The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Oregon
. Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon.
- The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of
til news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper
and also the loca news published herein. :
R. J. Hendricks ......................
Stephen A. Stone
Ralph GlOTer
W. C. Squier ........... ."
Frank Jaskoakl -
.'. PAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cenU a
week, 60 cents a month. I . ;i" 4
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. $6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cents a
V month. For three months or .more, paid In advance, at rate f& a year.
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 centsfor six months; ?5 cents for
, . three months. . ' "
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page ? sections, Tuesdays and
Fridays, $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department,; 683.
v ...
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem,
The Austrian teoi)Ie have been
'the strict censorship in that country, the trend of world events in
connection with the war into which they were led by their over
lordsrand which has long been carried on against their wishes. .
They, have read the following words from President Wilson's
message: ' - - 1
. In the face of that declaratjon, the Teutonic propagandists in
Austria have been telling the people of jthat ,country-that the United
States went into the war to enslave Europe ; that the Central Powers
j must, fight for, their very existence, and so on, ad nauseum.
The people of Austria see' now that they have been fed up on
.rliea...- :. j ,
' They see now that Germany has been using Austria for her own
selfish ends, -''without any hope or chance of reward or benefit to
Austria for all the sacrifices of her people.
They, see now no chance of victory. . i::
'. And, what is more, they see now: no chanee of good to their
. country even through a Teutonic victory'. .
. .". They know it would be a, German victory j for the glory and good
I ,.pf .Germany only. . i
?". -It is no wonder the hungry and 'suffering and war-weary people
: of Austria are demanding peace, and beginning to demand it in
v. terms such as must have the' attention of their government authori
- ties.- , , , t - , - ;
And the same thing is true of(the people of Germany,, though
theyare held-in a firmer grip by the military autocracy of their
country. . ' -, j .
In view of the present campaign
for economy in the United States, It
may be of interest to Americans to
learn what the - people - of England
' have accomplished in this direction.
X the beginning of the war broken
meat and other table refuse in camps
andbarracks were sold as swill tor
pigs at a very low price. Now, how-
- ever, a : wiser - system prevails, and
the utilization "of the by-products of
the ration has ' become a vast busi
ness. , From the table refuse glycer
ine Is now obtained for munitions
at the rate of 1200 tons yearly. At
the present time the profit to the
army from" the sale of -by-products
and swill Is at the' rate of over
14,00.000 a year. '
France -bore the "peak load" from
v 1914-1917. Great" Britain, it ap
pears from Sir Auckland Geddes'
V statement. Is getting ready to bear
UMn 1918. t The United States will
; bear it In 1919. And Germany bears
the "peak ; load" all ! the time;
, Springfield Republican. '
j. 'k'.t From all Indications, there will be
,no "peak load'; for any nation to
: carry in 1919. Austria la breaking
"down; Turkey la about out of It, and
Germany, will not be able to fight
alone much longer.
- The year, 1918 is reasonably sure
to bring peace to the world: , '
But, in case Germany still follows
her forlorn hope, the United. tSates
will be fully ready to carry the "peak
load- In 1919.
An ordinance has been introduced
In the Los Angeles City Council con
taining certain regulations of,: th-3
. sartorial art,' one of which is that
any barber- who permits a patron to
sleep In his. chair .will be liable, to
a fine of $300 or six months In jail.
1 The Times oV that city thinks that
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
A CJovenment iueome tax officer will lx at the Court
Jlouse from January 2 until January 30, 1918, and will, to
all those who wish it, explain the new income tax law, and
will furnish the necessary income tax blanks.
All single persons having an ' income of $1000.00 or over
and alL married persons having' an income' of $2000.00 or
' tver will be required to make a report. - " i
. . . Managing Editor
. . . Cashier
Advertising Manager
, . Manager Job Dept.
Oregon, as second class matter.
watching, as best they may with
there are doubtless men in Los An
geles who would be willing to pay
the fine or serve the prison sentence
for the pleasure of enjoying such a
unique experience. ;
Training dogs for field work has
been elevated Into a science, and to
day dogs are of such Importance in
the armies of the Allies that the de
mand is far greater than the supply.
" Like everything else in the great
word war, the role of the uugs has
changed, and developed In an extra
ordinary way. In the old days war
dogs were trained for two purposes
only Carrying aid to the wounded
and r accompanying patrols for the
purpose of scouting out the, enemy.
Today the dogs" in active war ser
vice are divided Into six classes:
watch-dogs, patrol-dogs, messengers,
ambulance-dogs, pack-dogs, and liaison-dogs.
tThe most successful of
Jthej trainers declare that the female
dogs have shown themselves the beat
message carriers. They win take a
note to a trench or position any dis
tance up. to about four miles, and
can be, relied upon to come back
with the answer without stopping
or loitering by the way. Shell or
rifle fire does not worry them, and
it is most unusual for them to be
hltJ ;
; In previous wars ambulance-dogs
were taught to bring back wound
ed .man's cap or his handkerchief.
Nowadays they are taught to bring
back everything lying within a, yard
or two of the wounded man a' pipe,
a box of matchjes, any piece of equip
ment, or even a stone- found near
him, so long as they come back with
something tS Indicate that they-have
discovered someone , requiring "assis
tance, j ; (-... f r
The liaison-dogs are a very compe
tent branch of the service, and ara
those that carry messages from he
first-line fighting troops to the com-
manding officers In the rear. This
is the most dangerous work and re
quires the "cream" of the. canine
raceUo' carry it out. Thousands of
dogs have an aptitude for this task.
They are specially trained even down
to getting accustomed to shell and
oarrage Tire. Once they are given a
message to carry to the rear it Is
seldom, if ever, they fail to arrive
with it unless they are killed on the
wayj Hundreds of these dogs have
fallen on the field of honor.
Many dogs who fall to show an ap
titude for liaison-work develop intj
excellent sentinels. ' The training
and aptitude for this isrnot so easily
developed as might be imagined, ow
ing to the fact that the most valua
ble services mujt be rendered at
night, llundreds of dogs who prove
first-class sentinels during the day
might become nervous and excitable
under night conditions at the front.
The dogs who attain the degree
of perfection required take their
places on the top of the trench along
side the gun-barrel of thefr masters.
They detect every patrol or individ
ual soldier who attempts to approach
the barbed-wire entanglements In
front, and let their masters know
In a quiet' way without acquainting
the enemy with the fact "that his ap
proach has been discovered.
One of 1 these veterans won" the
Croix de GuVrre at Verdun, where
his master was : killed and himself
badly wounded. He recovered suf
ficiently to go back to service. Dick,
as is bis name, is quite a favorite
among the French army dogs. It
appears that when this animal Is
not actively engaged in bringing in
the wounded he whiles away his time
by running down and capturing en
emy dogs. Not a day passes but he
brings In two or three and even four
bigger than himself. He has a way
of catching them by the" ear and frog
marching them along, and has caus
ed him to be mentioned In despatch
es on more than one occasion.
' Finance Minster Hermet of the
German Empire forsees a "glorious
peace' for Germany. He says, ac
cording fo an Associated Press dis
patch from Amsterdam:
"The general morale also has
( suffered under war conditions,
but of what significance is that
when we remember our brilliant
j military position, created by the
incomparable : and glorious,
deeds of our army and. fleet?
Even though I many hindrances
, bar our way tb peace, peace is .
on the march and the longer the
; Western Powers are recalcitrant
the more favorable to us will
the peace terms be."
Yes, 'the spirit of the German
troops broken, t Germany's colonial
possessions gone, the whole civilized
world arrayed against the Teutons,
the German people starving and
freezing and rioting, the Kaiser's
diplomatic programme smashed, th-3
suffering masses In the big cities of
the Central Powers clamoring for a
cessation of the war, their soldiers
ony fighting when driven to it at
the point of the bayonet, America
entering the lists with great ar
mies of eager and Invincible troops
yes, the prospects of a "glorious
peace" for Germany ar brilliant indeed!?,'-'
', y f ,.J .
A "glorious peaceiwlll cotjne, and
heaven grant that it come soon; but
it will not be the peace of which
Minister Hermet dreams. ' It will
be a "glorious peace," in truth, for
the oppressed people of Germany;
for It will bring the crushing of the
cruel Junkers and .the liberation of
the German masses from the iron
hand of bloody Tyranny.
In Praise of Thrift
of the Vigilantes.
Hail, homely Virtue. Wealth Incog-
;- nlto, ;
Train us in all those little arts you
. : know, - "
Until this reckless nation learns to
sift . ' J
Its golden grain and gather ocean's
drift j
And. woodland's waste to make far
hearth-fires glow.
We have been spendthrifts, and we
ljked It so,
But for the world's wide hunger we
' V fbrego
Our pleaant prodigalities. We'll
Our flothes. our ways, and burn &
To ycu. O Patron Saint in Calico.
Warm Wind and Bright
f Sun Clearing Off Snow
OMAHA. Jan.. 23. A warm sprint
wind Is blowing across ., the plain-1
country and the snow is everywhere
disappearing under a bright sun. A
the Chinook- reaches further eati
ward warmer weather in that direr'
tion is developing. A maximum oJ
4 8 degress above sero was reached
2 o'clock this afternoon. Accord'n
to railroad re porta weather over the
trans-Missouri country is clear, cay
and summer-like. :
; i
By Flrmee EliMbctk If lehU
A wedding of note "which will
bring a bride to Oregon was
solemnized" Tuesday morning :
at 11:30 o'clock in Willlamsport,
Pennsylvania, when L. Reed Cham
bers, who has been associated with
his father, J. William Chambers, in
business in Salem, was married to
Miss Alice Mohn. The ceremony was
at the residence of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Mary Mohn. The bride
is a sister of the groom's brother's
wife, Mrs. Ralph Chambers. Ralph
Chambers is the second son of tho
Chambers family in Oregon. lioth.
Mr- and Mrs. Ralph Chambers wer?
at the wedding. They live at Nor
wich, N. Y. Miss Rachel Chambers
of Reading, Pa., the eldest daughter
of Mr. and "Mrs. J. William Cham
bers, was also present at her broth
er's marriage.
The Chambers family njoved to
Oregon about six years ago from
Pennsylvania. Their handsome horns
near Newberg has beeh the scene, of
many attractive affairs. To this
home, Krevania," the bride and
groom will come. They left for tha
west Immediately following thefr
marriage and will travel by way of
California. . They are expected in
Salem either Tuesday or Wednesday
of next week.
The groom Is the first son, and
the youngest son, George Frederick
Chambers, was married last fall, to
Miss May Steusloff of Salem. The
second son, Joseph W. Chambers Jr.
is in the navy. All of the boys are
Kappa Sigma fraternity men.
Recently Mr. and Mrs. J. William
Chambers decided to make Sal
their home. With their youngest
daughter. Miss Dorothy Chamber"
they will become domiciled at thn
Louise Josse residence, 2416 Stato
The many friends of Mr. and Mr.
Louise Josse will Boon have cause
to miss them, 'as Mr. and Mrs. Josse
expect to leave next week for Port
land, where they will live.
Complimentary to Miss Ermine
Townsend, a dinner party was given
last night at , the Marion hotel by
Mr. Bernon Scott. The table decor
ations were In pink with flowers and
candles. The guests wero Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Trager, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bleason
and Mr. and Mrs. E. Davy.
Mrs. J. H. Lauterman and her
mother, Mrs. Emily Boise entertain
ing as their guest, Mrs. Emily Cor
nell of Portland who has arrived for
a few days stay.' '
Mrs. J. "W. Sadler of Aurora was
the guest of, Salem friends cn Tues
day. Mrs. Sadler is prominent Iv
club and social circles of the valley
and has a large circle of acquaintan
ces In this city. .
T(he Oregon Agricultural club was
entertained last night at the hom
of Mr. and Mrs". A. M. Hansen, l
Mill street. Among the delightfc
features of ;tho evening was a pro
gram, with vocal solos by Miss Lenr
A Salem girl born and raised, Ml;
Corinne Barker, is rising high i
favor in the theatrical world of Nev
York, where she - went five year:
ago. - Wrapped in tho stars, and
stripesshe was chosen as one of the
beautiful women of the American
stage, to be photographed for the
colored eoverpiece of a theatre mag
azine. She Is also, considered on 9 c
the best dressers of American theat
rical women. She Is 'now playing
a leading role in "On with tht-Dance."-
nd the New York pubi'r
and press are showering her wlib
compliments. Of her a theatrica
weekly recently wrote:
"Out of the west so golden an
remote nave come many wonderful
women but of them all I like you
best. There Is something Indefina
bly attractive about you;" It Is good
to sit in the same theatre with you.
I can only: compare your presence
to a peach orchard in full bloom or
to almond blossom time in Kanda
har. How tremendously likeable
you are and 'how vital and how fin'
and loyal in your friendships. Yo
act Veil, too, and you are steadily
going ahead in your chosen art.
The arduous labor of stock witt
the Keith Players, In Portland las
summer yon 'did for experience. You
have an enchanting smile and a gra
cious mode of address. In nothin
are you more to be envied than In
your friends." J
Alkali In Soap
Bad For the Hair
Soap should b nSed very carefully,
if you want, to keep your hair look
ing its best. Most soaps and pre
pared shampoos contain too much al
kali. This dries the scalp, makes
the hair brittle, and ruins it.
The best thine for steady use Is
lust ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil
(which Is pure and greaseless), and
is better than the most expensive
soao or anything else you can nso.
One or t two teanpoonfuls wfll
rleanse the hair and scalp thorough
ly. Simply moisten the hair with
water and. hib It. In. It makes an
abundance bf rich, creamy lather.
which? tinsels out easily, removine
every particle of dust. dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly jind evenly-and It leaves the
scalp soft, and the hair fine and
silky, "bright, lustrous, fluffy and
eav to manage.
-You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at. any pharmacy. It's very chean.
and a few ounces will supply every
member of the family for months.
S U YI T - T .H
Our prices ARE LOWER BY FAR than you wUl ever ee prices again until ifter the WAE
ISOVEB f ";.-:.... :-; '
12c Scrims, yard 10c
18c Scrims, yard 13c
20c Scrims, yard 15c
25c Scrims, yard 20c
35c Scrims, yard 25c
40c Scrims,vyard 28c
45c Nets, yard.. 32c
50c Nets, yard.. 39c
60c Nets, yard. .4c
75c Nets, yard. .62c
$ -90
$ .75
$ .60
$ .30
$6.00 Embroideries.... $3.00
$3.50 Embroideries .... $1.75
$3.00 Embroideries. .. ,$1.50
$2.00 Embroideries ...$1.00
$ .85 Embroideries. .. .$ .42
$ .45 and 40c Emb. . . $ .29
$ 54 Embroideries .... $ J4
The Y. W,, war drive is on.
- S ' ,
And it Is already going good.
. It is a comparatively small drive;
but it is important.,
The , Socialist newspaper Vor
waerts of Berlin has been suppress
ed again, this time for declaring
the solidarity of the German prole
tariat with Austrian labor in the
peace struggle.
In the meantime, British labor
has again upheld the war aims of
LJoyd George and President Wilson.
' V S m '
The long advertised great drive on
the western front Is Impending. At
least, both sides are feeling out with
' January 19, Saturday. Meeting of
Marlon county committee on war
navinic stamp salts. Commercial club.
January 25. Friday;- Grant school
Junior Red Cross auxiliary carnival.
January 25. Kriday. Triangular de
lete by Salem, Hubbard and Kstacada
high schools.
January 27, Sunday. Rally of Jef
ffrson Sunday school district at Marion.
February X Friday Arbor day.
February 4 to 9 Registration, of
German aliens. t
February 7 to 13. Ninth Annual
(Vrtland Autorrtvbile show.
February 8. Friday. -Hoy Seoul , an
niversary to be celebrated in Salem.
February 10. Sunday. Time limit
xpircs for payment, of delinquent
atreet assessments in Salem.
February 11 to 17. Father and Son
tvetk in Orepfon.
Feburary 12. Tuesday Lincoln day.
February 16, Saturday. Celebration
f fiftieth anniversary of founding of
B. P. O. K. .
February v16. Saturday. Mental ex
amination to be coqnducted at Katon
i-.all for .candidates for appointment to
Cnited States naval aendemy.
February 11 to' 16. Farm crop and
labor survey.
February 22 to "1 Western Orccron
convention of Christian . Kndeavor so
crtT. Kneene.
A no a4tm am A
and Syrians
Need Your '
! Help
Dress Goods
For Less
values .
values .
values -values,
values '
. $3.00
..$ .79
..$ .69
..$ .54
. .$ .49
..$ .19
their big guns, along the whole 30
mile front.
The submarine sinkings were low
again-- six; same as the week be
fore. '
As the rigors of winter lessen ifftd
the days lengthen on the .western
front, the Impact of the big guns
strengthens. Somebody Is going
through; and" It will no't be the Ger
mans. They did their worst4t Ver
dun. '
The political . buds are still open
ing; Indicating a warm spring.
' " -
A writer In the Los Angeles
Times stops in the mado war rush
long enough to say: ?What the men
of this country need more than' any
thing else Is a collar that will allow
a four-in-hand uecktie to slip
thrbugh without twistlns the, collar
or tearing' the tie.
V . .-
It is Impossible to conserve the use
of food In the family . by "merer
hanging a card in the window".
- V S
The local hotels are about to do
awjr with free busses from the
trains to their caravansaries. The
crowds are so large that it is neces
sary for them to come up town In
the street cars. Los Angeles Times.
Lively times down there.
There has.boen a call -for the or
ganization of -the men who licked
the kaiser when he was a boy. '
mm mm mm
Tom Longboat, the famous Indian
runner, announces from,- Paris that
hes has not been killed In the great
war and refrains from mentionins
that the report of his death has been
much exaggerated. Hats off to the
poor red man. i
. '
In order to speed up the making
of ships Oregon builders sajr they
can lav down and complete ISO
Closing Out of Women's House
and Porch Dresses
This Is no odds, and ends sale but the season's most approved styleHprice
so low. We expect to see the entire assortment vanish in quick order.
u"v"is I iWBJr.I5sy mucn
regular price $1 25, sal0 price ...
-- - mm I..' I sr ar s a '
gui- pnes x.ou, sue pnce.
regular price $1.75, sale price.......
regular price $2.50, sale price...
regular price $2.1)8, ale price. V. '. . .
regular price $3.75, sale price .
4i6 State st SAiuvuKtjorw
75c and 60c Ribbons
........ V... 42c
50c Kibbons... .390
35c and 40c Ribbons
.......... .29c
30c Ribbons... -23c
25c Ribbons. , . .19c
18c Ribbons - . ,, 14c
23c Ribbons .....17c
15c Ribbons.. .11 Kg
Others at Reduced
. .93
wooden ships in 1918. This Is the
pledge they have made, to Chairman v
Hurley, of ,the Shipping Board. If '
all of the shipbuilding sections ' of
the nation respond so nobly there
ought to be no shortage of ship3 at
the A'lose of tne present year. Los
Angelea Times.
- r .
Absolute knowledge. I have none.
Liut my aunt's washerwoman's sister's -
son .-.!.-.
Heard a policeman on his beat
Say to a laborer on th street .
That he had a letter , last week
Thar was written in the finest Grtek
From a Chinese coolie in Timbuctoo,
Who said th egrrocs In Cuba knew
fr a colored nian In a Texas town;
Who got It straight from a circus
- clown . -. '
That a. man in Klondike heard the
news " ,
From a bunch of South American Jews
About" somebody in Uorneo
Who heard a man who -claimed to f
know r -
Of a swell society female fake . ,
Whose motlu-r-in-law will undertake
Tu prove Jthat her seventh: hus"ban4'
i nieco - - ' .
Has stated In a rrinled . piece
That' fhe has a son who lias a friend..
Who certainly knows when tho war
. will cmV . ,
- Exchange.
A Home Recfpe for
Wrinkled, Saggy Skin
The famous saxolite lotion recom
mended by teauty specialists for re
moving wrinkles and for iredueinK dis
tended pores, can ensilyi be made at
home. Ask your drufrcis for saxolite
In powdered form, one jounce, and
half pint of witch hazel, j Ii.lvo tht
powd-r In the witch hatfj and batbe
th face.: neck and hands In tha so
.Itition. Keitlts are reraarknble, and
it'stantaneous. The skin itiftbtcn. and
ft his iatuftlly reduces th wrinkles, as
well rrnr or folds about the
xeck. ch.k.i or j tMtKds. The tiisus
binLth ithe skin also becomes tWaticr
and nx.reLs'ilid.
One fct-l much refreshed and xb:l
arated after -usinsr this truly worir
ful preparation. Many women look
or t?n years younger after using tla
""'v m -f. hrrt time.
more than the price quoted.
Your Bit
Do it Today
at Any Bank