The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    . ''' ' mmmm--mr v THE OltEGQV STATESMAN'? WEDNESDAY, JAXUARV gjj 191H
"WBPWB a taraa tTrmriMii ' " . -... . n " 1 m
New, Exclusive, Beautiful
We hav 3nt received the very latet eyeglaK mounting "The
Hhkrx. If you wear glares, come in anJ Q new,nt? fA!.
-able mounting. If you need Ma we will correctly fu'you? "
with the proper lenes and rive you the utmost in eve comfort
tai ! Liberty S(r.t.
r. ISuhNlr, OltometrlM.
". oreou.x state street near
Q. E. depot. Home of Artcraft J
tod P r a ra o u n t ' pictures.
"Nan of Music Mountain, witb
Wallace Heid.
erty and Hign. Mutual and ;
Bluebird films, special films.
The Power of Gold,'.-, a '.union
J labor play. ;
TE LIBERTY Libert near
J Btate, Greater VftaraphJ Per-
fection and Goldwyn films.
f Special feature.
1 3. ' ' 1
a... t . .
Sfarriage License Iuel. ,
A marriage license was issued yes
terday to Otto E. Dicknian, 35, an 1
Edna Louise Haevernick, 21, both
of Silverton.
Tatton Fhtrablng Co., V5 Chemekec
Phone 1906. - We, do repair work.
TATlUniette CilvelOO !
Up to the present time AViHam
tte university students have given
$100 to the Armenian; relief fund.
The cause was. represented to.them
by Rev. RobertS. Gill f the Episco
pal, church. "
IHTOrr Granted
Decree of absolute divorce wa
yesterday granted In the j suit of
Mable A. Rosheim against ' Henhar
Rosheim and plaintiff was . civ n
back her maiden name of Mable A
' Thomas.
j 1 I, I ; lNi VV O
The Frame, Khp and. fJiftery
has moved from 41.1 Court srert
to J7T Court street, lust one block
. west of former location. The fan''
price ale is still attracting many
who Irish to procure articles of beau
ty for the home. In the .stock are
found plate . cardH, More fards. pic
tures, framed and unframed. khaki-
4 covered articles, baskets, lam ps
bric-a-brac of 'various kinds.' desV
Used Furniture Wanted
Eighst easb prlee paid fur ' tiaef
. furniture .
Phone 941 or 508
W pay, the ver, highest price
for household goods and tools of
TWTJ kind.
People's Second Hand Store
ZTt sV OMiawNlal IU nmm 7S4
The highest caih price paid
for all kinds of junk. . .
S?l Cfaemeketa St. I'hoie SOU
Pack and Store EYerythuig
Bpeeial rates on eastern shlpiaents.
Piano moving and country -tripe a
rjeclalty. Prompt service. Work
guaranteed. -
Office Phone 030
1' Borne Phone 189ft
Doctor White .
diseases of Women: and Nervous Diseases
506 United States National Bank Building
Salcxn, Oregon . .
Western Junk Cq.
Pays Wholesale Prices for Retail Goods of AH Kinds
of Junk j :
IRON AND SACKS our specialty
Western Junk .Co.
Phones 206 and 808 Center and Commercial St.
XVor.,.w .
sets myrtle wood, stationery, etc i
Visitors are welcome. i
Voluatary Xon-Kuit
Non-suit was entered voluntarily
by the Dlain tiff 1
tina Esson against Ethel Johnwnj
et al. ,
KcmIm, Are at a IHscount
, The market for varmint skins ve-,-terday
was not very brisk, farmers
and their sons seemingly having
something morT- important to do
than catch gophers or squirrels, so
that County Clerk Hoyer did not
have to go very far down in his oU
money chest to dijr out nickels
enough to pay for 160 scalps.
Nominating Petitions
printed to eomply with all demand.
tor state and counts offices, at
St4tetnan Publishing comrany (up
stairs), j
Cannon I FannJnK . j
E.:L. Cannon, who has been coh-
neeted With .The Statesman adver-'
Using and news staff, ad who took
the, recent, school census In Salem, j
has taken the management of the
Cannon farm at Rockland near Rose- !
burg. J . ,.' . , ,
Lumber Finn f Vilew j
Articles of incorporation were fi!-j
ed with State Corooration Comniis-1
sioner If. J. Schufderman yesterday!
by the Northern Pacific Lumber com
pany iof Portland. The capitaliza
tion U 1 00.i)00 and the Inrorrtor
ators'are C. V. Swigerfc Franklin P.
Griffith and It, A. Ieiter.
TherW Will IV- a
business meeting of the Capital City
Rod and Gun Club Wednesday eve
ning. -January 23, at S p. m.. a th
Commercial club rooms.
From Stolz and MoNary ranch, tori
iale. Frultland Nursery sales yard,
.'orner High and Ferry streets. I
County Suh1 for Itomage
Complaint yas yesterday brought
against Marion county by Harrv
; WHMKI.ks
How to remove in 1 minute. How
to pr-jvent from coming. How to mak
tY.f nV.ln smooth ns velvet. Send t
cent tamp for book to No. 7. 3Vi
Wanbintf ton St Portland. 1t. Neo
I'laKtiQue. Xlkk-Marr Toilet Rejuiittre
!:; ale and - treatment. Sanitary
Hfuty Parlors, No. 228 Hubbard Bldsr
Kaem. Or,, t'hone 12t. "
Vebb & Gloueti's
Complete Equipment
Moderate Price
Corner Court and Higrb , Bte.
PHONE 120 Kight or Day J
600 Candle Powrr &SO
emu Uf ' fr4 .
. L w iM
CwtHtW M.niw, .
m aa m . in
, ... .
West, who allege that while drivin?
in his automobile on Hie night of
September 27, 1917 on the public
t oad ' known as the sold stage toad,
leading from Salem to Oregon City,
his oar slid don an embankment,
AH u result he rluitn 1.. ft
'damage. $140t pcncral damages,
i Iwsides costs of suit lie also alias
es as secondary damages.' $;0 loss
of ue of auto, and $4.10 other loss
es, . ! -
Nominating Petition
printed to comply with all demands
i.ior state anu county ornces. at
j Statesman Publishing Company fup
i Malm.
i:ecnt ir.n .Kelnrne,! by Sheriff
Kxectitwn wes yesterday retiirnel
by 'the fchierif f in the suit f i'ert-y
A.(uppej-, against. Klmer
a 1, for JK39.7K and $'30.2 eot..
the case as bavins been sold to the
plaintiff for $10tr,. 4 1.
In the Probate CoiAt.
W. IT. Livingston yesterday filed a
petitjon in the county court for th-.
issuance to him of letter of adminis
tration upon the estate of Arthur L.
Livingston, deceased. Fxank Mere
dith, who has the custody of the will
of the late John V. Meredith, and
Jeanette Lockhart.. yesterday file'1
a petition in the county court. Id
which both declined to accept the
apiointment of executor but peti
tioned the court for the appoint
ment of V. I. Staley. No action wa?
taken by the court yesterday.
Tie )reMi Fruit 'oniMny
Will pay r sh for beans, large or
small lots'. Phone 942.
Will Sell Ttoad IVnvU
In session at Portland Eebruarv
5, the state highway commission wt!l
ojen bids for the sale of $r,00.0ufl
worth or th $6,000,000 t-tate high
way 4 per cent road bonds. There
will be two blocks of $150,000 and
one of $2100,000. Ten percent of
the lot mlust be in denomination -of
$."00. Hids will be received up
to 11 'o'clock a. m. February .1.
Ilurke Will lie SMMker
Tonight-j-at the Rickey school
house, five miles east of Salem, win
be held a meeting in the interest o
the Armenian fund. Edgar Maxwel'
Hurke "will be the principal speake;
of the evening. . s .
PealMMly to SMak Hew
The Salem Ministers' Association
at its nteeting Monday morning de
fided tov invite .Frederick W. Pea
body of Massachusetts to give hi
lecture against Christian Science oti
Friday - evening. . Eebruary 1. Mr
Peabody has nad unusual opportuni
ties to know of Mrs.' Eddy and he:
religion,' having Ijeen attorney fo
Mci'Iure's - Magazine in support o!
its-artkles under the title The Hle
tory of Christian Science'V, and als
as attorney for Mrs. Eddy's son
who were given $30.0.000 In settle
ment of their claims iiponjher. N
admission fee will be charged.
Nominatlnr Petitions
printed to comply, with all demand
for state and county offices,
Statesman Publishing Company (up
stairs). r
Fertilizer Committee amel
Robert C. Paulus. Louis . vLach
jnund and L. T. Reynolds have been
appointed as a committee to ascer
tin th amount of nitiare of sod..
that will be needed by the farmer
of Marion county this year. for fer
tilizing purposes. The committee I
to make a -report to federal off
Hals by February 4. The materia
is to ; be ! placed Into the hands or
fariiiers and fruit growers at $75 i.
C. Hare and wife and Ralph liar
of Portland are registered at th
Argo hotel.
R. Wiggs of McCoy Is at the Bligl
Charles McLean of Lebanon I
guest of the Bligh hotel.
O. G. White of Falls City Is stop
ping at the Illlgh.
A. K. Miller Is here from Monitor
James McRea. Clifford Harold. E
Ht Stous. G.. A. Sears and J. Deitc"
of Portland are guests of the Pligh
hotel. r ,
Frank Haddon of New York is Jt'
the Bligh. '
Ie Roy Hayes of Pittcburgh i"
quartered at the IUig".
James Madison is at the Rligh
registered front St. Louis. Mo.
Frank M. Wood of Kansas City i
t the Bligh.
H.. S. Gile. president and O. L
Ferris, sales manager of the Salem
Fruit Juice company, went to Port
land yesterday on a short bns ner
E. O. Potter of Eugene, is at the
Marlon hotel. 1
U. L. Chapman of Dallas is a guet
of the -Marion.
J. II. Brook of Ienver is register
ed at the Marlon.
Herbert Murphv of Marshfield Is
etoipln? at the Marlon.
It. E. Greene is here from Albans
stopping at the Marion.
R X. Clark J. K. B'-'k ". O
Turner. C, II. K'umrt. C-lk'n
C J. Winfh'ell. U.H. Thlor. Fred.J.
hie. Vernon Scott. .1. H Britow
II. F. Rittman and J V. Wright of
Portland are registered at the Mar
Ion hotel:-. i
A. n. Stokes and M, Griffin of San
Francisco are at the Marion.
Ira L. Sclessinger of New York
lis at the Marion.
j Gilbert '.Darbv. of Chicago is stop
ping at the Marion.
Ko-l irtio!,le Stolen
A 1I7 Ford automobile was stol
en from the street in front of the
Baptist church last night. The theft
was reported o fterff Needham.
The car belongs to K. N. Bailey and
tb- license number; is 1097S. Sev
eral cars have been stolen in Salem
recently and in most cases It Is be
lieved thev are taken by Jv .riders.
generally they are found in some
nart of the city remote from the
owners' "premises wxt morning. If
anyone finds the Bailey car today
the sheriff asks tfcat, he be notified.
sVSeKsothEr!FAREVELL said
They are Hood's Sarsap,nr ilia anJ '
letiron, the eonibliuUion of wtii'h .
i ?ivim so much satisfaction in the j
treatment of tlie impure, imi'iover- i
ishel b!ool ami weak, worn-out
nerves that are so often found in
the same individual nowadays. j
The use of Imth these medicines, !
even in eases where Tnlv one may
n!ear to be indicated, is f jjreat
advantapre. There is economy in it.
IVice, l ench. All drutjnrists.'
TANNER In Salem, January 21,
ISIS. Mrs. Elirabeth M. Tanner!
67 years old.
The body was taken to Portland
yesterday artemoon at 4 o'clock for
hurial. The body was accompanied
by Rev. II. C. Raker of the Portland
Evangelical church and Mrs. Dr.
Striker. "who arrived from Portland
yesterday -morning.
Mrs. Tanner formerly liv,i in
Sellwood. Portland. She had b-eniover ,De chapel hour and the time
In Salem for about two months
Car Slioita-e 74
Shortage of cars on the lines of
the Southern Pacific company in
Oregon yesterday totaled. 74K i
shortage of 202 closed and S4K open
City Recorder Race Lists
Year' s Street mprovement
- City Recorder Race's rinancla'
statement which was presented tc
the city council Monday night list"
me street improvements that were
made in Salem during 1917. The iui
provements that go to make up tl
total of $80,217.60 are as follows:
South Commercial St. $19,102.91.
Meyers street. $3,S04.fl.
Leslie street, $2,310.67.
Washington street, $7,607.57.
South Church street (not complet
ed ), $17.500.0.
North Church street (not com
pletedl. $2,547.36. ' ,
"I" street Improvement $.76.'
Fifth ntreet. $21,477.17.
Alley. Hlock 47, $X5rt.ii.
Alley. Charles Cartwrighfs Add!
tion. $1.2.-.3.17.
Total, $S0.2 17.60.
me Court Does Not
Allow Bley thing Divorce
Mr,, and Mrs.' Wallace M. Bley
hinjr of Clackamai! toiinly t-annoa
'iave a d'vorce. u-rt-ritinx to an opir.
ion handed down by the state bu
preme court yesterday. The opinio:,
affirm an opinion of the lower ronTi
tor Clackamas county- which refuse'!
fo grant t!ie diroree -sought by th
husband. Lit says that if the pInei
pals in the case would exetcise se'r
'ontrol and forbearance they woul
I've together happily Other opir
ions yesterday were:
Edna R. Jaekman vs. Northwest
ern Trust Co.. appellant; appea
from Polk; suit to rescind an ecec
tory contract for the sale of land:
opinion by Justice Bean, Clrcu!
Judge Bell, affirmed.
J. W Fargo, appellant, u. JoseIi
Oickover et al; appeal from Malt no
man; suit to rwover as assignee o"
judgment; opinion by Juice M'
Camant, Circuit -Judge Morrow' af
firmed. '
Vincent Cook vs. 0:ik Nelson ru
M., appellants; appeal from Multn
raah; suit involving title to land
opinion per enriam. Circuit Jud?
Duffey affirmed.
County of Multnomah, for th
benefit of L. II. McMahan. anpellant
vs. T. A. Sweeney5 et al: appeal fri
Multnomah; suit to collect for leas
of road making ) inachinery; . opinio:
hy Justice' Bean, Circuit Jjidge Mor
row reversed.
Depot Realty Syndicate vg. Enter
prise Brewing company, appellan'
appeal from Multnomah; suit to re.
cover rent; opinion by Justice Moor
judgment of Circuit Court Ganten
bein modified.
George Amos Marshall vs. Nell!
Gustln. appellant: appeal from Mu
nomah; suit over-division cf estate,
opinion by Justice Benson, CireuM
Judge Morrow reversed.
Lorenzo Morata vs OregonWash
:ngton Hailroad & Navigation Cn
appellant; appeal from Multnomah
action to recover damages for per
wnal injuries: opinion by Jutf.'
McCamant, Circuit Judge Davis af
At The
Drug Store
You Trade
- If tlie service i nol vory
satisfactory, wo woulil sujr
Ke,t that you chauge, that
you come to us ami see what
W do for our customer.
We want customer who stay
with us. -We have had some
customers who have stood hy .
us for years. Those art the
kind we want. We know
how to give them the best
service, just as they want it,
and they have confidence in
us. .Give the matter thought.
135 N. Commercial St.
Willamette President Leaves
for Observations on Bat
tle Fronts
When the 4 o'clock Oregon Elec
tric left Salem yesterday it carried
Dr. fail. .Gregg Doney, president of
Willamette university, on the first
part of his long journey to Europ-
via New York.
The university drill corps with Cap
tain Arlie Walker leading ecsortt-d
Dr. Doney to the train. Students
were there in a body to give their
president a farewell. Yells and col
lege songs
crowd that
entejrtained the busy i
gathers on the corner
of State and High at. that time of
day. !
In the morning the students took
T .1 .In.l t .. r... I 1 I
was devoted to a special program in
Dr. Honey's honor. A wrist watch
was presented by Harry Bowers,
president of the student mody; as a
Kitting climax to his appreciative
speech. The four classes were rep
resented by Harold l".kin. Harold
Nichols. Lyle itart holoipew and Lor
en Basler respectively. Dr. Doney
made an earnest response and spoke
feelingly of the spirit of coopera
tion and freindsbip that exists be
tween the president and students at
Willamette. Dr. Steeves president
of the board of trustees, also spoke.
Music had a large place on the
program. Solos were sung by Mist
Lela Belle, McCaddam, Miss Louise
Benson and Archie Smith. The new
Willamette quartet composed of Gus
tav Anderson. Floyd Mclntyre, Paul
Sterling and Harry Bowers rose to
the occasion with two numbers. The
glee club' sang two numbers and r
reived gratifying applause and high
praise from Dr. Doney.
Dr. Doney's departure for New
York from where he will sail in a
short time after his arrival Is In line
with the recent action of the trus
tees granting him a six-months'
leave of absence to visit the battle
front as a Y. M. C. A. worker. The
trustees felt that in doing this be
would honor the university and pro
mote the- American cause in this
community . because when Dr. Doney
has returned, after his experiance la
Surope and begins to tell the people
here about it they should' feel th
'vac as never before.
Dr. George H. Alden the present
dean, will have charge of the uni
versity In the, president's absence.
Ex-Pastor Indicted on )
Charge of Burning House
. PENDLETON. Or., Jan. 22. The
rrand jury today returned a true
:lll against Rev) J. L. Allen, former
ly pastor or the Heights Baptist
hurch, held on charge of burning
m apartment house at Casfid9
l ocks. Or., on hanksgiving day. Fire
Marshal Stokes was the complaining
witness. Rev. Mr. Allen's ball was
fixed at 11500. 1
Camp Lewis Takes Out
$204,000,000 Insurance
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Camp
l ewis at American LAke, Wash., Is
he first camp to . apply for more
-han $200,000,000 of the govern
ment voluntary insurance for sol
Hers. Applications - from' soldiers
here up to today totaled $201,000.
'00, representing 22,059 policies av
raging $9267 each.
U. .I. Simpson f North Bend, j
hairman of the national war sar-j
'nga stamps sales committee for the
"Irst congressional district of Ore-
ron. yesterday notified F. W. Steus
io ff. chairman of the Marion county
ommittee. that there will be a
-neetlng of all concerned in the sal ?s
f latest war loan obligations of the
i.v 1 u iiM fit- M v m V f . !.
day afternoon " in the Scommerclal
"lub rooms In Salem.
Manager Ivan McDaniel of the
commercial club "yesterday invilel
he following persons to take oart in
'he meeting, and it must be dUtlnct- )
;v iin.iertoou. ne saia yesieraay,
fht thli is to be bo "drive" for tha
raising of money. It. will be a sa'e
f war saving t&jnp on the gai.i
asls as- the sales of liberty bonds
'ere made:
' Fron Salem: August- Ilncken
teln. postmaster: W. M. SmH'i.
-ountv school superintendent, F. W.
'teusloff. president of the cnmner- ;
-'al club; F. Ci. Ieckebcb, Charles
ii. Klsner, Josepn n. Aiueri, u. i".
tni. w. M. Hamilton and Krwin
Griff Uh.
Aumsvill Chsrle Rsnsont. pres-.
'nt of the State Bank of Annis
ville. - 1
Aurora B. F. Giesy, of the, Auro
ra State Bank. - )!
Donld Harrv Zorn. president of
the First National bank. j
Gervsis Hngji D. Mars, publish
er of the Gervais Star.
Hubbard L. C. McShaae. pub
Msber of the Enterprise.
Jefferson George P. Griffith; of
he Oregon State bnk. !
Marion 'Ell "Davidson, pet mast
er. H - ." ' 1
MU1 City George If. Letellier.
postmaster. , j
Mt. Angel J. W. Ebner. pres'dent
.of the Bsik of Mt. Ancell '"!
Peotts Mills John S.
master. . ' .
Sl'rerton L.-J. Ada-ns. mayor. '
Sfayton--Abner D Getbner.
Turn Robert D. Gray, Turner
State bajik.
Woodbiirn J. M. Pooramn, pres
ident of Bank of Woodburn.
two soldiers
Lieutenant and Private Killed
in. Collision at Aviation
WASHINGTON. Jan. 22. First
Lieutenants William H. Cheney an l
Oliver P. Sherwood t and Prlval.
George A. were killed Sunday
in a collision of airplanes over aa
American aviation school in France,
the war department was advised to
nikht by General Pershing. '
Lieutenant Cheney" mother, Mr.
William H. Schofield, lives at Peter
bora. N. II.: Lieutenant Sherwood's
emregency address Is Mrs. Lydia C
nerwood. 3 .i 4 Carlton avenue.
HrcKklyn. N. Y., and that of Private
Reach. Thomas Reach. Fort Collins.
No details of the accident were
given in Cleneral Pershing's message.
Easiness Men Want Tracks
to Make Physical Junction
Salem business men, particularly
the shippers, expect to take up with
the public service commission the?
question of securing a physical con
nection between tb Southern Pa
cific and the Oregon Elertcie tracks
in Salem and a fixing of switching
charges tor the benefit of local traf
fic. The commission was requested (
to give the Salem men a hearing yes
terday afternoon and waited for
them until 5 o'clock, but they did not
put in an appearance. It. is probable
tbat the visitation to thV commission
will l made-today. . '.
I With the Draft Board t
Not as much was doing. yesterday
by the selective war , draft bqard as
usual. Sheriff Needham was called
to Portland, but with all that, and
the number of registrants who came,
into the office to be waited upon per
sonally, Mrs. Frank C. Brown and
Mrs. Needham mailed out orders for
physical examination, besides classi
fying many registrants and mailing
cards to them. t ' V ,
No delinquents were to be posted.
There seems to be no desire on the
part of registrants to evade the draft
law Tor any ordinary excuse. -
Th following registrants are. t
report for physical examination on
January 30:T:ienn E.'Iee, Portland;
Alfred R. Howard and Franklin G.
Rogers, Salem. ,
These are ordered for examination
on February 5: ; William F. Krenx.
Hans P. Hanson. Silverton; Georsje
Schmitt. Shaw: John Grees. TSnbllm
itv: Jesse L. Miller Dayton; Oscar
Zimmerman. Mehama; Harry R.-Wilson,
Marshfield; Archie AVHCgien,
Portland:, Willard Jones, Independ
ence: Wayne Argetsinger, Pasadena,
California. -
: Classification cards were mailed to
the following:
Class 1-1 Otto H. Timm, Salem, i
Class B-2 Lew W. Grimm. Os
wego: Richard D. Barton. Salem: "
Class A-2 Harold B. Looney, Jef
ferson. - ..-'-
Class E-5 Otto II A Witt, Mill
Citv; Mike Conner, Salem. .
; Class G-5 Raleirh R. Busby.
Turner; Willie C. Schifferer. Turper.
Class A-l William F.-.Krenzr.SM-erton:
Willard Jones,- Independ
ence; Simon Carbbnell, Franklin G-
1 N
Put a Pair of Glasses
on a person, who stiiiits and watch the change in
his coiiiiteiiance. The eyes will immcdiatelw open
until they appear twice as large; the line of the
face will soften and the frown cjisappar. In fact,
they will look younger almost instantly.
We are competent to fit you with glasg'-s that it will
ls ii pleasure for yoii to wear. We will know.exael
lv what vou need and will advis- you accordingly.
Dr. Herman W. BaiT
Optometrist ' Optician ". a
125 N. Liberty Street, Upstairs '
In the Service of Uncle Sam
Is Entitled to Receive Chiropractic Adjustments !
DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C.
, 1 P. S. C. Graduate
U. S. Natl Bank Bldg Booms 400-7, Salem, Oregon.
, Office thone 87. Res. Phone 828R
Order Now
for that New
Winter Suit
We 'show the latest u
weaves and weights. Pop
ular colors. All "suits made
to measure on fchort notioe..
Woolen Mills
426 State Street
Society Linen
This i a quality of linen you
will be proud to nse in writ
ing' to anyone. . Comes in
boxes of 48 sheets and 48 en.
velcpes, per box
40 cents, .
Box of 24 sheets and 21 en-
r velopes, per box : v
30 cents
Envelopes in bunches of 24
10 cents
Pound packages of paper,
per pound ....... . . . .30c
Gold Edged Correspondence
Cards with, envelopes: t
match . T
35 cents '
Court St. at Liberty
Phone 184 ,
Rogers, Salem. .s .. v
t ' Class A-4-r-Hugh T. Small, Silver
ton; Fred A. Mitchell, Oregon City.
Fred S. Thomas. Jefferson: Charles
U Brown. Portland; Harry D..MJti
t-hell. , Sandford. Jones, Arthur, L.
Huntley. George S. Kalb. Sherman .
O. McCracken. James B. Rogers aind
Leonard. B. Judson, Salem.
: ( s