2 , ' TlfE PRECOX CTATCTMAX; FRIDAY. JANUARY 18. 1018 DOCTOR GAVE THIS RUN-DOWN , WOMAN VINOL And She Got Well Her Ner vousness Disappeared FlUit.Mleh. "I'kwp houee for my famlljr of six and rot Into a generally rnn-down condition. I wan weak, nervous and could not leep, aod hai headache a good deal or the time. My doctor prefer'b-d Vinoi and it made me wll and strong. I am a good deal less nervous and ran s'e-p night. Clara Smith, 11.13 Wl 4th Ave., Flint. Mich. , , We sell Vlnol on a positive guar antee to ma1e nervous, weak, j run down women Well, and strong, cr re turn their money. Try; it enrwav. Kmfl A. Schaefer. Druggist S lei'i. and at the bt drug rtore in every town and city In the country. GARFILD SIGNS AND FUEL DENIED (Continued from page -1)1 ; suiting from lack of detailed expla nation, . x ) j ' !A supplementary statement issued with the order embraced a list of In dustHes engaged Hn imperative work which will be exempted from i th? order's .enforcement. It. include shipyards engaged in naval work, a lew plants turning out products need ed immediately by the array and navy and portions of plants -producing tubing. The list was preparea by Secretaries Baker and Daniel, t , Although no formal announcement First Photo of Woun ded American Officer This is. declared by the Drilihb of ficial 'War picture off iee to be the first pbotogrlpb, of a wounded Am erican soldierj to be sent to the Unit ed State. lie Is Lieutenant Hekey, who was in the fight at Cambrai. ' . was fctruk by a "whlz-bang." After the battel he was shipped to london, and of course, as the firet wounded American to reach a london hpital be. at l raced ruh attention. - iiay be days. heated on the Monday boH- ST. IX)UIS. n. 17. An order J closing all place of amupejii'-nt in st. ixnna at io p. m. ana ciosmg them, completely on Monday and Tuofcday will i$ issued tonight by Lieutenant Governor Croeslty of Missouri,, fuel admlun. -for of thii state, he announced today. was made, the shipping board jhas Ktrnis llinler lellerjr. been assured that all ship yards will V'AlllX(lTOX, Jan. 17,-DeHv-be exempted: i J cries of coal during the next ftw Congress was in an uproar from' days will ne n.all tr.roitghxit tne en the time it assembled until It ad-j tire storm-swept section of the cVjijd journed tonight. The senate resolu-f try and probably elsewhere, railroad tlon was passed, 50 to 19. after many officials declared to'av nfter recelv senators had denounced the order asring reports of continuing cold weath unwise and unnecessary. In tbejer and snow. Despite the fuel ai house objection prevented consldera-, ministration's restriction order p" lion of the resolution, but it was the the extraordinary f fforts at railway.! subject of "an acrimonious debate. to move coal, it wtll l:e j hyklcally fe T flow Mondays. S impossible to haul h normal dally Prohibition of the use of fuel by I winter supply for probably three or . various consumers will close hotel, four'days eveil If the weather moder- nod care bats in tne eastern nair or,ates rapidly, it was said. uSLtI,2!L Jt6ZLholl.ZU Director General McAfi the enemy there can never be the reproach that we L'ld back from our full share. Those hips lntn with our supplies of food for men an J food for gnus inufi.havv toal and put to sea. CASTOR I A. For Izfoat3 and Children In IJse For Over SO Years Always bears the 8igttature of rUEL ACT IS CALLED CALAMITY , Continued from page 1) unless the managements prefer their establishments to be heatless. ) The clause including saloons ant on cthose consumers which may not. burn coal on the next ten Mon days, from January 21 to March 25, contained an added provision except ing hotels tand public: eating houses from the operation of the order pro vided they neither sell nor serve Jn toxlcatlng JlQUora on the days In question. . : . . . ; . j u Another difference from the prr lfmary abstract Is In a provision that opwatfbn -tf manufacturing - plants which must be kept running contin uously to prevent serious damage; I Director General McAdoo said to night the railroads would cooperat" in carrying out Fuel Administrator Garfield's order, by moving coal to localities needlng.lt most. "The Incidental effect of this tram porttion situation on cpal produc tion has been disastrous. There has been and always ha ben plenty n; fne, bdt It cannot be moved to tbos places where It' is so badly needed while railroad lines rod terminals are choked.' Throughout the ca'i' fields scores even hundreds of mines are lying idle beemu road Inability to supply -the ears ti carry away their product. , coni must be "only to such an extent ai ' wn cannot' operate wit bout car". Is nnccawry" during the next five Cam ranot be eupplied while the rail ment think the situation insures fa vorable action on their proposals. Kenators Lew lx. SimiuooH and Jones of 'Sew Mexlcoiin the senate, and Kepresentatlve ltalney In the house, were among f the principal speakers In defense of the adminis tration. They all admitted that the order entailed serious! conseqiwnce. but opposed hasty action in disturb ing orders under authority granted bv congress having the approval of the president and presumably essen tial. ;!.' , . days and the succeeding ten Mon days. This would apply to blast furnaces and other spe!inl plants.! In their Monday editions, which are limited to those ordinarily ls ued on holidays, newspapers are en? joined from. Issuing the large editions usttallr put out cn Sundays. j roblle utilities buildings , 4fle. naph nnd telephone offices, have been added in tle official order to the list of business buildings, which roads are ' crippled by the present freight congestion, which keeps Idle cars lying 'useless In the freight yards, : . - "In the pit week coal woducMoi hss been disastrously reduced. Re ports In some eases have shown 90 percent of ' the mine In certain field closed comrktely, for lick of cars. :. i , "This Is vraff Whatever the cost, we must pay xo that In the face nt Big Clean-Up' Sale of FURNITURE and RUGS Prices quoted on a number of &rtices of furniture that are less than half their real value Our stock must be toned up. Therefore these articles must go. Coat is so object" Lock them over. .Perhaps yon have a place for some of them. ; - :' - '"", 7 . ; -' :::. - - We are also cleaning up our rag department. 'Where .we have only one rug of acind we wish to use the space required on our sample rack for 1 new . patterns arriving ; , hence a reduction is bein 'made in 'a nsmber of rugs. , . The people of Salem know that our sales are genuine : and that prices are really reduced. We, do not boast of low prices but we really produce them. You get better values nere. i $23.00 Corner China Closet. $18.50 China Closet........ $25.00 China Closet. $24.50 China Closet. ...... , " W w II $25.00 China Closet $35.00 China Closet $12.50 Side Table... ..1. , $15.00 Bird's Eye Manle Desk. $20.00 Walnut Music Cabinet. $15 00 Fumed Oak SetUe. ......... $15.00 Fumed Oak Hall Bench. $16.00 Golden .Oak Hall Bench. . . , . $14 00 Sewing Cabinet. $12 00 Sewing Cabinet. , . . , . . $10 SO Bird's Eye Maole Dressing Table $13.50 Oolden Oak Music Cabinet...... - $35.00 Combination Buffet!.. J . . . . ...... $25.00 0x12 Tapestry Rug. . . ........ - $23.00 9x12 Tapestry Rug. ........ $21.00 0x12 Tapestry Rug. . J. . . . $zo 00 9x12 Tapestry Rug. $36.00 0x12 Axminster Rng. . $33.50 9x12 Axminster Rag. . $16 o0 9x12 Thesin Rugs $12.00 0x12 Fairfox Rugs. . . . 51Z 00 9xlZ Wool Fibre . $ 9.00 0x9 All Wool Rug . . . . , Other sizes in proportion. i j SALE ONLY ON FOR A FEW DAYS ..$15.85 ...$12.75 . ..$13.85 $15.85 -...$13.75 ...$16.85 .-..$18.50 ...$6.75 ...$10.05 ..$13.25 ...,$ 6.05 $7.50 . ...$ 8.75 ....$ 6.75 $ 6.95 . . . .$10.75 ....$ 895 ....$16.75 ....$21.50 $18.95 ....$17.65 ....$16.50 . . . .$31.50 . . . .$29.85 ....$14.65 ...-.$ 0.85 ....$ 0.50 $7.85 DONT DELAY C.' S. HAMILTON HOUSE FURNISHER 340 COURT STREET ftorfieb! k'mlerjroes (frilling. WA8IHN(3TON, Jn. 17.Kuel Administrator Garfield underwent a two .hours' grilling today at the bunds of the senate committee ' In vestigating the coal shortage wbih called hint before It to explain hf reasons for Issuing the order shut ting down n Industries by denying thm the nse of coal. 'At the termination of the bearing the commute decided to make no formal report, but Chairman Head made a- sneech In the senate declar I)ri Osrfleld hd not satisfied him of the neieslsty for such drastic action. The line of questions asked by other members of the committee indicated that they, too, took the iae y'"v lr. ' Oarfleld declared the order made Imrieratlve because of the fuel' and transnortt tlon crises. If "oal were not cut off to all 'ndustrlex for h period.' many of. hem, he said. wuid be .'forced fi.ele anyhow. d th rovernme in closing down rvthlng '. Intended to treat all al"'e. Mi1n- rf -"'.tftee critl- "?m1 .severe ". r'olr down of idusfrles wh'ch -' rn stores on band snd deciarAl ' the order. If t mi effective. wou' rt"s the coun try n billion dollars In wages and prediction. tyt-r 1 f-fnle. Fuel Administrator Garfield' "it0nnt in explanation of hi or dr follows: "The most nrgent thing to be done Is to send to th American brad and to the allies the food and war supplies which thev vitally ed. Wsr munitions, food, and, ar ticles of every descHptlon, are lvin 'n Atlantic nnrts in terns of thousands of tons, where literally hundreds o" -bins, losded with war goods for our nen end the allies cannot take the eas because their bunkers are emnty of coal. The coal to send them on their ways Is waiting be hind the congested frelgnt mai.aaij jammed all terlranals. . "It H wor"e than usual to bend our energies to more manufacturing h-n wJiat we fuav- already inanu-fM4-iured !!! at tidewer ongest in teriuiual facilities. Jainliun; the railroad yards and idrtrak for long distances back into the country; Nil power -on eaib can move tbl freieht iato he war totif where It is needed until we supply the uhlps with fuel. ' Once the docks are cleared of the valuaMe freight for which otiniett and --ot latts In the war wait now in vain, then again our energies and power mav be turi.ed to manufactur ing, more erfici.-nt thaii ever. 'so that a te.idy&iid uninterrupted stream of vUal supplies' may be this nation's answer to the allies" cry for help. . Vit has been ecen of production, in our war time speeding up. that has done so much to cause conges tion on our railroads: that has filled the freight yards to overflowing; that has cluttered the docks of our Atlantic ports with gods waiting go abroad. At tidewater the flood of freight has stopped. The ship were unable to complete the journey from our factories to the war depots behind the firing line. . Sliip t'nable l Hall. Added to this hid' been difficulty of transporting coal for our own do mestic needs. On top of tiiese diffi culties has come one of the most ter ribly severe winters we have known in yeir. "The wheels were chokedand stopped; zero weather and snow hound trains: terminals congested: harbors with shipping rozen in; riv ers and canals Impassable; It was ueless to continue to manufacture nnd pile confusion on top of con fusion. "A clear -line-from the manufac turing establishments to the sea board and beyond; that was the Im 'wratlv peed. It was like soldiers "tarcb'ng to the front. The men in the foit'inoft- ranks must have room to move. More than a shock was needed to make a way through the eongestlon at the terminals and on the docks so that the aid so vitally needed by the ( allies could get through." 'j-..' COAL SITUATION IN COUNTRY NOT LAID TO MINERS Many Worker Idle But Rail roads Are Unable to Handle Product LABOR WELL HANDLED Fuel Shortage Is Thoroughly Discussed at Miners' Convention GRANGE AFTER DOCTOR KERR CUT THIS OUT OLI KNUI.ISII IIKtll'K KOR 'AR TAHH. CAT4IUIIUI. DKAKNKSM - ' - IIKAII 'KOISKS. If you know someone who is troubled with hesd noises. Catarrhal lrf nen. rut jout thla formula, and hinl it t them and you may have been the a"n of navinir Some poor aafferer ptrhipr fwim teul denfnea. We be lieve tnst:Ctarrh. Ctnrrhal Deafness, hesd noises, etc.. nr ciuoiit by -on-Htltut1inal Hlaeaae, and that aalvea. tprayn. Inhalera etc. merely temporise with the complaint and seldom if ever effect a permanent cure. This belna so, muh time has been spent In per lectin a pure, gentle, yet effective ton in that should qukkly diopel all traces of the catarraht ptl;n from the uym tem. The effective preacriptlon which wraa eventually formulated la aiven he low in an understandable form so' that inyone can use it In their own homy at Utile expense. Hwure from your drualt t . i'ar mlnt (Itouhle Mtrcnathl. Take thia home and add to it mnt .r t,..t . "i granulated lujur; atir un Mll dissolved" Take one tablespoonful n"ir itiiiei n nay. The f irat doae ahnuld bealn to relieve the dlstreaalnv head nolaea, headache.! dulners. cloudy thlnklnar etc.. while the bearing should rapidly return as the -w.iem invtaorsted by the tonic ac tion of the treatment. t.oaa of mell and rmicu dropping ,ln the hack of he throat r lother symptoms that Show that Dreaerirn nf r.l.rrk.l e Marion County Organization Calls Upon Htm to Ex plain or Resign The i Marlon County Pomona grange at , a meeting Wednesday adopted a resolution calling upon Ii. W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agricultural college; either to prove hat he was offered the presidency of Kansas State eolieae or resign bis present position. On the strenatb of an offer aatd to have been made Dr. Kerr by the regents of the Kansas nstitution, the board of regents cf he Oregon Agricultural college re--!-ntly raised bis salary from $7000 o $8400 a year. , One section- of the resolution idopted at the grange meeting here reads: ., "The recent explanation of the board of regents of O. A. C. on this subject Is the most thorough an-1 beautiful, piece. of carabiiflage that was ever spread upon the scenery and landmarks of the state of Ore ton. It Is enough to give a person -'Dr moral blind staggers to read it." POitTIiANl). Jan. 17;--The Ward of regents of the Oregon Agricultural college on January 11 Issued n lengthy formal statement answering criticisms on Its action Increasing the salary of President Kerr. " The taUmcnt was prepared by a com 'nlttee comonsed of J. K. Weather ford, president pf the board; J. A. hurchllli state superintendent of nubile Instruction, and C. E. fipence. master of the state grange, ard wr unanimously adopted by the board. in -t th statement said; "We had full knowledge of all the facts before and at he time Presi dent Kerr'H snlary was advanced. No deception of any kind was pr,c eed by anybody, unon us or upon he peonle of the state. President Kerr did not request anv Increase 'in lrv. The board has ample "trrobrative Information th pre. dent Kerr was nrred to consider the nresldency of the Kansas Ailculf ur I eot'eae at sn' Increased salary. i"v statements to the contrary not withstanding." Jefferson Myers of Portland, one f th regents. tnnleh said b ". "-nvlncert llr, Kfrr had received the Kansas ofr. "f have oen enonah .vri'ten pM.nce to satisfy me." h --Id. Within a short tlrte if !s 'b-tint the bord nf rerests will e "b. to moke ruihllc a'l neceawirv ev idence, according to Mr, Myers;- ' INDIANA POMS." IndJ. Jan. 17.--The fuel ahoitage came In for con siderable discussion at the miners' convention today when the resolu tions committee recomn-ended non concurrence in a resolution propos- ina a federal Investigation of com plaints that memberi of the organ ization remained Idle while mines were In operation. Leaders of the union took the stand that their have been no complaints from any sub stantial authority that tbe present coal famine is due to the mine work er and that neither President Wil son nor Kuel Administrator Garfield had questioned the loyalty of tbe coal diggers In supporting tbe gov ernment by producing a maximum output of fuel. ' The delegates voted down the rec omendations of non-concurrence, but the committee w'a.s finally upheld af ter a battery of heavy, attlllery had been brought to the firing line and swept the convention' wlthi tbe argu ment that It would be time enough to Investigate when some one of au thority made a complaint. John P. White, adviser to1 Dr. i Garfield; Frank P. Hayes president and Wil liam Green, secretary; John II. Walk er,. president of the Illinois Federa tion of Iabor, and Itobett H. Harlln of Seattle, chairman; of - the resolu tions committee, were the men wh swung the convention wun tntii argument, Labor Well Handled. Mr. White told the miners that, he had handled every labor question that had come before the fuel ad ministration, with satisfaction to th government and that no authority bad risen lnXhls country to challenge the loyalty of the men who produce tbe coal. Thosanda of miners are walking the streets, be said, because tbe railroads tan not handle the coal the men have mined. There was applause when Mr. White tead a tel ejeram from Dr. Garfield 4n which tbe administrator said the order tlos Ing industries for five days would not low down the mines. Secretary Green said that If the operators do their duty and the rail roans naui the coal, tne miuers would almost bury the nation In foot of coal. , v i-resiaent iiaye made the aam argument. He explained that som complaints against alleged Idleness of miners bad been received at head quarters and that the complaints were forwarded to local unions In circular form as a matter of routine for the locals to take action If they were true. Ilesolntlon Are" DlMnissetl. The entire day was given to Mie consideration of reoslutions. The "on vent ion reaffirmed its allegiance to tne government but exnressed if oelf as opposed to legislation look- ing to universal compute, milltarv training after tbe war; oipposed the employment of women Inj bazaruoua or labotioiia occupations iind declar ed that the alleged shortage of la bor is greatly exaggerated by cor porations; condemned the deporta- It? VI.H. for ft jinir of i-ivnc Army Shoe that ell ilmewhero for $7.fJ in lik i vinic them away. We have only a few pairs t) )n-.moM JVilav afiil Saturday We have them in luih LKATJ1KH and NKOMN SoIch, in. Mack ami tan. VV will aUo fcel) you Friday ami Saturday our two tone Shoe for Voting . Men-Saell everwhere for $t).(H). Our price . ;. . . .$6.85 If you think you fan, buy tlirno Slioo cirfap er at the factory let via order them for you at factory jriev. A. J. PARIS SHOE SHOP i 379 State Street on Battery Accxuztkn a A !a m (aaiit jt Mil AnAfnv k 1 lasTC ss ishit are serving as otricers in tne union. Tbe resolutions committee explained that It appreciated tbe spirit of the resolution but said there no doubt are men In tbe organization who have not been In this country long enough to become naturalized, but who are nevertheless, loyal to the United States and not In sympathy with the alma and ambitions of the central powers. The committee bad no desire to do such loyal men an in justice. BILVKRTON, Or., Jan. 17. (Spe cial to Tbe Statesman.) Mrs. Mar garet Morse swore out a warrant yesterday for the arrest of Den Guyard, charging him with assault and battery. Young Guyard is re ported to have seriously "mussed up" the Morse boy. Guyard will have his bearing before Judge Paul son this afternoon. GRAIN SUPPLY IS HELD AMPLE Big Problem Is Transporta tion From Farms to Dis tribution Centers tlon of members of the nrcanlzation near uallup, N. M., last July; urged congress and tbe president to apply the principles of the selective draft to surplus private property, sutpluk private incomes and war profits; en couraged the Rochdale plan of co operative stores; opposed all amend ments to the immigration laws that would admit of any greater freedom oi eniry or Chinese laboi-; urged rooa Aaministrator Hoover to In vestigates high food prices In mining communities and reconlniended- min er to give the "full measure of their ruppori ' to the Hed Cross. A resolution denouncing the net inn of congress In passing the prohibition laws was not concurred In. Anothei CHICAGO. Jan. 17.There In pltnv of grain to supply the needs of the United States and tbe allied during 191 ft, but It is up to the gov ernment ot move It from thefarmi to the centers of distribution, re pre eentatlves from grain exchange from all over the country uwred here tonight at the convention of the National Conn Ml of Grain exchanges Millions of bushels of corn wilt go to waste unless trains to move it can rt.i which re nfien overcome, by this' ' 7""'T "u'"m raius to uiwre n fricsctmis trmtm.nt. If nearly ninety' he furnished Within 60 days, It r eent of all er trouble. re directly said. wa per eem or ail nr Irrmhl.a -r liil 1 ""r" " '-ti-rrii. in-r must be many ni..t . . j reinl wlure henrln? may be restored ' u me i uuii.ii ueciaren by this , simple home treatment. j that corn and wheat crops last year , wnr ta ir urief with exccertert besd , nel'es. ,CtH.rrhl Ammt nmma . ea- : tsrrh in anr forni houtrf a;le this pre-i . . Ten ' script I on a trial. Cspitsl.-Drug Store, j thU year. all expectations and that an even greater yield .waa exoected CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try Thh!. All Dandruff Dbotppear ami nair tiH, tVniiin tut. Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse" If you wish to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Ju moisten a cloth wlti Danderlne an draw It carefully through your hair, takln? one amall atranrt at a time;' this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wary, fluffy and abund ant and possess on incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Resides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderlne dissolves "very particle of dandruff; In vigor-' eies me scaip, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderlne la to the hair what fresh shower of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right U the roots. Invigorates and strength ens them. It exhilarating, stimu lating and life-producing properties tause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. 1 You cm surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lts cf it. if yoi will spend a few eenta for a small bottle of Knowltons Danderlne at liny drig store or toilet counter and try it as directed. I Charter No. 3405. ' llerserve District No. 12. UKPOnT OF X).DITIOX OF THK CAPITA l XATIOXAL BAXK At Salem, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on De, 31, 1917. i ; llewource. ; - 1 ' ; 1. (a) Loans and discounts ............. .M45.481.31 - Total loans .... . . ...';....,....... $445,411.81 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, $48.65 ............... i . . . 0. I. M. bond (other tbii Uberty llonds of 1017): (a) U. 8. boads deposited to secure clrcu- latlon (par value) ............... $100,000.00 (b) -U. 8. bonds and certificates of Indebt- edness pledged to secure Uv 8. de- .-.j posits (par value) .............. . 1,000.00 (d) U. 8. Bonds and certificates of Indebt edness pledged as collateral for state n - t or other deposit or bllla payable v;v 1,000.00 If) U. 8. bonds and rertincatea of lndebt i edness owned and unpledged ...... 80.00. Total U. 8. bonds (other than Liberty bonds and certifi cates of Indebtedness .......................... 8. (a) Liberty Loan Bonds, unpledged, 3 ft r per cent and 4 per cent .......... .$110, 50.00 (c) Liberty Loan Bonds. 3 percent and . . 4 per cent, pledged to secure postal savings deposits ................ . 9 (d) Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 4 percent and 4 per rent, pledged to secure state or other deposits or bills payable ... . T. Ttonds. seraHtlM. etc. f other than V. 8.1 1 (c) Bonds and securities pledged as col-' - lateral for state.or other: deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable . . 231,338.55 (e) Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not 1 Including stocks) owned unpledged ... 67,093.33 ' Total bonds, securities, etc. . i . . . . 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per - ! cent of subscription) . . i ............... . 17 1. . 10. (a) Value of banking bouse: $ 28.279.47 445.481.81 46.65 102,080.00 15.000.00 125,650.00 c...i.. . i... 12. 17 eat eat at owned nthop than hinklnr hnnu 1 1 3. lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ......... 15. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 16. Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust com panies other than Included In Items 13 and 15 ..... . 18. Cheeks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting bank .................... Total of Items 16. 16. and 18 .......... $118. 2SX.22 19.. Cbacka on banks located outside of clfy or town of le- portmg bang and other cash items ....... . ..... . Redemption fund, with U. Treasurer and due front IT. S. Treasurer . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . Interest earned but not collected approximate on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due Other assets. If any. War. Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps . . ..'. . . .-. . ...... r 20 1 22 298,431.88 4,500.00 28.279.47 4.374.22 3.219.28 55.412. 92 108.536.84 t ; 806.18 9.940.20 i 744.00 5,000. 00 3.147.25 33.46 23. 24. 25. . $1,195,684.16 $ 125.000.00 25,000.00 1 11.907.44 94.400.00 7.339.81 f ' 4.539.27 349,083.30 . 9,050.41 698.83 764.08 223.954.24 128.00 Total ) ' IJaltllltkMi. 1 Capital stock paid In . . . . Surplus fund . . . ....... .......... , , . '. !.!'" (a) Undivided profits . . . .. . . . .. . . .-. $ 29,04V.73 (b) Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid . .. niii u !9. Circulating notes outstanding .... a. ... ." 11. Net amounts due to National banks . - . 3 32. Net amounts due to banks ban panies (other than Included In Item 31) ... Total of Items 31 and 32 . . $ ii.9290R DemaiMl defmslta (other than bank' leolts) subject to Reserve (desnoslts navahlo within in h . ... . S3. Individual deposits subject to check .... . . ' s. ceruncatea or deposits duo In less than 30 days (other than for ntoner borrowed l . Certified checks ....... . I " 16. Cashier's cheeks outatandine- I i State, county, or other municipal deposits secured try' Pledge of assets of thla hank 19. Dividends unpaid . . . .......... Total of demand deposits (other than bank . deposlti) subject to Reserve, I tenia 33, rimfVi. 6 ' 11' .1583.678.85 Time tletioslta aubjeet to Reserve (payable after 20 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, jnd postal savings) : " 41. Certificates of deposit A Other than fne msnw luir. rowed ) ; . . . 43. Postal savings denosita . ." " 44. Other time deposits. ............... oiai or time deposits subject to Reserve. Items 41. 43 mn. AA ......... a r rui ' .z, ts. y ' 7 , ViU (other than postal savings): tcfuiner united Htates deposits. Including deposits of U. 8. disbursing officers... $1000.00 Total . 'i at m ....... ..-..,,.,,,,, Slate of Oregon. Countv nt rriAn hi; .h!' !LAlbtrt CMh,er of the 'above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to th best of my knowledge and belief. oh.-iK.t . a JOS. If. ALBERT, Cashier. HUDscrlbed and sworn to before me this 17th day of January. 1918 '. PAUL V. JOHNSON, NoUry Ju bile. A (My eommlaslon expires Jan. 10, 1921.) " 25.529. 39i 11,851.46 305,387.94 1,000.00 $1,195,684.16 Correct- -Attest: 3. It. ALBERT, - n. J. miles. - . , E. M. CROISAN. DIreetora. .7 f- l UTTTCT