THE OltEfiO.V STATESMAN! TUKHHAY, J AX IT Alt Y 22. 19 tS JEWELRY REPAIRED Bring us your broken piece of jewelry and have them repaired. We can mend Jt securely and make it look like new again If you have old out of date Jewelry and wish to have It made over we will gladly submit designs of broaohes, rings, iavellieres, etc., in the newer styles, in which can bo used the atone., and settings of the old. . ' j : '"' HARTM AN BROS. CO. JEWF.LEIt.S and OPTICIANS Htate and Liberty Mreets Try Our Optical Hervlce. ( There Is None Jletter. CITY TODAY AT TUB THEATERS, 1 OREGON Stats at reel near O. E. depot. Home of Artcraf t I and Paramount pictures. Geraldino Farrar In "The Devil Stone." I HUGH State between Lib- erty and High. Mutual and I Bluebird fllma. Special films. "The Power of Gold," a union labor play. . yrtr t iiipdtv .i it.., ... 14 feet Inn and Goldwyn fllma. Special feature. Ilcvlval Henicew Every evening this week at the First AJnited Brethren church in Yew Park: Tut ton Plnrablng Co., 333 Chemekcta Phone 1900. We do repair work; Dr. M. C. Flndley Has gone to Portland to attend the meeting' of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat association. Nominating Petitions printed to comply with all demands for state and county offices, at Statesman Publishing Company (up stairs). Back on the Job Joseph E. Tuttle, deputy Inspec tor, United tSates treasury depart ment, has returned to his office in the county court house and is ready to see all income taxpayers who will call on him. , Met Me at. the Hub Alleys 123 N. Commercial. Upstairs. Shop Collect Paper- A collection of old paper, for the benefit of the Superfluity shop, will be started tomorrow nnoer the aus pices of the Salem Woman's cluo Those who have bundles - of. paper Used furniture Wanted Slgbast ch prices paid for usee i furniture i- . L, stiff sojr, ; Phone 941 or 008 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wa ear tha vtrv hlrhtat nrtca tor BouMhold good and tool of ry una. Peopla'f Second Hand Store 171., Ossaaerrtal IU PMat T4 ; wThe highest' cash price paid for all kind of junk. . CAPITAL JUNK CO. STfr Cfiemeketa St. Phone 30H WE MOVE- Pack and Store Everything Special rate on eastern shipments. Piano moving and country trips a specialty. Prompt service. Work guaranteed, LARF.IER TRANSFER CO. 143 8. UUERTY STREET Office Phone 030 i Borne Phone 199ft " O O A li A - N D W O O I Doctor .in Diseases of Women leek: 50G United States National Bank Building Salem, Highest Prices in me y aiiey Ships to be deciding factor in world's war say Allied Statesmen. We are in the market for small and large quantities of Heavy Cast Iron, Steel and Wrought, and will pay astonishing high market prices. Would like to hear from responsible man in every. town in the valley in regards to above.. Let us hear from you immediately. , It pays to bring your junk to the Western Phone 706, Salem, Oregon , Iron Yards at Commercial and Center Streets. J INEWS may leave all of it on their front porches and it will be taken away. Wednesday's collection will be on State and commetrclal streets Tbusrday. on Chemeketa and Cente streets and Friday on Marion and Union streets, with the streets In between. On Saturday, paper will be collected on the Garden road an in North Salem. Residents of North Salem who will donate paper should telephone number 124 6. .Vomlnntlnir Petitions- printed to comply with all demands for state and county offices, a Statesman Publishing Company, (up stairs). 81111- to Quiet Title- Suit in equity was yesterday filed in the circuit court by Howard C, Melson against Grace Wolford to quiet title to certain property de scribed in the bill of complaint. TOO Filbert Trees ' j From Stolz and McNary ranch, for sale, Fruitland Nrirsery sales yard. corner High and Ferry streets. Wanted Several good VIck Brothers. Ford mechanics Nominating Petitions printed to comply with all demand for state and county offices, at Statesman Publishing Company (up stairs). Thn Oregon Fmit Company Will pay cash for beans, large or small lots. .Phone 943, it'. - -' ' ' Hale of Property Confirmed ; i Order was yesterday entered in the suit of Percy A. Cupper against FAmer Denny confirming the sale or property'previously made In the case. Several Good Ford Repair Hen Are wanted at VIck Brothers. lleturns from Idah Miss Glenna Teeters, a junior in Willamette university, has returned to take up her studies after an ab sence Of several weeks. She was called to her home In Warren, Idaho, to take care of her mother, who was seriously ill. Tlow Housewives 'Who Bake Their ' own bread with a Tlew to economy will be treatedto a demon stration of true conservation, at the public reception to be held by the Cberrv City BVng company Tues day, January 22, from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Refreshments. Cooking Appjt j Threw boxes for Ward K. Itlchardson. $2. delivered. Phone 494, In the Probate Court I The final account was yesterdav filed by Carey P. Martin as cxecuter of the estate of Emma L. Ide, de ceased, hearing will be held on Feb ruary 25. Order was yesterday en tered in the estate of W. F. Winter mantel, deceased, approving the pay ment of $40 a month by the widow, Edna Wlntermantel, by herself as ex ecutrix, for her snoonrt and that of the two 'minor children, with the further order, for similar payments to be made in the future, during the dmalnistratlon of the estate. Lillla Myrtle Conner was yesterday ap-r-nint administratrix of the estate of Emerson E. Cooner, deceased. In ventory wm filed by the appraisers In the estate of Henrv Slough, der ceased, showlne values to the amount of I18.S75.67, the appraisers of the estate being Asa Eoff, Max Page and Guy O. Smith. Citation was Insued on the petition of Alfred Johnson, an incompetent, praving for the removal of his guardian. Sophia A. Nelson, hearing of the matter being set for February 4 next. The final account of Kate Fahey, ad ministratrix of the estate of John White and Nervous Diseases Oregon Paid for Iron Junk Co Fabey, deceased, was filed and ap proved by the court yesterday. Upon petition of Fanny Wolf, widow of Adolf Wolf, deceased, showing that the estate Is valued at about izo.uuu l-with no debts against it, except the funeral expenses, order was entered allowing the widow $160 a month for her support during the pendency of the administration of the estate In the estate of Justus Brock Ham mond, a minor, the report of the sale of certain property by the guardian. W. L. Hammorfd, was approved oy the court. Hunting and Angler' I J centos Since the day before Christmas County Clerk Hoyer has Issued the following hunting licenses: Henry Herndon. W. K. Jones, Hruce A, Jones. M. A. Worthlngton. J. A. Hen- dlck. F. J. A. Hachrlnger, II. Snook, and W. II. IJalrymple, Salem; George Limbeck, Macleay; Stephen Pay ette. Charles A. Hannegan. J, E. Cutsforth, A. leJarln and O. Ituf- ens, Gervals: George L. West fail and Harvey A. Westfall, Amity; T. H. May, Jefferson; W. II. Ehlen, Au rora: Vred Krug. Jr.. and G. I. ftowne. Sllverton; Felix Seguln. It. E. Kirk and W. M. XTurphy, St. Paul; Charles H. Little and Hruce Howne. Turner; E. J. Farnham, Marion; Al fred Kampf, Pratum. Anglers' li censes wre secured by R. Simmons, Oregon CltyrL. H. Suter, A. l. Ilonn and Charles C. Hartwell, Salem; A. H. Horner. Gates; James J. I .am brecht. Stayton, and Emll Widberg, Aurora. County Clerk Hoyer yesterday took a little time by the forelock and stole away from the war department Junt long enough to issue a couple of marriage licenses, oen to Frank u. Howman, 52, and Mabel E. James. 38, both of Salem, and E. L. Hrant, 38. of Harrisburg. and Katherlne J. Nademans. 30. of Turner. Kcnlpx Hold Hteody County Clerk Hoyer yesterday ex cused himself rom his duties on the war board long enough to make an- other dig into his. big iron-Douni chest, where he keeps a lot of nick- els, and paid out or us store ror varmint hides, a very Kood Degin- nlng. he said, for a dull, piue Monday. Kale Confrrmwl Order was yesterday entered' In (he suit of David Cade against JA. Ratcliffe and wife, confirming the sale, of real property heretofore made in the case. PERSONALS Glenn Adam has returned after a business and pleasure trip to Iowa. On his way home Jbe came through Texas and California. W. R. Wing and wife and W. P. Rhodes of Portland are registered at the Argo hotel. M. V. Griffin of Falls City la at the Argo. James McKay any wife of Minne apolis, Minn., are guests of the Argo. Max Lebcld of McMlnnrille I at the Argo. Charles 1L Wieder of Albany la stopping at the Argo hotel. Thomas Fennell of Independence is at the Argo. W. T. Eddy of Hood River la reg istered at the Argo. John Scollard of Wood burn la at the Argo. Arthur Hilley of Sindey is regis tered at the Argo. John C. Holste, J. A. Shaw, W. T. Wetherby and C. E. Ilalllpetz of Sao Francisco are registered at the Marion. Otto T. nryant of Olympla, Wash.. H at the Marion. Miss D. V. Par ham and J. G. Swinney of New York City are reg istered at the Marion. S. J. j. Laggaman of Washington, C, is stopping at the Marion. R. M. Hamlin. George H. Monroe. T? H. O'Brien. O.-K. Towers, W. E. Ffar.ler, C. H. Albers, A. Goodman. M. R. Manson and T. Jones of Port land' are registered at the Marion hotel. Frank C. Jackson and P. A.' Schwarz of Seattle are at the Hotel Marion. G. Lh Stewart and R. II. Wood of Eugene are the guests of the Hotel Marion. C. S. Bowne of Aumsville is at the Marlon. D. C. Drury of Alpine, Or., is stop ping at the Marion. A. C. Fulton of Astoria Is regis tered at the Marlon. Henrv Hall, R. E. Tyler. F. W. Milne. Robert Athon and wife, and A. I ..on of Portland are registered at the Bligh hotel. A.. Kerr and wife of Medford arc gues' of the Bligh. O. Olson of Eugene is stoppit? at the Bligh. F. B. Gedge of Sari Francisco is at the Bligh. George II. Lewis of Seattle is reg istered at the Bligh. J. W. Klnzel of Milwaukee, Wis.. is a guest of the Ifllgh. John K. Mekkers and wife of Mc Cov are at the Bligh. W. A. McNeil of Independence Is at the Bligh. F. M. Fisher of Monmouth Is stop ping at the Bligh. Chest and Checker Players Accept Oregon City Banter At the regular Monday night meet ing of the Commercial Club Chess and Checker club' It was decided by the members present last night to ac cept the challenge Issued by the Ore gon City Chess club, to play for the championship. Much rivalry has ex isted between them for some time past. George Orifnth of the Oregon City rluh says he has six players in his town who can beat any six the Com mercial club of Salem can put up against them. The crack players of the Salem club are Dr. W. H. Byrd. C. G. Given,' Paul Plants. Will Evans. Joseph N. Smith and Judge T. R. Ryan. It . is not known just when the match game will be pulled off, but it will probably occur soon and in Sa lem, as has been the custom in the past. .!;; RED CROSS j BULLETIN i CUmpter, A Mr Cr. ttl mmppty OrpartM I. a. Kafla orri una mrmt, IImui 4I A shipment of surgical gauze that has been expected for several days by the surgical dressing department of Willamette chapter. American Hed Cross, arrived late yesterday afternoon, and there will be plenty of work for some time for those who are contributing their time to this department, tl was feared that be cause of lack of material the surgi cal dressing department would have to close down today, but the arrival of the shipment late yesterday makes Lit possible to continue the work with out Interruption. The surgical dress ing department is located in the tost office building. The local chapter has Just receiv ed a shipment of 200 pounds of yarn. Calls foj yarn will be supplied as fully and promptly as possible A hasty communication to nil chapters and branches reached Wil lamette chapter yesterday. It was a copy of a telegram which reached Seattle headquarters too He to be In cluded in the last bulletin. The mes sage Is as follows: "Washington. Jan. 18. O. D Stlmson. Seattle, Wash. Secretary McAdoos action in placing an em bargo on everything except coal and foodstuffs is a terrific handicap to Shipments of materials to divisional warehouses. Gauze situation partic ularly bad owing to Inability to ship raw material 'to bleacherles. Clos ing of mill during coming week wlil cripple manufacture and decrease deliveries. All possible means being used to relieve situation and this is to nrare extreme natlenre on nart of divisions at well as chapters until shipping conditions Improve. Keep nn advised of emergency require ments and we will do our untmost to secure shipment. Please notify your director of supplies. Bureau of Supplies.' Portland had a wild rumpus In ail the newspapers over poor yarn for knitting. Manufacturers are charged ith profiteering, and one store withdrew thousands - of dollars' worth of yarn from Ithe market We'll have plenty of the best yarn mighty soon," the Aed Cross told the newspapers. A marriage fee drive! What next? And yet it took the ministers of Vancouver, Wash., only a few min utes to decide that this was a pe fectly legitimate way to raise funds for the Red Cross, and had the furth er advantage of little tr no compe tition. As a result $100 was raised which represented the fees the shep herds gathered from the flock on December 24. "Sure, knlttln's lots of fun. T got AT BUSICK 'S P1ine 7. O. D. Order to 10H. 387;Court Streets 299 N. Commercial St 15 ox. Hun Maid liaising, packAge . . ..11c 11 oz. IlaUinl Uc targe package Albers Oats .'!Oc 2 ran Milk for ........ 2."5; S cans Kugar Peas 25c 2 cans lima Corn 23c 4 lb. Oat 2.V: 3 Urn. Macaroni 25c Potaloew, per pound .... l4c Onion, per pound .... 2Hc Peanut flutter, lb 15c C'reanwy ilutter, lb. .... 55c Um. Itoyal Hub Coffeo. . 87c ihiraU'lliH Ground Chocolate, bulk, pound 2tc Bulk Cocoa, KHind :tOc Extra Bulk Coffee, lb. . . 2ic Bulk Coffee, lb. ....... 21c f l4trg can Oysters, regular 50- for 32c Deviled Meat, lis 5c lO oz. pkg. Skinner's Spaghetti , 10c Cooking or Kabul Oil, gal. 1.K3 3 gallons Kerogcne .... 05c Scwla' Oarkers, rreh and crisp, lb. . ; ; 15c Graham Oarkers, and Tisp, Il. 15c PoMtum Cereal, rkg 22c l4rg ItiHiant Ponium, package 45c I Instant Ptun, package . . ; . . 20c Itoyal Baking; Icwder, lb. 13c Xew Mlock of C2mm1 Broom at 05e and ffl.OO Tree Tea, pkg.. 1-2 muii1 25c Citrus WaMiinK IWder, package . 25c 2 iiarkageft Graie Nuts.. 25c O fx hi i wis Ckrn 3IeaI .... 05c CVwn U kins Ameriea to day. Eat more corn. Hpeeial this week on all corn products. my wash rag finished before lata of the girls did theirs, and I can pun and make wristlets, too. Aw, gee. anybody can knit. It's easy." Thus piped one of Seattle's seventh grade boys this week. The youngsters have been knitting for about a month. Tacoma's report that but twa schools lacked 100 per cent enroll ment of the Junior Ited Cross, struck amazement In Portland, but also a determination to "go and do like wise." The Portland committee only organized January 12, yet on Jan uary 14 five schools were 100 per cent, four of them grade schools and one parochial school. Probably rain In west, fair in east portion. Members of Pythian auxiliary of Willamette chanter. A. II. C. will meet in their hall In the Derby build ing on Tuesday afternoon of each' week to do Ited Cross work. Always bring thimble and needle. Anyone who has any scraps o yarn or old knitted pieces to donate will aid young knitters very much I' hey will see that (the yarn reaches the Red Cross headquarters or Wash ington Junior high school. Miss Campbell's class at the high school Is In need of old yarn in order to knit the Armenian square work vhich It has started. Wood-Pile at Roth Store Catches Fire from Wire It was not exactly a. case of spon taneous combustion, nor was it case of incendiarism, but Just the same the big woodpile In the rear o the Roth Grocery store, in the fas alley .between State and Court street, s was-ablaze, and had com menced to burn fiercely before the Tire department could get around the corner last night, and they were "Johnny-on-the-spot ' at that. It seems that an electric coffee roaster In the back room of the store, was ft in wnrte in o'rlnrl some coffee fnr a lata customer, and in some war. not vet determined, the wire leading from the outside of the store set fire to a pile of wood which was very close to the wall of the building. Some defect in the wiring nresumablv scattered tha electric sparks in the wood pile. A few of the firemen climbed up on top of the wood pile and threw the top sticks of wood to the ground in order to get action with the hose on the flames. The fire was then extinguished without difficulty. PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, STOP NEURALGIA n i f f n j KUD fierVe lOrtUre, rain and All Misery Right Out With St Jacob's Liniment You are to be pitied but remem her that neuralgia torture and pain Is the easiest thing in the world to stop. Please don't continue to suf- rer: it a so neeoiess. oet from youri aruggisc tne small trial Dottle or SI. jacoDS liniment '; pour a little in your hand and gently-rub the it uurr utTYc or sore ppoi, ana in-1 stantiy yes. immediately all pain, acne ana soreness is gone.: at t.,K. i i.i..m i tfvuuo uiuiiurui fuui urn pain It Is perfectly harmless and noesn t burn or discolor the skin Nothing else gives relief so quickly. It never falls to stop neuralgia pain Instantly, whether In the face, head or any part of the body. Don't suffer, Car Shortage in Eastern Part of State Relieved The Oregon public service com- tnlsion vesterdav Informed lumber companies In Baker county that the Oregon Short line railroad has agreed to contribute cars to allegiats the ear shnrtacn ATistinp- nn i)ia n . W ti. Xr v t-nad At i9t nnri'. tho shortage of the O.-W. R & N I Co. wag 464. The Spokane, Port- land & KoatMn mod h ronnrtori surplus of 59 cars. The Southern Pacific company today reported r. shortage of 137 closed cars, but did not report on open cars. R. C. Paulas Invited to Make Address at Prosser Itobert C. Paulus of the Salem Fruit union is In receipt of an Invi tation from farmers and business men of Prosser, Wn to address a mass meeting at that place on the -night of January 23 relative to the contemplated establishment of a fruit evaporating plant. The citi zens of fhe community have Incor porated to build a plant. Mr. Paul us has accepted tho Invitation. Ion't think because you have tak en many remedies in vain that your case Is Incurable. Hoods Sarsapar- illa has cured many seemingly hope less cases of scrofula, catarrh, rheu matism, kidney complaint, dyspep sia and general debility. Take Hood's. Salem One of Four Points for Potato Inspections An order was issued by the Oregon public service commission yesterdav designating Portland. Salem. Alb-o and Eugene as potato inspection ooints for Oregon, with the provi sion that other points may be des ignated as necessary. It i held that the four points named serve ad-1 quately at present the convenience of the public and the commission. Inspections are to be made by the service commission through Its grain inspection department. The chief grain Inspector Porter of the com mission Ms empowered to appoint; deputy inspectors at the designate-. ipointa. t AIDS TO AMONG the many facilities afforded by the United Slates National JJank for the convenience of business firms, corporations and people are : I Commercial Accounts ' Collection Services ? Drafts Foreign Exchange Letters of Credit K ConmiltntioriM having to do with Kusincss ,'tpd finance arc invited at all tiiucK. . - SoJemt M'ADOO NOT FOR RAILWAY CHANGE j v . ' n . . n d Immediate Keturn to rnvate Capital After War Deem ed Inexpedient I WASHINGTOX. Jan. 21 Changes 1 the fundamental principles Of railroad operation under government control will make it Inadvisable to trn the roads back to private own- ers lmmeaiaieiy aner me rna or ins war, director uenerai aicauoo ae clared today before the senate inter state commerce committee. Until comprehensive , and " rational legislation to meet tho changed con ditions is enacted It would be in jurious to the stoskholders for the government to relinquish control, ho added. Examination of the director gen eral on the administration's railroad bill may be resumed lated by the committee. Next Monday the com mittee plans to begin work on th bill and report It to the senaa as soon as possible. The 'chief quest tions at issue are whether the meas ure shall fix a definite time for tho i return oi me oaas 10 priraia, own ershlp and the basis of compensa return of the Toads to private, own tlon.i Tomorrow the senate com ml ttee will hear Clifford Thorne of Chicago representing shippers, who oppose relieving the Interstate -.commer"e commission of its powers to fix rates In testifying today before the houe interstate commerce committee. Mr, Thorne attacked the method of fix n(f compensation provided In the I hill HIarlnar that the- rovernment I .narnntees tan a-reat return on the ranitnl of the roads. Th Burtlng- inn nld vnnM rorofVA more than 20 per cent return on Its stock. '.The bill Mr. Thorne said, would 1 . ! . . . . rtin fa( m anrniiitf earnincsr mage the nubile nav all the Interest on the railroad's debt; pay them a reas onable dividend on their stock; keep their properties to 100 per cent of their present condition; tide them over the perilous war period; main tain their credit; build non-revenue producing improvements on their properties and then pay them a re turn on what the government builds for them. After Ir. McAdoo le,ft the stand today, Joseph W Barstow. Chairman r the Kansas pjumtc utilities corn- miecion; presented to tne senate com mittee ngurea designed to snow mat there would be a return of from eight to twenty-five percent on tha common sjock of the railroads tinder Hne method of nxing compewsation provided In the bill. He said that from four to six per cent would be sufficient. ; In his testimony today rMr. Mc Adoo said the basis of compensation proposed Is fair and reasonable "be cause of the peculiar and optional character of the method of control." Washington Junior Team Is Too Much for Albany By a score of 2 t to 23, the Wash ington juniod high school of Salem defeated the Albany Junior high team Saturday afternoon. The gatm wag a fast one, the first half ending 14 to 7 in favor 'of fhe Salem tram. Washington was in the lead ,du(n the whole of the gamei A return game will be played when the Albanv rfeam conies to Salem February 2. (The score Saturday was: Albany Salem Bayne t4) C Purvlne . Stalcy (18.) irown .(C). Ashbyl , Clark Bussard (17) ,F Sears (2) . F Wolfe O Sailer C. For Salem, Townsend was substi tuted for Purvlne in the second half. The Salem Vdcanfring Works The oldest and best equipped repair shop in Salem When your tires or tubes need repairing call on us. We do the work as it should be done. 474 Fcrrv St Salem. . i & f3 Hfl . Km . 1 1 COMMERCE orceom KEI1XREEASED ARRESTED AGAIN Man Fined in Polk County Is - Charged With Robbing , Aumsville Store , W. II. Kelly, who with Jack Ryan of Albany, was held In the Polk county bastlle at' Dallas for a littl more than a month on a charge of robtlns the stores of the Falls City Mercantile company at Falls City; and who was released last week after his trial before Circuit Judge Harry ji. jteit, ai wnicn ne wm nnea in the sum of $250, has been arrested again by the sheriff of Marion county on a charge of having stolen goods In his possession. Kelly is In the second band and Junk business at Albany, and is ihonght to. have been Identi fied with the robbery of a etore at Aumsville a short time ago. BRKAK IT CIEXTLTV ? The Socialist Tustrlan prisoners in ' the Ukraine have petitioned Leon Trotzky, Bolshevik Foreign Minister,' not to mate a separate peace with Germany. They assert Jhat German:.', unwilling to recognize the selkdefl nttion of nations, would; keep Ans-tro-Hungary under the imperialistic yolk. London .dispatch In the New York: Times. Twenty fthousand women . clerks are employed on British railways. CLOSING OUT AUCTION SALE THE VARIETY STORE 220 N. . Commercial St. T Kvery day, 1. p. m. Prfvate k;1ch tlaily at Auction Prices. . - IJargains for' everybody. ' F.;N. woodry, . The Anctioneer Save the Meat for the Boys at the Front. Fitt's Market 444 Court Street - V'