions and favored war indus tries, will stand as well as will the railroad administration's order giv ing preferential rail movement to coal and food. , ' -j I tall Embargoes Adequate. Officials ' make no secret of th? fact that had rail embargoes been declared in the first place the indas tlral closing order would not have been ls,snod. The embargoeswere placed at the urgent request of the fuel administration, which contend ed that the effects of' the closing order would be nullified by weather conditions unless the step were tak en. ';. ; .,. , Officials of the railroad adminis tration Relieve a Teturn ot good weather will Jppeedily Testore the transportation system and that thl$ will solve the fuel problem. They say; that the Monday closing has dis organized activities and actually has hampered railroad operation by male ing it ImpoFslble to load and unload ears promptly. V r Fnel Administrator Garfield has not been ready to revoke the closing order, despite the great' amount of pressure J brought .to. bear by com mercial interests, until assured that the embargoes would be continued. At a conference here next Monday of thirteen state fuel administrators, called today,-Dr. Garfield expects to get. complete information on the coal situation and to learn the exact ef fects of the closing order, j j.: i Daniels Orders Candy j ::'-ttSale r WASHINGTON. Fob. 1. Sale of candy in the navy, stopped January 19, pending Investigation of reports that some of that furnished tho men contained harmful Impurities was ordered, resumed tonight 'by Secre tary . Daniels. An Inquiry revealed that the .report were untrue, : SUBMARINES ARE CHECKED i GEDDES S'AYS First Lord of Admiralty An nounces England Is De stroying U-Boats as Fast as Germany Can Build Them CURVE OF SINKINGS HELD SATISFACTORY erated Statements Are Shown; More Ships AI j ways Needed LONDON, Feb. l. ( By The Asso ciated Press) "The submarine is held." ' ; . Thus In four words. Sir Eric Camp bell Ceddes, first lord of the admir alty, today summarized the results of the first year of Germany's un restricted submarine warfare, which began February 1. a year ago. A measure of its failure, he add ed to the correspondent, was found in the fact that sinking of mer chant ships now had been reduced to a level lower than before Ger many cast aside all restraint. - "I am, an optimist regarding the U-boat war," said Sir Eric. "The submarine,'; restrained and unre strained, has beeen met and has not proved invincible.. I am inclined to think that now, since I made my last public statement, 'we are sinking submariner as fast as Germany can build them. ' j "My 'curves' are ; all good and 1 cannot foresee any way in which the situation can be changed except for the better. . , More Tonnage Needed. f "The sooner the better, is now the allied navy's, aim. But you see tbe;e still Is a but, and it is a very Important one we must have more ships if we are able to turn this German failure into a positive allied victory The. submarine destruction of the world's tonnage is not a big percentage of tke whole, but sub marine destruction still necessitates the production of ships and mean time the demands for tonnage are Increasing by leaps and bounds, . "America's participation -in the war must inevitably make large de mands on merchant shipping. Yet, we must continue at the same to keeep up with the demands of the allied armies and with the vital ne cessities of the, United civil popula tions. " 'Ships and! yet more ships,' is still the most important corollary of the war. How, far can we rely on American effort for these ships? I have, no doubt the United States will do its utmost, but -1 want to urge again the rital Importance of its mer chant shipping program. "When ire first asked the United States for ships there was a quick response. In no way can the United States help more, than in building ships. Is she succeeding? Is she throwing her best brains and great energies into It? It Is a worthy contribution to ourgreat cause. I hope she is. - More U-lloaU Sunk. x "Meanwhile, we shall not be Idle. Great Britain is sy-aining every re source to launch every ton of which she is capable. We are at the pres ent moment building merchant ships at a, higher rate than ever in our record before i the war and before 1918 ; is over we shall be building shipping of'all kinds at a rate more than double that record year. But a great deal depends on American effort, and V should greatly, regret if anything I ralhgt say regarding the future of the Ferman submarine warfare should be construed as min imizing the need for 'ships and yet more ships. j ; Turning to i the progress of the campaign against the German sub marine. Sir Eric again referred to the satisfactory trend of the carve to which he, has referred-in several of his speeches "All the curves continue to bend in the right direction." he said, "he destruction of allied shipping, de creases rapidly; the construction of merchant shipping increases steadily and the sinking of German submar ines steadily rises. "There is still another curve which I keep. I have never told the public about It.ibut It gives me personally much satisfaction. It Is the curve representing what I call the factor 'exaggeration' In the German official statements of U-boat results. Let me explain that curve briefly. : . fterinair KxaggeratJnn Proved. "Every month since the unre stricted submarine 1 war ' began tho Germans have issued an official statement of the total amount of tonnage alleged to have been sunk during 'that month. Every month that statement comes to my desk and is compared wlth;the actual total as shown in our records, tl would only be natural to expect some differences for submarine commanders would naturally include in their reports a few ships which they torpedoed but which we -afterwards saved. "Bnt we found" there was a great er difference than could be explained (Continued on rage 2). SALEM SHIPPERS WILL PETITION FOR CONNECTION Committee Appointed to Car ry Resolution Before Commissioners S. P. COMPANY BALKS Need of Better Traffic Facili ties Is Pointed Out in Conference Salem shippers met at the com mercial club yesterday to confer on the question of a physical connection of the tracks of the Southern Pa cific and the Oreeon Electric rail road companies in Salem and decid ed to refer the subject to a special committee with power to represent the shippers in negotiations with the railroads and in conference with the public service commission. The committee is Otto W. Brandt, traffic manager of the Pheasant Northwest Products company; II. M. Proebstel, traffic manager of the Salem-Klngs Products company, and Robert C. Paulas, manager of the Salem Fruit union. John H. Mc Nary will be legal adviser. Resolutions to be drafted by the committee will go to the public serv ice commission, and from the com mission either to Director general McAdoo or to President Sproule of the Southern Pacific company.; Southern Pacific Opposed.' Opposition of the Southern Pacific company to the connection is known to, be unqualified, and President Sproule has given orders that it be not allowed in any case. The Ore gon Electric Is favorable. In the state supreme court has been pending for thirty months a parallel case from Albany, and the advice of Chairman Miller of the public service commission Is that the local shippers await action of the court on the Albany case before pressing action. It is Mr. Miller's advice also that a resolution signed by the local shipper be presented to the commission. Mr. Miller told Mr. Paulus yesterday that the commis sion Is in sympathy with the effort and wilt co-operate with the shippers as far as possible. He informed Mr. Paulus. however, that wherever ef forts have been made through the courts for the formation of connec tions of opposing roads the shippers have been defeated. - Car Shortage Troubles, The car shortage condition of the Southern Pacific company makes a. connection in Salem vitally neces sary. II. S. Gile said in the confer ence yesterday that his company has been -unable to ship on the lines of the Southern Pacific for some time and that the company could not have gotten a carload of goods out of Sa lem in recent months if the plant had not had the advantage of a spur track from the Oregon Electric. The attltud e of the Southern Pacific company, it appears from statements made yesterday, is one, of extreme In dependence. Officials of the road have made the statement that the company has all the business It can handle at present without additional freight to haul on its lines. This at titude Incenses some of the Salem shippers. New AntiSubmarine Craft Daly Is flan WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Produc tion plans for the navy's new anti submarine craft contemplate the de livery of a finished boat every da7 when the cycle of production is com plete. The first vessel has already been started in the fabricating shops at the Ford Motor company at De troit. The design was worked out to re duce to a minimum the necessity of shaping plates. There are many flat - surfaces to the vessel on that account, bent and curved plates hav ing been avoided wherever possible. "His Barometric Majesty, The Groundhog, Appears Oat of His Hole This Is the day of His Bar- ometrlc Majesty, Emperor of the Marmots; Hia Serene Cau tiousness Arotomys Monax, the King of the Woodcbucks, who in civil life is known as the Groundhag, If he comes out of his hole, and the sooth saying little beast is supposed .to come out of bis hole on Candlemas day, and this Is Candlemas day, he will either , stay out for a while, or go right back. If the sun is shining and he sees his own shadow that will mean six weeks more of winter. If It Is gloomy and the sky is over surface, for that will mean, so cast, he will linger on the also runs the lore, that win- ter is over and .that taps can be sounded for K. Dorcas. VAN TRUMP TARGET OF FRUIT MEN Delegation Will Ask County Judge Bushey to Withdraw Appointment of County Fruit Inspector f ORCHARDISTS SAY HE IS NOT QUALIFIED Petition for Vercler Carries Overwhelming Majority of Names A representative of Marion county fruit growers said yesterday that a delegation of orcbardists and others interested In the fruit industry will call on County Judge Bushey today or Monday and endeavor to persuade him to withdraw the appointment of S. H. Van Trump as county fruit In spector. '' I Dissatisfaction with the appoint ment of Van Trump Is said to bo gen eral among the fruit growers. It is asserted that his knowledge of local conditions and his experience as aa orchardlst are not sufficient to quali fy him for the position. Another point made against him is that the petition for Van Tramp's appoint ment which was presented to the county conrt exceeded by a very few names the minimum of twenty-five that is required on petitions for ap pointment to the position of inspect or, t Van Trump's petition carried thirty-seven names, it is claimed, while the petition presented to the court in favor of A. Vercler carried 181 names, all but six of which were those of fruft growers. Van Tramp Opposed Agent t Other objections are urged against Van Trump. . He it was who led the fight against an appropriation for the county's share in the mainten ance of a county agricultural agent. Some of those who are dissatisfied with his appointment as fruit in spector go as far as to say that Van Trump himself wanted to be county agent. - Information, which is believed to be correct, has leaked out th&t Van Trump was author of the resolution adopted at a . recent, session of the Marlon County Pomona Grange di rected against Oregon Agricultural college, and particularly . against President Kerr of that institution. Co-opertln May lie in Danger. It is pointed out by the fruit grow ers that much of the fruit Inspector's work is carried on In co-operation with the state agricultural college, which Van Trnmp's open antagonism to the Institution will render im practicable or at least Ineffective. (Continued on Page 3) U. S. ARTILLERY SHELLS ENEMY American Machine Gun Fire Puts Nest of Busy Snipers to Flight WITH - THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE. Feb.. 1 American gun ners and riflemen, have made it hot for enemy snipers during tho last twenty-four hours. One German sniping post, discovered by a patrol, was obliterated completely by, our artillery. An enemy machine sec retly placed during a fog where it could enfilade our lines, had to be withdrawn when American machine guns concentrated their fire' on a nest of busy enemy snipers and com pelled fnem all to seek safety under cover. I American artillery shelled the en emy first lines accurately with big1 explosions and responded almost in stantaneously to a call for sj bar rage from the front line when the men saw movements on the r other side of the wire. When the artil lery ffre ceased no Germans were visible. There was no aerial activ ity because of the fog. - Three casualties were reported. Two were caused by accidental bul let wounds and one by shell fire Observers report that the Germans are becpmlng nervous and fumpy. This is Indicated especially by -the unusual number of flares sent up during lastlght. After one series the Americans go their first experi ence with the enemy's "flying pigs," a number of which were aimed at an observation post without result. ! During the early hours, today thi enemy attempted to set up a ma chine gtia In a position close to a certain American trench. Effective use of rifles and grenades forced the Germans to withdraw. , Two American patrols had hard luck early today. One was discov ered in hiding and subjected to ma chine gun fire, but none of the Am ericans was hit! One group of Am erican snipers discovered enemy snipers and fired so well , that the enemy retired hastily. It is believed some German casualties were caused WAR ATTACHES ARE RECALLED BY ARGENTINE Withdrawal From Berlin and ' Vienna Due to Ruthless Sinking of Ship SITUATION HELD TENSE Government Maintains Si lence But Important Step Seems Pending ' BUENOS AIRES. Feb. 1. -The minister of war has recalled Argen tina's military attaches from Berlin and Vienna. In political circles, this (is regarded as significant and con nected with the sinking or me Ar gentine steamship Mlnistro I rri en do. January 26. The Argeltlne minister to France steamship was flying the Argentine flag when sunk. The government has not annouced by what authority the change In flags -was made after leaving this country the vessel hav ing sailed under the French flag but reports the sinking as an un friendly act even though the use of the home flag was unauthorised. The assumption in political circles here Is that Germany does not in tend to keep her promises in regard to Argentina's shipping. The situation here is tense and the authorities are maintaining more than their usual silence on the sub ject, but several "agents at the gov ernment headquarters late today led to -the belief that the government at last Is preparing to take an Im portant step. After sn unusually long lapse of tvpie the foreign oriice to day replied to the notes of Peru and Uruguay, which notified Argentina of their rupture of relations with Germany, and that of Brazil Inform ing Argentina of her sister country's stxte of war with the central powers. Argentina, in the three notes sent la reply, expressed her approbation and warmest sympathy with the three other South American coun- ' tries. . - : ' ' "-' - The note to Brazil, which was the moat significant, says that the Ar gentine government has followed all phases of the causes which led to "this Just resolution" and close with an expression of homage to the Brazilian nation. r These notes and the simultaneous recall of the military attaches from Berlin and Vienna are regarded as indlca ing that the country is verg ing on a crisis In its International relations. . It also was announced to day that an army officers, who has been acting as a correspondent In Berlin for La Nacion also has beea recalled by the minister of war. TRAfCRASHES INTO BUS; SEVEN KILLED QUICKLY Victims Are Children on Way Home From Consolidated School 18 OTHERS BADLY HURT Passengers Leave Train and Begin Work of Caring for Injured BARNUM. Minn., Feb. 1. Driv ing squarely Into a school bus load ed with twenty-five children return ing from a consolidated school near here late today, a southbound North ern Pacific passenger train crashed through the bus, killing seven of the occupants and Injuring all the others including the driver. William Fogarty, Alpha Harrlng- Jton, Homer Staller, Mary Snooks, John. Karl and Charley, Kaivo brothers, none more than 15 yean of age, were killed, their bodies be ing mangled almost beyond rccognl tlon by the wheels of the train. Gla dys McCandlass, Andy Doan, Mary Fogarty John Cowan . and Harold Hagen were the most seriously In jured, and have been removed to a hospital at Moose Lake, where It is said they will recover. Carl Mueller driver of the bus, was but slightly hurt. , The force of the Impact derailed the two rear cars of. the . train .but none of the passengers was Injured. Passengers left the trainandasslsted in caring for the injured. Within a short time a special train from Carl ton and one from Willow, River had arrived with physicians and nurses who dressed the injuries and. harried the children to a hospital. . , , The bus was a, box-like affair. without windows, and Mueller said he had no chancy to know-that the train was approaching, . POLICE AND STRIKERS 111 BERLIN CLASH! Fatalities Result From B&ills Fought in Streets ; Two More German' Cities Put Under Martial Law INTERPRETATIONS ON NEWS ARE DIFFERENT Extension of Strike to System of Food Distribution . Prevented ' ' V LONDON, Feb. 1. The latest tel egrams received In Copenhagen from Berlin report the . situation as un changed, says n Exchange Tele graph dispatch from the Danish cap ital. The strike has not been ex tended.: ' t The Berliner Tageblatt - reports that the police seised the Trades Union building In Berlin and arrest ed Deputy Koersten and other. lead- n. - A battle has been fought by. strik ers and police in Berlin, resulting In fatalities.. " .. . Martial Jaw has been extended to Bremen and Hemelingen, a nearby town,, according to reports received here. . Xewspaper Incited Strike. - The Vorkaerts, of Berlin, In an nouncing Its suppression for, three days, says this step was taken be cause lt Incited a mass strike.' Strikes have broken out in two more Dortmund mines. The strik ers at Nurembu rg, Bavaria, have re sumed work after a two-day demon stration strike. Little fresh Information ' on th strike movement in Germany tas come through early today and vir tually all the news in the morclsg papers here ,has . been delaped in transmission. None of ' the Berlin newspapers of Wednesday's date has arrived In Amsterdam and several of. them are not printing owing to strikes among their employes. Delegates representing the strik ers, according to Amsterdam reports .attempted to Interview Chancellor von Ilerfling, but he refused to see them, as had Hcrr Walraff, minister of the Interior. . .. Situation Is Vague, The actual situation-Thursday Is exteremly vague. -The scarcity of news Induces some carrespondents In Holland to assume that the situa tion has grown worse, but they warn against attaching Importance to the strike movement as far as the army Is concerned,. . ' , The Berne correspondent of the Daily Mall deprecates a too ready assumption that the strike will have a serious effect In Germany. He says no strike4 or "revolt in1 Prussia can be taken seriously until It has won Its spurs. - k The mind and moral will of the whole population has been made too effectively mechapical by a century of military drill, tl must be rem embered, too, that strike funds are almost non-existent in Prussia, for although the workers have been earn Ing higher wages, they have virtually been compelled to subscribe nearly all to the war loan, and get no Inter est. Newspaper opinion In Londonr e- garding the strike is divergent. Some papers incline to the belief that the strike really denotes the growing strength ofa democratic spirit in Germany, while othets favor the view that the whole thing to a great extent has been engineered by the government for its own purposes. The Daily News thinks' It is obvious that there has been spread into Ger many and, Austria some measure of the spirit which dethroned the Rus sian emperor. '.Government Holds Weapon. On the other hand, the Dally Mail argues that If revolution is talked about In Germany, It Is because the German government wanta It to. be talked about. It says that it is vir tually true that no strike can hap pen there in war time, unless the government sees profit In It. ft Is reported that the . German government up to this time has pre vented the strike from extending to the railways and tramways and the workers employed In the production and distribution of food. - , , Strikers Clash" wIUi Police. ' ' AMSTERDAM. Feb. 1. There was a clash between strikers and the police In -the northwestern part of Berlin Thursday.' One policeman was killed and a dozen strikers in jured. "There were minar disturb ances In the suburbs of Berlin. The German v press ' " generally agrees that the outbreak has reach ed Jts climax in Berlin and Is now receding." The demonstrations arg said to show lack of centralize con trol. : . -; Reports from the chief IndtitZrial sections of Germany indicate that the strike movement nowhere Is find ing the support necessary to carry it along . ' - . " '. i