TITO OREGON' STATnsMAYi TIITIWMV fAMA. 81. im JERUSALEM TO BECOME MORAL CENTER IS VIEW British Authority Says Moral Forces of Zion Will Rule , After War CITY WILL BE POPULAR Civilized Regime Slated for ; Palestine; Word, Not f v Sword, To Rule I.ONDON, Jan. lf' "I believit fl.at 'Jerusalem aHer the war will be.. tonwr the moral center for th world. saM Sir Mark Sykcs. h I'rlt J$h. fcuthorlly on the affair of the Jveari East, in an Interview here. ""'There' I today throughout' the wofld." he explained, "a deep-rooted itleslre that this war shall be the last nrJ Hue If this hope 1 to b- re alized, there miwl be some iwrre vhl:h will control nation. People lalk of the Hague Conference, and yet we know that hitherto these con Jrrences hare been, and may be Vralo in tbe future Just. hypocritical onveratlond between lawyer, dlplo--tnatand soldiers preparing for fresh JiostitJtle. a "Moral force and physical must he ,it the disposal or whatever authority mankind deal res to set, up to shield Abe world Trom war.' Hut the phy sical force of a leasrue of nations i.uist be at the call of a moral force 7lgher than the Hague. If you look t Jerusalem, are there not moral f ore there stronger than any man could Imagine the moral forces of "Calvary and Sacrifice, th moral fore ' "Yii of Zlon and eternaj hope, the mor ' al forces of" Islam and obedience?" i : Fir Mark believes that there will a rerles of pilgrimages to Jerusn '! m after the war, more extensive , than tht city has ever seep before, i "We bare the seeds. Jew, Moslem "and Christian, of a trinity ofilm- pulses which all tend Jerusatem ' ward. After the war Jews will g In tens and hundreds of thousands, not as colonists, but as lisitots, jto see where the little seed of .Zionism ! being planted. Russians will visit Jerusalem In a flood rising rwrhan to two or three hundred t thousand. I can Imagine even that the Pope -himself might call his children to a IMlrrlmare of Repentance and un told, numbers responding to the call. T can Imagine also the followers of ether Christian chnrches enln.? Jerusalem-ward. And I'can see Islam pa rtlcf natlng In the pilgrimage. Jerusalem Is a lone stare which af fect nil these people. , "After the- war we shall have a ' civilized regime in Palestine, for; I cannot Imagine ; even . the central . powers declaring that there can be no place unless the Turk returns to Jerusalem. The Turk has been ther since the davs of Sellm the Grim, .nd eoneouently. there have - been ac "work force which have i-sed-Je i alem for th purpose of Tormenting 'discord In Christendom, of holding " Jewry at arm's length, and prombt Hng war and. Ill-feeling among a.i men. - ' -i ' - - r "What of the future? We need not question who is going to be In Jerus alem. It is sufficient to know that rlhe Turk has rone, and that Jerus TO-DAY ATHON A . COMPANr PRESENT "TEMPEST V AND V ' , ' SUNSHINE" A MIGHTY PLEASING COMEDY DRAMA ALL NEW PICTURES BLIGH THEATRE . 1 "I PI A ... 4 n . 7 w.e.WJ ' :'-..!' alem i therefore minus a strong positive force for III. The war will give 'the Turkish clique a great de bark In Islam, and that means a spiritual revival In Islam of a nature different from anything w- have seen before,: Tbe intellectual, pirltual ; Arab and Indian will play a. great: role. Moslem wlli think more of the; Word than of th .Sword." , Advertised Letters l I It M; .MXIAHV '21 AMriib, Mls (ftuiv fit Andetson, Mrs 'W. J. I hi n If, Mr. I,. BIHi'im. .Mr. Ali.x IJoxi, Mr. Geo. Hrowll, aMiM l'l ft! I Uurd'ite, ir. John ' f.ulih, M. and Mm. Chadiplfn, Win. K. Christ eiinn Hillif Cooley, K. hi. (oop r, Thoi. I. (!roufer. Mix J.-vera Dataon. G. II. .'iJii-kson. Mr. John Kllot, Mr. und Mrs. I In eh Fa by. Oraco K. Fleming, J. O. . tliino. Mr. Jerry. Willie, Mrs. IJmil Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. f?. L. Kaiinon, Mr. Kgel Kfenan. Mr. Vincnt Keene, Miss Xortna Kirkwood, Mis.- Olga La May. C. K. Martin. Mrs. J. E. Mlllett, A. C. NVwinan, Mrs. Ora Phillips. Mrs. Viola 'I'ierpont, Mrs. Vary Klchiiiond. .Mini llessle Smith, Mrs. A. C. Strom, Dldrlck - Taylor. Miss Velma Tywn. Mrs. CM. Wittwer. Miss Martha4' Wilson,- Mrs. Virginia With, Miss Alma : August Ilucki'stelu, : '. roslmaxlei' CAMPAIGN NOW TN FULL BLAST ' V, I j ' ;; , . . Y. W. C. A Drive Is Opened With Formidable Array ! of Workers The campaign In Salem by the members of the Young; Women's Christian association to tnlse fund.-, for tht general war work of the a: sociation and to build hostess houses In the j United States und Franco where women and children may have the opportunity to visit with the soldiers, opened yesterday. At the conclusion of the second day's work this afternoon, a tea will be served at, 4 p'clock at the Y. Wj C. A.' rooms where reports will be read. Not only the members tut all who are Interested in .ti e work are invited to attend. , Amonj those who are working in the cam paign are Mrs. Hi 8. Wallace, Mrs. C. S.i Weller, Mrs. George Alden, Mrs. B. It. Steeves, Mrs. E. F. Carlton. Mrs.: II. S. Oile. Mrs. Prince IJyrU. Mrs. I A. L. Brown, Mrs. A. F. Mar cus, Irs. John Farrar and Mrs. L. .'. Curtis. An Interesting roup of reasons why) tbe; Y. W. C. A. members .ire fcble and obligated to undertake a world war program follows: 1. ! Because the work has to be done. .--' - 2. 'Because It has been asked by government the Fosdick commission and; other official organizations to undertake the responsibility-. 3. Because it has had fifty oiix Preparation to meet- a world crlaH. 4i Because it ia already establish ed in tweoty-sloc nationa. 5- Because it has had actual ex perience In all the increased prob lems of girls duo to war pressure, such as. employment, housing, health etc. j , 6i Because of its interclasg, inter d nominational, international char acter, with a membership of 350,000 it is sympathetically preparing wo men in personal, cirlc and world wide relationships. -7. necatis the final reality of life in its Christian solution upon which tbe world is dependent is the supreme purpose of the association. McMinnville Beaten by - Salem High, 23 to 9 Tuesday evening the Salem hiah ehrol basketball team iourneved to McillanviJle aral played the McMinn ville hifch school onlntet. Halett came houi with the bl- end of the score, scorinc 23 points to McMlnn vlllea . The local toys showed ome excellent team work, while M---Mlnnllle was especially strong on i-reesive niaylng. a ry ! . tUlf in "THAIS" 2MrIS? 'INfPyiL N0VE BY ANATOLE FRANCE I?J5,?l?51BRILLIANT AND SENSATIONAL PRODUC TI0N IN THE RECENT HISTORY OF MOTION PICTURES SPECIAL 'an mmm m II AERIAL WORK INDICATES LINE OF OPERATIONS Attackf on Captive Balloont Preient Thrilling: Inci dents on Front OBSERVATION BAGS SEEN Every Observer tin Balloon ached Has Parachute To Waist i.m i.'Vi'ii kikia'T. Iii-c. 12- -I Cur rerond nee. -From the chores of the .orlh Sea to the Swiss frontier a narnllel line of captive obn rvatlo.i balloons, or "sausages," marks in the air the rough outline of the en-trew-hed positions of the (Jorman and Kntente troops except a Morm ts blowing in such strength as to make aerial ascent Impossible or exf-emelv hazardous. The gas-hags, which are att.tche-I to steel cables, fly at varying height according to the deKiee of vl iblllty ad the nature of the eountrv In the vieinltv in which they operate. The work their occupants are ahle to per form in reporting troon movements und concentrations on the opposin side Is of Immense value to tht com. mandlng generals and this Is the rea son' thev are subject to constant a' tack. Kverv observer ' and .mefhsn1'1 carried in the balloons orvii'ed with a parachute attached to hi of escaping certain death in cae an enemy shell hould rip the balloon or set It on fire. Th correspondent of The Asso ciated Tress has observed man v thr'J Hng Incidents during attacks en car tlve - balloons at various pr s ft the front. In one case an aerial oH erver wlun Ms b.it'oon b'-r.-'t lno flames, threw himself fifteen hund red feet. - Kverybodv oi the ground believed he was doomed when -tid-denlv when he was within a hundre l yards of earth he oarachnte rened and brought him gently down. He was picked un unconscious ; In general, however, the ra". chutes work perfectly end the 'a through the sir Is made In safe'v without anything more thsn the mr menarv thrill of falllnr throuv'o space for a short period without any support. Sometimes the wind blow the falling man hanging ,on to n't nsrachnte towards he cnemv line. where be is greeted with s hall f rifle and machine-gun bullets, bn' IncMens or this kind ere rare. . Details of the organization of th 'Herman sreostatlon or -captive bal - loon service have fnst reached th eorresoondent. From these It Is ! gathered that the German army pos sesses hundreds of these observation eis-hag. They are divided Ino eronn of hree. which work tooth er under the command of an office while at the headquarter,, of e-'h ermy a staff officer of hh rank charged with the snoervlsicn of h "Tvic which entlre'r senarate from the aviation branch. There Is no definite number f balloon at tJhed to rh iiJvinlon or arn corps, the total used at each part of the line chanrfng accordi to th decrease or Increase cf activity of the" troops In line. Ko" each car'lve hsPoon a com anv has been forced consisting o' four (ohoerrotlr" of (-.. eleven nn commls,'"1l s"'""" "d atmnt 120 men com rn-'d b" n cants In or Hentepunt. The r"n wot onlv have o look afier the tt, descent and housing of the b"". 'rt also defense aaainst alrpl-'""a. for which fve machine-guns un' two ;Don' ar eceloved oenipo:n " cannon of 1 V. ,Inch calibre. The forme" r provided with cc reeled s'lahts and fire tracer and explosive bullets, while the latter can attain a ranse of two and a cmrter mile-. Another method of defense Is rn Td descetft, which Is accomtilished :bv means of revolvlns; winches fixd n aitornobHes' or herded wbgons The rteel cables aie parsed round these winches and the balloon ca" be brouisht close to earth and out of immediate danrer In very hort time. In suite of Its size, which is considerable, as It contains K00 ci blc metres, of gas. OXK 0 Till-; M.KITII. They are telling a g'Kid Joke at the United States marsbars offlcr: on one of Uncle Punt's sleuths. The other day a inlddle-aged OrtnHii woman rot off the Hanla t trln """ail mi r -?i I The most celebrated woman in the world for her first screen appearance. Garden MUSIC r n ihi the WorM'a lliucet i rushed Into the tinlon station and to i he Mrit em ranee, glanct-d around I tirriedly and mt.ed over to the In ! friruiuliou bureau and.tbeijci in ihe i t. Ii plnn' booih. ,Tlu- -I.mkIi bud M.oii-l Ut'v lh iiiiniitH hi ;it bM 'xiid f;:ie. Tin-re win no jt..- ! lion u to Iho T-MtoiiIi- -al or f n lliTi s. so h ' liepf his on., wery 1 r-oveaient sh made. II? b'ari-d 'if the Information hur'-aii I tui t ' .v anted long l!lti4h . J'h, I htfht ' Slie' wanted to g- word lo lh gng .bout siielhlng very Important. JiiKt hs lite watcht'ful sleuth mus sld !ling tip to the telephone booth fh inKterlously excited lady dusl'i out of th place and rae-J over 'In Ihe M'legmph office wlnre nhe wrei tt uNviaiu and, after some debiy, i und the axuet hnii , paid (he i.ciHior und walked away apputint ly greatly relieved In mind. Thr ial'K xlfulh . was olng to see that Klfgrum. He sleppeil up lo the bp ; eiator, exposed his badge und rnad. s the telegram, which lead; "Le'ft mp teeth on washsland when chlMrejsj can gel Ihem. Send tbi. eveturi, parcel poit, ; Hotel." Tbe Kleuib ' grined and then tojfil Ibc joktUu n 'Irlend. Kl Paso Tlmes. : i 1 Cloverdale Personals rUtVKHliAl.l:. Or,. Jan 7 2.1. - Mr. and Mm. George Karris were In Salem Wednesday to attend the lo mona icranaa. Mr. and Mrs. J. j. dala; iMurned home from Salem, where they have heen visiting for the past week. Carl and Kverltte Wood were Sa Uni vllt)rs Saturday. Miss Agnes Arnold went lo Shedd Friday evening to spend the week end with her parents. .1. I). Craig. J. M. Hamilton and Arthur Kunke and wife were in balem Tuesday. Chemawa Team Defeats Mt. Angel College Men In a baaketball game pluyed at tbe Chemawa gymnasium lat night, the Salem Indian Training school quin tet ' defeated the Mt. Anel college basketball team by a score or 2 tc 17. , BANKERS KEEP LEAGUE LEAD One Point Difference Between Shipps and Bishops Last Night Ktandinjc of TenniM. Capital National Hank .... Watt Shlpp Company ItaitKher lirothera Hifthop ' , l.fH ..'.00 .500 .000 i - - h ,Jy far the )et basket ba'l garni j witnessed since the beginning of the i Commercial league series at the Y 1 V- J A. were played last night a tne ai association gymnasium. Hot' games were bard and fast and th' interest was Intense throughout.' .V no: time in 'either game, with th possible exception of the last tw miautes of the second game, did anv teaai show any marked x advantag; ovei1 the other, the scores being ev most of the time and never moi than-two er throe points differenc Th first game between the Shioo and the lllshopa was won by Shipps by the. margin 'of one point wh was made In the last minute of pla as the result bf a foul committed ' Ashby'for the Itishops. The gam was nil "and tuck from the soundin? of the Initial whistle until time wa called. Ryan for the Bishops am Hhafer for the Shipps were the heav iest scorers for their respective teams, flyan scoring seven poin' and Shafer eight points. The Capital National bank cor Unites ; it wining streak by defee Ing the Hauser Hrther. lat night by the store of 1 r8to 12. In t early part of the game Captai" Brooks for the Ilausers scored a'' points befere the Bankers were ab' to get their bearings when a bask' by Captain Baker for the Hanke notted them two points. The scor at the end rof the first half was to 4 in favor of. the Hausers. In the second half the Hanker were more successful and Harrj scored three times in rapid snc,' slon, fol!owd by two bifcketg b Captain Baker and one by W'f ftrooks and Moore for Ilausers ear' scored a basket from the field rr Brooks two from the foul j'ne durlt' this half. I.ine-up Bishops Koff ( 4 i flyan I 7 NUt: Cooper Ash by and score: Watt Ship" C Seco Shafer IS Jaskockl ( , lie l.a Uadcli Shlpp Co- I. Final score: Walt pnv. 12: H'shops. 11. Capital Nat? Hank Itarra I A Hauser ll'o' Iflckmar Wersh 2 1 Maker ( 101 Socolofsky Koblnson Brooks i" Moore i " H Beree Townseni" Final -serre: Cardial Nationr' Bank. 18: llaur Bros.. 12. Officials: Arthur Ross, refere-; ft Pearc.e.i timer; Oncar B. (Sin rlh, scorer,: i Tryouts Are Held for . Declamatory Contest On lanmirv 21 and 23 the hih chool trvouts were held for the In 'erclass declamatory class, which Is n le .M en Wednesday, Januaiv .10, On this date the impromptu and extemporaneous ' contests will held. The Impromptu sneakers will draw Ibelr slbjects on the platform and will liime'dlatelr speak for Hire minutes. The extemporaneous sneakers will have one hour to ore- pare their a seeches. Tbe public Is? Invited to attend these contests. Classified Adi Work for Yr f J I T J y y y 7 J J J Your Prin Should It Bhotilil lirir.onize with li bumnvnn in wliieii you an rnjfagra. u mn no on., fereiiee whether your nieKsnge. Ie a husirieKN rani, u IihiiiIImII, a letter, a pamphlet, or a eatnlof the mle holiU kmmI in every, e. i Vou wotiM not exfwet a machinist or a col dealer to I Mtiml the same as ft floriat or a jeweler. It would not he appropriate. Neitht-r wouhi it he appropriate for their printed meaaage to he aimilar. The coal ad jriay ! printed in bold, black type, on coarse, heary paper; hnt the high grade jewelry ad should be printed artiatically with light face type, in refined colora and on fineat, quality paper. 4 What ia more, the printed meHaage abould Im up tc the minute In style. Old, an-tiiiiati-d style in printing createa juat aa bad an impreHion aa would the Loopakirt, the hobble skirt or the "train" if woni today. , c i'n our husineKs to make your printed meHsage appropriate. Our printing plant is supplied with the very latest: type faces, ornament and other equipment. The plant is in. charge- of a printer of uniiKual ability a man who makea a atudy of what is appropriate and timely for each printing job. Ilia service and hia advice are at your dtHpoxal. I ? ? ? t t ? y STATESMAN PUBLISHING 10). JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT 215 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 23 AND WE WILL CALL SINNOH WILL HEAD CAMPAIGN Congressmen Are Chosen to Lead Party Activities in Northwest WASHINGTON', Jan. 23.4Hepnb lican senators and representatives In Joint conference tonight named the members of the Republican congres sional committee. Nominations for membership from some states, in cluding those .without Republican representation In congress, were not ready tonight and they will be passed upon later by the committee Itself. The members selected inclule: California Representative Jnllu Kahn. Idaho Representative Ai, T. Smith. J ! Montana Miss Jeanette Rankin. Nevada ; Representative E i K. Roberts. . , Oregon Representative NIrholis J. Sinnott. WashingtonRepresentative Llnd !ey H. Hadley. Wyoming Representative Frank W. Mondell. ' These individuals will direct the! . !.. . .1 lull I. 11 . 1 r campaign activities in all the con gressional districts In an effort to wrest the political control of the house at the polls next November. There will be a fight for the chair manship when the committee ho'd Us first meeting.' Representative Woods of Iowa,' who ia a -.ndidate for re-election. Is opposed by Repre sentative Madden of Illinois. AIRCRAFT MEN ARE ANNOUNCED . Committee to Help Speed op Spruce' Production in Northwest PORTLAND, Jan. 23. Organiza tion of the Pacific coast committee 'f the aircraft lKrd was announced here tonipht by Richard F. Howe of he a'rc-a't board of Washington. 1. C. The function of the commit ee. Mr. Howe said. wW le to speel ip spruce production on the Pacific ont In all nractlcable wpvs. It 1 om nosed of Colonel HrlcelP. Dlsqiu. hlef of the "nice production divl don of the sienal corps: William M. i .add of Portland, and George j. fAnw of Txmma. "Colonel Disque will remain at th i"ad of the spruce production divl on tnA will 'actively direct opera 'loni." said Mr. Howe, "and he with Messrs.. Ladd and Ine will com ose the committee which, so far as t liiv rv, will consider nl ct "n all problems arising on the Pa cific coast In relation to the govern--et aircraft program." The committee met and organized today. Pendleton Women and Sonv Acquitted of Murder PENDLETON. Or.. Jan. 23. Af ter a little more than an hour cfl deliberation a Jury In the clrcu!t urt here tonight brought In a ver dict of not guilty for Mrs. Cora Col Hill and Lawrence Colwell. her son. lolntlv charged with the murder lai Vay of James K. f hort, an aged ran--fcer. The boy admitted the shooting but pleaded self-defense. Five Men Quality for 75-Foot Indoor Range The Sle,m Rifle eluh held its first mnnt m ni ror t ne handicap mstrh. After a sufficient number of the members bvf quali fied a match will lie held for thr ted Message ! Be . .i . . a trophy cup which is on exhibition In the window, of the Ilartman Jewel ry store on Liberty street. Those who ctialified (.for the 75 foot Indoor range are C. V'. Klgn. If. V. Ioe. Fred Hay, Frank Max und 1 1. W. Macv. , - Others who shot to nuallfy wero George Keuscher, Don Wiggins, V. J. Kn trees. Robert Nicholson. A. II. I'ole, Ham Hu?hes and Karl J-ory. Weekly ettoota will be held each Wednesday night. ' Baker Dissolves Board for Labor Standards WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Disso luutlon of the board of Control for labor standards created toTteep army clothing contracts away from plants employing sweat shoo methods, was announced today by Secretary Baker with the expJanatJon., that the, prl - marv nurnos of the ho-rrf xA h.. acocmpllsbed and hereafter its du ties could be performed by the quar termaster general's office. Some of the activities of the board have been the subjest of controversy In tbe congressional war inquiries because certain firms failed to get contracts. The board's rulings have stood however, and its dissolution ia said to be onjr a part ot tne department's . .... . . . . . . Kenera policy io Drmg us woig ill rectly under the military establish ment. Freight Regulation at Piers to Be Urged NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Govern ment regulation of freight delivery at railroad piers will be urged upon Director General McAdoo td elimin ate twenty-four hours .time now re quired to eend notices to consignees and to mre more efficient use of trucks using the nlers. It was an nounced tonight after a conference of the committee on freight .con gestion. Construction of short stretches of track principally i.n New Jersey that would tie the various railway sys tems together and provide a short cut operation also will be suggested. Reports received today indicate a 'oosening of freight congestion. - How They Keel In Washington. "Have ypu made any resolutions or turned over a new leaf or any thing like that?'' "No." replied the man with the 'erene smile. ,rSo need of them.-If I have any lingering vices I feel that I need only wait for somebody to In troduce legislation that will' make hem Imnosstble." Washington Star. j Appropriate NEW YEAR E 1 DOT OM We still have a few copies of our NEW YEAR EDITION for sale. Your friends and relatives will enjoy read ing this number. Make tip a lut. We will mail them and prepay postage. Tht cost is small Sc per copy, while they last -''::"-; THE STATESMAN, Salem, Ore. A- f .1 ' a? ESSAYS NARROW TO TVENTY:OnE ' L i. . . Burke, Carlton and Miss Case Consent to Serve as Con- test Judges The selection of the prize essays banded In by the school children of Marlon county on the subject of Ar menian rufferlng 9iaa reached its final stage, and it Is expected by the committee to be able to announce the result sometime within the next few days, the matter probably being de layed until next week. Thone who consented to act ai J ,Ammm rn thji H Jd fo the essays 8 re the Rev. E. M. Burke, pastor of Unity church; Mlsa Flora Case of the Salem library and Assistant State Superintendent H. F. Carleton. Out of nearly 300 essays the contest has been narrow ed down by elimination, gradually made,, to twenty-one papers, eight of these being ia the high school class, ten in the Junior high class, and three In the grammar grades, A large njimber of papers, other wise showing merit, had to be put out of the running by reason of ver batim copying on the part of tbe Writers from the literature handed out by the committee. Those whlch' have been retained for the final Ian show originality, as well as bela? well phrased and constructed. Prize winners- names will be published at soon as a i unanimous decision li reached by the judges. The Armenian relief fund contin ues to swell, the last figure noted at headquarters being $4700.40 for the 'city of Salem. Voluntary contribu tions are atlll received at headquar ters, and after that has been closed may be made to S. B. Elliott at thi Salem Bank of Commerce. Stayton, through Its "colonel," Prof. B. F. Ford, reports $239 up to January 22. Manager Gill and F. . Deckebach journeyed to Sublimity Tuesday evening where at a meeting a starter for the fund "was made $48. Rev. J. 11 ..Buck reports enthu-. jsiastlc reception at Mt. Angel and K S. White claims the meeting at Ger vais to have been "the biggest little crowd he ever saw." Most points In. the county are still to' be hear'l from, the colonels evidently figuring that no report la any good but th final report. There can be no ques tion however that when all Is In, Marion county will have tanglblv demonstrated Its sincerity In declar ing its belief for the rights of all. humanity wherever found.