The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    - . 1 - : . . -, ; ;...:;
Probably rain. Fair in east
ern portion.
8 IPllii
Prime Minister Announces
j Government Wants Ceasing
, of -Hostilities at Earliest
j Possible - Moment ; ' Russia
. I Held Nearest Hope
t , - ;
fegotiations With Russia
Should Not be Hindered by
Territorial Problem ; " Po
I lanrJRegarded Independent
- VIENNA. Jan. 20. Via Amster
dam to London, Jan. 21. "It is his
majesty's wish to end the war at the
soonest moment possible by an hon-
orable peace. In pursuance of this
r desire : and on the principles it re
peatedly, bas announced, the govern-
meat oflhe dual monarchy has done
everything ln.its power and will con
tinue to do everything possible to
bring about most speedily a general
peace. If for the present, howerer,
only a separate peace with Russia U
practicable, the responsibility rests
solely with the entente powers, which
haTe rejected repeatedly our peace
offers." . . . I .
These . striking ; statements were
Wade today by Dr. Von Seydler, the
Austrian prime minister, 1 In the
coarse 'of a speech at an Important
conference between the government
and labor leaders in the ministers'
room In parliament house. Those
present 'included Count von Toggen
bnrg, minister of the interior; Lleu
. tenant General Czapo, 'minister of
defense, and ' Labor Representative
Adler.. Seltx and others.
International Agreement Favored.
.After announcing that the present
serious 'time demanded harmony in
labor eircles and a clear and sincere
discussion of all problems, the pre
meler made his announcement ;on
. peace. . Afterward . heproceeded j to
dlfavow any alms at leonquest and
d"lared that the goern'mnt ron
Mnne its adherence in the belief lhat
internatiaonal agreement I regarding
disarmament- and arbitration courts
bonld form a suitable basis for a
general peace, , ,f
The. premier Insisted lhat, . as far
as Atiflrla was concerned,! the nego
tiations with Russia should not ! bo
Wj wrecked on orojects of territorial
tKilsitlon. The government, ;h
afl'lod,, regarded Poland as an Inde
pendetn state with independent re
lations with the monarchy, "al
though, of course," he continued,
we shall preserve the constitutional
Influence of the Wlwlatlve hodle of
both states of the monarchy In this
settlement." J
"H Is, therefore, far from our In
tention to dictate to Poland regard
ing jher relationship with us." i
Br. von Seydler reiterated that It
v ,nr government's agreement
that Poland should settle her own
state system by a popular vote, pre
ferably by a constituent assembly
elected on a broad Basis, and the
"Vernment'a rearlinoaa n
ectlre guarantees for complete
(Continued on Page 3)'
1 plCof Canada Is Cited
to Indicate America I
Will Be Factor j
. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 21. In the
'er house ot th Prussian diet on
'Ir. Fran Mehrlng, Inde-
i. SociaHst, made the follow
ing inqnlry: . f
onft!'iCvnada w'tn ,t88 than 9,000,
ih. ' ,ab,tts, has been able ! to
""V quarter of a million soldiers
nw Kurope. who were not able to
f nrwlm' what grounds has the
"nance minister for denying to the
b-Kif- AStalcs. with 110.000.000 In
"aBitacU, any military capacity?"
tsr nrlng Proceeded to reprove
hJL PrU88'aft finance minister. Dr.
V " lr such contempt, which he
,anTd Wa tely to bring heavy
Penalties l its train, especially if
coapjed wllh empty threats. i
v BI,nUter. replying. admitt-d
. e " "nable to prove his
aht i? "cerning the American
itV. 1 wa convinced tLat
Heould not come over. , !
Central" Powers Demand
Trotzky Shall Accept
Terms' January 29
Parties Said To Be No Nearer
Peace Than at Beginning
of Move
COPENHAGEN. Jan. 21. The
Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin says that
unless Leon Trotzky. the BoIshlVikl
foreign minister, accepts 'the de
mands of the central powers when
he returns to Brest-Litovsk on Jan
!uqry 29 the central powers will
break off peace negotiations.
LONDON, Jan. 21. A long report
of the proceedings of the commis
sion for the' regulation of political
and territorial questions at Brest
Litovsk Friday, sejit out by Berlin,
discloses the fact that the central
powers and the Russians. are no near
er agreement on the point of how
the populations of the occupied terri
tories are to record their desire for
self-determination. Tbe discussion
concluded with a reply by Foreign
Minister Trotzky that tfie lnssians
adhered to their proposal that a
referendum should decide the; future
formation of these countries.
Totzky also declared that ' one
sided and independent treatment of
the territories aceupied by the .Aus
trians could not be granted to the
Ukrainians but he believed an agree
ment was possible between the
Ukrainians and Russians.
Asked by Dr. von Kuehlmann. the
German foreign secretary, for ' a
statement regarding the relations be
tween Petrograd and the Caucasus
army, Trotzky said that the arm?
was commanded by officers devoted
to the Bolaheviki decision, ) which
was confirmed by the general con
gress Of the delegates at the Cau
casion front. ,
The deliberations of the political
commission were adjourned until
January 29. The economic commis
sion continued Its work.
Hailing to Deliver
Speech on Thursday
COPENHAGEN. Jan. 21. The
Zeitung Am MIttag of Berlin, a copy
of whieh has been received here,
says that Count von llertling. the
imperial German chancellor, will de
liver 'his postponed speech to the
reichstag main committee next Thur
day. The newspaper adds that Djv
secretary. Is conferring with th
party leaders and that he will parti
cipate In the debate which will fol
low the chancellor's sp'ch. The de
bate IsT expected to last three days.
First Letters Come Since j
: Boys Arrived in Europe
The boys of Company M spent
Christmas in England, according to
a letter received yesterday by Mr.
and Mrs. R. P. Boise from their son,
Brcyman Boise, who is ai member of
the Salem company. Several cards
from members of the company were
received by Salem relatives yester
day, the first that have come from
the boys since their arrival In
Rcsiilonts of Salem who arc ilflinfjiu'tit in their assessments cov
ering the improvement of tst reels on which they hav property abut
ting have until February -10 in whieh to make tin payments to the
city. jVgainst all who do not pay in by that latc the penalty will be
applied, namely the first Kteps toward foreclosure on the property
will bo taken. The amount of . delinquent as-scssments totals
$S2 920.57.
When the question 1f delinquent assessments came up at the
meeting of the city council last night, Alderman Unruh moved that
the city treasurer he instructed to furnish the city attorney with the
list of 'delinquent persons, together with tin- amounts in which they
are delinquent, ami that the city attorney be instructed to notify the
delinquent persons that they must pay up by February 10 or take the
"I believe this action should .In taken," said Mayor Keyes. "I
dislike, and I know the aldermen dislike, to be severe, but we have
been very lenient, and it is time that the payments were coming in."
Immediately Appoints J. E.
Wright Night Sergeant
Mariels Is Chosen to Fill
Patrol Vacancy
Higher ' Pay Allowed Street
Force Is Cause of Spirited
Al. Foland, who for seven years
has been connected with the Salem
police department, was the unani
mous choice of the city council 'last
night -for chief of the department
to succeed the late Chief Emerson 12.
Cooper. To fill the vacancy still
remaining in the department by the
elevation of Sergeant Foland. C. W.
Mariels was elected with eight votei
to four cast of W. E. DeLong.
Upon being notified of his election
last night. Chief Foland annouood
the appointment of Night Patrolman
J. E. Wright to the position of night
sergeant. Mr. Mariels, the new of
ficer, will become a night patrolman
sharing the night watches with Of
ficer Victor. Sergeant Wright began
his new duties last night and Chief
Foland immediately assumed charge
as chief.
Chief Foland has served under
Chiefs Gibsojy. Shedeck. Welsh and
Cooper, as night sergeant under the
last three. Prior to his connection
with the police force he spent twelve
years as a guard at the state peni
tentiary, doing both inside and out
side duty. His elevation to the po
sition of chief was assured early latst
week when it became known that
he was the choice of most of the
members of the city council, and the
filing of the police committee's res
olution Friday, recommending hi"
election made the electlon a virtual
Action taken by the, council last
night leaves the question of an in
crease in salary for the police pa
trolmen still pending. The officers
are paid salaries of $75 a montn.
Alderman Ward, chairman of the
police committee, introduced a reso
lution to raise the salaries to
Alderman Wilson moved for an in
definite postponement of the resolu
tion. The vote was a tie, and Mayor
Keyes broke -the tie by voting to
Wilson declared that Chalrma'
Ward himself had said the present
salaries are high nough. Ward,
In explanation, did not deny this,
but prior to the opening of this ar
gument an increase had been voted
the members of the street depart
ment, numbering thirteen men. and
Ward took the position that If th
street department were going to be
raised It was only right that the
policemen should be allowed Increas
ed pay. He suggested, however, the
salary question should bo placed I
the- hands of the committee on ac
counts and current expenses with
instructions to arrange proportion
ate salaries throughout all depart
ments, declaring that salaries and
wages were without system. Thin
will probably be done.
, The new salaries of the member
of the street department are: Chief
mechanic. $90 per month; sewer ex
pert, $S0; teamsters, $7"; cart man.
$70; stable man. $(".."; common lab
orers. $6.1. Alderman Iligdon at
tempted to have the vote increasing
these salaries reconsidered, but his
motion lost.
Alderman Unruh replied tartly to
"f Continued on"" Page" 3 )
BY FEB. 10
Failure of Conscription in
Ireland Chief Cause of
Ulster Volunteers Once Train
ed for Break With British
: flnvpmment
LONDON. Jan. 21. Sjr Edward
Carson, minister without portfolio in
the war cabinet.'has resigned. This
anpuncement was made officially to
night. The prime minister has advised
the king to accept Sir Edward's res
ignation. Til correspondence published
shows that Sir Edward's resignation
was based on the Irish question and
had nothing to do with the conduct
of the war.
The resignation of Sir Edward
Carson takes out of the cabinet one
of the most i uncompromising British
statesmen on the question of home
rule for Ireland. For years he has
opposed an .Irish parliament and
prior to the; outbreak of the present
war. when the Irish question was at
its height, he even went to the extent
of organizing and training the Ulster
volunteers for civil, war against the
British government if borne rule tor
Ireland was inaugurated.
Ixtyalifcts Hear Apreal
Iess than a month before Great
Britain entered the war Sir Edward
presided over the "provisional gov
ernment of Ireland" at Belfast and
in a speech declared that the timo
bad come for the loyalists of Ulster
to translate their words into action.
Then came the world war, and Sir
Edward, almost immediately an
nounced that the Ulster volunteers
were ready for service under the
flag of Great Britain against the
In May. 1915. Sir Edward was ap
pointed attorney general in the A
qulth cabinet but resigned the pot
in October of the same year. In an
address to the hotise of common Sir
Edward asserted that the reason for
his resignation was the fact that the
Asquith government was incapable
of carrying on the war.
In December. 1916. Sir Edward
was made first lord of the. admiralty
in the cabinet of David Lloyd George.
During the interim between his giv
ing up of the post of attorney gen
eral and the acceptance of the ad
miraltv portfolio he frequently bit
terly denounced the Asquith govern
ment, especially on its declination to
apply conscription to Ireland.
Peace Talk Condemned.
In July. 1917. Sir Edward relin
quished his posf as first lord of the
admiralty and joined the war cabinet
without portfolio. Since then his
activities have not been prominently
chronicled, although at various time
he has delivered speeches condemn
In er talk of peace.
Inasmuch as the official announce
ment of the resignation of Sir Ed
wird says his withdrawal from the
cabinet was due to the Irish ques
tion, it is reasonable to assume that
the critical stage which has been
reached In the Irish convention, with
slight prospect of even a modified
form of a substantial agreement be
ing reached, and the,recent state
ment that the government had decid
ed not to intrKluce conscription in
Ireland for the present, were the
chief Cannes for Sir Edward Carson's
Homes in East Warmed and
Ships Receive Supply of
Bunker Coal
Unusual Weather Conditions
Hinder Clearing of Rail
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Two of
the chief accomplishments sought
by the government in closing down
Industry by cutting off fuel supplies
have .been achieved. Fuel Adminis
trator Garfield announced tonight.
Homc3 throughout the east, he
raid, are receiving coal in larger
quantities than has been reported for
weeks and bunker coal again is tnov-
X Continued bn page S)
Struggle for Peace Greatest
of All Demands; Food
Problems Causing State of
General Discontent
Hungary Seeks Ending of
Hostilities and Return to
Normal Life
fSy The Associated Prcsst
The internal strife In Austria
which apparently is due chiefly to
war weariness, the high cost of liv
ing and the dislocation generally
of .economic life, continues to be of
absorbing interest. Although the
exact situation resulting from the
troublous times is not e-fven In tha
("extremely meager details available.
the dispatches that have erert
through are Indicative of a situa
tion that will require skilfull hand
ling by the authorities again to brins
the dissatisfied populace to a state
of tractibility.
No newspapers inVienna were per
mitted last Saturday. The only pub
lication allowed was a single sheet
bulletin, which told some of the'de
tails of the nation-wide strike and
developments in the peace discus
sions at Brest-Litovsk. As usual,
the hand of the German propagand
ists was to be seen In this one sheet
bulletin, for the chief announcement
in it was from - the German social
democracy of Austria. This lay
stress on last year's declaration of
the Austro-IIungarlan foreign mini
ter. Count Clernin. that the central
powers were ready to make an im
mediate general peace, without an
nexations or Indemnities.
Ktrikers Ixmg for Peace.
Evidently, however, this state
ment failed to placate the strikers
in Vienna, who sent a large delega
tion to wait upon the food adminis
trator to inform him of condition'
iamong the worHne classes and to
Impress on him that their desire t
peace overshodowed and too prece
dence over all other demands.
In Hungary also the people are
'endeavoring to ascertain what are
the prospects for a cessation of hos
tilities and a return to normal life.
So insistent has been their effort
in this direction that the Hungarian
premier has been forced to announce
in the lower house of parliament
that the government adhered to tho
principle of peace without annexa
tions or Indemnities that even the
king shared in this view. The pre
mier, however, added that the ques
tion of Alsace-Lorraine should not
at present time enter into the situa
tion as it was not calculated to
strengthen the government's posi
tion. The censorship hgs entirely closed
down with regard to the Internal
situation' in Germany, although one
of the Berlin newspapers is quoter
as declaring that the oft-postponed
speech of the imperial chancellor f
the main committee of the reich
stag wjlLbe delivered Thursday. The
debate; following the speech of , the
(Continued on "Page 3)
Farewells Are Said to Willamette President Who Goes
to France Service at Church and Lunheon at Hotel
Dr. Carl Gregg Dony, president
of Willamette university, will leave
Salem at 4 o'clock this afternoon
for New York ' City, , and will sail
immediately from that city fo
France to make an observation of
the work of the Yosng Men's Chris
tian association among the soldier.
He will leave Portland at 7 o'rlock
The contemplated voyage to
France by Dr. ' Doney was mad;
known about two weeks agp after
the semi-annual meeting' of the
board of trustees, of the university
which was held in Portland, he hav
ing been granted a leave of absence
of six month at that meeting at th
request of the National headquarters
of the Y. M. C. A. The date of Dr.
Doney's leavinc was made known on
ly yesterday. ;
As a formal farewell of the Salera
Ministerial asuociatton to Dr. Doney,
a luncheon attended by) thirty-one
men was given at the Marlon hotel
yesterday. Kach of; the gtiests siwke
briefly. Thojie present wre:
R. N. Avison. H. N.' Aldrich,. Carl
Gregg Doney, Carl. II. Elliott, T. II.
Ford. O. n.f Gingrich. EL S. Ham
mond. G. F. Holt, -Alexander HooT.
A. F. Laev, James LIMe, G. I. Lovell
Captain Jewle Millar. F. II. Neff.
F. T. Portfr, Sherwood. E. M.
Smith. Jacob Stocker. H. 3. Talbot.
J. S. Rhodes, J. W. Perkins, Bruce
Evans, State Secretary Kawden of
Oregon Anti-Saloon league, J. A.
Smouldering ' Fires of Parti
san Feeling Are Set
'Ablaze in Senate
Missourian Sharply Interrupt
ed; Chamber Noisy Dur
ing Debate
, WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 Smoul
dering fires of partisan feeling were
set ablaze in the senate today by
Senator Stone, veteran Democrat,
with a long prepared speech accus
ing Republicans of playing politics
in their criticism of the government's
conduct of the war and calling Theo
dore Roosevelt "the most seditious
man of consequence in America."
There had been plenty of advance
notice of the speech, which adminis
tration leaders sought vainly to in
duce the Missouri senator to aban
don -or postpone. The senate gal
leries were crowded, and Republican
spokesmen were waiting with replies.
There were many sharp interruptions
during the two hours Senator Stone
was speaking, and when he closed.
Senators Penrose, Lodge, New and
others on the Republican side an
swered with vigorous defense of
their right to make proper criticism
of inefficiencies and with counter
charges of partisanship.
Senators Lewis, Kirby ano other
Democrats Joined in the fray, which
lasted until the session ended to
night with adjournment until Tbursj
lay. It was suggested In the lobbied
that the two-day recess was arrang
ed In the hope t bat-both sides wqflld
cool off and permit the controversy
to be dropped. Many senators who
did not take the floor today were
busy with notes, however, ami doubt
is generally expressed thatanother
outbreak can be prevented, Senator
Johnson of California was, particu
larly busy with his pencil when Sen
ator Stone attacked Colonel ftoose
velt.: - 'V.-.. : f ' r
In spite of the vigorous language
used rv the debater, much of the
time d tiring today' battle the gal
leries and floor were In laughter.
Senator Pen rose'ssanies "wonld set
the chamber in .a titter, when the
discussion was taking its most seri
ous turns. Several times Vice Pres
ident Marshall" threatened to clear
the galleries and once actually or
dered It done, but Senator Jones'
point of order that most of the dis
order was among the senators them
selves prevailed, i
, Senator Stone delivered his at
tack In characteristically vehement
fashion. He strode the middle aisle,
shouting, menacing with clenched
fist or wagging finger, his political
opponents on the other side. 1
Democratic Control IiIike!.
Senator Penrose In his reply con
ceded his desire to oust the Demo
crats from control of the govern
ment, declaring a more efficient ad
ministration would thns be secured.
' Senator Itdare nf Manaachiiftetf
I spoke more seriously. He deplored
Injection of politics into the war, de
fended Colonel Roosevelt, declaring
that the Republicans have gven and
will continue to give their support to
fhe administration toward winning
the war. but will continue criticisms
of mistakes and inefficiency.
Bennett, Silverton; J. O. Hall. J. T.
Matthews. Prof. Gustav Ebsen. F.
Von Eschen. Prof. W. E. Kirk, Dean
George H. Alden, Hon. Frank Jack
son, -Seattle.
A general farewell to President
Doney was given "at the First Meth
odist church Sunday night when thin
service was combined with the un
veiling of a tablet containing .the
names off men from the church who
have enlisted In the country's ser
vice, and the unfurling of a service
flag of seventy-two stars. p
Dr. IU N. Avison presided at tV
service. The speakers were:
Dr. George F. Holt, pastor of the
Baptist church, representingthe Sa
lem MinisteriaPassoelation; 1 Dr. T.
R, Ford, district superintendent of
the First Methodist churchj ( repre
senting the Oregon conference; Wal
ter A. Denton, representing the Sa
lem Commercial club; W. A.l Staley,
president of the Salem Young Men's
Christian association, (representing
that institution; Governor James
WIthycombe; Dr. B. L. Steeves, rep
resenting the board of trustees of
Willamette ublversity; Dr. J. O
Hall, representing the faculty of the
university; Harry Powers, president
of the Associated Student body cf
Willamette -university, representing
the students. .. President Doney, re
snonded. !
President Doney expects to be
joined at New York by a number of
other men going to France on simi
lar missions.
President Yfilson Terms
. Chamberlain's Criticism of
War Work of Government
"Absolutely Unjustifibh
V Distortion of Truth"
Congressional Investigaticks
Denounced; War Council
Firmly Opposed; Fight to
Finish Is Promised
doubts as to President Wilson's view
of proposals In congress for reorgan
ization of the - government's war
making machinery was swept away
tqnigbt by a statement in which the
president rsaid the war department
iiad accomplished 'a task of unpar
alleled magnitude and difficulty
with extraordinary promptness and
efficiency, denounced the congres
sional war Investigations and declar
ed that reorganization by legislation
was proposed after effective meas
ures of reorganization had been per
fected. . "-' .
The president's statement was
Issued as a result of a speech In New
York Saturday by Senator Chamber
lain, chairman of the - senate mllJ
tary committee, aid after he -bad-asked
the senator On the telephone
whether he had been carrectly quot
ed. Senator iChamberlaln's "refer
ence to "inaction and Ineffective
ness of the government, the presi
dent flatly ' called an "astonishing
and absolutely unjustifiable distor
tion of the truth." He said he re
garded Secretary Baker as one of the
ablest public officials be had ever
met. 5 . , i
Fight to Continue.
In the statement most observers
at the capltol say the ccllapse of
what promised - to be a historical
struggle. Senator Chamberlain,
whose committee Sits - framed b
to create a war council all powerful
under the president, ana to provide
-one-mal control of munitions and
supplies declared he wouldcontinue
to fight in spite of presidential op
position. It was rather generally
conceded, however, that two meas
ures wonld have bnt little chance In,
the senate and probably none at all
In the house, ,
: Senator Chamberlain made a state
ment In 'reply to the president, say
Ing be spoke extemporaneously In
New York and that his criticisms
were directed at the war department
only and not at other branches of
the government. .
War Council Oppoed.
Early today word that tie presi
dent opposed the war council plan
was conveyed to the capltol, with the
assurances that the legislation would
he fought to a finish. Among others
Representative Dent, chairman of
the house military committee, and
Representative Kahn, ranking Re
publican member, were callers at
the white house and learned of the
president's attitude.
President Wilson's statement fol
lows "When the president's attention
was called to the speech made by
Senator Chamberlain at a luncheon
in New York on Saturday, he Im
mediately inquired of Senator Cham
berlain whether he had been correctly-reported,
and upon ascertaining-from
the senator that he had
been, the president felt It is duty to
make the following statement:
Distortion of Truth Charged.
. " 'Senator Chamberlain's states
ment as to the present Inaction and
Ineffectiveness of the government Is
an astounding and absolutely unjust
ifiable distortion of the truth. As a
matter of fact, the 'war department
has performed a task of unparalleled
marnitnde and difficulty with extra
ordinary promptness and efficiency.
There have been delays and disap
pointments and partial miscarriages
of plans, alt of which have been
drawn Into the foreground and exag
gerated by the investigations which
have been In. progress since the con
gress assembled investigations
which drew indispensable officials of
the department constantly - away
from their work and officers from
their rommands and contributed a
great deal to such delay and confu
sion as had Inevitably arisen. But
by comparison with what has been
accomplished these things much ss
they were to he regretted were In
significant, and no mistake has been
made which has been repeated.
"Nothing helpful or likely to P
V ... Tcniiauea "si" Viz 5 ).