The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 1
Airplanes Cross Coast of Es
. izx; Defense Not Penetrat
. ti but Bombs Are Dropped
in Octskirts of City
Heavy Casualties Reported
Dae to Overcrowding of ,
Raid Shelters
LONDON, Jan. HO, 1248 x. m.
'Another hostile air rair over-East
era England began at 9:30 o'clock
last sight and up to the present hour
is still In progress, according to an
official communication' just Issued.
None of th enemy machines has
vet been, al le to penetrate the Lon
don defenses, although there are re
norts that bombs have been dropped
hvthe outskirts of the city.
The communication says:
"Hostile airplanes crowed the
'tcoaat of Essex and Kent about 9:3d
p. is. Some machines attempted to
- penetrate into London about an hour
.later.' V v r' :':
"Up-to the present none of them.
. has succeeded In , penetrating the
London defenses. - Home bombs are
r reported as having been dropped In
the outskirts.
"The raid Is still In progress." ;
The attack follows the raid of
Monday night In which 47 persona
were killed. "
LONDON. Jan. 29. Replying to
questions in the house or commons
today James Ian MacPberson. par-
' Hamentary secretary for the war of
fice, said that some of the casualties
to last night's air raids were due .to
the over-crowding of air raid sbeV
ten.1 ' - ' ' . . -
. . Mr. Mcpherson said 70 -British
airmen went up in search of the
. eoemy machines and that all of them
, returned safe..
Record Price Obtained
for Furs at Auction Sale
NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Record
prices for several 7 varieties of furs
were obtained today at- the annual
mid-winter auction sale here.
if the foundation upon which
up their business.
I . .... -, I
Imaginary Price Reductions
From Fictitious Values
constitutes at least ninety per cent of present day adver
.tLirigr. , 4 i : -m , -
It is an everyday .occurence to see such statements as
"$3.00 values for $2.19" when tan investigation will prove
that the article was made to retail at $2.00 at most and is
a poor value at that price. ; ; ; r ;
STORE- . . j
-' Merchants often seek to defend such practices by say
ing that they are compelled to resort to such means on ac
count of the action of their competitors. ' '
We believe that a majority of the fair minded people in
every community appreciate the advantages of a strictly
ene-price store where profits are figured on.the spot cash
basis and where there is only ONE TRICE FOR. EVERY
BODY. Present market conditions have tempted many mer
chants to buy inferior goods to keep the prices down, but
there is a point , in the downgrade of prices below which
. cheapness ceases to be economy.' r v
Reliable merchandise has always been considereoV of su
preme importance in our buying and OUR, LOW PRICES
Our store closes at ,5:30
&t 8 o'clock.
College Girls and Women of
: Leisure Class Expected
1 to Help
Heavy Snows Mean Big Wheat
Crop; Necessity for; Wage
. ! Rise Seen
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Nation
al registration of women' available
for farm work is planned by the de
partment of Jabor as one of the ad
vance steps in a campaign to secure
a sufficiency of farm labor for every
section of the country during the
coming season
A 4 1$ Berkman. chief of the divi
sion of farm service, announced to
night that every effort, would be
made' to meet the expected shortage
of farm labor by a plan to mobilize
ihe 1 available men and women, in
every, nimuiJty-rn ithe fountry.
Heavy snows iu the niddle wost,
he said, should mean a large wheat
crop and if the favorable weather
continued one of th bggost yileds
on record may bo expected.
.A', spocial farm service man will
be stationed in most cf the 94 fed
eral employment .agencies cf tho
country, Mr. Berkman said, and In
addition, postofNces In fthe small
farmink communities will be used as
recruiting stations, the postmaster
or .some other , representative citizen
acting as community labor agent. ,
"The. farmer," Mr. Berkman said,
"will have to increase wages much
more than they have to get men to
come from the cities. They have not
raised anywhere in proportion to
their increase In profits." "
. Women.: Mr. Uerkman continued,
will be needed for truck gardening
fruit , gathering,, dairying, and other
light forms of labor, but they will
not be called upon for the heavy
work so long as men are available.
. "The college girls. and the women
of the leisure classes who are ready
to respond to a call for workers as
a matter of patriotic service," Mr.
Uerkman said, "must be depended
upon chiefly for the woman, labor
that will be needed." :
. !
many stores are trying to
every evening, except Saturday
America Lose-69 Ships in 12
Months, Totaling 171,061
Gross Tons; 1 Tonnage of
686,494 Is Added
German Vessels Captured
Badly Damaged and Are
Costly to Repair
NEW YORK. Jan. 29. In the
twelve months of unresti led d war
fare launched aealnst American and
allied shipping by Germany one year
ago Friday, there have been sunk by
submarines, mines and raiders Bixty-
nlne American vessels totaling 171.-
ul gross tons, according to a care
ful compiled report of records of
sinkings which have been made pub-
lie during the period. Offsetting this
loss of American vessels, most; of
which were sailing vessels, the
United States since February 1 has
added to her merchant marine "by
the seizure of former Herman and
Austrian owned ships a total of 107
vessels havinz a gross tonnage of
686,494, leaving on the credit side
of the American ledger in the ac
count with the central powers a net
gain of G1S.433 gross tons. The loss
of )ife the sinkings of the
sixty-nine American ships was more
than 300 persons.
Comparative) Sinking Small.
The -percentage of .sinkings of
American ships compared with the
number of vessels that have sailed
through the war zone successfully is
small. . Records of the department
of commerce show that for the period
beginning' with February 1, 1917.
and ending with Docember 1, there
were cleared from American ports
In the foreign trade ships aggregat
ing 17.738.900 net.or approximately
24.884,460 gross tons. The num
ber of ships making up the total of
tons was not made rbfc.
Further offsetting the loss at ton
nage occasioned by the submarine
warfare, the United States through
the t shipping board requisitioned in
American shipyards 426 vessels tot
aling more than 2,000,000 gross
tens and contracts hae been award
ed for '14 ships, a large' number of
which are .now under way and are
being rushed to completion. In addi
tion, the shipping board on October
15, last, placed -under government
requisition 394 American vessels of
over 2500 tons dead weight capacity,
which were already afloat and imme
diately assigned them to the task of
carrying supplies for the allies and
the American tprces abroad.
iteoai ring Hun Ships Coatly.
Included In these requisitioned
vessels were twenty-one ships in
great lakes trade and in addition
there were , commandeered twenty
four steamers building on the lakes
for foreign account and ready for
launching. Virtually all of these
were brought to Atlantic coast ports
and immediately put into service.
Another difficulty which faced the
United States in the task of putting
to sea vessels to offset toe ravages
jof the U-boats was the repairing of
the "wilful damage." done to the for
mer German ships by their officers
and crews before the ships were
seized. This cost millions of dol
lars, and in many Instances called
for the highest engineering skill to
make and replace parts of foreign
built engines and boilers removed or
broken. .
Indicating that the task has been
attended by success, the statement
was made today by a prominent of-
(Continued on page S)
LL-- ! : ?
Arm Is Broken and Injured
Elan Is Stunned Follow
ing Accident
Asa I. Eoff is at the Salem hospl
tol with a broken arm and in a
stunned condition as a result of a
near fatal accident yesterday, after
noon when, while driving his auto
mobile, he was run over by a South
em Pacific motor car near the west
end oC the Willamette river bridge.
The accident happened about 4:30
o'clock. Mr. Eoff wa unable to
talk Intelligently and repeatedly ask
ed what had happened. The physi
cian wao Is attending him reports
also a severe cut on the breast, but
does not believe the injuries will
develop 'seriously. He says that Mr.
Eoff is suffering severely from the
shock of -the accident.
Automobiles driven by Dr. W. II.
Byrd and M. A. Budlong collided
at Twelfth and Mill streets yesterday
The automobiles ; were quite, badly
damaged bug the the drivers were
uninjured. l m Jl X. A.
Electrical Workers Quit and
Several Trades Are at
Delay in Passing Reform Bill
Held Responsible for
LONDON, Jan. 29. A dispatch to
the Exchange Telegraph company un
der date of January 28 says that a
thoroughly -trustworthy report from
Kiel declares the workers In the tor
pedo factory at Friedrichsport struck
on Friday afternoon. In conse
quence of this ao number of the
men's leaders are being; called l
join the army.
The employes at the Germania
dock struck Friday, the dispatch
LONDON, Jan. 29. Dispatches
from Switzerland and Holland do
scribe the general strike in Berlin
and other parts of Germany as much
more seMous than Indicated by the
official dispatches setft from Berlin
According to Central News advlcea
from Amsterdam, nearly all the
workmen of the Daimler.1 Boersla.
Ludwig and General Electrical works
are on strike. Trades unions- are
not at the head of the movement.
but several trades are aiiaost com
pletely at a standstill.
. The Independent Socialists have car
rled n an active, prpagandad during
the last few days, the dispatch say.
and the movement appears to oe
very serious and in Industrial cent
era meetings are prohibited. It is
particularly grave in the suburbs of
Lichterfelde, Heringsdorf and Johan
lsthal, where electrlct works and air
plane factories are situated. : Strikes
also have broken out In R&lneland
and Westphalia. .
The Frankfurter Zeitusg says the
movemnt is directed against the de
lay in the passing the Prussian re
form, bill and the agitation conduct
ed by the Fatherland party. The
same paper adds that the strike has
spread to the Bochhum mining dis
trlct, nine miles from Essen.
Hoffman Arrested.
AMSTERDAM. Jaa. 29. The Ger
man government has decided upon
the arrest of six Independent. Social
ist leaders, including three members
of the editorial staff of the Leipzig
Volks Zeitung. tl is repoited that
Adolph Hoffman, editor of Vor
wfcerts. an independent Socialist
leader in the Prussian diet, has been
The Socialist newspaper Vor-
waerts has been outspoken at times
against the German government.
Corjmentliig pn the recent speech of
Chancellor von Heitling before the
main (committee of the reichstag,
Vorwaerts said:
"This would have been an act for
the. deliverance of the woaJd if it
had shown clearly that no egotistical
afterthought in regard to domination
was hidden behind the German de
sire for peace. This it has not don.
Some parts of the speech will in
crease our opponents distrust of the
sincerity of the Germain declarations.
Former German Subject Is on
Trial in New York for
NEW YORK. Jan. 29Ensign
Joseph A. Flynn. who aid he had
spent seven of the twelve years of
his service in the United States navy
in the study and operation of tor
pedoes, detailed the part the gyro
scope plays in .controlling their
course, when- called as a witness" to
day in the case of Paul C. H. Hen
nig, a former, subject of Gernftny,
on trial for treason. In. the federal
court in Brooklyn. "
This testimony tended - to show
that an Infinitesimal variance from
prescribed measurements in any of
the "gyro" parts, such as ilennig
is alleged to have "maliciously and
traisorously mutilated" . while a
foremean In the plant of E. W. Bliss
and, company, would cause the tor
pedo in which the assembled gyro
scope was used to veer far from its
The "gyro" parts in question,
which have beenr presented in evi
dence, were so imperfect. Ensign
Flynn declared, that their defects
t were apparent to him from a curs
ory examination with a common mag
nifylng glass.
Ordinarily, he said, these parts
are subjected to searching tests with
microscopes and' measuring devices.
Second Increment May Call
Ont Total of MiUion Men
but Decision on Number Is
Not Determined
Senate Committee Approves
Plan to Register Youths
Reaching Age 21
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. Expan
sion of America's fighting forces be
yond their present strength 'depends
upon such factors as events abroad
and the shipping situation. Secretary
Baker said tonight In disclosing that
the war department has not fixed a
date for another draft nor even de
termined how many men shall be
When Mr. linker told the senate
military committee yesterday the
United States would have a half mil
lion men in France early thls year
and that In all a million and a half
could go across if ships could be
found. to carry them, he referred to
the divisions npw in training camps
and those already In Europe. Fu
ture developments will decide what
additional forces will be sent. -Mllllnti
May Be Called.
The secretary made . clear today
his opinion that if events made It
necessary to call out more than an
other-increment of half; a million
men, the executive's authority to
draft men for fighting units other
than reserves wotstd be exhausted,
and further legislation by congress
would be necessary. He I said, how
ever, that under the authority to call
two increments of line soldiers of
500.000 each and such additional
numbers forirecrult battalions and
special units as the president may
deem neeessarjv the second draft
might bring out In all as, many as a
million men. .
The senate committee today tenta
tively approved legislation proposed
by the war department to provide for
the registration of youths attaining
the age of 21 years since June 5, au
thorizing the fixing of quotas on the
basis of class one of the new classi
fication and empowering j the presi
dent to call men needed for special
industrial or other worki. Provost
Marshal General Crowder, appearing
.a explain the bills, told the commit
tee It" was proposed to hold a new
drawing to establishthe order of li
ability of the new registrants. When
the new men have been given thelr
nu rubers, their names will be Insert
ed in the classes to which they may
be assigned, according to a plan now
being worked out. - r
2.000,000 Men In C1a One. . .
It is assumed, General Crowder
said, that most of the nw regis
trants will fall Into e'ass onei giving
that class this year a total of some
two million men. From class one it
is proposed to take the! next and
any future drafts. '
Id a formal memorandum present
ing his views the - general also dis
approved suggestions that the regis
tration be extended to men beyond
the age of 31. saying the effort of
classification is so great and so ex
pensive and fhe 'number of persons
past 31 y'ars who would fall In class
one so small that the task would not
be worth -while.
Although Secretary Baker today
reiterated his desire to have exempt
ed registered men who reach the age
of 3f years without being called into
the military service, the committee
refused to include such a provision
In the legislation. General Crowder
disapproved the suggestion. The
bills probably will, be introduced 'in
the senate tomorrow, and Seoator
Chamberlain said tonight they would
be pressed for early passage.
Aircraft Program Encouraging.
From Chairman Coffin of the air
craft board the committee today se
cured, behind closed doors, what
several members term "most encour
aging reports of the aviation pro
gram. Mr.-Coffin told about the
success of the liberty motor and out
lined the co-ordinated program of
aviation prod trot Ion and operation
arranged by the United States, Eng
land, France and Italy.
Although much of Mr. Coffin's tes
timony was confidential, a consider
able part will lie made public, prob
ably Thursday, when, he will be
cross-examined in open session.
Furrier inquiry into the aviation
nerv ice will be made tomorrow, when
Brigadier General Squler, chief of
the array service, and Colonel Deeds
will appear probably. In executive
SeSSfon. 'r '
The committee had hoped to re
call Secretary Baker before the end
of the vek for cross-examination on
his statement yesterday of army
achievements, but tonishf Chairman
Chamberlain thought the aviation
branch would' consume the' next few
days and postpone Secretary Baker's
return until next week. :.v
Discussion of the controversy over
(Continued on Page 8)
Men on Way to Clear Rail
: road Tracks Are Caught
by Dynamite
Villa After Attack on Train
Enters Santa Rosalia and'
Loots Town
JUAREZ, Mex.. Jan.- 29. More
than 110 federal soldiers and rail
road: workmen were killed Saturday
when the engine of a wcMc train
waa dynamited" by a Villa force 25
miles south of Santa Rosalia; Chi
huahua, according to information re
ceived hre4ate today and confirmed
by reports reaching here ton tent.
The train was going from Chihuahua
City to Rellano to clear away the
wreckage of the passenger train
which was held up by Villa follow
ers last Wednesday, forty guards and
passengers killed, eighteen girls car
ried away and the train burned.
The work train was guarded' by
100 federal soldiers and carried a
number, of track men to clear the
line. After parsing Santa Rosalia
the dynamite .explosion occurred,
wrecking the traln. Tile Villa fol
lowers fired into the train and the
federals were forced to defend "them
selves from the attacking force,
which was divided into two columns
on each side of the railroad.- Tho
fight continued for eight hours, ac
cording to reports received here to
night and virtually all cf the federal
soldiers were either killed In -action
or executed, according to these re
ports. The few who escaped were
brought Into Chihuahua City, togeth
er with a number of the' wounded
trackmen who were rescued by re
inforcements arriving at the scene
of the holdup from the state capital.
. Francisco Villa was reported- to
have led the attack on the train with
Martin Lopez second in -command.
After the attack the Villa forced en
tered Santa Rosalia, .where a garri
son of 123 was stationed. Those
either were killed or joined the VlPa
column and the town was looted. The
band retired to the mountains before
the arrival of federal reinforcements;
Traffic If Limited, However,
and Heavy Loads Cannot
- Go Across
County Judge Bushey announced
yesterday that the old; Salem inter
county bridge is now open for a lim
ited vehicle traffic and will probably
remain open until repairs are made,
provided the privilege is not abused.
Heavy loads or heavy trucks will not
be permitted to pass over the bridge
In its present condition and the pub
lic is warned by the court not to vio
late any of. the regulations.
; - ' . -V.';:
Oregon Makes Ready for
Third Liberty Loan Drive
PORTLAND, Jan. 29. Represent
atives of, alf counties In the state
met here today as' the state central
committee of the third liberty loan
and discussed and -practically agreed
on aplan of campaign for the next
government loan. The committee'
program is based on handling a
quota of f 50,000,000 ' it necessary
The committee, will be organized
down to precincts'and school districts
and a personal check on every man,
as to whether , he subscribed Jn the
two former loans and his proposed
subscription in the forthcoming one
Will be attempted. Robert E. Smith
is executive manager for Oregon. ,
Man Convicted for
Being Wilfully Idle
ss""s"" -f
SEATTLE, Jan. 29. James
Young, convicted of having been
"unlawfully and wilfully Idle" for
fix months, must serve thirty: days
In the city jail and pay a fine of
$100. This sentence, imposed by a
police judg.e was today affirmed by
a superior court Judge.
General Wood Is Wounded
on Visit to French Front
PARIS, Jan. 29. Brief details of
the wounding of ' Major General
Leonard Wood of the United States
army while on a visit to the French
front have been received.
General Wood was hit by a frag
ment of a gun which burjt while being-tested
S !
His injuries which sre confined to
the left arm, are notVonsldered ser
ious bat he was brought to a hospital
'here, . k . ; ..
Strong Positions Are Caplur
l ed in Northern Italy : and
1500 Prisoners Taken De
spite Deep Snows
Twelve Airplanes Brought
Down by Italians -Asiago
Now Is Safe
yjy 7"A Aociated Prt)
Notwithstanding the fact 'that
deep snows still cover the ground,
the Italians have carried out suc
cessful! a spectacular drive agalnsti
the Austro-German lines In .tho
mountain ' region of Northern, taly
and captured strong positions anJ
more than 1500 men.
The blow was delivered on the
Aslago plateau sector and the ene
my positions ; penetrated were ten
aciously held notwithstanding strong
counter-attacks, in which the Austra
Germans were repulsed with heavy
casualties. The Berlin war office.
In tadmlttelng the reverse o the
Teutonic allied line, asserts that tho
Italians repeatedly tried to bring up'
reinforcements to widen: the breach
es they had made In the enemy front
but their efforts failed, and 30
Italians were made prisoner.
Airplane All Fighting.
That airplanes aided materially In
the fighting, full details of whicn
have not ket been received. Is Indi
cated In the Italian official commun
ication which asserts that during the
progress of the battle, the enemy lost
twelve aircraft.
The victory of the ItaHans at this
particular point is of considerable
significance because of the fact that
lately, since the enemy's strong at
temps to break through from the hill
region to the Venetian plain failed
around Monte Tomba and sectors
west; the Austro-Germans have been
bringing up reinforcements in the
Aslago district preparatory to a fur-
her series of attacks to reach the
lowlands around Bassano and Vlcen-
Aside from this battle, no import
ant infantry operations have been re
corded although the Germans hare
been operating with their artillery
on a somewhat extensive scale. on
the Arras front and have carried out
raiding operations on several sectors
of Field Marshal llalg's line.
Monday night's airplane raid, the
first of 'the year, on London and ad
jacent territory, resulted In the larg-
est casualty list ct any xalr raid
since that of June 13 last. The total
casualties were 47 killed and 163
Injured. Forty-six of the fatalities
occurred in London, where 162 per
sons were Injured. Bombs were
dropped by the Invading enemy in
Kent and Essex but slight material
damage was done. One small air
plane, a' three-seated machine, was
brought down' In flames from a
height of 1000 feet and all three of
its occupants were burned to death.
In the June raid persons were
killed and 437 Wounded by bombs
which 'fell in Londan and on Essex
and Kent.
Ilnsitlans Reported In Split.
Just what Is the Situation In Rus
sia remains obscure. One report
asserts that thre has been a. split
among the Bolshevik on the ques
tion of peace on Germany's terms
and another that Lion Trotrky. the
Bolshevikl foreign minister. Intends
to return Immediately to Brest-Llt-ovsk.
for a resumption of the peace
conversations with Ithe Austro-Ceri
man delegates.
' SItll another Petrograd dispatch
says that Trotzky has reiterated to
the council of workmen's and sol
diers' delegates, that the Bolshevikl
will insist on a democratic peace.
One Petrograd journal declares that
Austria-Hungary already has offered
to conclude a separate peace with
Russia regardless of Germany.
The breach between Russia and
Rumania' meanwhile is broadening.
In addition to severing diplomatic
relations with the little kingdom,
the Bolshevikl have ordered the seiz
ure of Rumania's? gold reserve on
deposit In Moscow. . .
Scant details have come through
concerning the situation in Finland,
but the reports Indicate that the red
guard is in control at Helstngrors,
where ;a r volunlobary manifesto has
proclaimed that authority solely Is
in the hands of the working classes.
The supreme war council, with
delegates representing the United
States. Grfeat Britain, France and
Italy in attendance, has convened
at Versailles, France. The plans of
the military campaign of the entento
aUies and of the United States forc
es are expected to be discussed.
Serious strikcslare reported to be
in progress throughout Germany. In
Berlin and suburban towns 90,000
workers are said to have quit work.
Various large mannfautories engag
ed In the-manufacture of war sup
plies and airplanes arc affected. In
dependent Socialists are reported to
(Continued, on Tags 8;