..-,V, ;;T:-r; i - I t WEATIIKK. i Pain, fresh south westerly winds. MXTV-Si:VKXTll YEAU NO. IMS MALKM, OUEtiON, FRIDAY MOU.MXJ, JAXIARY 18, IV IH J PRICE 1'IVi: COTS DAILY EDITION - , 1 1 1 i ! 8 ) 0 t S 4 DR. GARFIELD SIGNS ORDER; FUEL DENIED .Administrator, Supported by Wilson, Attaches Signa ture, to Mandate (While Senate Asks Suspension - CONGRESS IN UPROAR DURING ENTIRE DAY Baker and Darnels Prepare List of Industries Exempt i!-. From Act it. : WASHINGTON, Jai. 1 7. -While a storm of, protest raged at the capitol -and among" business Interests throughout' the nation. Fuel Admin istrator Garfield tonight signed fhe order in preparation since .yesterday, cjosln dqwn manufacturing plants east of the Mississippi river for- five days beginning aT midnight tonight anil stopping virtually all business activity on every Monday for a per iod of ten weeks beginning January '51. : - V'""-- ' ; . ! 1 ' i":'! With the full support. of ? Presl ) dent Wilson, the fuel administrator ate as the senate was preparing to vote on a resolution which it passed 20 minates later, requesting him to postpone action for five clays.. Dr. Garfield would not comment on the senate action, but it was stated at the fuel administration that the res olution would have no effect upon the order. i ; i -Seldom ban Washington seen a day of more stirring acIyity. Congress paid little attention to any other subject during the day, and officials generally, few of whom bad Known that the order was imminent, talk ed of little else. .! Garfield Btorm Center. - Dr. Garfield was storm center dur ' ' log the morning when his office was swamped with telephone calls. In the afternoon when he was haled befowj -a senate committee and tonight when he finally issued the order, j . The order as; signed and sent out tonight to state fuel administrators for enforcement, contained but few 'changes from the form of an abstract ' given out by the fuel administration last night. Nor-did it clear up to any great extent the confusion, re- - (Continued on page 2) 1 -Girls?, Shoes Every vwomanTwha'hat $hapcly unblemished fect'U justly.' proud of them. Thoscfvvhojfare less fortu - nate can invariably trace thcblcm ishes ;to illnttingi hces .worn durrng grlhcxdn.It i$ the duty of ' every motherf to choose shoes for the growing girl thatwill prevent i foot .trouble in.afterycar$5 - Busier1 Sfowtt Shoes For Girls' . are "made 'pverythe'famous Buster f Brown Shaping Lasts, which insure V the proper development of the foot. , f Every mother should sec these shoes, f They combine many features o vital to, health, with dependable leathers, reliable workmanship r . sterling values and correict style, and insure positive freedom' from foot troubles. : - Buster Brown Shoes are made in many patterns . for all ages from two years to eighteen. For Boys and Girls. There's honest service in every pair. ; x . .. . Our store closes at 5:30 every evening except Sat urday, at 8 o'clock. M'ADOO CLEARS WAY FOR THIRD LIBERTY LOAN Secretary Announces Issue of rJTreasury Indebtedness Certificates CAMPAIGN IS IN MARCH Paper Bearing Four Per Cent Interest Aceptable for Bonds 'WASHINGTON. Jin. 17 As the first financial -step in preparation for-the third liberty loan, Secretary MCAdoo tonight announced a new issue of $400;o0o,000 treasury cer tificates of indebtedness, bearing per cent from January 22, and pay able April 22, Subscriptions will be I received by federal reserve banks at part and accrued Interest until Jan uary 29, and payment must be made by that date. The certificates will be received in payment of third lib erty loan subscriptions. " This arrangement indicates that the first payment on the third liberty loan will be on or about April 22. and that if the same plan of install ment' payments is maintained for the third as for the second loan, the bond selling campaign will be in March. For the second loan, the first pay ment was made two weexs after the close of the month's campaign. For the first time since the United States started its big war financing move, subscriptions will be received simultaneously for two Current is sues of certificates, since an issue of so-called tax certificates is stilt open. The interest rate is the same as on other recent issues. ' On the latest issue Secretary MC Adoo reserved the right to reject any subscription, to allot less than the amount applied for, to close the sub scription books at any time and re deem the certificates before their maturity date. The certificates will be In denominations of . f 1000. 15600, $10,000 and $100,000. They are exempt from all federal, state and local taxes, except estate and in heritance taxes. Income surtaxes and excess profits taxes. Interest on $5000 worth of certificates wed by any one person or interest is also exempt from income surtaxes'and ex cess profits taxes. GERMANS SAY RUSSIA WANTS SELFISH PEACE Slavs Unwilling to Comprom ise; Peace With Allies Not Wanted ARMIES talJST BE HELD Wide Gap Exists Between Ideas of Self-Determination of Nations BERLIN', via LONDON. Jan. 17. The official report of the reply of the Germans to the Russian dele gates at the Hrest-Litovsk confer ence last Monday, says Dr. von Kuehlmann. announced that the cen tral powers had decided, to reply verbally. to the formulated proposals of the Russian delegation. 11 urged that the present method of drawing up formulated documents wasted much time' and led to little progress. ' , He advised that they talk matters over in the future, entrusting their paper drafts to one representative from . each side. ' These two repre sentatives should form an editorial committee, who should r?ach an un derstanding between themselves In ascertaining and settling down points of difference. The reply of the central powers was then read, as follows: ' Compromise Xot Realized. -"The proposals of the FMissian delegation, with regard to the devel opment of matters in regions of Rus sia occupied by the central powers diverge to such a degree from the Views of the central powers that in their present form they must be characterized as inacceptable. They do "hot possess the character of an attitude of compromise for which the central powers have striven, but represent a one-sided Russian de mand which excludes th'e just basij of the opposite party being taken In to consideration. "In .spite of that, the central pow ers are prepared again to give a clearly formulated : clpression of their opinions upon pending ques tions, this time in a formulated man ner, and also fo try. to find out if the compromise striven for by them offers any prospect of realization. i "One portion of the territories oc cupied by the central powers is dealt with In Article 1 of the German draft. This matter has been deliber ated npon and requires no further discussion. The question according to which (blank in the wireless dis patch received by the British ad miralty) state life should be granted was purely a temporary organisation and had four stages: (I) The time between the conclusion of peace with Russia and the termination of. Rus sian demobilization. (2) The' tiuio between the Russian peace and a general ipeace., (3 J The time for the transition stage of the new peo ples. Mr The finally definitive stage whi the new. states require for the complete installation of Jneir state organization. JieiaI Peace Xot Wanted. "It most be repeatedly pointed nt that for the central powers, as distinct from the case of Russia, the conclusion of peace with Russia by no means has any connection with a general peace, and that the central powers will be compelled to continue the war axainst their other enemies. On the other hand, the Russian gov ernment declares again to the aliled (Teutonic) delegation that it is of the opinion that the existing consti tutional organization of newly creat ed spates may be considered for the present fully competent to express the will of w)de circles of the neople. "Of great importance for the ques tion -(blank In the wirclefes) of the individuality of a state is the .deci sion reached by the supreme' court law and given at Washington in the year 1808, in which it is stated: That the sovereign rights of the United States of North America must be recognized as having fully and completely existed from the day of the announcement of its independ ence, that is to say, as from the Fourth of July, 1776. quite inde pendent of Its recognition on thj part of England In the treaty of the year 1782. Droit international cod ifie, page 160.'i Declaration Is Xoted. ' "The delegation takes note of the declaration 'that the Russian govern ment from the fact that the occu pied regions having belonged ty the former Russian imperial empire does not draw any conclusions which would Impose any political obliga tions upon the peoples of thes ter ritories In relations to the Russian republic and that the old frontiers of the former Russian empire front iers established by acts of force, and crime' against such peoples, and especially against the Polish people have disappeared, together with Czardom. : "It also takes note that 'there fore,, the principal task before j the Russian government in the negotia tions now in progress ,dos' not' con sist inxany way in defending the forceful keeping of territories within the borders of the Russian empire, but in guaranteeing real freedom and the right of self-determination in re. (.Continued on page 6.) FERDINAND IS THREATENED II Bohhviki Orders Rumanian King Captured Following Strict Ultimatum Crisis Laid to Fraternization HUNS AND SLAVS, IN DEADLOCK OVER PEACE Germans Oppose Russian Views -on Evacuation; Front to be Guarded - PETROGRAD, Jan. 17. An order threatening the arrest of King Ferdi nand of Rumania ' has been Issued by the Bolshevikj. The order, w'hlch is signed by Premier Lenine, calls upon Russian soldiers and officials on the Ruman ian front to arrest the king and de liver him In Petrograd on board a special train for imprisonment. It constitutes the latest development la connection with the alleged starving of Rolsheviki troops by Rumanian forces which led to the at rest of Ru manian Minister Diamand! and the sending of an ultimatum to Rumania demanding the punishment' of the officials responsible. The order describes the way in which 'the king is to be handled and guarded on the way to Petrograd. The attitude or the Bolshevikl in this respect appears to be serious, as they believe they hate sufficient forces on the -Rumanian front to carry ont their threat. PETIIOGRAD, Jan. 16. Tfee eve nlng papers, declaie that the arrest by Rumanians of Austrian officers who sough to go thrcugh the Ru manian lines on their way to the Russian front to fraternize with th Russians, is one of the principal rea sons for the crisis between the Boi shevlkl and Rumania. The Rumanians declare that these officers broke the armistice agree ment by going beyond certain lines. The fact or the arrest of the enemy was immediately communicated to headquarters at Brest-Litovsk. The officials at the Fmolny Insti tute ar particularly incensed at ths conduct' of General' Tcherbatcheff, commander on the Rnsslan-Rumanl an front, suspecting him of working with the Ukraine forces and the Ru manians against the Smolhy insti tute. . " Delegates to tne constituent assembly-from- I'krain who arrived in" Petrograd -today declared that the Ukraine rada was moving troop to war Poltava, which is occupied by the Bolshevik forces and that a bat tle already hJd occurred on the out skirts of the town. , . (Associated Press Summary.) The Teutonic allies and the Bol shevik! are still deadlocked over the question or peace terms. The stum bling block evidently is the evacua tion or occupied territory, demanded by the Russians In order that the inhabitants may have a free rein in expressing their desires as to their future government. .' German Iilike Kvacuation. An official German statement says taht the Russian proposals regarding evacuation are so divergent froi; the ideas of the central powers in. their present iorm as to be unacc'etit ablt to Germany and h-r allies. The Russians are described as having taken an' uncompromising attitude In. the matter and as not treating with the Teutops on a Just ba3fs. Seemingly as giving f Inanity to their previously expressed intention with regard to the evacuation of n cupled territory, the German state ment says the withdrawal of .the Austrian and German troops while he war continues Is impossible, in an endeavor to placate 'the Russians (Continued on page 6.) FOLAND WILL ACCEPT PLACE Night Sergeant Is Virtually Certain To Be Elected Chief ' Al. Foland,, night sergeant of the Salem police department, yesterday afternoon announced that he would accept the position of chief of the de partment to succeed the late K. K. Cooper if. it is tendered him by votes of the city councilman at the meeting next Monday night. This makes Sergeant Foland's election a virtual certainly as it is known that most of the aldermen are fn favor of htm-for the place. .William Ksefa, former sheriff, it became known yesterday. Is a can didate for the place, and those who are near the city council say that had Foland not decided to take the place. Each would be a sure winner. WITH ARREST CHILDREN DMT Nevertheless , Some Laughable Written for - Armenian Cause Those at Armenian headquarters! engaged in the task of examination of the essays on the Armenian situa tion handed in by the school chil dren face a somewhat .difficult but none the less interesting task in try ing to select those that show the highest degree of merit. The dVfi culty lies in the fact that the quality of the material is very even, and only here and there does one stand out. The children have taken their task to heart with commendable se riousness and the papers show evi dences of much study, though in many instances also, there Is evi dence of a good deal of carelessness, both in' spelling, grammar and -the recitation of facts. None so far ex amined has, attempted to be humor ous, but there is sometimes a glint of unconscious hdmor In the turn of a phrase or the form of in expres sion. . - v. It is to be hoped that the lass who wrote the following quotation did not feel the discouragement about the clergy that her words seem to imply, for instance: "The Chris tians are beaten to death and the priests and bishops share the same i fate." ' A slight chronological entangle ment is visible when a youngster writes: "About 1300 B. C. Armenia was the first nation to embrace the Christianity as a national religion." Some of the other papers display a similar anachronism, but no other made the Armenian show such a de gre or foresight as this indicates. . ARMENIAN FUND IS APPROACHING TOTAL OF $3700 , : Mud and Rain Do Not Damp , en Spirits of Teams Working in City SCHOOL MEN TO MEET Directors to Be Asked for In tensive Work in Behalf of Suffering Salem's total for the Armenian re lief j fund as reported by the team workers yesterday is close to $3700, the exact figure at the hour ft re port being $3695.84. Captain C. B. Welch's team, forking In precinct number 16, has turned in the largest amount of any bunch of workers, the team having scored over f 600, with an apportionment of $450. This pre cinct, howeriert covers the down town district, and many names from the otherj districts were turned over to this Committee, the call going from the residence to the place of business. The teams have one conscientious and heroic work in the field. Mud and rain have failed to stop them or dampen their spirits. -,VThe most pleasantMkmpaign of this sort 'I have ever takenart in,'? is the comment of one worker. A call has been issued from the central committee to all school di rectors of districts immediately con tiguous to Salem to gather at the commercial club at 2 p. m. on Satur day. It is hoped to form from these directors, who HTe appealed to as tho leading men of their several com munities, the nucleus in each district for intensive work for fhe relief of the suffering millions. The thought is to localise all work so far as pos sible, just as the work is handed (Continued on page 6) this Is Not Time for Any Mori By Anything for the Future, Says Governor, But American Spirit Must Be One of Supreme Sacrifice This should be a time of sac rifice byall classes of Ameri can citizens, Jn the opinion of Governor Wlthycombe, and is not a time for any person to give thought to laying by any thing for the future. He, be lieves that every possible ef fort should be directed toward the comfort of the American soldiers who are called upon to defend; the nation's vhonor in the trenchest - "We should wive, gTve, give," declared the governor. "Our whole desire should be to sup port our soldiers. There should not be an Idle person in, the whole country. Every-' one should, put forth a su preme effort tp help-the boys win the war. This spirit of sacrifice should be shown in " manufacture, production ' and contribution. This fc no time . for any man to, thinks of laying TRY TO BE FUNNY Things Appear' in Essays This Is Worth Reading The trials of housekeepers with husbands are numerous enough In America,. s Any "good wife" will testify, wqat with the brute coming in with muddy feet, and dropipng cigar ashes on the centerpiece. But the Armenian housewife has . some thing even more vital ,to complain about, according to , information vouchsafed by one of Salem's coming generatn: "The wemon keep neat houses, and the men have, the barn fastened onto the house.". ' Probably nothing gastrnomical was intended Bvthe lad who writes? "Assyria is more of.s,desert.V .After all, who would suppose that a single s could mae so much difference? The governmental question proves to be a chudc hole for many of -the kiddles, but few have stated the ma.t-1 ter v so sueclntly as the boy who writes: "The! government of Ar mena is very poor. In fact they have no government whatsoever." Anoth er says: "For many years Armenia hag been under control of Russia. Turkey and Persia. So you can see what kind of ai government they have been ruled byL" ' . But ill- child fen are In dead earn est. They have seen the vision of the starving , and suffering multi tudes and grasped it; as perhaps grown-ups could not have done. , In nearly every essay .these is the ap peal to "full-blooded -Americans" to do 'the only tihng that is thlnkably American save -this nation, ridden to fhe verge of destruction, perish ing under the application of the theory that the only right is might. IRISH WILL NOT BE CONSCRIPTED COLlTtlONS VOTES England to Draw en Indus , tries and Organizations of Home Defense MAN POWER IS URGENT Exemption of Workers May Be Only for Shipbuilding ' ! Industry ' LONDON, Jan. 17. The house of commons by a vote of 136 to ,48, to day rejected an amendment to the 1 man power bill which proposed to apply conscription to Ireland. . (Former Premier Asquith expressed general approval of the. government's man power measures hilt urged that the largest number of men consistent with safety should be withdrawn from the armies held In England for home defense to reinforce the fight ing fronts.' He said the country want ed to be sure . that the number 'Of men maintained at home did not ex ceed the most liberal estimates of what safety demanded. Mr. Asquith considered the situa tion disclosed Jn the speech Monday of Sir Auckland Gedes, minister of national service, far too grave- for recrimination or retort. The ques tion of man power, he said; was ur gent a year ago. but today with the virtual disappearance' of Russia from the entente allies forces It was still more urgent. He impressed upon the house, however, the . necessity of maintaining a supply of men for shipbuilding . and asked for a clear statement of - the government's atti tude on this point," i. , Premier Lloyd George interrupted to say he would reply at once. "The government regards it as the (Connned .on - page . to Thnk of Laying X un anything for the future." Relative - to the numerous drives that are being made In the cause of patriotism, th" governor is of , the opinion that some organization in the state., for example, the state council, of defense, should pass upon and endorse every movement so that the whole people.of the statemay get behind it. "This should be done," said the governor; "to" avoid dupli cation of funds , or waste of energy. The drives have been on for some time, and they are going to keep jroming. hey will be on two or three t a time until the close of thenar. There is a danger that well meaning people may inaugur ate some movement the pur pose, of - which, can -be covered by another movement. For this reason I think that each should havo- the endorsement of a central body before it is besua." . .. I ! (Hi run m MM Congress Flooded by Wave cf Indignation ; Senate in Res olqtioh Asks Five-Day Sus pension of Order; GARFIELD UNDERGOES TWO HOURS' GRILLING Action in House Blocked by Objection; Protest Re-" hewed Today WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. -A wave of indignant protest against tho government's drastic fuel restriction order, which swept over congress to day culminated in the adoption, by the senate tonight, 50 to 19, of a resolution requesting a five-day sus pension of. the order. Efforts to r?t a vote on a similar resolution in the house ras blocked by objection. Hour's were spent in stormy debate in both senate and house, 'members vehemently characterizing, the far I administration's step as entail !ccr 'national calamity" and "industrial paralysis." Partisan lines ' we-e largely disregarded. , particularly la the senate, and when it became ap parent that the order was going into effect in spite of the senate request plans were laid for submitting an appeal directly to President Wilson tomorrow. "Issuance of the orders tonight was a great discourtesy to the-sen-ate," said Senator Hitchcock, author of t?- resolution adopted. Protests Flood Congress. - Congress, flooded by telegrams cf protest .from business' interests. gavr over practically the entire day t- the subject. " Resolutions requesting postponement svere -introduced, in the senate! by Mr. Hitchcock, a pern oerat, and Republican Leader Gal linger, and in the house by Acting Republican Leader Gillet. It was 6 o'clock and Just abont the time he fuel administrator"; formal order was mad public th.-t the senate adopted the Hitchcoc'. resolution. 0 ' In the house after sharp debate, 1 vole on Representative Gillet's res olution was prevented by refusal of Representative Cox of Indiana. Dem ocrat, to give unanimous consent for Its consideration.' .. Action in the .sea ate was delay? I long enough for Dr. Garfield to, be summoned to the eapltol and ques tioned by the senate .manufacture i sub-committee!" investigating the fii'i shortage, 'Senator Heed, chairman, reported that he was not satlsfic 1 with the explanation. Protect 'Renewed Today. Renewal, with probably increase I Intensity, of congressional protest to- kmorrow is .contemplated, ulthouc'i after failing to secure action on ni resolution in the bouse. Representa tive Gillet said it "was a-closed in cident." Leaders In the movement for"n war council to control and direct general war' policies of the govern- ( Continued on page 2 ) PAPER PROPOSES PLAKV ' - Hawley Finn Awaits Close cl War to Build on San tiara River When the war comes to an end the Hawley Pulp & Paper company ex oects to develop water power on thf Santiam river in Idaripn county and build a large power plant about a mile above Gates. This information, was given by representatives of the company to Mark Slddall of Salet 1 and Master Fish 'Warden C.lanto,: when they attempted to: negotiate with the company for the use of ground on the-Santlam tor the con struction of a fish hatchery. - The -purposes' for which the, pro posed plant is to be used were not made known. The hatchery was provided for b an appropriation of the last legisla ture, bnt some difficulty has be n encountered in lcting a site. Tb location above Gates Is held to t ideal, but since a strip of land the banks of the MreEni is held hj' tbe Hawley Pulp & riper com pan v. some difficulty may be had In obtain ing a site. It Is possihlo that con demnation proceedings tmay be re sorted to. . .W':. COMPAQ t 4 v