THE ORECOX STATESMAN: frUXnATi 'JANUARY, 20, 1018 la ss 5 15 til EM Qi (T fl" rf fl" Wanta and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Vt VLj? II VSj) U y Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them 1 Xr ftnY Sell arid Exchange "all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS WENT CLOTHIXO. SHOES, BICY- CL.ES, TOOLS. ETC. i CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phono 7 Court at. " SOBWICH TJilON i FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETT j V. 11. liurghardt, Jr., Resident Agent 383 State St. Money to Loan T IXTROVED FARM AND CITT PROPERTY AT LOWKIT RATES THOS. K. FORD xtLi2m. - UONIIY TO LOAN I HAVE MADE unoiemenU for loaning- eastern mosey; will make very low rate ot KtereVt on highly improved farma. Homer H. Smith. Boom 6. McCormack "m Salem. Or. Phone 80. CLAJSD7IED ADTERTIIBXEXTI , Rate Per WrJ first Insertion 1 Subsequent Insertions , One week (six insertions) ... . So One month Jo Six months' contract per mo. So IS months' contract, per mo... 7c No account opened for leas than Z& A seat card-given free -with an advertisement to the extent of Roc announcing "For Sale - "For Beat." "Rooms" or "Board." i ; r 5EW TOPAT : ; w ; - - i ment will be run under "New Today" for flrat Insertion, unless otherwise, ordered by i the adver- ubaequent Inaertion of the ad will appear under it proper Classification- . No sdvertlsment wUl be run X ae iaaue under any circumstance .it NEW TODAY j rOR KENT MODERN FIVE ROOM bungalow, with sleeping porch and i garage $25. 1155 State street. ; fMONKT TO LOAN FOR CLIENTS ON j any food real or chattle eecurity. f 404 Hubbard building. , - WE HAVE At CLIENT WHO WANTS about 190 acrea of land with first class improvement near Salem and must be on rood rock. road, bus the v caste to buy with. If you have any thing that anawers this, description call Perrine Sc. Marsters. 402 Hub ' t"Lf1 Bldg- : !- j . WASTED HOUSEKEEPER BY batcbeJor no objection to email child. Addreaa "H 27" .care Statesman. WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED. 404 . Hubbard building.-- phone '254 or 62S. FOR BALE '1 POLAND CHINA BOAR, registered. . ' Kulif son mile North County Farm.: Phone 4F. i SUITE OF ROOMS. NEATLY FURN iihed. for housekeeping-. All modern conveniences. - Phone 1060-M. ' 655 Marion street. ; I TO LOAN FOR . TWO OR THREE years $500, $100 or $1500 on iin prbved property. - Phone ' 1060-M. (siMarion street. CALL AT 404 HUBBARD BUILDING if you have property for sale or trade. - I have several people who want to purchase farms if the price is reasonable. 1 have a farm of SO acres (or sale. Wilt take Salem or Portland property for first- payment. No money required. 404 Hubbard building;. . FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE-keepiag- rooms, light and aJry. good location. Phone 782-W. 195 corner Saginaw and Washing-ton. ' . ' FOR RENT SIX ROOM FURNISHED house cheap to party with no small children. Piano. Phone 712-W. s UIRL WANTS POSITION AS DRIVER for guto.ieHvery. ' Address H :rr cars Statesman office. ' I f I'RT FIR WOOD FOR SALE. PHONE - 2541-or 422 after "office ruMirs. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR COW. good 2 .speed motorcycle. Phone 100F21. , .-vr r : WANTED 20 : LOGANBERRY TRAIN ers. Monday morniaa;. Bring- leather gloves. Don't phone. B. Cunning ham. - i FOR RENT AN EIGHT ROOM HOUSE with garage. . Has gas range and can furnish some furniture. Desirable, Located three blocks from State House. Phone 144 S-M. s TEAM, HARNESS AND WAON FOR sale orlwiH exchange for cattle or bogs. Phone 251 or $22. s FOR 'RENT MODERN SEVEN KOOM house with fire place and- grarage. 17 Chemeketa street or phone 11CS. FOR ; RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE live rooms and bath all modern con niences, on car line, six minutes ride to post office. Address "H 25" y Statesman, or. phone 73S, FO R SA LE $ 175.," A B. HASE UP- right piano, mahogany case, like new. for $225. phone 979. ' EVEN THE CHILDREN HAVE learned to- point out our . shop , for hair cutting, hair bobbins;, etc i In grey's Barber Shop. 311 State street. FOR SALE EIGHT HENS AND ONE rooster, all thorough bred Huff Orp ingtons. ( pullets and i young hens.) Phone 1231 M evenings, j WANTED A HOUSEMAID, STATE Pcfaool for Deaf. I'hone 4. ; IMPROVED AN UNI MI-ROVED COUN try property for sale for reasonable price or will tak city property for first payment-and pwe ions; time on remainder. 401 Hubbard building. WANTED ABOUT 10 ACHES WITHIN 2 miles, on a main rood road. ' Soil must be A N... 1 and n abundant supply of BWMi wj Water and a plant. Want a good one story mod ern house, n. lamily orchard (don't - eare f or mre) will pay .all cash, and all It is worth, if suited. If you have the-above, approximately near, see at once or write .r phone The Fleming- Realty c.. 311 State street. iThe customer Is waitmg and ready.! FOR SALE IU PROVED 5Mi ACHE farm, 0 arres under cultivation. .. al a nee timb.-r and pnsture. fine sprina. F.od buildings. tflUtock and equip ment goes, kooI rod. price $150 per acre. L0 a-re farm all under culti vation, home ami barn 7 miles rom ffalem. tt t i - n n .1 house, bath, toilet, electrict tights. - "- Pflce $750. & acre t-herry or enard. 4 miles out. price $800. Good Lloom mrKi,r" cottage in South Sa- ''m' Kood location, price $1130. 5 f V k . a,i titivated. 3 room plastered - V V1". barn. well, macadam road. V? vm,Le" out Pr' $100. W. H. Crabenhorst A Co 275 State s Use U EMPLOYMENT FEMALE wanted -Mi-KTKXT 1;aivco6k. Home Restaurant. 223 North com mercial street. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP. - er by woman with two children. Ad dress H 24 " Statesman. FIVE BRIGHT CAPABLE LADIES TO travel demonstrate and sell dealers. t to $150 per jtionth. Railroad fare P'"a- 'ioodrlcl Drun Company. Dept. 7 02. 'Oman a,-Nebraska. MA LB WOODCUTTE KS WANTED DRY wood for sale. Phone 254r 822. WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO CUT from 500 to 1000 cords food timber. House to live in. Call 930 or 1S9 Larmer Transfer. WANTED BRIGHT TOUNO MAN from 17 to 18 years did to learn Printing; trade, day, work. Apply Statesmen Job Dept., upstairs. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE FOUR COWS FRESH-AND coming; fresh Durham and Jerseys. Call 554 Ferry atreet or phone 483. OR SALE ONE BAY MARE. EIGHT years old. low hlockr chunk. Ren tie . and true. Price 85. One bay horse. 7 years old, weight 1300, sound, gentle nd ruv price $135. One roan horse. 8 years Aid. a-entie. sin -tie and ; double, price $40. One pair 3-year-old pack mules and pack-saddles complete Keldines, welg-ht 3200 sound, arentle MISCELLAHEOUS WANTED TO BUY OR EXCHANGE rabbits. Phone S85-M mornings. . FRESH OOAT MEAT EVERYDAY. ' . Phone 8. s $200 CASH WILL BUY GOOD JIOAD ster in rood running; orders worth $300. Owner going to enlist. Phone 594-M. SMALL POTATOES SUITABLE FOR feed fifty cents per sack at ware house. Phone 717 or 852.. M&igi Bros. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subaription. .Mention thia ad. CAPTIVITY OF TUB OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacra of the Oatman family, ef the escape of Lorenro, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indiana - five years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Temchera Monthly, Sa lem. (Irrnn POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET TUB BEST poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. ' RBAli ETATR ATJOOTr TBUY 25x$ FEET ON BAST side Commercial street. ne door north of State atreet. Salem, togeth- er with perpetual right of way over the 14x50 4 feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Seott Bosorth. 701-8 Spauldlng RMr.. Portland. Orwron. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES LOCATED" ! mile west of Wapato station. Yamhill county. 1$ acres hops. 700 bearing fruit trees, 22 acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H. Egan. Gervala. route 2, phone SF11. HOUSES FOR RENT CHEAP. ROOM COM pletely furnished house. 1023 North Seventeenth on car line. FOR RENT $6; PARTLY MODERN five-room cottage, ivm oaginaw. Call at 1042 Saginaw, or Statesman business office. Phone 23. . FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW on block from pavea sireev South Salem. $10 per month. EL A. Rboten $49 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. FOR RENT ONE SEVEN ' ROOM bouse, pavea street. ew , $15. One six room house- no ga rage $7. . Call 1190 South I Liberty street. v v 5 ' FOR 11E.VT TUB FOLIOWING 910 Ki ve-room modern cottage at 1$7 South Church street. . $12.50 Six-room modern house on paved street at 1920 South High Si. Call at Statesman business office or phone 6$3. ' ' ROOMS FOR RENT X ROOM SUITE, NICELY furnished for housekeeping. $33 Ferry street: FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM wiin use w M Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE KOOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences. in side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1239. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable. S5 North Commercial. 'LOST end FOUND LOST l7TEYK GLASSES. PHONE 100F2T. VOVTSO FOUND BUNCH OF FOUR KEYS IN leather key case. Inquire ; States man office. f MISCELLANEOUS HI SI ESS OPPOItTl. 1TIES FOlTlravVEH-Lvj FOB Califdrnia. Will sell 20 room spart ment house on-block-from -JVurl House. loixl Income. Phwne 121-lt. exchange to" kxcha kg eS: w sewing ma- ; chine and delivery wagon -for farm machinery. Address "II 22" care Hts teams h offiee. ' "MQlETTO LOAH. HAVE" CLIENTS WITlT MONEY TO loan on; ny good real or chattel security. IPt Hubbard buildings. PEHtOIf AU YOUNG W I DOW . BEST CHARACTER and disposition, worth $S5,o0. want kind, home-lovlpg - husband. Box 68 4C LOS Angeies, tam. MARRY IF IONELY-. FOR 'RESULTS. -w ma - !.. and mn.t sticcessrul "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years experience; de scriptions free. "The Successful iun. Mrs. I'uraie. ijox i; ta. land Calif. - . . pi:iioxai. vounu maidk.v 2, worth 150.000. lonely. Anxious to marry honorable Kentleuuta. K. Warn, 221Ci Temple street. 1 m Angeles. Osi. ARE YOU LOMKIjVT FOR SPEEDY marriage try my club; beat, largest in "country: established. 12 years; thousnnds wishing early marriage: all dealings confidential; descrip tions free. The Old Reliable Club; Mrs. Wrubel, 732 Madison Oakland, California. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED HORSES, HARNESS, WAO ona. Will buy all grades, young, old. thin or fat ones. S. Olson, Club Stables. Phone 7. WANTED 4 OF 5 GOOD CHEAP MILK cows cominK fresh. Phone 73F14. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom, States man. HORSES WANTED WE BUT AND sell, all kinds of work horses. If you have any for sale call on us. Clearwater Bros.. Salem Horse Ex change. 554 Ferry St. Phones 1021 or 43. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY TIRES HRPAIRF.D VULCANIZING BRACKETT & GRAY TUBES VUL canized. 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 279 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 363. 12$ South Commercial atreet. AUTO SERVICE fcHIPP"S AUTO SERVICES-CITY AND country trips. Phone V'Day, 963; night 3S. - STORAGE BATTERIES BELMONT SERVICE STATION STOR age battery repairing, recharging and auto electric accessories. Cor ner State and Fronts Sts. Phone 707. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER, DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone S04. . MUSIC TEACHER R. HAER, TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1S8S. - LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 524C, meets every Thursday evening- at 8 o'clock J In Derby building-, corner Court and r High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. , Wright, clrek. BROTHERHOOD OK YOEMAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN . ins; in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at 8 o'clock. All visiting members wel come.. . Horace . fc kes. Foreman. W. H . Pru n k. Correspondent. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER. ed any place, city or country. Phone 4 or TOUT-R. W. W Fl er. "CIIROPRACTIO CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, SOS-S-7 Hubbard Bldg. phone 627. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE OF P. S. C. Cbiropracties fountain bead. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rect! the cause of disease. Office 40C-7-8, U. a N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence 828-R. CHINESE PHTSiaAX. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 288. 'DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING GOWNS REMODEL- eo. azs noria vapnoi auww mwuw 1471. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES ELKCTK1C FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. House wiring ana motor repair work, electrict fixtures and supplies. Prompt service. 220 North Liberty street. Phone 283. E. K. Dentson. "DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largeat and beat equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouaes in connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, ahipplng and storing- our specialty. Office 11 South Commer cial street. "bRir CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. B. watanane. t-rop . ommr- etat BV. lauer . nits cleaned and pressed. $1 and $1.50. Work called for and delivered free. Tel. Main "JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for junit ok every sisu. Mt. make you a price on your household c-oods. The "Square Deal" House Cspital Junk Co., $71 ChemskeU Street. Phone $9$. srrrLL VALUE PAID FOR ; SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for junk and hides. The- People's Junk and Secondhand Store, S71 No. Commercial. Phone 734. HAIR REMOVED CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN SUC eeaaf uL Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 228 Hubbard Bldg-. "LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash Be per pound. 1$$ South Lib erty St Phone 25. " .jnuct txrcvr WARft I Ji rtTJD RT REO- riVsUAV ww ' - alar washing dene at a rate every body can arrora. r or oniy iuh-iit cents we will collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty four hours. Phone $471. a OSTEOPATHY rvt' W I. ukrhKII. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Kirks- vUle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic , disease. Office 404-405 V. B. Na tional Bank Bidr- i-none ri. resi dence 419 North Summer. Phone 414 DRS. WHITE & WALTON, OSTEO .ktr.ivUni and aura-eons Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy. JvirKSViue, am. rom-g-raduate and apedalUed In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chrenie diseases. rn-m t.i.i 11 B Nat'! P.ank Bldg. Phone $59. Residence, 182$ ..- vourc Bb traouw NURSERIES. I RUITIVND NURSERY SALES YARD at High and Kerry. fall and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing atraw- : berry plants. PIANO TUN I KG G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work - guaranteed. 1(45 Hall street or care of Sherman Clay & Co.. Court street, phone S1S3-J. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar. ness. collars, collar pads, tools, chains. Fred Schindler. 25$ Center Street. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 47S State St. Phone 913. Residence phone 1122-J. UNDERTAKERS WEBB A CU)UGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 a Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for abaence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using f water for domestic purposes. Con- ; tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, wilt pleaae read "for ' building purposes" under schedule of ' rates. Apply at office for copy. WALL PAPER, FAINT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com- mercial St. GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- eoratlng, painting, tinting, paper hanging; etc Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone C8S-W. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper, and Picture Framing. Good . -worlriweii. 48 fnort Bt. Phone 4 8 &. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depet KsUssal Jk Assert earn Peace, , oil elaea, 2S la. SS taw kOa;h. Paints, Oil and Varalak. Steves Rebuilt and Repaired Loganberry -and Hep Ileeka. " Salens Fence A Steve Wsrlu. Z5C Ceert St. PImm 1X4 R. R. FEIING. PUBLIC NOTICKS. - , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals, addressed to the Oregon State Board of Control, Sa lem, Oregon, and endorsed "Pro posal for Champoeg Pioneer Memor ial Building," at, State Grounds Champoeg, Oregon. . will be received by the Oregon State Board of Con trol at Its office in the Capitol Build ing, Salem, Oregon, until 3:00 p. m. January 21st, 1918, and not there after, and - at this time and place will be publicly opened and read. All proposals must be upon blank form to be obtained from George IL Post, Architect, at his office. Room 3, Gray Block, Salem, Oregon; must give the prices proposed, both In writfng and figures; ana must be signed by the bidder, with his ad dress. Plans and specifications are cn file with the Board of Control and aforesaid Architect's Office, and may be there seen, and copies may be obtained at the office of the Ar chitect at , the above address. ' All plans and specifications n.ust be re turned and accompany each bid. Each bid is to be presented under sealed cover, and shall be accom panied by a certified check made pay able to the Oregon State Board of Control, Salem, Oregon, for an amount equal to at least ten per cent (10 CI,) of the amount of said bid. and no bid shall be considered unless certified check is enclosed therewith. Such certified check shall be delivered upon the condition that if said bid be accepted the party lidding will properly and promptly enter into and execute contract and bond In accordance with the award. Should the successful bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to execute the same within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of notification of such award, such Cer tified check shall be forfeited to the Oregon State Board of Control, and the same shall be the property of the State. All other certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bid ders who submitted same. A good and sufficient bond with a satisfactory surety "will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract,, in sum equal to the amount of the contract price. The right is reserved to reject any ot all proposals, or to accept the pro posal deemed best for tho State. Dated at Salem, Oregon, January 7th, 1918. R. B. Goodin, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. PRODUCE CASH PAID FOR BEANS. ANY QUAN ity. Phone 943. Across track from Kouthern Pacific passenger depot. Oregon Fruit company. - T SALEM BIARKETS i BUYING PRICES. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs. 42 to 4 4c. Ilen.s live. 20 to 21 c. Springs, 19c. Turkeys, Ke. 19 to 21c Turkeys, dressed, 25 0 26c Pork. Mutton and Beef. Ewes, 5 7c Pork on foot 14 Vic. Veal, dressed, 12 to 15c. Spring lambs, 13 He. Beef steers, 6V& to 7c; cows, 4 to 6c. Bulls, 3 to 5c BTay. Cheat, per ton, $23. Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton, $23. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to 1.87. REAL ESTATE GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED , immediately. Niemeyer, 544 State treet. Phone 1000. $50,000 TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM property. Niemeyer. 041 State atreet. I'hone 1000. FOR SALE CHEAP IMPROVED acreage on car line. PheaL route 4, pnone iwsr a. FINE 6 ACRE TRACT IN HAYE& vllle district, good house and fruit, must go,$32S0. Socolofsky. FOR SALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. price $1000. Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A, E. Day. 2403 Center atreet. Salem. Oregon. FINE 30 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. 1 mile from station, price $4000 mort gage $750. will exchange equity for clear Salem residence. Socolofsky. DON'T KEEP VACANT PROPERTY. Rent it. . I have tbe renters. Nie meyer. State street. Phone 1000. FINE 10 ACHE HOME IN SUBBtTRBS of Salem to apply on grain or fruit ranch. Socolofsky. THE EQUITY IN 993 ACRE IMPROV ed stock snd grain ranch to exchange for smaller ranch not over $12,500. Soeolofsky. TRADE -YOUR ACREAGE FOR AL berta, farms. 1 have some fine ex changes. Niemeyer, 544 State street. Phone 1000. WANTED TO EXCHANGE MODERN $4000 home in Salem; will take house and acre or more good land in suburbs up to $2500 and give almost any . terms on balance. Address "Home - Owner." care Statesman. FOR SALE CHOICE 2 ACRE TRACT on car. line. 6 room plastered bouse $2100. 32 acres. Howell prairie good buildings $4500: $ acres on car line a anap at $1200. 7 room house mod ern good location $800. Ranch for rent. Stock ranch to trade for acre age. F. L. Wood. Bayne building. LOOK AT THISA REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land; about 80 acres clear; about $0 acres in a tump pasture; - balance In choice piling timber and oak gruba. Timber alone worth $7800. New four room houae, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new. pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine spring- to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great barsraln. Very easy terms. per cent interest. Address L, owner, cars Thi Statesman. Oats, 80c to 85c. Beans, 8 to 9c Mill Feeds. Retail. Bran, per ton, $35.50. . . Shorts, per ton. $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Butter. Country butter, 45c. Creamery prints, 53 to 54 c. Butterfat, f.o.b. Salem, 56c. , - .VecetAbles. , Lettuce, crate. $2 to $2.25. Cauliflower. $1.25. Celery, 73c to 90c' Ne;br. rice corn. 10c. Tomatoes, California. $2.35. Onions. $2 to $2.50. . , Cabbage, $1.75. Suing garlic, 8c Potatoes. $1.25. Turnips, sack. $1.00. Sweet potatoes. 5c. - ' Nuts .. Almonds, 23c. Walnuts (Ko. 1) 24 l-2c Walnuts (No. 2) 20c Peanuts, raw. 16c. Cocoanuts, dozen, $1.40. Fruits. Grapefruit. $4 to $5. Pears, $1.50. Oranges. $2.50 to $4.50. Bananas, 6 c Apples, $11.50. Fard dates. $2.50. Dromedary dates. $4.65. Honey (Idaho) $4 to $4.50.. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. , Retail prices. Creamery butter. 60c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley,? $2.50 to $2.60. Eggs, 50c.-7 .. ; Sugar, case and beet. 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lota. $1.50. I PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND, Jan. 19. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 4; barley, 1; flour, 12; oats 7; hay, 5. Cattle. Cattle, steady; receipts. 65. Med ium to choice steers, $10010:75; good to medium steers, $8,75 0,10; common - to good steers. $7.25 ft 8.75; choice cows and heifers, $7.2 08; common to good cows and hei $607.35; canners, $307.53: bulls, $4.500 7; calves, $7010.25; stocker and feeder steers, $6 0 8.50. Hogs, steady; receipts, 650; prime light. $13,45615.60; prime heavy, $15.50015.65; pigs, $13.50014; bulk. $15.45015.60. Sheep, steady; receipts. 1060. Western lambs, $14.50015; valley lambs. $14 014.25; yearlings $12.50 .13; wethers, $12 012.50; ewes. $9.50011. v - Portland market on shorn sheep IVxQZ cents under quotation. Hairy Product. Prints. extras. 52 0 54 cents; cubes, extras. 4 94 cents; prime firsts. 4 9 cents; dairy. 32 k cents. Butterfat: : Portland delivery. No. 1 sour cream, 56 057 cents. Potatoes: j Buying price locals, $101.15; selling price, $1.25. Grains. Grain: 30-day option (Bids). Oali. No. 2,-$59; barley, feed, $37.50 barley, brewing. $59. Eastern oats and -corn in bulk: (Bids) Oats. No. 3, while. $55.50; oats, , 38-pound, clipped. $56; corn. No. 3 yellow, $63; corn. No. 3", mix ed, $62; oats. No. 3, $5". 50; oats, clipped, $56; corn, yelipw, $f3: corn, mixed, $62.50. CHICHESTER S PILLS ! te-MeJaUKl MoT? tilua ail. Its m same A.k tw-ti i-j-icfc mfrm m 'IAmONS) Hrt.lkl nixa..a I kmum a n fw.l. Csfat. SI it iuw STID BY D3XGBTS EltfYlVXECf THINGS THAT e .m ' - - - Car. Corn Market Closes Heavy; Railroads Clear Blockade CHICAGO. Jan 19. Clearing up of the railroad blockade- tended to day to case the corn market. Prices closed heavy. January $1.27 and May $1.24 1-5 with the finish as a whole unchanged to- V cent down compared with 24 hours before. Oats declined to cent net. In pro visions the outcome" varied from a setback of 10 to 35 cents advance, y Faced by prospects of liberal re ceipts here Monday and Tuesday, the corn ' market showed a downward slant almobt uniformly throughout the session. Oats sagged with corn. Ilopd cf sales to the seaboard led to a tem porary bulge which was more than counteracted when no business de veloped. -. V ''- x.t ';". Heavier receipts of hog weaken ed provisions but shap reduction of the-, weekly total of hog packing led afterward to .rallies. - The-late upturns partly due to the fact' that shipments for the week were shown to have been greatly enrtalled by traffic difficulties.. 1 ! OBITUARY SCOTTS MILLS, Or., i Jan. 19. Averltt. Case rfeed was born In West Grandby. Conn., August 3. 1845. moving to Rldgeville. Ohio.' with hli parents at the age of 7 years. He lived there until June 18, 1861, when he enll:ed in the Seventh Ohio Vol unteer Infantry. Serving faithfully until upon Antietam's bloody field a piece from a bursting shell cut Into his shoulder severing his collar bone, cutting off two ribs and lodg inglin the left lung. f Helpless on the field of battle a Confederate surgeon caring, for boys in gray noticed the wounded bpy In blue.1 With a word of sympathy he sprinkled an' opiate upon the gaping wound, also placing a dose Of mor phine upon his tongue. Union stretcher bearers coming later left him for dead, while they bore away those they thought might be saved. A faithful comrade hunted for him and finding life still in the mutilated body, hunted for surgeons to dress the wound. .Miraculously, his life was spared -and an honorable dis charge -was given for physical dis ability. With returning health, came the desire to serve his country again and in January. 1864, Yank." as the boys In blue knew him. re-en- listed in the Ninth Ohio battery, serving until the end of the war. September 29, 1869, he was uniteJ in marriage to Caroline, L. Ilickox at Grand Rapids, Mich. She sur vives him. To this union two children were born. Pearl A. Reed of Hood River, and Mrs. C. A. Dunagan of this place. 'Also left to mourn him are i niece, Mrs. Willard Moore pf Salem, a daughter or L. L. Hickox of Byron Center, Mich., whom thsy raised from Infancy, and a" nephew. E. E. Hickox of Portland, raring for him since he was 3 years of ae. The latter's father. W. C. Hickox, also shared their home for many years. In 1892 the family moved to Or egon, residing at Scotts Mills for the past seventeen years. Mr. Reed was called from a long and useful Ufe January 13,' 1918, at the age of 72 years, 5 months' and 10 days. ' Honored and respected by all who knew blm, many attended' the fun eral. Rev.' Harris of Scotts Mills read'a selection from the Scriptures, assisted by singing by. the Scotts Mills quartet. The Silyerton U.,A. R. post also took charge and per formed the last rites over their de parted comrade. THE BOSTON .VERSIOX. , One proverb in tbe Down East States Hath this interpretation: He cachinnates best who. cachinnates The ultimate rachlnhatton. Philadelphia Evening Ledger. - - - Vf30R HO M Oft . THE OffiC Be AT L-v V A COMPUAWT rUAlKiST J S) 7 sTwir 8CrO.Se. IT-- J 'l WAS ALL Ml Y-T - . OWN fAUUT! . J NEVER HAPPEN 7 ' wew i iu i.i it it i m mZ yt ca NOTICE OF GERMAN REGISTRATION All German aliens are required to reglater between February 4th and February $th 1818. By proclamation of the President of the United States, all German aiiena are hereby notified that all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the Oerman Empire, or imperial German Oovernment. being- males of the axe of fourteen yeara and upwards on reg istration day who are within the Unit ed States and not actually naturalised as American citizens are required to rerlster aa alien enemies. The dates of registration- within the State of Oregon, have been fixed by the Attorney (ieneral of" the United States to commence at 6:00 a. m. on February 4th and to continue on each day successively thereafter between the hours of :0 a. m. and 8:00 p. nt. up to and Including the 9th day or Feb ruary. 1818. at, 8: 00 p. m. All German aliens residing in, or Heine; within the city of Salem or vi cinity are hereby required to preant themselves for registration at the Po lice Station In said city to the Chief of Police' who has been designated by the Attorney General as Chief Regis- trar of said city, and to complete their registration on or before the ttn day of February. 1818. at 8:00 p. m. ' Any German alien, requlred-to reg ister who fails to complete hla registra tion within the time fixed therefor, or who violates, or attempts to violate, of of whom there Is reasonable grounds to believe that he Is about to violate any regulation duly promulgated by the President of tbe United States, or these regulations, in addtion to all other' penalties prescribed by law, la ; liable to restraint, imprisonment and detention for the duration. of the war, or to give security, or to remove and depart from the United States in the manner prescribed by law. r Forma of registration affidavits, reg istration cards, snd Instructions to ree istranta. and other - necessary forms will he furnished by the Chief of Police. Geo. F.-Alexander. United States Marshal. District of Oregon. . H. H. Lucas, Actin- 'ef of ' Tollce . , . and Chief Reglatrar for the c- of Rulem TMETACLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. ' - Nerlhfceam. No. 14 Oregon .Express ,..;. 6: No, 84 Oregonian .... ..... 6: No. 2$ Willamette Limited.. : a.m. a.m. 20 a.m. No. 1$ Portland Passenger.. 1: 25 p.m. No. 24 Coos uay 48 p.m. No. 12 Shasta Llmltea ..... t Vn. 14 Portland Exnreaa ... $ s p.m. 10 p.m. 00 a.m. No. 228 Ixcal Way Freight.. 8: WO. X WI IJ."M -- . M. . - Seatbbtewad No. 52 Oregonian .......... 8 :1S pra. :20 a.m. :01 a.m. :S2 a.m. :20 p.m. :42 p.m. No. 22 Coos Bay It No. 18 California Express ..1$ No. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4: No. .11 Shasta Limited ..... 8: No. 27 Willamette Limited.. : No. 18 San Francisco Pass... 10 No. 221 San Fran. Fast FrU..12: No. 227 Local Way Freight. .11; 27 p.m. 01 a.r . 01 a.nv . ii.Ruu:r.KR I.IVH No. 72 Arrive at Salem..... :l$a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem. :gsp.m. A I.EM. PAltS CTTT WESTERN 141 Leavea. Salem, motor . . . . 7:04 a.m. 1(2 Leaves Salem, motor.... 9:88 a.m. 1S Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:48p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Arfte 1C7 Leaves Salem, motor .... 8:48p.m. 19 leaves Salem, motor 8:57 p.m. ZJt Way Freight leavea Salem 8:00 a.m. 162 Arrives at Salem 8:34 a.m. Hi Arrives at Sslem ........11:00a.m. ICS Arrives at Salem 8:00 p.m. 1C8 Arrives at Salem ......... 6:2$ p.m. 170 Arrives a Salem ........ 7:20p.m. 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 2:10p.m. . OREGON ELECTRIC I SenthbesMl I Train .1" Leave Arrive Arrive No. sportland Salem Eugene 1 ... .. 4:14 am 8:25 am 10:55 am 5tLtd...8:30 am 10:11am - 11:25 pm 7....10:4J am 12:85pm 9 2:05 pm , 4:15 pm 8:35 pm 13 Ltd. ..4:40 pin - :40 pm 8:80 pm 17 (:0i pm :! pm . Pslent only 19 ......9:20pm 11:29pm Salem only 21 .....11:45pm 1:55 am 8:50am' North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street 15 and 20 minutes later.) Nerthbewnd : Train Leave Arrive rTl"? No. Eugene Salem -Portland 2 .....12:0Sam 4:25am 8:50am 7:15 am . :25am 10 Ltd... 7:43 am :4$am 11:25am 12 ..... 11:20am 1:15pm 14 .....11:18am 1:50pm 4:00pm 1 Ltd. ..1:55 pm 4:00 pm 6:4 5 pm 20 4:10pm 6:20 pm 7:40 pm 22 ......4:2Spm 7r85pm 10:00pm xNorth Hank Station Arrlve Jeffer son Street 18 minutes earlier). Leave Corvallts. - - COnVALMS CONNECnOXS : Nerlhbesisid ' . Leave Oorvailla, Arrive Salem 8:25 am 0:48 am 12:12 pm 1:80 am 2:41 pm 4:00pm 4:10 pm 1:10 pm 6:18 pm ' 7:5Spm .. . . ganlhbsanS Leave Salem Arrive Coryallls 8:35 am :57 am 10:15am ll:33sm 11:55 pm 2:20 pm 4:18 pm fJMP" 6:40 pm ; 8:68 pa )