' WMm WEATHER. Unsettled weather, probably rain; moderate northwesterly winds: wmw. : i ' DAILY EDITION SIXTY-SEVENTH YKAIS NO. 20 SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY ilOHXLMi, JANUARY 20, 1918 PRICE FIVE CKM n , , . V LEGISLATION FEARED BY BIG PACKERS : Letters From Swift's ; Files Show Efforts, to Defeat Con . gxesjional Inquiries Into y"i - Business in Year. 1916 mure cnoccttir CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Congressman Stockholder Ap- pealed to -Documents Are 'interesting" ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. Activi ties behind the scenes in Washing ton during agitation in 1916 for an Investigation into the livestock re packing Industry .; were revealed to dajr in correspondence taken Jtrprn the confidential- files of Swift and company of Chicago, showingthe ef forts of the bis pack in a: firms to de feat any Inquiry-.lnto their business. The' correspondence was introduced at the resumption of the ., federal trade commission's . investigation . which i k was . transferred 1 abruptly from the - middle west When Walter Twombly,- an agent of the commis sion, unearthed from the Swift files documents' regarded us of such sen sational import that Francis J. Hen-ey.- special counsel, - and, his, assist tnts, hurried here, from Chicago to" put the discoveries into the official records ''"' fc V;- 'r li.f -' : . . ; During the period covered by the Correspondence ''there were pending in congress resolutions Introduced by Representatives Borland of Missouri and Doolittle of Kansas, proposing inquiry Into conditions of livestock marketing ? "which.' cattlemen had charged "permitted 'the packers to manipulate the market as they chose. A report on the situation made by counsel to G. F.. Swift Jr. and other officers of the fira said , . i Criminal Act Admitted. , !'I believe the situation to be se rious and recommend that every thing be done in every direction to t head off the present movement Ws believe that as it stands today, noth ing could -'stop ' criminal prosecu tions." ", - . Jn addition to working in Wash ington the . packers went to " th source,, of the agitation for an in quiry. Their records .howed " tnev were kept Informed of 'the-plans of the American National Livestock as sociation by T W. Tomjinson, secre tary, and made their preparations to nullify the association's work-in addition, ''educational" work was undertaken at the association's con tention and counsel recommended that the packers assist conservative elements in the various associations to gain control and hush the oppo sition. . y ' .' - Immediately ; after ? the .Borland resolution was introduced In con gress; according to the records. Ar mour, Swift and Morris arranged to oppose it Later Cudahy was asked to join them because it-was suggest ed counsel for -that firm had "pow erful acquaintances" in Washington. Investigation Are Feared. It. C. McManus, counsel for Swift. ' proceeded to Washington to keep in touch with developments. If the resolution could not be killed in com mittee, the packers proposed "to . draw a herring: across the investiga tion trail" as Commissioner Murdock phrased If, by having the bureau of markets commence publication of livestock and beef price data, which they hoped would make an investi gation unnecessary. Vailing that, it was proposed to have any investlga- tion touch merely the economic phas es of the industry and be conducted by the bureau of markets, rather than the federal .trade commission. though the commission was prefer red to a congressional committee, as likely to be less Influenced by polit ical considerations. r f . "'Ia connection with references to an effort to obtain governmental publication of price figures furnish ed br themselves through an amend ment to the agriculture appropria tion bill, Mr; Heney announced that this matter would be the subject of 'very interesting documents to be introduced tomorrow. 7 . KtorkhoKler In Congress. According to the evidence, as time for hearings, on the norland resoln- , tion drew near the Doolittle resolu- non Having dropped, many emmi- -saries were sent to Washington. Sen tor Wadsworth of-New York, who Ilency said wan a ntnrk holder ih Swift and company," was appealed to ior aid. W. H. Gates, at that time t "airman of the Democratic statfl committee of Colorado, according to documents, reported on the at titude of varions senators andcon crewmen, especially hie friend. Sen or Thompson of Kansas, whom he characterized jis a good man to stav ciose to and recommend that Swift hd company gr hig firm some of aeir Kansas business ' Oates also rpoorted that advisers of the president declared he opposed" n tlOrlanit r-1 ntlnn aa HlKtlirhlnZ (.Continued on page C.) CROWDING MEN ' IS REASON FOR CAMP EPIDEMICS Necessity for Quick Training Prevented Proper Health Conditions . t UNITY iS NOT OBSERVED Failure to Requisition Ships Kept National aGuard From France WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. From Surgeon General Gorgas the senate military committee today sought light upon health and sanitary con ditions In the army, resuming its in vestigtaion suspended a few days. ago to present the reorganization legisla tion about which centers the commit tee row with the administration. General Gorgas , reiterated state ments made in his official reports to the department rter a tour of ,inr spection, that the .crowding of men In the cantonments and camps not ready to receive them was largely responsible for the epidemics of dis- ease which have raged at some of the posts. He agreed with other officers who have preceded him on the stand. however, as to the necessity for hur ried training.' r (."Wouldn't It have been better to have waited until the , cantonments weje ready?" asked Senator Frellng- huysen. ,"Frora a physical .standpoint, yes," the general replied, "but I think the training of these men should not have been delayed." '. . t Hospital constrvfetion was stopped last summer that barracks might be erected fasten he explained, and no camp hospital is complete now. though sanitation ' conditions are improving as shown by recent mor tality reports. Gen al Gorgas em phasized the need for observation camps, the establishment of which is beine- considered. He did not con sider clothjng shortage as an impor-. tant factor in the - pneumonia epi demic. General Gorgas said mat with the exception of Cf mp Funston. Kansas, all camps were aamiraDiy located from a sanitation standpoint. !Rnntnr Wadsworth gurgested tnai lack nf central-oower could be held largely responsible for overcrowding and-inadequate clothing supplies. He said he had been Informed tnat tne war department eipei;ieu w the national guard to France nerore winter but had -not co-operated with the shipping board to the extent oi requisitioning tonnage to send it across. " . j Questioned about hospital ships- General Gorgas said the question had ben taken np by nim seven or eigm months ago and that he waV expect ing decision every day. He had been told' it was decided that the navy should control these ships. WOMJSSHOT i ; TWICE BY MAN darence GWho Said Wo I man Once Married Him, 1 Is Assailant I TnrtTLAlifD. Jan.,?5. Mrs. Gladys Morden. 2?. was twice hot tonlgat by Clarence Gay. and at the hospital v here she was taken, it wa8 8a id she would likely die. Guy then started toward a shipyara wnero man'a husband was employed., say tog e would kill him also, but arrested before he reached therfe. At the jail Guy said the woman had been married to him at Vancou ver, Wash., las November. Mrden denied this, aaylng he himself had marked her at Vancouver carry with in the present month. Inspection of the records at Vancouver ojtfcd licenses to wed had been Usuedto each man on the dates ae claimed, Guy's to wed Gladys PensHen and Morden's to wed Emmeline Clark. Officers tonight said Mrs. Morden had admitted having married both 1 Transfusipn of blood was resorted totonight in an effort to save Mr. Morden's life. Morden and her btother furnishlns.the blood. . ' . t . SldpbmUtng?lant Destroyed; Loss JZUU,UUU BALTIMOllE. Jan. 25. The ship building' plant of the llenry Smith and Sons' company at Curtis Bav was fired tonight about the same time that the Oel la woolen mills in Baltimore county, near EUIcot City, were burned. ' " 'f'j'' - i Both concerns were engaged upon government 'contracts. The loss to the shipbuilding company is estimat. ed a half a million; the loss to the mill about 1200.000. At' the ship building, plan! two watchmen fired vpon a supposed incendiary who leaped fnto the water and was prob ably drowned. CROZIER AND SHARPE HIT BY ENTENTE If They Do Not Go, We Do Not Know What May Hap pen," McCormitk Reports at Inquiry Officers Said WOOD IS SUGGESTED AS EFFICIENT OFFICER Happenings . of Session Held : Behind Closed Doors Are Disclosed WSHINGONrv Jan. 25. Some in teresting disclosures regarding army affairs at home and abroad wero made today through publication of confidential testimony given recent ly "before the senate millitary com mittee In executive session. - Statements of nearly all "wit nesses heard behind closed doors, ex cept Major General Croizer, chief of ordnance, were given in tne usual printed report of committee pro ceedings. One that created some thing of a stir among members of congress and in official circles gen erally was that of Representative Mc Cormick of Iiilinois, who back from a visit to the allied' battle front j. told the committee allied officials were apprehensive regarding coordi nation of American war manage ment; that Premier Lloyd-George earnestly suggested General Leonard Wood's appointment as the American military representative abroad and that high officers in. General Persh ing's command ufged that Major General Crozler, chief, of ordnance, and Quartermaster General Sharpe be superseded. Decision Is Defended; In the confidential testimony of General Sharpe he defended the de cision to send General Pershings' ex pedition to ranee sooner than had been planned, .and the calling into service of more men than had been provided for. He said he knew and formally notified Secretary Baker that clothing shortages woul result, but , that even . with the sacrifice of some lives, as many men as possible should be summoned for the effect on the Germans. Some of the statements In secret session of Major Generals Greblr, O'Ryan and Wright after their re turn from the French front, ' "also were made public. General GrebleJ said that in October the allied artil lery was unquestionably superior in effect to the German's and that Gen eral Pershing's men were well cloth ed and equipped. ; All of the testimony of General Crozler was ordered kept confident ial. So.OOO Big Guns Needed. , Mr. McCormick in his statement said that for the American and allied armies to break through on the west ern front they must' have 25,000 more big guns and that ft is im possible for the allies to make them. The French, he said, cannot make the guns, f Every man In France," he declared, "is needed to makeg una for France or to be on the line. We have to 'ship the steel to them. I can only say an I quote the man who won the battles that it is im possible tohave too many guns. "We ought to set 25,00 as the mark and 20,000 as a minimum." Representative McCormick said he did not think production could be attained v under the present system and suggested creation of a minister of munitions. The witness said Lloyd George has insisted that in making big guns the United States would not. add a third caliber. : i . - '"You know we have done it," question Senator Wadsworth. Sharpe And Crozier 0liked. "I did not know It." Mr. McCor mick replied, but I -an trery easily believe it from what else I have heard since I have been hdme. The most disappointing news I have heaid was not on the Italian front or in France, but since I have come back. " I could- not say specifically, except here and there, what Is wrong, but members of the senate and house on both sides, give me"the impres sion that we lack the coordination and energy, which is especially mark-, ed in- London the tremendous ad ministrative -machine which they have over I there. They said 'why do you not summon so and so and so and so to Washington to sit in coun cil?'" ' ; I In references to Generals Crozler and Sharpe, Mr. McCormick said: f would rather not mention any names but the most Important American' officers said: 'If Sharpe and Crozier do not go we do not know what may happen.' " ? "Whom do they have confidence in over thert? ' Asked Senator New. ; "They talked of General Marsh, 1 think. Some of these names are un familiar to me. They spoke of Gea eral Morrison and General Wood. These are the three men who wei- mentioned as representing the best military 'Intelligence we have." : Discussing air fighting, Mr. Mc Cormick said the French were short of officer for aviation. I Continued, on Page 6). SALEM TAKES CHAR1PI0NSHIP FOR DISTRICT High School Debaters Defeat Estacada and Hubbard Teams Last Night AFTER STATE HONORS Monroe Doctrine Again Fur nishes Contention for Op posing Speakers Salem high'school won the debat ing championship of the .North Will amette district last niKhty defeat-J ing, Dy unanimous votes oi tne judges, beth the Estacjada high school and the Hubbard hah school teams. The victories together with Salem's success over the Albany and the Oregon City teams a (few days ago. puts Salem in the rujnning for the state championship. Estacada last night won a 3 to 0 victory over Hubbard at the latter i!ace. The subject discussed was the same as debated in the previous con test: "Resolved-, That the United States should abandon the Monroe doctrine." ' The negative side of the question was f.rheld by Salem in the debate at hornet 'The 'members of the team were Dewey Probst and Paul Rich ardson. Their opponents on the Es tacada team vreref Lewis Jones and Lorna. IVtIs. At Hubbard the Salem team. Ken neth Power and Phillips Elliott, took the affirmative side of the question. The North Willamette Valley dis trict over which Salem has won the championship is composed of Linn. Marion and Clackamas counties. . The judges of the loeal contest last if'ght were Professor E. T. Reed and Professor U. Gv Dubach,: respectively college editor and professor of gov ernment at Oregon Agricultural col lege, and Judge E. P.' Morcom of Woodbum. - W00DMA1MAN IS CANDIDATE Dinwoodie to ln for Legis lature Al Jones Unde cided About Senate John Dinwoodie of Woodbum. in a letter to Secretary of State Olcott. informs Mr. Olcott that he expects to becoimra candidate for the Republic an nomination for Marion county representative in the stateVJegisla ture. He ask that the secretary of state mail him all necessary Inform ation relative to the launching of his candidacy. - Mr. Dinwoodie is a. farmer. W. Al. Jones, orie of Marlon coun ty's quintet in the lower house at the 1917 sessldn. showed up in Salem yesterday and was asked point blank if he Is going to be. a candidate for the state senate as has been rumored in Salem for weeks. Mr. Jones ad mitted he was contemplating the ven ture but declared he fl&s not yet de cided definitely. A. W. Lafferty has informed Sec retary Olcott that he- will file his candidacy for congress by etif1o' and not by payment of the $100 fil ing fee. BAGS FOR GRAIN GIVE PROBLEM Federal Aid in Obtaining 1918 Supply Promised ' by M. H. Houser SPOKANE, Jan. 2Z. Promise of government assistance in obtaining grain bags to handle the 1918 wheat crop was made to farmers of the fiorthweet by M. H. Houser of 'Port land, representative of the food administration grain: corporation, at the first session here today of a con ference of growers of Washington and Idaho on grain handling. He said that between eight and nine million bushels of wheat of last year's crop would have to be moved east by rail in the form of flour and that 35,000,000 bushels of 1918 wheat would have to be shipped from this section. If farmers couI3 not handle this grain in bulk, he declared, bags can be obtained at an advance over last year's prices. New Contingent of . Portuguese in France PARIS, Jan. 25. A new contin gent of Portugese troops has Just been landed in France. - Before eni barking, the troops were reviewed by the Portugese premier, Dr Sidonlo Paes. who reaffirmed the Intention of Portugal to continue the war to the end. wu ni u iin.v 1 NEAR FROM WAR TALKS Difference oTone in . Aus trian and German Notes At tributed to. Varied Condi tions in Two Countries DISCORD AMONG ALLIES , IS PURPOSE SUSPECTED Lord Robert Cecil Calls Hert ling's Speech Distinctly "Warlike" - WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. NoXad vance toward peace ie soe-n here in the speeches made today in Berlin and Vienna by the German chancel lor, and Austrian foreign minister, upon the war aims of the centray powers. Formal comment will be withheld until the texts are jut out by 'an authorized German agency but after reading press accounts of the speech es officials expressed the opinion tat they were framed largely for internal consumption with the inci dental purpose" to plant, seeds of dis cord among the. allffes by suggestions of -separate negotiations and to ap peal to the sympathies of the radical socialist elements In the enemy countries. . ' German Note Aggretudve. Regarding the design to effect the Internal conditions of - Germany and Austria, one official strgsested thrt the striking differences of tone fa the two notes, the German being al most defiantly aggressive, and the Austrian compromising and insinu ating were calculated preclsefy to .meet the varying conditions in thj two empires. In Germany, strength ened by the Russian collapse re sulting in the transfer of vast forces 'from the eastern to the western front, the militaristic party Is in the ascendancy and 'the chancelldr, abandoning the conciliatory attitude he occupied when he assumed office, apparently voices the fill of the mil- liar; icuuciD. v in Austria the working people are Lreported in Incipient rebellion and the demands for peace at almost any price are Insistent asd clamorous. This is the explanation found here for the- foreign minister's vague promises of peace without . annexa tions or indemnities and his support bid for negotiations direct with Am erica. ,. Speeches Inter-Dependent. It is noted, however, that tha speeches are inter-dependent:' that Austria will not negotiate without German's consent and approval, and that Germany gives her sanction; to what has' been in Austria. Both spokesmen express confidence in the success of the peace negotiation with Russia, in contrast to the bitter denunciation of the conduct of the Teutons by Leon Trotzky, the Bol shevikl minister for foreign affairs. This attitude, officials and diphv mats believe to be the result of ap prehension that the confession at this moment of the failure of the Brest-Li tovsk negotiations would .ex asperate the German and Austrian publics beyond the safety point: In some -quarters there was a dis position to find a grain of hope In the concession by both speakers that there were points in the utterances of Lloyd George and President Wil son that might be acceptable to the Germanic powers and afford the bas is for further discussions. But oth er officials insisted that this was only another demonstration of the truth of President" Wilson's state ment in his address to congress, .that It was the Dractice of German dinlo- fmacy to mislead by declaring adher ence to large principles and then neutralize them by insistence upon (Continued on page 2) Eyre Leaves Band of Sheep in Care of DogVfien Mr.- , t Smith Comes Along jn His flivver They talk Pigs- t X V to School Children and G. W. Eyre, daddy of the United States National Bank Pig club movement, 'always has time for pigs and children and will let any other job go by the board If opportunity Is offered to pseach pig raising to boys and girls. 5Ir. Eyre-"was driving a band of sheep along a rural road yesterday when along ramts County School Superintendent Walter Smith In his "flivver." "Come along over to Hayes viile school with me." called Smith.. I'll gove you a chance to say something about pigs. Mr. Eyre didn't acd sec ond bidding. He left the sheep in charge of his dog, and when he and Mr. Smith fin ished Italking lo the school children a few minutes latr eleven members were added to MONDAY ANSWER WILL BE GIVEN CHAMBERLAIN Secretary Baker to Describe Every Activity of War Department E. R. STETTINIUS NAMED New York Man to Be Surveyor General of AH Munition Purchases WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The ad ministration's answer to Senator Chamberlain's seech in the senate yesterday on war department short comings will be made by Secretary Baker before the senate military committee Monday. . Mr. Baker wrote Chairman Cham beiiain today asking the committee to arrange an opportunity for him to present a summary of what has been done in America In the war and that a time and place be fixed so aa to enable all members of congress so disposed to attend. The commute Heterrained not to have a hearing any where except In the regularacom- raittee room and invited the secre tary to appear their Mondarmorning at 10:30 o'clock unless be desired an earlier date. Baker To cfive Views. - Although he Is anxious to address . as 'many members of congress as possible, and is said to have hoped that he might be Invited to . appear before the senate itseir,. it Is uuder fcjood Mr. Baker will take the op portunity given.-v Commenting, before he had been advised of the action of the commit tee. Secretary Baker said he would lay before the committee every fact in connection with the war-depart ment's activities except those which, through publication, would endanger the lives of American soldiers. - He added that he wonld be glad to answer any questions which the committee approved from .members of the commltte or from any other person who might be present. . ' Stettlnius Is Named. .The war department took a step today regarded by some observer! as forestalling the seriate committee's proposed legislation for a munitions director by appointing - Edward R. Stettlnius of New York , surveyor general of all war department's -purchases. Mr. Stettinius will assume his duties at once under Colonel Palmer E. Pierce, director , of .pur chases, and lend the weight of his wide experience as supervisor of pur chasing for .the allies In the United States to the task of coordinating the production and procurement of war supplies. His work for the allies wa taken oyer some time ago by the al lied purchasing commission. Mr. Baker said the organization planned by the" department differed essentially from any plan for a mln irten or director of munitions. Under the department's plan, the Individual bureaus continue I o make contractu and to supervise production. F. R. Wilson Publicity Man for Third Liberty Issue , WASHINGTON, Jan. 25; Frank R. Wilson?' now assistant secretary to the federal farm loin board, -has been selected as publicity "' director for the third liberty loan campaign. .- Mr. Wilson formerly was editor and owner of the Sioux City (Iowa) News, and for the past, year and a half has been connected with tb- federal farm loan board. He actd as ai advance representative for Secretary ' McAdoo on his Hberty bond speaking tours and also pre ceded thefarm loan board when it toured the country before the organ ization of the land banks. The date of the campaign has not been an nounced. Add Thirty-two. Members the pig clubs in Marlon -county. Hayesville school enrolled only two members last year. "Bat we weren't through ; yet," said Mr. Eyre in 'speak ing of the day's work.- "Fronj llayesvile we ' drove over to. -Hazel Green school and liste'J , twenty-one more members. " That school also had only two members last year." . Mr. Eyreglves Superintend ent Smith much credit for th rapid progress of the work In Marion county.' He thinks Jhe work of organization for this year is about half finished, and declares , that 400 members will , be enrolled! Should bridge traffic be established between Marion : and Pol counties at Salem, however, Mr. Eyre xpcts to work Polk county for a distance of fifteen miles from Salem. Wm MP nuuilM ' ) Imperial German Chancellor in War Speech Holds Res toration of Alsace-Lorraine Beyond Realms of Discus sion BELGIAN QUESTION 'IS CLEARLY EVADEE Agreement With U. S Term: Is on Armament, Econcm:: Freedom, Open Diplomacy andFceedom of Seas N AMSTERDAM. Jan, 25. In hi address bfore the reichstag ' mal: committee yesterday Chancellor voi Hertling referred to the negotiation with the Russians at Brest-LitdvisL saying he held fast to the hope tha a good conclusion -would be arrive at. He continued i ' Our negotiations with the Ukrain representatives are in a more favor able position. Here, too, difficult les have yet to be overcome, but tli prospects are favorable. We hop shortly i to reach conclusions wit: Lkraine which will be in the inter ests of both parties, and also econ omically .advantageous.' . "One result, gentlemen, might b recorded as you all know. The Ru: slans last month proposed to lssu an Invitation to all the belligerent to participate in the negotiation Russia submitted certain proposal of ar very general character. At the time we accepted the proposal to in vite -thebelligerents to take part i the negotiations,, on the conditio: however, that the Invitation shoul have a definite period for Its accept ance. " - ' . New Enemy Views Claimed. ."Instead of the reply vrhich wa expected, but which was not fortn coming.two declarations were mad by enemy statesmen Premier Lloj i George's speech and PresldentvI son's speech. I willingly admit thn Lloyd George altered his tone. II no longer Indulges In abuse and ap pears desirious of again demonstrat ing his ability as a, negotiator, whic: I formerly doubted. I cannot go far, however, as " many opinion which have been expressed in neui ral countries, "which would real i: this speech "of-Lloyd George.a serlou; desire for peace ind even a friend 1; disposition. It is true he declare: he does 'not desire to destroy Ger many and never desired to destro; her. He has even words of respec lor our -political, economic and cult ural position. Early Events Recalled. -- "But other utterances-' , are D'. lacking, and the idea : FCu'ntlnuall; comes to the surface that he has t; pronoiJhce judgment on Germany charging he with being guilty of al possible crimes. That is an attitude with which we can hav nothing to do and In which we can discover n trace of a serious purpose to attaii peace. We are to be the guilty one:? over whom the entente Is now slttlr, in judgment. That compels me t give ashort review of the situatioi and the events preceding the war at the risk of repeating what Ion; ago wis said: The establishment o the German empire In the year'187; n ade an end of dismemberment. . V. the union of its tribes the Gerinas empire fa ' Europe acquired a pot! lion rorresponding to its economi and cultural achievements and tb claims founded thereon. BIsmar; crowned his work Jiy the allianc with Austro-Hun?CrK It was pure ly a defensive alliance, so conceive' and willed by th j exalted allies fron the first. The defensive alliance be tween Germany and the Danube mon archy, closely connected by old tra ditlons and allied countries by 'torn mon Interest, was to serve especlaii; for' maintenance of peace, ImperiaJUm In Denied.. "But Bismark had even then, u he was often reproached for havln an obsession in regard to coalition and events of subsequent time hav fchown it was no vision of terroi The danger or hostile coalition which menaced the allied cent in powers often made Its "appearance By King Edward's isolation pollc the dream of coalitions became . reality. . The German empire, pro gressing and growing In strength ism. In ranee lust of revenge an stood In the way of British imperial Russia, aspirations of expansion, tlii British Imperialism found only to ready to aid. Thus future plan; dangerous for , were -formed. -publican France lent the Uufh'ia: czar billions to construct stratfglca railways in the kingdom, of Poland i: order to facilitate an advanco aKafr ).