TOE OREGON STATES5IAN: SATURDAY. JANUARY 19, 1018 I a s s I f So i ID) i r ctr y The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them S. ; , i i Bur. Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS uEirs cvomasa, shoes, bicy- CLES, TOOLS, ETC. 'capital EXCHANGE 4JS MJ Court St. nnncn tjniost HUE INSURANCE SOCIETY XT. H- Burghardt, Jr., ! Resident Agent 383 State St. Money to Loan OH ntPROVED FARM AJTD C1TT ' pKur " - TH0S.K.FORD' Over La Basis Baak, Salem, Or. MONET TO LOAN I HAVE MADE rrtnementi for loaning eastern money; will make very low rate of Interest on highly Improved farms. Homer H. Smith. Room 6. McCormaclc -mAr. Salem, Or. Phone 06. CLASSIFIED ADT KHT1SEMKXTS - Bate Pe War First Insertion .............. le Subaeqaent insertions ....... c One week (six insertions) ... 3c One month ........... j c Six months' contract pr mo. . to 12 months' contract, per mo... ! 7c No account opened for less than 2 So A neat card siren free with' an advertisement to the extent of SOc announcing- "For Sale.- "For Rent,? Rooms' or "Board." . , ' HEW TODAY - Fach new classified advertlse ment will be run under "New Today for first insertion, unless etherwise ordered by the adver- Subseouent Insertion of the ad J will appear unuer iu proper cisss- No advert! sment will be run I .!.. "Vnw Todtr foe mnra than I ne issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED immediately. Niemeyer, 544 State street. Phone 1000. . i WANTKD HORSES, HARNESS. WAG i. ons. Will buy ail grades, young; old. s thin or fat ones. S. Olson. Club Stables. Phone 7. ,-.--! WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP er by woman with two children. Ad dress "H 84" Statesman. ,.j r FOR SALE ONE HOUSE AND LOT. price $1000. Pay same as rent. Ap ply to A. E. Day. 2403 Center street. Salem, Oregon. i WANTED TO EXCHANGE MODhRN . $4000 home in Salem; will take house . and acre or more good land in " suburbs up to $2500 and give almost sny . terms on balance. , Address "Home Owner," care Statesman. WANTED BOY TO CARRY OREGON, ians. -.Apply, today 21 1L. State street. "W. H. Burghardt, Jr. .. WANTED TO BUY OB EXCHANGE rahbits. Phone 385-M morninsrs. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE GIRL. WANTS -PLACE DELIVERING in Ford car. good reference, phone WANTED COMPETENT LADY COOK. Home Restaurant. 223 North com - nereial street. - - MALE WOODCUTTERS WANTED DRY wood for sale. Phone 254 or 822. WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO CUT ' from 600 to 1000 cords grood timber. House to live in. Call 30 or 1898 Larmer Transfer. ' ; WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG I MAN from 17 to IS ., years old to learn printing- trade, day work. Apply Mt,mn joi oept., upstairs. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAR, registered. Rulifson M mile North County Farm. Phone 4F4. f - FOR SALE FOUR COWS FRESH AND eominf? fresh Durham and Jerseys, Call 554 Ferry street or phone 483. FOR SALE ONE RAY MARE. EIGHT - years old. low blocky chunk, gentle ana true, price 6o. one Day norse. years old. weight 1300, sound, gentle and true, price $136. one - roan horse. years old. gentle, single and doable, price $40. One pair 3-year-old pack mules and pack-saddles complete price $75. One pair of 8-year old geldings, weight 3200 sound, gentle rmd true price $500. 225 Center St. 'MISCELLANEOUS FRESH GOAT MEAT EVERY; DAY. -Phone 68. $:00 CASH WILL BUY GOOD ROAD s. jter in -good running order, worth - ?300. Owner going- to enlist. Phone ' 694-m. - r-. :;';- : SMALL, POTATOES SUITABLE FOR feed fifty cents per sack at ware fcotise. Phone 717 or 852, Ma.igl 'Bros. - : 0n SALE BEAN POWER FRUIT Tryer. almost new. Will sell cheap. Address John S. Dunlavy, Brook. m. Phone 70F11. ! IF YOU WANT TO GET THE ' BEST If' aper. send JOc to the Pacific nomeatead; Salem. Oregon, for a trial ubsription. Mention this ad. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western t lmml rffttioii has been carefully, revised, fjklng a handsome little book. It tells la graphic terms of the roas cre ef the Oatman family, of thr of Lorenao. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary- died of wvstUn and Olive was purchased fom the Indians five years later The price is 2i cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa- POULTRY OR. SALE BUFF ORPINGTON cocKrelB at reasonable prices. Phone .triz. . ,,LJ0,U WANT TO GET THE i BES1 Poultry paper pnblished, send 10 Znt to the . Northwest Poultry i.?2In".U. Salem. Oregon, for a trial "ibscrlptlon. Mention this ad. PIGEONS 'OR SALE FIVE CARNEAUXPIG ons cheap. jjox 86. route 2. Salem. . Phone 82 K2. v Yea Shonld WorryLet the Classified Ads Work lor You UK A l, R9TATE A -?P01?. BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST id Commercial street, one door r lhi.?f Stle treet- Salem, togetb- the i 14x60H feet tract extending from Property to State street. Terms pi2y cot.t Boofth. 701-1 Bpauldlng WMg.. Portland. Oreron. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES. LOCATED , mile west of Wapato station. Yamhill county. 12 acres hops. 700 bearing fruit trees. 22 acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H, Egan. Qervaia. route 2. phone 3F11. HOC8K9 FOR RENT CHEAP. ROOM COM pletely furnished house, 1023 North Seventeenth on car line. FOR RENT $6,- PARTLY MODERN five-room cottage. 1052 Saginaw. Call at 1042 Saginaw, or Statesman business office. Phone 23. FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one block from paved street. In , south Salem. $10 per month. E. A. Rhoten 840 Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. FOR RENT ONE i SEVEN ROOM house, paved street new garage $1S. One six room house no ga rage $7. Call 11!Q South Liberty street. FOR RENT THE FOLIOWIN $10 Five-room modern cottage at 1857 South Church street. $12.50 Six-room modern house on paved street at 19JT0 South High S Call at Statesman business office or phone 583. ROOMS FOR RENT 3 ROOM SUITE. NICELY furnished for housekeeping. 633 : Ferry street. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER : - heat, modern .conveniences, also in side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. FOR RENT NICELY" FURNISHED housekeeping, rooms, reasonable, 865 North Commercial. LOST and FOUND LOST LOST EYE GLASSES. PHONE 100F21. LOST FOUNTAIN PEN 'IN BUSINESS district. Phone 5JF2. FOl'SD FOUND BUNCH OF FOUR KEYS IJS leather key case. Inquire. States. : man office. MISCELLANEOUS BFSINF.SS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT FURNISHED APA11T , ment bouse. 40 rooms full of tenants, modern, close in, do not reply unless you have rent money. , Address "H 39" Statesman. FOR SALE OWNER LEAVING. FOR California. Will sell 20 room apart ment house one-block from Court ! Huee Income. Phone 1216-R. EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE NEW SEWING MA- chine and delivery wagon for farm ; machinery. Address "H 22" care Statesman office. MONEY TO LOAN. HAVE CLIENTS WITH - MONEY TO loan on any good . real or chattel security. 404 Hubbard mitldlnfrs- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4 OF 5 GOQD CHEAP MILK cows coming; fresh. Phone 73F14. WANTED THIS WEEK 50 HEAD OF large calves or yearungs. rnooe 1576-W. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAH FOR good clean rags. Pressroom, States- HORSES WANTED WE ; BUT AND sell, all kinds of work horses. If . . ..1. ,-all on na. Clearwater Bros, Saleni Horse Ex change, s serry ou rngan v nr 48S. ' WTOMOBILE DIRECTUM "TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING CRACKETT Se. GRAY TUBES VUL canized. 25c Retreadins; our special ty. - Free service car.' Phone 100. 279 North CommerclaL WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND . sections tubes 25c up. Service ear. Phone 363. 126 South Commercial street. AUTO SERVICE SHIPFS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day, 963; nlrht, 359. ' STORAGE BATTERIES BELMONT SERVICE STATION STOR age battery repairing, recharging - and auto : electric accessories.' Cor ner State and Fronts Sts. Phone 707. PROFESSIONAL DE.NTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 412-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 0.t - "MUSIC TEACHERS R, HABR, TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1382. - TMGEDlRECTttY MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 5246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C: J A. Wright, clrek. BROTHERHOOD OP YOE.MAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN Ing In Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at S o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace Rykes. Foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. ; j BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVER T BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phone 44 r tfll-R. W W Fisher "barbershops" GET YOUR HAIR iTUT BErOP.E school starts and do't trxft l f to Ingrey's Barber Shoo '311 State street, )where they, take an inttrest tn ih,7hovR. ' You Should Worry Let the Classified Adi Work for You ciimorrt actio CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, 305-8-7 Hubbard Bldg. phone 627. DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C. GRADUATE OF P. S. C. Chiropractics fountain head, Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause, of disease. Office 408-7-8. U. S. N. Bank - Building. T'hnno 87. Residence ggft-R. C1IIXKSK PHYSICIAN. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. Hirh St. I hone 283 DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING GOWNS REMODEL- ed. (25 North Capitol street. Phone 14TI. ELECTRIC FIXTURES Alt O SUPPLIES ELECTRIC FfXTUKES AND SUPPLY Co. House wiring and motor repair worn, electrict fixtures and supplies. -'.Prompt service. 220 North Liberty street. I'lione K. K. Demion. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 833, Salem s largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping- and storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer cial . street. DRY CLEANING AXD PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSINO PARLORS F. S. Watanabe. Prop., 4S4 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits Cleaned ana pressea. ll ana $1.60. Work called for and deUvered free. Tel. Main 662. .JIXK JTSK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for junk of every kind. Let us maKe you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal House CapitAl Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone S98. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand gooda. Highest market price ror juna ana siaes. -rne r-eopie s Junk and Secondhand Store, S71 No. Commercial. Phone 734. HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary . Beauty Parlors, 228 Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 6c per pound. 128 South Lib- , erty St. Phone 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG ular washing- done at a rate every body can afford. For only sixty-five cents we will collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty- four hours. Phone 2471. NURSERIES. FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at High and Ferry. Call and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing straw berry plants. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, GRADUATE . American School Osteopathy, Kirks ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg-. Phone ?19. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Phone 614. DRS. WHITE tc WALTON, OSTEO pathlc physicians and surgeons. Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville. Mo. Post. Graduate and specialized in nervous iseases at ; Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices 605-6-7-8. U. a Nat'l Bank . Bldg. Phone 859. Residence. 1620 Court St. Phone 2215. PIANO TUNING G. E. MAST, EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work guaranteed. 1645 Hall street or care of Sherman Clay St Co.. Court street, phone 2153-J. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, chains. Fred Schindler. 266 Center Rtreet. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household , moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Timme. 47S State St. Phone 963. Residence phone 1122-J. UNDERTAKERS WEBB A CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE..301 S. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from . premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rtes. Apnlv t of fife for copy. WALL PAPER, FAINT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St. 3LENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEO coratlng. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St, Phone 686-W. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good wnrkm.n 4KR Onurt St. Phone 48S. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depet Natlenal Jb Asaerfeaa Peace, all alsea, 26 la. te 84 la. high. Pala.t. Olio and Varalata. "i Steves Iteboilt a ad Repaired ? I .-) -Try a ad Hep IlMka. ; Salesa Feaee 4fc Steve Warka, 2SO Ceart St. Pheae 124 R. It. FKMING. The god of love will not be balked even by the war. Some of the sick f-oldiers In the cantonment hospitals are marrying the pretty nurses. War is not so bad in some of its aspects. QHICH ESTER S PILLS 1 H r biiMull BBaTcav IMllnl Am jtt Prwgi Ik inr Til rfc Iff IHWWia KlHi l"v. meairtl Vtti. rtua KifcW- 1'lAUu.Ni lilt .IN. 411,4.. t-m SriO Bl D.TJ0CJ5TS EltlOlVKERE AJ PRODUCE CASH PAID FOR BEANS. ANY QUAN ity. Phone 943. Across track from Southern Pacific passenger depot. Oregon Fruit company. I SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICES. Eg and Poultry. Eggs, 42 to 4 4c. Hen,s lire, 20 to 21 c. Springs, 19c. Turkeys, live, 19- to 21e. Turkeys, dressed, 25 26c. Pork, Mutton and lleef. Ewes, 5 0 7c. Pork-on foot 14 He. Veal, dressed, 12 to 15c. Spring lambs, 12 He. X V Beef steers, 6 to 7c; cows, to Sc. Bulls, 3V4 to 5c. I Hy, Cheat, per ton, $22. Clover, per ton, 121. Vetch, per ton. $23. Grain. Wheat, $1.85 to 1.87. Oats, 80c to 85c Beans, 8 to 9c. " Mill Feeds. Retail, Bran, per ton, 135.50. Shorts, per ton $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. nutter. Country butter, 45c. Creamery prints, 53 to 54c. Butterfat, f.o.b. Salem, 56c. Vegetables. Lettuce, crate, $2 to $2.25. Cauliflower. $1.25. Celery, 75c to 90c. Nebr. rice corn. 10c. Tomatoes, California, $2.85. Onions, ?2 to $2.50. Cabbage, $1.75. String garlic, 8c. Potatoes,, $1.25. Turnips, sack, $1.00. Sweet potatoes, 5 c Nats Almonds. 23 Walnuts (NWM 24 l-2c. Walnuts (NoJ 2 20c Peanuts, raw,vlJ6c. Cocoanuts, dozen, $1.40. ' . Ftu Grapefruit, $4 to $5. Pears. $1.50. Oranges. $2.50 to $4.50. Bananas. 6c. "l Apples, $101.50. Fard dates, $2.50. Dromedary dates. $4.65. Honey (Idaho) $4 to $4.50. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. It eta Q Price-, Creamery butter, 60c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley, $2.50 to $2.60. Eggs, 50c Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.50. PORTLAND MARKETS 1 PORTLAND. Jan. IS. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 1; barley. 1; flour, 2; oats, 5; hay, 6. CatUe. Cattle, steady; receipts. 101. Me dium to choice steers, $10 10.75; good to medium steers. $8.75 10 common to good steers, $7(a S.' choice cows and heifers, $7.25 8; common to good cows and heifecs, $67.35; canners. $307.55; bulls $4.50 7; calves, $7 10.25; stockcr and feeder steers, $68.50. HOES. ' light. $15.45(15.60; prime heavy, $15.50 15.65; pigs, $13.50 15; bulk. $15.45 015.60. Sheep, steady; receipts, 2. West ern lambs, $14. 506)15; valley lambs, $14(14-.25; yearlings. $12.50213; wethers, $12 12.50; ewes, $9.50 11. Portland market on shorn sheep 23 cents under quotations. Dairy Products. Butter: Prints, extras. 52 051; pubes, extras, 49 cents; prime firsts, 49; d'.iry, 32 cents. Butterfu: Portlanl dellr-'j: No. 1 sour credra, 56 57 cents. Potatoes: Buying price LocaU. $l(fil.l5; selling pric. $1.10 e 1.25. Grains. ' Gr.tis Iids Janut-y csllveiy :.'oats. No. 2 white fesd, $33: lai ey, standi rd feed. $5 55: A brew ing. $j7. -'". ! Th'rty Chjs: Oats, No . $vt; parley, feed, $54.50; brewing. i$57.25. Ea3tcrn oats and corn in bulk: Bids -Oats, No. 3 white. $35; 38 pound clipped whlti, $55. CO: coin, No. 3 yellow, $64; No. 3. mixed. $63, oats. No. 3. $555 clipped. .$55.60; corn, yellow, $64; fuixed, $63. Corn Extremely Firm Due to Cold Weather CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Severe cold and predictions of more tended to day, to harden prices In the corn marfket. Latest figures were $1.27 January and $1.24 5-8 to $1.24 3-4 May. unchanged to l-3c higher as compared with twenty-four hours before. Oats gained 1-2 to 5-8 to 3-4c. The finish in provisions ranged from 2 1-2 c decline to a rise of 20?. Traders in corn as well as in other staples needed no other reminder of the cold than was brought sharply to notice by; the icy temperature of the exchange hall and by the com plete absence of telegraphers owin to strict application of the govern ment fuel orders. As Improved de mand from fod. Industries belpel also to eive firmness to the market. Oats showed greater strength than corn, owing to extreme scantiness of receipts and renewed export buy 'injf. Slowness of the movement of oats to market was partly ascribed to preference given corn. Provisions averaged higher, influ enced by the upward slant of quo tations on hogs and grain. Reports were also current that there were large orders In sight for the food administration.- j REAL ESTATE $5U.OO0 TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM property. Niemeyer, 541 State street. Phone 1000. FOR SALE CHEAP I M P R O V E D acreage on car line. Pheal, route 4, phone 102F3. FINE 6 ACRE TRACT IN HAYES ville district, good house and fruit, must go.$3250. Socolofsky. FINE 30 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. 1 mile from station, price f 4000 mort gage $750, will exchange equity for clear Salem residence. Socolofsky. DON'T KEEP VACANT PROPERTY. Rent it. I have the renters. Nie meyer, State .street. 'Phone 1000. FINE 10 ACRE HOME IN SUBBURBS of Salem to apply on grain or fruit ranch. Socolofsky. THE EQUITY IN 293 ACRE IMPROV ed stock and grain ranch to exchange for smaller ranch not over $12,600. Socolofsky. TRADE YOUH ACREAGE FOR A Li beria farms. I have some fine ex changes. Niemeyer, 644 State street. Phone 1000. 100 ACRES 15 IN CULTIVATION, AND good buildings 6 miles from a good town $2500, easy terms, this is the cheapest thing 1 have. Wm. Fleming, 341 State street. - , FOR EXCHANGE A WELL IMPROV- ed 10 acre tract also timber land for unincumbered city property. 404 Hubbard building. BECAUSE OF OUR AGE WE OFFER for sale or trade, our 17 acre home 3 miles from Salem, Oregon. Address route 2, box 65. Salem, Oregon, or phone 47F3Z. 150 ACRES OF FIRST CLASS FARM land. 120 acres cultivated, price 880 per acre. 15 acres of first class prune orchard price 4o90. S room modern house, good location, price 31160. W. K. GrabenLorst & Co.. 276 State street. FOR SALE CHOICE 2 ACRE TRACT on car line, 6 room plastered house 82100. 32 acres Howell prairie good buildings $4500: & acres on car line a snap at $1200. 7 room house mod ern good location $800. Ranch for rent. Stock ranch to trade for acre age. F. L. Wood, Bayne building;. A 75 ACRE GOOD FARM IN TRADE for Salem house or suburban resi dence as part pay. A $1700 Equity in fine modern $3000 Salem residence for unimproved land or lots. Several residence equities for acreage in fruit farms. Some good prune places. Will take trade in part pay. Wm. Fleming, 341 State street. Salem. 200 ACRES NEAR SALEM. ABOUT 100 acrea in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. Small house and barn. filace all under fence, also the follow ng goes with the place for a quick sale: 2 work horses, all kinds of farming tools, and household funi ture. Price $35 per acre. Land held all aroi nd It from $100 to sOO per acre 160 Acre's of South Dakota wheat - and alfalfa land, 120 acres in culti vation, balance pasture. No build ings. Also 5 acres five miles from Salem, with fine S room house and other out buildings. Price for the above $7,500. Went to exchange the above places for a ranch near Salem. Will guarantee ten per cent interest on the purchase price of the Dastota wheat land for the next three years. For further Information see, Per rlne A Marsters. 402 Hubbard build ing, phone 907. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land; about 80 acres clear; about (0 acres In stump pasture: balance In choice Dilina timber and oak arruba. Timber alone worth $7500. New four- room house, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine spring to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a nreat barrain. Very easy terms, 6 per cent Interest. Address 1. owner, care Th statesman. SAVINGS PLAN HITS EXCHANGE Stock Dealings Small With In auguration of U. S. -Conservation NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Inaugura tion Of the government's conserva tion regulations caused a pronounc ed dimunition in the volume of busi ness on the stock exchange today. Trading was accompanied by fre quent pauses, transactions barely totaling 465,000 shares. There was some apprehension be fore the opening of heavy liquida tion by speculative Interests at in dustrial points, but commission houses reported few offerings from such sources. Selling came chiefly from professional trader?. Public Interest was atPlowest ebb and observers .of the market ex pressed opinion that this attitude would Continue pending an adjust ment of existing complexities. ' Publication of the text of the ad ministrator's order removes all doubt rt its scope and importance. This was supplemented by advices from manufacturing centers, many of which reported "partial or complete cessation of operations for. the five dav period. The money market hardened, call loans jibing to 6 per cent with a slight stiffening of time rates. For eign exchange reflected the stabllit lng process now under way, rates on Paris again favoring that capital. Pools were active In certain stocks notably shippings, oils and tobaccos, but in great part the movement was restricted and meaningless. Ronds were firm' on limited trad 425.000. Ing. I.lbertv J fold at .0 io first 4"? sit 7.06 to 96.S0 and nd 4's at 6.22 to 96.10. Total sales, par value, aggregated $3. Tnited States bonds, old Issues, were unchanged on call. "A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband Is the title of a recent publication. But one way is neces sary feed him. Exchange. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Cyisl, 'POLICY TOWARD Minister of Finance Dislikes a ' tn ! - t American roiicy 01 Isolation ; ' ., THE HAGUE. Netherlands. Jan. 1 8 . ( Correspondence of the Asso ciated Press.) "I am quite sure the present policy of America and Brit ain of isolating Holland is a bad one." declared Marie Wlllem Freder Ik Treub, Netherlands minister of finance. In discussing his country's position with the correspondent of the Associated. Press. Mr. Treab ! one or the pillars of the -present extra-par iamentary liberal cabinet, of which he has .been termed the strong man on account of his vigorous per sonality, resolute policy and restless activity, which give him a far-reach ing influence In the counsels of the nation. . f" ';'' V-. " v His well known "'-pathles with the entente allies le-d interest to his exposition of Holland's political and economic position and f questions pending with the United States and Britain. He contended that the re cent policy of these two powers was a bad one, because, he said. It made The Netherlands dependent on Ger many, with the result that she Inev itably toad to make all sorts of con cessions to that country. He thought it had a most unfortunate effect oh Ihe nation's sympathies. At the outset of the war these were, f oi the larger part, on the' side of the allies, buj: pro-allied feeling had since largely declined as a re sult of allied measures, he said. If a referendum on the subject could 'e taken today he thought It would show a pretty equal division of sym pathies between the entente and the central-powers. "Unless the present policy Je changed." he added, 'I am quite sure pro-allied feeling will de cline daily." As regards the question of The Netherlands ships that have so long been lying in American ports, the minister was hopeful that an .ar rangement might yet be reached. "I can understand how America and the allies .look at It," he con tinued. "If Holland gets less grain and fodder she will be obliged to slaughter her cattle they argue. 'We do not want the central powers to be supplied with cattle, but the main thing we want to stop going to Germany Is fat, and In such cir cumstances Holland will be unable to send so much of that. "I understand that reasoning, but what Is forgotten is that this will re sult in our Own people being under fed, and that relations between Hol land and the allies and America will become somewhat unsympathetic. If we are obliged to still more reduce our ration, that will have a very bad effect Germans are managabla, but our people are of a different nature. If they get hungry they -are very dif ficult to manage. I am not think ing of a revolution, but it would be likely to result in all sorts of riots and difficulties." CICOUP AT MIDNIGHT. WELL IN MOUXIXG. - "A few nights ago one of my pat rons had a small child taken with croup about mid-night." writes M. T. Davis. Bearsvllle, W. Va. "They came to my store and, got "a bottle of Foley's . Honey and Tar. Before morning the child had entirely recov ered." Use only Foley's for coughs, colds, croup and (grip. .1. C. Terry. A POOR FIXAXCIER. He "Well have to give up onr intended summer trip. My account at the bank is already- overdrawn. She "Oh. John, you are such a wretched financier. Why don't you keep your account In a bank that has pfenty of money?" Boston Transcript. AH AUTOMATIC 'X'pLeW ) f I t ' ? "" " """""" i ' HOLLAND BAD 1 : - l- NOTICE OF GERMAN REGISTRATION All German aliens are required to register between February 4tft and February 9th 1918. t ; j By proclamation of the President of the United States, all German a. ions are hereby notified that all nativew. citizens, denlsens, or subjects of the Oerman Empire, or Imperial German Government, being- males of the age of fourteen years and upwards on resr IMrntioft dsy who are within the Unit ed1 States and not actually naturalized as--American citizens are 'required to re"'te' e alln enemies. The dates of registration within the State of Oregon, have been fined br the Attorney General of the United States to commence at ,8:00 a. m. on February 4th and to continue on each day. successively, thereafter between the hours of 8:00 a. m. and? 8:00 p. m. up to, and licluding- the 9th dsy of Feb ruarv, 1918. at 8: 00 p. m. - I - All German aliens residing in, or helne- within the city of Salem or vi cinity are hereby required to prtrtnt themselves for registration at the Po lice Station In said city to the Chief of Police who has been designated by the Attorney. General as Chief Itesris trar of said 'city, and to complete their rea-lstratlon on op befor tiie 9ti day of Febrnary. 1918. at 8:00 p. m. Any-Germnn alien, reoulred to resr--Ister who falls to complete his reeistra tlon within the time fixed therefor, or who violates, or attempts to violate, or of whom there Is reasonable ground to believe that he IS about to violate any reeru'ation duly nromulrsted b , he President of the Un'ted States, or these regulations. In nddtlnn to all "thep penalties prescribed by law. Is liable to restraint. Imprisonment and' detention for the duration of the war. or to nrive secrrltv. or t remove and depart from the United States In the tnner prescribed hv lsw. Forms of registration affidavits, rear tratlon caMs. and Instructions to ree latran, and other neccssarv forms win te furnished by the Chief of Follce. 'F. Alexander. Tnlted S'ates Marshal. ? riatrlc of Oregon. , H. H. I Actintr '' of Police and r'f Pelntrtr for th e! of Sslem. TIMETABLES . SOUTHKRN -PACIFIC CO, NrtlilMiaid No.- 18 Oregon Express . No. 84 Oretronisn .... . 05 a.n. 15 a.m. 20 a.m. 35 p.m.' 48 p.m. 00 p.m. 10 p.m. 00 a.m. :I5 pnv 20 a.m. 01 am. S8 a.m. 20 p.m. 4 2 p;m. 1 0 p.m. 17 p.m. 01 a.n . 01 a.m. No. 28 Willamette Limited.. No. 18 Portland, Passenger.. No. 24 Coos Bay No. 12 Shasta L.tmlted . .... No. 14 Portland Express !. . Va. 228 Ionl War Frelsrht. . No. 222 Portland Fast Freight 11 Seathbeaad f No. S3 Oregonlan .......... 2: No. 23 Cooa Bay ...10 No. 15 California Express -.16 Ko. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4; No. 11 Shasta Limited . .. 6: No. 27 Willamette Limited.. No. 12 San Francisco Pass... 10 No. 221 Ran Fran. Fast Frt.i.,12 No. 227 Local Way Freight. .12: SALEM-GEKfl LINE No. 72 Arrive at Salem 9:15 am. No. 74 Leave Salem......... 2:05p.m. SAI.P.W. FALLS CITT A WESTERN 141 Leaves. Salem, motor .... 7:05a.m. K.2 leaves Salem, motor.... 9:35a.m. ICS Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. -Through car to Monmouth and Aril 187 Leaves Salem, motor .... 2:48 p.m. 1S9 leaves Salem, motor..... 6:57 p.m. 239 Way Freia-ht leaves Salem 8:00 a.m. 162 Arrives at Halem ........ 8:30 a.m. Ifi4 Arrives at fialera ..11:00 a.m. lf Arrives st Salem ........ 2:00pm. hl8 Arrives at Salem 8:3 5 p.m. 170 Arrives at Salem 7:20 p.m. 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 2:30 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC Sesitlibead Train Leave - Arrive Arrive No. 'Portland Salem Kugene 1 ..... 8:30am -8:35am 10:55am' S Ltd.. .8:30 amr 10:11am 12:25pm 7 10:45 am12:5S pm 9 . . . .. .2:05 pm 4:15 pm (:35 pm 13 Ltd. ..4:10 pm S:40 pm 8:50 pm 17 ......8:05 pm 8:10 pm' Salem only 19 ffc:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only 21 11:45 pm . 1:55 am S;50am North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street 15 and 20 minutes later.) Nerthbouad Train Leave Arrive . Arrive No. Eugene . Salem Portland 2 .....12:05am 4:35am fi:S0rn ..... 7:15am 9:25 am 10 Ltd. ..7:45 am 9:45am 11:35am 12 ..... ll:20am 1:35pm 14 11:15 am l:f0pm i 4:00 pm 18 Ltd. ..1:55 pm 4:0pm 6:45pm 20 ..,..4:10 pm 8:30 pm 7:40 pm it 4:25pm 7:55pm 10:00 pm North Hank Station (Arrive Jeffer son Street IS minutes earlier). Lve Corvallis. , CORVALI.M CONNECTIONS Nerthbeaad ' Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:25 am m 12:13 pm l" " 2:41 pm ' 4:00 pm 4:10 pm 6:30 pm 8:18 pm - , 7:55 pm gMthkM4 Leave S1em 1 Arrive Corvallis 8:36am v 9:57 am 10:15 sm Hll'm 12:68 pm ,. I 4:16 pm ilip 1 8:40 pm 8:00 pin