' : ' -j ...... ... . ' ' ! . , Till! OREGON STATESMAN: SATTODAV, JAYTARY 2fl. 1018 OS IT II pi rt UT f t9 rf f jj-f y lhe Wants and INeeds of the Capital City Are Noted A U; U VG VUl QM U HI V l W U V Under uProoer Headings So You Can Readilv Find Them 77 I VL2j.I1 R,iv Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECUiw nAnu uuuuj MPVS CUWBIXO. SHOES, I1ICY ME CLES. TOOLS, ETC. r APITAL EXCHANGE 33? Court fit phAB 4 norwich i.mox FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY . W. H. Burghardt. Jr., - , Agent 383 State St. e - Moneys to Loan n IHIPBOTED FARM AJD C1TT PROPERTY AT 1ojs.s- unvTT TO LOAN-1 HAVE MADE MIrBnt for loaning eastern I T?,2fH make very low rate of , rr..'t on highly Improted farina. Home? H. Smith. Room 6. McCorm.ck ISffTem, Or. PhonoOO. CLASSIFIES ADVERTISBMKJrrS nt Prt Werd First Insertion Subsequent insertion ... ?UDr?"r .! insertions! le -e ww - One month ....... i months' contract per mo. So it maths contract, per mo.. . c "a account opened for leas than 25c T advertisement to th extent of 60c t anaounclng "For Sale.- -For I Rent.- -Rooms" or "Board.- NEW TODAY meat will be run under "New Today 1 or nm ib.ci uuu, wu,..u otherwise woerw " Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper class ification. v No dvertlament .will be run tsaoer -jew - - ae issue tinder any circumstance NEW TODAY ICERObiI AND BOARD IN riALEil home; all modern conveniences; price very reasonable. Phone 1671-W. fNTED-pA GIKL TOR GENERAL housework. See Hal D. : Patton 1 a-ttons Book Store. - KOR RENT A COST THREE ROOM apartment on ground floor. Furn- ihed complete for aousekeeping. I , electriet Hunt, . and wood Move 1 for cooking. I'bone 234-M. T. ,G. I Albert, 4 Mill street. WILI.: TRADE MX $5000 7-ROO.M modern home, full sized bairment, two large ots, 'on corner, unincumb ered f6t a a-ood farm free and unln eumbered. Owner 15 N. 11th street Salem, Oregon. - , TRADE ACRE HOMs CMORN1NO side, addition) Salem for Alberta Land. Uinrrich route 5. . unst "Large envelope contain , Inr bar pin, crocheting-, and slifc cloth. Phone 721 or leave- at hchrualt's Store. Reward. , FOR "KENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE iwo lota, fine garden land, barn, chicken park. , Corner- worth Cora merical artd Qaines. $10 per montn. Phone J270-W. - ,. FOR RENT FIVE ACRES L.VND, cleared, close in, suitable (or hay or potatoes. -Phone 2404-M. )0D BUSINESS SENSE THE BLS1 nets man who. loans his money on improved real estate always insists 0 "a, good lire insurance a a part oi his security because there is too """wl at stake for him. to carry tne risk with out this Drotection. Are you able to be without insurance on-l jour home and ether property? Ths time to insure I now. See H. A. Johnson sc Co. Aaents-for the Ore cob Fire Relief Association, Busn JaaK building, Salem. Phone 27. THREE ACRES, 1U CLOVER, 4 ROOM bungalow, $1560. Kive acres. 2 acre 3 year old prunes, 3 miles from car. f.50. ' One and a half acres. 1' Joganber Tif.t cardn land t.'.rtrt - Xlnety acres, 25 acres prune and cherries, good improvements. 6 miles rem Miem. win take smaller rancn up to $&000 and mortgage back for balance, price $10,000. : JTiVe KCTM well. imrm.r.fV T fan.. J1 orchard 4 miles from Salem, also " oouin uaaota wheat land. Dots priced $7500. will apply on Willam ette valley ranVh and assume up to $.so. 120 acres. II miles Dldsbury, Alta.. rej K.aeo, will accept Salem resl . deace up .to $2600 and take mort cage back for the balance at mix per cent. - ...... uf cre S mile from Solsifirth, Manitoba, will exchange Tor Salem residence up to $4,000 take residence for bal"anceIU nd mortgK bacJt "9 cre Idaho Wheatland 260 lr farm!' exchBe equity for ral it acres well improved. 3 '4 miles irom Salem, price $10,000. win ex .Cor 'afsrer ranch and assume .V r 17 SOft. Hooolornicv. 341 State. EMPLOYMENT KEMALK WANTkD PHOXrfToiT -. ys- Mabbard building; Phone 254 or $22. WASTED 20 LOGANBERRY TRAIN riA.fi0ndy coming. Bring leather hint Phone, li. Cunning'- V'froIE?T?RI?.HT YOCNO MAN J r wprk.; Apply FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ! i. , H TKADE FINE YOUNG 1 holra rTKnth",.,a for milk cor or og. I'hone 9F21. . ? ''reaSJiSr1 AND CHINA BOAR. rminfr iJ."u,'r"ou - "" North J5!?CEi-t.Ajri5ors 1 lnTjt5 MEAT EVERY DAY. 1 er:SH,i1J' BUY GOOD KOAD . ChfZ?? running order, worth -4-k oiDK to enlist. Phone ':Iet,orItuXEsa AND WAON FOR bog. rJ-ri." for cattle or " t . S$B $55ARAaK FOR SALE Wes'airtl "-ial. windows in thandrp"- "Will sell for muc in or 622 lllStKLLAVknl n h . OR TRADE FOR COW. 1'lnmt "lftrl ?ViULB TOR house. . f i-hone"nr or -S5. "mK!s 5 iTr.ii!?AVY ''IWBLK HARNESS " . jr Kinjfif, 10 be sold at N.dry. Auction without reserve. Saturday morning. l,lTrANT TO GET The BEST , imq i uo to the Pacific YbSitu& Klttm: ,'on. for a Slat subaription. Mention this ad. CTh7-ILOFTHE OATMAN GIRLS riri Bory of western Immi- aS blen carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It aacre of the Oatman family, of the .tC J2 of LorenBo. and the captivity ?.f..t1.P,y nd ,lT- Mary died f riSm'tL'J OU wa Purchased from the Indiana five years later. dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. 8a. 1 f VI kPAOAH POtl-TBt IF YOB WANT TO GET T11E poultry ! paper ! published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem, Oregon, for a trial ubacription. Mention thla id? i REAL. ETATB A GOOD BUY 25xt0 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, togetb- fw ,hrpr?tual r,ht ot WT over the 14x50 H feet tract extending from thls property to State street. Terms PJljr BomortH. 701-a Spaulding wide?.. Portland. Orearow- WOOD. I'Kf FIR WOOD FOR SALEPH15nE z.- or czz after office hours. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED M mile west of Wapato station. Yamhill county. 12 acre bops. 700 bearing . fruit trees, 21 acres farm land, bal , ance pasture. Address W. H. Egan. Gervais. route 2. phone SF11. HOUSE FOR RENT $: PARTLY' MODERN five-room cottasre. 1052 Saginaw. ' in good order., fail at 1943 Saginaw, or Statesman buMinesa office. I'hone 23. i ; . FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one block from paved etreet. In South Salem. $10 per month. E. A. Rhoten 149 RuraL Avenue. Phone i 1141-J. , - FOR RENT THE FOLI OWING J $10 Five-room modern cottage at ; 1857 South- Church street. $11.60 Hii-room modern house on paved street at 1920 South High Si. : Call at Statesman business office ' nr ohotie 63. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO LIGHT, STEAM heated office rooms. Gray Building, phone; 127 or call on. R. Catlin. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. . Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In , side room. Close to State House. 1030 Cbemeketa. Phone 1280. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED r housekeeping rooms, reasonable, la North commercial LOST end FOUND v irorND L'OITVIt V'.VK I.AsSKS ON CORNLR of High and Ferry. Owner can have ; aame y calling at oiatcsman uiuto and paying for this d. MISCELLANEOUS TBI'IHAES OPPOnTXiTlES FOR KALE OWNER LEAVING FOR California. Will sell 20 room apart ment house one-bloclc. from Court House.- Good income. Phonel21-R- WANTED JtfISCEL.IAXKOUS WA NT E DTO RENT FARM WITHIN 1 Similes from Salem. Address route . tot 146. . . WANTKD HORSES. -HARNESS AND wagons. Win buy an srreoa. o Olson. ; Club Stable. Phone 7. FORD RUNABOUT MUST BE IN OOOD condition and cheap for cash. Ad dress "A " care Statesman. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom. Statea vnan. ' WANTED EXPERIENCED FARMER and sheep man want to rent a farm adapted to aheep or goats must have house and some tillable land. Ad dress JHenry F. Smithy Dallas. Or. HORSES WANTED WE BUT AND sell, all kinds pf work horses. If you have any forjiala call on as Clearwater Bros, Salem Horse Ex char re. $54 Ferry St. Phones 101 : nr 4 AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY "TIRES REPAIRED 'VULCANjZIifG BRACKETT - & ORAY TUBES VtJL canised. 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free aervlce car. Phono 1400. - 27$ North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tuoes aoc up. ry"iw Phono $3. 12$ South Commercla,' streeC ' " ' : AUTO 8EHT1CB SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE CITT ANI country trips, x-none ay. nleht. 359. " TORAliK BATTERIES BELMONT SERVICE STATION STOR age battery repairing, recharglnr and ' auto electric aceories. Cor ner State and Fronts Sts. Phone 70? PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. ' L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMf 413-414 Bank e Commerce Ida MtTSIC TEACHERS R, KABR, TEACHER OF PIANO LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 5546. meetr every Thursdav evening at o clock ' in Derby building, corner Court and High atreets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wright, clrek. hhthi:hiiooii ok ui:m MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at t o'clock. All visiting members wel ; come. Horace kea. Foreman. W. j If. T'runk. t-nrr!p.rnlnt. . ' BUSINESS CARDS A t'TO DELIVER V BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELTVER ed any place, city or country. Phone 04 or 081-R. W. T Fs r. IIAItBF:it tkllOPS GET AWAY FORM THE RUSH OK buaineas and r-st yourself while get- , ting refreahetl at Ingrey's Itarbr Shop. 311 State street. : Best barbers In the Ktate. CIIIROPRACTIO CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Re store normal function. If you Wh'at results consult Dr. May, 305-6-7 Hubbard Bldg. phone 627. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C. GRADUATE OF P. S. C. Chiropractic fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8, U. 6, N. Bank Building. Phone 7. Residence 82S-R. CmVKSE PHYSICIAN. DR. L. U. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. Mlarh St. thane 283. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING GOWN3 REMODEL ed. 625 North Capitol street. Phone 1471. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Mouse wiring and motor repair ' work, electrict fixtures and supplies. Prompt .service. 220 North Liberty street. Phone 263. E. K. Denison. DRAYS AND EXPRESS" CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rate on eastern shipments. Also for storage a we have three warehouses in connection with .business. Furniture moving, packing, chipping and storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer cial street. DR YneEBANiiio Aim PREssnro" JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe. Prop, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies and gentleman's ' suits cleaned and pressed. $1 and $1.60., Work eaUed for and delivered free. Tel. Main 661 JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for -Junk of every kind. Let us maka- you a prlc on your household t gooes. Tha "Square Deal" House i Capital Junk Co.. 371 Chemeketa i Street. Phono S93. . i FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND - hand good. Highest market prices for junk and hide. The People's .Junk and Secondhand Store, S71 No, Commercial. Phono 734. - ' HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN SUC . cessf uL Applied here or sold for homo use. - Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 32$ Hubbard Bldg. "XAtfifBniEiT SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 60 per pound. - 13$ South Lib erty St. Phono 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing dene at a rat very body can afford. For only sixty-five cents wo will collect. - wash and de liver your washing within twenty four hours. Phone 1471. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrks vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-406 U. S. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone f 19. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Phono 014. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Graduates American School Osteopa thy. Kirksville, Mo. , Sixteen years experience. Residence office South Commercial street. Post Grad uate work. Lo Angeles College. Dra. H. D. Bowers 4c Alice C. Bowers. DRS. WHITE A WALTON, OSTEO- pathie physician and surgeon. (iraduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville. Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases -at Loa Angeles College. Treat, acute and - chronic diaedees. Offices 605-6-7-$. U. S. Nat'l Bank i Bldg. Phone $59.. Residence, 1$20 Court St. Phone 2215. NURSERIES. FRUITLAND NURSERY ALES YARD at High and Ferry. Call and see stock and get price before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing straw berry plants. PIANO TUNING G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work guaranteed. 1645 Hail street or care of Sherman Clay A Co., Court street, phono 3163-J. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars. collar pads, toola, chaina Fred Schindler. 364 Canter ' Street j SWITCHES MiITACTiBEP SwTTCHEaADTFROAt ' COM BINGS called for and delivered. Phone 1041 In fveninSK. Mrs. yda Boyce. 5 TRANSFER HAULING VUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND t v of hauling. Household Tipm moving job done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 475 State St. Phono 93. Residence phone 1122-J. - - UNDERTAKERS VERB A CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors.' Latest modern methods known to th pro i feesion. 497 Court etreet. -WATER tALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 S. Commercial atreet. For water eeryice apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in 'bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises. Hereafter water; for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customer using water for domestic purpose. Con tractors for sidewalk, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purpose" under schedule of rate. Annlr at ifftr- for copy. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot National Jt Aaserlean Fene. all sJsee. Z ha., to SS lay high. Patat. Olla aad Varalah. s Stoves Rebailt aad Repaired Logaaberry aad Ht Hoe. : J Sales Fence Stovo Weeks. -XS4) Ceart St. Phoao 114 . U. B. FEMING. WALL PAPER, PAtXT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St. GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEO curat I Dg. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc Work done by eontract or day; good workman. Location 102$ Center St. Phone 6$$-W. SEE. PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen 4RR rvir St. Rhone 486. 1 SALEM MARKETS RUYIXO PRICES. Esgg and loultr. Eggs. 4 3c to 45p. . Hens, live. 21c to 22c. Old roosters aad stases. 11 to 18c. Fork, Mutton and Beef. , Ewes, 5 07c. f Pork on foot 14 Vic. Veal, dressed, 12 to 15c. Spring lambs, 12 Vic Beef steers. 6 -to 7 V4c; cows, Gc to 6c. Bulls, 4 to 5V&C Hay. Cheat, per ton, $22. Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton, $23. Groin. Wheat. 11.85 to 1.87. Oats, 80c to 85c -Beans, 8 to 9c Mill Feeite. Retail. Bran, per ton, $35.50. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Ratter. Country butter, 45c Creamery prints, 53 to 54c Butterfat, f.o.b. Salem, 56c. . Vegetables. Lettuce, crate, $2 to $2.25. Celery, 75c to 90c Nebr. rice corn. 10c Tomatoes, California, $2.75. Broccoli, $1.85. Onions. $2 to $2.50. Ckbbage, $1.75. . , String garlic, 8c. . Potatoes. $1.25. Turnips, sack. $1.00. Sweet potatoes, 5c. Nuts Almonds, 22c. Walnuts (N'o. 1) 24 l-2c. Walnuts (No. 2) 20c Peanuts, raw. 16c. Cocoanats, dolen, $1.40. Fruits. Grapefruit, $5 to $6. Pears. $1.60. Oranges, $2.50 to $4.50. Bananas, fie. Apples. $1.25 to $1.75. . Fard dates, $2.50. Dromedary -dates, $4.75. Honey (Idaho) $4 to $4.50. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. Retail pricea. Creamery butter, 60e. Flonr, hard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, Talley, $2.50 to $2.60. Eggs, 50c Sugar, cane and beet; 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.50. PORTLAND MARKETS i PORTLAND, Jan. 25. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 1; barley, 2; flour, 3; oats, 6: hay, 4. - " Cattle. Cattle, steady to higher; receipts, 247. Medium to choice steers, $10.35 11; good to medium steers, $9.35(10.35; common to good steers. $7.75 9.25; choice cows and heifers. $7.75 6 9; common to good cows and heifers, $6.50 7.75; can ners. $306; bullsVi $50.7.50; calves, $7.50(11; stocker and feed er steers, $69. , Hofcx. ' Hogs, steady, receipts, 363. Prime light, $15.75 16; prime heavy. $15.75016.10; pigs. $13.75014.50; bulk of sales, $15.75 016. .Sheep, steady; receipts. Western lambs. $15ff 15.50; lambs. $14.50015; yearlings. 1610: valley $130 ewes, 13.50; wethers. $12.50013; $10011. Portland market on shorn sheep 2V.0 3 cents under quotations. Butter: Prints, extras, 52Tif4 cents;" cubes, extras, 49 V4 cents, prime firsts. 49 cents; dairy, 32 cents. Butterfat: Portland delivery . No, 1 sour cream, 56057; No. 2, 52. ' Potatoes. Potatoes: Buying price Locals. $1Ti1.15; selling price, $1.250tt.35. Grain: 30-day options (Bids) Oats, No. 2. $62; barley, feed. $59: brewing. $62.50. Eastern oats and corn in bulk Oats, No. 3 white,' $58; 38-pound clipped. $59.50; corn. No. 3 yellow. $63; mixed. $62; oats. No. 3. $58; clipped, $59.50; corn,' yellow, $63.59 mixed, $62.50. MARKET IS HIT BY PEACE TALK Early Dealings Are Limited; Stocks Experience Sub stantial Gains NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Although opinions differed widely in banking circles as to the significance of the German chancellor's latest address? peace talk predominated in the fi nancial district today. ' Stocks were firm at the outset, be coming stronger later on substan tial advances in rails. Including many low-priced Issues. Early dealings were limited to compara tively few specialties, shipping, motors and minor equipments mak ing extreme gains of one to three points. The strength of rails was general L ly attributed less to the tenor of foreign advices than to the publica tion of further details showing the plan and scope of the railroad leg islation now before congress. -; There was a more hopeful feeling REAL ESTATE lloVT KEEP VACANT IROPERTV. Rent it. I have the renters. Nie meyer. 541 Stale street, phone 16ue. ACREAGE WANTED TO TRADE FOR fine All-rla quarter section. Nie-m-yt-i'. 544 State street, phone 1000. MONEY' TO IX) AN FOR CLIENTS OX any good real or chattle security. 404 Hubbard building. FOR 'SALE CHEAP IMPROVED acreage on car line.. Pheal, route 4. phone. 102F3. FOR KALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. prioe $100. : Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A. E. Day. 24U3 Center street. Salem. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROP perties. Niemeyer, 544 State atreet. phone 1000. IMPROVED AN UNIMPROVED. COUN try property- for sale for reasonable price or will take city property for firxt payment and give long time on remainder. 404 Hubbard building. FOIt SALE BY OWNER. MODERN 7 room bungalow. Full basement. rurnaor laundry trays. electric liahut. gas. toilet, bath lavatory, cement walks. paved street. fto debts. T,oualed 1710 court atreet. Price $2500. 'Phone C7F14. CALL AT 404 HUBBARD BUILDING if you have property for sale or trade. 1 have several people who want to purchase farms if the pric is reasonable. 1 have a farm or $0 acres for sale. Will take Salem or Portland property for first payment. No money required. 404 Hubbard building. FOR SALE CHOICE 2 ACRE TRACT on car line. 6 room plastered house $2100. 32 ' acrefHowell prairie good buildings $4500: 5 acres, on car line a snap at $1200. 7 room house mod ern good location $800. Ranch for rent. Stock ranch to trade for acre age. F. L. Wood. Bayne building. - FOR SALE ISO ACRES. FINE DAIRY and grain farm, all cultivated, fine buildinga. price $125 per acre. '70 acres improved farm, all farm land, good buildings, will consider good residence up to $4000. price $10,500. 4 acre farm all under cultivation, house. price $6100. Six room house and lot $500. W. H. Grabenhorst c Co.. 275 Slate street. WANTED ABOUT 10 ACRES WITHIN 2 miles, on a main good road. Soil must be A No. 1 and an abundant supply of good well water and a plant. Want a -good one story mod ern house, a family orchard (don't care for more) will pay all cash, and all it is worth, if suited. If you have the above, approximately near, see at once or write or phone The Flem ing Realty Co.. 341 State street. The customer is waiting and ready. . ISO ACRES OF DEEDED LAND WITH 120 in cultivation also a relinquish ment on 320 acres all In Harney county, this ! fine land and is six miles from railroad station, all fenc ed. Small house and barn, good well . with wind mill. This is in well set tled neighborhood, price $5000. mort gage $1500. Want to exchange for acreage and will assume if property will ult. For further information ee Perine A Marsters, 402 Hubbard building, phone .907. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acre of cho!c Polk coun ty land; about $0 acre clear; about 00 acre. In stump pasture; balance la choice piling timber and oak grubs. Timber alon worth $7500. , New four room house, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; now pig pen and new milk bouse. Water piped from fine spring to all building. Will sell th whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms, t per cent Interest. Address Lb. owner, car Th Statesman. regarding the political situation in Washington, sentiment being visibly heartened by developments which pointed to the furtherance of f hit country's war plans. In the foreign exchange market the only direct reflection of the many peace rumors was -furnished by the stiffening of cable remittances to London, francs, however, react inc. The international war Issues dealt In here were scarcely altered except for the farther strength of French mu nicipal bonds. Dealings in stocks were again largely professional, the short in terest covering its commitments in United States; Steel and other lead ers before the close. In the mat J, final prices were at. or near, Lhe day's best. Sales amounted to 410, 000 shares. ' Llbetty bonds were featurd by a nw minimum In 3 Vi's at 97.96. firs: 4's selling at 97 to 96178 and second 4's at 96.26 to 96.16. Total sales, par value. $4,125,000. United State bonds, old issues, unchanged on cail. Cold Wave Seems Pending and Corn Market Advances CHICAGO, Jan. 25. Llklihood that a prospective c6ld wave accom panied by snow would delay improve ment in the crop movement had con siderable to do today with an ad vance In the price of corn. The mar ket closed unsettled, V4 0 H to He met higher, with March $1.26 and May $1.25 to $1,251. Oats gained 1V401V4 to 1.- Provisions un derwent - declines of five to twenty two cents. Except for a little weakness at the onset. the corn market ' showed a decided upward slant. Oats mounted to the highest prices yet this season. Continued scanti ness of receipts, together with per sistent buying on the part bf larre houses was largely responsible. Ex port sales totalled 300.000 bushels. . Huge receipts of hogs weakens! provisions. Selling ascribed to east ern shipping difficulties tended o make any Important rally impractic able. CHEAPER SPRAY MATERIALS. Arsenate of lead for controlling chewing Insects on fruit and vege tables has doubed in price as a result of war conditions. Growers are ask ing If there is some other poison which has-been less affecjfd In price. As a substituteJf Iclnm THINGS THAT By GENE r arsenate or arsenate of lime is ef fective so far as insects on" vegeta bles are concerned suggests J. T. Rosa Jr, of the University of Mis souri College of Agriculture; In fact, it may be superior under moist hu-- mid conditions, for it does, not burn and sticks to the foliage better than the lead arsenate, which is a sprayed with arsenate of lime for control of the beetle show the white coat of poison even after heavy rains. Another substitute Is arsenate of xlnc, which Is used In place of arsen ate jot lead, and which has given good results when one-quarter less of it was1 used than the spray formula re quired ' for arsenate of lead. Ar senates of lead and lime are "alow poisons; that Is, insects ; may con tinue feeding on planta and do much damage, after receiving a fatal dose. To overcome this defect, a , small quantity of parts green is used In addition to the regular spray formu la about four ounces to 50 gallons. Since -this makes a "quick" poison, it makes the spray rm'ch more effi cient. But par is g'tva alone Is dan gerous to use on plants, since It is likely to burn the foliage. Bordeaux mixture, the standard control for diseases on fruits ' and vegetables, has risen In cost owing to the demand for copper sulphate in other industries, and even during the last season, somo growers felt that they could not afford to' use this expensive material on vegetables.' But It should be remembered thai while spraying may be costly gen erally the price of the crop has risen In the same or a greater proportion. Also in line with the food conserva tion, careful and thorough spraying becomes a duty to the grower, for the damage wrought by various In sects and diseases on growing crop. is one of the biggest sources of waste in the country. 'Perhaps a word should be said for proprietary or pat ented spray materials at this time. Due to. the fact that the manufac turers of some of these compounds had large stocks on hand beforo the spray materials rose In price, a given amount of poison may be bought in some of these mixtures creaper than is possible by buying raw materials. SAVING 8LGAIL Why must we be so careful about saving sugar? Because sugar Is a necessary food, and not just some thing that we like to eat because ol the taste. Sugar Is the food that helps the body to stay warm, and It also provides It with energy. Tha is why our soldiers, exposed in the trenches and working:. under great strain, should have sugar more su gar, even, than they needed at home; and the people of the allied coun tries, working harder than they evei did before, to keep up with their country's needs, should also have much more sugar than they are get ting. . At .each station In the London "tribes' there Is a clock to indicate to the motcrman how manr roinnter hive elapsed since the previous train left the station. CHICHESTER S PILLS r tM, 1.4 rfi .Tm UK A f-ll.M t'lLl.a.i.j, a; ycataaaiHraiaifc t,satt. AHMryt aciiai "'s rr1 Mi&i?cres A TMPC TV i fop voo J t, AoSSftt&L V V Arc. Peer J noose IKJTCRRUPTIOMS V V Keanw ( yiLU reVCNj ; )..nn - T A OF rVf - V j 4 kllM4e s LHaneaJ BraadAX Ill's is IUd-al wU M.tiK,V Tk mm .W T-. m V NEVER HAPPEN BYRNES frajg-a NOTICE OF GERMAN REGISTRATION : All German aliens are- rMuireu to register between February 4th. and February $th 191$. By proclamation of the President of the United States, all German a.len are hereby notified that all natives, trltisens. denizen, or subject of the CWman Empire, or Imperial German Government, being male of the ago of. fourteen year and upwaid on reg istration dsy who are within the Unit ed States and not actually naturalised as American eitisena are required . to rea-iter as alien enemies. The dates wf registration' within th State of Oregon, have been fixed by tbe Attorney General of the United. Ktate la commence at 6:00 a. m. on February 4th and to continue on each Jay auccessively thereafter between the hours of 43:00 a. m. and $:00 p. m. up to and including th th day of Feb ruary. 191$. at $: 00 p. m. Alt German alien reaidmr In, n Heinir within the city of Salem or vi cinity are hereby required to prent themselves for registration at the Po lice Station In said city to the Chief rtf Police who has been designated r.7 the Attorney General as Chief Regl trsr of said city, and to complete the if registration on or beforw the 9U day. of February. 191S. at S:00 p. m. A-ny German alien, required to reg ister who faila to complete hia registra tion within the time fixed therefor, or who violates, or attempt to violate, or of whom there -la reasonable ground to believe that, he la about to violate any regulation duly promulgated b the President of the United States, or these regulations. In addtion to alf oth-r penalties prescribed by law, te llable to restraint. Imprisonment a4 ietention for the duration of the wa.. r to give , security, or to remove and lepart from the United States in th manner prescribed by law. Form of registration affidavits, reg 'stration card, and Instructions to reg 'strants, and otherr necessary forma will be furnished by the Chief , or Police. Geo. F. Alexander. 1'nited States Marshal. District of Oregon. H. H. Lttcaa. Acting Chief of Pollco and Chief Registrar for the. ci" of 'Salem. t . TIMETABLES ' "i SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. , 1 ' KaHkkMSS ' 1 Vn. 10 Oregon Express ..... 0:0$ am. No. 64 Oregonian .... ..... 6rl5am. So. 1 Willamette Limited., 9:10a.m. No. 1$ Portland. Passenger.. 1:15 p.m. Vo. 24 Coos Bar ........... S:4$ p.m. Vo. 13 Shasta Limited ..... 7:00p.m. Vo. 14 Portland Express ... 1:11p.m. No. 220 Local Way Weight.. S:00a-m. No. 222 Portland Fast Freight 11:1 pnv ' Seothboaad . Vo. ' 8$ Oregonlan l:20a.m. No. tt Coos Bay ....10:01a.m. No. 15 California Express ..19:61a.m. Vo. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4:20p.m., Vo. 11 Shasta Limited . . . .. S:4t p.m. Vo. 27 Willamette Limited.. 4:14p.m. Vo. 1$ San Francisco Pass.. .10 $7 p.m. Vo. 221 San-Fran. Fast Frt. .12:01 a.n. No227 Local .Way Freight. .12:01 a.m. SALEM-GEKR LINB Vo. 7$ Arrive at Salem..... 9:15 a.m. o. 74 Leave Salem... ...... $:05 p.m. SAI.EW. FALLS CITT A WESTERN 4 41 Leavea. Salem, motor . 7:05 a.m. 1(2 Ieave Salem, motor. .4. 9:25 a.m. $5 Leave Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Aril '7 Ieave Salem, motor .... S:4$ p.m. t9. leaves Halem. motor 6!S7 p.m. 39 Way-Freight leaves Salem 6:00 a.m. !t2 Arrives at Salem ........ S:30a.m. 104 Arrive at Salem ........11:00a.m. 1 44 Arrive at Salem ........ $ :00p.m. 'CO Arrives at Salem ........ :SSp.m. t70 Arrlvea at Salem 7:20 p.m. M0 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 2:30p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC . Train . Leave Arrive - Arrive Vo. 'Portland I . .. 4:30 am $ Ltd...$:$0am '7 .....10:45 am ......1:05pm I Ltd. ..4:40 pm 17 ......0:05 pm 19 ...... .9:20 pm Salem. Eugen 8:3am :- 10:55 am 10:11am 12:2$ pm 12:5$ pm 4:15 pm 6:2$ pm 0:40 pm . $:S0 pm 1:19 pm Salem only 11:20 pm Salem only - 1:55 am ' - 0:50 am 1 .....11:45 pm North Bank Station (leave Jeffer. on Street IS and 20 minute later.) KsHabaas! Leave -Arrive Train Arrive i Vo. Eugene Salem . Portland 2 .....12:05 am to Ltd... 7:45 am 1 X 14 .....11:15am Ltd. ..1:55 pm 0 .....4:10 pm 4:25 am ' 4:50 am 7:1$ am $:25 am 9:45 am 11:15am 11:20 am 1:35 pm 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:A0 pm ' . 6:45 pm - $:30 pm 7:40 pm " 7:55 om 10:00 ora 12 ......4:15 pm xNorth Bank 'Station tArrlv Jeffer- on Street 15 minutes earlier). "Leave Corvallia. - - . CORVALIIS CONNECTIONS Korthhonnd Leave Corvalll Arriv Salem :25 am 9:45 am 12:13 pm . , 1:50 am 2:41pm v l:Mpm 4:10 pm $:30pm . :l$pm 7:5$ pm Sonlhboend Leav Salem -Arrive Corvalll ; S:SS am 9:67 am 10:15 am 11:33 am 13:55 pm f :20 pm 4:15 nm . 6:34 pm 8:0$ pm 6:40 pm