The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    ! ; N TIIK OUKfiQX KTATKS3HAN? T7:il.V, JAXTAltV 1, 10l j , r 3
I :A' - - I "''
I-.'---'. - ! , -: ''-.:- . .... . ,- - . 1 : 1 " I, 'I
Ht - .1 I.- .'.If . J k ' '
mis aa. marK, ,ime w me last day oi the first week of this GREAT REMOVAL SALE. You must not miss this opportunity of purchasing merchandise, some of which is marked far below the wholesale
prices, especially at these times whed prices are advancing in leaps and bounds. - . '
'. . r t.. . f -i ..." ... ' .. T . .. Ill
.4"..,.' r. . ; ..- " f. : it -r -z.- -; .....- - M
"i 1
iriMM (s m is) b i?3 m m v mm (woti? m &
oys department to oe uosed Uut
We will not carry boys' goods in Taccma, so are closing out the whole department in Suits, Shoes, Shirts, Hats, etc., at Wholesale.
delay;. , .
1 ! ' ... v Next week is positively the last week of this "
: '; 'r' 'i GREAT -StS;':-'': "Vj - ;
And you will be doing yourself an injustice if you do not take advantage of it, come early and buy plenty put in a reserve supply, for you will surely make big savings.
; : h . ; "' -: :;: : -.NOTICE ...,.''..:::-.:.':
We will not quote prices as space costs money; it "won't; cost you anything to come in and look around and ask prices
Saturday will be our banner day, and we will look forward, to handling the crowds with the least confusion possible. ' ' '
0 . i
II I f I 1 II I f rta I I , J li 7 1 I 1 II
JO Irk 11 jm,
Tablet To Be Unveiled and
Doney Given Farewell
Sunday Night ,
An Interesting '.patrfotte Drogram
jrill be ivfrn at the First Methodist
-liurrhnxt Snnday tiisht. tbA fva-
' Bad Stomachs
"My bntbaml has been troubled
with his stomach for many years.
STUM EZK ha Ktren hi in bo m w:h
relref he has not bn troiUid; with
liii stomafh sinr takinK same," J
Mra, Nurah Moek. WMKlbury. Ky.
th modern Etymnrlurnedicln worhs
almost r like maz'to. For Kale and
guarantor! by alt drtiffgixts.
eion being, the unveiling of a tablot
and the unftirllrtgr of a service flaB
in honor of the yotmf nico of the
church who have j?one into the ser
vice of thetr country. And this ier
.vice In to be e"nihinjwl with a fare
well to Dr. Carl' Gre, Doney, presi
dent or Willamette nnivernitv. who
is tMid'er piointment to go to Frane !
Dr. , Docey virtually h& decided to
go, btit the date of Itta depjrtare fs
uncertain. .
i The board of trustees of Willam
ette university, at the rqut'st nf-tho
nallpp&l arfn'y Y. M, C. A., head'jtiar
teirs of New York,, granted Dr. D
neysix months lav V France
and study and organize arnry Y. M.
The tablet whteh ia to be nnTeild
nndav "nsht in prcnBtefl by the of
ficial boaTd of the church anJ con
tains nataes, a thCT-dn
yfce f las, .presented . by the ladlcs
AM Society, will have eevenly-two
ftara. -, . . . - ; '"
: The program will-Include; patriotic
seleciong and addreKftcs not W ex
ceed fire minutes ach by person
rprentiDf Tariona Interests of th
jrrfty. The spealiera will 1e Ir. R.
.V. Avison, Dr. T. B. Ford, lesidnt
Doney, Governor .Withycombe, Dr.
0,;K. HoJt.. Dr. n. I Stenres. Prof.
Jj O. laU. Harry 1!owt. Walter
A, lenton and W. I. Rtaley.
Public Service Commission Is
sues Letter to Shippers
of Oregon
ItcKideiice ritone, 2:t2.
rtione mi.
HcpabHc Tmcks. Comlrich Tires. Overland Service. An Accessories
' Mt. Angel Garaged
croot. & snfxi:nEit
Mt. Anfirel, 0. '
StoraRe ' and Repairs.
Ueautiftil lUist and: Shoulders
're'pniilil If rr.ii will, wear ientiftcHr ooruitrurtel
Men Jolie UrmB;re.
JupporUiif i'iwcIc- that the contor of the ftirur m p.,ited.
' M,'llMi tinat hlrk wkl It tC-
CXH JL- 1. i -nin.. pr-v.t ti,e full ut from
UMifif hinMi. eliminate the danger of
Elucidation of the, meaning of Ov
dr No. .1, by Ilrrcfor General Mc
Adoo is iven In a letter to Oregon
shippors that has been Kent out by
the public service Commission. Th
order has ben ajijiesced in by the
freon rominission and wlil Ih ef
fective on and after January 21.
The letter from the commission t'
the shippers follows:
"That there may Le no question
as to the practical application of de-
lll ii l I uiiurf HU"T .!. tf
of W. G. McAdoo. director general o(
railroads of date January f, iftisf
we wuld advise khlppcrs that, such
order, has been acquiesced In by thi
commission- and will be effective as
Lto all carrirs ly rail in Orern on
or nrter January 21. 1 Six.
"The charges auHiefl by this ordor
fafter 4S-hour free time limit) nre
$3 for flrM ;lnj, ti for erbn;l dav
and i for each additional succeedinar
day $1 iff excess of that for the pre
ceding day until a triaxlmum charpe
of $10 shall le rearjedon t.fie eighth
day of detention Iteyond free time
limit, thereafter to be $10 per car
per felay.
"A tnore forceful exaimple of de
mirrrag'o charges nnder the director
Reneral's order Is contained in the
following illustration." Knppos-e a
car to have been datained-ttn days
over free time. Tne charges will
be. $72 whereas under the ules of
this co'ra mission not effective after
January 21,. ISIS, the charge fs $37.
"Shippers Will reeoRnie that tho
increase in demurrage charge is for
no other purpose than to discourage
holding cars longer than is absor
Intely essential ehcourasia
shippers to provide , more , extensive
facilities for speedy releas of equip
ment. a This 'com miatdon has. pledged
its cooperation to the director -general
and in turn asi:s the slntcre
cooperation, of all ehlppers that the
intent and purposes of the deipur
r.ige order and ifBXpaKequtnt bene
ficial results upon shipping may be
consumated and that Oregon may
take the lead in this as it has in
many other patriotic movements."
"Iates Odd f"impom!" Knds lla-.l
fuUln or i3nic in a
Few Honrs.
M-u-rnl lina to the cntira upper hody.
TlM-r the rtinf lt mt r7JD.b?2Tk HL
ruHtleM Uing-perniitti waliifls without rcmoTal.
!liv ,or d-ler ,iow y hit Jolij Briicrr if not tork-
l, C HI (Half cnu invrt '7 f
IlF.NJAiltN & JOtl.S'E5 Si Wrren Street. Newark. !t. J
SS5??N. As A5e Advances the liver Rcqjnlres
iCiorTv' occastonal tJJght tinuUtion. CARTER'S LITTLE
Coicrless cr Me Fare "ir iee tb nrs b ib K!i
: -T T- ' '
tion for the teachers or T5enton coim-j The publication will also give direct
. !( nnrnnw la frt ivf -tie dot nih t ly to the tearJiers the plans of th'.
of air requests upon the schools f rom
the federal government, such as t!vs
thrift campaign, the crop and labor
Firvy. the' Junior Red Cross, and
whatever other calls that are road!"
' Btatv ftrid r-nnntv denartmenta of e.iii.
cation rfor the school year. v
Most Important among the items
the war-saving3 f tamp. plan, and urg
ing each teacher to present this
to the pupils of -her school. Other
article of special-"Interest to the
teachers' of Benton county found
the bulletin are 'those on-spelling
contests, club work, reading elrcla
is one giving a complete outline of J work, standardization of rural school
and a g6od number of. general itemi
of news. ,t.
a j ; j ij trtM ; yyi" 1
ii.-. j -lyr'rr--rT 4 . ...
Relief comes Instantly.-
Ado.?e taken every two honrs un
til three doses are taken will end
grippe misery" and break up a severe
cold either in the head, cjiest. body
or ?!mbs. .
H prQrntly opens elogged-up n'os
trlln and air passages In the head,
stop3 nasty discharge or nose run
ning, relieves fdrk headache, dnll
nfs, feverishncHS. sore throat.
ineez5ns', soreness and stiffness.
Iont stay Ftnffed np! Qnit blow
ing and rntffling! ' Ease vour throb
bin K head! Not nine .ele In the
world gives such prompt relief as
Tape's Hold Compound," wMfh
costs only a few cents "at any drng
tore. It acts without assistance,
tastes nice, and causes no litconyenir
enco. I'.e sure Von Rt the genhihe:.
Enemy Scheme to Send .
Oat Poison Pollen Denied
It-lls How To Get Qttiek Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
In Cne minnte-your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and yon can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
rnfiffling, blowing, headache, dry
ness. No struggling for breath at
night; your cold or catarrh will be
gone. I ; v ,
(let a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Halm from your druggist now. Afc
ply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic, healing cream in your nos
trils. It, penetrates through every
air passage of the bead, soothes the
inflamed or swollen mueou mem
brane and relief cqmes instantly.
It's 'ust fine. Iton't stay tuf fed
up with- a cold' or nasty catarrh
Relief comes so quickly.
: t H !'' : ": ' ' ' :.': ':. ''' ..
RAN FRANCISCO. Jan. t'. Agri
cultural experts of 'the University f
California have characterized as "ab
surd" tonight a reported enemy plwt
to destroy the lat' cfdnj of the
United Stales by Ihe dissemlnatioa
In this country f a destrucfive p61
len said 4o have yeen shipped Trohi
Germany. ..'", C 3 h":; '
The state councitfdi defen'.oday
announced that it was in receipt of
reliable Information frofn Washing
ton that a quantity of the so-called
pol'n already was fn the hand. of
erman agents in 'California. Tho
council railed upon , the asljiaijties
for a' in tracing the sohatance.
"The" very nature of wheat," said
one of the university experts, "would
make such a scheme Imppssibla. Ev
en If the wheat could be Impregnated
it would not be destroyed."
Benton County Schools
Have Official Joarncl
The Benfon County Teachers' Bul
letin, Volnrae 1, number 1. an eight
page folder published by the county
school superintendent, R. K. Cannon,
was received at the office of Super
intendent of 1'nblic Instruction X A.
Churchill, yesterday,
,Tbe bnlleti ia'ln official publica-
After You Getf
aaaaaaaaiaaaaaM '
We give yow
Crawls cn Its
Own Tracks
Writ or w:r ns il'tr"-t fur
' ay irvif i" impiN-I tn yftur
,'l-rla'fil Trf lr - Thm
Trurtnr l!ar iu!it
in any o:l ,!- w-at'fpr.
100 KY.AIi VAI.t'K.
M 12 H. P. for
B "the tinder -
20RP.atitebe5. lof fl
I rtatkmary wok JB
(f rt t S aerir a d
II th mmrU t S I
II Htnn mm ! I
You Nefed a Gck4 Tractor for
1 . Your Farm Work Now
Ark any of there T."rctneri In yonr
'territory1 alout tJi ClovoUind Tractor.
Senator OeoTge W. Weeks. . Salem, Oio.
K. A. Kwrta. . ... . . .. .'. .Halftn, ' rKm
Jji I H-no..., .KaJem, r;ii ,
1 t ' liarlfvril',. Kalcni. Oremm
Klurcnce- I RHiglas. 1 sUmene, I )rKn ''
Tlatt llrotherji j . . . . iWomllmrn, Orcnton
l'.rtfce Cmnirirham Halem, Oro
Arthur IfarB-flon.- farlton, OrrKun
John Mathaier. , . Ctrvala. Oftttion
KlarJ har... Silvrton, Cr-fn I
M. M. Ilrrmm. .. , .1 larriabwrg, r-iron I
Jolm W'odtli. . ., , . . ,AVaterlo, Orr-xun -i
Harry Leach.....; Yamhill, Ortaun I
and many others. "
is hamlie'sf, mwt rnmpltie,
most necessary farm irnpletneht
ever deviiel. Not big ami
liilky--but vHlh ixnver enoujrh
for; all the hanl work ytm can
giro jt. Worth fiYe, times its
cost on any farm. . Fill out the
eon win -below and let tis tell
you about it.' . )
Trw sell.- r aency of the Cleveland Tra
Brthpr of r?altm tm tmn diftH!mit a
further nti- we wt! hlBrt4' the aictnc;
f-v. ,Owirera- of - the- Tracinr will j)
wpiy to uk fr any w.-rvle iiU-l.
. (Signed) McKFt'"TftArTOrt CO
525 rittor:lc nf(ck' I'ortlaml. .Orrgon
Teltlioa Urwm7 H 40 and A J I"S .
McNeff Tractor Go.
- - &aV
ctor to Vlek
ind until Xr A
y our. yr y
Tw-rKir: Hi-aur B'I rn
full, nf5rmalln lwt tha .
tlMii-l Triu.-lor.
225-Fitlock Block.,