The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    wrmr; fresh easterly wind. ! ( I J I 1 ft (Ml (iff MST'OVf
t Kaln west, fair ia cast portion; yMy J J JL. t JL! Jk Jl I'V 1 11 Jj
":nTY..SKVKXTH YKAH4f.NO. 27 i
daily edition
General Majerheim's Forces
Swelled from 15,000 to
50,000 by Peasantry and
. Army Is Moving Southward
Vtitei Guards Successful in
Eastern Section; Sweden
' Is Cautious
STOCKHOLM. Jan. 31 Telegraph
and telephone communications are
broken between Tornea and many
oter Finnish points, so that it is ira
possible as yet accurately ot follow
tbt'eourse of events in Finland. The
; latest, reports .indicate that govern
. ment troops are in control of all
Finland lying north of line from
; Va:a on the Gulf of Finland through
lUapamaki, Jyvaskyla and Saint
llichael to KexhoLm.
General Majerheim's forces; wfilch
.numbered-15,000, now are reported
to hare increased to 50,000, mainly
by accessions from the peasantry,
who; are being armed with rifles
,talen from the Russians. His main
force,ia believed to be moving south
, ward along the coast toward BJorne-
borg, General Majerhefm probably
; Is la possession of the railroad from
Haapamakl to Karelen, giving him
communication between his main
forces in East Bothnia and Karelen.
Less ii known of the situation In
Eastern' Finland, but the white
gaardg are creditably reported to
bare captured-artillery as far east
t ward as a point between Vlborg and
JMrograd. If these-troops hold ieir
own. it cuts off the chancer of the
red guards receiving further rein
forcements f from -Petrograd,' except
by way of water.
The Swedish government Is watch
' Jr.? events closely; The king has re
timed from a trip on which he had
etsrted and called a crown council,
f ' ips are held in readiness to-rescue
"eJ!h subjects if that becomes nec
essary. -- -' 'V
The Finnish enro7, who has ar
rired at Stockholm,; declared that
be bad no intention of asking for
help from Sweden; The loyal Finni
coald , rid the country of. bandits
tnalded, he said. -
Wow Is Time tohAoid
Anything But tlie Best
in Shoes
Because of the present shortage and
high price of leather the market ia
being flooded with shoes of inferior ;
quality which mean only disappoint- .
ment f or the wearer during the rainy
season, i. These shoes are being sold
to the unsuspecting trade at but lit
tle less than standard made shoes. Of
course they are advertised as $5.00 ;
values reduced to $3.13, but, like a.
counterfeit coin" their true value is
disclosed after a little tise. THE
cxtD because of the service they
BUSTER BROWN SHOES for Boys and Girls
; The most reliable Shoes made can be purchased at f
' ( ., ,-. ..; ... !.-. .' , f- . s": :- " ' .v ' i
Our Store Closes at 5:30 Every Evening Except
Engineer-Applies Emergency
Brakes and Makes Escape
Coach- Jammed Against Sta
tion, and Railway Struc
I ture Is Wrecked
BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Jan. 31.
Six persons were killed outright or
died of their injuries and sixteen
more are in hospitals, seriously In
jured, two probably fatally, at Sedro
Wooley. 30 miles south of here as
the result of 'a runaway Northern
Pacific , freight train crashing into
a coach of a Great Northern passen
ger train which was atanding on the
crossing of the two Hnc at Sedro
Woolley at 8:30 o'clock tonight.
The: dead are C. E Patten of Mc
Murray. manager or the Atlas Lum
ber i company of Seattle; Henry
Thlmpson, Birdsvlew, commissioner
of Skagit county; V. V. Sehumaker,
Portland, a lecturer; Melvin Be3t,
Kent, Wash.; G. C. Tilford, Seattfj,
and one unidentified.
The two probably fatally Injured
are (Robert Nestos, vice president
Nestos Timber company, nelling
hara; J. E. Powell, S?dro Woolley,
Seriously Injured: D. J. Harrl
gan. Northern Pacific conductor.Bel
lingham; B. II. Slater and 3. L. Rob
inson, i Blake Manufacturing com
pany, Seattle: M. Justice, laborer;
Herbert W. Smith. Deming, Wash..;
D. P.! Pearce, manager Superior
Portland Cement sompany. Concrete
Wash.;; and his wife and baby; Mrs.
Walter Jones, A. H. Rayberger, Se
dro ; Woolley; Mrs. P. D. Cooper,
Hamilton, Wash.; Robert N Miller,
South; Belllngham; Joe Conzamos;
George Corey, Northern Pacific
Pierce is manager cf a cement
The frieght train, according to
Martin Hall, the, engineer, wa ap
proaching Sedro Woolley on the long
hill north of the town, and because
of slippery rail conditions, he was
unable to check his train. - Seeing
that he could not bring it to a stop,
he appljed the emergency brakes,
set the .engine in reverse and Jump
ed. He.was uninjureu.
The train, ,he said, was traveling
fContlnued on. naae 8.)
Shoes ! have stood the test for
twentyfive years under actual
service conditions in Oregon.
at 8 Oclock
Both " Short-Term and Long
Term' Senators Must Be
Elected by Balloting in Ore
gon Next November
Whether Candidate Can Run
for Both Terms Is Not
; Passed.Upon
Attorney General Brown, in an
opinion for Secretary of State Ol
.cott yesterday. holds that United
.States senators from Oregon are to
be elected for both short- and long
terms at the coming election In No
vember. The short term senator la
to hold from the time he qualifies
.after the general election, until
iMarch 3, 1919, and, the long term
senator will hold for a full six-year
term from March 4. 1919. The
short term senator will hold for the
unexpired term of ' Senator Harry
The attorney general did not pass
upon the question, as o whether a
candidate for the senate could be a
candidate for both the short and tbs
long terms at the same-time, saying
that was still : to be passed upon
when it comes up to him.
The attorney general In his opin
ion went extensively into the stat
utes of tbe Tarlous states on the sub
ject, and also Into , the history of
Oregon of a parallel Instance whei
F. W. Mulkey went to the senate
for a similar short term, because of
the death of Senator Mitchell. .
Ballots must be prepared for both
short-term and a long-term candi
dates. Assuming that Senator Me
Nary is elected, and ; for the Ions
term, there would be a hiatus in his
period of service prior to- March 4,
1919. '
Censor Observes Great
Change in Tone of Letters
Men Write Home .
IN FRANCE, Jan. 31. Mall now is
being delivered In the American
trenches and gun1 pits just as If the
men were TJack in billets. Letters
for the return mall to the United
States are coming out with equal rer-ularity-
So, if relatives and friends
back hore get letters in mud
smeared .envelopes, written on mud
smeared paper, thy will know that
it is more than likely that these mes
sages were pieed together where
the American and enemy guns roar
intermittently through day and
The mail service has been arrang
ed by the army chaplains, who see to
it that the incoming letters get; to
those to whom they are addressed,
and the outgoing mails get to the
army postofflce as soon as possible.
The army censors say that for the
most part, the men now In the
trenches write to their mothers. The
general -tone of all such letters,
which ; indicates the high morale of
the men in the line. Is:
"Don't wtrry about me; I'm all
rlght.i Food is good and I am feel
ing fine."
The censors say that there has
been a remarkable change in some
of the letters of the men who, the
first time the were In the lino,
wrote home:
' "This mar be the last letter yoi
receive from me."
- Commenting on this, one of the
censors said: .
"I have not seen a letter like Ihtit
for so long that I have forgottea
what one looks like."
Mayor Has Appendicitis
and. May Go to Hospital
Mayor Walter E. Keycs suffered a
sudden attack of appendicitis yester
day. He 1" still at his homo, but
It is probable that he will go to a
hospital today aad a suVgical opera
tion mav be performed. The mayor
was unable to preside In his position
of exalted ruler at the Klks meeting
last night and August Httckestein
Sr. was substituted in his place. The
mayor has had former attacks of the
ailment. f
Many American Women
, j May Lose Citizenship
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3t, The
house iminlgratlon committee today
tabled the Rankin bill to grant to
American women married to foreign
ers the right to retain their cltUen
shlp. This means the committee will
not act on lt:
President Has, Message for
Fanners of Nation at
Culminating Crisis Has Come,
He Says, and All Must
Lend Aid
WASHINGTON, 1 Jan. 31.- In a
message to tbe nation's farmers de
livered today at an agricultural con
ference at Urbana, 111., President
Wilson said he thought statesmen on
both sides of theffater realized that
the culminating IqriBls ot the year
had come and tills year's achieve
ments would decide It.
The message, which the president
Intended to present personally until
attacked by a cold several days ago.
was delivered by President James of
the University of Illinois. Recount
ing the aggresisons of Germany, the
president said:
"We are fighting, therefore, as
truly for the liberty and self-government
of the United States as if the
war of our own, revolution had to be
fought over again; and every "man in
every ' business In the United States
must know by1 this time that 'his
whole future fortune lies in the
balance. ,
"Our national life and our whole
future development will pans under
the sinister influences of foreign con
trol If we do not win. We. must win.
therefore, and we shall win. I nee.i
not ask you to pledge your lives and
fortunes with those of tbe ret of
the nation to the accomplishment of
this great end. -i .
"You will realize, jas t think states
men on both sides of the water re
alize, that the culminating crisis of
the struggle has come and that the
achievements of this year on one
side or the other mast determine tbe
The president's message said In
part: ..'M-..--k-t..- -
"I am not here totell you, for I
am sure you realize as keenly as I
do that we are, as a nation, in the
presence of a great task which de
mands supreme sacrifice and endeav
of of every one of us. We can give
everything that is needed with the
greater willingness and even j satis
faction, because the object qft. the
war we are engaged in is the great
est that free men have ever under
taken. It is to prevent the life of
the world from being determined
and tbe fortunes of every one affect
ed by small groups of military mas
ters who seek their own Interest and
selfish dominion ' throughout tbe
world . of the governments they un
haopily for the moment control. You
will not need to be convinced that It
was necessary for us as a free people
to take part In this war. '
"You will realize as I think states
men on both sides of the water real
ize that the culminating, crisis of
the. struggle has come and that the
achievements of this year on the one
side or the other must determine tht
issue. It has turned out that the
forces that fight for freedom, the
freedom, of men all over the wor'd.
as well tea our own, depend upon us
in an extraordinary and unexpected
degree for sustenance, for the supply
of the materials by which men are
to live and fight and ICvriU be our
glory when, the war is over that we
have supplied - those materials and
supplied i them abundantly, and it
will be all the more glorious be
cause In supplying them we have
made our supreme effort and sacri
Y. W.CA. Raises $67.50;
Commercial Club Lunch
eon Served Today
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation raised I67.SO for its war
work campaign fund at a chicken
supper held last night at the as
sociation rooms. The food was do
nated by Salem women. One hund
red and thirty-five people were serv
ed. There was an abundance of good
eats and two hundred; people could
have been well taken care oL
In order to "Hoovcrlze" and raise
further funds for tbe Y. W. C, A.
war relief work, a chicken pie lunch
eon will, be served today from
12 until 1 o'clock at the Commercial
club. The luncheon will be 35c per
One of the divisions of the war
work ofc the Y. W. C. A. is for
nurses. American women ate of
fering their strength, health and lire
for service "In base hohpitals and
under, fire. Upon their care, the life
o! the -wounded soldiers depends.
Nurses must be kept well and buoy
ant to endure the exhausting hard
ships and to give the best to the
boys, 4 ' : ..
Huns Slay Two U. S."5oJdiers
and Wound Four; Enemy
Searches Out Positions and
Attacks in Heavy Fog
Battle Continues on Asiago
Plateau; Finland Revo
lution Rages
IN FRANCE, Wednesday, Jan. 30.
An American position on a certain
section of the French. front was raid
ed during a heavy fog shortly after
daylight this - morning. The attack
was preceded by a violent ' artillery
Two Americans were killed and
four wounded. One soldier is miss
ing and is believed to have been cap
tured by the enemy
Casualties have been occurring al
most daily for several days in this
sector. It is now permitted to. dis
close that all the recent casualties
given out from Washington occurred
in this sector. The deaths 'were
caused by shell fire, mostly shrapnel.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. In the
absence of atfy report from General
Pershing, the war department to
night was unable to throw any light
upon tbe German raid yesterday up
on the trenches held' by American
forces. '
It would not. be improper. Secre
tary Raker said, to deduce from the
casualty list the fact that American
troops were In possession of a
trench Sector and had been "In mili
tary contact with the enemy: He
emphasized the tfact, however, that
it would be most improper to draw
the conclusion that their present lo
cation in tbe-'allled line is . perma
nent, although admitting that any
announcement bf Pershing having
taken over a' portion of the line
would , come from the American ex
peditionary headquarters.
? (By The AtnocUited Frr$)
On the fighting fronts the rriost
important event has been another at
tack by the Germans on a small
American post In which two Ameri
cans were killed and four wounded.
Another soldier is believed to have
been captured by the enemy. This
position on the French front daily
has been searched out by shells from
the Germans for several days past,
but Wednesday mSrnlng. aided by 1
heavy fog and covered by "a violent
artillery barrage, the Germans decid
ed to attack. It Is believed that the
German casualties were greater,' or
as great as those of the Americans,
whose cannon and rifle fire was
played unstlntlngly on marauders.
Italians Adtance Positions.
Still further gains have been made
by tbe Italians against the Austrlans
In the northern sector of the Italian
battle front on the Asiago plateau.
In an attack Wednesday the Italians
again were able slightly to advance
their front northeast of Col del
Rosso. -
In France and Belgium the fight
ing continues to be carried out main
ly by the artillery wings of the bel
ligerents, i - ' ; r
Paris for the first time since last
year has been subjected to a German
air raid. Wednesday night a num
ber of enemy machines . flew over
the French capital dropipng bombs
fourteen tone of them, according to
the Berlin war office. Considerable
material damage was done and some
twenty persons were killed and fifty
wounded. One of the raiding ma
chines was brought down.
The peace conference at Brest
Litovsk again is in session, but no
details of the proceedings Jiave'yet
com, through. Bavaria now has a
representative 'among the delegate.
Reports have it that King Ludwlg
of Bavaria is in favor of "security
peace." .-:
Finland Revolution Rages.
: In Finland tbe revolution goes on
with' fighting between the .white
guard representing the, government,
and tbe red guard, the! revolution
ists. Unofficial advices comlna
through Stockholm report successes
everywhere for the white guard. In
Russia' the Bolshevik troops invest
ing IKev have forced the Ukrainian
defenders of the city to capitulate.
The losses to British shipping last
week by mines or submarines were
nine large and six small, vessels,
which In the aggregate is seven ves
sels more than the losses in each of
the" two preceding weeks. ,
200 Perish in Alcohol
Factory Fire in Russia
PETROG41AD. Jan. 30 Two hundred-persons
perished In a fire In
an alcohol factory at Novo Archan
gelck. A crowd of carousers broke
into the factory and became trapped
in the cellar. Some onj lighted a
candle and he alcohol fumes ex
ploded, j
Shipments Sent Across Fron
tier to France Receive
Lifting of Embargo May Be
Forced; German Leanings
Are Blamed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Quick
retaliatory measures were forecast
here tonight as - the answer of the
United States and the allies to
Spain's interference with the ship
ment of goods across her frontier in
to France. In fact certain Spanish
ships now in American ports ready
to said are being held up pending a
clearing of the situation, although
the war trade board In i formal
statement tonight denied that vessels
under tbe Spanish ; flag generally
were being, kept in port.
The American government Is par
ticularly concerned In the situation
because of large orders placed . In
Spain by General Pershing for sup
plies for the American army. It
holds, too, the chief weapon. to force
a lifting of an embargo placed by
Spain, since Spain draws heavily oa
tbe United States for foodstuffs.
Teh war trade board, which is
sued exported licenses and licenses
for bunker coal. In its statement
said: " ' ' v . .!
"It is no correct that Spanlch
ships are being -generally held up
by means of refusing bunkers or
otherwise. '. It i expected
further clearances will be granted.
Each case is dealt with on its own
facts, and in a few cases j bunker
licenses have been withheld as where
a ship. has been loaded in whole or
in part with, commodities to which
export licenses could not be i allowed
under the policy of the -war trade
board."- - '- 1 " ' -
No comment other than, this state
ment was 10 oe naa omciaiiy ai me
war trade board offices concerning
the 'Spanish situation. Allied offic
ials have been given no end ef pet
plexlty by Spain. Although not so
situated geographically, as to ship
supplies readily into - Germany,
charges- have been made-that goads
from Spanish Morocco bave gone
through the 8wiss port of entry in
France into Switzerland and thence
into Germany. . Charges also have
been made that the German spy sys
tem has used wireless equipment In
Spain to communicate with the cent
ral powers. . 4 '
A considerable ".element ! In the
Spanish government, it is wel known.
is German lit its leanings, i and of
ficials in Washington express no hes
itation in intimating that this ele
ment is In a large measure respon
sible for ; the present -trouble. The
official reason given for the block
ing of General PershTng's orders is
said to be that the Spanish railroad
system has broken down and that it
is impossible to handle roods des
tined for France. -:J O;
Representatives of the Spanish, line
in this city said tonight they had re
ceived .no Instructions from Wash
ington to .discontinue sailings, of
their ships. They declared one ves
set was ready to proceed and they
expected no difficulty in obtaining
clearance papers. It was explained
that the departure of another vessel,
scheduled to leaVe tomorrow, was
postponed because it was not loaded
as soon as expected and prospective
passengers were notified so. they
would not be inconvenienced."
Train Kills' Two School
Children land Hurts 161
NELSON,- Minn., Jan. 31. Two
school children were killed and six-!
teen others Injured, three seriously,1
late today when Great Northern pas
senger train No. 1, known as the
Oriental Limited, crashed into a
school bus at a railroad: crossing
here. The driver said he supposed
the train bad passed and did- not see
it until he waa, 0B the rcka-
California Looks to ; .
Fixed Price of Sugar
vestigation Into the cost of produc
ing sugar' beets in California, with a
view to fixing a fair price to the
grower forth 191S crop-will ba
started In Los Angeles, probably-next
week, by the newly appointed federal
beet sugar commission. It was an
nounced' here tonight by ; Ralph P.
Merlrtt, food commissioner of ;.the
state. '
Sugar beet producers have charged
that tife refiners have) refused to
guarantee a fair price-for their prod
uct, while the refiners have alleged
the : contrary. -'i "-:f ' fit ; - -:! ;
The plan' which has, been adopted
to solve the beet sugar questlon.-.U
was said, was suggested to Mr. IIoSjv
er by Sir. Merrttt last December.
I muck nvr. cent:
700,000 Men and Women
Quit Work; in Berlin and
. Great Shipyard City, Kiel,
' Faces Grave Situation ;
Workers Tired of War
Strikes Turn Into Hunger
Demonstrations Llilitary
Threat Angers Socialist
Leaders Arrested
' LONDON, Jan. 31. The broad
features of the news filtering lit to
day from Berlin are, first, that the -strike
movement undoubtedly Is ex
tending, and second, that the Ger
man authorities' are endeavoring t
minimize Its Importance. .
Thus far there has been no news
regarding the decision of MiaUter of
the Interior Wallraf at his confer
ence -with General von Stein, com
mander of the home forces, as to
what attitude the government will
adopt. -
Reuter's Amsterdam correspond
ent says in a telegram dated Thurs
day thatthe strike obviously repre
sents the situation In tbe least som
ber light. The German scml-ofri-clal
news agency says the trouble 1j
stationary and thftt no disturbaaccs
occurred Wednesday, that police In
tervention was needless, and that
work was partly resumed In several
manufactories of greater Berlin, but .
that in other quarters operation
still were suspended.
In the upper ; Sileslan Industrial
region according to this news agency
tbe strike has gained virtually no
ground, and It adds that news from
the iron and -steel districts of ttio
Rhlneland and Westphalia also .i
reassuring. In Spandau work Is .n
full swing in most of the government
workshops, the news agency con
cludes, the trades unions refusing to
have anything to do with the strike.
-Hanger , Demonstrations Held; .
A dispatch to the Associated Prer.v
from Stockholm says the German
strikes are largely due to the scarc
ity of food, quoting the Svenska Da?
bladet's Berlin correspondent. Thi
correspondent asserts that the peo
ple are indignant orer the exporta
tion of flour to Austria, and also
over profiteering and the Illegal pro
curing of foodstuffs, which flour
ishes despite the utmost efforts, of
the authorities.
The strike In Hamburg and Kiel -have
resolved themselves into hung
er demonstrations. The extent nf
the food profiteering in Berlin alonH
is Illustrated by "the report In the
Berliner Tageblatt that fines Im
posed in the Moablt criminal court
in one day exceeded 100,000 mark..
According to a Berlin report-re- '
celved through Copenhagen. Social
ist leaders from all over Germany
have been summoned to Berlin for
a discussion of Important home and
foreign political problems. '.
Among items of news tecelved to
day are that the strike has now
spread to -'Munch. Bavaria, where
the big Mauser 'armament works an
instituted and that some of the print
ing works engaged in the newspaper,
trade In Berlain hare struck;
(By The A$ocUtt'd Prc)," ' '
The strikes in Germany apparently
are growing in magnitude. In Ber
lin alone, according to press dl -,
patches- reaclhng nentral countri?
from Germany. 700.000 men an t
women have ceased'work. while In
Kiel, In towns alonjr "the Rhine, in
the Westphallan coal regions, and
other districts in the empire. Includ
ing Bavaria, the situation Is serlou.
. It Is asserted that martial law ha
been declared ia Hamburg and other
centers, and that in Hamburg th
military commander has ordered a
cessation of the strike and given lh
added order ttat further dempnslra- -tlons
be avoided. ;
Additional SocialUt leader In va
rious German towns have been r-
tested because of their. activities , In
fomenting strikes or by; reason r"
their hostile attitude toward th pot;.
Icy of thf militaristic elements wit'i
regard to peace and franchise re
forms. Nume' Industries ne-"ary
the prosecution of tho war l.av
headquarter; In towns where strive
are la progress.
Notable among thcfe Indurfrlo.
are the great shipbuilding vtd t
Kiel, -the -military airplane' and bal
loon plants at Adlersb'nf, the prr
arsenas and ammunition works t ...
Fpandatt and the great coal an IroV
(Continued ca r: 2) . '
x ?