The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Oregon statesman
lasued ItMtlv Ki-fpi Monday by
216 8. Commercial St., Saltru, Oregon.
The Associated Press is delusively entitled to the ue for republication of
all nwi dispatches credited o It. or not other If credited In this paper
and also the loca nes published heitin.
It. J. Hendricks . . . .
Stephen A. Stone...,
Ralph Glorer ......
W. C. Squler ... . ...
Prank Jaskoskl . . . . .
. . Manager
. . . . Managing Editor
. Adrertlsing Manager
. . Manager Job Dept.
DAlCT STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
week, 60 cents a month, i . , -
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, 16 a year; $3 for six months; 60 cents a
month. For three months-; or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 -a year.
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 ctnts for six months; 76 cents for
three months.
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
Fridays, 1 a year; SO cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
- Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 5 S3.
Job Department, 683.
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
It will le well, for every Joval American citizen to read an ar
tide in the Saturday ''Evening Post under date of January 12th,
entitled "i-HVAT THE SPV.Vf Particularly would we recommend
this article to the Pomona O'range; of Marion county, the mem hern
of which were hoodwinked into the adoption of a set of resolutions
wejt calculated to promote dissension and to create distrust of
it aW. and government official ami disrupt the - government pro
gram to Increase, our fcupplyof foodstuffs. We would like to in
quire what the author of these resolutions has done to promote the
war program of the nation which entitles him to sit as critic of the
Ktat and government "officials who are activelv eooDeratine with
the nation in carrying on the war. "We do not have reference to
thl memhers.of the -Grange rw ho were incited to this action, but to
the author of . the "undignified, sarcastic, insidious, vitriolic con
coctionr of pleeninfested venom, which, sugar-coated with insidu
ous insinuations of injustice and misrepresentation, the Grange mem
hers"W?ndly swallowed. J -
With . reference, to such propaganda, David Lawrence in his
article above referred to, saysj
"Germany's avowed purpose with respect to the
United States is to product serious divisions of opin-
'ion. The German General Staff from the Mart has "
reargued 6f its numerous! enemies:" "Those whom we
cannot destroy we slmlli divide.' History alone) will v
tell how great a part paid agents of Germany had in
' a. . . producing the chaos now regnant in Russia.' Italy
was almost subverted, but was saved in time. Efforts
to detach France and constant pleadings with Japan
: . . are open secrets. : Iloth nations have loyally ravealed
3 the manner of that intrigue."
It is true We inay be; and often are our own worst enemict
through our ignorance oftfie resultg of our' actions, but it behoove:
every loyal American citue'n to' carefully weigh his action in thesi
daj of world war, for this, the article points out in referring tc
th efforts of the enemy prior to the declaration of war: '
"u ''Similar principles "of, policy underlie Germany's ;''.'"
acuvuy ioaay, mu tne methods are more ruthless, more :
deliberate and more cunningly contrived than before to
paralyze the military and; naval arms of the United
States and to divide the mass of the American people
into conflicting factions which by their strife and, con
troversy should retard the progress of the War machine
and delay aid to the Allies, while Germany batters
away at the free nations; which; failed to amass muni
tions during unsuspecting years of sincere and peace
ful intention." v. 5 ft r ; . , .
The agency through which the. government' is now working
to increase its supply of foodstuffs is the experiment stations or
ganizations throughout the United States and it is endeavoring tc
carry . this organization to every eounty through the establishment
of onty, agents. The responsibility for the defeat of the proposi
t ion to establish an agricultural agent in Marion county may hi
t raced to the same source as the resolutions adopted by the local
irfanco. .'3 ' - -1 -. -.- " ""- ;" ."" ' : ' '.
ten million ways be one of tb'
greatest everf-and anyone who don't
l.uf k him up in LI hattb- against old
Kui.-er S si II Ih a tneakint;. contempt
ble roward or traitor of the worst
sort." Here ia neilher he far of
emfiefora nor conventional respeei
for "the Cloth." Those who admire
Wily Sunday will be pleased over
the breezy way in which be break
into the national capital even though
old-fashioned Christians may shn.i- j
der anew.
Medals 'for notable service to
i mankind" were awarded by the Na
tional Institute of Social Science at
It fifth annual meeting at the Ho
tel Aetor last Friday, the isth. to
Herbert C. Hoover. Food Adminis
trator, Henry P. Davison, chairman
of the Red Cross Council, and Dr.
William J. Mayo, the widely known
Minnesota surgeon.
These are - the . first awards of
what is to be known as the Liberty
Service Medal, and which is to he
bestowed on those persons wlio have
performed notable services of a pa
triotic nature, such as work for the
Red Cross, the establishment of hos
pital service or ambulance units,
work for the Y. M. C.A., and other
patriotic work outRide. of the army
and navy. j
, .The time has eomejvheii there are b'ut two elasseiTin America
Americans, and enemies Those who are not for us are against" us
and, while this is no time' for, hysteria on' questions f national
importance, or a time when the patriotism and loyalty of any meL
should le lightly questioned, yet those who are against us should
be4 singled out and those ; who 'are inclined through : ignorance oi
otherwise to disrupt our legitimate organizations should be cau
tioned and restrained, for. to quote MriJawrenee:
: ' "Now, the battle goes further to the heart of '
; America's strength, the democracy that pulses in the
veins of the Republic. 'If poison can be infused into
the blood of America,' reasons the German tactician,
1 'her institutions will weaken, her hand will falter, her '
; mind will grow sluggish and her counsels disordered.'
Jlrains resident in ilerlin may set forth the nrimmo.
but brains resident in America, familiar with our ways'
- i
acquainted with our strong points and our weaknesses,
must execute that purpose, , We are fighting not merelv
'enemies without but enemies within."
' Revt Wily Sunday Is passing out
cooipllmenU in Washington with a
literal hand. Just bow far this s
a part of his trade It might not te
profitable to discuss, but It avail
mach. The evengelist has made a
big bid for the favor of the lawmak
ers, and one consequence may ie an
! invitation te sfieak before the twj
finest type of men in America. The
preacher knows the secretary of war
and the aeretary of , the navy and
approves of them. They're a couple
of real birds "Baker and Daniel
Both are God-fearing, real-red-blooded
Americans wire are on the job
and looking after the morals and
spiritual welfare of the millions un
bodies of fongwiti in joint session!. der them, in a way that ! a rnn..
the aUtementhlch pleased senptj. j to those who know what they are
doing. When it comes la the ha4
or and representatives is that "Cor.-
gaess'ls new rid of the grafters and
botlickers And Is composed of the
of the nation Rev. Mr. Sunday de
clare " I am for President Wilson
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
A Government income tax officer will be at the Court
nowe from January 2 unta Jannaxy 30, 1918, and will, to
ail those who vh it, explain the new income tax law. and
will tvjvhn the accessary income tax blanks. ' . T
. the persona having an income of $1000.00 or over
and vU married persons having an income of $2000.00 or over
will be required to make a report ' ' v . . .
That ; government ownership! of
railroads will ensue after the war
is one cf the bromides of the day.
It is on f every Hp. We venture the
prediction that when the war is over
the reaction of public sentiment
against government ownership will
be tremendous. If this war has dem
onstrated any one thing better than
another It is that rrlvate ownership
and management of the railroad
has been responsible for transporta
tion efficiency and progress. The
public will awaken to the big fact
and our county will enjoy another
splendid era of industrial and com
mercial "growth based on the re
sourceful private enterprise of Its
capable citizens. As an alternative
government ownership of the arter
ies of transportation will seem in
tolerable, Oregon Voter.
..The Voter is in-receipt of numer
ous communications impugning; the
jood faith of President Kerr of the
Oregon .Agricultural College. It it
apparent that there la a wide-spread
ampaign to besmirch his character.
3uch a campaign was conducted 'once
Vfore. President Kerr apparently
tas 'entire confidence in his own in
egrity,' and those who know aim
well feel the same complete conf :
lene'e. Oregon is fortunate In bel.?
able to retain the services of a mar
tt such' high honor and demonstrat
ed ability as head of its great agri
cultural college. : The slanderous at
acks beihg made upon him are no
nch that deserve notice or reply
To all who are unprejudiced we sug
gest that they Judge President Kerr
iy his good works and trust to that
complete , vindication of his motives
hat ialxund to come when all the
'acts are made public. Truth will
tut. Oregon Voter.
bidding the employment of any man
that drank. Other mfloyers. t.
dls-ovred that nn wn drank evn
in iiiudeialiyn. tw ;aoi .w lep?nt
able at the W-eluialer,. and tiie new
refim of abslineiK-e was nsliered in.
Then, after long argument and
citations of texts, it has been pretty
well established by .medical telene?
that while the body does need and
crave alcohol, the body Is neverlhe
lesn thoroughly competent to manu
facture its own brand, and resents
"bonded goods." The proper diet
will do much to cure the craving for
alcohol by giving the body the in
gredients for Its own distillery. Fo
with church, industry, medical sci
ence, and now the lawmakers, align
ed against it. King Booze Is about
due for his "swan song."
Herbert Hoover might do worse
than send the people of the t'nited
States to the master poet for appro
priate maxims concerning food econ
omy. For Shakespeare's plays are
full of ' wise saws for the present
times." take this excellent resolu
tion from "As You Like It:"
"We will nothing waste,"
Or this advice Trom "Hamlet:" .
From this time
lie somewhat scanter."
And the indivllu'ad appeal from
"Romeo and Juliet: '
"And stint thou, too, I pray
From "Henry V" we may learn
that "The English ar shrewdly oat
of beef." and from "As You Like It"
that "It Is a spare life, look you."
: And for the F044 Ha Thre is
plenty of appropriate censure. As
this from "Antony and Cleopatra:"
" TIs not a time
For private stomaching."
And should he persist In his sur
feits and refuse to "forbear and eat
no more." then In the lines of Henry
"Let him be damned like a glutton."
"I direct that my lifeless body be
:remated and the ashes go to nour
sh a tree near my home," was the
tnique bequest found in the will of
1 Los Angeles woman. '
What more befitting disposal
could she have made of the sub
tance which the Almighty lent her
for the clothing of her spirit while
m earth "To what beautiful use
may we return!" One is reminded
"l hat sentence in "Peter, Ibbet
en:" "Let us so conduct our Hvei
hat the very memory of ns shall
rniell sweet and blossom In the
dost." Los Angeles Times.
In the combined stress of the boll,
day season and the rapid develop
ment on the Italian front and the
western front, few people became
iware, that, on December 17, eon
irea's passed an amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the HqKor
traffic throughout the United States.
This means that the amendment
must go before the legislatures of
the-several states and that three
'ourths of them must act favorably
"Wore the provision becomes a law,
few years ago there were but three
"dry" states.; and these aabject to
continual f ridicule; but now there
are twenty-seven. - Thirty-sT states
however, mus consent to the a menu
uent before it may be incorporated'
in the constitution.
There is no question t ut that ultl
tlmately and "altimatcly" does not
mean very long in this case nro-
hibitlon will be nation-wide. Times
have changed, indeed? It was not
moral suasion so much as industrial
ism that has wrought, the change. A
hundred years ago almost every ou
was a tippler. Rut4 with the rise
of industries requiring the create!
reliability ond precision on the oarti
of employes, alcohol received Its flrt
nara jou. v The railroads did much
for the canse of prohibition In for-
(Pendleton Tribune!
When David 11. 8nyer is nol writing
tniurtnc -policies lor the rvtson Ule
i.e l ena-aared In writlnK jinirlea that
please hi fancy. We beld him up on
tne tmt the other day and took thia
one away from him. 'Jt la follows:
(by David 11. Hnyder.l
The devil he nat in his kingdom of hell,
, And mournfully thought of hi
ile felt that hi work, was not moving
well . .
In . the way f ,oul , inuroer and
hate, .. ....,:;
lie must call to his counsel his cruellst
, clan. .
And demand aome new schemes to
bea-uilf. :
The innocent mortals who are trying to
span i t
The arulf 'twlx the pure and the
On earth Is a demon who labors so
At planning all peoples to fool
1 feel 1 am toeing my arrip upou hell.
And should have kaiaer Bill start a
school. "
'My infantile tortures are certain I nil.
I'm a child In my knowledge of
When compared with the murders of
von kalner Bill.
Whosclalma that hi rule ia divine."
So the devil he cranked up his auto
of fire.
And. hied himeslf up to Berlin;
And said he'd resisrn It the kser
they'd hire.
To rule in hia kingdom of ain.
But hia imps flashed a wireless "We
We demand your return to your
The kainer'a not fit to rule over bell.
And wu'd rather he'd leave u
alone. f
So the devil returned to his realm af
And was welcomed with Joy and
He found hia vile kingdom exceedingly
fair. -Since
hit- trip to the kaJscr'a do
ma, . In. : I
"Nothing Is deadlier than a ma
chine gun." New York -World.
Nothing, except the lack or a ma
chine gun. Philadelphia North
American. . . .
r -
Was Erentually Cured by
Lydla E. Pinkham'e Vege
table Compound.
Philadelphia, Pa." I snfTered for
seven long years with a lame back.
irreguianuea ana
pain. I had one
physician after an
other bat they did
tne no good. I read
a boot Lydla E.
Ifnkham's Vege
table Com poond and
gave it a trial and- in
a short time I felt
benefited and am
now feeling flue,
and without weak
ness or pain. Many
of my friends have
also takerr Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound
and been herned bv
1L"-Mrs. Margaret Ness. 1&46 E.
llazzard St., Philadelphia., Pa.
Women who suffer from displace
ments, irregularities, inflammation,
ulceration, backache, skieache, head
aches or " the blues" should not rest
until they have given this famous root
and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, a trial. If
complications exist, write Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. , Lynn, alasa.. for
Special sufrsrestiona. The result of its
long experience is at your service.
The largest itock of Rugs and Art Squares in the city to select
from. Our stock includes:
Ilirati Wittons, 0x12
Kaslitrar Wit tons, 9x12. ........ . .
Shnw Alibar Wittons, 9x12. . . .
Imerial Saronk AVittonH, 9x12. , . . . .
(ihorevau Wiltons, 9x12. ... . . . . .
Concord Itmly Ilnissels, 9x12. . .... . .
Heverly JJody Bmssels, 9x12.' .
Ettrick lioly. Hmsscls, 9x12. ... .
Iltirtfortl Hnssorali Axminstcrs, 9x12.
Smith Saxony Axminslers, 9x12. . . . .
'arlton AxmiiiMter (Seamless), 9x1
Smith Alpine Axminster, 9x12. , . . .
Iloyal Ax'min.sters, 9x12. . .... ...
Empire Brussels (Seamless), 9x12...
Saranac Hrusscls (Seamless), 9x12...
Hudson Is (Seamless), 9x12...
Samoset Wool and Fibre, 9x12.
Nippon 'Wool and Fibre, 9x12. ... . .
1'iiion Art Squares, 9x12. .... . ......
. . .
" a-
t -
V" '"
' 97.00
'. 45.00
1 45.00
35.00 '
Costs of other sizes in proportion. Still a few damaged, soiled and
wrinkled rugs left at 25 per ctntoff? V
E. L. STIFF & SON, 404-448 ConrtSt.
. Looked like spring- yesterday.
And Salefn streets looked lively.
The Bolshevikl are on the skldv
' "b
They were outvoted In the con
stituent assembly.
. W '
It wa 244 to 15.
Now, what do you think of that?
The nentralnatlons showed what
they think, by marking down the
German mark. -
nut the aml-Holsheviki crowd also
wants a "democratic peace." .
So the German propagandists are
caught between the devil, and the
deep blue aea.
And. hell may be to pay in Russia
Internally, and no pitch hot.
'No wonder the Germans have not
been ready to declare their war aims,
or their peace alms. They don't know
themselves. I
They begin to wi&h to goodness
they did.
The Italians are bearing the brunt
of tbe fighting on the western front,
and carrying off tbe job very well,
too, for Italians, or any one else.
v v
Local stamp collectors are adding
thrift stamps to their stock. They
are handsome, and the government
needs the money.
a V
It is now claimed that when an
ostrich is pursued he does not hide
his head in the sand at all. bat be
hind a bush. Another dream shat
tered. S -
Wonder what honest old Abe Lin
coln wonld say if he knew that two
continents were quarreling over the
quality of ugliness in a certain statue
of him. .
Tn a London exhibition they are
advertising a "lifelike model of M.
Kerensky," but there is ho sure thing
that it Is not. Kerensky himself. He
has been a wax figure for some time.
Quartermaster Is Hauled Over
Coals. Head-line. Doubtless this
would be considered by some of the
underclothed 'soldiers to be in the
nature of an award. Philadelphia
North American.
Bolshevikl deserve German peace
terms, but ibey sem rough on Rus
sia. Wall Street Journal.
Perhaps the shortcomings of the
Ordnance Department might be ex
plained on the theory that the offi
cers in charge thought it was to be
a fist-fight. Macon Telegraph.
Plebiscite .vote on Independence
safe concession with the Kaiser do
ing tbe count in Wall Street Joux
naL ':,i .': ,'. - -
v i ' V V.:-.-:v v- : ;;"
' 'According to General Maurice, of
the British army. Bethlehem. Pa.,
was in a large measure responsible
for the capture of Bethlehem, Pal.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,.
- What we must do is to getisome
of the pep with whK h we investigate
into our fighting. St. - Louis Post
Dispatch. Just what everybody said was im
possible is happening in .Russia
Isn't this a rummy old world?
as a KHfllble aspirant for th offic?.
having said that he la considerjn
pressure that is Wing brought upon
hi in by friends. -
L. J. ADAMS of Silverton. RepuV
flican candidate for the nomination
for county Judge, was in Salem yes
terday sizing - up the ' political situa
tion. Mr. Adams says not much pol
itics is being talked at Silvertdi at
this early stage of the game. ,
II. P. RICE of Myrtle Creek: has
announced himself as a candidate for
the Republican nomination for coun
W. II. GOULT2T. county commis
sioner, is being talked of tn some
quarters as a candidate for county
judge. Mr. Go u let himself is non
committal on the question. Frank
Wrightman of Salem and L. J. Ad
ams of Silverton already have an
nounced tbelr candidacy. ..
is rumored, may become a candidate
for county commissioner to succeed
W. It. Goulet. James Keller of Don
ald has leen mentioned in tbe press
J. D. IRVINE, who has served
Linn eo.urtty as commissioner durinz
theHast term, has announced that
he M a .candidate for re-election.
A. S. BENNETT, of The Dalles Is-
being urged by bis Democratic
friends agaiato become a candidate
for-governor.; He has not yet an
nounced h'a intentions.
ELBERT BEDE. Cottage Grove
editor, la persistently spoken of as a
Republican candidate for state sena
tor from Lane conntr.
Gfm tntr mwtm. Tar m ttm wrtrm. Pkw
moot mod OMlta. in tar yaana- clitrk. Ma
Hilar fmlm. SOcaadtuc. AtiMlan.
W. A,
WMIf 2Sl-2t State St.
January ?.'. Friday, fjfhnt srhool
funlor Ht-d t'ri auxiliary carnival.
January I".. Krltlay. Triangular
trt by Salr-m. Ifubbard and Katacsda
tiich iwhMla.
February . FrMay. -tUty firnui in
nivrary to be rei-brald In Halrm.
February II to 1". Father and Son
-k in tlres-on.
Feburary i Z.r Tueaday IJner,n Any.
February 16. Halurday. Celebration
ftf fiftieth anniversary of; founding of
H. F. O. K. ' , ,
February IR; 3a turl ay. Mental rx
Kmitiatinn to eounrftteled- at Ktlon
rlt for candidates (nr npfkointmrnt in
l'n'1l State naval ncademvj
February tf; to 1. Farm crop and
Isfw-r survey. , i j
February ?? ! t 7 l--.Vetern Drejron
eonventrn of Ohrlntlan Hndeavor ma
ritjr, Eutrene.
'Neotw every ounce ht fool stuff available. It is your
plant every, inch of land to foo product k.
ufy to
Clear that land with Trojan Powder
Tli In-Kt prodiicinff land you In ve i. growir up in JiriiHh nnd
MumpM. Th ground is in the proper condition for Masting,
uk explain what Trojan Powder willl do.
We just 'received a carload of Tp-ojan Powder and can supply
you. " You can obtain permit t the eourt Iiouhc
Trojan -Powder Is
Safe to Handle
Hauser B
deafer or from us;
.. j aiaaaia aaaty
aaea. a ipHaa aftacaj.
- Mua Dm.
a4 .laa1a, mmtkmi tm a
Ivery reader of this.
M A SX aW m SSiavK aa..aaA