The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Gryr case of error of vision is flifforont iv, . -
fch7mu-t be treated iadividu4 y ana i te?' othr,.5 An
- 10 the roquirements. Thl 1. .V?rrcton supplied inM.
In to the requirements. Thai is
tn no other way can satisfaction be
by us t-n its merit. aj,d the sreat st
We are fully equipped to giv t e
Thai !S
- -
State arul Liberty Street V
Pr. BereXte Opl.arrtiat, I I " '
IV 1
UKKUUDtate street near
0. K. depot. Home of Artcraft
and Paramount pictures.
"The Secret. Game," with Sin-:
me Hayakawa.
f.i BLIGH State between Lib-,
erty and HlgfL Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films,
gnedeker company in acts.
YE LIBERTY Liberty near
State. Greater Vitajjrapb. Per
fection and Goldwyn films.
"For Valour," with Winifred
Allen. ,
Marriage license Jftued
County Clerk .Buyer-yenterday ,3
snea a marriage, license to Walter
Henry Adrian. 26,or Springfield. Or.,
and Hazel Esther Scott, 28, of Salem.
' . ; t .
.Met Me at the Club Alley
.' 122 N.. Commercial. Upstairs. :
' . 1 . .11.
Arrberd (mpany Increases !
h The. Charles R. Archerd Imple
ment company of Salem filed resolu
, tioTos with . State Corporation Com-
- Modern 3-room n "art merit, close
In. Phone 742. j
Used Furniture Waated!
Hlfhaat cash prices paid for uec
furniture , .4
E. L. STIFF & SON, ' I
Phone 941 or BOS 1 ! i
W ' pay the err highest price
for. household foods and 1 tools of
very. kind. . -;..- ,- ; .
People's Second Hand Store
STl Jf. Cm mbl It, P T34
-The highest cash price paid!
for. all kinds of junk. 3
2?I Chen icketa St. IMione
P-ck and Store, Eyerything
Special rates oa eastern shipments.
Piano moving and country trips a
specialty. Prompt service, 'Work
guaranteed. .. .f
Office I'hone 930
- Home Phone .1MM : '
"Aho ' "ro taking; advantasw
tha reint renditions, and plant
nf orchards: We are plrajted to in
aounce that we are prepared to
wpply the trees in all the leading
varieties incUtdini; The Italian
iTunes and the Famous Vroornaif
rran)uette WalnuU We also carry
a .complete line of frnamental
It " Shruhhery. .Capital City
Nursery Co 10J0 Chcmebta S.
palem, Oregon. -
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases
- . ..IV I'' .
f ' v 50G United Stetes National Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
Highest Prices
Wps to be deciding factor in world's war say Allied Statesmen.
; 7 We are in the market for small and large quantities of
Heavy Cast Iron, Steel and Wrought, and will pay astonishing
h market prices. Would like to hear from responsible man
in every town in the valley in regards to above. Let us hear
from you immediately. It? pays to"" bring your junk to the
Western1 Junk Cor.
what indvwf.-in
predict WlwJ '
cSis Kiven V,Py,
best rult
what individual -.r"J,4PpUed rd-
irtuuuivtl U .. . . --
r case la treated
missloner Scbulderman yesterday
an Increase in the capital
17 ... This r,l"",ents 200 aharen
at 9100 each. The Oregon Fruit
SHP"!?r f ,,orUanJ "led articles of
dissolution yesterday.
Prftton Plumbing o.. 33B Wmeket
Phone 1906. We do repair work
Incfeuweil Rale Asked
A bulletin received by the Oregon
public service commission from the
interstate commerce commission
snows that among applications rela
tive to tariff received from various
Toads Of lh nllnt 4- 1 111
froni the Carlton & Coast road ask
ing ior an Increase of approximately
10 centii a cord in the local rates on
hard, soft and short mill wood.
Ihxlio fan IIeItemoveS ;
From cemeteries adjacent to Sa
lem to Mount Crest Abbey Mauso
leum at no additional cost above the
purchase price of a tomb. Manager.
Phone 1060W.
llofer( Is 'Transferred-
M. Hofer of Salem has received
a letter from his brother. Iawrence
Hofer, a-ing that be has been
trapsf erred from the United SUte,s
nary yard at Philadelphia to a train
ing ship at Charleston. S. C. lie Is
taking instruction in the gas engine
school. 1
II. Jj.,ciark, Sales Agent
Fof'MHler auto tires, tubes and ac
cessories. Adona treads stitched-on
your old tires. Y. M. C. A. building.
Itynon in Kuroe -
. Mrs. Allan Bynon, who left Chi
cago last night for Salem, has writ
ten her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hofer, that a cablegram from her
Tiusband announces that Lieutenant
nynon has arrived "over there." The
cablegram, of course, did not show
whether he Is In France or England.
He was one of fourteen lieutenants
who "triade the voyage together.
The Cost of a Tomb
In Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum
Is either $225. 250, 4r $275. And
that is all of the expense forever.
IT. V. McClean. Manager. n?2 North
High street. Phone 106 OW.
Hrtrtic-ht In From Sllrert-oi
Sheriff Needham brought In from
Silverton abolSt 8 o'clock Tuesday
night "4 man named Henry Hooker,
who was found la oneof the logglnj?
rimpg near Silverton, and whd had
declared that he Is an alien jenemy
and wcJuld return to Germany and
fieht for the kaiser. He refused to
talk any after being placed in the
county Jail, but Mr. Needham said
he would have a fry at him last
night, when he could spare the time
f-ora the war board duties to ques
tion the man.
Cerd of Thanks
We wish to thank thetnany friends
fori the beautiful flowers and their
many acts of love and kindness dur
ing tbi illness and at the death of
our beloved husband and brother. ,
. ; Mrs. Llllle Cooper.
O. C. Cooper.
. Mrs. C. W. Kearns,
- . , -: Cora Cooper,
. ' I W. O. Cooper.
iHTrre , In Partition
Order was yesterday entered In
the suit of Iena Hlbbard et al
against Charles Hibbard. being an
action for the partition of a tract of
land, decreeing that Helen Hibbard
is the owner of an undivided part
of the premises in dispute; subject
to the dower ri?bt or Ina Hibbard.
In similar manwr Pay C. Hibbard.
George H. Riches. Amy. R. Carman.
Mamie Ilussetl, Charles E. Knowlerf,
Herbert H. Paget, Gertrude Currl,
Josephine Hall. Eugene Hibbard,
and Far Hibbard Starr wie each
Paid for Iron
apportioned a percentage of the pre
mises, while the defendant, Charles
Hibbard, was adjudged to be the
owner of part of the pfemises. It
was further ordered by the court
that, the plaintiffs be permitted to
enjoy, their shares of the property in
common, without partition as among
themselves, and that the part of the
premises belonging to the defendant
Charles Hibbard be alloted, parti
tioned and set off in a separate par
cel or tract. It was further ordered
that G. H.' Thompson, E. J. Kisslin?
and Earl Pooler be appointed as ref
erees to make partition of the prop
.Vol ice .
V Notice is hereby riven that I will
enforce Ordinance No. 1404, rege
lating the keeping and running at
large of dors.
Section 1 provides that dogs shar
not be jermitted to run iooe or i
at large upon any of the public
strjtf, highways, or any other pub
lic places within the corporate limit
of the City of Salem." Section 2 em
powers the utreet commissioner to
catch and impound dogs running at
large. Section 7 provides a nalty
of $2.0f) for first Impoundfcng. and
$4.00 for second I m pound inc. 8ev
tlor 13. "Any p?rso.t lolating any
of the pririslons of this ordinance,
hall upon conviction, thereof, be
punished by a fine. of not less than, or more than $1 00.00. or by
Imprisonment In the city Jail one day
for eah $2.00 of such, fine, net ex
ceedinijr 20 days."
This nticei given so that owner
of dogs may not claim Ignorance of
this ordinance. I propose Immedi
ately to commence, enforcing it. You
win see by the provisions of Section
13, that person allowing their dog-
to run loose WILL HE ARRESTED
, W. S. LOW
Street' Commissioner.
Car Kltortage n;
Car shortage in Oregon yesterday
totaled 938. The Southern Pacific
company reported shortage'of 153
closed and 576 open cars, a total of
729. The O.-W. R. & N. company re
ported a shortage of 236 closed cars
and a surplus of 54 open cars, while
the Spokane. Portland & Seattle
company's shortage was 27.
TOO Filbert
From Slolx and McNary ranch, for
ale. Fruitland Nursery sales yard,
"ornerj High and Ferry streets.
ewspierman Goes East
E. J. Parke, formerly a "reporter
on The Statesman staff, and who
vas married to Alice McAuley, a
Salem, girl, 'has sold his ' newspaper
t Seeley, Cal., and gone east, to ac
cept a lucrative position. He went
'6 California from Salem.
Card of Thanks
Mr "and Mrs. M. I. Capps and
ramify wish to thank the many
rlends for the beautiful flowers and
heir many acts of love and kind
ness to them during the sickness and
it the death of their beloved Lucille.
Klvin Sends Telerarr ,
Mrs. James Elvin ' has received a
telegram from Mr. Elvin announcing
'I.. tA r 1 V. n 1 W ' T T a lvnro.n anal
George J. Watson of Salem arrived-!
'n New York Tuesday night. Their
ultimate destination Is .France,
where they will enter upon war Y.
M. C. A. work. ' The arrival in New
York was only eighteen hours late,
good time when the severe winter
eather encountered Is considered.
The temperature in Montana was 32
Iegrees below zero. The train car
rying the Salem men was eight hours
late at Spokane.
Auction Hale
Variety, Store, 2?0 N. Commercial
today, 10 a.nvand 1 p. m.
In Ue Probate Cnrt
In the estate of Adolf'WolT. de
ceased, order was yesterday entered
appointing Julius C. Wolf executor
or the: estate, valued at $28,000 in
personal property, without bonds, as
provided in the will, which was ad
mjtted to probate. E. N. Tracy filed
bonds In .the sum of $400 as guard
ian of the estate and person of Ralph
Tracy, a minor. On petition. Rash
el K. Reeder was appointed execu
trix of the estate of W. C Merrl
fieid, deceased. .
Scalp Go op a Notch.
County Clerk Poyer yesterday had
a little better Inck in buying scalp
of varmints and made out a check
to cover 33 of-the: animals, brought
into his office by half a dozen far
mer?. Want the. Land IMvldeoi
'Suit In partition of lands was yes
terday filed by O. A. Sarmrset al
against Lizzie Uppendahl et al for
the apportionment of certain tracts
ef.iand In dispute between" the par
tics to the suit.
Sue for IMyorce ,
Complaint was filed yesterday by
Myrtle Goebel against Frank Goe
bel. praying for decree of absolute
divorce and the care and custody of
a minor child.
Take Kvkleoce In Nwltzerland
Order was yesterday entered in
the circuit cojrt In e tilt : of Ed
win Furxer against Margurite F
rer, appointing Herr Advokat
Knecbt. in the county of Zurich, re
public of Switzerland, as comm's
sionerfOf the court, to take the de
positions In .writing of Hans Teni.
Otto Frick and Robert Furrer on be
half of the plaintiff in the case. -
lUver la lUln Again
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
Hie Willamette river had risen to th
heighth of 17.1 and there was about
three feet of water on the floor of
the warehouse of. the O. C, T. dock.
The boats are not running, and the
O. C. T. orfice was cloned aft day.
At the old inter-county bridge all
the men can do Is' to keep floating
logsand trees from knocking the
piers over, and creating, another dis
aster. It seems that the heavy rain
to the south of Salem, all through
the valley, have swollen all the
streams so that the WHllamette Is
a raging torrent, carrying a lasge
quantity 1 of debris. . ,
Willamette Chapter,'
. American Red Cross,
Business Office and Supply Depart
ment, Room 418 U. 8. MUonl
Bank Building.
The following supplies were re
ceived January 14:
. Woodburn auxlHaYy - elx palre
knitted cocks, six fourtail bandages,
forty-eight triangular bandages
Monmouth branch seventeen pairs
knitted socks, three belgian sqnaies,
one' pair wristlets donated, three
Community auxiliary 249 hand
kerchiefs. Suver auxiliary (donated ) fifty
two surgical squares, thirty-five tri
angular, thirty handkerchiefs, five
napkins, thirty-two bails string, fifty
pillow cases, eighty napkins, tlx
trcjm h pillow cases, fifteen handker
chiefs, forty-nine, American pillow
cases, thirty bead bandages, four
balls string.
The following suuplies were re
ceived January 115.
Suver auxiliary (donated)- one
pairpillow cases, ri handkerchiefs.
Piety Hill auxiliary fourteen bed
W. C. T. IT. five handker
chiefs donated. , -
Mrs. M. PcGulrc thirty-six tri
angular bandage.
(Continued from page 1)
aerial activity In this region In which
five enemy airplanes were sent to
fcarth. Four by British and Italian
aviators and the other by anti-aircraft
(Continued from page 1)
certainly neither the shipping board
nor Jthc navy department knows."
Food Held More Import? it.
Senator McCumber recommendel
that the United States stop sending
soldiers to France now and um all
available tonnage tor food for the
allies, stimulate efforts to attempt
to produce a ship Immune from (tor
pedo attack and to make a full and
adequate test of reinforced concrete
He cad he believed the allier
would emerge from the. war after
securing the peace laid 'down bv
President Wilson but was equally
fccrtaln that unless we co;ac to the
support of our allies with shlpni-n?
facilities many times , greater .than
we propo&e, some of our allies will
fall before we can take their place
on the t.attlefleld."
(Continued from page 1)
Qn his return to France he will be
gin to reside in his own constituency
He fears Paris, and the fate of Jau
res. - -.
Another message which Count
Bernstorff had forwarded was from
Havana, as follows
"Tol, Rio de Janeiro, telegraphs
steamer Araguaya left Bnesnos Aires
-January 30. The captain is carrying
important papers. Capture very de
sirable. Caillaux is on board. In
case of capture Caillaux should In an
unobtrusive way be treated with
courtesy and consideration. Can
you inform cruisers?
. German Pre Instructed.
The Instructions of the. German
censorship to the German press on
June 16. 1915. follow: , reasons it Is urgent
ly requested that nothing be written
about the former French prime min
ister, Caillaux. and that his name be
not. mentioned In any circumstances
This correspondence, although no.
orricial anouncement to that erreet
Is available. Is made public by ar
rangement with the French govern
ment, which desired Its exposure.
Caillaux now is awaiting trial In
France for treason, on revelations
developed bj the celebrated, llolo
Pasha case. "L .
Two Others Are Arreted. "
PARIS. Jan. 16. Louis Ixusta
lot, member of the French chamber
of deputies from Landes, whose Im
munity recently was suspended In
connection with the Caillaux case,
vaa arrested this morning.
Paul Comby was arrested also In
'rmnectlon with the . Investigation.
nnm by la aaid to have accompanied
Oepnty In?talot to Switzerland to
ee Abbas Hilml, the former khedive
or Egypt.
1 Thehamber of deputies sustained
he government action in the Cail
Vmix case late yesterday by a major
ity of 274 out of the 484, members
resen The vote was taken after
he government had been Interpel
'ated by Ernest - Lafont. ' a Socialist
deputy, who held that the opening
-f Calllanx's safe deposit box in Italy
'a the absence of a representative of
hn accused was Illegal.
After repeated calls. Premier Cle--neneeau
arose from the government
bench and said It was the Italian
-evernment which had presided at
ho search of the safe In the Flor
ence bank, and France was obliged
'o supnoae that all basal forms had
been observed.
Herbert Nnnn, state highway en
Hneer, left yesterdav for eastern
Oregon, where be il go over the
veral road Irrprovement projects
in that section of the state.
C. M. Headrick. W. St. John. T.
B. Rlalr and wife and W. C. Max
well "rTf Portland are registered at
the ATgO.
H. M. Tichllchtyr Cedar Rapids,
la.. Is at the Argo. '
M. V. Skiff and J. L. Leybold of
Fs Cltv ere et the Are hotel.
Charles H HaV of Sherwood Is
stnnping at the Argo.
Bniee Wallace of Newberg is ' at
the Argo.
8. L.) Waters. W. E. Frailer, F. E.
Delano, A. Rlnehart.X. E. Anstman.
N. A. Colloman, F. J. Cornelius, L.
A. Bourman; Harry E. Taylor, A. E.
Clyde and H. L. Driver or Portland
are registered at the Bllgh hotel.
George W. Cox Js here rrom SileU.
a guest or the Bligh hotel.
L. J. Hines is in the city from
Bismarck, N. D., registered at th
C. C. Bryant of Albany is at the
Bligh. ! .4MS
O. C. Cooper or HanHIton, Mont.,
is registered at the Bligh.
Mrs. George W. Kearns of Grants
Pass is a guest at the Bligh.
Charles Fellers left yesterday over
the Oregon Electric railway for Cul
de Sac, Idaho.
Mrs. Luella V. Clark left yester
day afternoon via the Oregon Elec
tric railway for Orln Junction, Wyo.
James L. McBride. A. H. Glass
ford, J., Harold Miner, F. J. Hutcha
son. J. Pray. George Sturgls. j. W.
Breier. T. N. Ross, 1. W. Shawk.
O. Morse. J. W. Sherwood and W. J.
Roope of Portland are registered at
the Marion hotel.
J. J. Doheny of Seattle Is at the
Marlon. ' i
Mrs. B. II. Huntley and Mrs. Phil
ip Green of Spokane are guests of
the Marlon.
G. I. Stelner is here from Eugene,
registered at the. Hotel Marlon.
W. 8. Warner of Springfield Is at
the Marion. .
O. L. Ferris, sales agent, and II. S.
Gile. president of the Pheasant Fruit
Juice company, went to Portland
yesterday to make arrangements for
future advertising for the company.
It Is understood that while In Port
land a contract will probably be
made for several pages in The Sat
urday Evening Post.
Railroads to Allow Special
Rates- Elaborate Pro
gram Is Planned
.Flans are being made for the big
gest Christian Endeavor convention
ever held In Oregon, to W held In
Eugene. Friday; Saturday and Sun
day, February 22-24. There will be
special trains run over the Oregon
Electric railway, between Portland
nnd Eugene and special rates will be
given on other roads, according, to a
circular beng rent out by the 'En
gene committee; In -charge of the
There will be two conventions held
this year. One for 'eastern Oregon
to be held at Bend, February 15-17.
ind the one at Eugene.
Lloyd Carrlck wilt be at Eugene
to tell of the Christian work and
army life t Camp Lewis. There
will be a big banquet held Saturday
The session of the convention will
be held In the Christian church, but
here will also be readings in other
churches during the convention.
In connection with the conventions
's .a special call for prayer during
he month preceding the convention.
This month of prayer commences
January 21. The second week of
the month. January 28 to February
3. "has been designated 'as Christian
Endeavor week, and a program of
daily texts has been prepared, which
-an be secured from) local associa
tions. Sunday, January 20, has been des
ignated as special registration day
for the registration of those who will
attend one or the other of the two
conventions. It Is expected that over
300 will visit Eugene.
More Than Ten RlHKon
Young FifK Distributed
More than 10.000.000 trout and
ame fish have been distributed from
he state hatchery. at Bonneville d tir
ing 1917. according to a report from
Master Fish Warden Clanton wjiicb
was filed with Governor Wi.thycotnbe
yesterday. The- report says that all
the salmon eggs have been hatched
successfully and that the fish are do-.
Ing well. - '
The rport says further that the
hatcheries on the Alsea and SI unlaw
and the 'egg station on the (tribu
taries of Tsilcoos lake are doing well
and that little damage has been done
by high water.
British Sinkings for
Week Show Big Decrease
' LONDON. Jan. 16, Another
marked decrease Inthe sinkings of
British merchantmen by mine or
submarines In the past week is noted
in the report of the admiralty. Is
sued tonight. In this period only
six merchantmen of 1600 tons or
over were sunk. In addition, tow mer
chantmen under 1600 tons and two
fishing vessels.
In the .previous week the admiral;
ty' reported the loss by mine or sub
marine of 'eighteen merchantmen of
1600 tons or over, three merchant
men under that tonnage and four
fishing vessels. The ropoit of Jan
uary 2 gave the sinkings as twenty
one, eighteen being 1600 or over.
IK 'mothers krr?
When we' hear -of so many school
girll and girls in stores and offices
who are often totally unnt to per
form their dally duties because of
some derangement peculiar to their
sex. might this not hare been pre
vented by the? mother who, rerhaps
through neglect or carelessness, fail
ed to get for hat. daughter the one
great root anc herb, remedy for such
aliments. Lydla E.' Plnkham's Vege
table Compound? This old-fashioned
medicine Is .said to have allev
iated more suffering or womankind
than any other remedy . known to
FOR 1918.
Go to your work and be strong, halt
ing not In your ways. -
Balking the end and half won for an
t Instant dole of praise.
Stand to-your work and be wise,
certain of sword and pen.
Who are neither children nor gods.
but men In a world of men!
Rudyard KlP"0-
Residents of Shaw Are.Eager
to Boost .Knights of
Columbus Fund .
Frank Davey, commander-in-chief
of the Knight of Columbus war fund
campaign now on In Salem and Mar
lon county, was extended a hearty
reception by the people . of Shaw
where he spoke last night. The pub-
lie hall was filled and a generous
contribution to the Knight's war
work fond Is certain as a, result of
Mr. Davey's appeal. He gave a gen
ets! talk along patriotic lines.
Leaders or the campaign are nign
ly encouraged with the response they
are meeting In Salem and Mr, Davey
said last night that the success of
the campaign is assured.
Beginning tonight, meetings or
the workers will be held aeh night
until thelcampaign is finished at the
Knight or Columbus club rooms
where reports will be made on pro
gress of the -work. -
The women leaders of (he rim
pafgn met yesterday, and appointed
seventeen assistants whor will con
duct a large part of the work In- .3a-
lem, the city having been divided Into
districts to each or which certain
or the workers are assigned.
The women who were added to
the list of workers yesterday are: !
Mrs. J. N.' Murray. Mrs. II. CVKel
sey, .Mrs. M. J. Petzet. Mrs. Herman
W. Barr, Mrs.' U. S. Page, Mm. Agnes
Schuneman, Mrs. C. W. Emmett. Airs.
N. J. Haas, Mrs J. E. Heenan, Mrs.
Smith Dougherty 'and Mrs. Rubetz of
Liberty, Mrs. E. C. Qulnn, Mrs. John
Gardner, Mrs. T. M. Barr, Miss Nash,
Mrs. V. Nadstanek and Mrs. A. J.
Davidson. - , -
Friends of Official Crowd
' Church Where Last Rites
Are Said : ,
"Chief" was the significant word
on an Immense floral piece which sig
nalized the life and capacity of Em
erson, E. Cooper late chief of police
of Salem, whose funeral was held
yesterday afternoon at.: the? first
Methodist church. The church was
crowded- and a large procession-followed
the mourners to Odd Fellows
cemetery where the last rites were
said. .. . . - .-i
In tribute to the late chief, many
business houses closed during the
time of the services,, from 2 until
3:30 o'clock -at the church. The
funeral sermon was preached by Rev.
H. C. Stover, who .was assisted by
Rev. H. N. Aldrichv V . 1,
The Masonic quarete sang impres
sively. "Bear Him Home," Remera
ber Me Oh Mighty One'? and "Nearer
My God to Thee." The local Elks
lodge conducted ritualistic services
a a. " a -
at tne cnurcn ana at me cemetery
"Rock of Ages was sung at the
gcaveside. .
The complete polfce ' force of the
city acted as honorary pnbearers.
The active pall bearers were Ben F
West. F. I Waters, C. D. McElroy.
W. A. Weist, Ray L. SImeral and
Carl Engstronw p
Grant School Is Leader J"
in Red Cross Activity
the Junior Red Cross has been
prominent! before the Salem schools
enly during the present week, but
the Red Cross activities are no new
thing to' n y one of the various
As proof of this Grant" school, the
home ot Herbert .Hoover when a Sa
lem boy, submits; the following:
. . There are now sevlng In various
departments of the army and nav7
one of last year's teachers, one grsde
pupil and nine or raore Junior high
boys. The ninth gde pupils made
fruit cake and sent, these for Christ
mas while scrap books and trench
candles were .made by practically alt
pupils, but the domestic-sclent de
partment has made and collected the
following articles: Wool garments,
thirteen hoods, twenty shirts, twelve
skirts, twenty pair stockings, nine
pair bootees, two pair boy's union
suits, thirteen .klraonas. eight coats
wool and cotton, thirteen baby bands,
ten outing flannel night gowns, .three
blankets, ten play suits, three small
caps, ana six pair jeatner snoes. oe-
b'des a miscellaneous assortment of
oap, talcum, pins, needles, thread,
thimbles candy, ribbon, tape " and
buttons. , . -
The pupils take to the Idea of a
junior auxiliary and are enthusiastic
and loyal In the support of .Willam
ette chaper asks in looking to or
ganize the schools. , " t
With the Draft Board
Mcny registrants app rad In. per
son before the draft board yesterday,
having differences of opinion as to
the classification assigned them by
the board. . Notwithstanding the
many delays inVthe office work,
about ore hnndred cards were" writ
ten, including classification of regis
trants and cards setting dates for
physical examinations. i-
The following were posted as de
linquents: 'I '
Order number 1567 Homof Eart
Collings,. Mill City; 151-Georgo
F. Mover. Detroit. Oregon; 150 4-
Tom Opedal, Silverton; 1502
James Peter Glebelcr. Detroit, Ore
gon. -V-V. ' i
.Georgo R. Thornlt-yV order number
890 . of Montesano, Wash., .bavin?
applied to th? Salem local board, has
been notified of his transfer to the
local board. 1
The followin gare notified to ap
pear for physical examination: ),'
Earl .' Brown, Aumsville, aJnuary
28. . .
Paul F. Ruck and Arthur Johnson.
of Macleay, Manley J. Stone. Meha
ma, Theodore Tetse. Detroit. Stock
well Cornelious, Turner, and John
K. Frohmader, Charles E. Olcott,
Fred A. McMillan, George Rlchey,
Richard Chittenden, Van Norwood
Kemery, Lester F. Jackson and Tbeo
C. Peereboom of Salem on January
29. -
Raymond W. Cleveland and Kent
S. Kraps of Salem, on January 30.
Classification cards were mailed
to the following: -
Class 1-L Orln AL La Course,
Gary, ind.; Fred Ai Denham, Aums
ville, and Jesse l MlUer, Dayton,
Class 5-0. George "W. Hubbard,
Class 5-B.-C. Murray Kcefer, Sx-'
Class 2-B. John TJ. Small, Sll
vefton, and Henry I Hahnsen and
Byron K. Brunk, Salem.
Class 1-A. Oscar Zimmerman
and Manley J. Stone, Mehania; The
odore Tetzle. Detroit: Stockwell.H.
Cornelius. Turner, and Harley B.
Rupert. Fred A. McMillan. George
Richey. Richard E. Chittenden. Van
Norwood Kemery, Leslie L. Jackson,
Raymond I). Cleveland and Kent 8.
Kraps of Salem. ,
Class 4-A. Andrew Mattson.
Portland; Guy P. Malnes, J)etrolt,
Ore.; Frank L. "Wlegand,. West Stiv
ton; William II. Stevely, Sublimity;
Elmer II. Ashford,' Jefferson; Geo.
N. Yokom, Harvey W. Fasching,
Henry Murhammer. Clarence A.
Howe; Chester II. Dencer. Arthur E.
McKee. Harold , W. Hatch, .Thoma
M. Ramsdell and Weaver Bawler,
of Salem.
Release of Russian 'Troops in
Rumania Within 24 Hours ,
PETROGRAD, Tuesday, Jan. 15.
The council of national commission
ers yesterday sent an ultimatum to
Rumania demanding Immediate re
lease pf, Bolshevik! arrested in that
country and the punishment of offi
cials who ordered the disarming of
Russian troops in - Rumania. The
Bolshevik! ultimatum to Rumania
demanding the release of the Bolsh
evik! concludes:
"Failure to reply within twenty
four, hours to-our demand will be
regarded as equivalent to a rupture
of relations and we will take the
most energetic military measures.' :
Idaho Defeats Yhitman
in First Conference Gems
MOSCOW, Idaho. Jan. ,16. The'
University of Idaho . won the first ,
basketball . rame . of .the northwest
Intercollegiate conference here to-
night from "Whitman ' college, 52 to
26. Idaho excelled in team work,
and Hunter, Idaho forward, made
eleven field goals.
v Si'
. In New Zealand the men outnumber
the womenby many thousands.
'Continuous -AUCTION
.Today 10 a. jra.'anf 1. p. m.
All. Stork and Fixtures must
, t Be Closed Out. -
1 CoroNA
The Personal , Writing Machine
prict: $50
For descriptive matter call or
f L IiOCKWOOI,,Dlstribtitor,.
2 N. Com'I Street. Salem. Or.
on IMort notice. ; w
We Buy
We SeU
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