rnn rotrso rtatksmaws wi:irinAV. jasv.miy kt, 101a The Oregon statesman Issued Dally Ktceni Monday by TIIK ftTATKXMAN I'l BIX4IIING COMPANY 216 H. Commercial Kt.; Kale in, Oregon. MKMIIKIt OF TIIK AMHtH'IATKD HltKKH Tbe Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of j ,onM- ii news dlspatche credited to It or "hot otherwise credited in inn papr JfLJ1 Pews published betels. ,. ....-. R. J. Hendricks j Manager Stephen A. Stone. . i Managing Editor i through the revolutionary travail. and most le swept by anarchy, wltn . . j,, s ! partle and pull ilea rifling and fall- iuk, mil li Milne man or jome groiip of men shall come Into f uacend uncy and etaMIl a fir in eouatllu .iron ami meet international oMIk i- Advertising Manager . Manager Job Dept. oi: ton aiv i:iitiskhh. Charles M. Schwab spoke at a re- Cashier i cent meeting of business mei. Hchwab la not a mere talker. II" ik now the game, and though he Italph Glover W.C.Squler ........ .... Frank Jaskoskl DAILY STATESMAN', served by cariierln Salem and auburba, 15 cent a ; started life without n rent, has .made himself a millionaire. "The' business inan who stops ad vertising because It's war time inakea u great mistake," said Mr. Schwab, "War time or peace .time, the story of the duck and the hen holda good. "When a duck, you know, laya sn ejcK, she jiiat laya It and waddle off. i That 'a all. ; "Hut when a hep lay an eag shv ' inakea a racket over It fit to raie the dead. ; "The hen. gentlemen, advertises, j Hence the demand for tuna' egg In ' stead of ducks egga." week. CO centa a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, $C a year; IS for alg montba; 60 centa a month. For three montba or more, paid In advance, at rate of $S a year, SUNDAY STATE8MAN, $1 a year; 60 ctnts for alx taontba; 2$ centa for three montba. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two f six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, I l a year; 10 cents for six months; 26 cents for three months- TELEPHONES:" Business OfMce723. i Circulation Department, 613. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. IN A SOCIAL WAYf i Mr Hrrf l:llablk Xlrbttl TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN DYE INDUSTRY , Iow to hoM their domestic nnl foreign market against the on slaught or tjermnii coinmercifll "kikm'K- battalion arter inc war ih being discussed nl a two-day eonferene-e of American dj'tf mnnufao turers which began at the ( 'In-m lata Huh in New York yesterday. 'f. Over 200 pf the large- dye manufacturer of the United Btatcs, representing morrthan tL'OO.OOOjUX) of invent oil capital, are reprc aented at the conference ; .' -' One of the chief subjects of iliacuHNion will he h atamJanlizHtioii of! ilyrMtuffa to he mcd ah a hamia for new tariff legislation. Without adequate protection along thin line thn American tnanufaeturerM feel that they will he unable, in the present unperfeeted atate of the in-, duatry in thin country,-.to aucceafully compete with the (Jonnau dy manufacturera after the war. x An waa aaid in The Statesman of yesterday morning, the Ameri can dye manufacturer have built up and speeded up their industry I ..:i it.... . .L. AiAnutnnA .1 . . uuiii inr; rc nuw buim uiK inc f ju,wuriM; annual aupjuy 1 nat Hbeine worthy of a practical states formerly Came from Germany; and, more than this, thej-am exjwrt. rnan. St. Ixul ;iobe-Demorrat. ing dyca made in this country amounting in value to a still larger , annual sum. They are taking care of a great part of the world demand that was supplier by'Ge! nan manufacturers before the war. It is most desirable that the 'American manufacturers Who have thua come to the relief of their country and to that of a' needy world,. should have the protection they and their lalniring people will need after tho war. v ; ; There is just one way in niueh this may be guaranteed ; and only oneway.. , . - '-'- .'' That is by putting the party of protection on guanl at Wash- illgtOn. ' . j ' -y A I'lUCTH'AL I'LAX. Senator Hardinga' prpoaal to put the soldiers who return from the war on farms la not a vote-catching device or a fantastic scheme.' The chief aim Is to Improve an Ideal opportunity to arrest the congestion of the population In cities, to better farming' conditions and to care for the country's economic future. Tb soldiers who come hack from France will be practically footloose. Senator Harding argues that this will be the Ideal time to Induce the Ameri can soldiers to' become farmers. Ho would supply the community con veniences known In Europe. It Is a HOW A KO MAN MOTIIKIl KELT. Sensible persons have grown tired or the expression "doing one's bit' and happily it la fast falling Into the "Innocuous .desuetude'? Crover Cleveland told the country , about. Doing one's utmost" Is. the form ap proved by the lied Cross ofUrook lyn.'and that la sensible and sooth ing. . --. , . In reorganizing the ordnance bu reau under Gen. Wheeler, the secre tary 01 war nas piacea in important positions four civilians of notable sianaing in tneir private occupations In charge of the new procurement oiTision win oe samuei Atcnoherta of New York, who has been the exy ecutlve manager of the National City hank, the largest 'national, banking Institution In the United 8tates. The head , of the munitions division will he Guy E. Tripp, formerly chairman tinghouae electric company.- ' AaaLat Ing these men will b E.N. Iilack of New York, a well-knowri engineer, and Ralph Crews, one of 'the fore most lawyers Of Chicago. It is hard- I. to ar.MA.j .1... ..'..1.'... vv muyyvrnw ufc nuvil uim woirid abandon' their profeaalona for this work in the ordnance bureau Uf they were not to be given ample scope for Initiative and the full em ployment of their trained abllitiea present time will be relieved of more than half their Inmates, the insan asylums will be depleted and fewer children will come into the world wfth defective minds and bodies. The world will then take a mlghtly lean forward Into "the good time com lag." Los Angeles Times.- Tbafo going rather strong; li? a state as wei as California. k , "Some morning between now and A. D. 1925, we shall awake to find that every cheap grog shop in tho country Is closed forever. How tbU will add to the gains or the world! The American nation will be richer at the close of every year than It Is now by more than a billion dollars, which. Is now expended for whisky. With the vast sum saved, how; tho comfort of the tolling niasaea will be Increased! Their poverty will lie trgnslated to competence, their homes, made hyglenl and comfort able. Industrial and scientific schools will be established for them and the Immitigable sorrows ef their wives and children will be comforted. T!r: prisons,, and ..penitentiaries of the Vt'TIHK llATfi January IJ. Wlnraay. Irtur r- iti on Kuwuiiin ntuaxr ty ir. rrtnk Wilbur f'haa. Jlrm J'uhiic library. January tU, KrUIn y.- l,-nnt fhool Junior Hr! CmM auxiliary t mrXWM January St. KrlUnr. Triangular d lct by Halom. llubhard and Kataoada hlBh hoola. January J7, Sunday. Rally of Jf ffra4n Kundajr arho. dUtrlr-t at Marlon. Ktruarr S. Krlday Arbor day. Knhruary 4 to -Krlflrtln f German alien. tbruary I. Friday. tiny Snut an nlvcraary to b celebrated In Halm. Kebruary 11 to 17. Father and Hon week n ()rcon. K''ary ii .Tuealar Lincoln day. F'.r.uL,r i Saturday. Calibration ?.f .,fii'V? nnlweary.of founding of lU I". t. K. February 1ft, Saturday. Mental . vITii r)?1.iltA eounducted at Uaton Lnlled State naval arademr. Zbr?r l . Wand . February IJ to f Wtern Orea-nn Chrlstlan Endra I rravda, the most bitter ol the Do! shevlk newspapers, successfully dis sembles Its love for Russia's allies when It calls President Wilson "the head of a rapacious American mlli tarlsra 1 and the , greatest hypocrite history has eter known." Uut sya tematlc denunciation of Russia's al lies may be a part of the negotia tions with Germany. The Bolshevik! are still pinning their hopes to the German proletariat; they may think It good policy to denounce President Wilson in a style to please the Ger man public. They know perfect of course, that he Is a very sincere freiad of Russia? and they know aUo that no man la so bitterly abused In imperial Germany today as the Am erican president. It Is most Inter esting to find that the Berlin Lok-il Anzelger called Mr. Wilson a hypo crite on th same day the Pravda dlt, while the . brother of the 'Ger man empress has Just written that "history will pronounce the verd'et that the name of Wilson Is the motit baneful In its annals." " i . -' j , . . . i'lll'KMlAX IKVKJXJPIKXTH. i ' ' - Ai unary authorities are saying that a separate peace with Russia will release only three-quarters of a million Germans for service on the western front. That Is something less than the first alarming report that three million would be released. nut tnree million Germane have never been on the eastern front. . , ' mm. - a m m Aiiey were not neeoea. Ana a sep arate peace with Russia does not mean peace for Rusala. Not at all. Revolt. upt(Jn, outbreaks ar continually challenging the power of the liolahevlkl: and the Rolshevlkl cannot permanently remain in power be. a use they are not conducting pub- He affairs in a ay to meet with in- viu.uuii.i ai'i'ruvai. They have repudiated the national debt. To refuse; to pay is on way of, getting out ot debt; but Russia needs millions for development, and the bankers of the worid will not lend to a government that will not meet Its obligations. No. The Bolshevik! cannot en dure. f; - - ' ,They are making sacrifices of per manent value to win the Donulace for an hour. - , Russia must go through her tra vail, even as all nations that have overthrown monarchs 4i have gone 5 . ) In these days when mothers arq compelled to give irp their sons for service In the great war, it is some consolation to know that centuries ago mothers were doing; that very thing, and glorying in their ability to perform their bit by the surrend er of their sons to the cause of th nation. Pacifists. . antl-conserlptlon ists, slackers and those who dldn' raise their offspring to be 'real eltl sens might have their attention called to the words of Volumnla mother of Calua Marclus Corlolanua found In "Coriolanus,"-act I. scene 3, depicted by Shakespeare: . "To a cruel war I sent htm. from whence he returned,- his brows, bound with oak. I tell thee, daughter, I sprang not more In joy at first hearing he was a man child than now In first seeing he had proved him self a man. ; - -, "Hear me profess sincerely, Had I a dozen sons, each In my love alike and nine less dear than thine and my good Mar-, ciua. I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country than one voluptuous surfeit out of action.'' KITHKR'S THIBITK TO SO. VI. J. UHHir, Oreaon's younaet leal In tor. who atta hla majority In Au( uxt. nreredlnir hi elertfon In Nov.. Iia joint-u tho t nit.rt Ktt army, iti father, Itev. J. A. Oooda, of the Flrt t nited Kvanaeucai rhurrh, l'ortiana ta written the fallowing veraea to h' n, Ttie youna; mnn 1 a former Haletn b.y. and t a arandaon tC I. J. (ioode at Katem. Hi mother I a Freneh wo man at the Dellolre ramllr. and oorn in Ik-uium near inn famou nat tlefleld of Waterloo, nnd wher at the present tlm wat.' mufh of the moat terriMa conrlit-t evrr known to the hlatorlan. It may be that jounir Air t.iMMln may mn te on thoxe around to help rruh a far mow danaernus foe to the peace and aafety of the civilized worm titan waa napoleon. ro Air (ioode hi mother native land la dear. ana for it he i to riant: "OUIt FATHKlt." A you Icav home, remember, lad. The folka ttt hor.ie will nil be ad: With anioua thourht thr'll folio yu. And trut yinir tilal may he few, In humble home where you liave dwelt. At altar whero you've ever knelt. The old folka art 1 1 1 will kneel and pir. uememnarmir you, wiiene r tney aay ; 'ur r atper. 'Mid new environment voii'll meet The thlnaa that call trr Kallant fe.t: i our mr.nniMw tei mny re aevt-re. put path of duty wilt be clear, li larsrr vision arrlp your life And dominates inn in ih. mi -t Itemember, then, when trua"sl-M come. It.. " ' i'tkoi ifn in in nome. When we repeat, "Our Kather." When at the 'front your fate may be T2l!r w.,th "n'adea o'er tho sea lb hardahlp of a .. idler lot. That oer ambition cast a blot, . .' !rr.,n''" th oul' n'J Plrcea heart, nd doleful Ihouajht to mind Impart, Jut here, my lad. remember, plea nr. n,f folka. at hotn upn their knv a. Ar talking to "tiur t'ather. Kbould hnt or rh.1l n f....1 ,ay yu low down Wneath the tr.. f forelwn eolt. where other, brave ae snett tnetr ho! th. oaue to aave Hememher. a,,n t h . . Whom petitiona ever trn A found the tuarth we. kne to pra And. a of yore: toKethtr a. . 'Our Father. " , Ipon flu word we may rely; He know our need and ha uppl ; ytnen oilier fail. He still la eirenarth I wvk n " - - " I rurw etrenath la wk show viHir air u . .. Where duty call, be in the van.' .!'. . foritet. tho' far away. The many friend of Mt. V: V. Cjabrlelson, the mother of Mrs. t'hauncey Illxhoji, regret to leurn that she contemplates moving with Mr. (Jabrlelson, to 1'oiiland. Since the first of the year, Mr. tiubrlelson has made his headquarters in J'ort tand. his business tntereats having been chunged to that place. He has taken an apartment at the Imperial and Mrs. Uabrielaoa makes frequent vtalts to Portland. However, they do not expect to move, permanently, tor several months. Mr Mrs. E. Cooke Pa I ton r-xpecta aa ber gueat today, Mrs, T. K. NVIIsoii of Portland, who will arrlv for u week's stay. Mrs. Allan-liynon (Florence Ho- Yer) has returned from a month's stay in the eaat, where she was with her husband. Lieutenant Hy- ii on. prepaiatory to his sailing for France,, Mrs, flynon will remain with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. Hofer of South Commercial street: Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts are paaslng a few days visit at Tacoma and 'a-fiip lewis, where they went Monday. Dr. and Mrs. William Carlisle went to Portland, Monday, where they were guests of Colonel Dosch. While there they gave a talk on Ruaala for a. group of specially bid den -friends. Colonel Dosch has a on. Arno Dosch, who Is a writer In Russia. Little Charles Kay lllshop accom panied bis father. Chauncey lllshop, the first of the week to Pendleton. They will return tomorrow. The Women's Home Missionary society of the Jason Lee church will hold its regular monthly meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Rroom, 1345 H road way street. Mrs. J. P. DunTap, 1311 North Fourth street had her soldier son. Elmo Wright with her over Sunday. The young man, who la In the avia tion corps, has returned from Jexaa and is stationed, at Vancouver for a short time. He expect to leave for anotner destination soon as ue has been assigned to logging camp work for the aviation department. ' Little Mllo Rose celebrated hla seventh birthday last Thursday at his home. Seven pink candles on a large white cake formedHhe table centerpiece. Covers were also laid for seven with the two grandmoth ers of the little lad. Mrs. Itiiela Rat llff and Mrs. C, U Princ and his School teacher. Miss Ellen Curren as his guests ot honor. t - : BUY AT THE 1 G SALE CLOSING "OUT- Our prices ARE LOWER BY PAR than you will ever see prices again until after the WAR IS OVER- ; . . BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY SCRIMS and CURTAIN NETS 12c Scrims, yard lOc 18c Scrims, yard' 13c 20c Scrims, yard 15c 25c Scrims, yard 20c 35c Scrims, yard 25c 40c Scrims, yard 28c 45c Nets," yard, ,32c 50c Nets, yard.. 39c 60c Nets, yard. .45c 75c Nets, yard.. 62c Dress Goods - j For Less $4.U0 values... $3.4U $3.75 values.. $3.00 $3.50 values. .. $2.78 $3.00 values... $2.07 $2.25 values -.$1.80 $1.1)3 values.. i$l.4tf $1.65 .values..! $17 $1.50 values... $1.24 $15 values... $1.00 $1.00 values. ..5 ,7U $ .90 voluel...$ ,6'J $ .75 values,. .$ .54 $ .60 values. ..$ Alt $ .30 values... $ ,1U UMBRELLAS $1.50 values. . , $ .V8 $1.75 values. . . $1.11 $2.00 values... $1'J .$2.25. values, . $l.6U $2.50 values.. $1.94; $2.75 values. . . $2,111 $3.00 values . .$2.44 $3.50 values... $2.U4 $4.00 values... $3.44 $4.50 values. . . $3.04 $5,00 values ' .$4.44 $5.50 values... H' $6.00 values... $5,23 RIBBON SPECIALS 75c arid COc Ribbons 42c 50c itibbonj. ... .yc 35c and 40c Ribbons ...s .......... 29c 30c Ribbons, ."23c 25c Ribbons.;... 10c 18c Ribbons-.'14 c 23c Ribbons.... ,17c 15c Ribbons... 11 Ho Others at Reduced . ' Pricel Embroideries $6.00 Embroideries..!. $3.00 $3.50 Embroideries. .U $1.75 $3.00 Embroideries.. t. $1.60 $2.00 Embroideries .... $1.00 $ .85 Embroideries... .$ .42 $ .45 and 40c Emb.. . $ .20 $ .24 Embroideries . . , .$ .14 BITS FOR BREAKFAST I More sunshine yesterday. V V But weather man. Is looking for rain, S S Note what General Pershing say of our soldier hoys in France. av a- "There has never been a slralls body, of men to lead as clean lives as our American soiaiera in r uir, cabled General Pershing yesterday s n In fact, our boys 'over there" are living fully un to the expectations the folks at home. They are there for a principle and a purpose. In the showing and performance or wnicn bey are the true representatlvea of the greatest and most altruistic na tlon of history. e All Is not going well on the Au trlan .aide of the Italian front, uo ng so badly, in fact, that they have substituted one bis; sneeze for an other In supreme command. Th ore sent big sneeze Is General Rxeto r.ar Horevlc. They must tblik he may bore through to the Venetian nlain. Hut he will never make it Ills auger has lost its edge. S The hungry and cold and war weary Austrian people have been quieted for the moment! by being told hat the king and the government believe, with the people, in peace without annexations and indemni ties, tint this will not last lone. the Austrian people want to know when. They are for that kind of a peace now; not after they are all aeaa. V . I - . . iw ix sons or ine Kaiser seem to be about the only safe life Insur ance proposition in German v Kx change. .'..);- The woman who desires to be con sldered up-to-date will not rebel if you refer to. her as kittenish. An exchange thinks that to iudav ny me number of kickers In tfw- country the horse-meat menu must have been generally adopted. NUGENT CHOSEN IDAHO SENATOR Prominent Democratic Lead er to Succeed James H. Brady, Deceased W yarn? hmw la MayT 221 MMffM an tT"0 HeaVKSM. IS aHclaal Mar that aaia is aaaSnM twin. m an Mat McSMw ml (ute. AsvUcatkw at the totter barW akoM i CaanatoadbyTlMTIeralcUaCa, - There are some men tn this coun try who have no sort of trouble llguring their income tax. Refer ence is made tn those who have nn Income of less than 11 000 a noir. S If ther Is any red tape In the eon- duct of the war It should bo backed up against the wall and shot tr death. This Is no time for bureauc racy and palavering, a "a Orov Cleveland Alexander, the highbrow -pitcher, has been drafted for the national army. drover Cleveland always was able to put 'em over. . . In spite of the awful situation In Germany Berlin is'reported aa beln? gay and fox-f rotting la the face of her enemies. But the town Is like a edyed carpetj brilliant In spots with tfce worn and faded portions- pain fully visible at the searua and edges. HOISH. Idaho. Jan. "22. The Dem ocratlc majority in the I'nlted Btatea senate gained another memlier to day when John Y. Nueent of Boise Was iapopinted by Governor Moses Alexander to succeed the late Sena tor James It. Brady. Nugent has been a prominent Democratic leader in the state for years, having; been chairman .of the state central committee from 1908 until ID 12. lie will serve until, a sluccessor is elected at the coming November elections. Nugent Is 4 9 years old. He be came well known through acting as attorney for the Western Federation of Miners at Silver City. Idaho, and when he associated with Clarence Darrow and other attorneys in the defenae of officers of that organiza tion who were charged with conspir acy in connection with the murder of Governor Frank Hteunenberg to 190.',. Senator William K. Borah, senior senator from Idaho, aided the state in the prosecution of these men. Nuaent's entrance, into, the' aenate will make Idaho's representation in that body i-onsist of a. former stjident and pupil, for the newly chosen 'sen ator gained his law education in the office and under , the direction of Senator Borah.. who was practicing in Boise at that time. Nugent was born at La Grande. Oregon., while his. parents, Jude and Mrs. Kd ward Nugent, who resid ed in Silver City, Idaho, were on a visit there. He received bis early education In the public Kfhool and was admitted to the bar when he was 30 veais.old. From until 1 90S he was pros- cuung atsrney or Owyhee county. Idaho, the only, public office he ever held i before his appointment today. In 185 he married Miss, Delia Alns lee. They havV one child. Lieuten ant G.-A. Nugent of the JJlsth In fantry. U.S.A. ' The new senator Is In Washington now, having gone there Immediately after Senator Brady's death. It I expected that he will take the oath of office in a few days. I'nprrpaml Ilaee Threatened. Tommy Tonkins was keen on base ball and particularly ambjtlous to make his mark as a catcher. Any hint, however small, was welcomed if It helped on his advance in. his department of the game. When he began to have trouble with his hands and somebody suggested soaking tnem In salt water to harden ithe skin, he quickly followed the advice. Alas! A few days later Tommy nai a misrortune. A long hit at the bottom of the garden sent the ball crashing through a neighbor's slttlnar room window. It waa the third lommy bad broken alnce the aeaaon negan. Mrs. Tonkins nearly went in anrer wnen Tommy nroke the news. "Yer father'!! skin yer when e comes 'ome tonight." she said. I'oor Tommy, trembling-, went ont side to reflect. His thoughts trar eled to the strap hanging In the kit chen, and he eyed hla hands rue- I made a big .mistake, f ougLfc to 'ave aat in that salt and rair rmsourg Chronicle-Telegraph. Wll' IS A i ITI xm I EX? Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Says we cant look er feel right with the system full of poisons. Millions of folks bathd Internally new instead of loading their system with drurs. "Whafa an iinld; bath?" you say. Well, it is ruaran- teed to perform miracles If you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who. Immediately upou arising in the morning, drink glass of real hot water with a teaKpoon- ful of limestone t ho Dim to In It. This .is a very excellent health meas ure. It la Intended to flush the stom ach, liver, ; kidneys and the thirty feet of Intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile add indlgest Ible material left over In the .body which If ont eliminated every day. become food for the millions of bac teria which Infest the bowel, the quick result Is poisons and toxin which ar then absorbed Into the bloodcausing headache, billions at tacks, foul breath, bad tante. cold. stomach trouble, kidney miserr. sleeplessness, impure blood and all sotts of ailments. People Who feel rood one dav nn.l badly the next, but who simply can not art feellnar rleht nr. Hr.,t obtain a quarter pound of limestone pnospnate at the druc store. . i in . win cost very little but Is naff idem mase anyone a real crank on the bject of internal sanitation. Vlboever designed the gulnea'hen and composed the music for her vo cal organs must have used a rasp for a tuning fork. Guinea hens and (heir husbands are. alike in appear ance; when you've seen one vou've seen the other. Their. plumage ts j if one and the same piece of goods tike the Quakers'. If ever you have I Indulged In.fillng the teeth of a cross ; cut saw, you've heard the synonym oi ner nieiooy. Nature did herself a dreadful In justice when she produced this va riety of fowl and the farmer who alves her board and lodging Is tw good Christian. ,1 say this because any man who sens you a Guinea hen as youthful and tender has dela;ne1 to akin you. 1 have a dim recollec tion of tantlng one many years ago, and I will aay this the gravy was quite tender. A group of guineas running to keep out of harm'a way reaemblea a streak of lo-eent calico of somber hue with polkadots. The guinea ben lays a very smalt egg with, spots-on It similar to thoae we see at cheap arocery stores in fly time. The eggs have no rating In the commercial world. They are used exclusively for hatching more trouble. Cartoons Magazine. I POLITICAL NEWS .. 4, LOl'IS LACIIMITND. one of the best known hop men In the north west, has finally consented, aff-r much urging on the part of hU friends.: to beeonm candidate on tho republican ticket at the primary election for the nomination of Mat Senator from Marlon, county. Mr, Lachmnnd is a thorough buslnesi man. and Is as conversant with th-s requirements pf the people of Mar lon conunty as any nmn whom eoald elect to fill that office Ther, is a gnat probability that he will be one. of the next state senators.- Sllverton Tribune rfa a CEORGK CAMERON, the canny Scot who was formerly district at- Lormal announcement of his csndi-. nnaleni yesterday and told friends tnat he will be a candidate for the Republican nonmlnatlon for govern or. He does not expect to make a frmal announcement of his rand dacy for several weeks. - EIX WliA VKU. a farmer and p'rim-j grower of Myrtle Creek, baa a if- nounced himself as a republican can didate for county commlaioner if Douglas county on the Republlcin ticket. :, - ; t., i W. S. ROBKRTS. who was" one of the famous regiment known ss Roosevelt's Rough Riders, expects to be a republican candidate for the lower house of the leglalature from Iane county. Ilia slogan Is "Good roads and better , nr hoots for the rural districts.' He lives near En gent and eame to Lane county eight years ago from Kansas. - K. P. TltrSEDELT Is a -Republi can' aspirant for the office of coun'y cJerk of Grant county. , J. if THOMAS, a demtly anme warden In Coos county. Is expected to announce soon his candidacy for the Republican nomination for sher iff of that county. , , A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff There Is one aiire'wav that has never failed 'to remove dandruff at ; once, and that is to cliasolve It. thn" you deatroy it entirely. To do' this. . Jut get about four -ounce of plain, conrmon liquid arvon from unv drug store (this Is all you will need), ap ply it at night when rctirinu; um , enough to moisten the scalp and run It In gently with the finger tip. ,By luornlng most. If not all, of. your dandruff will be gone and three or four more applications will com pletely diasolve and entirely letroy , every single sign atd trace r-f it. po matter how much dandruff you may . have. You will find all llchlnj: and dig- T gin of the acalp will Mod1 Instantly. t and your hair will be fluffy, luatrous, Klossy, silky and soft, and look and ; feel a hundred time's better. f LADD & BUSH, Bankers - A floverimenl income lax officer m ill he .it the Couti IIoiiM fnim January 2 until Janunfv lUt, VMH, i.n.t will. 1r ll tliose who wish it, explain Hie uvss invunu tax law, iih.I ' will - furnish the iieeesxary income taxJ.lanks. All single j arsons having an income ot sflOOolfk) p ov r nnu all married Persons having nn :. .,?., r jfuiui . ror will be rr(iiir-T to' make a report. - v ' ov