1 2 ( - 1 , THE OUECOX STATES.MAX: MUDAY. JAM AHY 25, 19iS p . i : 1 ; ' " ri : : " n :. y. ; All " ! I With the Draft Board - Speeding up again, all hands ana the cook, at the selective war draft Board yesterday, while waiting: on registrants and their friends who wanted further information In re gard to their questionnaires, more than twice the nsnal number of class Ifications were n.-ade, and the cor responding, cards mailed, in addi tioa to notifying another lot to n pbrt for physical examination. Those su-amoned for physical ex amination are: February 2. Harold E. Rakln Salem. K . February KLloyd Morley, Shaw . WiHie A. Free. West Unn; Joseph AJbtis, Aumsville; W.alter W. flatt Jefferson; Lawrence H. Crook, Mat: leav '- FInvrt Tlarmtl- Seattle- llr-? m w it" a i i . ! iuu a. ruru. Arue ttav , .ciun, Dwlgfat I, Ritchie. Theo. H. K. Htrf- I nlan.l Grover E. Weaver. Cirl H.I Mason, Orville S. Johnson. Hora ' j 11.. Jewett, Salem. j February 6. Paul Bert Ware-j ham. Gates: George C.'Greenleaf Ctntralia, Wash.; Frank W. Cronin Astorlaj Fred Bo-edigheimer, Sta- ton: Edward Schmidt,. Sublimit.-; : Richard E. Harbet, Fresno. Calif : ' 'John ffnglia. Mill -City; Clyde Z. Stone, Mehama: Donegan R. Wit gins, Arlie.G. Walker. Earl A. Un rua, Harry F. Caldwell, Robert Wil liam Bennett, Benhart 0. Tade, Jo se-rttHanrfer, Salem. Classification cards were mailed to the following: Class 1-1: Joe Mack Lear, Silverton; Herb ert 'Smith, Marshfield: Ly.'e J. Fi? lin. Long Beach. Calif.; Frank Jo seph Spencer, Stay ton; Claren Dohlen, Silverton; James Harold Humphreys, Orville S. Johnson. Sa lem. , , Class D-5. Paul E. Burrls, Salem. . , Class F-5. Fukutaro Morita, Sa- lem. "' i ' l Class G-l. -Guy C. Greenleaf. Cen tralia. Wash.; Russell Bert Ware ham, Gates: Carl H. Mason, Eear A. Unrnh, Salem. Class G-5. Frank William Parki eon. Roy Clayton Fergnsoiv Salem. Class E-o.- Arthnr Anna3, Turn er. 7 Class H-3. Einzie Floyd Hunni cutt. Shaw, v Class D-n. Floyd L; Utter. S 'i":'C-jrD. Gabrielson. Camp Iew is. Wash.V Robert Davey, Salem: C!-v C. Toothacre. aaiem. Class E-5- Marian Draglcevieh Mill City. v j . Class B-2. E. K. Denlson, SVer Class B-3. Theodore W. Olson. Macleay; Horace W. SkiTf. Salem. - Class BC-3. Herman H. Frase Mill City. Clarss A-l. John Inaglla. M" City; Lawrence H. Crook, Marleay: Walter W. Ha rt.. Jef 'r?cn ; Jo-ep Albus, Aumsville: Flovd Morlev Shaw; Willis A. F. Wt L'nn: Fdward Schmidt. Sublimity: Fre' ;Boedigbelmer, Stayton; Clvde ' Stone, Mehama; Richard E. Harbet Fresnl, Calif.; Glod Hamel, Seatre; Frank M. Cronin, Astoria; Benhr Oscar' Pade, - Donegan Rj Wlg'ns Hordes H. Jewett, G rover v Wearer Theo. til. E. Hoffman, Dwlght I Ritrthfe. Artie Ray Neten.. Ber - rjtnd T. Ford, Harry F. Caldwel Robert William Bennett. Harold E Eakin," Joseph Stauffer. Arlie O Walker, Vlctorlno C. Pasad as, Na than D. Swibb, Salem. Class A-4. Edwin A. MeCormlcv Pilot Rick, Ore.; Squire Benshof, Independence; Arthur F. .Marshal' Taunnrn; Albert I , Mason, Moro, Ore.; - Louis Pearl "Miller, Albe Theo:' Savage,-Silrerton; Lllburn M. -Boggs, Oakland. Calif.; Guy M. Aup perle, ! Henry E. Rothrock. Jeffer son; El Tin C.- Catter. ; SuMimltv; Inay Mentha Wassam, Lester S. Et tlngtr. Mill City; LouU H. Probs', Aberdeen, Wash.; James W. Tedder, Class 3A- KEY TO WAR DRAFT CLASSIFICATION SCHEME Class 3 A Single man without, dependent relatives; B Married! man, with or without children, or father of i motherless children; who has habitually failed to sup- ; port his family. v t C Married jman dependent on wife for support. : -t I)Married man with or without children, father of mother less children; man not usefully engaged, family sup- ported by income independent of his-Ubur. E I nskillcd farm laborer. ,. F Unskilled industrial laborer. 2A Married man with children, or father of motherless children, where such wife or children or such ..mother less children arc not mainly dependent upon his lalor for support for the reason that there are other reason -. ably certain sources of adequate' support '(excluding earnings or possible earnings from thj? labor of .the wife), available, ami that the removal of the registrant will not deprive such dependents of support. Ii Married man. without children, whose wife, although the registrant is engaged in a useful occupation, is not mainly dependent upon his labor for Support, for the . reason that the wife is skilled in some special class of ' work which she is physically able to perform and in which she is employed, or in which there is an immedi ate opening for her under conditions that will enable her to support herself decently and without suffering hardship. Man with dependent children (not his own), but toward whom he stands in relation of parent. II Man with dependent aged or infirm parents. C Man with dependent helpless brothers or sisters. D County or municipal .officer. i K Highly trained fireman or policeman, at least three years in service of municipality. F Necessary custom house clerk. ' G Necessary employe of United States -in transmission of the mails. . ii .Necessary artisan or worKman iih-ju. t. armory arsenal. I Necessary employe in service of United States. J Necessary assistant, associate, or hired manager necessary agricultural enterprise. K Necessary highly specialized technical or mechanical tx- Iert of necessary industrial enterprise. L Necessary assistant or associate manager of necessary 5 mlnet rial cntornpien ' -Man whose wife or children are mainly dependent on his labor for support. Mariner actually employed in sea service of citizen or merchant in the united States. . ; C Necessary sole managing, controlling or directing head of necessary agricultural enterprise. L Necessary sole managing, controlling, or directing head of necessary industrial enterprise, i Class 5A Officers, legislative, executive, of judicial of th United States or of State, Territory, or District of Columbia. B Uegular or duly ordained minister of religion. C Student, .who on May 18, 1917, was preparing for min istry in recognized school. i D Persons in military or naval service of the United States. E Alien enemy. F Resident alien (not an enemy) who claims exemption:. G Persons totally and permanently physically or mentally unfit for military service. II Person morally unfit to be a soldier of the United States. I Licensed pilot actually employed in the pursuit of his vocation. or of Class 4A- B- 3 DAYS ONLY S-IBER WHere You See the World' IlifCg.t " ' No Raise In Price STARTS TODAY For the first time on any screen the supreme genius cf the world's operatic stage j r 1 I V J-Uy r j MAGNIFICENT f 'IS . iirn "T.nn.A-flS"' y uu u mu uruuw. From the Famous Novel by ANATOLE FRANCE. The most Brilliant and Sensa tional Production in the recent history of Motion Pictures , What New York Says of Thais: Evening Sun: Mary Garden in "Thais" is the acme of photoplay perfection. Morning Sun: Tre mendous assemblages are greeting Mary Garden in "Thais" at the Strand this week. N. Y. Tribune: Goldwyn's presentation of Mary Gar den in "Thais' is magnificent be yond one's fondest dreams. Miss Garden is a beautiful, sensuous priestess of passion. N. Y. Times: "Thais" is one cf the greatest and finest films of the- year. Evening Mail: Mary Garden In "Thais' is a jcy to behold. Questions that are answered when you see "THAIS" Is Mary Garden beautiful? Ia she slim and graceful? Is It true that there has never been another wo man like her on the screen? Is she the emotional and dramatic marvel on the screen that she U on the operatic stage? lias she a sen sational dance In "Thais?" Does sho wear wonderful gowns? Wilt her gowns and costumes sug gest new fashions to thousands of women? Will women like her in "Thais?" . ...... Will she give men "something to talk about" for the next year? Is "Thais' a sensational production? Does it contain anything nerer seen' before In motion pictures? , Freeman II. ArtretsinKer. Carl Tv - 1cm. verne Story, Detroit; Roy Chatter ton Shaw, Pond Creek. Okla".; Chas. C. Cumraings, Claude C. Shafpe, Wil liam P. Burson, Portland; Har!eigh d. King. Howard H. Torce, John Wesley Bray. Jay Jacob Cook., Harsy J. Wenderoth. Clarence D. Monroe. Charles Herbert Kane. James E. Norton, Paul II. Baker, .Walter II. Smith, Richard McKee. Raina Beit Gaynor, Arthur Tu. Williamson, Jake Lumin, Edgar Peter Nelson, Ralph Smith, George Alhln Anderson. Wil Han George Walling, William Emil Hltz, Adolph A. Gueffroy, Frank Wells, Ray Leslie Minch. Charles M. Tindall. John A.Thompson, Will's Sumner Otto Fred Zwicker. James C Rogers, Harry Melvin Wikoff, Sa- SENATOR DEFENDS HIS CRITICISMS (Continued from page 1) ed gentlemen who has the love and admiration of the people and who by! their suffrage occupies the highe.-t Inlara'in thw'elft of the nennle and I may say the highest place of any i.ian in tho world." Upon his ; return "to Washington, Senator Cbambeitain said, he receiv ed a leter from President W'lso containing a quotation taken from the New York World and asking l: the quotation vifas correct. The pres ident (wrote that he did not like to comment on the statements until l.e r STARTING TODAY KULOLIAS ROYAL DOUBLE SHOW KTAWA OQ a m A PANTAOES ACT ' r- ' in 'THE PRINCESS OT PARADISE" i , 2 DANCING GIRLS 2 THE HEST, YET ' 8 PEOPLE ..8 ,;-T-l-i-r.. '. . i i k Matinee 15 c Evenings 25c MARK TWAINS STORY OP THE GOOD OLD DAYS HI LOWS WORTH WHILE OTHER ATTRACTIONS Jack Pickford - i ' IN ' TOM SAWYER" S6e0REG0i YOU'VE READ IT NOW SEE IT COME EARLY knew positively that the senator had actually made them. The letter was received too late for a reply Sunday, Senator Cham berlain continued, but In a letter t-eni to the white house the follow ing day he replied that he had been r.uoted substantially correctly in the World, but asked the president to read the entire speech as printed in the Times Instead of only a part -t it. Duty) To Reply Felt. "Now that my truthfulness , hs been questioned." Senator Chamber lain jpontinued, "I feel It tuy duty to tell .the. countrj. something I migi:t not have told it under ordinary cir cumstances." , I do it as a man who loves his country best of .'til and who would willingly give his life for it. 1 do it fearlessly as an American citi zen who desires to help and not hin der." . lie repeated he had not distorted the truth of his speech made In New York but that owing to the great rush of business 'due to the war the -resident has probably not been able to ascertain the truth and does not know the truth. From the lips those closest to the president, the chief executivtf cannot learn the truth, not because hls advisers de sire to mislead him but because thvy are situated in the same position as he is. "The secretary of war in a gen eral statement to the country, which was carefully and ably prepared, tells us that $3,200,000,000 have been appropriated for the ordnance department and that contracts fo $1,677,000,000 have been awaravd." he continued. "This is true. But the secretary failed to tell the coui tiy that America failed to stand pre pared. " France Equipping l" S. Troops. "France, bled white.' he contin ued, "is furnishing America todsy and the troops going a!?r6ad with heavy ordnance, machine guns and airplanes. If we relied op the ord nance department of this emerEen'y land this is a war of artillery), tha war would be completed before we ever got enough to go to the front. Franco agreed to deliver this artil lery. To win America? Did she furnish It in order to invite America?" - Senator Chamberlain charged thit the ordnance bureau failed in 1 ft 1 5 to prepare for war when it seemed ceitain. "There were omens in- the sky." he "ontinued, "that America could n.u keep out. What was the ordnam- doing? Nothing. It was lying su pinely on Its back not rriasing gaug es for maniiraetuf inc ordnance nor discovering the ' possibilities of man ufacturing but doing nothing, ab solutely nothing." Appropriations for jips and dies t i make ordnance, he said, had not been '.ei. Orrln'inefornrtmnt Slow. "Take th machine gun." said th "senator. "It's an old controversy and much may.be said on both sides. The fuewis jun has been manufacturel here for the British army and there ire 70.000 of them on the battl-3 'ronts. Every British off'cer I have een has expressed approval of that. Tim. Amric was prepared to pn 1uce them, hut with the country ftanding On a seething volcano, the "rdnanre department was" trying to decide on ft ;un. The war depart ment did not even adopt a gun until Mav and finallv adopted tt In Jun (1917), I believe, nd then only on paper, and it t(ll is a gun on paper. It never has tflad a field test. Maye the Br6wningeun Is a. pood weapon but. the tLewis run is doing goo-1 work. Why j not manufacture the Lewis gun? i "The secretary of war testified be fore the committee." he said, "that in September the United States had nine Browning guns with which to go out asainst the millions of Ger mans." Tie denounced the cry that investigation gives Information to the enemy. flermany Knows More "Germany knows, more about America today than the ' men con nected with the departments, Sen ator Chamberlain declared. "If the government would be frank with the people, then we could rely upon the people to rally to the support of the president and the prosecution of th war," he added. "Why shouldn't America know these things?" the senator demand ed. Some people in the west, he said, believe America has all it needs. "If they only knew the actual con dlSibns." he -continued, "they wouH give their lives, their. .all, to protect America. Casual reading of tae sec retary of war's statement givesj-the impression that we have everything. But when we set the testimony of the men on the ground, different in formation is obtained."' Citing the testimony of an army officer from Camp Bowie, Texas, who declared there was not a single trench mortar there and that other pecessary equipment was lacking. Senator Chamberlain declared: "That Is true of every -camp In the United States. If it hadn't been for the -ivilian peorde who have come here"and given their time and serv j ire we wouldn't have been, any-where." Baker's IMrtiire Iovely. Turning to the quartermaster general's department. Senator Cham berlain declared that from Secretary Baker's general statement the coun try would believe "that everything ! was lovely and the goose hting high so far as clothing Is concerned. "But when you talk to the men that command these boys you find it i?n't true," he continued. "On a per capita basis it Is there. j but not when it comes to effective : distribution, they simply haven't got ; the elothin." i I Senator Chamberlain said he pro posed to show bv Secretary Baker's own testimony that the secretary did not know of actual clothing condi 1 tions. ; "Somebrxly Must Have Liel." j "That Is why I say." he con ' tinned, "that the rresident did not know ili truth. AndJ I did. He must have cotten his facts from the secre'arv. who in tur'n got them from ' somebodv else and someone must have lied. And that's why I say that the president has not been given the truth." Senator Chamberlain passed around amonr senators his photo graphs of wood machine guns, rifles and heavy ordnance used at canton ' ments and asked senators to study them carefully. 1 ' I "They are of some rse," he ex plained, "in training men. but if I had a boy training I would not want him to have his-training with nothing- else than a wooden cannon." England and France, he said, saw the mistake of having artillery men minded the senate the troops were "in the midst of winter. ;: Soldiers Die; Demrtment Blamed. fl am going to shqw that, these hundreds and thousands of men dy ing in the cantonments are due lo the war department," he declared. "This information: comes right from the men who are on the ground. They know what thejr are talking about. I didn't intend to do this, but in view of the situation that con- fronts me and involves my Integrity. I feel it is my duty to the country. "I am swing to call attention to Hie statement of Snrjreon General Gorgas that nearly all -epidemics could have been prevented if the war department had been effective. , Senator Chamberlain referred to the warnings given by Major General Greble. commander at Cam? Bowie. Texas, last summer against over crowding men in tents. General Gorgas report, he said, showed over crowding in virtually every : camp, and he asserted that the surgeon general of eminent reputation had not been consulted regarding can tonment locations. Senator Chamberlain read a letter j showing that cam? authorities failed to 'notify a family or tne deatn or a j roldier and that the body came home wrapped only In sheet. ; " 'It 1 were to nrlnt all the letters I get along this line," he continued, "they would shock not only congress hut the American conscience. - I do it only to show the country that there is i Inefficiency and I'm going to do it if it costs me my political life. Let the American mothers know conditions and they will see to it that the public servants either do their duty or retire from public-life In o'fssrace. - , :k- " '- "Let's let the sunlight In on the things." he pleaded, "and never feaer that the American people will not follow the r",'l",nt Into the thick est of the fray wherever their duty calls them. I hope you won't thinV t am doinar this to be sensational. My whole purpose Is to remedy these conditions that may be remedied." Cliart Sent to Baker. WAS 1 1 INGTON. J a n. 2 1 . A cha rt based'' on re;ort8 from all army camps and showing only minor cloth ing shortages- existing January 19 was sent by Secretary Baker to. the senate military committee . today soon after Chairman Chamberlain made his speech in the senate reply ing to President Wilson's decnu nega tion of his criticism of the War-department. In his speech iSenator Chamberlain referred to a chart of conditions on January 1. recordirie 1, many deficiencies wnicn tne la: reports show no longer exist. ' - Secretary Baker said no stateme would be Issued In answer to Senat Chamberlain's charges, remark! "the war department Is In the u fortunate position of being unable speak about certain things." He c con; ent, however, on several U tures of the speech. In connection with a letter re by Senator Chanerlain telling the death of a soldier under harm Ing circumstances at one of t camps, he said several similar IsoL ed cases had been called to his i tentlon and that every precauti possible to prevent recurrences h been t-.ken As to the assertion that the si geon general was not consulted the selection of camp sites. Mr. B er said every site had, been select by a board consisting of one medic officer, one engineer officer and o line officer, appointed by the ! part mental commanders. In only o case was the suitability of the t questioned on sanitary grounds. ; added. Surgeon General Gorgas w then requested to send a special selected sanitarian to look. Into t question and the recommendation that officer was followed. General Gorgas approved the or; nal deslirn of cantonment barrac'i Later, after construction in ma cases had ! been well , advanced t secretary said the American Pub! Health association brought , to t attention of Dr. Gorgas recom men ation that the' space per man alio1 ed be Increased and after confe "cos. representatives of the assocl tion" approved the suggestion th dditlopl quarters be provided, r duclnc the number of men per buil t so that construction would J delayed as little as possible and y the snare factor of fifty cubic fe per man' recommended be attalne ! A DIPLOLT. An Ohio man was having a lot trouble piloting a one-tent ahfi throueh the Middle West. He lo a number of valuable animals by cldent and otherwise. Therefore, was with a sympathetic mien tb one of the keepers undertook t tsk of breaking the news of anoth disaster, l He began thus: "Mr. Smith, you remember th laurhin hyena in cage nine?" "Remember the laughing hyena' demanded the owner angrily. "Vb the deuce are yon driving at?" "Only this. Mr. Smith: he air irot nolne to laugh at this nior l"e." Ueedy's Mirror. control the ordnance department. Much Clothing XeeoVd. He then read from a letter from Secretary Baker saying a later report showed 7000 overcoats were needed at Camn Sherman, but that they "were In course of shipment." "That has been the way ever since the war started, in course, but not getting there." he shouted. Then placing in the record a chart submitted to the mHitary committee by Secretary Baker showing short ages of material at all camps varying from 1 to 90 per cent. Mr. Cham beVlaln declared he wished that con dition to become known to the jeonle. "I want it shown whether I dis Mrted the truth when I said the mil itarv tvle had broken down." Reading from the table to show shortages of overcoats running as high as 75 per cent, the senator ro- TO-DAY! TO-DAY! ATHON COMPANY Presents- "AS YE SOW SATURDAY 3 HIO ACTS HiriODROMK VAUDEVILLE 3 SUNDAY COMPLETE CHANGE OF VAUDEVILLE ' BIG ACTS HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE 3 4 w m 3 WATCH FOR AMATEUR WIGHT, NEXT TUESDAY Hgh TTheatire