The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    --g ' i THE OREGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY JAXT7ARY 25, IMS x --.:. ?3
i . j . . . ? : 1 . . 1
Political, Economical and
: Territorial Independent
Demanded .
Guarantee Must Be Given In
vasion of 1914 Will Not
Be Repeated
-.HAVRE, Jan. , 23. Tho Belgian
f government's peace terms, as far as
r t&ey concern Belgium herseir, set
' forth in her reply to Pope Benedict's
peace note, are in substance, abso
lute political, economical and tein-
toral independence
King Albert in enclosing his re
ply, wrote a personal letter to the
pope, which has just been published.
Tho letter follows:
' "Very Holy Father I have taken
note, with lively sympathy and in
terest, of the message your hollnesn
- was good enough to send to the
beads of the belligerent countries the
first of August and have hastened
to submit it to my government,
which has studied it with most ser
ious and deferential attention. Th-:
result of that stogy has b?en roco d-
- note Which T am
coromUxvlcate u your hoUne8a vy lu
wi.KL2fai,ns myself tha
T,,tt? 'the olT a that a just and
end tneraCem5y put
end to. the evils from which human
ity and. parliculatly the Belgian peo
ple so rudely: tried, are Offering. I
tefryour holiness to belie, in my
filial and respeetful attachment.
(Signed) "Albert."
1917 !eUer Tas dated Member 27,
j Belgian Note Given.
. "J11 ryl gWernment, as soon
is - it received the message of your
holiness to the heads of the belllr
erents.; harstened to reply that it
would ! study with the greatest dte
rerence the propositions the docu
ments exposed In such elevating lan
guage. ;
At the same time it desired par
ticularly to express its lively and
profound gratitude for the particular
nterest the holy father manifested
in the. Belgian nation and of whieh
the docttmehwas new and precious
proof. J - r . . - .? ...
"At the,outset of his message the
holjr-father took pains to declarehe
had. forced himself to maintain per
fect impartiality toward all thebel-
iKerenw, wnicn renders more signlf
tries will reloice ' with the Belgian
government a that 1 the injustice of
which Belgium was the victim and
the necessity for reparation have
been proclaimed and that the highest
moral authority of Christendom re
mains watchful amidst the passion
and conflicts of men.
"It was because of the gratitude
felt on this account, which was aug
mented by the numerous charitable
aets of the holy father In favor of so
many Belgians, victims of the vio
lence o? the enemy, that the royal
government has examined into the
possibility of contributing in the
measures depending anon it toward
the realization of the double desire
which Inspires the pontifical mes
sage: To hasten theend of the
present war and render a return of
similar catastrophes Impossible by
the adoption oi guarantees destined
to assure the supremacy of right
over force. l-' . j ' -.
"At the beginning of (September,
the rpyal , government Informed his
holiness that it must reserve deci
sion regarding its action on the
propositions contained' iri the mes
sage until the powers at war with
Belgium had clearly made known
their war aims. It added that in an?
case Belgium would ; make no pro
nouncement on general peace ondii
tions and the reorganization of ln-
icant the Judgment of his holiness ! ternational relations except In full
when he concluded in favor of the
total evacuation of Belgium and the
re-estafcllshment of its full independ
ence and also recognized the 'right of
Belgium for reparation for damages
and the cost or the war..
,f Already in his con sist oral allocu
tion of Jamiary 221915,-the holy
fathe had proclaimed before the
world that he reproved In justice and
he condescended to sive the Belgian
government the assurance that in
formulating that reprobation it was
the invasion of Belgium he had di
rectly it view.
i Reparation Ts Awaited.
"Tho hmiet people of all eoitn-
Resldence Phone, 22. '
Phone 161.
Republic Trucks. Goodrich Tires. Overland Service. All Accessories
; Mt. Angel Garage
' ProrietorH. ". . .
. Mt. Angel, On.
Storage and Repatrn. f
accord with' the pofrers guaranteeing
its independence that have' done
honor to their obligations toward her
and whose arms fight with hen for
the cause of right. ; 1
'.'Nothing has modified the Htna
tion that existed at the moment the
royal eovernmenfc made known that
point of "view to his holiness. How
ever, Belgium seizes eaererly the oc
casion f nrnished it t?y his holiness
to repeat before the civilised world
what it wrote nearly a year ago; to
President 'ilson: i
; Inrashm f "rVMannsatlon." ;
" 'Before the GKrmsn ultimatnm
Belpium aspired only to live on gnnd
terms with All Its neighbors. She
practiced with scrupulous loyalty to-r
war deach of them the duties I-ti-posed
by this neutrality.
" 'How -was she recompensed by
Germany for . the - xonfldence she
th owed in her? If there is a country
that has the right to say it took up
arras to defend its existence it as
suredly is Belgium. She desires pas
sionately that an end be brought to
the. unheard sufferings of its pop
ulation, but she would havejeept only
a -peace that would assure her 'at
the same time equitable reparation
and security and guarantees for the
future. v
The Integrity of Belgium, the ter-
The Last. Two : Days
niEY '.:.!. ' I r .
i - . . , i ' .
CaBifr Reacli Us
Women's or Growing Girls' $4.50 Grade of
Gun Metal, low heel, sixes 2a to V t $2.95
LadW $5.00 to, $6.00 Shoes in isizes 2 U to
4, at less thaji half cost, eoihg at... .......
. . . . , ....... ........ .$1.95, $1.65 j and 98c
' Hisses' Good Shoes in llht Patent, cloth or
leather tops, worth $3.50, at.....;.... $2.80
Hisses' and Children's Good Tan Skuffers,
$20 to $3 25 qualities At. ...$2.45 to $1.60
Ken's ,"$6.00 to $7.00 Qualities Fine Dress
Shoes, all welt, full stock, button or lace
. .... . . ... ................ .. . ; $4.80
This is less than youscould buy thenTtwo
years ago. .Grab them if you ',know quali
ties. . (':.;
Other grades at. . . ... . I... .$3.00 and $2.05
All Bargains. M : '
Heavy Shoes at less than they cost at the
factory today $4.95 down to. . . . . . ..$2.85
Every pair guaranteed to give the required
service.- 1
BOYS: You know the Boy jScout Line?
Well Jhey are cut to $2.9S for the large size
and $2.60 for the small size
Other Boys Shoes on jdown to .$235
QUALITY : Yes Quality and Cost these are
what we'look for the Very Best Quality at
the lowest possible cost THIS IS , THE
Many, many other Bargains.
, . . , i , - -
Remember Two Days M5re "of this Great
rltory of the mother country and
colonies, political, economic and mil
itary Independence without condition
0-- restriction, reparation for damage
suffered and the guarantees against
a renewal of the aggression of '1914
such remain the indispensable con
dition of a just peace so far as, con
cerns Belgium. Any settlement that
mould not recognize them world
shake the very foundations of jus
tice, since it would for evermore be
established that-in international do
mains the violations of risht creates
a claim for Its author and may be
come a source of profit. ;
"Since the royal 'government a
year ago formulated its conditions, it
permits Itself to recall that the
1- eichstag voted resolutions - called
peace resolution's, the chancellors
snd ministers 6t foreign affairs have
followed each other in the German
man ' empire and more recently- in
the central empires, and have pub
lished notes replying to the message
of his holiness, but never a word
has been pronounced and never a
line written clearly recognizing the
indusputable rights of Belgium that
his holiness has not ceased to rec
ognize and proclaim." '
Don't . Stay Constipated, . Headachy,
' i Billons, With lireath Bad or
j , ; Stomach) Sour.
No odds how bad your liver, stonr
lch or bowels; how much your head
aches, bow miserable and uncomfort
able you are from a cold, constipa
tion, liVigestlon; biliousness and
sluggish bowels you always get re
Aet witji Cascarets. j "
Don't let your stomach, 'liver and
Dowels make you- miserable. Take
Cascarets tonight; put an end. to the
headache, biliousness, 'dizziness, ner
vousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
bad cold, offensive breath and all
other distress; cleanse yonr inside
organs of all the bile, gases and con
stipated matter which" is producing
the- misery.
A 10-cent box means health, hap
piness and a clear bead for months.
All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't
forget the children their little ln
sides need a gentle cleansing, too. ' '
tp iv in a w r id Ave
People Are Genial, Weather
Good and Railroad Trains
Show Speed
One of the members of Company
M, writing under date of December
20. from Romsey, England,, said that
orders had just been received for
the American - troops to move" to
France. .,. The order 'came while the
letter was being written, and inter
rupted the writing. - So it Is likely
that the move to France was made
that day or the next.
Allan Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. -II. Jones of this city, wrote his
people from France on January 3.
Allan is with the headquarters com
pany; so ft is to be presumed thift
all the Salem boys were -transferred
to France about the first of January.
.Writing on American Y. M. C.A.
stationery, headed "On Active Serv
ice With American Expeditionary
Force," December 29,' and mailed at
Romsey, England, .one of the mem
bers of Company M writes to his
people in Salem. Following are
some extracts:, -
"This England is a very pre.tty
country, and we like the English
neoole fine. .
"Have seen Jots of interesting
things since leaving Salem, Oregon,
and seemingly many more to come.'
"We may not be here very long,
but only hope the rest of Europe 13
as rich in . scenery and populated
with as genial and courteous people
as is England.
"We can see where the words
'Merry England were grouped, as all
seem to be pleasure bent in spite of
the sadnesses. It looks funny to see
the girls ko along the roads and
streets with cigarettes in their
"The weather Is hot nearly as cold
and disagreeable as in the east. Am
now at a rest camp, and the routine
is easy.
"Have , een practically no good
woods or timber since leaving west
ern Oregon, and wood was very
scarce fn the east and Is still more
so here. .
"Thought queer and different, the
English railroads are very good and
speed up a lot.
"Don't worry." 5
H. T. Allison of Yamhill,
Howeyer, Fears Shortage
at Harvest Time
"I am all right so fai this season,
as regards labor on my farm, eaid
H. T. Allison of Yamhill county, in
the office of his brother-in-law,
Percy M. Varney, the Salem coo
stable. ;
"And.; he added. "I will tell you
why I am hot short-handed Just now.
It Is Jecause my entire family .Is
helping with the work but when the
time comes to plant more serd and
harvest the grain now coming up in
fine shape. I will have to have more
help, even with all the machinery on
my farm.
'.; "It may be that I can aet th help
1 want near my farm In Yamhill, but
I -d'ibt Tt. for all ray, neighbors are
in the same boat, trying to get la
sight of farm laborers. . ,.
"Your Idea 'here of ralsipg pig's by
boys and girls Is a brand new .one to
me, and I; think when I get home I
jj y
Kecorol Sale
" ' " " " " " 1
will see if our hank in Amity will not
adopt a similar policy, for it sure is
a winner, not only for the banks, hut
teaches the boys and girls methods
of breeding' and raising hogs, and
our principal product in Yamhill,
outside of wheat and oats. Is hogs.
And more hogs must be raised than
ever ' before . In - the history ' of the
country if we are to come anywhere
meeting the demands of the govern
ment. "And there Is another strong pofnt
made by the boys and girls In Marion
county and that is organizing them
selves into Hubs or companies and
battalions to help pick berries this
coming season, which will be here
before we know it."
Military Authorities Take Ac-
tiortn Make City Safe
- for Soldiers
HONOLULU. T. H., Dec-19. (By
Mall.) Honolulu Is to be cleaned. up
by the army, to make the city safe
for soldiers. .
Announcement to this effect was
made yesterday by military authori
ties, who stated that the movement
had the endorsement f Rrigadier
General John P. Wisser, command
ing the Hawaiian department. 5 .
An officer from Schofiel barrack
whose' name is withheld at his re
quest In order that the offenders
may not know whom to avoid, has
been detailed for the work, and he
asserted yesterday that the Job was
to be a thorough one. -
Many soldiers, are taken to the
police station every night and booked
by, the provost guard for drunken
ness. Where and how-they obtain
liquo;. in the face, of, the laws and
regulations, prohibiting its sale to
men in uniform, is one of the things
that the army authorities propose .to
find. out. :
The drug traffic Is another matter
that, according to the officer detailed
for the work of cleansinj, the; city,
is to receive "particular attentfon.
The captain, detailed for the work
said also that the military author!?
ties intend to 'use every effort to de
tect and prosecute those persons who
buy .from thesoldiers army clothing
and equipment.' the proceeds of
which are sometimes spent for liquor
or drugs, he says. He will also take
measures strictly to enforce the law
that prohibits civilians from wearing
any part of ; the recognized -uniforta
of a soldier.
The last announcement is causing
considerable , apprehension In Hawaii
as leather puttees are declared yb
army authorities to be -Included In
the articles forbidden to be worn by
civilians, and in this -country -virtually
all plantation managers, fore
men and other ."bosses" as well as
engineers and many other persons
habitually-wear leather puttees and
find them practically a necessity on
account of the nature of the country
and of their. work. .
Fears have been expressed that, on
account of moral conditions, soldiers
might be forbidden to visit Honolulu
as was done at Camp Lewis by Gen
eral Greene, but the action of the
military authorities in taking Into
their , own hands the cleaning up of
the city apparetly obviates this
dancer. '? . .
. A Man cf the People.
; Representative Scott Ferris of Ok
lahoma, who Is training for the Sen- .
atorial race, is a man of the people.
Ferris was down In the Osag
country looking after somo rattle
land when-night overtook hire and
he stopped at the home of a renter
ror shelter and food. When break
fast aws-served, all of the.memberi
of the household poured their coffeo
into their saucers to let it cool, and
Ferris did likewise A few moments
later, according to a friend who ac
companied Ferris, two of the women
folk were overheard discussing the
congressman. i
"He seems plain, don't he?? one
said.': : : .,- '
"Yep, he does," the other replied.
"He saucers his coffee just like any
body that wasn't stuck up would."
Elifhav Hanson in Cartoons Magazine
"Papc'sJCold Compound ends cold
. and grppe In f ew -i
hoars , :
Take "Pape's , Cold Compound"
every two hours until you have taken
three doses thenV all grippe misery
goes and your cold will be brokenl It
promptly opens your clogged-up nos
trils and the air passages of the
head; stops nasty discharges or nose
running; relieve the headache, dull
ness, fevetishness, sore throat, sneez
ing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow
ine and snuffling. Ease your throb-
The Ministry of Munltionr of Great j bing head nothing else In the world
Brltlan has arranged to give free in
struction to women In general ma
chine work, core making, electrical
work, aeroplane woodwork, drafts
manship, and optical Instrument
gives such prompt relief aa "Pape'a
Cold Compound," which costs only a
lew cents at any drug store It acta
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causes no Inconvenience. Accept no
After You Get a
We: give ybu
Write or wir ns lirf't for
ny ' terxie ntdod on jmir
Cl-T-lnl Tractor TS
Tractor tiiat gc3 ;n'irre
in ny toil or wrslher.
JjL Crawls cn Its .
.... Own Tracki
r t2H.p.r pttnng' T
I 20 H P. at belt, lot j
1 action try xxk 1
You Need a Good Tractor for
Your Farm Work Now I
jh the handiest, incwi-yompletc,
mntit necessary farm impk-irient
cvdr devisMl. Not big ami
bulky but with power enough
Tr all the hard work you can
give it . Worth five times its
cost mi any farm.' Fill out the
rnujKJii below and let. us tell
you about it. .
Th Htn- icnry of H Ci'-vH Tractor t Vick.
HroihrrB of Mlrm Ita i tn llwntin',1 ann until
further vntlcm we wlM hr1l the s?n-y nur-
relvM. wnrs of Tractor rill plat
apply to us for any service desired. 5; -
2tS rittock '-Hlock : ; I'ortlnnd. Orrgnn
TrlThoBe Vm4wty 1140 n4 A 1 178 - y 4
Atk any .f these piircrhsners in ywur
territory about the Cleveland Tractor.
H nmor 1nrs W With. .F.Jm. Or
K. A. Kurt...., ... .,. ..Kalem, rKn
Ixuin 1. Boo......J..Sl,fi, Cr-jton
1 H Hrlfvrd. k.alcnt, Oregon
KloreiK-e iMuglan.,.. . .IiKeno, fm-nn
JUU Brother.-. .. ..Woilum, Oregmi
Itrnre CunninKham. ; , . KaJern, Creon
Arthur llfrartoif.....L..'itrItori, Oregon
John &!thler . ..fiervBiw, Oreir""
Kdwrd 8f-hr HHrerton, Orrgon
M. M. Herman llrrllira, fre:ii
John Wodllt... ...... Wntrlo, Oregon
Harry Leah. ...... ...VatnhiK, Oregon
- . A.
P4rlr BlKk
"McNeff Tractor Co.
lMr fiir: Ple ! m
full lfrmtio ahoat hm
Cleveland Tractor.
Ilews a e4 ty
tho work a t
kMMt mm t tm S me.
225 JHttock Block