The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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iviTYHKVKXTII VrUlt X, g3tf 1 e-
M ' r -HAWM, OlirAlOS, KATIKDAY SlftllMMi, JA.M AUV 101 M ' PHICK 1-'IVI2 C'IC.NTS
Definite Announcement Is
Made That Horticulturalist
and Business Man Will Seek
to Win Place
McArthur Has Opposition
Rxtser of Umatilla Wants
Steiwer's Seat
-Louis Lachmund, former mayor
of Salem, yesterday gave out the
authoritative statement that ha will
, be a' candidate for the Republican
nomination for state senator from
Marlon county la the nejl legisla
ture. - !
- Mr. Lachmund will doubtless be
one of the most formidable of th i
four or five men who are looked u
on ai certain candidates for the o
flee. Ill administration as mayor
of Salem was constructive. His bus
iness lnterttts as a hop dealer and
orchardlst have' given him a wide
acquaintance among business ' men
both Inside and outside of Marlon
. county, while his activity with re
cent patriotic drives has extended
his acquaintance to many communi
ties with which be bad sot before
come Into Intimate relationship. He
was one of the Active campaigners
in the recent YVM. C. A. war : fund
drive, and bis work in that rapacity
led to requests that he be listed as
one of the speakers in the Armenian
relief campaign now being conducted
la Marion county.
' Is lader fn Industry. I
As a fcortlculturalists, Mr. Iach
mnnd Is owner of several orchard?
near Salem and Is one of the leader?
la promoting the walnut Industry in
the Willamette-valley. j
, Mr. Lachmund's fraternal j rela
tions are with the grantee and the
pits. lie has served the Salem Elks
exalted ruler and represented the
local lodge at 'the Grand lodge ses
sion In Boston last July. He Is on
of the most fluent speakers in the
state.. Is strong of personality and
counts a legion of friends, I i
Senator A. M. La Follette has pub
lished announcement of his candi
dacy and Sam Brown has given news
papermen permission to say that be
will be a candidate. Hence these
three men may be looked upon as a!
rady In the race. George Weeks is
expected to announce himself.!
Paulsen of Sllverton, Seymour
Jones and W. Al. Jones, are still ns
certainties, and the latest word from
Senator Bishop Is that bo does not
expect to enter the lists.
Hoff Will Candidate.
, It was an important development
-in state politics 'when it Jbecame.
known that State Labor Com mis
sionerO. P. Hoff will be a candidate
for state treasurer. At the opening
session of the State Federation of
Xabor convention In Astoria Monday
Mr. Hoff announced that he would
not seek reelection to the office he
has held for fifteen years. He was
appointed to the position In 1903
and was. elected In-1906, 1910 and
liM. , ;
The post of treasurer for the str
U cne of the hotly contested of
fices. Four other candidates. As
sistant State Treasurer T. V. Itya
of Oregon City, O. 11., PI u owner and
William Adams of Portland an 1
State Senator K. I). Cu sick of 5 Al
bany, are already announced, i Two
thrs. Hen K. West. Marion county,
assessor, and It. Alexander of Fea
Wleioa are expected to make an
nouncements. Over la L' mat 1 1 1 a count ya n i nt er
( Continued on Pake Z) i
Hiycr Baker Issues Order at
Request of Federal
.1 PORTLAND, Jan. 18.-i Acting on
nrgent request of the federal govern
nt Mayor George L. Daker to
ight ordered "Immediate and tit
tnosf guarding oLall docks In Port
UbU, wharves, and docks In Port
land. The mayor warned all per
sons not having definite business
away from the plants. The police
were Instructed to enforce the rule
rigidly I :
The action came after a confer
ence with federal agents.
AH police reserves were ordered
ouWednesday for this duty.?
The reason ts sufficient," i said
Mayor Baker tonight. 'I Impress up
on the public the jiecessity of, otyy
ng the order."
Regular policemen have been call
d In from their beats to do water
front service and reserves are used
beats and at the stations. I
Selfishness Greatest Stum
bling Block in Way of Food
Complain at Grocers and
Threaten to Cut Off
Their Patronage
The great eft stumbling-block now
in the way of th food administra
tion is the selfiHhness and unpatri
otic indifference of the aveiwtre Ore
gon family, according to County
Food Administrator F. W. SteuslofT,
who says that wholesale and retail
dealers throughout he state are co
operating .splenddidly.- but that the
public In general, through Individual
greed and selfishness, is proving a
obstacle In the successful carrying
out of the administration's conserva
tlon plans.
flacked Up Ily Men.
"Many families are splendidly pat
riotic" said Mr. Steusloff "and arc
loyally observing the conservatism
requirements in every detail, but
many others are either selfishly or
thoughtlessly Ignoring the regula
tions, and in addition are making
life miserable for the grocers, who
must restrict the sales of flour and
sugar. Ill-natured complaints and
threats of discontinued patronage
are made by angry housewives, these
complaints and threats in many cas
es, being. 'backed up' by husbands or
brothers who make special visits to
the grocer to voice their displeasure.
These unpatriotic citizens will g.i to
almost any length- to evade the reg
ulations and to secure more than
their atfowance, although assured
that this Is the surest way of creat
ing a shortage and raising prices,
whereas, if they will support the
food administration In Its carefully
worked out plans, there will be plen
ty for all at reasonable prices, with
a surplus for the steady stream of
food staples that we must keep mov
ing toward the front If we are to win
this war.
I Co-operation Imperative. '
"We must have better cooperation
and more of It. A more earnest Nwar
consciousness Is needed. If the food
administration Is to accomplish its
purpose of provisioning our larmy
abroad and feeding the armies and
starving peoples of the allies, every
American family mo t help. So that
this need may be realized and the
war consciousness he made more
general. I earnestly ask alt who are
so loyally supporting the administra
tion to act as missionaries among
their friends and neigrbors,-explaining
the situation and with patience
and that endeavoring to bring those
who are selfish or Indifferent to a
realization of the fact that they are
obstructing the food administration
In Its vital war work.
Slacken Hard To Fathom.
"It Is hard to understand, after alt
the publicity given to the conserva
tion plana and tfrlnclplesJfor so many
months, how any American family
can still be In ignorance of the need
of Its individual cooperation, or of
the fact that Its cooperation is a pa
triotic duty. It Is harder1 still to
understand how any American fam
ily not Ignorant of these things, can
go on lanoHng and even defying the
regulations of the food administra
tion. Let every Oregon frmlly take
stock In Hi patrlotlm as represented
by Its loyal support of the food ad
ministration. If your support Is not
100 per cent, speedily make It so,
and then do what you can to -bring
your friends and neighbors up to the
tame high standard. This is no trif
ling matter, but a serious patriotic
duty. Each family Is an essential
unit in the nation's conservation
plan, and the success of the plan Is of
vital Importance to the vlnnlng of
the war." : -:
Resolution Signed by All
Members Is Filed for
Action Monday
A resolution filed with CHy Re
corder Race yesterday by Chairman
Frank 8. Ward of the police clmmlt
tee of the city council recommends
the election of Night Sergeant A.
FaIand to ucced the lae M J2.
Cooper as chief of the Salem police
department. The resolution Is sign
ed by all three members of the com
mittee and will be acted upon by the
city eoubcil at the meeting Monday
It fs he general opinion of those
who are in close touch with city
affairs that the unanimous recom
mendation of the police committee
will mean- the unanimous election
of Sergeant Foland. f ,
The resolution expresses keenly
felt regret at the loss of Chief Cool
er and declares that be put Into ac
tlon many new plans for the better
ment of the police service in Salem.
People Must Either Go On or
Go Under' Lloyd George
Tells Trade Unions in Ex
plaining Man Power Bill
Never" Is Enemy's Answer
to Demands ; Britain To
Have More Men
(By The Associated Press.)
"Th people niunt eitht-r go on or
go undf-r," was the rtirring climax
of an address delivered to the trades
unions of Great liritain by David
Lloyd George, the Hritish prime
minister, Friday In London.
The premier's address follow!
closely .upon the passage by the
house of commons of the man power
bill which has as its object the rais
ing of more men to strengthen th
Hrltlah fighting forces.
The premier, as of old. evinced
strong distrust of Germany's honesty
reverting several times to the un
trustworthiness of her promises and
declaring that no peace terms would
be recognized by Kmperor William,
Field Marshal von Hindenburg.
General von Ludendorff and the
other militaristic, elements, unless
the British have the power to en
force them. Germany had sent the
answer of "never" to the demand
for the righting of the wrongs of
Helgiiim. the premier declared, and
also had announced that the strug
gle would continue until Mesopo
tamia and Palestine were wrested
from the tyranny of the Turks.
In riving his opn opinion on the
sftustion the premier told his hear
ers that they might as well stop
flghtinx unless they were going to"
do It with all their might. "Unless,
we are going to do It well, let us
stop it," he exclaimed. "There is hd
alternativ'o if thre are mend
rnr wnp say iny win not go inrosi
the trenches, then the men In thj
(Continued on page 2)
Hun Steerage Steward Held
After Mysterious Discov
ery of Film
Michaelis Possessed Address
of Enemies Liberty
Bond Bought
anonymous letter received by j Col
lector of Customs John O. Davl! ad
vising hira of what the writer si!
would be an attempt to blow up the
steamer Admiral Schley let tii the
detention here today of Ja-o Micha
elis steerage steward, on the eve of
the vessel's departure for Seattle.
A sketch of a mechanical contriv
ance, a package of flashlight cart
ridges, a camera and a rorr of ex
posed but undeveloped films war
found in Michaeils' nossesion, ac
cording to government officials
Michaelis was said to have been
unable to account for the alleged
sketch and to have Declared he bad
planned to use the photographic ap
paratus (to take pictures In the en
gine room of the vessel.
Michaelis also was said to have ad
mitted that a Stockholm address
found In his possession was a medi
um for communication with persons
in Germany.
Mr. Davis tonight in discussing
the letter said that he had not, ob
served where the letter was mailed.
Officials of the collector of customs
office, according to Mr.: Davis de
tained Michaelis and later turned
hifci ver , t cvfklals e the depart
ment of justice.
Michaelis said he was born In Oer
many 50 years ago and displayed a
seaman's certificate of citizenship
Issued by the collector of customs in
Seattle. Among other things said
to have been found In his possession
were bank books showing deposit!
In two Seattle banks and a $50 lib
erty bond. . . . .
The undeveloped film said to have
been found In his possession was
turned over to a photographer.
Country Is Divided Into Three
Operating Districts by
Findings to be Basis for
Sweeping Action Wage
Increases Likely
WASHINGTON'. Jan. 18. Direct
or G n-ral McAdoo announced to
night the appointment of a railroad
wage commission of four public men
to analyze and recommend action
on all wage and labor questions
Impending 1m-fore the government rail
road administration. Including th
railway brotherhoods' demands.
At the same time the director gen
eral put Into effect a new system of
government railroad administration
by dividing the country into three
operating regions, east, south and
we?t. and placed a railroad executive
at the bead of each as his represent
ative. Willeox on Commission.
The wage commission consists of
Secretary Lane. Interstate Commerce
Commissioner C. C. McChord, Judge
J. Harry Covington chief justice of
the District of Columbia supreme
court, and William R. WIllcox. who
tonight announced his resignation as
chairman of the Republican national
It was planned originally to pass
only on the four brotherhoods' wage
demands, but so many other labor
questions have been submitted to
the director general since then, that
he determine! to refer them all to
the boird. It will hear all labor
complaints or petitions, making care
ful Investigations and recommend a
course of action to Mr. McAdoo.
The commission's Inquiry will
deal with general conditions affect
ing the railway employes, regardless
of whether any specific request or
complaint has been made to the di
rector general, or. to railroad man
agements before the government as
sumed control. U
In charge of the eastern railroads.
Mr. McAdoo retalned"A. H. Smith,
president of the New York Central,
who has acted as assistant to the di
rector general with headquarters In
New York. R. H. Alshton, president
of the Chicago & Northwestern., was
appointed regional director for ter
ritory west of the Mississippi, with
headquarters at Chicago. Southeast
ern roads were assigned to C. II.
Markham, president of the IHinols
Central, with headquarters a,t At
lanta. fc
DivUlon Are Definexl. 1
The eastern division consists of
territory north of the Ohio and
Potomac rivers, "and east of I.ake
Mk-higan and the Indiana-Illinois
.Mate line; a1"o those railroads In Il
linois extending into that state from
points east of the Jmliana-Illinois
state line; also the Chesapeake &.
Ohio, the Norfolk & Western and
' e Virginian railways."
The southern district Is defined as
Including "all railroads In that por
tion of the 1'nlied States south of
the Ohio and Totomae rivers and
east of the Mlslslpnl river, except
he Cherapeake Ohio, Norfolk &
Western and Virginian railways,
and also those railroads In Illinois
and Indiana extendln g Into thoe
states from points south of the Ohio
The western district Is composed
of fhe balance of tbe country. Includ
ing all west of the Mississippi and
also Illinois. Wisconsin and north
.Michigan peninsula. It excludes
(Continued on" page 2) "
Bolsheviki Protect City for
Opening of Constituent
Assembly Today
PETROGRAlThursday. Jan. 17.
-,-Barrlcades were - put up today
about the telephone station and at
ether strategic points and thousands
of soldiers and sailors were brought
Into Petrogrjad to reinfojfe the Bol
shevik! troops in dealing with pos
fcible riots at the opening of tbe
constituent assembly tomorrow.
The enti-Holshevikl already have
announced demonstrations and also
their-Intention to open the constitu
ent assebly. The central executive
committee of the workmen and sold
iers' delegates have prepared a dec
laration which they Inted to rorce
the constituent assembly. The cen
tral executive committee of the work
men and soldiers' delegates have pre
pared a declaration which tbey In
tend to force tbe constituent assemb
ly to adopt declaring that the as
sembly must recognize that Russia
shall be declared a republic of
workmen's peasants' and soldiers'
delegates warned the people to stay
off the streets tomorrow.
Report Imperial Chancellor
Not Yet Ready to Reply to
Allied War Aims Causes No
Surprise in England
Advocates of Peace by Nego
tiation Must First be
LONDON. Jan. IS. According to
a telegram received here, German
Chancellor von Hertling has again
postponed the speech be was to have
made In reply to the definition of
war alms by President Wilson and
Premier Lloyd George.,
The report that tbe Imperial chan
cellor for a third time had post
poned his reply caused no great sur
prise here, for while It was fairly
certain that the German militarists
bad won over Kmperor William to
their side and annexation of 'occu
pied territories was the pollcv to be
pursued, the advocates of a peace
by negotiation, which Include most
of tbe Austro-Hungarian leaders
must be. conciliated.
The militarists have the support
of the junkers and the war pilfit
eers, but on the other side are the
Socialists and a large proportion of
the working classes and of the mod
erate middle class, of vhich 1 the
Berliner Tageblatt Is the spokesman,-
and the financial Interests rep
and tho Frankfurter Zeitung. which
resented by Dr. Bernard IJernoerg
have been emphatic In thlr denunci
ation of the annexationists.
The attitude of tbe Austrian may
be gathered from articles published
in tbe'Fremdenblatt of Vienna, or
gan of- Count Czernln, the Austro
Hnngarian foreign minister, which
sharply deals with rumors i thaV
Prince Von Buelow Is engaged In
Intrigues against Count von Hert
ling In order that he may become
German chancellor. The article de
nounces Von Buelow as a traitor
against Austro-Hungary. saying that
he offered Italy Austro-Hungarian
territory and also gives expression
to the dissatisfaction of the .Austrian
government with the agitation of the
German annexationists fee: the ln:
corporation of the great Polish dis
tricts in tbe German empire, which
It asserts would be a blow at ACS
rian interests.
The news that the former Bava
ian premier. Podewils Duernitz. is
to represent Bavaria at the Brest
LUovsk peace conference has caused
some misgiving;! in Germany. Tfle
Frankfurter Zeitung says this will
afford new material abroad for the
etnprission that there are differences
between the South German Mates and
Chamber Vhtes Confidence
in French Government
PARIS, Jan. 1. After violent
scenes In the chamber of deputies to
day, confidence was vsted In the gov
ern day, confidence was voted in the
government by a, lante majority. Tbe
debate was heated nd remlled in a
temporary suspension of the sitting
After the- session Deputy Conti cfcal
enged two other deputies
Business People of Salem Are Best-Natured Crowd on
Earth, Declares Collector for Knights of Columbus
War Fund They Just Smile and Dig Down m Pockets
'"The business people, of Sa
lem are the best-natured peo
ple on earth." said one of the
leading collectors for the
Knights of Columbus war
camp fund last night. 1
'Ilerei they have been
crowded day In land day out
with frequent and Insistent
calls for the various activities
incident to the wisr until thy
have ben terribly drained fi
nancially, and yet they face
the new collector with a smile
and t'fir down once again
rh'erfulry and generously.
The few who find they cannot
give csucb their refusal in
such cardial and pleasant lan
guage that there is no sting or
111 feelinr. And the same is
relatively true, of thoe living
in the residence sections of the
city. Our women workers re
port the mot agreeable re
ception from 93 per jrent rof
tboFe visited, so that the & per
cent who may be actuated; jby
mistaken ideas or prejudices
and try to be di.sagreeableld(
not seriously spoil the pleasure
of the general experience.
British Airplane May Have
Carried Monarch to Safe
ty at Saloniki . . i
Rumanian Authorities Nof
Surprised at Move to Take
Royal Family
LONDON. Jan. 1 King Ferdi
nand of Rumania, whose arrest ha
been ordered by the Bolshevik gov
ernment, is now-under the protec
tion of the allies, according t a Pet
rograd dispatch to the Dally Express.
tl is probable that the king sought
refuge In one of the allied embas
sies at Jassey. or that ,he has been
taken under the protection of the
French military! mission attached to
the Rumanian army. Jassey Is 350
miles from the British lines In Mace
donia and it may tbe tha the king
has been taken to Saloniki by afr
Pjane. ;
LONIK)N, Jan. 18. The latest
threat to cause the arrest of the Ru
manian royal family has created no
Surprise among the Itnmanian au
thorities In Londpn, Some time a?3
the Uolshevikl sent troops to .lassy
under the leadership of the Bulgar
ian reactionary, Rakovsky, o arrest
General Teherbatchoff, commanier
on the Rnssian-Ilumantari front,, and
at the same time to seize the Ruman
ian royal famlly and the members of
the government. '
General Tcherbalcheff, owever,
succeeded In capturing the' ringlead
ers of the movement and with the
assistance! of the Rumanian army
disarmed 15.000 Bolsheviki regular
The Bolsheviki ultimatum recently
Issued demanded thr release of these
s The Rumanian army has refrafneT
from armed con wfet with the Ilol.he.
vlki. but it is declared, will not tol
erate any plans on Rumanian st
against the royal family or the Ru
manian people. King, Ferdinand and
the royal family are, still at Jasy
eut-off from the world and living
almost entirely upon conned food,
with bread three times a week.
CHICAGO. Jan. 18. Carrying
dynamite In two small handbagsjjto
wreck the union passenger station,
a slim, dark-haired girl was arrett
ed today as she stepped from a
Pennsylvania train from Youngs
town, Ohio.
When taken before the federal au
thorities, the girl gave her name as
Linda Jose, 16 years old. She told
of being given the 36 sticks of ex
plosive at Steuben vllle, Ohio, and of
carrying it across three states in pas
senger trains to deliver It to an
uncle In -Chicago. Defying the se
en t service officers she refused to
give them the name of either the
sender or her uncle.
The girt was held on a charge of
translating the dynamite In viola
tion of the Interstate commerce law,
officials declaring tbey believed the
explosive belonged to a dangerous
band of anarchists.
rn ii
ie g
Considering the 'great . strain
borne by everybody,- the people
throughout the entire city are
certainly lovely. It Is very
setdom our .Catholic people go
( out collecting frojm the public.
, We are not accujstomed to It.
so we are somewhat timid and
the good treatment our col
lectors are meeting will be
kindly remembered for all
S time." . j '.'. -
The manager of the drive
reported good work again yes
terday and experts a reason
ably successful result when all
are heard from. It may. not
be -possible for the . limited
number of collectors to reach
all who would tike to sub
scribe and Frank (Davey, man
ager of tbe campaign! requests
all such to mail htm their
checks for such: sums as they
think they can afford. Some
have already done so and all
wlll lie duly listed ,and
credited. " -
' A meeting of the eolleefors
Will be held tonight at 7:30
it the K.i of C. Hub on State'
street, to ascertain results and
make further arrangements.
President Wilson Approves
Order of Fuel Administra
tor Garfield and Manufac
turing in 28 States hi East
Virtually at Standstill j
Edict Answered by Co-cpcra-tion
Ships To Move Mil
lion Tons of Supplies tla
nitiens Factories Vcrk
' WASHINGTON, Jan. J. The na
tion's manufacturing industry In the
2 8 stajtes east of the Mississippi
river was virtually suspended today
In obedience to the government's or
der forbidding the use of fuel.
Most of the plants engaged on war
contracts are exempted from the or
der's operation la telegrams sent out
last night, btft few of them learned
of it In time and a great majority of
them closed down with the other fac
tories. The country at large knew nothing
of exemptions except the few an
nounced last night and it was not
until late this afternoon that the
food administrator admitted official
ly that Important war work was not
affected by the order and gave-out
a list of hundreds of factories that
may continue work on government
contracts: only during the five-day
closing period.
Wilson Approve Order.
- Confusion attending on enforce
ment of the order was general. Such
a flood of telegrams poured Ito the
office of the fuel administration ask
ing interpretations and rulings and
requesting Information concerning
exemption Industries that finally the
exemption list was given to the press
for publication. The day brought a
statement of support of the order
from President Wilson and a rigor
ous defense by Fuel Administrator
of the step and the government's
purpose In taking It. .
r Opposition to the order congress
apparently spent Itself In debate In
both houses. During the day Dr.
Garfield replied to the senate' re
quest yesterday that the order be
suspended for five days, disclaiming
any purpose tor de. discourteous, de
clining to comply and again point
ing out the "necessity for enforcement
of his order.
Fowl Administrator Hoover in a
statement Interpreted the order to -
mean that no check would be put on
the operations of any sort of fool
handling, manufacturing or distrib
uting. War Plants Exetrpte!.
The plants exempted from the V
prepared by Secretary Haker and
Secretary Daniels are those manu- 3
factoring gsc masks, explosives for
the government, rifles, pistols, ma
chine guns and small arms ammuni
tion; forglngs for the government.
electrical supplies and tool steel for
war purposes, destroyers and de
stroyer parts, seamless tubes and
condenser tubes, aircraft and air
craft parts, signal corps equipment.
locomotives, equipment - for ships,
woolen goods for the army and navy,
white dnck and tentlngs for tbe gov
ernment and pptlcal supplies.
All shipyards, although not In
cluded In- the exempted list, will
continue operation under a! special
ruling as will hundreds of plants
turning out materials which enter
army and navy supplies.
Most of the big steel plants and a
large number of the country's auto
mobile factories are Included In the
Among the collateral Industries
which will: be classed as not coming
within the provisions of the order
will be virtually all mines produc
ing ores.
In his statement supporting Dr.
Garfield's Issuance of the closing or
der. President WHson says he was
consulted and fully agreed with tfce
fuel administrator as to Its neces
sity. If the action had not been
taken, he declares. Immediate re
lief could not hare ben found for
the fuel and transportation short
age. -
The president's statement follow?:
I was. of course, corsnlted by
Mr- Garfield before the fuel order
of yesterday was Issued and fully
arreed with him that It-was neces
sary much as I regretted the neces
sity. This war calls for many sae-
"(Continued on ageT t) - . .