The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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ririTirT r
United f.Workers; of -America
1 Pledge Whole-Hearted Sup-'
; ? rportiiuWar ; l
Officers Give Much Attention
to Fights Against tabor
. Unions
- . INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 1 5 Whole
hearted support of the. government
la thi war agairist .the central pow
ers . and crtlcism of the federal
courts' for decisions adverse to the
u otoc, expressed In the reports of
officers, 'Tecelved the vigorous ap
proval of the 1500 delegates attend
ing the blenniel convention of the
United Mine Workers of America,
which opened hero to day.' . ! " .
"There must be no half-war al
legiance on the part of the coal min
ers In VtIds the best that is In tbeni
for preservation of the Ideals, and
principles of . a denjocratlc -people,"
exclaimed President Frank JJlayes
In addressing the men. ; !
"Let ns. in this convention firmly
" rsiolve that every lota of, energy we
can contribute to the .winning; of tht
war-will be riven gladly, freely an i
in tbe same loyal spirit as those who
,; out. to 'give their lives. . ims a
f matter of particular pride that ap
proximately 20,000 members of ouf
'organization have 'enlisted In . !th?
military forces of our? nation, i Our
hearts go with them across sea and
.we know that these peoples of ours,
' who, have faced the ' peril pf" the
mines year In and year out, risking
their lives In the production of coal,
will not he found wanting when, Jh
fac the. foreign f o." '. fv f
No, less patriotic were; the declara
tlons of William OfeVU scVetary
,. treasurer. ' '', .. "V.: -, ; , . ;
- The convention Is, expected ; to
adopt strong- resolutions backing tip
the government in the present crisis.
Bothi President Hayes and Secre
, tary-Treasurer Green devoted con
' slderable, space .In their , reports to
' the legal fights aglnst the union. In
- one : case, the Coronado Coal com
pany won a fUf,V 00 verdict against
the union In, -the. federal, eourt , at
Fort Smith." Ark.,f or alleged viola-v
tion or tne anti-trusr iaw; it Detng
charged the. union had conspired to
v prevent the production -of non-unlof
, fined coal. In the other case the
. miners were enjoined I in West IVir
gin la from soliciting men ta Join th.
. union. In the latter contest- the su
preme corut yesterday cited officers
""to, appear March 4 to show cause
why they should not, be declared In
contempt of court. lor violating an
. Injunction order, . : i
Presldeiit Hayes said .that the. an
ion was confident It could show that
.it is not. guilty of contempt.' '
Jhe miners' presiddnt said ! that
while the government Is setting
aside the anti-trust laws to permit
the formation, of exporting trnsts
, and pools ; "It seem to i be declared
an ouen seasoft by the federal Ju
diciary for huntrn? labor unions."
Chicago District . Recovers
From Dlixiard fFulI ,:
irSchedul Planned i
. i -
CHICAGO. Jan. Iff. -Transportation
vn the trunk lines east and west
of Chicago virtually has recovered
; from the effects of the tecent; bliz
zard and by tomorrow all. roads will
b tuning their regular number of
trains, railroad officials announced
tonight' -i"- I
All through trains eaet are run
ning practically on schedule. It was
saldy-. ' fv
The Rock Island and-Burlington
' trains west are running virtually on
I schedule 'with Indication that vtbre
' will be no more Immediate treuble,
. the traffic departments announced.
"-"' Tb ChCrago, Milwaukee And Ht,
Paul and the Chicago and" North
I western also announced they now are
running their regular numbef i of
trains and that there were few de-
5 lays. V-.l ;, :: ' v . .
f lEEB iHiTO 16
? Brewer Making Final Prepar
ations for Work in Mar
ion Cotfnty H
' - i ;;.
"A load of buckshot and a brick
i wall for the county court for tufn
, lag down tno county agent will be
- the first thing we will use." was tbe
reply of J. W Brewer, representing-!
I the federalgovernment, when acked
: yesterday what method would be
, used In making the farm labor and
i crop survey In Marion county. He
, continued that he had taken the
; question np with County Jndge Bush
. ey and that a plan would be worked
; out, which probably would call up-
on the granges and the i Farmers
j union for .assistance., f - :
v The crop and labor survey Is to
(be made simultaneously In every
.county In the United Stales during
; week, .of Fe,brury 11 to j 18.
j ' , ': S V :, TIIE OREflfgPTATESMAX; TirntSPAY. JAXtTARV 17.1918, j ' w
The department'bf'agrlcultTire. Ore
flee of fe state labor coniiulbsioner
will "collaborate in 'the survey. and
Iabor'CommlstUooer Hbfrwlll com
pile the statistics for Oregon after
tbe 'figures resulting from the sur
vey have been, turned In to htm.
Different' methods of making the
survey, will .be,., used .io.h.e several
counties. I nl the counties havins
county .agricultural agents Hhese "of
ficials and their agricultural,, eon n
cils wlll take charge of the wfctk.
In some other counties, especially
thft isparseiy settled counties, the
schools will take the lead, while in
still others the farmers', organiza
tions will be called upon.
Mr. Brewer says that some rf the
sparsely settled counties .show the'
best comparative results.. ' nl a sur
vey ta4en last Majj Sherman coun
ty made a sho"wrhg:Qf S2 per cent,
believed to be the highest in the
United States, 'j
American Business Man s
Responsibility Is Cited
MIXXEAPOMS, Minn.., Jan. in.
The future of. the; world rests upon
the American business' man, declared
Governo V C'l larding s of Iowa.
who ' was the principal sneaker be
fore the XortEwettern J-'nmbernten
ao iation. whk h yened lts,annual
three-day convention. hre late,today
with nearly 2ou ' from
Minnesota Iowa and North and
South Dakota bVesent. ' : --
''Whether -the -future 'devilopmt'nt
of. the world will'-,Te;individnallstl-?
or socialistic "depends, on '.'whether
business co-oiates" With the gov
ernment or plays the'part Of the doff
ftt the manger" and, forces .the govern
ment to take !teus that Will-lead
such changes' after the waf,. said
Governor Harding. "The fate'of th
world is in thltands of tbe business
men." -
frothing Startling Happened in
' Contests atM. A. '
Capital National Bank .. . . . . 1,000
Mauser Brothers . V. , 66?
Watt Shipp Company .!. .334
Bishops .. '.i.-.V. ;.,..'....;V .000
Nothing of a startling nature hap
pened ,ln the Commercial Basketball
games at the" V: 41. C A. last night.
'J The done. had It that the Capital
National baqk and the Hauser Broth
ers team would win,.their games and
that is just-as' it happened. In the
first game between Wait Shipps- and
Hausers the,JSoippSv.were In ..some
what hard, luck, , especially in the
first half ?whenl t tnatfy aftempts at
baskets by the Shir)? "forwards, Secbr
and Sharer,, fell short of, the circle.
Robertson Brooks, captain ,;for the
Hausers,' scored all points made by
his team with the exception of one
made from the foul line bV Smith
Captain Utter was irf' his Usual
bard luck when Ryan the, sturdy Ut
ile guara or tne iilsnops, . failed to
put inhfs. appearance as the result
of a full dress rehearsal at the high
fandMn which .he-Is "a participant.
The eame between the Bishops and
the : bank was interesting : enough
the first, half, but" at the beginning
of the second half Captain Baker
took his -usual position at center,
after having - rested the first halt
ind In a xfew-"moments he was en
abled o score' four field baskets" and
a substantial lead. The game ended
with the Capital National bank. 14
and the Bishops 4.' '
Lineup and scrtre: '" " " ,
Watt Shipp Company Secor f2)'.
Rhafer (2),-JaskoRkI (4, Radcliff,
Be Ianp. Hauser Brothers Hick
man. Brooks tllj, Towsend, Moore,
Hull. Smith (1). ;
Final score: Witt Rhlpp company
8. Ha user Brothers 12.
Bishops Xlst, Cooper, Titter (4),
Koff. CTark. Capital Xatfonal Bank
- Harra (6), Welsh, Turvine, Soco
lotsk, ' Robinson, Baker (8),
Stelner. ' ,
Final scorer Capital National
Bank 14: Bishops 4, ; ; 1 :.
I Officials: It. L., Matthews, 4eCre;
Lof Tearce and J. If. Farrar, timers;
Oscar B. (JlngTlch7seorerv'
Party Sailing for Japan' Had
No Power, io Purchase1
' : Ammunition
A PACIFIC 1'OUT, Jan. 1(J, A
party of Mexicans thut wiled f runt
this port last week or' Japan wan
composed of empliiies and" attaches
of the southern republic' consulate
and embasslesn the orient, ant was
not empowered. toncgotlate between
Moxict arid Japan- or arrnnf for the
purchase of arms and munition by
Cnrranza officials from Jt.pan, ac
cording to snnounewment today bf
the consul general '.of 'Mexico in this
city. ' - ' . - :
' Members 'of the "party, hecordlnt
t.i the consul general, were .lnan-T.
Burns, former Mexican contul gen
eral at. Xew York, who was on bis
way to assume his duties as consul
general at Yokohama: Ceneral Bon
chex, former head of the Chapulte
pec military academy, who will as
sume the duties of military attache
at the Mexican embassy ct Toklo:
M. Frag,; naval attache at the To
kio embassy; and M. BJmco. Mexi
can consul at Kob. It was explain
ed by the corisuj general bere that
tbe nissron had no especial signifi
cance, (hat several such prirties hHl
Rone through this port since fh out
break of the war because of tho sub
marine danger In the 'Atlantic'
A . . : '.. s
Bolshevik Gpyernment Asks
Every Citizen to Perforin
Full Duty .
Railway Men Warned Not to
Interfere With Quick
Sending of Food
LOXIV)X. Jan, lfi. Three appeals
Irs tied by the Bolshevikl government
in . IVtroerad Tuesday are contained
in a ItHssian official -wireless com
munication receivtyi here. One , i4
sipn-d by the council of peoples'
commissaries for war and the central
committee for army supplies and
"To All: Immediate hlp Is nec
essary. "The army Is standing pa
tiently nd bravely onguard for the
freedom or the country Is 'perishing
from famine; their provisioning has
ceased. ' FeveraT resrlments sre fn
trely without bread and horses are
without fodder. Kvery citizen of
Russia In this fateful hour, do your
dutv Immediately."
The government's provisioning
committees' a re1 told It Is their tluty
to assume responsibility-for the buy
ing and sending of food to the armies
"without sparing any means and im
mediately with all your revolution
ary energy? In friendly co-operation
to do what you, think rs necsary
Including' the ordering of compul
sory work.' . ;
Railway men and others concerned
with transportation are warned that
If found guilty of violence or disor
der or attempts to capture milliary
foodstuff)! they will be punished se
verely. ' The proclamation says:
"The arhfywlth confidence In yon.
Is fulfilling Its duty and awaits yor
immediate help." Another proela
mation addressed "to all "nt- the
front, particularly the twelfth spe
larc army," informs them. that, the
central committee chosen .by the del
egates at thet last conference of-the
armies "has been formed In Petrograd
for the purpose of provisioning the
armies and.' calls or the fullest de
tailed information f regarding army
supplies and needs. It concludes: j
. "Only by ' friendly c.p-oeration-only
in harmony and by strong
physical effort shall we bo. able o
conquer the anarchy existing here.
The thltd proclamation begs all at
the front to telegraph the committee
where and when commands for or
ganizing army, supplies shall besent-
However, City Officials Find
'If Necessary To Punish
Judge Earl Race, who is one of
the best-natured men In office, re
ferring if :t.h notice- pnbiished of
Street Commissioner IOW's intention
to arrest' all dogs.vjls well as thei
owners, in- eas dogs are permjttetl
to run at largcHon the 'streets of'tb
city, said tbathe did not like to col
lect money from his .friends whf
owned 'dogs, let -they might think
more of !the! pet dos than they
wuld of him. ? He added. ."There
Is no licence issned, for keeping dojjs
In f?alei but rift ordinance provides
for stray dogs being Impounded and
executed if not redeemed by owntts
within ten days.
"It matters'not whether the dogn
are white, black, blue; green, yellow.
rd or brlndlej it Is all The same.
They maybe old and venerable, or
younjjj and foolfsh pups, of male or
female, if Impounded It will cost nt
least 12 and. fine may; be imposed;
for violations of from tiff" to 10,
with a Jail sentence to boot."
Now a dog is man's best friend.
and will stick to him through thick I
or thin. 5ien other friends forsake
him. The Hed (tross dogs In Yrapcn
have nlreadv saved hundred it of Wvint
ot soldiers, and the names of many)
of them will go down In history, as
someof 1hern are already wearing
ifiedaU of honor.
- A welj known public' official of
this cltv ooHHenMcs a verv hnndMim
and valnsM" dog that $200 woni.l
ifof Hiy. and .In fear of .his leaving
the home premises while ho:ls away
at hU offlee, lakes the dog with .him
to-his-office, whero no dog catchers
will b admitted. It would be very
unhealthy for any one to attempt to
get the dog np town. It is also
known that one of his neighbors who
dislikes dogs on reneral. principles,
never loses an opportunity to "in
form." as a good Irishman Vould
put It, when the dog does happen, to
do seen at large in : his . neighbor's
yard. s ' , i
It is the opinion of many that 'all
such Informers" should be arrested
as public nuisances. '
Patent Protection Is ,
What Bill Provides
house bill for patent protection ! of
"garabed" a mysterious Invention,
said to be the source of limitless
energy, was passed today by the sen
ate. It now gfoes to President Wil
son. At thec"l!ose of the last session
the president gave the bi:ls a pocket
veto. ' J
f Oarabed T. K. Ciragossian, a Bost
on Armenian. In the Inventor. He de
clined to reTeal his secret fully until
: i - ! . -.1 .. - i
congreaa protected 4t. and made such
MtiKfactory explanations to the pat
ent 'committees," that they recom
mended passage of tbe bills.
i ;
Oregon Soldier Dies at
- Camp Lewis Hospital
Jan. IC. John H. Johnson, a pil
vute In Company C. Slst InTantry,
died tday of juivumonla at the base
hospital tt Camp I-ewis. J. II. John
son of Millican, Or.. Is his nearest
relative. j -
Hun Pilot Shot 1 2,000 Feet
in Air .Tumbles in Dizzy
Spiral ,
Xrtrt hern Italy. Jan. it.Two of
tha air fights yesterday were partic
ularly moving. lieutenant St. Car
oni. a noted shot, attacked a.CJer
man machine at It'.oOo f-et.
crippled the machine nt the third
shot and uut six fchors In the head
of the aviator and wvi'n in the head
of the pilot, the mdchin and its oc
cupants tumbling in a dizzy spiral.
Later, Captain JCobalyl brought
down another machine which fell at
Foza, Just within the enemy line.
Twenty Italians in the front 'trench
swinff the fall of the ' machin".
sprang across the line ami .destroyed
the airplane and capturedf the tvia-
tor and pilot, returning laninjured
with their prisoner.
Wilson To Be Asked for
Control of Incfustry Vital
During War
t . ,
CUICACO, Jan. G. The immedi
ate taking over of all the packing
plants In the United gtates will bo
urged , upon President Wilson by a
delegation, representing every craft
in the industry and headed by, John
Fitjcpatrick, president 'of the Chi
cago Federation of Labor, which de
parted for Washinrton tonight. ,
A statement issued by representa
tives ot the employes said:
"The organized packers of the
country have refused to meet us or
to co-oporate with us in any manner
In this great world crisis. " They have
brazenly repudiated ; the solemn
agreement entered Into between the
president and ourselves through his
mediation commission, upon last
Christmai mornins.
' "The packing Industry. Is the most
vital and Important one in the na
tion. To permit this industry, dur
ing, the progress of , a world war to
remain in. the private hands of a very
few nen wpuld not only be ridicu
lous from the Standpoint of govern1
mental policy but highly dangerous
to the cause of , a civilization arid
world democracy for which we aro
The workers will propose to Presf
dent Wilson that in case the plants
aro taken over they will enl.'st as
the first members of America's in
dustrial army and will guarantee the
government full - banded equipment
for every packing plant in the United
States. The)y also, propose to reave
all conditions of employment and
wages to tbs, government.
Miss Goldman Says People
Weary of War But Will
t Continue Fight
NEW YORK. Jan. 16. While the
people of Germany ore living under
a rationing system, which provides
much less food than was obtainable
be fore' ...tbe waf, crmdltlons In ".that
country do not in the least approach
n. famlnn. ni-t-ortlliii' to Miss Lillian
rioldman of this city, formerly eon-
ufii with lh Amrj"an emtmy in
Ilerlin, who left tho Oerman rapital
about two months, ago. After the
1'nlled Htales went Into the war, Sllss
floidman entered the servlee of the
Lntch embassy In Ilerlin and fenilan
ed tln:r until he left tlermaity.
Although tiermany is not starving.
Miss tloldmsn said, Hire- and ifbalf
years of wnr have erate a -short (
In necsslfles that is felt throughout
the empire, and officials have averlr
ed - calamity only by esfabllhltiK
drastic conservation measures.
"Tbe people of Germany." . Miss
Goldman edntinued, "are weary of
war, but they believe a continuation
of the, struggle is ' necessary. I do
not think the people as a whole are
against thHr government. t think
they regard It as necessary to their
own life." -
Germany did not realise the true
character of America bfore this
country entered the war. Miss Gold
man said. The declaration of war
fn-as a surprise, she added, to a peo
ple who had convinced themselves
that America would not fight.
"I am sure"," she added, "that
when Ihe German people come to
understand the determination of
America and hen allies, a profound
Impression Will be created, which
may lead them t? demand 'an enu
of the war." ,
Hub "Every time I 'look at that
new hat of yonfs I have to laugh."
Wifey" Really! sThen, Til have"
it around when the bill arrives."--Boston
1 1 ,., ........ . ' : " "
. -1:1
Warit Help? ; :
Lost Anylliing?
aint to
;'TIie Oregon' SitafcesMan;
Classified Advertising
Proper Care of Men in Ship
building Centers First
Task of Wilson
;-: WASHINGTON.- Jan.. 16. Provid
ing adequate housing facilities for
the thousands of .new workers pour
ing into war industrial and ship
building centers Will be the first
work 'undertaken by Secretary Wil
son, as labor -administrator, and his
advisory council. . Co-ordination of
uM the separate housing plans now
b-ing made by the shipping board,
tie council of national defense and
other bureaus was begn by the
council tolay at its first meeting.
Full support of the busings men
of tho country In any "course the
eounr-il may find necessary was
proaaird by a delegation from tbe
chamber of comniede of the United
Stales, Jwaded by Kdwacd A. Filene
Of I Sort on. They nrged that money,
be diverted front less, necessary gov
ernmerft undertakings to provide
prper housing. Itepresntatives of
the shipping board, the, council ofi
national defense and th war and
navy' departments' fold of the n-ed
for providing homes or the
"Cut all red taie." Secretary Wil
son told his advisers, "and get your
Information as speedilyn possible
find by the most direct route."
In connection with the labor ad-i
ministration's plans for supplying
workers to industries, it' was an
nounced that the ' Introduction of
woman labor into "Industries for.
whlh men are available would be J
discouraged and that no rcductfoni
of wages because workers are women
will he permitted.
Wool Growers Told Food Ad
ministration Will Ask
Greater Use
Prelim Inary to the onening o thv
flfty-foirrth annual convention of th
National Wool Growers' association
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, a
conference was bold today tetween
dfleatin to the ronrc-nl'on 'and
Joseph P. Cotton, chief of the. meat
dlvlrin of the federal food admin
istration, relative to Increased con
sumption of mutton and lamb as a
means of conserving the availabfa
supply of pork-jand beef.
Following the conference Mr. Cot
ton anounced that he had' no state
ment to give tt fot publicationbut
it was learned that he gave the wool
men to nnderstantLthat the food ad
ministration will do all it can to en
tourage added consumption of mut
ton aid lamb. " Mf. Cotton will talk
to the wool growers on the subject of
"Conserving Our Meat Supplies" at
the afternoon ion of the annual
convention tomorrow. The subject
of Increased eating of mutton, especially-fed
lambs, is one that will
A Classified Ad in The Stales-,
man Will Carry Your Message
Into Over 5000 ' Homes and
Business H onset
Department : ' '
receive .considerable attention 'at the
present session. -
The' feature of. the morning ses
sion tomorrow will be the annual ad
dress of the president of the associa
tion, Frank J. Ilagenbartb. ' ;
L." F. Swift, the Chicago packer;
Joseph P. Cotton and Dr. John It.
Mohler, chief jit the bureau of animal
industry at Washington, I. C, wiil
be the other speakers of the day.
Bolsheviki Decree Favors Plan
for Peoples to Decide
Own" Destiny
PKTUOGRAI). Jan. .16. -An offi
cial decree issued to1 the people of
Turkish Armenia signed' by Nikolai
I-nlne and other menlbers of the
Holshevikl. saj's that the gpvern--ruent
of peasants and workmen of
Kussla supports the rlrht'of Armen
ians in Hussia, and Turkey Ao th
extent of their' complete Independ
rnee and the right to decide their
own destiny.
The decree enumerate the guarH
anteex necessary for this program
namely,, the Immediate withdrawal
of troops from the limits, of Turkish
Armenia, the organisation of a mi
litia by the Armenian people to as
sure the .security, of the persons ami
property- of inhabitants; the repa
trlatlonii without hindrance of -Ar
menian emigrants scattered through
out different -countries as well ns
repatriation within Turkish Armenia
of Armenians taken by, force during
the war by the Turkish authorities.
and the organisation of a central
rovernment of the people ,of Turkish
Armenia In $h form 'of a council
of deputies of Armenian people.
fleeted aecordlng to nemocYntle prin
ciples. The decree says geographical
frontiers must be fixed by democrat
ic rearesen tat Ives clacd by the Ar
menian pe4plo, with the consent of
democratic rcoresentatlve? chosen In
neighboring countries and the com
mission of Caucasus affairs.
William Williams hated! nicknames.
He used to say that most fine given
names were ruined by abbreviations,
which was a sin and a shame) ' "I
myself, he said, "am one of six
brothers. We were all given good.,
old-fashioned Christian names, but
bit those names were shortened Into
mcanlnglesf or feeble monosyllables
by our friends, t shall name my
children so that It will be Impractic
able to curtail their names."
The Williams family. In the course
of time, was blessed with five child
ren, all boys. . The' oldest was named
nfter the father William. Of coarse,
that would be shortened to "Will" or
enfeebled to "Willie" but.wait! A
second son came' and was ehlstened
Willard. "Aha!" chuckled Mr. Will
iams. "Now everybody will have to
speak the 'full name, of each of these
boys in order to distinguish them."
In pursuance of this scheme the
next three sons were tamed WJIbert.
Wilfredand Wllmont. -
They are all big boys now. And
they are respectively known-to their
Intimates as Bill, Skinny, Butch.
ChuclVand Kid. Cleveland" riain
Dealer. - .
215 So. Commercial Street
Leading eNwspaper Is Favor
able While Others Show
Chugai Thinks "Vcalthy
f Aine'rica" Tants Eccr.c.-r.ic
"Vld After TalT
. ;,''
TOKIO, Japan.. Jan. IS. The Japanese-metropolitan
press Is measrer;
in its comment on President Wil
son's message, finding the points in r
his. address very) similar to tLose In'
the speech of the Dritlsh prime min
ister, David Lloyd George.
The Jlji Shlmpo, .probably the
leading Independent morning paper.
Is favorable in its comment, whlia
others. Including the Nlchl Niehl
Hhlmbun are somewhat critical. Tb
Nichl Nlchl is skeptical on the opera
lion of a referendum o? natives
where applied to colonies. . '
Tbe Jlji Shlmpo says thrtt the fat
America Is fully determined and pr
pared to cooperate with Great Brit
ain 'until the aim and end are obtain
e1. is especially leservl of Jarn's
fullest apprecls Hon. : tl ndds that
Mr."Wnon's nnssage Is rnortv fully",
explanaeory than - that of Lloyd
'George. The Nlchl Nlchl, dlsciisrlng In
combination the address i-f Mr. Wil
son and Lloyd George navs: '
f "An Indecisive will mak the Trrfs
resolutions most difficult. The
present situation In Uuaa renders
the oucore obscure. Rlmllarly.
President Wilson's declaration y i t
of free sens no obstacles to In
ternational commerce makes O
I Paris resolutions worthless, dcmnn.i-
Ing Japan's serious atlention.
"The British apparently N!r- th
Napoleonic principle of a referendum
ss respects the German colonies, but
In a peace conference"- same prhi
clple may be arplied to Asia and cl; o
where. '
The -newspaperf Chugal dlscus-i
the message from a purely econcmirt
standpoint and snye.thst tbe propo
sltlon of "removing all economic oh
stacleg to trnde" may le possible In
tho case of wealthy America. InsiJ
In'g her economic superiority nftrP
the war. It adds that adjntnent ,
colonies 1r accord with. th Interest
and wishes or the Inhabitants, if
applied to all the colonies occhp'-i
by the entente would be sure t
evoke a .serious .complicaticn.
The party of tourists were waif
In Professor X as he exhumed
wranped body an ancient Egyptian
"Judging from the ntenslls ' '
him." remarked the professor, t
mummy must have been an LgyP1"'
plumber." . .,
mi i .1 tin, ' b - .
a romantic young lady.
if we coi.
bring him to life?"
"Interesting, but a bit risKy.
turned professor X. esoniPt ;
might have to pay him for his tim-.
r Browning's Magazine.