The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Probably rain; moderate to
northwesterly wind.
A1,KM,0HK;0., F1UIA MoltMMi. JASL'AUV 1. ltfl
. - . ' -"t
f resident's Article on Free
dom cn Seas Called Just
, and Reasonable; Demand
. for Disarmament Favored
- 7
Peace Conditions of Entente
.Tteted Poland Policy
' Explained
LONDON, Jan. 25.A Parle dls
tatch to the Kxchange Telegraph
company quotes Count Czernln. tho
Atutro-linfigarian. foreign minister,
as declaring In an address to the
lelegates of parliament that "I have
o Intention to demand from Russia
a single meter "of territory or a sla
gl cent of Indemnity."
"Poland ought freely and without
Influence, choose her lot said
Count Ciernln. ; . . .
He declared that be would gladly
' tare teen Poland take "part In the
peace negotiations, but, the Russia
golernment did not recognise the
f resent Polish government! qualifi
cations to , speak ;, In the name
.... of Poland. , .
1 Count Csernin explained Ger
j many's Bnwllllngness to evacuate oc-
copied territories before a popular
vote was taken was because such
tvacnaUoa would break up the or
ganizations, communications. Indus
tries and administrations which are
to the German hands, with the re
sult of producing anarchy and otter
misery. Negotiations, declared the
minister, need time, and he added,
"when we hare reached peace with
Russia, general- peace cannot lona
be prevented, notwithstanding the
efforts of the entente statesmen."-.
Const Ciernln declared that he
must politely but categorically, re
fuse. President-Wilson's advice, on
Austria-Hungary's internal admin
Li tra fan. , There was no parliament
more democratic than Austria's, he
said. The foreign minister said he
did sot object to the suppression of
aecret diplomacy, especially if . that
meant the suppression of aecret
treaties. - . , ,
(Continued on Pare 6)
Men's Heavy Flannel Log
gers Shirts and Stag Shirts
At prices far below the present value of the flannel
frcn which they are made. These shirts are extreme
ly practical for all out-door wear, ;f " j
They were bought when wool was less than half
Hs present value. It will pay you to buy now for next
. season as well as for present use. Flannel shirts of
every kind will be nearly double present prices for
next fall i
Bine Flannel Stag Shirts with Double Shoulders
and two pockets, . , . . . . . i ........ v. ......... -
Bine Plaid or Grey Plaid Flannel 8Ur Shirts
with one pocket.
Extra heavy grey mackinaw Stag Shirts. .... . .
Extra Heavy all wool, Oregon Grey Flannel
Stag Shirts.... .......... ...v..i . .....
,6ood weight all wool Oregon Bine flannel Stag
,B4m wiux uonoie snomaers
Eiill Heavier Weight, same as above. . .... . . V .
Extra Heavy AU Wool . Olive Drab, Oregon
JUnnel Stag Shirts with Double Shoulders and
two Covered Pockets . :
eavy Blue All Wool California Flannel Double .
Shoulders and. Slicker Lined Shoulders and CI E
! Sleeves. Just what you need in the rain. . . . . .VfMM
j "e have a full range of sixes from 15 to 18 in the above Shirts.
pur store closes at 5:30 every
8 O'clock,' ,
Government Will Take Prop
er Measures, Asserts
Premier to Diet
War .J Strengthens Ties of
Friendship Chinese Re
lation Sincere
TOKIO, Tuesday, Jan. 22. "Jap
an holds herself responsible for the
maintenance of peace in thia part cf
the world and consequently in the
event of that peace being endang
ered to the inevitable detriment of
our Interests, the government of
Japan will not hesitate a moment to
take proper measures." .
Thus Count Terauchl, the Japanese
premier, spoke at the opening of the
diet today in referring to, the inter
nal disorders in Russia spreading to
the Russian possessions in Eastern
Asia. The premier declared that the
Ituatlon in Russia was causing him
the greatest measure of anxiety "as
the true friend of Russia," he said.
"Japan earnestly hopes that country
may successfully settle its difficult
ies without much further loss of
tlnfe and establish a stable govern
ment.'! e ;-2
. Count Terauchl said also that Jap
an (Joined unreservedly with the all
ted powers in the determination not
to sheath the swoid until an honor
able peace is secured.
Allied Tien fttrensfhened.
Premier Count Terauchl in bis ad
dress to the diet said the war in
Europe had increased in scope and
magnitude. The imperial Japanese
government was fully alive to the
gravity of situation and .constantly
was making efforts to maintain peace
in the far east and cooperating la the
war operations with the concerted
plan of action of the allied powers.
It was the government's intention
to pursue the fame policy with ab
solute loyalty and fidelity to the el
ites aad for the maintenance of tlx?
national safety, the premier added
He said btf was happy to say Japan's
relations with her British ally and
the other powers with whom she was
fighting side by side constantly wens
being strengthened. The recent ex
change of the honors of field mar-
fchalahtp between Japan and Great
Vnttml on Pac i
evening except Saturday at
i , -v ... :r. ' ..
Insurance Costs Are - Read
justed as Result of Inspec
tions Made by Representa
tives of McCune Bureau
Eighty Per Cent of Brick and
Half Frame Buildings Are
Salem's newly adjusted Insurance
ratings are now in the hands of local
representatives of insurance compan
ies. The new rates are i.aned on r ?
cent Inspections made by Inspectors
of the Oregon : Insurance Rating
bureau... and upon improvements
made subsequent to that Inspection,
is most cases lower rates have been
allowed by the Oregon Insurance
rating bureau. ;
At .the request of the Salem fire
prevention committee that was ap
pointed by Mayor Walter E. Keren.
Insurance Commissioner Harvey
V!ls, applied to the Oregon Insur
ance Hating bureau for. a reratlng of
the fire Insurance rates of Salem. .
Dwelling; DUtrkt Katended.
The inspectors for the rating- bu
reau have extended the limits in the
dwelling district, which will change
the rate from 60 cents to 40 cents a
hundred. This rate., in addition to
exposure charges, practically affects
all the dwelling within' the city lim
its. There has been a slight reduc
tion in many rates affecting, busi
ness buildings and their contents.
Wherever the inspectors found tho
premises free from ' rubbish and
trash and where the electric wiring
was not defective or no storage of
explosive or oil found and wnere
openings In other buildings were pro
tected, etc., a small credit was given
iu the rate. These reductions prac
tically apply to SO per cent of the
brick buildings and their contents
and about SO per cent of the frame
buildings. have also received a bene
fit of a reduction. These rates are
all based upon the : construction of
the buildings, the sbyslcal defects.
exposures and where these physical
defects are corrected or eliminated a
credit is given Jn the rate. But
where the condition Is found to be
baxardous, charges are made for the
increase of the risk. :
Haaards CauMe Increase..
The Inspectors sometimes found ih
their survey additional quantities of
gasoline and other explosives and au
tomobiles housed which necessarily
would cause that risk to be, more
hazardous than the average risk
Therefore, they applied an increase
where they found such conditions ex
The agents of all Insurance com
ponies yesterday received new rate
books which are a great improvement
over tne old books.
The new ratings have been Plactd
Into the hands of the Insurance com
pany representatives In the form of
a neat volume entitled "Fair and
Equitable Rating ? for Salem, Ore
gon, 1918."
Dwelling District Described.
' The district within which the snec
ial dwelling schedule applies is de-
sc-ilbed la the book as folows:
"The description of the boundrv
lines is hereby changed to read a
follows: ")
"Beginning at the intersection of
the Willamette river and Pine street
(one block north of SDruce street
extended); thence east or Pine street
to Maple street) thence north on
Maple street to Locust street, pre
sent corporate -limits (two blocks
north of Pine street); thence ea't
onLocust street to Walnut street;
thence south on Walnut street to
Spruce street; then east on Spruce
street and Spruce street extended to
the. Southern - Pacific main line
tracks, present corporate limit;
thence southwesterly rlong the
Southern Pacific main line tracks to
Gaines Avenue extended; thence
easterly on a line parallel with Gar
den' Road (Market street) to pres
ent corporate limits (midway ba-'
twees Nineteenth and Twentieth
streets extended); thence south on
present corporate limits and corpor
ate limits extended to the Intersec
tion or Center street and Twenty
fourth street extended; thence south
erly on Twenty-fourth street extend
ed and Twenty-fourth street to Court
street extended; thence easterly on
a line parallel with State street to
the west line of the Penitentiary
grounds and the present corporate
limits to Hyde streets extended;
thence west on Hyde street extended,
Hyde street and Hlaes street extend
ed to Sixteenth street; thence south
on Sixteenth street extended to Wil
bur street extended; thence west on
Wilbur street extended to the South
ern Pacific main line tracks: thence
south along the S. main line
tracks to Electric Avenne extended
(two blocks south of Oxford street);
thence west on Electric Aveau ex
tended and Electric Avenue to Berrjj
street extended; thence nortu ou
(Continued on page 6.)
Ex-President Declares Right
to Criticize Is Duty of
Every Citizen
War Department's Praise for
Committee Rapped Cab
inet Is Favored
WASHINGTON,- Jan. 24. Theo
dore Koosevelt today In a speech be
fore the National Presa club assert
ed his right to criticise the conduct
of the war and declared It to be
every man's duty to expose ineffi
ciency if it retards the work of the
war-making machinery.
In answer to an attack made. on
him recently In the senate by Sena
tor Stone; be said the speech was an
Inslduous effort In behalf of Ger
many, and that the" Missomi senator,
who bad done all lie could to serve
Germany In opposing wsr legisla
tion, had been the first to Inject
partisan politics into the war. -
Colonel Roosevelt eame out in op
en support of Senator Cbambrlaln
proposals for a war cabinet, and a
munitions department.
"The proposal, said he. "mean
bat at least a proper scheme of ad
ministration will be adopted by the
government. I am well aware that
np scheme can accomplish anything
unless the right men are put in;"
but at least we will get a proper
scheme of administration, in Wash
ington yon have a good many star
players, but mighty little team
work." 1
Doty is to CritlclM.
Wble the speech contained little
criticism of individuals, the colonel
spoke of the "maladministration' of
the war department in warmly prais
ing the work of the senate commit
tee. As to the worth of investiga
tions, he said. It was the duty of
congress to get at the truth and he
quoted from the writings of Presi
dent Wilson when at Princeton, ad
vocating congressional Inquiry intr
the acts of the administration.
Declaring the present 1? no time
fnr nnlltlca fnlrtTiAl TOfttaAVfflt
"No public servane and no private
citizen In his public relation at th!3
time has any business to consider
partisan politics in any way."
- He said be. criticised the conduct
the Spanish war and that bis action
then showed he believed himself to
be performing his duty now. It was
never more necessary than now, he
said, to tell the people the truth.
"If conditions are. good," be said.
"tell the truth. If they are bad. tell
the truth. If they have been- bad
and have become good tell the
The navy department, the colonel
added. Inefficient six months af?o is
now doing excellent work. The work
of shiDbuildina. he declared, now
in excellent hands. For the coordi
nation of shipping operations he rec
ommended the appointment of one
man to be put in supreme charge of
the operation or all vessels.
"Put 'em to Sleep."- Colonel.
Colonel Roosevelt called for a con
tinuance or war until. victory is won.
"If any man." be said, "Is not in
favor of putting this war through to
the peace of a complete vlctoryhe 1
not a loyal American. Do not forget
that the surest way to win the re
spect of a foe as well as a friend
is to show that this country really
fights when, it gets into a fight
Don't hit at all If you can help it;
don't hit a man if you can honorably
avoid it: but-if you do hit him, put
him to sleep."
The way to do things, Colone1
(Continued on Page )
Student Expelled for War Ac
tivities Signs cp 1500
NEW YORK. Jan. 24. What was
declared to be' the first branch of
the Bolshevik! in the United States
was organized at a meeting in Har
lem tonight, presided over by Leon
Samson, a former student at Colum
bia university, who was dropped
from the rolls because of his activi
ties against tee war. More than
1500 persons were said to have
signed membership cards after
i peakers had assailed the "moderate
socialists" and leaders of the Amer
lean Federation of Lot bo r.
The speakers declared that only
the Bolshevik! plan would prevent
future wars, and a ..message prom
ising to spread the "spirit .of the Dol
shevlkl in America" was cabled to
Leon Trotzky, Bolshevik! foreign
minister of Russia.
The Russian anthem was sung at
the meetln.t ia a medley of tongues
Russian, French, Italian and
Yiddish. I
Germany Demands Courland
and AU of Russia's Baltic
Ports and Threatens New
Inroads Into Territory
Chancellor Still Has Hopes
of Satisfactory Ending
of Negotiations
(ft The Aof-lutrd Trent)
After weeks of Vacillation, the
Germans at last have made their
demands at the peace conference at
Krest-Lltovsk and the Russians have
declined to accede to them.'
Notwithstanding the factathat the
Imperial German chancellor in his
many-times postponed speech to the
main committee of the relchstsg an
nounces that be still holds the hope
that an early and satisfactory con
clusion of the Ilrest-Lltovsk confer
ence will be reached, the terms of
Germany as enunciated by General
loffman, one of their chief delegates
to the peace conference, so far form
an Inilperable barrier for the Bol
shevik! government, which lis ex
pressed a determination to carry out
policy or no annexations ana no
Germany Demand Italtlc Province.
Courland In Its entirety and all or
Russia's Baltic provinces are to be
retained by Germany, according to
General Hoffman, in what 'is termed
as .Germany's last proposal to the
Russians, and the added threat was
given that If the Russians failed to
acquiesce in the demands, further
Inroads into their territory "would
follow and the important port of
Reval, near the mouth of the Gulf
of Finland, would be occupied.
In theatric fashion, Hoffman indi
cated on a map before the astonished
Russian delegates the new Russian
frontier as the Germans Intend It to
run from the shores of the Gulf of
Finland eastward to the Moon sound
islands and ths to the west of
Minsk and thence to Brest-Lltovsk
leaving within German boundaries
some of Russia's choicest territory.
Aniazed at the audacity of the
German program the Russian" Rele
gates asked for time to consider tne
demands. This was grudgingly giv-
en together with the announcement
that it was the last postponement
that could be expected. The latest
advices are to the effect that the
Russians have unanimously rejected
the German terms.
MiMbfry Cimclty I Problem.
What the new situation will bring
(Continued on page 6.)
Diary Showing Progress of Company M From New
York to England Is Received by Parentsof Archie Holt,
Who Says That England Looks Like Deart Old Oregon
A diary kept by Archie nolt.t
member of Company M ana son or
Mr. and Mrs. V O. Holt of Salem,
showing the progress of the Oregon!
troops each day from the time they
left Camp Mills on December 11
until they arrived In Central Eng
land. Wednesday, Dec. 26, has been
received by the soldier's parents.
The troop shipped on a twin screw
steamer of the Anchor line Ap
parently , the troops were in France
when the' letter was mailed
The. location in England was at a
rest camp which the troops were ex
pecting to move at any hour. "The
country looks like dear old Oregon.
It sure Is pretty,"- says 1t.e letter.1
The dairy of the trip over follows:
Dec. 11. 1917. We left Camp
Mills at 2:15 o'clock and took train
for New York, then took ferry for
Hoboken. Arrived at pier 12
o'clock. Embarked at 1:15. Boat
left 2:15. Passed through Sandy
Hook 6:10. Goodbye, dear old U. ii.
Wednesday, Dec. 12. We are on
our way to Halifax. Had a fine day,
very calm. Our colds are better.
Traveling sixteen knots an hour. We
located a piano on C deck. By the
way. we are in the hold, (third
class). We found Ferris Abbott and
had some real jazzy music for about
forty-five minutes. Then the Lleu-
tenant-AdJaunt came and put us out
Went to bed unusually late.
Thursday, Dec. 13. Pretty ruugjl
today lots of fellow seasick. Had
boat drill today. Squads were plac
ed on deck nearest th life boats.
Arrived at Halifax.? 5:30. Saw two
boats that had been wrecked. We
did not get to see much. This even
ing they turned the drawing room
over to us. We had lots of good
music and songs.
Friday, Dec. 14. Halifax is a nice
town. Saw place of disaster, though
we could not see -very much. Iany
transport in harbor. Had music all
day. We are all feeling better.
Saturday, Dec. 15. The Major In
spected our guns this a. ra. We left
Halifax at 2:30 p. m. We got out
on the bar and sure hit some higit
waves. We went out on the bow of
Judge Bingham Rules in Ac
tion Against Forest-Hill
Company et al
Thousands of Acres in Wagon
Road Grants in Linn Coun
ty Involved
What Is considered ono of the
most Important 'and far reaching
cort decisions tnada In the circuit
court of Marion county in years was
handeft down yesterday afternoon by
Judge Bingham. In effect it bits all
' get-rlch-qulck Wallingford oper
ators and sets a precedent for the
(ate. The decree is for the plain
tiff. Til title of the case is, Oregon A
Washington Colonization Company, a
corporation, against Forrest-11(11 In
vestment company, a corporation; C.
L. Sweeney, Frank A. Sweeney com
pany, a corporation; George Ketclt,
Aj Maas, O. L. Wadsworth, A. A.
Lawrence, C. A. Tarvln, N. N. Hof
ford. Addle Partln, J. D. McKennon,
If. K. Johnson, C. F. Crowley. t al.
- The whole point to the decision is
that it protects the Innocent purcbas
era, or settlers on lands in Linn
county, involving 9,301 acres that
originally cost the selling company
$887,720.26, or an average of about
910 an acre, and which was trans
ferred to the distributing agents to
retail In small tracts at 140 an: acre
In other words, the original land
grant being a part of the Willamette
Valley. A Cascade Mountain Wagon
Road company's grant In .Linn coun
ty, the entire tract being 793,931
acres that cost 16.000.000 or about
$10 an acre, transferred at $20,
quadrupling in value to the actual
settler. The title all the time was
in Charles Altschue Who is not a
party to the suit. " -
1 The Forrest-Hill company cost
price was $188,969.05 with interest
from December 17, 1911v at the late
of 5 per cent and $53,565.30 taxes
and costs of the suit. .That company
and a portion of the other defend
ants have defaulted.
i On January 12, 1911 Altschue
made a contract with C. A. Robert-
son, Weston P. avldson, Joseph C
Wood, John E. Burchard, and their
wives, in which they agreed .to buy
the entire wagon road company's
grant, 793,931.92 acres for $6,0 00.
000 on certain payments the first
being $1,000,000. Other details
were arranged for transfer to the
real vendors of the land, the Forrest-
Hill company coming Into existence
Dec. 17, 1911,and acquiring 9301.98
acres for $887,720.26. ,
The decree "says:
"The question presented Is, when a
( Continued? on page 6.)
the boat and had lots of fun. Wc
have to sleep with Our clothes on the
rent of the way.
Sunday, Dac. 16. -We are on the
high seas now. Having bum eats.
We are having boat drill every day,
Monday, Dec. 17.- Still going slow
,but sure, sea is, calm today. There
is a reiiow on board from California
who sing and plays the-violin. He
is a good entertainer. ' We are hav
ing bad eats. -
Tuesday, Dec. 18. Having us drill
with rifles on deck, but pretty rough
for drill.
Wednesday, Dec. 19. This Is a
fine day. Had good eats today. Had
a chat with one of the crew tonight.
He has been In the service. :
Thursday, Dec. 20. Finest day
out so far. Passed liner bound for
N. T. Having drill every day. The
water is smooth.
Friday, Dec. 21. Rained all night,
pretty wet, but still able to drill.
They picked all the sharp shooters
out, and they stand guard on deck,
looking for Subs. Shortest day in
tho year.
. Saturday. Dec.- 22. About (Delet
ed by censor.). We are in the "Dan
ger Zone" and we have to wear life
belts all the time. We sleep out on
deck, that Is, all who are down In the
1-old. Our compartment Is on the
water line. The moon is out, and it
is sure light.
Sunday, Dec. , 23. (Deleted by
censor.) ' '
Monday, Dec. 24. Christoas eve.
Can hardly believe It. We drilled
all a. m. This p. m. sighted (cen
sored). We met the seven tides,
am not sick yet.
"Tuesday, Dec 25. Arrived all
O. K. this a. m. Stayed on boat all.
day. .'
Wednesday, Dec. 26. Went ashore
at 2:00 p. ro. My it seems good to
be on land again, two weeks on
water and the meals we did have.
We got on a train and rode four
hoars, snd here we are at a "rest
camp. Will moe at any time.; I
tTflnk we are in Central England.
The country looks like "Dear Old
Oregon," it sure Is pretty, believe
me. ',
MTffi .
Chamberlain in Dramatic
Two-Hour Speech - Says
Wilson Does Not Know
Truth About Delays of
Country Preparing for Var
All Sensationalism Is De
cried; Statement Made
People Must Know Facts
About Inefficiency
WASHINGTON,' Jan. 24,ln a
dramatic ! three-hour speech tb the
senate today Senator Chamberlain,
chairman of the military committer,
replied to President Wilson's state
inent that ha had distorted the facts
In charging that the government had
broken down in its war preparations.
He declared the president had gros
ly maligned him, and not only de
fended, but emphatically reiterated
his assertions made in a recent ad
dress In New ork. He said the-'
president did not know the truth
and that he did.
The senator disclaimed any per
sonal rancor against either presi
dent or Secretary - Baker, saying his
only motives, were patriotic, to rouse
the country and to speed up, the war
by wiping out Inefficiency. ' In sup
port ofhis position be cited numer
ous incidents of alleged inefficiency
in connection with arrfiy ordnance,
clothing - supplies and sanitation
zroughtlout during the military com
mittee's war inquiry.
Chamberlain. Is Emphatic.
- Senators and many . representa
tives crowded the floor and the ga!-
lerlea were packed as Senator Cham
berlain spoke. He began Quietly, de
claring It was with a feeling of sad
ness that he found It necessary to
rise to. a question of personal privi
lege to defend his veracity and In
tegrity heretofore unassailed but as
he launched into. the speech he grew
emphatic and at times vehement.
When the Oregon senator conclud
ed. Senator Kirby, a member of the
military committee, replied on be
half of the administration, flatly con
tradicting the chairman's assertion
that ratts brought out' in the inves
tigation proved the' war department
Inefficient. Then the senate ad
journed until Monday to cut of fur
ther discussion. -; ;
There was no' comment at tbo
white house on the; Chamberlain
speech. It la known, however that
administration replies aro to be made
soon by Senator James In the senate
and Representative Dent of Alabama,
chairman of the military committee,
and Representative Glass of Virginia,
in the house,
Secretary Baker To Heply. '
Secretary Baker probably will
make bis own answer Saturday when
be appears before the house commit
tee. Representative Dent called t
the department late today and invit
ed him to make a statement to tue
The senate committee's bill for a
war cabinet, about wnrca the con- '
troversy centers, was referred with
out objection today to the committee.
The understanding Is that it also
will be referred to the naval com
mittee later.
Senator Chamberlain detailed in
his speech what he declared was
proof of army inefficiency.' He as
serted that not only -tras the presi
dent ignorant of the truth about con
ditions, but that Secretary Baker alo
was misled, challenging the senato
and the country to inquire and then
deny his assertions. Despite tho
president's opposition, he declared
the committee's army investigation:
would proceed and the committee
plans to resume its Inquiry tomor
row. In beginning his address Senator
Chamberlain, said the president had
attacked both his veracity and in
tegrity, heretofore unchallenged, but
that in replying he did so without
any personal feeling against the
Integrity f Questioned. ,(
"For 24 years." Senator Chamber
lain said, "I have served the public
in my stateto the besof my ability
and in all that time. I have never
had my veracity called in question
nor my integrity Impeached, and I
have passed through some bitter cam
paigns. It Is therefore, with some '
feeling of humiliation and also sad
ness that I rise to a question of per
sonal privilige when my veracity, has
been called in question, not by an
ordinary citizen, not by one of my
colleagues but by a very dletlngulsh-
(Contlnued on page 2)