: : T r- . ? r , - ' - r . . ' ' ' : T- ' . . ' ' . - - " . : ' , j,f - - 1 . - ' WEATHER, i Cfr VN i(Vu ft A -WaAJ f5L ' ll I IXTYK HALKM, UIIKGO.V, TIlfltSOAF MUlt.MXjji, JA.M'AHV at. Itfjsj , f MUCK MVM CKST . i EMBARGO OR FREIGHT PUT INTO EFFECT Food, Fuel and Munitions Exempted land 'Zone Sjrs- . tern Contemplated by Of ficials to Relieve Congestion SHIPMENTS OF COAL CONTINUE TO GAIN Little New Snow Falls and . Wanner Weather in Few' Days Forecast WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -An of "flcial embargo on all freight except food, fuel and munitions practically was in effect tonight east of the Mis sissippi and north of the Ohio and Potomac river', as a result of Di rector General McAdoo's authorized embargo today on three eastern trunk lines. Although the restric tion was applied formally only to tho. Fennftylvanla and the Baltimore and Ohio, east of Pittsburg, and the Philadelphia and Heading, other rail roads eccepted Httle freight today, particularly If It was destined east ward. The situation probably will con tinue until milder weather 'permits railroads to begin to more the great quantity of general freight accu rou tes ed during the .past few weeks winter's storms, , Dan on Coal Lifted. Factors contributing to the em bargo were the priority of movement for coal and foodstuffs and the con tinued preference in coal deliveriej rfvea to domestic consumers, ships,- ana certain war industries, . which were exempted from the fuel admin istration's general closing order. Tn las' on coal conservation was offi cially lifted at midnight last night, but scores of manufacturing plant enable- to divert coal f ru:ri the stream flowing to the more essential Indus . trials remained closed or prepared t tu ;cnd operations In a day or two when their available coal stocks are cone. This fact and knowledge of many shippers that ordinary freight turod nttle chance of prompt deliv ery, tended to curtail the shipments el offerings today. To reduce railroad mileage in haul lag coal, some sort of a tone system of eoal distribution probably win be pat into operation by the railroad and fuel administrations within a week; -, , . .Normal Conditions Not Ilcaclied. Although weather remained cold over most of the east today, the lack of new snowfall enabled the rail roads to make a slight improvement .in the traffic situation. The flow or coal eastward' Was somewhat great er, and the supply of empty cars to nrinlag regions was larger. Nowhere was there any near approach to nor Hal conditions, however. . The number of ship awaiting bun ker coal at? Atlantic ports was small cr, but freezing of coal in the cars tilt hampered. dumping and' ice la harbors- interfered with lighterage Temperatures ranged not far from the tero - mark over much of thf cotrntrr tonight, but warmer weath er was in'prospeet later in the week, nd when' it comes railroad officials look for much Improvement in trans portation. The embargo put into effect today win not apply to ahlimients of muni tions or other war 'supplies special ly approved-by the war or navy de partment and the shipping board. The traffic directors of these de Partments will furnish' to railroad onnite information on shlpmenta whtch they wish to move promptly. Telegrams of Inquiry from the - Middle : west concerning reports ut jmbargo'were answered with the In formation that although embargoes nre have not been officially sanc tioned by (government admlnlstr Hon authorities, local railroad offi cials have power to decline to B' cept Ut'jeiU destined for embargo Points or" line!, flcore 0f these win or embargoes may be declared with out the specific approval of the rafl Jjoaa administration and Indications were that many would be put lnt7 iiect tomorrow. Zone MyMrm I'bmned. The contemplated xona system of foal dlatrlbntlon is fused on a plan Jfelr''i wme month ago by Fran- Iahody. chairman of the eoa! committee of the council of natloji ?"7.- The plan is to have tn fl!!,c,n Htrict sirve a prescribed Iikt ry n,r to the mines as port 1F1 administration official Climate thatai1 least twenty percent rihr"int ha'lnic can be dispense Property n th Wherne Is worklnj JnJr contracts will not expire n Prl1 n,t If ninR is etablished P1"?1810" will have to bo mad l0?r tor them. ih Tof'the ,M Mwntlal Indun finV'n i wa indicated todav, wll' in.J haFd fo coal Btippllea for nrlll 1 hnrn fHcl ,by ave an1 a.tTn.l'ty: but . continued en- l (Continued "on" page 6) J" CHATiIBERLAIN TO MCE REPLY TO Controversy Over War Cabi net Measure Promises to Be Spirited DEFEAT IS EARLY SEEN -if ' ' " - r Request Is Made to Senator Not tb Make Speech But ' He Refuses WASIIINOTON, Jan. 23. The contrpversy between tlie administra tion and. members of the senate mili tary committee over proposals for a war j cabinet and director br muni tions will be brought before tho sen ate, I iJith prospects of spirited dis cussion. " Senator Chamberlain plans to rise to a question of, personal priv ilege and reply at length to President Wilson's denunciation of the sena tor's recent statement that every de partment of the government had broken down in the war, as a distor tion; of truth. Several speeches on behalf of the administration also ire planned. Among senate leaders, plans of procedure In the forthcoming con test over the legislation which Hhe president opposes were crystallized J Administration ' spokesmen express confidence that the military commit tee's bills : never even would be brought to a vote. It was agreed not to oppose Senator Chamberlain's motion for reference to his commit tee of the war cabinet bill. After ward, .however, it is proposed to re fer the bill also to the naval affairs committee for study regarding it effect on the navy. Democratic . Leader Martin con ferred with leaders of both factions and also with several prominent Re publican senators. A futile - effort was! made to dissuade Senator Chamberlain from making a speech. Hefore formal reference of the war cabinet bill to the 'committee, no ac tion! Is expected tomorrow to check discussion, It is planned to adjourn the senate at the close of the day un til Monday. The White House' gave out this telegram received by the president from former Representative John .T. Klttgerald..who was chalrrnan of the bouse appropriations committee: "Investigation during entire ses sion ending October 9 demonstrated wonderful results accomplished br war department under' great diffi culty. Opening paragraph North cliff e's book on the war graphically pictures accomplishments. Officials deslre and should have -encouragement and sympathy rather than He hampered by constant nagging and criticism." BRITISH SINKINGS ! AT LOW POM Eight Vessel j Sunk in Past Week; Six Unsuccess- fully Attacked LONDON, Jan. 23.- Again the sinkings of British merchantmen by mine or submarine have been held at a low point. Only six vessels of 1600 ton or over and two under that; tonnage were destroyed in the past week, according to the admiral ty report tonight. . The sinkings of British merchant men for. the past week duplicate he sinkings for the previous week ex cept' that In tho previous week two fishing vessels also were sunk. In the past week the flnshlng craft es- caoed entirely. The admiralty reports or January 2 gave tho sinkings as 21 rqerrhani men' of whieh IS were over 1600 tons In each case. . Tile summary: Arrivals, "2255; sailings, 2242. British merchantmen, 1600 tons or over, sunk by mine or submarine, sit; 'tinder 1600 tons, two; fishing vessels, none, finish merchantmen unsuccess fully attacked, six. MeciUti Day Bring 25 Per Cent Decrease, RepBrt mtir.kcm 'Jan. 23 MeaMcss days havo resulted ' In 25 per cent dw crease in consumption, aceorain the report, of Armour and company tnriav ThA business of the company in the United States In 1917 amount- ed-to $ on which a not proflt'of $21,000,000 was earned. Thr firm's business In product originating In this country sold both here and abroadr-was $50000 000 treated than the world business of the firm in 1$16. . . The net Income was equivalent i I4.fi on invested capital or ,2t per cent' on capital stock. nL 1016 Ar- k. . i j A a M 4 A A d 4 mm CHARGES roar's net pront were . or'H.7 per cent on Investment and 20 per cent on capital stock. If i TWO SHIPS SINK; MANY LIVES LOST Destruction of Two Steamers' in Mediterranean Sea Three Weeks Ago Causes Drown ing of 718 Persons ANNOUNCEMENT MADE " IN HOUSE OF COMMONS Thomas McNamara's Report Brings First News of Heavy Loss of Life LONDON', Jan. 23. Iy tbe sink ing of tFo steamers by the enemy in the Mediterranean about three weeks ago 718 lives were lost, it was an nounced here; officially today. ' : The announcement was made In the house of commons by Thomas "STcNamara, financial secretary of the admiralty. Mr. McNamara's announcement! gave the first news received here of any heavy loss of life in recent sinkings in the Mediterranean. A dispatch from TOkio on January i showed that , an attempt had been made by hostile submarines -to at tack British transports convoyed sby Japanese warshins In the 'Mediter ranean on December 30. The Japan ese admiralty announcement stated that the submarines were repulsed and that the .warships were not dam- MAN LOSES LEG BENEATH ENGINE . m, Albert Van Valkenburg Vic tim of Accident at Stolz & McNary Farm After suffering the manglibg of both lees tinder the wheels of a tractor at the Stolz k McNary farm yesterday afternoon, Albert Van Val kenburg underwent a surgical, opera tion at the Halem hospital in which the right leg was amputated below the knee. The left limb is badly crushed, but tho physicians believe it can be saved. Van Valkenburg and hi brother were operating a' tractor and were untisd to the machine. By accident th heavy engine was started while Albert Van Valkenburg was beneath It and both limbs were ground under the wheels. The accident happtned about 4 o'clock. The. in lured man is about 30 years old and has a family. POLICE DISBURSE CONVENTION OF SOCIALIST PARTY Secretary of Branch of Peo ples' Council Is Forcibly Ejected SEDITION IS REPORTED Rempfer Crowded Into Auto by Six Unknown Men and Sent From City MITCHELL, 8. I)., Jan. 23. Win. C. llemofer of Farkston, 8. P., execu tive secretary of tie South Dakota Uranch of the People's Council of America, ana a delegate to the state convention of - the Socialist party here, was forcibly ejected from Mit chell today and the convention which he was attending broken up. This action, it is saM, was based upon reports that Hempfer Instituted se ditious activities at the meeting. The convention of the Socialists was broken up bv local police on orders of Mayor J. ij. Wells. Kempfer's ejection from the city cam late today. He 'was "captured" on the street by sir unknown men and hiietled Into an automobile in which be was driven four miles from town; There he was set out .upon the prairie, and according to reports was told to proceed afoot to his home (n Psrkston. abont thirty miles from Mitchell, and warned not to return here. No violence was done to Kcmpfer. SUPPORT GIVEN MUNITIONS PLAN BY REPUBLICANS Conference If Held in House and Vote of 75 to' 19 Is Recorded RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED Only Constructive friticism of Government Urged by Representative WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -Itepub-licans in the house in conference to night voted 7i-to 19 in favor of the creation of a department or bureau of munitions and ordnance with a director appointed by the president. There was some discussion of the war council proposal but no attempt was made to pat 'the conference on record in regard to It. When tbe vote was annonnced the point of no cuorum was made and the conference Adjourned, leaving the way open for another discussion of the subject. The resolution voted on was introduced by Repre sentative Cillett of Massachusetts, acting floor leader, as substitute for the McCormlck-Lenroot resolu tion considered last week. The reso lution follows: "Whereas, in the conduct of ithe existing war, the Republican mem bers of the .house of representatives have taken the position that therel should be no partisanship but that all Americans, should be united In support of the government in press ing the war to a successful conclu sion, and in voting ungrudgingly the administration all the resources and powers to that end and will continue to do so; and. "Whereas, the need of a united country demands that where condi tions causing unnecessary de lay' or waste' due to the overelapipng Jurisdiction of the bureaus and de partments or for other causes re vealed by congressional investfga tions. It Is their patriotic dnty to suggest remedies for such condi tions: ' "Therefore, be ft resolve!!, that it Is the sso of this conference tint there should be created a department of bureau of munitions and erd nance, and director of which shaft be appofnfed by, the president, confirm ed by the senate, and be Immediately responsible to the president tor sys tematize the manufacture and pur chase of ordnance and munitions by means of which the success nf our armed forces may be speedily at tained." - Representative Gillett told th conference the time "had came for the Republicans to take some art I on, but that it should be constructive and not In the nature of a criticism of the aovernment's conduct of the war. Representative Fess.' of Ohio declared President Wilson had been playing politics. " Representative Cramton of Michigan said conditions found abroad by members of. con gress who had been there made it essential that a change he made tn the war department's mXJod. Reprcsentaltvo Kelley.ta member of the naval committee, protested against any change In; the navy's purchasing system and; urged that any reorganization should apply to Iho arniy only. 79 MEN SAID TO HAVE DIED Many Are Entombed by Coal Mine Explosion; Eight Bodies Recovered HALIFAX. Jan. 23 Soventy-nlne men are believed to have perished in on explosion tonight In the Allan shaft of tbe Acadia Coal company's collieries at Stellarton, N. 8. Kleven on a hiaher level at the time of the Vxplosloi escaped, but the others .on the loer level-were entombed. Eight b4les havo been recovered. The explosion occufred Just after the nlgbt shift had jtone to work. The Allan shaft, one of the most product ive In Canada, is alio one of .the most dangerous. Kites caused by spontaneous combustUn, are of fre quent occurrence.- j ' Minnesota Governor to Visit Camp Lewis HAS FRANCISCO, Ian. 23. Gov ernor J. A. A. Uurnmlst of Minne sota, heading a pariy of officials from that stata whs are visiting army training camps thronahont the country, left tonight for the north where he and his companions will inspect Camp Lewis, at American Lake, near Tacoma. Fsh. ' . Among the camps Halted by Gov ernor Rurnqulst wat Camp Codr, near Peming. N, M.. where, he said, approximately 12, 00 MInncsotans are quartered. Ifc- - .' t " linn II.-IMII I IUI. II I I II III! IIIllip iaiMmiainiMWMMMMHHMMMWnMM LOCAL CLUB SEEKS SITE ON SANTIAM Fish and Game Commission Asked to Acquire Hatchecy Ground by Condemnation If Necessary MAGERS AGAIN ELECTED HEAD OF ORGANIZATION Registered Shoot Is Arranged for May 6 and 7 as Part of Program At the annual meeting of the Cap ital City Rod and Gun Club held last night in the auditorium of tbe Salem Commercial club,, several Important actions were taken, aside from the election of officers for the ensuing year. The first Important step taken by the clulv by unanimous vote of the members present, was to request the state (ish and game commission to take all necessary legal steps to ac quire by condemnation proceedings if necessary the proposed site for tbe new fish hatchery on the Santtam river, oae mile above Gates, as the owners of the land refuse to sell the site at a reasonable price. The Pand is owned by the Hawley Pulp & Pa per company. . The sum of $25 was appropriated for the purchase of tobacco and ciga rettes for soldiers. The club passed a resolution In faver of closing winter game fishing in the Willamette river and its trib utaries above Oregon City. A registered shoot was arranged for next May 0 and 7, as ,a part of the "club's interstate association work. The officers elected last night are A. G. Magers, president; (re-elected) ; Mark Slddall, secretary and treasurer (re-elected) J and Ralph Cooley, field captain. The next meeting of the club will be held February 27. . MILITARY FUNERAL LIEUTENANT IVAN E. . BELLINGER . , '- - Insignia Wreath of Fourteenth Infantry Among Floral Tributes College Days and Marriage to Schoolmate ) Are Recalled A Military funeral was held over the liito Lieutenant Ivan E. Bellin ger, who died at K6rt Riley, Kansas yesterday afternoon at the First Methodist church. Lieutenant Bell inger, who, as a private citizen was a physician, was a, member of an old Oregon family and bis little son. Ivan Ellsworth Bellinger Jr. not quite 2 years old, remains ns a Bell taiger of the sixth generation In tbe state of Oregon. The, services yesterday afternoon followed those which were accorded to the aoldler as his body was bom from Fort Riley homeward. The fourteenth Infantry of the medJri officers reserve corps, of which hi was a member, formed a body escort from the Kansas camp. . .Floral of. ferings were also sent from2 the east, among which was a carnation -wreath with the Insignia of the fourteenth Infantry. Y y J Afckeri for Oregon Cedar. Among th other beautiful flol orrerlngs which blended wrth lim flag which covered the casket, was a wreath of Oregon cedar with tc! roses, blue violets and whft.s narcis sus. In touching memory of the sol dier, qutintltles of Oregon greenery were used as rii background for th-? flowers. Bafk In the ncmtment. ns he was dylnrg he asked or Oregon cedar. Magnolias and orrtldr made up soother t'auflful floral piece. The service were distinctly mili tary, Rev. R. N. Avlson officiated and Prof. J. TV Mathews t Willam ette university. Assisted. A uniform ed soldier wm stationed at tbe head and foot of the casket. A quarter sang'.fnd a solo. "Captain of My Rol.';?r was rendered by Alfred Bfhram. Accompanied by Dr. Orov er Br'Hlnar. a coulsln, and Bruce and Allen Bellinger, brotheri of I.'eu tenant Bellinger, and Paul Mauser, the body wilt be taken to Portland this morning on the 0:4. o'clock train. Cremation will follow in Port land, Ivan Ellsworth Bellinger was born In Portland March 21. 1M7. He was the great-great-grandson of John Henry Bellinger, who settled In Ore gon, south of Salem, n IS 47. The family came to Salem froiv. Portland in 1907. Prior to that Ivan Bellin ger had graduated from a Portland high school. Hta father, Oscar 'If. Bellinger, died six years ago. Upon his arrival In Salem, he at tended Willamette university, taking a two year's pr-medlc course. He was graduated in 1913 after a foirr year's regular medical course. Lat er he served a year as an intern at tbe Salem hospital. " While 1a college ENGLAND ASKS . U. S. FOR VAST WHEAT SUPPLY Despite Saving America to Be Called on for 75,000,000 9 Bushels MEAT SUPPLY IS SHORT British Food Controller De pends on Hoover to In create Imports LONDON, Jan. 23. Gnat Dritaln calls upon the United States for 75, 000,000 bushels more wheat. This was one of the most import' ant statements which Lord Rhondda, the British food controller, made tn an interview with the- Associated Press todajr. The controller describ ed the food shortage In Great Brit ain as most serious but not such as would be detrimental to the health of the population with proper man agement of auppliesf He drew a sharp distinction Latween tbe condi tions In Germany, where the public health, particularly . that of women end children, had been dbngemusly undermined by lack of nutrltlod and semi-starvation, and in Great Britain where the working effectiveness of the men bad been decreased thirty per Cent. In Britain he said, tbe self denial thus far practiced had actually improved tbe physical cqn dltlon of the nation. "With the help of the United States we shall ,pull through." he said. "I would feel very despondent over the situation if the United States bad not come into the war, but I have unbounded faith in youi ability and good will to help us work out the problem. Fighting Line Not Feared. The war will be won by England. It is a test of endurance between Kngland and Germany. Wo are toda where Germany was two years ago. I have no fear of failure on tbe fighting line." Lord RhoOdda spoke on the most important factors of the food yucs- Continued dnpage".')""" IS HED FOR he played with the first famous foot ball team under Dr. Saretland. . t Married College Mate. His marriage to Lola Pelle Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'II. Cook of Salem, was a romantic af fair in 1912. 3Ila bride was a pop ular. Salem high school g'rf and at tbe time of her marriage wan a sophomore student at WlllametU university. Both of the young peo ple continued college after their max rlage. and remained in Salem until Mrs. Bellinger's graduation from Willamette university In 1914. It was then that the couple mov to Sweet Home. It was there too, that the young doctor started hlr practice. They had' purchased prop erty hi Salem and' had ' intended to move back here as his business per mitted, j, Their two children, Ivan K. Bellinger Jr. and baby Jane Eliza beth, 7 months . old, were born a' Sweet Home. - Wife Jtea hetl Iledlde ' . In October, the little family came to Salem with Mrst Cook's parents, while the young lieutenant wa awaiting his call for training and France. The soldier father and hus band left 8ilem esrly In December and arrived at Fort RMey December 12. He took sick with pneumonia th .second day nf the new year and was considered in a critical conJ' tlon from the start. His wife and brother Allan arrived at Fort HI Icy January 9, After tne first ten days of his Illness he was considered be t ter, but a relapse followed. Ills wife was with him to the end. He was tn exceptionally fine physical condition at the time of his leaving for train ing and bls'antfmely death comes as a shock, Besides his wife and babies, Lieu tenant Bellinger leaves his mother. Mrs. Oscar Bellinger of Hf-otti Mills' two brothers, Allan Bcllingwr of Kcotts Mills and Bruce Bellinger orj La fa yet t,. and a sister, Mrs. Foyd Shepherd of Scotts Mills. Hs Is al.vi survived bv two aunts and an nncie in Portland. i Chicago Now World's Greatest Lumber iMarket . CHICAGO. Jan. 2. Lumber re ceipts of 3,254,117,000 feet during 1917, as announced by the board -if trade today, mad secure Chicago's title, of-tb" world's greatest lumber market. The receipts were 11 per cen( greater than In 1916. GUNS ROAR; NEW DRIVES ARE PEN 1 1 GUN ROAR NEW DRIVES J ARE PENDING Rigors of Winter Lessen Frcrn North Sea to Swiss Fron tier and Resumption of Vcr on Large Scale Apparent GERMAN TRENCH RAID IN BELGIUM FAILURE Italians Victorious in Opera tibns St Quentin Fight ing Growing r (Dy Th AitocUited Pre a) ' With the reported amelioration in tbe political unrest in Austria-Hungary and a continuation of sllenco as regards the Internal situation la Germany, the notable icature In tho world war is the apparent resump tion on a somewhat large scale of tho military operations on the western front in France and Belgium. Although for the moment thoao operations, viewed from the cold facts as announced by the "various of ficers, do not transcend In impor tance the usual small operations by raiding and reconnoiterlng partk, reading between the lines of the com munications It Is not difficult to sco that the maneuvers now in progre on various sectors are In the nature of trying out processes of a mark el character. . . . From the North sea tor the Swls frontierthe lessening in the rigors of winter has permitted tbe belliger ents again to send forth their men i enterprises which seemingly forecast the intention . shortly tor resumo fighting activity more estensively. IMjr tinns Hoar, For weeks the big guns along tho entire battle front have been roaring in Intensive duels on numerous sec tors, but tbe infantry has lain id lo owing to the deep snows and later to the morasses which formed as a result of tbe thaw. On their extreme right In northern Belgium the Germans have carried out an "Important raid." They gain ed a footing. In French- advanced French trenches esst of Nleuport, but later were ejected. Along nearly all of the front in .Flanders the artil leries have Increased the volume of their fire. To tbe south, around Lens; Arras and St. Quentin, the fighting dally is growing in strength, while eastward along the Chemin-des-Dames, past Verdtin and thence to the Swiss bor der, the French and Germans art continuously engaged on various ac tors In artillery fighting and infantry activities considerably above normal, as compared with the early days of the war. ,: , : Italians Are Victorious. On the front in Italy the change in the high command evidently has not resulted as yet In any betterment of the strategic tos!tlons of the Austro German armies. From the Asiago plateau eastward to the J'lave river and thence southward to the Adri atic sea, the Italians again have' been victorious in numerous J Inor op- rations. The'greater portion of the striking workmen In Austria are said to have returned to work,' but the situation both In Austria and Hungary Is de clared still to be acute owing to tho desire of the people for peace, lit Germany some- trepidation Is being evinced by newspapers of pan-Gorman leanings over the" situation la Austria. The Socialist newspaper Vorwaerts of Berlin grain has been suppressed, (his time for announcing the solid arity of the German proletariat with Austrian labor In the peace utruprcl". British labor In conference has sgaln , upheld the war alms set forin by President Wilson and ; Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain and reasserted that if Germany wilt nnt accept them British labor "must fight on' Closing cf Saloons at San Francisco Ashed SAN FltANCISCO. Jan. 23.-Thl Shipowners' association of the IM clf!ecoat, in conjunction with tho sailors' union today filed a rcquept with the federal authorities asking, that 169 saloons on San Francisco's waterfront b closed by thf govern ment because they' were "a inenaci to the -country, and obstruct, thr han dling of cargoes and Iho mannVfj "f ships." Naval anthorltles who received the request were quoted as bavin naid that the matter would be referred Immediately to the offiHals at Wash ington. The saloons, according to the petitioners, are located In a three-mile stretch of waterfront ter ritory. : m